PFR Sept 14 Digest

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Tamargo v.

CA Petition for Review is hereby GRANTED DUE COURSE and the

Decision of the CA is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
FACTS: Petitioners’ complaint filed before the trial court is hereby
Adelberto Bundoc, then a minor of 10 years of age, shot REINSTATED and this case is REMANDED to that court for
Jennifer Tamargo with an air rifle which resulted in her death. further proceedings
Accordingly, a civil complaint for damages was filed with the
RTC of Vigan, Ilocos Sur by petitioners, parents of Jennifer, Natural parents.
against respondent spouses, Adelberto’s natural parents with
whom he was living at the time of the tragic incident. In addition It is not disputed that Adelberto’s voluntary act of shooting
to this case for damages, a criminal information or Homicide Jennifer with an air rifle gave rise to a cause of action on quasi-
through Reckless Imprudence was filed against Adelberto, who delict against him. As Article 2176 of the Civil Code provides:
was acquitted and exempted from criminal liability on the ground
that he bad acted without discernment. Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another, there
being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage done.
Prior to the incident the spouses Rapisura had filed a petition to Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-existing contractual
adopt the minor Adelberto before the then CFI of Ilocos Sur. relation between the parties, is called a quasi-delict . . .
This petition for adoption was granted after Adelberto had shot
and killed Jennifer Upon the other hand, the law imposes civil liability upon the
father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother, for
In their Answer, respondent spouses, Adelberto’s natural any damages that may be caused by a minor child who lives
parents, claimed that not they, but rather the adopting parents with them. Article 2180 of the Civil Code reads:
were indispensable parties to the action since parental authority
had shifted to the adopting parents from the moment the The obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable not only
successful petition for adoption was filed. for one’s own acts or omissions, but also for those of persons
for whom one is responsible.
The trial court ruled against the adopting parents, who filed an
MR which was later denied for being filed beyond the The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the mother,
reglementary period. Petitioners went to the CA on a petition for are responsible for the damages caused by the minor children
mandamus and certiorari questioning the trial court’s decision. who live in their company.
The CA dismissed the petition, ruling that petitioners had lost
their right to appeal. Hence this petition for review The responsibility treated of in this Article shall cease when the
person herein mentioned prove that they observed all the
ISSUE: Who should be responsible for the tortuous act of the diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage.
minor Adelberto, his natural parents or adopting parents? (Emphasis supplied)

The natural parent spouses rely on Article 36 of the Child and been in the actual custody of the parents sought to be held liable
Youth Welfare Code 8 which reads as follows: for the ensuing damage:

Art. 36. Decree of Adoption. — If, after considering the report of Art. 221. Parents and other persons exercising parental
the Department of Social Welfare or duly licensed child authority shall be civilly liable for the injuries and damages
placement agency and the evidence submitted before it, the caused by the acts or omissions of their unemancipated children
court is satisfied that the petitioner is qualified to maintain, care living in their company and under their parental authority subject
for, and educate the child, that the trial custody period has been to the appropriate defenses provided by law.
completed, and that the best interests of the child will be
promoted by the adoption, a decree of adoption shall be In the instant case, however, to hold that parental authority had
entered, which shall be effective he date the original petition been retroactively lodged in the Rapisura spouses so as to
was filed. The decree shall state the name by which the child is burden them with liability for a tortious act that they could not
thenceforth to be known. have foreseen and which they could not have prevented (since
they were at the time in the United States and had no physical
The Bundoc spouses further argue that the above Article 36 custody over the child Adelberto) would be unfair and
should be read in relation to Article 39 of the same Code: unconscionable. Such a result, moreover, would be inconsistent
with the philosophical and policy basis underlying the doctrine
Art. 39. Effect of Adoption. — The adoption shall: of vicarious liability. Put a little differently, no presumption of
parental dereliction on the part of the adopting parents, the
Rapisura spouses, could have arisen since Adelberto was not
(2) Dissolve the authority vested in the natural parents, except in fact subject to their control at the time the tort was committed.
where the adopter is the spouse of the surviving natural parent;
Sagala-Eslao v. CA

and urge that their Parental authority must be deemed to have Facts:
been dissolved as of the time the Petition for adoption was filed.
On June 22, 1984, petitioner Maria Paz Cordero-Ouye and
The Court is not persuaded. As earlier noted, under the Civil Reynaldo Eslao were married. After their marriage, the couple
Code, the basis of parental liability for the torts of a minor child stayed with respondent Teresita Eslao, mother of the husband,
is the relationship existing between the parents and the minor at 1825, Road 14, Fabie Estate, Paco, Manila. Out of their
child living with them and over whom, the law presumes, the marriage, two children were begotten, namely, Leslie Eslao and
parents exercise supervision and control. Angelica Eslao.

