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Press information
Updated October 2016

Contact: Catherine Guérin

Tel. +33 (0)6 80 65 20 27

Founder partner

Bocuse d’Or Winners ........................................................... 3

Actuality .............................................................................. 5
Bocuse d’Or History ............................................................. 8
The prize-winners ................................................................ 9
Contact List Bocuse d’Or Winners ........................................54
The Sponsors ......................................................................58
Bocuse d’Or Winners
Writing the History of Bocuse d’Or

Since1987, every two years, chefs from all over the world meet in a friendly culinary
fight at the end of which three of them reach the podium.

The Bocuse d’Or prize-winners’ association was started in 2000 backed by ROUGIE
which wanted to help strengthen the links between all the winners.

Concretely, The mission of Bocuse d’Or Winners: 3

 Through their words and actions, they contribute to the promotion of the Bocuse d’Or
as a prestigious competition. It now ranks top among contests of its kind, with a
sphere of influence that has enabled it to attract the “gratin” of international
gastronomy, paying a warm tribute to the cooking professions. Many of our chefs
are getting involved in their own countries in very practical ways, organising
selections, sitting on juries, coaching new candidates.

 They created the Best Commis Chef Prize, presented during the Bocuse d’Or to a
young cook as a reward for his professionalism during the trials assisting candidates.
 The Chefs are committed to promoting their profession among the younger
generation and this prize is a highly coveted sign of recognition for those who play a
key role in each candidate’s performance.

 Pushing their commitment further in favour of all those who help feed the world,
they help small entrepreneurs (farmers, restaurant owners…) by supporting,, a solidarity-based micro-credit organisation.

 On the occasion of each final in Lyon, held every two years, they publish a book
presenting all the Bocuse d’Or Winners.
Some facts about the Bocuse d’Or Prize-winners:

 Honorary President: Paul Bocuse

 Founder-President: Jean Fleury
 Current President: Ferdy Debecker, Bocuse d’argent 1999
 Vice-president: Michel Roth, Bocuse d’Or 1991 and Jonas Lundgren,
Bocuse d’argent 2009
 Secretary /communication: Catherine Guérin


Main Partner, Founder Member:

Rougié-Bizac-International/Alain Rougié/Eric Bertrand

Our other partners:


To contact the Bocuse d’Or Winners:

Address of headquarter:

Bocuse d'Or Winners

c/o Groupe Paul Bocuse
Brasserie de l’Ouest
1 quai du Commerce
69009 LYON


Catherine Guérin
Mobile + 33 (0)6 80 65 20 27

Bocuse d’Or Winners support Babyloan, the

leading European micro-credit platform.

Bocuse d’Or Winners, the association of all chefs who have climbed the prestigious
contest’s podium since it was created in 1987, has decided to fund projects supported by
Babyloan is an incredible micro-enterprise funding system that operates worldwide, a 5
dignified means of helping all those forgotten by the banks. To date, via the Internet,
Babyloan has given out a total of 5.6 million euros in loans and supported 13,600 micro-
entrepreneurs in 14 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and also France, thanks to the
support of 24,600 third-party lenders.
The projects funded include many small restaurant owners, artisans in the food trades and
farmers; all of these being professions that concern chefs… It’s the start of a beautiful story.
After an initial selection, the chefs all vote to choose the ones that will be funded by the
Bocuse d’Or Winners.
To start with, a budget of 2,000 euros has been freed up (the average amount of a micro-
loan is 400 €). Once that sum has been reimbursed, the chefs will choose new projects and
so on.
Moreover, every event in the life of the association will be an opportunity to add new funds
and increase the financial surface invested in, with the chefs agreeing for example to the
idea of paying a part of the fees received back to Babyloan.
Partners of Bocuse d’Or Winners have reacted the to the chefs’ initiative with outright
enthusiasm, heralding a long future ahead for the project… Many “small” farmers, “small”
restaurant owners, “small” merchants or “small” food trade artisans across the world will
hence benefit from vital assistance in the development of their business.
The chefs strongly encourage anyone wanting to join their ranks. With this in mind, they
have created the website, and a group: BOCUSE D’OR WINNERS. From
a base amount of 10 € investment, anyone can create their own profile to fund the projects
that interest them, then join the group.
Bocuse d’Or Winners’ book
is available.

After several months of work to gather all recipes and quotes from the 39 chefs in the Bocuse d’Or Winners’
association, we are glad to announce that their book is now available.

Recettes Solidaires-Solidarity Cuisine:

 The story of Bocuse d’Or, the world’s most prestigious cooking contest.
 Prestigious chefs, yet their recipes are accessible to any amateur with a passion for
 Testimonials on their commitment to www.Babyloan, the leading European solidarity
micro-credit platform.
 A moving preface penned by Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize 2006.

Champions but more than anything, chefs of the world

The chefs featured in this book have known the joy of mounting the podium at the Bocuse d’Or contest. They
are now a part of the prestigious Bocuse d’Or Winners association!
And yet they haven’t forgotten that they belong to the great family of cooks worldwide, the ones who, day after
day, transform food from soil and sea into simple or elaborate dishes to feed their families, friends or clients.
They know that the task is often difficult for many of these cooks across the world. They feel close to those
people. They admire their energy and their determination as entrepreneurs. And so, through solidarity
microcredit, they have implemented a form of solidarity imprinted with enormous respect for all the producers,
street cooks and restaurant owners of the planet who have no hope of ever receiving loans from the traditional
banking system.
This book is a tribute to their work; it is also a way to raise more funds. By purchasing it, you are helping to
support even more projects.
To buy the book:

 The association’s website: – bookstore;

 Internet on all usual sites;
 Bookstores: buying in a traditional bookstore is also a way of supporting a profession “in

For every book sold, the sum of €3 is donated
to funding new micro-entrepreneurs
Title: Recettes solidaires – Solidarity Cuisine worldwide.
Publisher: Yvelynédition
Distributor: Pollen
Number of pages: 192
Format: 21 x 28 cm
Price: €25
ISBN code: 978-2-84668-481-1
Contact Bocuse d’Or Winners:
Contact Babyloan:

Bocuse d’Or History
1983: Lyon, the capital of gastronomy lacked an event that matched its international
reputation. A few professionals of the catering industry together with several
representatives of professional associations decided to remedy this situation. The
“Professional Catering trade fair” was a success. Around 500 exhibitors and 51,000
visitors attended the exhibition.
Its success was confirmed with the subsequent event: 750 exhibitors and 70,000
visitors converged at Eurexpo, Lyon’s new Exhibition Centre. Paul Bocuse was
elected President of Honour of the Exhibition.

January 24th 1987

Spurred by the enthusiasm displayed by professionals toward this event organised
in Lyon, Paul Bocuse explained his idea of creating an International Cuisine
Competition to his friend Albert Romain, the then manager of the Parc des 8

There were already many cuisine competitions in the profession yet none of them
was organised live in front of an audience. "We’ll build a row of kitchen cubicles,
we’ll have young chefs from all over the world, and a jury composed of international
gastronomy stars who will taste and score the performances. It will all happen live
in front of an audience sitting comfortably in the gallery".

Paul Bocuse then created an international network composed of his chef friends and
colleagues all over the world. Each country was required to select one candidate.
The Chef in charge of the respective national teams would participate in the
international jury during the competition in Lyon and an organisation committee was
set up to coordinate the tasks. The committee was formed by a group of friends, all
chefs who shared the same passion as their maestro.

Finally, the audience was present like at a theatre when the curtain is raised. The
world’s press had answered the call. Over 450 international journalists, 20 radio
stations and television channels were ready to record the event for posterity.

Bocuse d’Or was born. In 2000, Bocuse d’Or Winners’Academy was created to
gather all chefs who have climbed onto the podium, winning bronze, silver… or the
so glamorous gold! In 2013, the chefs decided to simplify the name of the association
and our logo, to become: the Bocuse d’Or Winners.

The prize-winners
In chronological order
Bocuse d'Or 1987
February 3rd 1948

Jacky was the candidate chosen by the profession to represent France for the very first
Bocuse d’Or in 1987, and he proved to be the right man. He won the competition hands down 12
thanks to a concentration and determination that enable him to control his emotiveness. But
then he is a seasoned competitor! He won his first culinary competition, the Victor Michon
Cup at Arpajon, as far back as 1963, when only an apprentice at the Trois Soleils at Orly
Airport. He has since won a string of victories (a good dozen) in both individual and team
events in a rich career as chef. He mostly works for Joël Robuchon as Head Chef in various
Parisian establishments and brought a solid gastronomic name to the Hôtel Lutetia and later
to the Grand Hôtel-Café de la Paix. Since 1998, he has placed all his energy at the service of
the Mutuelle des Cuisiniers de France and the Fondation Léopold Mourier, where he is
Managing Director. This is his way of helping to gain recognition for the hard work
accomplished by hundreds of chefs, many of whom are indispensable in upholding the quality
cuisine for which Jacky Fréon fights tooth and nail! This spirit has won him the title of Meilleur
Ouvrier de France honoris causa. Jacky is also responsible for organising the Concours
National de Cuisine Artistique, and selecting the French representative for the Bocuse d’Or.
Bocuse d'Argent 1987
May 23th 1951

Michel was Executive Chef at the Hyatt Hotel in Brussels when he competed in the first
Bocuse d’Or in 1987. By then, he had already won 1st prize in the Prosper Montagné 13
competition (1979) and been named Best Chef in Belgium (1980), acquiring an experience
and a culinary level that enabled him to reach the second step of the Bocuse d’Or podium.

After starting out at Chez Marius en Provence, his career path took him to a few of the very
best Belgian dining establishments (l’Ecailler du Palais Royal, La Villa Lorraine, la Maison du
Cygne…). It then developed in a positive way, mostly taking charge of restaurant teams at
grand hotels (Ramada, Hyatt, Scandic Crown…). He has been involved in many operations
abroad (London, Dubai, Miami, Stockholm…), particularly for the promotion of Belgian
cuisine. Since 1997, he has been working in Brussels as Head Chef for Official Receptions at
the European Commission, where he manages the official catering service dedicated to the
President, Commission members and their guests, who enjoy the privilege of sampling a
modern cuisine that has never forgotten its traditional roots. In 2012 he entered a well-
deserved retirement and can finally devote himself to his other great passion – golf!
Bocuse de Bronze 1987
April 2nd 1957

Hans Haas’s career began in traditional style as assistant-cook at the Kellerwirt restaurant in 14
his native town of Wildschönau in the Tyrol. After short periods in some well-known
establishments, including the Auberge de l’Ill at Illhausern, Eckart Witzigmann asked him to
manage the kitchens at the Aubergine in Münich. However, beneath his chef’s hat, a creative
artist, sportsman and lover of nature and the open air lay dormant. In 1991, with the creation
of the Tantris restaurant (2* in the Michelin Guide), he decided to apply the basic principles
of Tantric philosophy (which stems from Indian Buddhism) to cuisine with the aim of “finding
a balance between body and mind; not asceticism, but pleasure without remorse”. He has
developed a light and natural cuisine served in a pleasant ambiance where contemporary art
also has its place, since the restaurant frequently hosts exhibitions. He also devotes one day
a week to cookery classes open to all.
Bocuse d'Or 1989
April 27th 1955

Léa was born and raised in a world composed of a café-restaurant, a hotel, a service station 15
and a bowling alley! After the baccalaureate exam, she chose to study law in France, but
returned to her village of Frisange after her father’s death to manage the family business.
After this “duty” turned into a passion, she decided to open the “Lea Linster” gastronomic
restaurant, which was awarded a star by the Michelin Guide in 1987. A warm and open
individual, she has encountered some of the greatest chefs, including Freddy Girardet, Joël
Robuchon, Paul Bocuse, the Troisgros family and many more, enriching her cuisine and her
love of the profession. When given the opportunity of representing Luxembourg for the
Bocuse d’Or in 1989, it was an obvious chance for her to enhance her reputation. Her simple
and delicious cuisine enabled her to become the first woman to win a Bocuse d’Or. The award
propelled her into the heights of the culinary world, though she still has one regret, “that
there aren’t more female candidates in the Bocuse d’Or!”
Pierre PAULUS,
Bocuse d’Argent

He has left us but Chefs remain Chefs forever and he is now sitting
among the best of them.
William WAI
Bocuse de Bronze 1989
February 21st 1959

One can only sit back in admiration on reading William Wai’s professional itinerary. He chose
to become a chef at the age of 22 and trained at different large tourist complexes as well as 17
at Beijing Air Catering where, as assistant executive chef, he managed catering for 24 airline
companies (ranging from 4 to 5,000 meals a day). His ability to manage large teams for mass
catering earned him several prizes and, in 1997, he became Executive Chef at the Suntec
International Conference Centre, where his task is to ensure the quality of cocktails and
banquets for thousands of people every day, providing both Asian and Western fare.
However, despite his obviously heavy workload, he still finds time to prepare for various
culinary competitions and display his remarkable talents! After competitions on such themes
as seafood and Australian meat, he competed in the 1989 Bocuse d’Or to become the first
Asian to climb onto the podium!
Michel ROTH
Bocuse d'Or 1991
November 7th 1959

