1 Introduction-Mining-2022

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The usage of English subjects are:
a. to support the students understanding and comprehending some English Original
Mining Textbooks.
b. to prepare the students having ability to communicate in English actively both in
written and spoken language.

English subjects contain 4 skills: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking, which would
especially support students to understand original mining text-books, and to communicate
actively both in spoken or written English. They would be stressed in comprehending the
strategies & applications of:
1. Writing Skill – Introduction to Sentence Constructions
2. Reading Skill – Introduction to Translating the Meaning
3. Reading Skill – Introduction to Answering TOEFL Types of Questions
4. Listening Skill – Introduction to Answering TOEFL Types of Questions
5. Listening Skill – Introduction to Listening Narration and/or Watching Video
6. Reading Skill – Introduction to Comprehending Academic Articles /Journals
7. Writing Skill – Introduction to Writing Short Paragraphs (Abstract/Article)
8. Writing Skill – Introduction to Writing Letters (Application Letter & CV)
9. Speaking Skill – Introduction to Job Interview
10. Speaking Skill – Introduction to Business English
11. Speaking Skill – Introduction to Public Speaking (Role Play)

Students can be able to master four skills, Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking by:
1. comprehending the Sentence Constructions.
2. comprehending the Translating the Meaning.
3. comprehending how to Answering Reading TOEFL Types of Questions.
4. comprehending how to Answering Listening TOEFL Types of Questions.
5. comprehending the Listening Narration and/or Watching Video.
6. comprehending how to Writing Academic Articles /Journals.
7. comprehending how to Writing Short Paragraphs (Abstract/Article).
8. comprehending how to Writing Letters (Application Letter & CV).
9. comprehending how to Facing the Job Interview.
10. comprehending the Business English.
11. comprehending the Public Speaking (Role Play).

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 1

Learning Strategies
The learning process is student-centered learning, whereas the learning strategies would
be collaborative, competitive, case-based learning and active learning. They’d be applied
through: lecturing, discussing, presenting, problem solving actively. Tasks would be as
individual or group. Exercises would be applied in all subjects.

Schedule, Subjects and Tasks

Week Date Subjects Presented as/by

1 Aug 22, I. Introduction: Lecturing Agreement Lecturer’s Tutorial
2022 It’s a General Explanation about English: & Class Discussion
Subjects (RC, LC, W, Sp)
Tasks (Individual & Group)
Quiz (Written & Spoken)
Exam (Mid & Final)
Assessment (Grade, Score & Point)

II. Introduction to Language


2 Aug 29, Writing Skill – Sentence Constructions Group Task:

2022 Composing/constructing sentences by Presentation &
applying correct types of words, phrases & Discussion
clauses based on English Written Standard
S+P+O 2 Groups, @ 40’
S+P+O+C Review : 20’
(Goal; Description; Examples in Mining
Context of Sentence; Exercises;
3 Sept 5, Reading Skill – Translating Meaning Group Task:
2022 Translating the meaning of Mining Passage Presentation &
and Daily Expressions by applying Discussion
Translation Techniques from Source
Language to Target Language 2 Groups, @ 40’
Review : 20’
(Goal; Description; Examples of daily
expressions & Mining Context of Sentence,
both Ind-Eng & Eng-Ind; Exercises;

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 2

Week Date Subjects Presented as/by
4 Sept 12, Reading Skill –Answering TOEFL Types Group Task:
2022 of Questions Presentation &
RC TOEFL: Understanding; Type of Discussion
Questions; Tips & Tricks/ Strategies;
TOEFL-like Test 2 Groups, @ 40’
applied in Mining Text with Specific Topic Review : 20’

(Goal; Description of Strategies for

understanding and answering some RC
TOEFL questions applied in Mining Text;
Exercises; References)

5 Sept 19, Listening Skill –Answering TOEFL Group Task:

2022 Types of Questions Presentation &
LC TOEFL: Understanding; Type of Discussion
Questions; Tips & Tricks/Strategies; TOEFL-
like Test 2 Groups, @ 40’
Review : 20’
(Goal; Description; Examples & Exercises
by using audio speaker; References)