Article 221 of the Family Code of the Philippines insisted upon Leslie was entrusted to the care and custody of petitioner’s
the requisite that the child, doer of the tortious act, shall have mother while Angelica stayed with her parents at respondent’s
house. Reynaldo Eslao died. Petitioner intended to bring
Angelica with her to Pampanga but the respondent prevailed which she owns, for which she earns a total of P6,000 a month,
upon her to entrust the custody of Angelica to her, respondent and that from her gross income of roughly P21,000, she spends
reasoning out that her son just died and to assuage her grief about P10,000 for the maintenance of her house.
therefor, she needed the company of the child to at least
compensate for the loss of her late son. On the other hand, the side of the petitioner must also be
presented here. In this case, we see a picture of a real and
Subsequently, petitioner was introduced to Dr. James Manabu- natural mother who is -
Ouye, a Japanese-American. Their acquaintance blossomed
into a marriage and the petitioner migrated to San Francisco, x x x legitimately, anxiously, and desperately trying to get back
California, USA, to join her new husband. The petitioner her child in order to fill the void in her heart and existence. She
returned to the Philippines to be reunited with her children and wants to make up for what she has failed to do for her boy during
bring them to the United States. The petitioner then informed the period when she was financially unable to help him and
the respondent about her desire to take custody of Angelica and when she could not have him in her house because of the
explained that her present husband, Dr. Ouye, expressed his objection of the father. Now that she has her own home and is
willingness to adopt Leslie and Angelica and to provide for their in a better financial condition, she wants her child back, and we
support and education; repeat that she has not and has never given him up definitely or
with any idea of permanence.
Respondent resisted the idea by way of explaining that the child
was entrusted to her when she was ten days old and accused The petitioner herein is married to an Orthodontist who has a
the petitioner of having abandoned Angelica. lucrative practice of his profession in San Francisco, California,
USA. The petitioner and her present husband have a home of
The lower court rendered its decision ordering respondent to their own and they have three cars. The petitioners husband is
cause the immediate transfer of the custody of the Angelica to willing to adopt the petitioners children. If the children will be
her natural mother. The Court of Appeals affirmed the lower with their mother, the probability is that they will be afforded a
court’s decision. bright future. Contrast this situation with the one prevailing in
the respondents [grandmothers] house.
As admitted by the respondent, four of the rooms in her house
The petition is without merit. are being rented to other persons with each room occupied by
4 to 5 persons. Added to these persons are the respondents 2
Petitioner argues that she would be deserving to take care of sons, Samuel and Alfredo, and their respective families (ibid., p.
Angelica; that she had managed to raise 12 children of her own 54) and one can just visualize the kind of atmosphere pervading
herself; that she has the financial means to carry out her plans thereat. And to aggravate the situation, the house has only 2
for Angelica; that she maintains a store which earns a net toilets and 3 faucets. Finally, considering that in all
income of about P500 a day, she gets P900 a month as pension controversies involving the custody of minors, the foremost
for the death of her husband, she rents out rooms in her house criterion is the physical and moral well being of the child taking
into account the respective resources and social and moral The father and mother, being the natural guardians of
situations of the contending parties (Union III vs. Mariano, 101 unemancipated children, are duty-bound and entitled to keep
SCRA 183), the Court is left with no other recourse but to grant them in their custody and company.
the writ prayed for.
Thus, in the instant petition, when private respondent entrusted
Petitioner also argues that it has been amply demonstrated the custody of her minor child to the petitioner, what she gave
during the trial that private respondent had indeed abandoned to the latter was merely temporary custody and it did not
Angelica to the care and custody of the petitioner; that during all constitute abandonment or renunciation of parental authority.
the time that Angelica stayed with petitioner, there were only For the right attached to parental authority, being purely
three instances or occasions wherein the private respondent personal, the law allows a waiver of parental authority only in
saw Angelica; that private respondent never visited Angelica on cases of adoption, guardianship and surrender to a childrens
important occasions, such as her birthday, and neither did the home or an orphan institution which do not appear in the case
former give her cards or gifts, not even a single candy;11 that at bar.
while private respondent claims otherwise and that she visited
Angelica "many times" an insists that she visited Angelica as Of considerable importance is the rule long accepted by the
often as four times a month and gave her remembrances such courts that the right of parents to the custody of their minor
as candies and clothes, she would not even remember when children is one of the natural rights incident to parenthood, a
the fourth birthday of Angelica was. right supported by law and sound public policy. The right is an
inherent one, which is not created by the state or decisions of
We are not persuaded by such averments. the courts, but derives from the nature of the parental

Parental authority and responsibility are inalienable and may IN VIEW WHEREOF, the decision appealed from dated March
not be transferred or renounced except in cases authorized by 25, 1994 being in accordance with law and the evidence, the
law.15 The right attached to parental authority, being purely same is hereby AFFIRMED and the petition DISMISSED for
personal, the law allows a waiver of parental authority only in lack of merit.
cases of adoption, guardianship and surrender to a childrens
home or an orphan institution.16 When a parent entrusts the Dempsey v. RTC
custody of a minor to another, such as a friend or godfather,
even in a document, what is given is merely temporary custody Facts:
and it does not constitute a renunciation of parental authority.17
Even if a definite renunciation is manifest, the law still disallows Two separate informations were filed against respondent Joel
the same.18 Dempsey before the Municipal Trial Court, Branch II, Olongapo
City charging him with violation of Article 59 (par. 2) of P.D. 603
and Article 46, par. 8 of P.D. 603.
Criminal Case No. 68-86 At the present, the child receives a monthly support from the
That on or about and during the period from December 1985 to accused in the sum of $150.00 thru the child's mother, Janalita
the present, in the City of Olongapo, Philippines, and within the Rapada. Aside from this monthly support, Janalita Rapada
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused obtained a promise from the accused to declare Christina Marie
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously leave their as his dependent and also a commitment to declare the child
conjugal dwelling at No. 15 Ohio Street, Upper Kalaklan, after his citizenship. This will entitle the child for all the benefits
Olongapo City and abandon his child Christina R. Dempsey and and privileges extended to dependents of American US Navy
deprive him (sic) of his love, care and protection she from the servicemen like free medical check-up. Efforts were made with
accused (sic) since then, by continuously failing and refusing to the Naval Legal Service Office, US Naval Facilities, Subic Bay,
give adequate support to the said minor child and despite pleas, Philippines to compel the accused to fulfill these commitments
the accused without lawful justification, failed, disregarded and but to no avail. To seek redress thru the Court, she engaged the
still continues to fail and disregard to perform his obligations to services of Atty. Estanislao L. Cesa, Jr., offering P5,000.00 as
his said minor child Christina R. Dempsey, Attorney's fee payable after the cases are decided.

Criminal Case No. 69-86 At the Naval Legal Service Office, someone entertained her
That on or about and during the period from December 1985 to demand for the accused to declare Christina Marie as his
the present, in the City of Olongapo, Philippines, and within the dependent and after his American citizenship. She was of the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, belief that these could be done not knowing that the American
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and criminally fail and who entertained her demands had no authority to effect the
refuse to provide his child Christina R. Dempsey with adequate same. (Rollo, pp. 21-22)
support, as defined in Article 290 of the Civil Code, despite the
fact that he is capable of supporting his child, and despite pleas, Upon arraignment, the private respondent freely, voluntarily,
the accused without lawful justification, failed and refused and and spontaneously entered a plea of guilty to the offense
still fails and refuses to provide his child with adequate support, charged in the Information.
to the damage and prejudice of the said child.
RTC Decision
Finding the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
The testimony of complainant Janalita Rapada purports to show charges against him, considering the mitigating circumstances
that in her cohabitation with the accused, without the benefit of of his voluntary plea of guilty.
marriage, Christina Marie was born on October 01, 1984, at the
St. Jude's Family Clinic, Olongapo City where she delivered the For the civil liability, judgment is rendered against accused Joel
child. Her birth certificate, Exhibit "A" bears an entry of the name Dempsey confirming the payment of US $150.00 monthly
of the accused as the father and Exhibit "A-1 " the Affidavit of support to Christina Marie and to continue payment thru Janalita
the Acknowledgment duly signed by him. Rapada, to be used solely for the needs of the child until she
reaches the age of majority; to recognize the child Christina
Marie as his natural child; to pay Christina Marie thru Janalita
Rapada the sum of P10,000.00 as exemplary damage; and to and 210 penalizing violations of mandatory provisions. As a
pay the sum of P5,000.00 as attorney's fee to Atty. Manuel matter of fact, respondent Dempsey's appeal impliedly
Rosapapan as Chairman of the Committee on Legal Aid of the recognizes the validity of the judgment of conviction because he
IBP Chapter of Zambales Olongapo City and the same to form asked that the penalty of imprisonment be changed to fine, not
part of the legal aid fund. that the trial court's decision was void or that he be acquitted.