Michel Roth has become a symbol of the best French culinary tradition, embodying the
obstinacy and perfectionism of a chef who chose his trade to “make others happy”. Originally
from the Moselle, he started his apprenticeship at the Auberge de la Charrue d’Or at
Sarguemines before continuing on a path that would take him to the very best restaurants;
the Crocodile, the Auberge de L’ill, Ledoyen, etc. He then joined the Ritz in 1981, under the
management of Guy Legay, and stayed there 19 years, climbing the ranks to the top. After a 18
spell at Lasserre, the Ritz asked him to take over the management of its kitchens in 2001, an
offer he couldn’t refuse. Michel Roth is able to travel the world in the company of other
prestigious chefs. He represents a refined, creative, tasty and colourful form of French
cuisine. Last of all, one can only be impressed by the long list of competitions he has won
over the years: Prix Taittinger, Prix Escoffier and so on, and above all the Meilleur Ouvrier de
France award in 1991. 2009 (the year of his 50th birthday) was a marvellous year for him: in
January, he was elected Chairman of the Bocuse d’Or Winners’ Academy, and in March he
was granted a second star by the Michelin Guide. When the Ritz closed for a two-year period
due to construction, it gave him a break, but certainly not a relaxing one. Solicited right, left
and centre, he opted among others for the post of Consultant Chef at the President Wilson
Hotel in Geneva and was quick to win them a Michelin star. Michel really enjoyed working on
a variety of projects and decided not to return to the Ritz kitchens (although he remains their
loyal ambassador). He is now pursuing his mission in Geneva, while also serving as Director
of “Savoir-Faire” at the Ecole Lenôtre.
Bocuse d'Argent 1991
February 10th 1957

Lars was the first Norwegian to climb the podium of the Bocuse d’Or, opening the way to a
host of compatriots with obvious talents for culinary competition. He shared his success with
the Norwegian culinary team to which he belonged for two years. You must visit the
Spisestedet Feinschmecker restaurant in Oslo to appreciate his Norwegian cuisine, which 19
draws much of its influence from French tradition. He claims that you can tell a good chef
from a bad one by the sauces they cook, so it comes as no surprise that he pays great
attention to such delicious details. Another of his stock arguments is the need to respect the
seasons; he improvises his menu day by day and nothing pleases him more than a grilled
salmon in the country in summer and the sweetness of strawberries picked fresh from the
field. He also loves being in direct contact with his guests and is a familiar figure at his
restaurant, where he often gives cooking classes.
Gert Jan RAVEN
The Netherlands,
Bocuse de Bronze 1991
January 18th 1953

Gert Jan Raven is Dutch. After a difficult start to his career in his own country (and a stint in
the army, where he was catering manager), he continued working in Belgium in grand hotels
such as the Hilton and Royal Windsor in Brussels. This experience opened the doors to
becoming head chef of the Hilton Hotel in Antwerp, where he worked from 1994 to 2009. He
still finds the time to participate brilliantly in a variety of competitions, including the Prix 20
Prosper Montagné, which raised him to the rank of Best Chef of Belgium in 1983. The title
and trophy were awarded to him by Princess Paola. However, his participation in the 1991
Bocuse d’Or remains the great moment in his life, despite having to prepare for it alone under
difficult conditions. Advice from friends with sure palates and an iron will helped him take
third place on the podium. A genuine surprise and, as he says, “the proof that one can win
despite having few resources!”. Today, he is glad to work in a nice brasserie in Antwerpen, le
Grand Café Modeste, where he has carte blanche to create the cuisine he loves: simple but
Stiansen BENT
Bocuse d'Or 1993
June 18th 1963

Bent is the first Scandinavian chef to have won the Bocuse d’Or. Already renowned in his own
country where, at the age of 23, he became head chef of the Continental Hotel, the best
restaurant in Oslo, this success has enhanced his reputation on the culinary scene. He
participates in many television programmes in different countries, for example. However, it
is in his restaurant, the Statholdergaarden (Michelin 1*), opened in 1994, that he has really
developed his art. There, he offers a warm welcome to gourmets from Norway and elsewhere
at a sumptuous 17th century property in the heart of Oslo. His gastronomic cuisine, based on
Nordic traditions with a strong European influence, gives pride of place to Norwegian
products, including several cheeses capable of surprising even well-travelled French palates!
For those also looking for the roots of simple, high quality Nordic cuisine, Bent Stiansen has
a Nordic inn at the same address: Statholderens Mat & Vinkjeller. In 2011 Bent’s restaurant
is considered by the professionals of his country as the best establishment for apprentices in
Jens Peter KOLBECK
Bocuse d'Argent 1993
June 24th 1947

Jens Peter Kolbeck is undoubtedly the most international of Danish chefs, as well as being
the most famous. His career began with a world tour of the best kitchens. From Hamburg to
the Savoy Hotel in London, Rome and Washington (where he worked for the Danish Embassy)
and then to New York, he developed a rich panoply of experiences. However, that was not
the end of it. From 1970 to 1974, he toured the best restaurants in France: Haeberlin,
Guérard, Vergé, Troisgros, Bocuse, Point, and so on. By the time he returned to Denmark, he
had become a remarkable chef thanks to all these influences, and Queen Margrethe made a
clever choice when she took him into her service. He stayed 5 years managing the kitchens
of the Royal household before returning to the world of restaurants where he enjoys making
dishes for the many Danes who flock to his table. He now works as a chef for a dynamic
company (TeleBilling) whose director wanted to have a top chef for his guests… and staff!.
Jens has always been very active in his professional universe and every year he organises an
important charity meal with the goal of funding internships abroad for young chefs. In 2012,
he celebrated 50 years in the profession with a delightful ceremony, and on the occasion, his
Danish colleagues awarded him the 2012 Chef of Chefs prize; an honour that left him
overcome with emotion.
Bocuse de Bronze 1993
May 8th 1950

Guy Van Cauteren is undoubtedly one of the best-known Belgian chefs. He came to cuisine
via butchery after being expelled from college for his subversive reading material (by Louis-
Paul Boon, the “anarchist” writer, notably), but these days he’s a happy and fulfilled chef.
After attending the hotel school at Ostend, a stay in Paris with Lucas Carton, and holding the
post of head chef at the French Embassy in Brussels, he set up in the imposing family home
in eastern Flanders, which dates back to Napoleonic times when it was already known as the
respectable inn, the “Lion d’Or”. His restaurant, “‘t Laurierblad” (the laurel leaf), Michelin 1*,
is reputed for its cuisine, which is “solid, just right, and has consigned risky improvisation to
oblivion”. However, far from remaining in his cocoon, he cooks on TV shows and also serves
his profession, presiding over the Flanders Eurotoques contest from 1995 to 2005, and the
Master Chefs of Belgium from 2000 to 2003. 2013 marked the start of a retirement
that he has been enjoying in Knokke, on the North Sea coast where the fish keep him
dreaming, of course; cooking these days is reserved for family and friends, but still with the
same love put into it, day after day.
Bocuse d'Or 1995
June 14th 1956

He is known everywhere as the chef of the mountains, and presides over the family inn
transformed into a temple of gastronomic excellence. His reputation won at the Bocuse d’Or
and above all the quality of his cuisine have attracted both local and international gourmets 24
to his base in the village of St Bonnet-le-Froid. They all come in search of fine flavours that
transform simple foods such as mushrooms and Le Puy lentils into an unforgettable
gastronomic experience, and find a warm family welcome for which his wife Michele is largely
responsible. With the opening in 2005 of the new Restaurant Régis et Jacques Marcon
(Michelin 3*), he realised his dream of building a decidedly modern establishment at the top
of a hill overlooking the natural surroundings that have always fascinated and inspired him.
Diners can stay at the hotel, which was awarded an Ecolabel in 2009 for its design and
environmentally-friendly operation. The restaurant also gave his son, Jacques, the
opportunity to convert the passion handed down by his father into a trade primarily chosen
for pleasure. They form a tandem that works well and gives Régis the time to devote himself
to missions he holds dear, including the one entrusted to him by the government in 2009:
working with his profession to set up an apprenticeship development programme. But he is
always coming up with new projects for his cherished village and, in 2015, he also opened a
fitness centre in the mountains, in partnership with his son Thomas, a physical education
Bocuse d'Argent 1995
December 3rd 1962

No one could have foreseen Melker Andersson becoming a chef, even though his mother 25
enjoyed cooking! What’s more, his real love was skiing, both for the sport itself but above all
for the competition. Although an excellent skier, he realised that he would never beat his
compatriot Gunde Svan (a future world champion). Consequently, his interest in skiing was
put on the back burner. Fortunately, his interest in cuisine took the upper hand, and his love
of flavours, creativity, the influence of all the cuisines of the world, combined with his
determination, would open up a fascinating career for him. After spending time in France,
some of it at the Moulin de Mougins, he returned to Sweden and trained at various
restaurants. In 1994, he opened his first establishment, “Fredsgatan 12” (Michelin 1*), which
helped revolutionise Swedish cuisine. His modernism and very personal approach led to his
being named Chef of Chefs in 1995. The 1995 Bocuse d’Or was to be a memorable
competition worthy of this sportsman. With his broken leg in plaster, due to a fall in his
kitchen, he nonetheless managed to mount the second highest step on the podium. He was
awarded his Bocuse d’Argent in Stockholm, where he lost no time in launching projects to
set up new restaurants that have all been very successful. He now runs 12 different
establishments, each one based on a different theme. They are all thriving and he could be
nicknamed “the Concept King”, given his gift for creating very different entities each with a
distinct personality.
Patrik JAROS
Bocuse de Bronze 1995
March 18th 1967


Patrik started his career as a chef like many others, working in a large number of restaurants,
including the Aubergine, Munich’s star ranking eatery, where he was chef from 1993 to 1995.
There is no doubting Patrik Jaros’s love of cuisine, but restaurants are not the only places
where he likes to practise his art! Competitions such as the 1995 Bocuse d’Or give him the
opportunity to demonstrate his skills, although he finds working for publishing and industry
particularly fulfilling. Through his company, FOOD LOOK, he has contributed to many books
on subjects as varied as the “Oktoberfest” (by Taschen) and the recently published
Trufflebook with a foreword by Paul Bocuse (Feierabend Publishing), as well as many other
cooking publications. He also designs and develops new recipes, products and point-of-sale
solutions for the food industry. In 2009, he organized the first German selections for the
Bocuse d’Or. The gamble paid off with great success and gave him the desire to try his hand
Bocuse d'Or 1997
March 10th 1969

Mathias grew up on the family farm in the north of Sweden. He has always loved the
atmosphere of the kitchen, helping his mother and grandmother to do simple chores. This
was how he learned the taste that bread and butter should have, a lesson he has never 27
forgotten. He studied at the hotel school in Umeå before working in well-known restaurants
in his country. He then left to work in Spain, an event that sparked his love for its people and
food. In 1996, he opened up his own establishment, the “Bon Lloc” (“Good Place” in Catalan),
with his Catalan wife Anna. There, he served Latin European cuisine drawing inspiration from
Spain, France and Italy. While opening Bon Lloc, he spent 600 hours training for the Bocuse
d’Or, which was enough to make him the winner. He believes that talent consists in 10% gift,
90% ambition and 0% luck! Mathias has been awarded the “Chef of Chefs” title eight times.
In 1998, the Michelin Guide awarded a star to his restaurant while the Swedish Culinary
Academy gave him its Gold Medal. In 1999, he published his first book, named the best
cookery book of the year, and has since been awarded a succession of Best Restaurant titles
by Gourmet Magazine, appeared in TV programmes, written articles, given lectures, and so
forth. After Bon Lloc, he opened two new restaurants in his name at the renowned Grand
Hotel of Stockholm, where he was soon attracting the top critics and was awarded two
Michelin Guide stars, one for the “gastro” and one for the bistro. He features among the 50
best restaurants listed by Restaurant Magazine. Mathias, who has also taught the subject of
culinary creativity at university, is one of the leading lights in the new Nordic cuisine that is
attracting so much interest.
Bocuse d'Argent 1997
February 3rd 1965

Everyone who frequents the Bocuse d’Or knows Roland Debuyst and his wife Ayse for their
joyful and tireless commitment alongside Belgian candidates. To meet them in their own
country, you have to go to Nossegem, in the suburbs of Brussels, where he works in the
kitchen while she greets customers. After training at Ceria and starting his professional life in
places like the well-known Radisson SAS Brussels, in 1993 Roland Debuyst opened his own
restaurant called the Orangeraie, a fragrance from the south in a place where the
atmosphere of Provence pervades in homage to a region he loves dearly. Known for being a
tireless worker, he places great value on textures, which he uses to surprise his visitors’ taste
buds. He is a keen competitor and winning the first prize in the Prosper Montagné
competition (Belgium’s leading chef) marked an initial step towards the Bocuse d’Argent in
1997. May 2005 saw a turning point. Roland decided to close his traditional gastronomic
restaurant, brought in an architect to give a complete facelift to the premises, and launched
Orange Food Fashion, a trendy establishment in which he serves contemporary cuisine that
hasn’t forgotten to taste good. It was an immediate success. He followed this in 2007 by
taking over the very beautiful Mariadal brasserie in Zaventem, and in 2011 the prestigious
Michelin two-star restaurant, the Bijgaarden, which he turned into a luxury brasserie. In
2009, the Michelin Guide awarded the Mariadal a Bib Gourmand followed in 2011 by
Orange… In 2013, it was time for a new place with a new concept devoted to meat in the
form of a contemporary rotisserie.
Bocuse de Bronze 1997
July 21st 1969