6 Sept 26, Listening Skill –Watching Mining Video Group Task:

2022 Tips & Tricks/Strategies for Watching Video; Presentation &
Mining Video with Specific Topic Discussion

(Goal; Description of strategies for 2 Groups, @ 40’

understanding and answering some Review : 20’
questions about the mining video content &
glossaries; Exercises; References)

7 Oct 3, QUIZ I-a: Written Examination Individual Task

2022 Doing Exam 60’
Theories & Applications of English Subjects Discussing correct
from Week 2 – Week 4 (ESSAY) answers 40’

8 Oct 10- Mid Examination: Written Examination Individual Task

22, 2022
Applications of English Subjects from Week Duration Time 90’-
2 – Week 7 (ESSAY or MULTIPLE CHOICE) 100’

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 3

Week Date Subjects Presented as/by
9 Oct 24, Reading Skill – Comprehending Lecturer’s Tutorial
2022 Academic Articles /Journals & Discussion
• Reading for meaning 100’
• Top-down strategies
• Bottom-up strategies
• Metacognitive strategies
10 Oct 31, Writing Skill – Writing Short Lecturer’s Tutorial
2022 Paragraphs (Abstract/Article) & Discussion 100’
Writing Abstract/Article by applying writing
process: Individual
• Inventing Homework
• Planning
• Drafting
• Revising
• Editing
• Publishing
11 Nov 7, Writing Skill –Writing Letters Lecturer’s Tutorial
2022 (Application Letter & CV) & Discussion 100’
Writing Application Letter & CV by knowing:
• The type of letters Individual
• The tips on writing letters Homework
• The form of letters
• Examples of Job Vacancy, AL & CV
12 Nov 14, Speaking Skill – Introduction to Job Lecturer’s Tutorial
2022 Interview & Discussion 100’
Practicing the Job Interview by knowing &
applying the strategies: Couple/Group
• Job Description Homework
• Potential Interview Questions
• Interview Answers
• Inappropriate Questions
• Interview Day Preparation
• Interview Game Plan
• Interview Wrap
• How to Dress for Job Interview

13 Nov 21, Speaking Skill – Introduction to Lecturer’s Tutorial

2022 Business English & Discussion 100’
Applying speaking strategies to face the
Business Issues: Individual/Couple/
• Promoting Products Group Homework
• Sales
• Purchase
• Accounts
• Communication
• Correspondence

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 4

Week Date Subjects Presented as/by
• Secretarial
• Press Release

14 Nov 28, Speaking Skill – Introduction to Public Lecturer’s Tutorial

2022 Speaking (Role Play) & Discussion 100’
Applying Speaking Role Play Strategies:
• Prepare Topic Individual/Couple/
• Consider Purpose Group Homework
• Gather Material
• Organize Speech
• Develop Outline
• Write Draft
• Practice Speech
• Control Stage Fright
15 Des 5, QUIZ II: Written/Spoken Examination Individual Task
2022 Doing Exam 60’
Theories & Applications of English Subjects Discussing correct
from Week 9 – Week 11 (ESSAY) answers 40’

16 Des 12- FINAL EXAMINATION: Written Exam Individual Task

Des 20,
Applications of All English Subjects in whole
2022 Duration time is
Semester. Type of qustions:
about 90’ – 100’.