The private respondent appealed the municipal trial court's There can be no question about the trial court's jurisdiction over
decision to the regional trial court and prayed that the award on the criminal prosecutions. Article 69 of P.D. 603 penalizes
civil liability be set aside and the penalty of imprisonment be abandonment of a minor child by its parent, as provided in
reduced to a penalty of fine only. Article 59, with imprisonment from two to six months or a fine
not exceeding five hundred pesos or both. Article 210 penalizes
In a decision rendered on November 28, 1986, the respondent a violation of the obligation to give adequate support found in
regional trial court reversed the municipal trial court's decision Article 46 with imprisonment not exceeding one month or a fine
on the following grounds: not exceeding two hundred pesos or both, unless a higher
penalty is provided for in the Revised Penal Code or special
1. Parental authority to which certain parental obligations are laws.
attached pertains only to legitimate and adopted children unlike
petitioner who is an acknowledged illegitimate minor child of The respondent court erred in its ruling that the trial court
private respondent; that in cases of abandonment of minors, the determined a matter not within its competence and authority.
proper forum is the Department of Social Welfare where the There is likewise no basis for its gratuitous finding that a parent
person to whom the minor has been left must report immediately cannot be held criminally liable under P.D. 603 for withholding
(Art. 161, P.D. 603). support from his minor child. There is absolutely no discussion
on this ruling. The records show, however, that Joel Dempsey's
2. A person cannot he held criminally liable for failure to support plea of guilt to the charge of withholding support from his minor
a minor child. daughter was made without a full understanding of that
particular charge. Janalita Rapada herself testified that she is
Held: receiving $150.00 a month for the support of the minor Christina
Marie Dempsey. The amount of P3,000.00 monthly appears to
We find merit in the instant petition. fulfill the requirement of "adequate support" found in Par. 8, Art.
46 of P.D. No. 603. What Rapada wants is a judicial declaration
The respondent court committed reversible error when it failed for this support to continue. This cannot be the basis of a
to take into account that the decision of the municipal trial court criminal conviction.
was based on the private respondent's plea of guilty.
Respondent Joel Dempsey did not and does not challenge the As to the information charging abandonment, the private
validity of Presidential Decree No. 603, Articles 46 and 59 on respondent entered his plea of guilt with full knowledge of the
certain obligations of parents to their children and Articles 60 consequences and meaning of his act and with the assistance
of his counsel. The reversal of conviction based on a plea of take cognizance of and enforce the criminal sanctions of P.D.
guilty is an act which is not at all explained by the respondent 603. Besides, Christina Marie Dempsey is not an abandoned
court and, therefore, in excess of its jurisdiction. It is well-settled child in the strict sense of the word as she is still in the custody
as a general rule that a plea of guilt is sufficient to sustain and care of her mother. Art. 141 of P.D. 603 defines an
conviction without introduction of further evidence (People v. abandoned child as follows: "... Am abandoned child is one who
Formentera, 130 SCRA 114; People v. Balisacan, 17 SCRA has no parental care or guardianship or whose parents or
119; People v. Gravino, et al., 122 SCRA 123; People v. guardians have deserted him for a period of at least six
Pajarillo, 94 SCRA 828). Only in such exceptional cases as continuous months ... ." Article 161 cannot, therefore, be applied
capital offenses is evidence still required. to the case at bar. Thus, it is not the Department of Social
Services and Development which has jurisdiction but the
The respondent court further ruled that Christina Dempsey is Municipal Trial Court.
not entitled to the rights arising from the parental responsibility
of her father, she being an illegitimate child. Reliance was made There is one other point which has to be corrected. As part of
on Art. 17 of P.D. 603 which defines the joint parental authority the civil liability in its judgment, the trial court required the
of parents over their legitimate or adopted children. The accused to recognize Christina Marie as his natural child. This
respondent court's observations are wrong because the law should not have been done. The recognition of a child by her
itself protects even illegitimate children. Illegitimate children father is provided for in the Civil Code and now in the new
have rights of the same nature as legitimate and adopted Family Code. In this criminal prosecution, where the accused
children. This is enunciated in Art. 3, P.D. 603 which provides pleaded guilty to criminal charges and the issue of recognition
that "all children shall be entitled to the rights herein set forth was not specifically and fully heard and tried, the trial court
without distinction as to legitimacy or illegitimacy, sex, social committed reversible error when it ordered recognition of a
status, religion, political antecedents, and other factors." Rights natural child as part of the civil liability in the criminal case.
must be enforced or protected to the extent that it is possible to
do so. We also agree with the respondent regional trial court that the
penalty imposed is erroneous. The award of exemplary
The Solicitor General points out that the new Family Code damages and attorney's fees is improper. Although fathers like
promulgated as Executive Order No. 209, July 17, 1978 erases Joel Dempsey should be deterred from committing similar acts
any distinction between legitimate or adopted children on one of irresponsibility, the law does not allow us to affirm the grant
hand and acknowledged illegitimate children on the other, of exemplary damages only on the basis of the facts herein
insofar as joint parental authority is concerned. Article 211 of presented. Exemplary damages cannot be awarded inasmuch
the Family Code, whose date of effectivity is approaching, as there is not one or more aggravating circumstances (Art.
merely formalizes into statute the practice on parental authority. 2230, Civil Code).

The respondent court would shift jurisdiction over the case from WHEREFORE, the questioned decision of the Regional Trial
the municipal trial court to the Department of Social Services Court of Olongapo City, Branch 75 of the Third Judicial Region
and Development. It is readily apparent that the DSSD cannot is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The decision of Branch
II of the Municipal Trial Court of Olongapo City is REINSTATED
with the modification that in Criminal Case No. 6886, Joel Herbert left for the United States and sought a divorce from
Dempsey is sentenced to imprisonment of One (1) month and Anna Marie before court of the State of Nevada. Said court
to pay a fine of Three Hundred Pesos (P300.00) while in issued the divorce decree that also granted sole custody of the
Criminal Case No. 69-86 he is ACQUITTED. three minor children to Anna Marie, reserving rights of visitation
at all reasonable times and places to petitioner. Thereafter,
Cang v. Court of Appeals petitioner took an American wife and thus became a naturalized
American citizen. In 1986, he divorced his American wife and
Facts: never remarried.