When Odd Ivar Solvold climbed the podium in 1997 to receive the Bocuse de Bronze, it was
by no means his first victory in a culinary competition. Since 1988, he had put in a string of
award-winning performances; the Silver Medal at the World Young Chef Championships, and 29
the Best Chef of Norway competition, which he has won three times. An active member of
the Norwegian culinary team, he is often presented by his peers as the “king of competitions”
and enjoys helping others prepare for their own performance, acting as coach to Charles
Tjessem, Geir Skeie and Ørjan Johannessen, for example. His mind is wide open to other
culinary cultures and he fights to win respect for and improve the quality of products.
However, his most satisfying victory was undoubtedly winning the confidence and
professional esteem of Edgar Ludl, a kind of godfather to Norwegian chefs who created a
renowned gastronomic restaurant at his village on the outskirts of Sandefjord, which draws
a constant stream of gourmets from Norway and beyond. After being Ludl’s right-hand man
from 1988, Odd Ivar built his own restaurant in 2002 in Art Deco style at the centre of the
historic park in Sandefjord. He still finds time to make a few dreams come true, such as
writing three works devoted to Babette’s Feast. In November 2006, he produced a culinary
book on DVD and, surprise, in 2009 he sold his restaurant... Then opened a new one, the
place he had always dreamed of: a brasserie combined with a café-bakery, a wine bar and a
culinary studio for cooking classes. The name of this magical place: SMAK, which means Taste
in Norwegian, quite simply. His activity doesn’t stop with cooking and he loves to
communicate his know-how through books and DVDs (six in total), including an amazing book
on the theme of Babette’s Feast, co-written with a pastor. In 2013 however, he has to make
a choice since he’s constantly solicited by clients for his skills as a consultant and, most of all,
he will be taking the helm and becoming more heavily involved in the Bocuse d’Or structure
in Norway.
Terje NESS
Bocuse d'Or 1999
April 7th 1968


Terje Ness comes from a small town in the west of Norway, Førde. He was four years old
when he decided to become a chef. He doesn't know why, since at the time he didn't even
help his mother in the kitchen … but that was what he wanted to do. Years later, he found
himself in the kitchens of the famous Bagatelle restaurant in Oslo. From 1997 to 2000, he
belonged to the Norwegian culinary team. During the year leading up to the Bocuse d’Or he
trained intensively with the enthusiastic support of Eyvind Hellstrøm. After winning, he
continued to work at the Bagatelle before opening his first restaurant, ORO, in August 2000.
It met with instant success. Terje left ORO in March 2004 to work at Haga, on the splendid
Haga golf course a few months later. This gave him the opportunity to combine his love of
nature and sport with his profession. Terje likes developing his own style of cuisine, mainly
based on the fish found in Norwegian waters, by enhancing their diverse qualities. He blends
the techniques of French cuisine with local products, a strategy that has earned him an
international reputation and led him to travel as an ambassador for Norwegian sea products.
In 2009, he returned to take command of ORO to general acclaim. He opened two new
restaurants, Brasserie Blanche and Alfred (in the Nobel Peace Centre). 2011 was the year of
the big project with the opening in late September of ONDA, a sort of steamship on the water
in Oslo harbour.
Yannick ALLENO
Bocuse d'Argent 1999
December 16th 1968

After training at the Royal Monceau and Drouant, Yannick Alléno’s skills are the result of the
purest Parisian culinary tradition and he has a penchant for sophisticated cuisine with
classical French roots to which he brings a zest of youth. After working at the Scribe, where 31
he earned a second star from the Michelin Guide, he took on the management of the kitchens
at the famous Hôtel Meurice in 2003 and was awarded three stars. He is also a keen
competitor, since that allows him to surpass himself and set his sights even higher. Before
climbing the podium at the Bocuse d’Or in 1999, he had already won 1st prize in the Paul
Louis Messonnier competition, 1st prize in the Auguste Escoffier competition, and so on.
Most of all however, Yannick Alléno loves his profession and has always given free rein to his
imagination, creating dishes that make gourmets’ mouths water. He readily describes his
cuisine as “lively and perhaps a little sensual”, and is taking it towards ever higher summits,
winning a second star for the Cheval Blanc Restaurant at Courchevel.

His talent, combined with his business savviness, have involved him in the development of
concepts in Beirut and Beijing, to name but two. But it’s mainly in Paris, the city he loves, that
he has blossomed, highlighting the Parisian terroir, the land and products of the area, first
through a book, then through a bistro that finds a balance between the roots of the region
and a modernity that permeates everything he does. Since July 2014, Yannick has taken over
a prestigious restaurant in Paris: the Pavillon Ledoyen and has earned it 3 Michelin stars as of
Bocuse de Bronze 1999
August 29th 1959

Ferdy Debecker is a typical example of a “born” chef, who, after training at the Louvain hotel
school, immediately went to work in reputed star-ranked restaurants; first in Brittany at the
Château de Locquenolé in Lorient, then at Eddie Van Maele’s restaurant in Brussels, among
others. In 1987, he and his wife Ann opened their own restaurant Eyckerhof (Michelin 1*), 32
where they welcome anyone looking to enjoy good fare and relax. In a small traditional style
farmhouse in the woods a few kilometres north of Brussels, he offers a very personal
conception of what he considers “bespoke” cuisine. His open mind takes him to other worlds,
and in 1992 he participated in a meeting between Belgian artists and several chefs that gave
rise to a very original artwork. As he puts it: “we always return to the roots of traditional
cuisine, giving it a personal touch and adapting it to modern tastes”. Since January 2015,
Ferdy Debecker is the president of Bocuse d’Or Winners’ association.
François ADAMSKI
Bocuse d'Or 2001
March 25th 1971

François Adamski comes from the north of France and he loves his region. He learned his
trade at the hotel school in Le Touquet before conquering Paris, where he did his military
service at the Hôtel Matignon as chef to the Prime Minister. He then went to the Plaza 33
Athénée, the Ritz, Maison Prunier, the Intercontinental, and so on. After several years’ loyal
service as Chef of the Abbaye St Ambroix in Bourges, he took a new direction in 2009,
accepting the management of the magnificent "Le Gabriel", in Place de la Bourse. His faithful
team followed him and, to listen to them, "it's been a real pleasure". That’s where he was
awarded a star by the Guide Michelin, earned by a cooking style that combines excellence
with simple authenticity, with the accent on real flavour, the kind of cooking where taste is
still the keyword. By the time he won the Bocuse d’Or in 2001, he had already cut his teeth
brilliantly in a variety of national and international contests, but when he thinks back, that
biggest victory of all still brings a quiver of emotion. François also earned the title of Meilleur
Ouvrier de France in 2007. In 2015, he decided to go solo, working as a consultant on a variety
of projects, perhaps pending a return to managing his very own kitchen some time in the
Bocuse d'Argent 2001
April 22nd 1969

Henrik felt greatly honoured to be chosen to represent Sweden in the 2001 Bocuse d’Or and he put
his heart and soul into winning the Bocuse d’Argent, which he says” shone as warmly in my eyes as 34
the Bocuse d’Or, as I was so happy to participate in this competition!” He also considers winning the
Bocuse d’Argent to have been a major factor in his success and in what he is today.

In 2013, he made some kind of revolution in his life when he decided to turn his Michelin stared
restaurant into a daily food bistro namned Lux dag för dag (Lux day by day)! The aim: offer his
customers ever changing cooking based on everyday supply of very fresh and strictly seasonal
products. They buy whole animals that they use according to the principal of “no-waste”. A great
innovation too was what he calls “walk through”, a kind of kitchen-shop. At certain hours, in the
backyard of the restaurant, he hangs an “OPEN” flag meaning to all lovers of good products that
they are welcome to come and fill their basket with very fresh products… and discuss with the team
in order to get some cooking tips from professionals! The restaurant is located in a listed brick
building, which was originally the company staff canteen for the Electrolux firm. The building is right
next to Lake Mälaren overlooking Stockholm City Hall and beyond to the heart of the city.

Henrik’s second restaurant B.A.R. was opened in 2009. B.A.R. is a seafood grill which looks a bit like
a fish-market (around 20 species every day; bought directly from the fish auction in Gothenburg).
Customers choose their fish fresh (or fish a lobster in the aquarium!) and compose their own dishes
from the grill, together with side orders and sauces.

A third restaurant was started in 2012: EAT, a real Asian restaurant; mainly Chinese food prepared
by talented Chinese personnel that Henrik recruited directly in China! Food is served Chinese style:
guests share varied food on the table.
Bocuse de Bronze 2001
January 31st 1973

His rise to the third step of the Bocuse d’Or podium came as a surprise to some! How could
this windswept island at the northern tip of Europe, in the middle of the Atlantic, produce
such excellent chefs? That’s forgetting that Hákon Már Örvarsson, a chef fuelled by passion
for his trade and trained at the Iceland Hotel School, comes from a country where people like
to produce the best out of simple, top-quality raw materials. He began his career at the top,
at the Holt Hotel in Reykjavik, part of the Relais & Châteaux chain, before leaving to train for
the Bocuse d’Or with Léa Linster, and it would be hard to find a better place to train. He went 35
back there after winning the Bocuse de Bronze to work as head chef until December 2002.
He then returned to his roots and worked as executive chef at the Nordica Hotel until 2007.
After signing the famous manifesto of Nordic nouvelle cuisine, Hákon introduced his personal
style of cuisine to the Vox restaurant, based around Icelandic products with a few European
influences and a touch of Asia.His intuition reigns, whatever dish he may be concocting. That
same intuition caused him to take a break to return to his origins. He decided to promote the
lamb and fish produced by his country around the world, and also to spend several months
in the wild, in a kind of restaurant-cabin where he welcomes fishermen from all over the
world to discover the rivers of Iceland. This is where he extends his creativity to the very limit,
in direct contact with the environment. Hákon also has a passion for education and became
a teacher of cooking in 2011. In 2013, Hákon has been appointed by the Icelandic chefs
association to manage the National Culinary team of Iceland
Bocuse d'Or 2003
May 5th 1971

He is definitely the “sportiest” of the Norwegian chefs competing for the Bocuse d’Or. His
professional itinerary leaves the impression of an inexhaustible practitioner of cuisine, and 36
of culinary competitions in particular. Trained at the Godalen Hotel School and the famous
Culinary Institute of Norway in Stavanger, he began his career working at a string of
prestigious restaurants in Sweden, the USA and Denmark, before returning to Norway, where
he worked at the inevitable Bagatelle, among other places. However, he’s a born competitor
and has participated in the national culinary team since 1997, becoming its captain from 2001
to 2004. He has won acclaim at many international competitions, in both individual and team
events. After directing the Culinary Institute of Norway, Charles Tjessem worked for Statoil,
an oil company, handling the catering of its reception facilities. Then in 2005, his dream came
true with the opening of his own establishment together with his wife Monika. This is a lively
place, combining a restaurant, a bakery-pastry shop, cooking classes and seminar facilities.
Bocuse d'Argent 2003
November 7th 1969

Franck Putelat comes from the Jura and started his career in traditional manner in his region 37
by acquiring the CAP and Brevet de Maîtrise diplomas. From the outset, he showed a great
determination to rise to the top. At the age of only 17, he was hired at the kitchens of the
Hôtel de France in Les Rousses. Since then, he has followed a steady ascent, going from the
Auberge de Chavannes, Taillevent, under the direction of Philippe Legendre, to Georges
Blanc’s restaurant at Vonnas, where he was Executive Chef. This career path has also allowed
him to take part in different promotional activities around the world, from New York to
Singapore, Peru, Canada and elsewhere. He acquired a taste for competition when he
entered a contest for Apprentice Chefs in 1986. In 2003, after entering 12 culinary
competitions, he won the Bocuse d’Argent which raised him to the highest levels and allowed
him to continue his discovery of other culinary cultures through travelling. In 1998, he
became the Chef at the Hôtel de la Cité in Carcassonne. In 2005, he made his dream come
true by opening the Parc Franck Putelat in Carcassonne. Their keywords are meticulousness
and excellence applied to cooking, decoration and service. Yet, for all his meticulousness,
Franck makes a point of keeping passion at the forefront of his cuisine. And that’s doubtless
what won him his second Michelin star in 2012. In 2013 he opens a 4* hotel where his guests
can extend their wonderful stay.
Bocuse de Bronze 2003
November 18th 1973

The resume of this 31-year-old chef leaves the impression of a man who, born as he was into
a family of restaurateurs, has never doubted his vocation, alternating training and challenges
with the sole goal of becoming ever better. Between time spent at reputed restaurants, with
the Haeberlin family, Harald Wohlfart and Helmut Thiltge and Dieter Müller for example, he
trained at the Cordon Bleu school in Paris, won the International Young Commis Rotisseur
contest in 1996, the Taittinger prize in Hamburg in 1997, became the first German to win the
European Gastronomy Challenge in Bordeaux, and so forth. Finally, he returned to his
parents’ restaurant, the Talblick Inn in Wildberg in October 2001, but has never slept on his
laurels, joining the German Bocuse d’Or team in January 2002 to climb the podium in 2003!
In a region with a strong culinary tradition, he likes to takes things to their limits and admits
to the influence of French cuisine, with the addition of hints of the Mediterranean and even
touches of Asia.
Bocuse d'Or 2005
April 4th 1977

