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How to write an informal

write what should not be forgotten.
Isabel Allende
Writing Preparation
Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2:
Say hello, ask your friend two questions about Give more details about your experience. Explain
themselves, and tell them what you’ve been doing. where it took place and what was involved. Say what
What have you been doing since we last met? happened in the end.
I have been... I decided to be positive…
… it’s been a big success, so I’m really pleased.

Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4:
Say how you felt about the experience. Explain Finish the e-mail by saying why you have to stop
what conclusions you have come to. writing. Say goodbye.
I mean, you have an opinion about something, but then… Anyway, I have to ….. I’ve just...
It’s never happened to me before, but...
Email example
Present Perfect (Reminder)

This tense is formed by…

Subject + have/has + the past participle.

I have never read so many books!

Present Perfect (Reminder)

just since

Subject + have/has + the past participle

Present Perfect (Reminder)


Have/Has + subject + the past participle

1. The email has to be addressed to me (Miss Karina)
2. It must be between 150 and 200 words
3. Use at least 4 sentences in Present Perfect (PP) / Present perfect
4. In the PP use just, never, ever, since, and for.
5. Keep the vocabulary informal… but not too informal.
6. Use connectors
7. Check grammar and spelling (Capital letters and punctuation)


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