This is the question posed before this Court in this petition for While in the United States, petitioner worked in Tablante
review on certiorari of the Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals Medical Clinic earning P18,000.00 to P20,000.00 a month a
affirming the decree of adoption issued by the Regional Trial portion of which was remitted to the Philippines for his childrens
Court of Cebu City, Branch 14,[2] in Special Proceedings No. expenses and another, deposited in the bank in the name of his
1744-CEB, In the Matter of the Petition for Adoption of the children.
minors Keith, Charmaine and Joseph Anthony, all surnamed
Cang, Spouses Ronald V. Clavano and Maria Clara Diago On September 25, 1987, private respondents Ronald V.
Clavano, petitioner Clavano and Maria Clara Diago Clavano, respectively the
brother and sister-in-law of Anna Marie, filed Special
Keith, Charmaine, and Joseph Anthony are children of spouses Proceedings for the adoption of the three minor Cang children
Herbert Cang and Anna Marie Clavano. Later during their before the RTC of Cebu. Anna Marie filed an affidavit of consent
marriage, Anna Marie learned of her husbands alleged alleging that her husband had evaded his legal obligation to
extramarital affair with Wilma Soco, a family friend of the support his children; that her brothers and sisters including
Clavanos, so she filed a petition for legal separation with Ronald V. Clavano, had been helping her in taking care of the
alimony pendente litewith the then Juvenile and Domestic children; that because she would be going to the United States
Relations Court of Cebu which rendered a decision approving to attend to a family business, leaving the children would be a
the joint manifestation of the Cang spouses providing that they problem and would naturally hamper (her) job-seeking venture
agreed to live separately and apart or from bed and board. They abroad; and that her husband had long forfeited his parental
further agreed: that the children of the childtren shall be entitled rights over the children.
to a monthly support of ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00)
effective from the date of the filing of the complaint; that the Upon learning of the petition for adoption, Herbert immediately
plaintiff shall be entitled to enter into any contract or agreement returned to the Philippines and filed an opposition thereto.
with any person or persons, natural or juridical without the
written consent of the husband, or any undertaking or acts that The RTC of Cebu City, issued a decree of adoption in favor of
ordinarily requires husbands consent as the parties are by this spouses Clavano of the minors Keith, Charmaine and Joseph
agreement legally separated. Anthony all surnamed Cang.
Before the Court of Appeals, Herbert contended that the lower During the pendency of the petition for adoption or on August 3,
court erred in holding that it would be in the best interest of the 1988, the Family Code which amended the Child and Youth
three children if they were adopted by private respondents Welfare Code took effect. Article 256 of the Family Code
Ronald and Maria Clara Clavano. He asserted that the petition provides for its retroactivity insofar as it does not prejudice or
for adoption was fatally defective and tailored to divest him of impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil
parental authority because: (a) he did not have a written consent Code or other laws. As amended by the Family Code, the
to the adoption; (b) he never abandoned his children; (c) Keith statutory provision on consent for adoption now reads:
and Charmaine did not properly give their written consent; and
(d) the petitioners for adoption did not present as witness the Art. 188. The written consent of the following to the adoption
representative of the Department of Social Welfare and shall be necessary:
Development who made the case study report required by law.
(1) The person to be adopted, if ten years of age or over;
The Court of Appeals affirmed the decree of adoption stating:
(2) The parents by nature of the child, the legal guardian, or the
His motion for reconsideration having been denied, petitioner is proper government instrumentality;
now before this Court, alleging that the petition for adoption was
fatally defective as it did not have his written consent as a (3) The legitimate and adopted children, ten years of age or
natural father as required by Article 31 (2) of Presidential over, of the adopting parent or parents;
Decree No. 603, the Child and Youth Welfare Code, and Article
188 (2) of the Family Code. (4) The illegitimate children, ten years of age or over, of the
adopting parents, if living with said parent and the latters
ISSUE: spouse, if any; and

Whether or not petitioner had abandoned his children as to (5) The spouse, if any, of the person adopting or to be adopted.
warrant dispensation of his consent to their adoption. (Underscoring supplied)