Serge chose his trade primarily because he could indulge in it every day. He had competed
only once, when he won the Jean Botio "Auvergne-Quebec" competition in 1997. After that,
Régis Marcon, for whom he was working as right-hand man, suggested he try his hand at the
National Artistic Cuisine Competition, to experience a test that would force him to go further
in his profession and perfect his technique. And he won, making him aware that he should
represent France in the Bocuse d’Or 2005! So a several-month marathon of intensive training
began, during which he formulated his recipes while listening, of course, to his boss's advice,
but also that of a number of young chefs, including Jacques Décoret, Eric Pras, Davy Tissot,
and Eugène Hobraiche, who enforced the most exacting rigour. All this effort bore fruit and
resulted in him climbing to the top of the podium. Serge then dreamed of opening his own
restaurant, and devoted all his energy to turning that dream into a reality. He put this period
to good use by teaching and travelling widely, enriching his palette with different culinary
influences from Australia to Spain, and so on. In spring 2009, Serge and his wife Marie-Aude,
a wine-waiter and consultant, finally realised their dream in the heart of the Cantal at the
Château du Couffour, where they express their modern outlook in a historic setting! This
modernity is based around the conviction that only the healthiest products should be used.
It is certainly that conscience and the implacable desire to do things right that won them a
second Michelin star in 2012. With his mind always full of new projects, that same year he
bought a hotel in Chaudes-Aigues.
Tom Victor GAUSDAL
Bocuse d'Argent 2005
June 5th 1976

It could be said that Tom Victor Gausdal fell into the “magic cauldron” of competition from
the earliest age! He started out as an apprentice at the Statholdergaarden (the restaurant 40
run by Bent Stiansen, Bocuse d’Or 1993) and then, several restaurants later, he was assistant
to Odd Ivar Solvod when he came to Lyon to win the Bocuse de Bronze in 1997. Tempered
by the rigours of Norwegian sport from the outset, his victories began with his election as
Best Chef of the Year 2000 in his home country, and Chef of the Year in 2003, before stepping
onto the podium of the Bocuse d’Or 2005, just one point behind the winner. In Oslo, he
invests his energy, creativity and team spirit (with three partners) in Flavours, a company
which, besides offering decidedly modern and innovative catering and delicatessen products,
provides a variety of consulting services: culinary design, cookery lessons, and so on. In
summer 2010, he opened a new location: STRAND (the beach) in Oslo: a restaurant with a
warm ambiance, featuring seminar and party rooms… and a bakery. It is located in a pleasant,
green area by the sea. In November 2012, he opens a new restaurant downtown:
Smalhans. In 2014, he starts Hitchicker, a nice concept based on street food from all over the
world. Tom Victor still has time to write books and take part in TV programmes, particularly
as a member of the jury in the Norwegian version of Master Chef!
Bocuse de Bronze 2005
Bocuse d’Argent 2007
Bocuse d’Or 2011
August 22th 1974

Rasmus Kofoed is from Denmark, where he picked up the national traits of high standards
and friendly casualness. These have helped him to excel professionally in some renowned
restaurants: the Scholteshof in Belgium and the Kommandanten in Copenhagen to name but 41
two. He was the captain of the Danish culinary team for 7 years. Chef of the Year in 2003, he
has taken part in competition after competition: he was winner of the Nordic Championship
in Stockholm in 2004, then winner of the Eurotoques 2004 prize… which opened the door to
the Bocuse d’Or where he reached the third step of the podium. After winning the 1st prize
in the Nordic Trophy for the Best Fish in 2005, and the Cordon Bleu in 2006, he again won
the Eurotoques prize and the Desserts championship in 2006. When not cooking or playing
soccer, he enjoys art, travelling and eating in the best restaurants. A dramatic turn of events
occurred in 2007 when he participated in the Bocuse d’Or and reached the second step of
the podium. On returning to Copenhagen, he opened the Geranium, an organic gastronomic
restaurant (he’s a staunch practitioner of that style of cuisine). After winning a Michelin star
in no time, he was obliged to close for reasons beyond his control. However, his fighting spirit
led him to open a new Geranium in 2010, bigger, more beautiful and stronger than the first.
The Michelin guide gives him a first star in 2012... And a second one in 2013. And, ever hungry
for a challenge, he decided to compete in the Bocuse d’Or 2011, aiming for gold. Goal
reached, he has now written a new page in the history of the competition by winning bronze,
silver and gold successively!
Bocuse d'Or 2007
November 29th 1973

Fabrice Desvignes inherited his passion and gift for cuisine from his family. Owners of star-
ranked restaurants, his grandparents handed down all the know-how he needed to become
a great chef. His career really kicked off when, still only 16, he worked as an assistant chef
during the summer months. After full professional training, he completed internships in
several renowned restaurants including Aux Armes de Champagne and the Ivy in York. Then
he worked for Georges Blanc, where he was originally hired as a commis chef but eventually
became a line chef. Enthusiast that he is, he asked to do his military service in the kitchens 42
of the joint chiefs of staff of the French Ministry of Defence. He then broadened his
experience in a variety of prestigious establishments, especially in Switzerland, at the Hôtel
Beau Rivage in Geneva and with Bernard Ravet. His main motivation for participating in the
Bocuse d’Or was to face the critics and general public. From 1999 to 2011, he worked in the
kitchens of the Senate Presidency. 2011 marked an important change in his career: he agreed
to join the team of professors teaching the Bachelor Ferrandi degree at the famous Grégoire
Ferrandi School in Paris. In 2012, he returned to the Senate Presidency while continuing to
teach at Ferrandi. After long months of preparation, 2015 was the great year that brought
him the much sought after title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France.
Bocuse de Bronze 2007
April 16th 1974

Franck Giovannini was the first Swiss national to climb the podium of the Bocuse d’Or.
Passionate, meticulous and precise, he constantly strives to prove his ability to everyone. A
tireless perfectionist, he gives the best of himself every single day in order to progress still
further. Franck Giovannini's young but already successful career started at the Auberge de la
Couronne where he was apprentice to Claude Joseph. Later, he went on to perfect his art
with some of the great names in cuisine such as Grey Kunz in New York, Fredy Girardet,
Benoit Violier and others. He worked as a sous-chef from 2000, to the famous Philippe Rochat
at the Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville in Crissier, then became Chef when Rochat passed on
the torch to Benoît Violier in 2012. The Bocuse d'Or is his first competition, an experience he
describes as exceptional and unforgettable, and what’s more he’s taken part in it twice!
Franck is now president for the Swiss Bocuse d’Or Academy.
Bocuse d'Or 2009
July 2nd 1980

It was on seeing Bent Stiansen on TV, winning the Bocuse d’Or in 1993, that Geir decided that
his day would also come. He trained in the best Norwegian restaurants with his country’s
very best chefs. As a member of the national team, he also won team victories; an experience
that would serve him well when training candidates for the Bocuse d’Or, in Sri Lanka or
Hungary for example. With the true competitor’s spirit, he spent 50 hours a week (on top of
his daily work) training with one goal in sight: winning! He always wants to be the best in
everything he does. So when he needed advice, Eyvind Hellstrøm, Harald Osa and other
Norwegian Bocuse d’Or winners were on hand to give it to him. He acknowledges the debt
he owes to his chef and coach at the time, Odd Ivar Solvold. "He knows everything there is
to know about food and how a kitchen works. He's a complete professional who has an
answer to every question". Like so many of his compatriots, he likes nature and it certainly
influences his cuisine, which "must be colourful and appetizing". Geir is a (hyper)-active kind
of guy: he skis in winter and sails in summer. And he keeps fit by working out at the gym!
After an active sabbatical period, which he put to use starting up a wine import company, he
is venturing out on some new culinary adventures. In November 2010, together with his wife
Katrine, he opened a fish restaurant close to a famous fishmonger in Sandefjord. It’s a
seasonal place where it’s a real pleasure to eat fresh-caught fish, sitting by the seaside with
a view of the boats. Spring of 2013 saw the opening of another Brygga 11 in Stord, Geir’s
native village.
Bocuse d'Argent 2009
May 3rd 1978

Jonas remembers his first gastronomic sensation perfectly well. "It was in Norrland, in the
north of Sweden. I ate blueberries, fresh-picked in the woods, and served with homemade
vanilla ice-cream". He loves products from his own country but is more than happy to work
abroad to benefit from contact with other cultures: The French Laundry in the Napa Valley, 45
The Square (2**) in London, and Pierre Gagnaire in Paris. He was amazed to be representing
his country at the Bocuse d'Or. "The Bocuse d'Or is the most prestigious prize that a chef can
win". As a good Scandinavian, he prepared for the Bocuse d’Or as though it were a sport,
training for hours at a time with the help of Swedish winners Henrik Norström and Mathias
Dahlgren, who passed on their own experience of the competition. Jonas is also a keen
sportsman, his second passion. "Physical training gives you real mental strength". Whenever
possible he likes to travel and discover the wines and gastronomy of other countries. After
competing, he enjoys travelling, mostly in Asia where he also works for large hotels. In 2011,
he finally opened “Jonas”, a restaurant where a gastronomic menu can be found side by side
with a menu that is more about “bistronomy” in a superb setting, and it didn’t take long to
be a hit. But he stops in 2014 to focus on YOLO restaurant in Sockholm, a place which offers
a vibrant creative cuisine with roots in Swedish flavors with natural and locally produced
Philippe MILLE,
Bocuse de Bronze 2009
March 17th 1974

Philippe’s first gastronomic emotion was the pot-au-feu that his grandmother made every
Sunday: "I'll always remember those smells that bewitched me when I entered the kitchen".
After training at the hotel school in Le Mans when he was 15 years old, Philippe started at
the Aubergade in Pontchartrain, and meeting Jean Bordier there was a decisive step in his
career. He learned all the basics of "Escoffier" cuisine, then went on to realise the importance
of rigour under Louis Grondard at the Drouant restaurant. Frédéric Anton of the Pré Catelan
passed on his finesse, while Michel Roth at the Ritz gave him a taste for competition. Lastly,
Yannick Alléno, with whom he worked for over ten years, helped him to mark out his culinary
itinerary and fine-tune his knowledge. Philippe Mille describes his cuisine as "classical but
adapted to the tastes of today". Aware of the importance of keeping an even keel, Philippe
draws from sources other than cooking, as he swims and likes to travel, with a marked
preference for Asia. He is currently learning Japanese. He took a personal and professional
change of direction in January 2010, leaving the capital for Champagne, where he took
control of the kitchens at Les Crayères. 2011 was an excellent year with one star awarded by
the Michelin Guide and the prestigious title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France. And continuing on
his momentum, 2012 brought him a second star.
Bocuse d'Argent 2011
Bocuse de Bronze 2015
July 31st 1978

Tommy Myllymäki undeniably belongs to the young generation of Swedish chefs who have
travelled and experienced various culinary traditions but are eager to develop Nordic cuisine,
which is increasingly rooted in its environment: simple, direct and self-evident, highlighting
vegetables and nature. His grandmother Kerttu’s cooking inspired his passion for his future
profession and rooted him in the kind of rustic traditional cooking that delights the palates
of diners at Julita Wärdshus, his summer inn in the Södermanland region. Tommy is very
open-minded and cherishes this fantastic gastronomic memories of tasting dishes by Pierre
Gagnaire, Alain Ducasse in Monaco, Régis Marcon, and so on. Since his success at the Bocuse
d’Or, he has been solicited from all sides; beneath the surface of this calm man with an actor’s
physique lies a real talent for communicating, and Swedish TV was quick to turn him into a
star of the small screen, criss-crossing the country highlighting local products in the form of
spontaneous culinary creations that are helping to give the Man in the Street a desire to cook.
In December 2012, he opened a new restaurant in the town of Jönköping: “Sjön”, or Lake in
Swedish; an establishment that he conceives of as simple, serving a cuisine within everyone’s
Bocuse de Bronze 2011
May 5, 1977

Gunnar Hvarnes is the eighth Norwegian to mount the Bocuse d’Or podium. A fine
achievement for this chef whose first experience in the world of cooking was as a dishwasher
in the kitchen of a ferryboat between Norway and Sweden! He started out as an apprentice
in a hotel in Gaustablikk, a popular ski resort in the mountainous Telemark region, then began 48
working in various Norwegian restaurants. Gunnar’s time at Bon Lloc, Mathias Dahlgren’s
first restaurant in Sweden, had a lasting influence on him. Dahlgren is one of the leading lights
in the Scandinavian “philosophy” of Nordic cooking that draws from its own roots and strives
to achieve a simple and natural quality. The Nordic influence and his training in French cuisine
(including with Bocuse in 1997) have made Gunnar Hvarnes a well-rounded chef with a solid
foundation. Since 2006 he has worked at Hos Ingrid (Ingrid’s), at the well-known
Gastronomisk Institutt in Stavanger. Then he prepared for the 2012 opening of the Spiseriet
restaurant (in the magnificent new concert hall in Stavanger). Of course, he is also a member
of the Norwegian Culinary Team, a preparatory school for the Bocuse d’Or, a competition
that he sees as the “ultimate challenge for a chef!” Today he is working as a consultant.
Thibault RUGGERI
Bocuse d'Or 2013
September 5th 1980

At the age of 12, Thibaut decided that he was going to

be a cook! That was his dream; a dream largely inspired
by Paul Bocuse’s book: “La cuisine du marché”, which
he was constantly leafing through and which was right in line with his desire to pass down
the French culinary heritage. But before being able to enter the profession, taking his family’s
advice, he passed his Baccalaureat exam, with a science speciality. Along the way, he also 49
explored the various paths that caught his fancy, feeding his imagination while nurturing a
love for competition. Sport (road cycling, mountain biking, skiing…), photography, music
(violin and drums); these were all a source of pleasure for him while meeting his need to set
himself goals. In each of the disciplines, he competed, frequently, achieving very good results.
Cooking also conforms to that rule: it will always be a source of happiness, constant
searching, creativity, but also competition; not so much for the victory itself but to take things
to their limit, set oneself a project and the means to keep climbing higher, getting better.
After training at “Lesdiguières”, a hotel school in Grenoble, he worked in several renowned
establishments. The year he spent with Michel Guérard remains one of the most influential
periods of his life, like a window onto “something else”; a style of cuisine that is different,
that nourishes creativity and incites self-questioning, an exploration of new routes to
reaching the very essence of things.