Component Value Percentage Explanation
FINAL EXAM 20 20 % Written Exam
MID EXAM 20 20 % Written Exam
Hardskills QUIZ I 10 10 % Written Exam
QUIZ II 10 10 % Written/Spoken Exam
TASKS 30 30 % Individual/Group Tasks
Capability; Creativity; Honesty; Taken from Oral Q & A
Softskills 10 10 %
Disciplinary; Responsibility; during class session

No. Score Grade Point Meaning

1. 85 – 100 A 4 Excellent
2. 80 – 84 B+ 3,5 Very Good
3. 75 – 79 B 3 Good
4. 70 – 74 C+ 2,5 Fair Good
5. 60 – 69 C 2 Fair
6. 50 – 59 D 1 Poor
7. ≤ 49 E 0 Failed

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 5

1. Students must attend the class fully in the whole semester, if you are absent 3 times,
there will be consequence automatically.
2. Students joining and attending the zoom class on time would get positive point.
3. Students should write down their last digits of their IDN/Name/Class when attending
the online class.
4. Students mustn’t put on T-Shirt when attending the online class and the camera must
be on always.
5. Students must firstly prepare subject before attending the class.
6. Each subject has got individual/group task done in class or as homework.
7. Each subject has got grade point.
8. Students would get positive point when submitting the tasks on time via Spada and
doing practice tasks voluntarily. Students who submit identical tasks but different
names would get negative point.
9. Evaluation or Written/Spoken Test would be scheduled.
10. Students who couldn’t attend the evaluation exam because of their sickness (they at
least spend three days at hospital), may have another exam by having permission
from the Chief of Program Study.
11. For subsequent exam: time max 60’ and score max 80.

A. Obligatory
1. Indri Lesta S., 2022, English Subjects and Exercises for Mining Engineering: A Handout,
UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta.

B. Optional
1. Writing Skill – Introduction to Sentence Constructions
a. Brewton, John E, et. al. 1962. Using Good English, Laidlaw Brothers Publisher, Illinois.
b. Christ, Henry L & Jereme Carlin. 1978. Modern English in Action. D.C. Heath and
Company, Toronto
c. Eastwood, John. 2008. Oxford Learner’s Grammar. UK: Oxford University Press.
d. Herring, Peter. 2016. Complete English Grammar Rules. Pennsylvania: Farlex
e. Mas’ud, Fuad.2005. Essential of English Grammar: a practical guide. Edisi 3. Yogyakarta:
f. Olivia, Maria Belen. 2018. English Grammar Basics. North Carolina: Ciclo De Nivelación
Company Inc.

2. Reading Skill – Introduction to Translating the Meaning

a. Basil, Hatim and Jeremy Munday. 2004. Translation: An Advanced Resourse Book. New
York: Routledge.
b. Fawcett, Peter. 2004. Translation and Language. UK: St. Jerome Publishing.
c. Hartono. 2005, Belajar Menerjemahkan: Teori dan Praktek, UMM Press, Malang.
d. Robinson, Douglas. 2012. Becoming A Translator: An Introduction to the Theory and
Practice of Translation. Third Edition. New York: Rouledge.
e. Zuchridin Suryawinata & Sugeng Hariyanto. 2003. Translation: Bahasan Teori &
Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius Press.

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 6

3. Reading & Listening Skills – Introduction to Answering TOEFL Types of Questions
a. Carol King and Nancy Stanley. 1983. Building Skills for the TOEFL. Surrey: Thomas
Nelson and Sons Ltd.
b. Gear, Jolene and Robert Gear. 2005. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL. USA:
Cambridge University Press.
c. Lougheed, Lin. 2004. TOEFL preparation book: English language-Text books &
Examinations for foreign speakers. London: Prentice-Hall International Limited.
d. Phillips, Deborah. 2001. Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test. New York:
Pearson Education Company.

4. Reading Skill – Introduction to Comprehending Academic Articles/Journals

a. Anderson, Wallace L dan Norman C. Stageberg. 1962. Introductory Reading on
Language. Holt Reinhart and Winston, Inc: New York
b. Armstrong, Nathan. 2015. Speed Reading: The Comprehensive Guide to Speed Reading.
American bar Association and a Committee of publishers and Associations.
c. Barnes, Don, et. al. 1980. Reading With Reason, D.C. Heath and Company, Toronto.
d. Philpot, Sarah. 2011. Headway Academic Skills: Reading, Writing and Study Skills. UK:
Oxford University Press.
e. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. and Linda Jeffries. 2009. Advanced Reading Power. USA:
f. Wiener, Harvey S dan Charles Bazeman. 1985. Reading Skill Handbook. Third Edition
Houghton Mifflin Company.