Based on the foregoing, it is thus evident that notwithstanding

HELD: the amendments to the law, the written consent of the natural
parent to the adoption has remained a requisite for its
Jurisdiction being a matter of substantive law, the established validity.Notably, such requirement is also embodied in Rule 99
rule is that the statute in force at the time of the commencement of the Rules of Court as follows:
of the action determines the jurisdiction of the court. As such,
when spouses clavano filed the petition for adoption on SEC. 3. Consent to adoption. There shall be filed with the
September 25, 1987, the applicable law was the Child and petition awritten consent to the adoption signed by the child, if
Youth Welfare Code, as amended by Executive Order No. 91. fourteen years of age or over and not incompetent, and by the
childs spouse, if any, and by each of its known living parents abandonment of his family was based on a misappreciation that
who is not insane or hopelessly intemperate or has not was tantamount to non-appreciation, of facts on record.
abandoned the child.
Pablo-Gualberto v. Gualberto
As clearly inferred from the foregoing provisions of law, the
written consent of the natural parent is indispensable for the DOCTRINE
validity of the decree of adoption. Nevertheless, the requirement • Article 213 of the Family Code provides that in case of
of written consent can be dispensed with if the parent has a separation, the choice of a child over seven years of
abandoned the child. age will be taken into consideration, and that children
under seven shall not be separated from their mother
The question therefore is whether or not Herbert may be UNLESS chosen parent (or mother) is proven to be unfit
considered as having abandoned the children. due to compelling reasons.
• In connection with Article 363 of the Civil Code which
This Court finds that both the lower court and the Court of states that the welfare and well-being of children is the
Appeals failed to appreciate facts and circumstances that paramount consideration in determining custody
should have elicited a different conclusion on the issue of arrangements.
whether petitioner has so abandoned his children, thereby FACTS
making his consent to the adoption unnecessary. • On March 12, 2002, respondent Crisanto Rafaelito
Gualberto (Gualberto) filed a petition for a Declaration of
In the instant case, records disclose that petitioners conduct did Nullity of his marriage to Joycelyn Pablo-Gualberto
not manifest a settled purpose to forego all parental duties and (Pablo-Gualberto), with an ancillary prayer for “Custody
relinquish all parental claims over his children as to constitute Pendente Lite” of their almost four-year old son, Rafaello
abandonment. Physical estrangement alone, without financial -- Pablo-Gualberto pulled out of school and took their son
and moral desertion, is not tantamount to abandonment. with her to Mindoro when she left the petitioner and their
conjugal home in Paranaque City.
Petitioners testimony on the matter is supported by • Since the petitioner failed to appear despite notice, the
documentary evidence consisting of the following handwritten RTC granted the respondent’s prayer for custody
letters to him of both his wife and children: pendente lite, citing Article 211 of the Family Code and
holding that the petitioner’s parental authority is
Aside from these letters, petitioner also presented certifications subordinate to that of the respondent’s.
of banks in the U.S.A. showing that even prior to the filing of the o Cherry Bastiel, a house helper of the spouses
petition for adoption, he had deposited amounts for the benefit testified that Pablo-Gualberto does not provide
of his children. care for the child as she often goes out of the
house. The helper also said that she saw the
There cannot be, therefore, a valid decree of adoption because petitioner slapping the child.
the finding of the courts on the issue of petitioner's
o Gualberto also hired Renato Santos, the hand, the father argues that she is "unfit" to take care of their
President of United Security Logistic to conduct son; hence, for "compelling reasons," he must be awarded
surveillance on his wife which found that she has custody of the child.
been having a relationship with another woman
by the name of Noreen. Article 213 of the Family Code provided that “in case of
o Pablo-Gualberto had no reason to take Rafaello separation of parents, parental authority shall be exercised by
with her, and per Sheriff returns, she is not with the parent designated by the court. The court shall take into
him in Mindoro. account all relevant considerations, especially the choice of the
• Pablo-Gualberto filed a motion to lift the awarding of child over seven years of age, unless the parent chosen is unfit.
custody to Gualberto before the RTC but she failed to No child under seven years of age shall be separated from the
present any evidence to support her motion. Even so, mother unless the court finds compelling reasons to order
she was awarded custody of their son. otherwise”.
• Gualberto filed a Petition for Certiorari before the CA
alleging that the RTC acted with grave abuse of The Court has held that when the parents separate (whether
discretion for issuing reversing the order that granted legally or not), this article governs the custody of the children.
him custody. It was partially granted by the CA in ruling Although it is mandatory in character, the exception lies in
that the RTC did act with grave abuse of discretion but Article 363 of the Civil Code which stated that “in all questions
the RTC judge was not precluded from considering on the care, custody, education and property of children, the
Pablo-Gualberto’s motion to lift the award of custody. latter’s welfare shall be paramount. No mother shall be
separated from her child under seven years of age, unless the
W/N the custody of the minor child should be awarded to the court finds compelling reasons for such measure”.
The general rule that children under seven years of age shall
YES, the custody of the minor child should be awarded to the not be separated from their mother finds its raison d’etre in the
mother as the respondent was unable to provide sufficient basic need of minor children for their mother’s loving care.33 In
evidence against the fitness of the mother that will compel the explaining the rationale for Article 363 of the Civil Code, the
court to rule against the mandatory character of Article 213 of Code Commission stressed thus:
the Family Code.
"The general rule is recommended in order to avoid a tragedy
When love is lost between spouses and the marriage inevitably where a mother has seen her baby torn away from her. No man
results in separation, the bitterest tussle is often over the can sound the deep sorrows of a mother who is deprived of her
custody of their children. The Court is now tasked to settle the child of tender age. The exception allowed by the rule has to be
opposing claims of the parents for custody pendente lite of their for ‘compelling reasons’ for the good of the child: those cases
child who is less than seven years old.30 On the one hand, the must indeed be rare, if the mother’s heart is not to be unduly
mother insists that, based on Article 213 of the Family Code, hurt. If she has erred, as in cases of adultery, the penalty of
her minor child cannot be separated from her. On the other imprisonment and the (relative) divorce decree will ordinarily be
sufficient punishment for her. Moreover, her moral dereliction development. Aside from the material resources and the moral
will not have any effect upon the baby who is as yet unable to and social situations of each parent, other factors may also be
understand the situation." (Report of the Code Commission, p. considered to ascertain which one has the capability to attend
12) to the physical, educational, social and moral welfare of the
children.47 Among these factors are the previous care and
A similar provision is embodied in Article 8 of the Child and devotion shown by each of the parents; their religious
Youth Welfare Code (Presidential Decree No. 603).34 Article 17 background, moral uprightness, home environment and time
of the same Code is even more explicit in providing for the availability; as well as the children’s emotional and educational
child’s custody under various circumstances, specifically in needs.
case the parents are separated. It clearly mandates that "no
child under five years of age shall be separated from his mother, As pointed out earlier, there is express statutory recognition
unless the court finds compelling reasons to do so." that, as a general rule, a mother is to be preferred in awarding
custody of children under the age of seven. The caveat in Article
The word "shall" in Article 213 of the Family Code and Section 213 of the Family Code cannot be ignored, except when the
642 of Rule 99 of the Rules of Court has been held to connote court finds cause to order otherwise.48
a mandatory character.43 Article 213 and Rule 99 similarly
contemplate a situation in which the parents of the minor are The so-called "tender-age presumption" under Article 213 of the
married to each other, but are separated by virtue of either a Family Code may be overcome only by compelling evidence of
decree of legal separation or a de facto separation.44 In the the mother’s unfitness. The mother has been declared
present case, the parents are living separately as a matter of unsuitable to have custody of her children in one or more of the
fact. following instances: neglect, abandonment, unemployment,
immorality, habitual drunkenness, drug addiction, maltreatment
The Convention on the Rights of the Child provides that "[i]n all of the child, insanity or affliction with a communicable disease.
actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or
private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative Prior court decisions have enumerated the following as
authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child compelling reasons: abandonment, unemployment, immorality,
shall be a primary consideration."45 habitual drunkenness, drug addiction, maltreatment of the child,
insanity, or affliction with a communicable disease.
The principle of "best interest of the child" pervades Philippine
cases involving adoption, guardianship, support, personal Gualberto argued that Pablo-Gualberto should not be granted
status, minors in conflict with the law, and child custody. In these custody citing “immorality” as the compelling reason because
cases, it has long been recognized that in choosing the parent she was found to be in a relationship with another woman. On
to whom custody is given, the welfare of the minors should this, the Court ruled that sexual orientation alone does not prove
always be the paramount consideration.46 Courts are parental incompetence. In order to apply the exception to Article
mandated to take into account all relevant circumstances that 213, he had to establish that the “moral lapses” have an adverse
would have a bearing on the children’s well-being and impact on the welfare and development of their son.
Due the absence of a compelling reason, the Court found no 3. A judgment was rendered based on a compromise
reason to deprive Pablo-Gualberto custody over Rafaello. agreement.