Today Thibaut is happy; he agreed to lead the kitchen of a magical place where
the atmosphere suits him perfectly: the Abbey of Fontevraud. In this cultural space at the
crossroads of history and contemporary architecture, he can give free rein to his huge
culinary creativity while having the time to devote to his other great passion: food
Bocuse d'Argent 2013
January 1st 1986

Born one January 1st, maybe that special entry into life gave Jeppe the energy that’s so
palpable when you talk to him. And his mother doubtless played a role too. She was a cook
in retirement homes and was quick to immerse him in the pleasures of steaming, aromatic
saucepans. As a child he could stay for hours beside the stove, watching the preparation of
simple, but oh-so-generous everyday dishes. By the age of nine, he was determined to
become a cook. Jeppe opted to combine school training with a lot of hands-on practice,
thanks to the Danish system, which leans heavily on apprenticeship. He started out at the 50
Rosdalhs restaurant in Aalborg, then at the restaurant run by the Hôtel Brøndums in the
beautiful Skagen region. While doing his military service, he experienced the joy of working
as chef on the Royal Yacht Dannebrog. When he’s not cooking or scoring victories in a variety
of cooking contests, Jeppe expends his energy through sport; fitness and biking mainly. He
loves music and even played drums for several years, admitting to a special attraction to
Caribbean music! On the travel side, he’s been a frequent visitor to France and Italy. From
April 1st 2013, he took on the position of Chef at the famous restaurant Alberto.k, located on
the 20th floor of a building overlooking Copenhagen. His style of cuisine? Naturally, there’s a
Nordic touch to it, but for the most part he goes with a trend that is fairly open, and whose
catchphrase is simply: the best products for drawing out the best tastes…
Bocuse de Bronze 2013
October 7th 1975

Let there be no doubt, Noriyuki Hamada has personality! He approaches life head-on, fully aware of what it
can offer him if he puts the effort in. He didn’t just adopt his haircut from the Samurai, but also one of their
key precepts: tenacity. A tireless, self-taught worker, he essentially approaches cooking as a means to
express what he loves and what he is, in other words, as an art in its own right. To achieve that, he seeks a
balance between an indispensable technique and the expression of his own aspirations. He seeks perfection
in every technical gesture, while drawing from his intuition to produce a cuisine that resembles him,
Japanese but above all “Hamada”, personal and original!

The son of caterers, as a very young child Noriyuki was immersed in a world where his parents prepared the
famous Bento boxes, which he paid tribute to in the Bocuse d’Or through his fish recipe. While still a boy, he
enjoyed using up leftovers and decided he would become a cook… He trained through contact with Japanese, 51
Italian and French cuisine (for example Régis Marcon who played a major role, says Noriyuki), but understood
how important it is to re-immerse in your own culture, drawing from it the things that have made him a very
great chef today. Executive Chef at the Bleston Court Yakawatan in Karuizawa near Nagano, he’s a happy
man; the region is stunning and allows him to be in contact with a natural environment that inspires him. He
has his own vegetable garden and pig farm, the farmers and breeders around him spontaneously provide
him with the very best of their production, delighted that a young chef is playing the local card and
transforming their products into treasures of creativity!

At the Bocuse d’Or, his meat dish, presented on a tray in the form of a huge open book, was entitled: “The
book of nature”; for Noriyuki, nature already contains everything, and it is from nature that we must glean
a sort of culinary truth.

He views competition as a means to set himself a challenge, a tool for self-development, but above all he’s
happy that his presence on the podium acknowledged a form of Japanese cuisine with its own special status,
modern and personal, and is delighted that the local aspect could shine under the global spotlights.
Bocuse d’Or 2015

August 10th 1985

Ørjan presented his country with another medal in 2015. That victory at the Bocuse d’Or had nothing to do with luck: it 52
was the outcome of sheer persistence. Since 2007, Ørjan has been working, training, and competing alongside the man
Norwegian chefs view as the best coach of all: Odd Ivar Solvold. From 2008, he took part in all the national and European
selections (with Geir Skeie, to name but one), which led him to the final in Lyon. A fifth place in 2013 revived his Viking
determination, and he would return in 2015 to win! He once counted the number of hours devoted to the Bocuse d’Or.
The answer: more than two thousand. He also cites the pleasant atmosphere created around him, support from his family,
the team and his commis chef as his motivations.

After reaching the top step of the podium, Ørjan’s goal was to get back down to earth, rest and spend some time with
family, including his fiancée Cecilie, who is a wine waiter. The two of them headed back to the hotel that his parents have
managed for 32 years in Austevoll, south of Bergen: Bjekkjarvik Gjestgiveri. His twin brother, Arnt, has been the kitchen
chef there for some time now and Ørjan is delighted to be going back to work for him, under his command. Another fine
story of a family and a tightly-knit team.

When he isn’t working, like any Norwegian, Ørjan loves to play sports, particularly cycling and golf. And he is also preparing
a book with Odd Ivar Solvoldhe that describes their impressive path in the competition world.
United States of America
Bocuse d’argent 2015

September 23rd 1979

Philip was the very first person to put the USA on the Bocuse d’Or podium. That victory might have made
him happy, but it didn’t make him lose his head. There is so much room for other things in his life, and he is
constantly striving to satisfy his insatiable curiosity; always learning, always open-minded, working alongside
the very best, to add to his knowledge of a profession that has kept on nourishing him. Philip claims to be a
happy man. He grew up in Virginia, owes his last name to grandparents from Quebec, had a mother who
worked a lot, got home late and opened the path to cooking for him through preparing the evening meals.
What started out as a necessity for this 12-year-old who loved to eat, became a pleasure too: he discovered
that he liked to cook. At the age of 16, he delved into the restaurant world for the first time: working as a
waiter at a hotel in the region, the Williamsburg Inn, an “old-style” establishment where he acquired the
basic skills and the notion of service. Then he was off to the prestigious “Culinary Institute of America” in
New York to study cooking. That’s where he learned the basics of the profession, and it’s also where he met
Rachel, a pastrymaking student, who would later become his wife and the mother of his children.
His career path would lead him to the Escoffier Room, to the Bernardin, and to Per Se. A few short but intense
stays in France would complete his experience and his knowledge of French, working at L’Essentiel in
Chambéry and the Moulin de Mougins. Next, Thomas Keller recruited him for the Bouchon Bistro, and he left
New York in 2007 for California’s legendary Napa Valley. In 2011, he entered the kitchens of The French
Laundry as executive assistant chef. We all know the rest of the story: preparation for the Bocuse d’Or, with
his commis chef Skylar Stover, supervised by his chef friends and supported by the Mentor KBK association.
When he’s not in the kitchen, Philip is a big soccer fan, plays whenever he can, and since his stay in Lyon, he
admits to keeping track of the Olympique Lyonnais team a little more closely!
Contact List
Bocuse d’Or Winners




7 impasse du Presbytère 9 Houtveldlaan 9 Restaurant TANTRIS

28800 BOUVILLE 1652 Alsemberg Johann-Fichte Str.7
Tel + 33 (0)2 37 96 39 05 Tel+ 49 89 36 19 590
Mobile + 33 (0)6 07 90 78 08
JM Brousse : + 49 89 361 959 14


Léa LINSTER Pierre PAULUS † William WAI (Br 89) 54

Restaurant Léa LINSTER Blk 669, Hougang Avenue 8

17, Route de Luxembourg # 08-731
L-5752 Frisange Singapore 530669

Tel + 352 23 66 84 11
Mobile +352 621 173 010 Mobile + 65 94 57 70 50


Michel ROTH Lars Erik UNDERTHUN Gert Jan RAVEN
Hôtel Président Wilson Spisestedet Feinschmecker Grand Café Modeste Wapenstraat 18-

47 Quai Wilson - 1201 Genève Balchensgate 5 2000 ANTWERPEN

Switzerland 0265 OSLO Belgium

Tel +41 22 906 61 04 Tel + 47 22 12 93 80 Tel +32 32965368

Mobile +32 477251217 |
Statholdergaarden Bryggen 17. 2 sal tv. Paul Parmentierlaan 199 b33
Radhusgate 11 6300 GRÅSTEN B-8300 Knokke
0151 OSLO
Tel + 45 74654409
Tel + 47 22 41 88 00 mobile + 45 40163347 Tel+ 32 470 555 809
Mobile + 47 99 22 51 29


Régis MARCON Melker ANDERSSON Patrik Jaros
Restaurant gastronomique : F12 Group of Restaurants Food Experts Group GmbH
Restaurant Régis et Jacques Marcon Sveavägen 159 Mittelstrasse 12-14 / Haus B
– Larsiallas- 43290 ST-BONNET-LE- 113 46 Stockholm 50672 Köln

FROID Mobile +49 151 25303700

Tel + 46 8 505 244 00 Office +49-221-67782520
Tel +33 (0)4 71 59 93 72 Mobile + 46 70 86 20 171
Kitchen +33 (0)4 71 65 68 62

Auberge La Coulemelle
Le Clos des Cimes - Le Village –
43290 St-Bonnet-le-Froid


Grand Hotel Restaurant Orange, Hansåsen 17

Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8 Leuvensesteenveg 614 3230 SANDEFJORD


Tel +46 8 679 35 00-09 Tel + 32 2 757 05 59 Mobile +47 90 69 16 61

Mobile + 46 704 95 60 69 Mobile +32 479 970 596


Groupe Yannick Alléno Eyckerhof
71 rue du Faubourg Saint Martin 21 Spuistraat
Mobile + 47 99 40 13 80 75010 PARIS 2880 BORNEM

Tel + 33 (0)1 78 09 56 05 Tel + 32 3 889 07 18
Pavillon Ledoyen Mobile +32 475 32 60 75
1 Avenue Dutuit
75008 PARIS
Tel +33 (0)1 53 05 10 00
Mobile +33 (6)13 60 47 42
33000 Bordeaux Restaurang Lux Dag för Dag
Tjaldanes 1
Primusgatan 116 210 Garðabær
112 67 STOCKHOLM 101 Hotel
Mobile + 33 (0)6 11 86 93 79  Hverfisgata 10 - 101 Reykjavik
Tel + 46 (0)8 619 00 46
 +354 580-0101 Mobile + 46 739 851 851
 Mobile +354 8919411



Restaurang Charles & de Le Parc Franck Putelat Hotel Restaurant Talblick

Langgaten 41 80 Chemin des Anglais Bahnhofsträßle 6

Tel + 47 51 68 32 00 Tel + 33 (0)4 68 71 80 80 Tel + 49 (0)7054-5247

Mobile + 47 90 58 64 30 Mobile +33 (0)6 14 49 03 45


Restaurant Serge Vieira Restaurant Strand Restaurant Geranium

Le Couffour Strandaléen 48, Per Henrik. Lings Allé 4

15110 Chaudes-Aigues 1368 Stabekk 2100 Copenhagen Ø 56
Tel + 33 (0)4 71 207 385 Tel +47 67 53 05 75 Tel +45 6996 0022
Mobile + 33 (0)6 08 63 00 39 Mobile +47 91166235 Mobile + 45 22 81 42 74


Cuisine de la présidence du Sénat Restaurant Geranium Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville

15 ter rue de Vaugirard P.H. Lings Allé 2 1 route d’Yverdon

75006 Paris 2100 Copenhagen Ø CH 1023 CRISSIER

+33 (0)1 42 34 34 62 Tel +45 6996 0022 Tel +41 21 634 05 05

+33 (0)6 09 85 93 72 Mobile + 45 22 81 42 74
Restaurant Brygga 11, Olof gjödingsgata 2 tr Les Crayères
3210 Sandefjord 12231 Stockholm 64 boulevard Henry-Vasnier
51100 REIMS
Tel +47 95 55 91 91 Mobile +46 (0) 768 519 885
Mobile +47 95 90 99 13 Tel +33 (0)3 26 24 90 90 mobile. + 33 (0)6 09 89 75 32


Restaurant Geranium Restaurant SJÖN Welhavens vei 106
P.H. Lings Allé 2 Östra Storgatan 173, 4319 Sandnes

2100 Copenhagen Ø 554 52 Jönköping

Mobile +47 48025 79 12
Tel +45 6996 0022
Mobile + 45 22 81 42 74 Tel +46 (0) 150-91050
Mobile+46 707 90 99 95


Chef de cuisine Exécutif Restaurant Alberto. K Hotel Bleston Court
Abbaye de Fontevraud – BP 24 – Hammerichsgade 1, 389-0195 Hoshino, Karuizawa Nagano
49590 Fontrevaud l’Abbaye 1611 København V
Tel +81 3-3564-5453

Tél : Tel +45 3342 6161

Mobile +33 (0)6 61 06 30 24 Mobile +45 23 39 44 17
(in Japanese) contact via Kyoko TANZAWA (in French or


Ørjan Johannessen Philip Tessier Tommy MYLLYMÄKI
Bekkjarvik Gjestgiveri The French Laundry Restaurant SJÖN
Postboks 33 6640 Washington Street - Yountville Östra Storgatan 173,

N-5399 Bekkjarvik CA 94599-USA 554 52 Jönköping

Tel. +47 55 08 42 40 Personal Address:

Mobile: +47 92218422 2200 Webber Avenue -Yountville Tel +46 (0) 150-91050
CA 94599 - USA Mobile+46 707 90 99 95
Mobile: +1 707 771 9020
The Sponsors

Founder partner

Rougié, the Brand Known Around the World as the Ambassador of Foie
Gras, Takes Off!
The Rougié brand, leader in the professional foie gras market in France and
throughout the world, is more than ever the preferred partner of top chefs
around the globe. Rougié, always at the cutting edge, has pursued its
development of the foie gras sector and diversified its activities in response to the
expectations of professionals in the restaurant business. They have chosen to
“take the plunge” with seafood, and in particular blue lobster, another emblem
of French gastronomy.