5. Listening Skill – Introduction to Listening for Narration and/or Watching Video

a. Field, John. 2008. Listening in the Language Classroom. USA: Cambridge University
b. Rost, Michael. 2011. Teaching and Researching Listening. New York: Pearson Education
c. Worthington, Debra L. and Margareth E. Fitch-Hauser. 2018. Listening: Processes,
Functions, and Competency. New York: Routledge.

6. Writing Skill – Introduction to Writing Short Paragraphs (abstract/article)

a. Calderonello & Edwards. 1986. Rough-drafts: The Process of Writing. USA: Houghton
Mifflin Company.
b. Huck, Geoffrey J. 2015. What is Good Writing? New York: Oxford University Press.
c. Reinking, James A. and Robert Von Der Osten. 2017. Strategies for Successful Writing.
US: Pearson.
d. Rosa, Alfred and Paul Eschholz. 2007. Models for Writers. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s.
e. VanderMey, Randal, Verne Meyer, John Van Rys, and Pat Sebranek. 2006. The College
Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching. USA: Wardsworth.

7. Writing Skill – Introduction to Writing Letters (Application Letter & CV)

a. Al Maskari, Khaled Muhamed. 2013. A Practical Guide to Business Writing: writing in
English for Non-native Speakers. UK: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
b. Bly, Robert W. 2004. Webster’s New World: Letter Writing Handbook. Indiana: Wiley
Publishing, Inc.
c. Deign, Jason. 2008. How to set up a Freelance Writing Business. UK: How to Books, Ltd.
d. Hood, J. H. 2013. How to Book of Writing Skills (Improve your English Report, Email or
Business Writing Skills. US: Word Craft Global Pty Ltd.
e. Talbot, Fiona. 2012. How to Write Effective Business English. UK: Kogan Page.

Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 7

8. Speaking Skill – Introduction to Job Interview and Business English
a. Allen, Jeffrey G. 2004. The Complete Q & A Job Interview Book. UK: John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.
b. Beatty, Richard H. 2006. The Ultimate Job Search: Intelligent Strategies to Get the Right
Job Fast. Indianapolis: JIST Works.
c. Bennie, Michael. 2009. A Guide to Good Business Communication: How to Write and
Speak English Well in Every Business Situation. UK: How to Books, Ltd.
d. Corfield, Rebecca. 2009. Successful Interview Skills: How to Prepare, Answer Tough
Questions and Get Your Ideal Job. London: Kogan Page.
e. Hasibuan, Sofia Rangkuti. 1988. English for Specific Purpose: Economics. PT. Gramedia,
f. Menzie, Peter. 1988. Business English: Book One. Linguaphone Institute Limited, London.
g. Vennapoosa, Candra. 2009. A Guide to Good Business Communication: How to Write
and Speak English Well in Every Business Situation. UK: How to Books, Ltd.
h. Ware, Dennis B. A. 1989. Linguaphone: Intermediate English Course. Linguaphone
Institute Limited, London.

9. Speaking Skill – Introduction to Public Speaking (Role Play)

a. Anderson, Chris. 2016. TALKS: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking. New York:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing.
b. Axlwen, A. C. J. MA. 1987. New English by Phrase (Asia Ltd.) Interface, Oxford.
c. Kies, D. 2000. Modern English in Action: Effective Speech. Sperry Corporation.
d. Lucas, Stephen E. 2008. The Art of Public Speaking. US: Mc GrawHill.
e. Tillit, Bruce and Mary Newton Bruder. 1985. Speaking Naturally: Communication Skill in
American English. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
f. O’Hair, Dan. 2016. A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking: 4th Edition. Boston: Bedford/St.




Lesta-English for Mining Engineering 8

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