Eltesa and George agreed to cause the dismissal of all pending

Ruling: civil and criminal cases against each other and categorically
WHEREFORE, the Petition in G.R. No. 154994 is GRANTED. agreed that George shall have full and permanent custody over
The assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby Geoffrey, Jr., then five (5) years old, subject to the visitorial
REVERSED and the May 17, 2002 Regional Trial Court Order rights of Eltesa.
REINSTATED. The Petition in G.R. No. 156254 is DISMISSED.
Costs against Petitioner Crisanto Rafaelito Gualberto V. 4. Beckett left for Australia but in the years to come they would
come and see Eltesa in Cebu every Christmas. Eventually,
Notes Beckett obtained a divorce from Eltesa in Australia.

- Custody Pendente Lite means that the custody 5. In the 2010 visit, Beckett consented to have Geoffrey, Jr. stay
is granted while the litigation is pending. with Eltesa even after the holidays, provided she return the child
- Gulaberto’s petition for custody was anchored on on January 9, 2011. January 9 came and went but Geoffrey, Jr.
Article 211 of the Family Code which provides remained with Eltesa, prompting Beckett to file a petition against
that in case of a disagreement between the Eltesa for violation of VAWC.
father and the mother, the father’s decision shall
prevail UNLESS there is a judicial order to the 6. Geoffrey also later applied for the issuance of a writ of habeas
contrary. corpus. During conference on the application for habeas
corpus, Geoffrey, Jr., then 9 years old, displayed inside the
Beckett v. Sarmiento courtroom hysterical conduct, shouting and crying, not wanting
to let go of Eltesa and acting as though, he, the father, was a
Facts: total stranger.
1. Geoffrey Beckett (Australian) was previously married to 7. Despite this Judge Sarmiento issued the MARCH 1 2011
Eltesa Densing Beckett (Filipina). Out of the marriage was born Order which ordered(1) Eltesa to return Geoffrey, Jr. to George;
their son, Geoffrey, Jr. and (2) George to bring the child in the pre-trial conference. But
for some reason, the turnover of Geoffrey, Jr. to Beckett did not
2. They eventually separated and sued each other. Eltesa file a materialize.
case for violation of the VAWC Act and a suit for the declaration
of nullity of their marriage. While George commenced criminal 8. On March 15, 2011, George alleged that while waiting for the
charges against Eltesa for adultery. Both cases ended in the pre-trial conference to start, he saw one Helen Sy, purportedly
sala of respondent Judge Sarmiento. a close friend of Eltesa, enter Judge Sarmiento’s chambers.
Then, during the conference itself, Eltesa moved for the Issue: WON Judge Sarmiento is guilty of gross ignorance of the
reconsideration of the court’s March 1 2011 Order, praying that law for granting provisional custody in spite of the existing
it be set aside insofar as it judgment on a compromise agreement.
directed her to return the custody of Geoffrey, Jr. to George.
9. Judge Sarmiento, in open court, issued another order giving
Eltesa provisional custody over Geoffrey, Jr. and directing the No.
DSWD to conduct a social case study on the child (March 15
2011 Order) Respondent judge, in granting provisional custody over
Geoffrey, Jr. in favor of his mother, Eltesa, did not disregard the
10. Weeks later, George moved for the MR of March 15 2011 res judicata rule. The more appropriate description of the legal
Order which granted provisional custody to Eltesa in light of the situation engendered by the March 15, 2011 Order issued
adverted judgment on compromise agreement. He also alleged amidst the persistent plea of the child not to be returned to his
that Judge Sarmiento conversed with Eltesa in Cebuano, a father, is that respondent judge exhibited fidelity to
dialect which neither the former nor his counsel understood, and jurisprudential command to accord primacy to the welfare and
which they (respondent and Eltesa) persisted on using despite interest of a minor child.
requests that they communicate in English or Filipino.
As aptly observed in a separate opinion in Dacasin v. Dacasin,
11. His MR was left unheeded and several hearings on the case a custody agreement can never be regarded as "permanent and
were postponed because of the belated submission by the unbending," the simple reason being that the situation of the
DSWD of the case study report requested by respondent judge. parents and even of the child can change, such that sticking to
the agreed arrangement would no longer be to the latter’s best
12. Thus, the instant complaint, alleging that Judge Sarmiento interest. In a very real sense, then, a judgment involving the
is liable for (1) gross ignorance of the law for granting Eltesa custody of a minor child cannot be accorded the force and effect
provisional custody over Geoffrey Jr.; and (2) partiality by of res judicata.
committing acts of serious misconduct and irregularities in the
performance of official duties. Now to another point. In disputes concerning post-separation
custody over a minor, the well-settled rule is that no child under
13. OCA found the complaint meritorious insofar as the charges seven (7) years of age shall be separated from the mother,
for gross ignorance of the law is concerned given that unless the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise.
respondent judge issued his March 15, 2011 Order granting And if already over 7 years of age, the child’s choice as to which
provisional custody in favor of Eltesa despite the existence of of his parents he prefers to be under custody shall be respected,
the judicial compromise. OCA recommended he be given stern unless the parent chosen proves to be unfit. In custody cases,
warning. the foremost consideration is always the welfare and best
interest of the child, as reflected in no less than the U.N.
Convention on the Rights of the Child which provides that "in all
actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or
private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative Susan Lim Lua v. Danilo Lua
authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child
shall be a primary consideration." FACTS
• Susan Lim-Lua filed a petition against Danilo Lua for a
In the light of the foregoing, respondent judge cannot be held declaration of nullity of marriage with a prayer for
guilty of the charges hurled by the complainant against him for support pendente lite for herself and her two children
the reason that absent a finding of strong reasons to rule amounting to P500,000.00 per month. She cited
otherwise, the preference of a child over 7 years of age as to respondent’s huge earnings (millions) from salaries and
whom he desired to live with shall be respected. dividends in several companies and businesses here
and abroad. She is also suffering from scoliosis (needs
Geoffrey, Jr., at the time when he persistently refused to be therapy 3x a week and eye surgery for both eyes
turned over to his father, was already over 7 years of age. As because of old age). She needs to hire another driver
such, he was very much capable of deciding, based on his past and househelper.
experiences, with whom he wanted to stay. Noteworthy too are • After due hearing, RTC cited Art. 203 of the Family
the results of the interviews which were reflected in the three Code, stating that support is demandable from the time
reports previously mentioned, excerpts from which are the plaintiff needed the said support but is payable only
hereunder quoted, to wit: from the date of judicial demand, and thus also granted
support pendente lite of P250,000.00.
x x x Being in the custody of his mother is something (sic) he • The husband filed for Motion for Reconsideration
feel (sic) secure and protected and this is manifested in the asserting that petitioner is not entitled to spousal support
child’s craving for his mother’s presence all the time and the considering that she does not maintain for herself a
desire to be always with her that even (sic) he sleeps he wants separate dwelling from their children and respondent
his mother to embrace and hug him and cries when he wakes has continued to support the family for their sustenance
up and he cannot see his mother. x x x He locked me in the and well- being in accordance with family’s social and
room. He always leave (sic) me. x x x they keep fighting, Daddy financial standing.
and his girlfriend ... they'll get angry with (sic) me ... I'm scared • The husband also assert that the ₱250,000 monthly
with (sic) Daddy. support and the ₱1,750,000.00 (7 months x 250,000
from the filing of case) retroactive support is
Geoffrey, Jr. chose to live with his mother for a reason, which unconscionable and beyond the intendment of the law
respondent judge, consistent with the promotion of the best for not having considered the needs of the respondent
interest of the child, provisionally granted through the issuance • RTC denied his motion thus he appealed to the CA
of the disputed March 15, 2011 Order. In fact, in issuing the wherein it reduced the monthly support to P115,000.00
disputed Order, respondent judge rectified an error previously which ruling was no longer questioned by both parties.
made when he handed out the Judgment on Compromise • RTC: ₱250k would be sufficient to take care of the needs
Agreement in 2006. Lim-Lua and their 2 children, being a commendable act
of defendant, should be continued by him considering groceries and dry goods purchased by the children using his
the vast financial resources at his disposal. credit were not consumed by the children alone but shared with
• The controversy between the parties resurfaced when their mother. As to the cars, these, too, are to be considered
respondent’s compliance with the final CA decision advances for support, in keeping with the financial capacity of
indicated that he deducted from the total amount in the family as the children had never in their entire life commuted
arrears (₱2,645,000.00) the sum of ₱2,482,348.16, from one place to another, nor do they eat their meals at
representing the value of the two cars for the children, "carinderias".
their cost of maintenance and advances are given to the
petitioner and his children. Held:
• CA ruled in favor of the husband that the expenses
incurred by the husband be considered advances which W/N the expenses already incurred by the respondent may be
may be properly deducted from the support in arrears deducted from the total support in arrears owing to the petitioner
due to the petitioner and the two children. Thus ordered and her children - NOT ALL
the deduction of the amount of PhP3,428,813.80 from
the current total support in arrears of Danilo to his wife, In determining the amount of provisional support, the court may
Susan Lim Lua and their two children. likewise consider the following factors: (1) the financial
• CA: CA reduced the monthly support pendente lite of resources of the custodial and non-custodial parent and those
₱115k. Lua paid ₱162k and advances given by him to of the child; (2) the physical and emotional health of the child
his children and Lim-Lua in the sum of ₱2.4M. The and his or her special needs and aptitudes; (3) the standard of
expenses incurred by Lua consisting of the purchase living the child has been accustomed to; (4) the non-monetary
and maintenance of the two cars, payment of tuition contributions that the parents will make toward the care and
fees, travel expenses, and the credit card purchases well-being of the child.
involving groceries, dry goods and books, certainly
inured to the benefit not only of the two children, but their The Family Court may direct the deduction of the provisional
mother as well. support from the salary of the parent.