The blue lobster is shelled uncooked using a high-pressure process that doesn’t alter
its taste or texture, providing chefs with a product that is cryogenically frozen, vacuum-
packed, and ready to use. The lobster can be cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a double
boiler, grilled or as carpaccio, depending on how this sumptuous seafood inspires the
chefs’ creativity.
Rougié was awarded the Grand Prix Sirha Innovation 2013 by a unanimous jury for its
frozen shelled Blue Lobster thanks to this revolutionary industrial process of high-
pressure shelling and its cryogenics freezing technique. 59

L’Ecole du Foie Gras Rougié: Making Progress with Top Chefs!

Opened in 2008, the Ecole du Foie Gras Rougié is a model of expertise for this fine product, Foie Gras!

The idea is to come and interact and make progress with a star-winning chef, to learn about new ways to cook
Foie Gras, to broaden one’s professional experience, improve one’s skills, and master different ways to prepare
and cook it.
The program involves Foie Gras in all its various manifestations, reviewing the basics on the first day, then
developing an explosion of creativity on the second day with our star-winning chefs.
In addition to Jean-Luc DANJOU, Meilleur Ouvrier de France (Best Craftsman of France) and technical director
of the Ecole du Foie Gras, there are numerous starred chefs including Yannick Alléno, Michel Roth and Régis
Marcon, who share some of their secrets during the training sessions.
All aspects of the subject are addressed in the workshops, where the top names in gastronomy take part in high-level activities!

Events such as this are increasing evidence of the continued support that Rougié has provided over the years to the world of great
cooking and its chefs.
So, good luck to all and we’ll see you in Lyon for the Bocuse d’Or.

Contact :
Eric Bertrand Marketing Manager RHF France - Export
Boulevard de l'Europe - BP 40494
Tel: +33 (0)5 59 77 78 00 / fax: +33 (0)5 59 77 78 21
Mobile: +33 (0)6 89 99 52 85
à la carte formation is a training center dedicated professionals from the hotel and
restaurant sector. 

We have been providing high-quality local training for companies and employees in the
sector since 2006.

QUALITY: We commit to bringing in professionals known for their mastery of their art and
their willingness to pass on their experience and expertise.
PROXIMITY: We pledge to carry out training activities that are as close as possible to the
needs expressed by the companies and their employees in exceptional professional
premises or on site in your firm, both in France and abroad.
We will take you through the set-up process and administrative procedures required for
possible financing.

Opening in September 2013
From our school devoted to Kitchen and Dining Room professions
In the CITADEL of ARRAS, a unique venue on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Starting in September 2013 we will be offering high-quality skills training. The training
programs will be held alternately in the school and in different companies.

The programs will be led by high-level professionals who are specialists in their fields

We would be pleased to provide any information about the 2013 session.

Contact us
Stéphane Delrue, Managing Director
229 rue de Vieux Berquin
Hameau de Sec Bois
Mobile: +33 (0)
Irish beef: simply outstanding
Tender, succulent Irish beef has been pasture raised for centuries. Ireland's main beef-producing area lies
in the centre of the country. As well as a temperate climate, Ireland boasts Europe's largest expanse of
limestone, providing a calcium-rich soil perfect for grazing cattle. Ireland produced some 500,000 tons of
beef in 2013.

Ireland - the perfect place to farm beef

Thanks to their hardiness, Irish cattle spend most of their time outdoors and therefore feed on a natural
diet of grass all year round. Most are reared on traditional family farms with low livestock densities and live
peaceful, stress-free lives. In Ireland, farmers take time to look after the well-being of their animals so that
the beef they produce is of the very highest quality. This is what gives the meat its marbled effect and makes
it fantastically tender and succulent once cooked. Additionally, Bord Bia's Quality Assurance and
Sustainability Charter which is EN45011-certified, guarantees that all stages of the animal's life, from the
farm through processing to the end consumer, have been conducted in accordance with strict national and
European legislation.

Reasons for choosing Irish beef

Ireland's 41 export-approved abattoirs are spread right across the country. Consequently, most animals
travel for less than an hour to reach their nearest facility. Being grass-fed, the resulting beef is very rich in
vitamin A, carotene, conjugated linoleic acids and unsaturated fatty acids. It maintains its consistent unique
fine-grained, tender quality all year round.

Bocuse d'Or 2013

Ireland was honoured to see its beef selected as the official meat by the organisers of France's prestigious
culinary competition, the Bocuse d'Or. Chef Thibaut Ruggeri, representing the French team, climbed to the
top of the podium to collect the competition's gold medal. His team's winning beef dish was entitled "Fillet
of beef in the style of Rossini".

After a rigorous selection procedure, the competition's international organising committee chose Irish beef
because it is grass-fed, guaranteeing superior tenderness, flavour and texture. Moreover, the Origin Green
programme certifies the meat's sustainability credentials.

Aidan Cotter, Bord Bia CEO, said "With the majority of Ireland’s beef exports destined for European markets,
the priority is to differentiate and position Irish beef by presenting a premium image to secure its place in
an increasingly competitive marketplace. Our partnership with the Bocuse d’Or is aligned with our global
strategy of working with chefs internationally to raise awareness of the quality of the products from Ireland.
Irish beef has already garnered a comprehensive following amongst many of Europe’s top class chefs."

CONTACT: Bernadette Byrne

Meat Marketing Specialist for France, Belgium & Luxembourg
Tel: + 33 1 42 66 22 93 | Mob: + 33 6 11 66 23 41
Bord Bia Irish Food Board | 33, rue de Miromesnil, 75008 Paris
Bridor de France: quality breads and pastries
French professional quality, delivered to the most demanding chefs worldwide.

Bridor de France was founded in 1988 by Louis le Duff and takes pride in producing a broad range of bread products, pre-
cooked in a stone deck oven, that are both soft and crusty with a delightful light interior. Bridor de France is also renowned
for the quality of its pastries: golden, gourmet products with light flakes and the delicious taste of fresh butter. In 2012, the
Bridor de France collection was enhanced with a range of sweet treats and French macarons under the high-quality Bridor
Une Recette Lenôtre Professionnel label.

Bridor de France: guarantee of an authentic bakery experience.

Bridor de France’s unique quality is expressed through a tangible experience; taste. This quality is made possible by the
careful selection of ingredients (T65 French flour, Charentes Poitou AOP butter, etc.) and production methods (slow
mixing, careful working of the dough, long rest times, etc.), and modern production techniques that guarantee consistent
quality and safety. When Professionals choose a Bridor de France product, both they and their guests are guaranteed a
uniquely intense experience.
Our products are perfect for any occasion in a Hotel or Restaurant: breakfast, bread with dinner, desserts, snacks,
breaks, catering, and receptions. 62

Bridor and Lenôtre: partners in excellence.

For almost 20 years, Bridor and Maison Lenôtre-Paris have worked together closely to develop cutting-edge quality
solutions. As a partner of the Paul Bocuse Institute, Bocuse d’OR, Bridor de France is also a proud sponsor of the Bocuse
d’Or Winners.

Learn more at

Contact : Pascal Schneider

Bridor de France - Olivet - 35350 Servon sur Vilaine - France
+33(0)2 99 00 11 67-
Calvisius is, by far, the largest world producer of farmed caviar with 25 metric tonnes/year. Experienced
since 1991 in farmed caviar processing, Calvisius has gained a worldwide reputation within the airline
caterers and top restaurants for the freshness and flavor of its Calvisius caviars.
The company started farm-raising sturgeon in the ‘70s using pure spring waters and a sustainable
aquaculture model. Among other top certifications, we are proud of the “Friends of the Sea” award, as
acknowledgment for our contribution to the protection of the wild environment.
To prize the sturgeon, we preserve many different species (White Sturgeon, Russian “Oscetra” sturgeon,
Beluga, Siberian sturgeon, Adriatic sturgeon, Sevruga sturgeon) and reduce any waste: this is our sign
of respect for nature. 63
Calvisius caviar combines time-honored Italian traditions with innovative technologies. The skilled hands
of Calvisius Caviar-Masters have been taking care of our top products for over forty years, with cutting-
edge production methods and traditional manual technique.
The clean taste and high quality of our caviar is unique, as Calvisius is both farmer and producer, having
full control over every aspect of the sturgeon’s lifecycle: each caviar tin is labelled and traced to the fish
it came from. Our thirst for perfection springs from a natural desire for excellence. Nothing less.
Before harvesting our product, the wait lasts more than 12 years, and consists in care and attention in
observance of natural rhythms. Calvisius knows the value of time, in order to provide experts and
connoisseurs with an excellent and uncompromising creation.

M. Stefano Bottoli (Sales Manager)
Via Kennedy – 25012 Calvisano (BS) Italy
Tel +39 030 9686991

Monica Storlini
Tel. +39 030 96 86 991
Mobile +39 349 90 27 155
A vineyard ownership since 1735. With a capacity of 500,000 bottles, Mandois is among the
rare independent houses in Champagne. Pursuing the passion and embracing the values of
the family, Mandois implements a very low dosage and allows for a long maturation time.
Consisting of 35 hectares, Mandois’s vineyards supply 70% of its grape requirements which
ensure the continuity of the style and the quality of its wines. Vineyards are located on
prestigious terroirs including Vertus, Pierry and Chouilly. Quite exceptional in Champagne,
Mandois owns a unique 1.5 hectare enclosed plot which produces, in a very limited quantity,
a top rated wine reserved for those very special moments.

Mandois, a unique style…

Each bottle from Mandois is the purest expression of the cuvee, in respect with the traditions in
Champagne and with the House style. Rich, a Mandois champagne always shows a fine texture
developing slowly and perfectly mouth filling. With a characteristic crispy start, Mandois’s wines show
great richness on the palate and long-lasting aromas on the finish. Exuberant, thanks to their finesse
and complexity, Mandois’s wines are expressive even at their early stage. They develop slowly in the
glass and always reveal a great generosity. Elegant, the wines show a long finish with impressions of
fluidity, roundness and finesse. The purity of the House style comes in fact from a perfect balance driven
by the elegance of a champagne whose concentration and power are always performing beautifully.
Mandois favours the quality of the grapes as well as the complexity and crispness of its wines to elaborate
long-ageing champagne. In that sense, the elaboration of wines with grapes coming from a large owned 64
vineyard is a key advantage for the House. Since 1735, the skills and expertise acquired in the vineyard
and in the grapes’ selection represent the major pillars of Mandois’s philosophy. The authenticity of
cuvees and the wines’ crispness have always been preserved particularly with the low dosage (no dosage
for Brut Nature) of Mandois’s champagne. Finally, the best parcel selections benefit from an ageing in
oak cask in order to enhance the unique complexity and long-ageing potentiality of the prestigious

Respect of traditions and family independence.

The prestigious heritage of both history and men’s work gave Mandois the ability to maintain the
traditions from Champagne such as the vinification in oak casks or the manual labour in vineyards. Proud
owner of an enclosed single plot in Pierry (the clos), Mandois wants to pursue the privilege of a family
House and to maintain the independence in its management over a long-run. This privilege is actually
materialized by the incredible “oenotheque” made of old vintage wines. All these values are reflected in
the quality and the style of Champagne Mandois, which have always been elaborated with a great sense
of sharing and generosity.

A NEW MANDOIS GIFT BOX Claude Mandois, Chairman
66 Rue du Général de Gaulle
Gradually, the new Mandois brand identity BP 9 – 51530 PIERRY – France
spreads all over the new range of 51530 Pierry
packaging. The change in label design France
operated since 2007 has been a success
and the new presentation of the 2002 Tél : +33 (0)3 26 54 03 18
Champagne Victor made a big impact. Fax : +33 (0)3 26 51 53 66
And now comes the new "gift box" with a
style that is both more refined and more
attached to the historical codes of the
A new life for this box that will give an
Quality, innovation and services - the Elle&Vire brand’s three greatest strengths are expressed
through its products and activities in more than 120 countries.

Top quality products

Elle&Vire sells extremely high-performance dairy products for the food service sector that respond
to the needs of the most demanding Chefs. Excellence Whipping Cream, Excellence Cooking
Cream, Cooking Advantage, Extra Dry Butter for pastry, Gourmet Butter, All Purpose Butter and
Special Pastry, Australian, American and French Cream Cheese, Vanilla Crème Brulée, Chocolate
Tart & Cream, Panna Cotta, Mousse & Parfait , Sabayon Fruit Gratin, Vanilla Sauce, Tiramisu and
Lemon Tart & Pie.