Conflicting positions: Since the amount of monthly support pendente lite as fixed by
the CA was not appealed by either party, there is no controversy
Lim-Lua: it was erroneous to have allowed the deduction of the as to its sufficiency and reasonableness. The dispute concerns
value of the two cars and their maintenance costs from the the deductions made by respondent in settling the support in
support in arrears, as these items are not indispensable to the arrears.
sustenance of the family or in keeping them alive.
The general rule is to the effect that when a father is required
Lua: disallowing the subject deductions would result in unjust by a divorce decree to pay to the mother money for the support
enrichment, thus making him pay for the same obligation twice. of their dependent children and the unpaid and accrued
Since Lim-Lua and the children resided in one residence, the installments become judgments in her favor, he cannot, as a
matter of law, claim credit on account of payments voluntarily
made directly to the children. Koon v. Koon, supra; Briggs v. • While there is evidence to the effect that defendant is
Briggs, supra. However, special considerations of an equitable giving some forms of financial assistance to his two (2)
nature may justify a court in crediting such payments on his children via their credit cards and paying for their school
indebtedness to the mother, when that can be done without expenses, the same is, however, devoid of any form of
injustice to her. Briggs v. Briggs, supra. The courts are justifiably spousal support to the plaintiff, for, at this point in time,
reluctant to lay down any general rules as to when such credits while the action for nullity of marriage is still to be
may be allowed. heard, it is incumbent upon the defendant,
considering the physical and financial condition of
the plaintiff and the overwhelming capacity of
defendant, to extend support unto the latter.
• The SC held that the CA should not have allowed all the
expenses incurred by respondent to be credited against Only the following expenses of respondent may be allowed as
the accrued support pendente lite. deductions from the accrued support pendente lite for petitioner
• The monthly support pendente lite granted by the trial and her children:
court was intended primarily for food, household
expenses such as salaries of drivers and house Medical expenses of Susan Lim- Lua
helpers, and also petitioner's scoliosis therapy Dental Expenses of Daniel Ryan
sessions. Credit card purchases of Angelli (Groceries & Dry Goods)
o Hence, the value of two expensive cars bought Credit Card purchases of Daniel Ryan
by respondent for his children plus their
maintenance cost, travel expenses of petitioner Ruling:
and Angelli, purchases through credit card of
items other than groceries and dry goods WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED. The
(clothing) should have been disallowed, as these Decision dated April 20, 2006 of the Court of Appeals in CA-
bear no relation to the judgment awarding G.R. SP Nos. 01154 and 01315 is hereby MODIFIED to read as
support pendente lite. follows:
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
• While it is true that the dispositive portion of the 1. DISMISSING, for lack of merit, the case of Petition for
executory decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 84740 ordered Contempt of Court with Damages filed by Susan Lim Lua
herein respondent to pay the support in arrears "less against Danilo Y. Lua with docket no. SP. CA - G.R. No.
than the amount supposedly given by petitioner to the 01154;
private respondent as her and their two (2) children 2. GRANTING IN PART Danilo Y. Lua's Petition for
monthly support," the deductions should be limited to Certiorari docketed as SP. CA - G.R . No. 01315.
those basic needs and expenses considered by the Consequently, the assailed Orders dated 27 September
trial and appellate courts. 2005 and 25 November 2005 of the Regional Trial Court,
Branch 14, Cebu City issued in Civil Case No. CEB- o (1) The spouse
29346 entitled "Susan Lim Lua versus Danilo Y. Lua, are o (2) The descendants in the nearest degree;
hereby NULLIFIED and SET ASIDE, and instead a new o (3) The ascendants in the nearest degree; and
one is entered: o (4) The brothers and sisters.
1. ORDERING the deduction of the amount of • Art. 204. The person obliged to give support shall have
Php648,102.29 from the support pendente lite in the option to fulfill the obligation either by paying the
arrears of Danilo Y. Lua to his wife, Susan Lim allowance fixed, or by receiving and maintaining in the
Lua and their two (2) children; family dwelling the person who has a right to receive
2. ORDERING Danilo Y. Lua to resume payment of support. The latter alternative cannot be availed of in
his monthly support of PhP115,000.00 pesos case there is a moral or legal obstacle thereto.
starting from the time payment of this amount
was deferred by him subject to the deduction FACTS
aforementioned. • 16 February 1975: petitioner and respondent Federico
3. DIRECTING the immediate execution of this Delgado were civilly married by then City Court Judge
judgment. Eleuterio Agudo in Legaspi City, Albay.
o Petitioner was only 21 years old while respondent
SO ORDERED. Federico was only 19 years old.
o Per Article 85 of the New Civil Code, it was annulled
on 11 August 1975 by the Quezon City Juvenile and
Mangonon v. CA Domestic Relations Court. (solemnized without
the required consent)
Facts: • 25 March 1976: Within seven months after the
annulment of their marriage, petitioner gave birth to
DOCTRINE twins Rica and Rina.
• ART 194. Support comprises everything indispensable o Petitioner, with the assistance of her second
for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, husband Danny Mangonon, raised her twin
education and transportation, in keeping with the daughters as private respondents had totally
financial capacity of the family. abandoned them.