For food service professionals

The Elle&Vire brand is a genuine benchmark for professionals in the catering, hotel and pastry
sectors, and accompanies them throughout their careers. Elle&Vire is an official supplier to the
Bocuse d’Or, as well as many of the top cooking and pastry-making schools.

And always more innovative services

To create a genuine partnership with Chefs, Elle&Vire has also established a range of exclusive, 65
free services as part of the “Alliance Elle&Vire”:
- The Chef’s Magazine, a quarterly forum for chefs worldwide
-, the Chef’s portal
- The Chef’s Enews, a monthly newsletter on the worldwide food scene
- Recipes and group and individual demonstrations offered by the Elle&Vire Consultant Chefs,
always ready to help Chefs.

Through its quality products and services, Elle&Vire has become a key partner of kitchens of the
finest international establishments. Naturally, Elle&Vire will be present at the 2015 edition of the
Bocuse d’Or, the world summit of fine cooking, bringing together Chefs from all corners of the world.
Elle & Vire will be sponsoring this prestigious competition as a further affirmation of its dedication to
working side by side with all Chefs by sharing its expertise with them, and through its products, by
demonstrating an uncompromising commitment to quality.

Julie Caput
Responsable partenariats et salons
79 rue Joseph Bertrand
78220 Viroflay – France

Tel +33 (0)1 39 24 99 22
Georges Duboeuf wines are known throughout the world. From New-York to Tokyo the
company has a solid reputation as an ambassador for France, and in particular for the
Beaujolais region. But the large and festive campaigns it orchestrates for Beaujolais Nouveau
every year shouldn’t overshadow the fact that Georges Duboeuf, who created the company
in 1964, is above all a winemaker born in the Mâconnais and close to his roots. He is
extremely knowledgeable about the land, the vineyards, the men who cultivate them, and is
recognized as an excellent taster with a demanding palate.
Bocuse d’Or fans are familiar with his son Franck who runs the business end of this major
firm, among the 10 largest wine merchants in France.
The long and impressive list of Georges Duboeuf appellations gives a more concrete idea of
what the company has to offer wine-lovers, whether their taste buds are more attuned to
Gamay grapes, featuring Brouilly, Chénas, Chiroubles, Côte-de-Brouilly, Fleurie, Juliénas,
Morgon, Moulin à Vent, Régnié and Saint Amour, or Chardonnay with Mâcon Villages
blanc, St Véran and Pouilly Fuissé, or even the now famous Terradria, grown in southwestern 66
France, Gold medal winner and First in the Top 10 Best Chardonnays in the World contest in
2011! The Viognier de l’Ardèche is another wine Duboeuf offers from the South of France -
this time from the Rhone Valley.
Duboeuf’s passion for wine has also inspired the firm to create the Hameau du Vin (Wine
Park), an amazing museum entirely devoted to the history of wine and vineyards.

Franck Duboeuf

La gare
71570 Romanèche-Thorins
Tél. +33 (0)3 85 35 34 20
Tabizuru Foundation
Following the Kobe earthquake in January 1995, Japan once again woke up to a devastated
landscape. Buildings, roads, factories… everything had been destroyed. But as always, the
Japanese people kept their heads high and focused on the future. When it came to rebuilding,
many people realised that they still had one precious asset: culture! Culture crosses the
centuries and constitutes the essential life force that enables nations to survive anything.
The Shimada family wanted to make their contribution to the safeguarding and promotion
of Japanese culture and created the Tabizuru Foundation, which supports cultural projects,
particularly in the museum domain. It also publishes a magazine with a circulation of 3,000,
distributed in the lounges of Japan Airlines, the Mitsubishi Bank in Tokyo, the National
Museum of Tokyo and in a wide variety of cultural sites, museums and national parks…
The foundation has a profound sense of the universal nature of culture as one of the assets
of humanity and has gradually extended its action. Mr Bungo Shimada, who heads it up, has
forged ties with UNESCO, integrating the World Heritage Museum+ campaign. More
specifically, his ambitious project involves highlighting the strengths of the culinary art, which
draws from our cultural heritage to build the future. The spirit of Bocuse d’Or appeals to him
greatly, since it requires chefs to attain excellence by focusing creation around their own
culinary culture. So it was a natural step for him to approach Bocuse d’Or Winners who are a
so symbolic of the message of his foundation.
In more concrete terms, Mr Shimada is working on a project for the creation of an
International Chefs’ Cultural Centre as a place for exchange and for training the chefs of the
world. Its mission is to build a global future, open to others while safeguarding the cultural
heritage of each region. The Foundation has been in contact with our partner “A la Carte
Formation” for a long time with this goal in mind, and it has now become a partner of Bocuse
d’Or Winners, giving them a prominent place within the project. This centre is expected to
open in the magnificent Château de Belesbat (Boutigny sur Essonne in the Paris region),
which belongs to the Shimada family.
Mr Bungo Shimada is also very sensitive to the commitment Bocuse d’Or Winners have made
to Babyloan in the field of solidarity micro-credit, a mindset that is in line with his own

Contact Mr Shimada :

Bocuse d’Or and Sirha:
2 events by GL events Exhibitions

Bocuse d’Or – the most prestigious of gastronomy contests

In January 1987, Paul Bocuse created the Bocuse d’Or, a revolutionary cooking contest. Inspired by major
sport events he imagined a real show focused on cuisine and the chefs themselves.
The idea: to bring together on stage 24 young chefs from all over the world - among the most promising of
their generation – and have them take up the challenge of working live in open contest kitchens during 5.35
hours to prepare the most delicious and creative dishes, all this facing an enthusiastic public.

To reach the Grand Finale that is held every two years as part of the Sirha Lyon trade exhibition, the young
chefs must undergo a rigorous selection process in which they compete against their peers in national
selection rounds then continental selection events. In the ultimate stage the 24 finalists will need to seduce,
impress, and move a jury composed of some of the most illustrious chefs on the planet.

Created by chefs for chefs, the Bocuse d'Or is a unique and exceptional contest that continuously seeks to
discover new terroirs and cultures. More than a mere cooking contest, the Bocuse d’Or represents a
springboard to achieve international fame and is also an extraordinary human adventure that promotes to
the highest level the value of excellence, audacity and creativity.
In January 2015, Orjan JOHANNESSEN (Norway) won the Bocuse d’Or. The chef of BEKKJARVIK GJESTGIVERI
hotel-restaurant in Austevoll mustered his very best talent to finish first and win the Bocuse d’Or trophy, while
the United-States achieved second place and won the Silver Bocuse, and Sweden came in third place with
the Bocuse de Bronze.
The next final - the 16th edition of the Bocuse d’Or - will be held in Lyon, France, on January 24 th and 25th
January as part of the Sirha 2017 trade exhibition.

Sirha, the world meeting place for the Food service and Hospitality industry
Every two years, Sirha sets up its quarters at Eurexpo for five days. At the crossroad of the 68
world Food Service sector it is a concrete and lively laboratory for the industry. Sirha is the
only trade exhibition to feature more than 3,000 exhibitors and brands over a surface of
130,000 m2, focusing on 11 sectors of products, equipment and services for the food,
hospitality and catering industries. 1,600 demonstrations staged by exhibitors and partners illustrate the rich
offering presented at the trade exhibition.
Sirha is also host to many contests in different trades (International Catering Cup, ‘Festival de la Créativité
Gastronomique’, Gargantua, le Trophée du Maître d’Hôtel, etc.), the most prestigious being: the Bocuse d’Or
and Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie. Chefs from all over the world attend the event to share their passion
for gastronomy, discover the latest trends, as well as new products and solutions for their establishments.

189,000 professionals attended the event in 2015, and Sirha 2017 hold the promise of thousands of encounters
and opportunities to consolidate networks, find new partners and conquer new markets.

The Food Service Division of GL events Exhibitions

Managed by Marie-Odile Fondeur, the Food Service Division boasts impressive expertise in the organization
of trade fairs and events addressing all types of catering. The most emblematic being the Sirha -the world’s
rallying point for the catering and hotel industries- and the prestigious Bocuse d’Or and Coupe du Monde de
la Pâtisserie, which finals are held every two years during the Sirha in Lyon.


Florent Suplisson - Director of Gastronomy events Marie-Odile Fondeur - Managing Director of Food
Email: events
Tel.: +33 (0)4 78 176 293 Email:
Fax: +33 (0)4 78 176 359 Address: 59 quai Rambaud CS 50056 - 69285 Lyon
Address: 59 quai Rambaud CS 50056 - 69285 Lyon cedex 02
cedex 02 Website:
This is a brand that resonates as a promise of perfection for all amateur chefs and that is
not surprising : the roots of KitchenAid® in the professional world have been THE
reference point for stand mixers and continue to ensure a steadfast link between chefs
and those who dream of being ‘chefs’ .

It all began in 1919:

In Troy (Ohio), Herbert Johnson, an engineer at the Hobart Manufacturing Company, elaborates an 80-quart
mixer to reduce the labour for kneading the dough. He named the model "H". Its outstanding performances
upset all technical precedents and bakery professionals were adopting it with immediate effect.

The brand was the first to dare to work with exciting colours since 1955. KitchenAid has subsequently
developed other tools underpinned by an ongoing willingness to respond to both performance and design
innovation. This is key to having this famous stand mixer in the mixer museum – the piece designed by the
reputed American designer Egmont Arens. In less than 100 years, KitchenAid ® has become the benchmark
brand for chefs and is an integral part of the equipment so loved by American gourmands!

Also a success story in Europe:

Given the success with European professionals, chefs and confectioners, KitchenAid decided in 1989 to set
up a subsidiary in Belgium, allowing it to reach the wider audience of passionate cooks.

Relying on its superior technical performance and unique design, KitchenAid has its innovations to serve
haute cuisine in equipping schools renowned throughout Europe, with a full range of small appliances and
major appliances for professional cooking.
In 2009, the brand celebrated its 90th anniversary while contributing by making a cake for the 20th
anniversary of the World Pastry Cup which has been a partner for many years.

So naturally, in 2010, KitchenAid also has become a partner of the Bocuse d'Or Winners.

KitchenAid Europa
Imane Ghorbani, Senior Marketing Manager
Nijverheidslaan 3
1853 Strombeek-Bever

Tel +39 0332 758 454
Since 2012, KLEUSTER, a collaborative brand based in Lyon, has been developing FREEGÔNES, an electric-assisted
utility vehicle. The vehicle offers a response to environmental issues and particularly the issue of sustainable mobility.

FREEGÔNES is intended for professionals, including from the world of gastronomy.

A FREEGÔNES version for Chefs and players from the gastronomy world
Premium positioning, dedicated to the gastronomy sector: FREEGÔNES STREET FOOD is exclusively designed for the
great names of French and international gastronomy.
With FREEGÔNES, you can go out and interact with passers-by and their taste buds and have them experience a little
“culinary art happening”, enjoying a pre-taste of a chef’s cuisine. This sort of offbeat gastronomic digression serves
as an invitation to visit the restaurant later, to discover the chef’s full creative potential; it’s an accelerator of
sustainable business for whoever takes on the FREEGÔNES challenge.
Being a partner of the BOCUSE D’OR WINNERS gives meaning to our collaborative approach.

Thanks to its matchless performances, FREEGÔNES can transport loads up to 450 kg and can climb slopes with a
gradient of over 16%, at a maximum speed of 15km/h.
No licence or registration required, it can be driven in bicycle lanes, riverbank roads, bus and taxi lanes, it fits perfectly
into urban traffic.
Technical characteristics
 Electric-assisted motor, brushless,
 Lithium Iron Phosphate battery (LifePo4)
 Equipped with an automatic electric brake and three hydraulic discs, its braking and security are optimal
 Modular aluminium chassis
 User-enhancing ergonomics and design
 Maximum speed: 15 km/h
 Payload: 450kg
 Autonomy: 9 hours
 Rapid battery charging time: < 3 hours, by connecting to a standard 230V outlet, no additional equipment
 Battery life: 5 to 7 years
Gérard TÊTU
Mobile: +33 (0)6 15 95 47 27 - Tel +33 (0)4 74 70 19 80 -
E M D - 11 A rue des Aulnes - BAT A - 69410 Champagne Au Mont d’Or – France

- twitter: GtetuTetu
- YouTube: KLEUSTER presents FREEGÔNES
- LinkedIn: Gérard TETU Founder and Manager, EMD kleuster
Created in 1942 in the Ardèche region, the company Boiron Frères is still independent and family-operated and
run by Alain Boiron.

In the 1970s, Les vergers Boiron became the forerunners in deep freezing, an optimal technique for preserving
the organoleptic and physicochemical properties of fruit.
Les vergers Boiron rely on perfect application of blending to ensure the consistent quality of their products. This
technique, inspired by champagne, is based around the work of an in-house laboratory team that makes a
draconian selection of fruit batches
At this stage, science makes way for the expertise and human talent of the fruit artisan who, like a cellar master
with wine, adds his own personal stamp and that extra little touch that makes all the difference.
Les vergers Boiron offer fruits and now vegetables: purees (unsweetened or sweetened), coulis, concentrates,
whole fruits, enabling savoury and sweet applications in cooking, pastrymaking and mixology (cocktails).

At present, Les vergers Boiron feature an impressive range of 70 flavours. Key innovations recently have been
in vegetables: cucumber, yellow pepper, red pepper, pumpkin, tomato, and two specialities: citronella and ginger,
which are very trendy at the moment.

That policy allows Les vergers Boiron to offer products that are free of colourings, thickening agents and
preservatives. 71
In addition, the flash-pasteurisation technique (subjecting food to a high temperature over a short time),
combined with deep-freezing, enables better organoleptic and nutritional preservation of fruits and vegetables.

In a word, everything is: 100% natural origin, 100% taste, 100% safe.
On an environmental level, this policy is expressed through the choice of plant location, the quality of the HEQ
buildings, energy use and waste processing.
These sustainable standards are also applied to supplies via a “concentric circles” policy: they buy
as locally as possible, then expand little by little in the case of fruit that can only be found elsewhere
(e.g.: mangos…).
Traditionally, Les vergers Boiron are primarily based in the world of the pastry chefs and barmen. But Les Vergers
Boiron now meet the increasing demand of Chefs who want to use their products. Hence, the incomparable
sweetness, acidity and bitterness of fruit and vegetable purees are enriching the taste, colour and aesthetics of
their creations.


BP 21016- 26958 Valence Cédex 9
Denis Boursier, Sales & Marketing Director
Katarzyna Vermont, Marketing Manager
Tel. +33 (0)4 75 47 70 00
Family business since its inception, Mauviel 1830 is now a key player in the market utensils upscales
kitchen, designed for catering professionals and the general public.
Every day, Mauviel 1830 receives 70 artisans in its manufactory in Villedieu les Poêles. Master in
shapping copper, steel and aluminium, they design the 1300 made daily utensils by the brand.
Cutting metal plates to tails mounting, each step requires special attention and perfect dexterity.

Particulary complete, Mauviel 1830 supplies three collections for copper, three collections for
stainless steel, three collections for aluminium, and two for black steel. Strenght of its success, the
manufactory has also developed a collection of minis and accessories.

It remains the only company worlwide able to work so many different materials, with 900 references
in the catalog and 1600 active references!

Mauviel 1830,
47 Route de Caen, 50800 Villedieu les Poêles - France
Betty Rault - Manager Communication & Marketing
Telephone +33 (0)2 33 61 46 27
Gaëtan Cuvillier Assistant Communication
NESTLÉ PROFESSIONAL is an organisation dedicated to serving the Out of Home Industry. By
leveraging our international and renowned brands such as CHEF®, MAGGI®, NESTLÉ®, Docello
(TM) NESCAFÉ®, we offer creative branded beverage and food solutions that help operators delight
their consumers and expand.
Our know-how and innovations allow us to offer culinary products and beverage solutions adapted
to all customers’ requests.
That’s why Nestlé Professional has been a partner of Bocuse d’Or since 1999
and also supports Bocuse d’Or Winners

The CHEF® brand is considered as THE reference of the culinary ingredients market for

Thanks to its knowledge and as illustrated by all innovations that have been developed in
collaboration with professional chefs for 36 years, the brand CHEF® is enhanced daily to help chefs 73
and provide them with high quality solutions that respect the culinary tradition.

Our culinary experts and development engineers work in collaboration with chefs to in order to
propose new products satisfying high quality taste, performance in recipes, easy utilisation and
totally clean ingredients.

We innovate,
You create,
They enjoy…

Bolstered by the collaboration of catering professionals, NESTLÉ PROFESSIONAL, is proud to:

- support the Bocuse d’Or Prize-winners,

- encourage this unique association of internationals catering professional’,
- contribute to the promotion of this honourable profession,
- take part in the dynamism of a profession rich with culture, knowledge, tradition and passion.

Contact : Gilbert RADIX, consultant Project manager consultant Project manager. BP 223 - 94102 SAINT MAUR DES
FOSSES Cedex - Tél : +33 (0)

In 2016, S.PELLEGRINO® is, for the second time, the official water of
the Bocuse d’Or: the most prestigious cooking contest in the world,
created and presided by Chef Paul Bocuse, three-star rated by the
Michelin Guide since 1965. This revolutionary contest features nearly
sixty national and continental contests over a two-year cycle to reveal
the most illustrious Chefs of the planet.

S.PELLEGRINO® 1L glass bottles embody each year this highly

gastronomic partnership with a Bocuse d’Or limited edition.

M. Pierre Del GaroFalo
Telephone : +33 (0)
Novius Agency Novius Labs
Novius Agency is there to assist you in the design This is the department dedicated to innovation,
and implementation of your Internet projects: where our experts will advise and train you on
website, e- mailing, mobile, social media and specific issues: digital communications strategy,
online community management. Our staff are user experience, social media, Internet
highly creative people with a passion for their job. technologies [Novius OS, FuelPHP, Javascript,
They love to push projects to their fullest potential etc.) and development of non- standard projects
by helping clients pull the user into the core of their

Novius Cloud
Novius Cloud is Novius’ hosting and outsourcing department. Our staff manage a high-performance
infrastructure within a secure environment that is supervised 24/7. Our Cloud product is based on several
Internet operators [BGP multi-homing) and includes several geographic locations in France. Our service is
optimised for the CMS Novius OS and also the FuelPHP framework.

Skill areas
- Digital consultancy and strategy
- Web design and Internet engineering:
 Website 75
 E-commerce
 E-mailing
 Mobile application
 Community platform
 Webzine
 QR-code design
 Training, monitoring and evolution
 Social media
Key Clients

Culture :
Bocuse d’Or Winners, Les César, Le 104, Les 3 Continents, Biennales de Lyon, Cinémathèque française, Festival
Paris Cinéma, Francofolies, Festival Lumière, Nabbû, Ninkasi, Région Urbaine de Lyon 

Product: Baguépi, Bjorg, Butagaz, Doméo, Dekra, Etre vert, Eurostaf, Gerflor, Nactalia, Naturex, Panzani,

Point S, Jardin d'Ulysse, Syntilor, Muzéo Collection

Miscellaneous: April, CNRS, FIS, Groupe Alpha, Groupe SOCODA, Les Echos, Mérieux Développement, Mondial
des Métiers, Veolia, Vinci.

Jérôme Daubresse Antoine Hébert Mathias Duret Novius :

Sales Manager Marketing director Communication Tel : +33 (0)4 27 46 20 00 Adresse : 55 avenue Galline

A crucial partner of the hotel and catering industry, RAK Porcelain blends exceptional quality with a creative spirit,
while incorporating current trends. To meet its customers’ expectations, RAK Porcelain adheres to extremely rigorous
qualitative criteria, both for the production of white porcelain and mass-produced sets with carefully crafted designs.
RAK Porcelain also provides a flexible and tailored production of customized pieces. Inspired by the greatest designers,
its contemporary collections appeal to both the gastronomy purists and creative chefs. Given that the aesthetics of a
table service contribute to highlighting sophisticated culinary recipes and gastronomic pleasures, RAK Porcelain
products are true masters of seduction. Varied collections RAK Porcelain’s various collections feature highly
contemporary forms and respond to the expectations of the most demanding restaurant owners, lending style and
elegance to each and every table thanks to their extremely refined design, their artistic lines and their timeless
sophistication. Patterns and designs Drawing oriental inspiration with exotic and warm notes or featuring ethereal and
time-less contours or else displaying accents tinged with freshness and cheerfulness, the designs characterise the
products just as much as the patterns impart geometric or rounded aspects to the different pieces of the collections,
underlining their respective vitality or softness.

Masters of technology

A subsidiary of RAK Ceramics, RAK Porcelain specializes in manufacturing top-of-the-range porcelain. Employing the
latest production technologies, it has a production capacity of 15 million pieces of tableware, all bearing European 76
certifications. Alongside its stringent aesthetic and functional requirements, the brand’s quality-price ratio also
constitutes one of its main characteristics. A logistics system based on proximity, supported by the regional
warehouses of its distributing partners, guarantees customers the availability of products and services. RAK Porcelain
has established structures of distribution in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, in the United Arab Emirates and in India.

Unfailing guarantee

Supported by a network of table art experts and advisors and surrounded by a solid structure of professional
distributors, RAK Porcelain creates collections that can withstand sustained handling both in the kitchen and on
the table. A recognized expertise combined with precise firing temperatures, the vitrification of the material or the
composition of the porcelain elements all enable a strengthening of the enamel, an increase in chip resistance and a
greater resistance to repeated industrial dishwashing cycles. The products of the RAK Porcelain collections are
perfectly adapted to the constraints that accompany their use in the catering industry, such as cooking in traditional
and microwave ovens. The optimal resistance of the RAK Porcelain products ensures a greater longevity, a fact
appreciated by professionals of the hotel and catering industry.

RAK Porcelain Europe S.A.

Contact : Claude PEIFFER
20, rue de l’industrie - L-8399 Windhof - Luxembourg
Tél.: +352 26 36 06 65 – Mobile : +352 621 14 67 55
An innovative product
The SALMA® salmon fillet is the fruit of innovative technology that consists in processing the
filleted, skinned and boned salmon and vacuum-packing it immediately on leaving the water within
4 hours guaranteed.

The product of sustainable aquaculture, SALMA® salmon are raised for 3 years in the pure waters
of the North Atlantic and enjoy optimal conditions in terms of space, diet and limited stress.

Filleting is also carried out on the basis of a demanding specifications list. Prepared in hygiene
conditions extremely similar to those found in the dairy industry, SALMA® is made using only the
best fillets hand-cut to extract the best pieces (only 60% of the salmon is used). The filet is then
vacuum-packed to preserve its taste qualities. The result: a fillet of extraordinary freshness and

A product for chefs

Another SALMA® strong point: major time saving in the kitchen since it is “ready to use”, so no 39
time is wasted filleting the salmon, or removing the bones and skin. Moreover, there’s no
 the entire Salma fillet is useable.

Salmon Brands SAS (SALMA)

Mathieu Savigner-Boutruche
Sames Director France & Switzerland
16 rue de l’Arcade, 75008 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 75 57 69 50
Mob: +33 (0)6 27 81 65 51
Promote premium culinary specialties coming from the far North

SdN Company - Saveurs de Norvège - aims at helping and representing the Norwegian agri-food
exporters on the French market and surrounding areas. We make connections between Norwegian
seafood producers (and other agri-food specialties) and professionals in France, Switzerland,
Belgium and border regions in Germany and Italy. We promote and ensure successful
commercialisation of unique products, working closely with producers, distributors, store managers,
cooking chefs, etc…

- Conducting Product testing, and market studies
- Search of business partnership for Norwegian products (and vice versa)
- Dialogue facilitation between Norwegian producers and business customers: organization of
business trip in Europe, accompanied meetings and visits of the production sites in Norway.
- Help in research and development of new products for the European market in order to make our
customers benefit from tailor made products.
- Operations: products proposal, order taking, customer follow-up, Resolution of logistical and
quality problems, implementation of commercial operations.
- Communication: operational communication (design materials, social networks, PR), events, and
participation in professional trade shows.


Norway has been proud of its top chefs, who particularly distinguish themselves in this Bocuse d’Or
competition, like Ørian Johannessen, gold winner 2015, working with excellent products.
We, at SdN, are partners of the Bocuse d’Or winners for many years now. This partnership deals
with our support to the Norwegian chefs, to promote the excellence of Norwegian cuisine and


Bømlo Prima (whole and filleted salmon), Salma fresh salmon loins, Fenalår from Norway (dried
salted leg of lamb), Skrei and fish burgers from Lofoten, Fario Trout from Hardanger, Figgjo
tableware... And we sell UMAMI, sesame seeds with a Wasabi or Kimchi taste, the ideal condiment
to be used with raw salmon.


Cofounders of SdN, we are two Norwegian, Francophile women, who have over 40 years of
cumulated professional experiences on the French agri-food sector.

Eidis BIEHLER - - +33(0)6 85 82 17 13

Tone COLLOMB-REY - - +33(0)6 13 66 02 19
Saveurs de Norvège - 213, chemin de la Villette - 38660 Sainte Marie d'Alloix - France - Facebook: Saveurs de Norvège
Valrhona is a French chocolatier that has been providing exceptional chocolate since
1922. Created by and for pastry makers, Valrhona has dedicated all its expertise, high
standards and passion to culinary professionals, making each taste an exceptional
experience. Chosen by the world's most prestigious chefs and craftsmen for its vast
range of aromas continually enhanced by innovation, Valrhona's ambition is to broaden
people's culinary horizons by offering a variety of unique and recognizable chocolate
flavors, in an effort to continuously create more pleasure and excitement.

As an ambassador of haute gastronomie, Valrhona supports and encourages

professionals of “taste” worldwide, representatives of culinary exception. In 2009,
Valrhona joined the circle of Official Partners of the Bocuse d'Or, the most prestigious
culinary competition in the world. 79

With a constant focus on dialog and ethics, Valrhona relies on long-term collaborative
relationships with planters and prestigious chefs, while respecting people and nature.

The Valrhona Ecole has been a trend setter for over 25 years, inventing, recording and
preserving the knowledge and techniques of the chocolate-making profession. The
school’s pastry chefs travel the world, sharing ideas and expertise with other
professionals in a permanent quest for mutual enrichment.

Hélène Hauville -

VALRHONA - 14 avenue du Président Roosevelt - 26600 Tain l’Hermitage- France
Tel. : +33 (0)4 75 07 90 90
Fax : +33(0)4 75 08 05 17

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