The education of the person entitled to be supported • Rica and Rina were about to enter college in the United
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include his States of America (USA) where petitioner, together with
schooling or training for some her daughters and second husband, had moved to and
finally settled in.
o Rica was admitted to the University of
• ART. 199 Whenever two or more persons are obliged to Massachusetts (Amherst) while Rina was accepted
give support, the liability shall devolve upon the following by the Long Island University and Western New
persons in the order herein provided: England College.
o They were, however, financially incapable of Directors of Citadel Commercial, Incorporated
pursuing collegiate education because of the (owns and manages twelve gasoline stations,
following: substantial real estate, and is engaged in
▪ The average annual cost for college education shipping, brokerage and freight forwarding)
is US$22,000/year or a total of US$44,000.00, ▪ Majority stockholder and Chairman of the
more or less, for both Rica and Rina Board of Directors of Citadel Shipping (does
▪ General maintenance support each in the business with Hyundai of Korea)
amount of US$3,000.00 per year or a total of ▪ Owns the Citadel Corporation (owns real
US$6,000 per year. properties in different parts of the country).
▪ Petitioner’s monthly income from her 2 jobs is ▪ Chairman of the Board of Directors of Isla
merely US$1,200 after taxes which she can Communication Co. and he owns shares of
hardly give general support to Rica and Rina, stocks of Citadel Holdings.
much less their required college educational ▪ Owns real properties here and abroad.
support. • Respondent Francisco (Grandfather) contends that birth
▪ Petitioner’s present husband has his own son certificates of Rica and Rina do not bear the signature of
with petitioner and own daughter (also in respondent Federico, legitimacy must be first
college) to attend to. established as “there is no basis to claim support until a
▪ Rica and Rina’s petitions for Federal Student final and executory judicial declaration has been made
Aid have been rejected by the U.S. Department as to the civil status of the children.”
of Education. • Whatever good deeds he may have done to Rica
• 17 March 1994: petitioner filed, in behalf of her then and Rina, according to respondent Francisco, was
minor children Rica and Rina, a Petition for founded on pure acts of Christian charity.
Declaration of Legitimacy and Support, with • Obligation must be borne by those more closely
application for support pendente lite with the RTC related to the recipient—petitioner and her second
Makati husband, the latter having voluntarily assumed the
• Demands were made upon Federico and the latter’s duties and responsibilities of a natural father.
father, Francisco, for general support and for the • Even assuming that he is responsible for support,
payment of the required college education of Rica respondent Francisco contends that he could not
and Rina. be made to answer beyond what petitioner and the
• The twin sisters even exerted efforts to work out a father could afford.
settlement concerning these matters with • Respondent Frederico (Father) states that petitioner had
respondent Federico and respondent Francisco, no cause of action against him.
the latter being generally known to be financially • He left for abroad and stayed there for a long time
well-off. “[w]ithin the first one hundred twenty (120) days of
▪ Francisco (Grandfather) is the majority the three hundred days immediately preceding
stockholder and Chairman of the Board of March 25, 1976”
• He only came to know about the birth of Rica and W/N respondent Francisco Delgado be held liable for her
Rina when the twins introduced themselves to him granddaughter’s educational support – YES
seventeen years later. In order not to antagonize
the two, respondent Federico claimed he did not tell YES, as the next immediate relative of Rica and Rina,
them that he could not be their father. Francisco is tasked to give support to his granddaughters in
• Even assuming that Rica and Rina are, indeed, his default of their parents, it having been established that
daughters, he alleged that he could not give them respondent Francisco has the financial means to support
the support they were demanding as he was only his granddaughters’ education.
making P40,000.00 a month.
• Trial Court issued an order where respondents are • There being prima facie evidence showing that
hereby directed to provide a monthly support (pendente petitioner and respondent Federico are the parents of
lite) of P5,000.00 each or a total of P10,000.00 for the Rica and Rina, petitioner and respondent Federico are
education of Rebecca Angela and Regina Isabel primarily charged to support their children’s college
Delgado to be delivered within the first five days of each education but both parties are restricted by their
month without need of demand. financial income
• Petitioner was unsatisfied and brought the case to CA o Trial Court and CA’s erred in finding that Frederico
• CA dismissed the Petition for Certiorari and affirmed the is liable to provide monthly support given that
TC decision. Frederico’s allegations are bereft of evidence to
• At the time of the filing of the Petition with CA, Rica had support his assertions regarding his employment
already entered Rutgers University & Rina entered CQ and earning. (PHP 40,000 a month)
Post, Long Island University o Fransisco himself stated that his son did not own
• Rica was able to obtain tuition fee grant of 1190 anything and Frederico admitted he had no property
USD and Federal Stafford loan of 2615 USD of his own.
• Rina was given a financial grant of 2000 USD and ▪ His car and place of residence belongs to
Federal Stafford loan of 2625 USD Citadel Corporation.
• Petitioner obtained a loan to cover the remainder of o Petitioner even had to take out a loan in order to
RIca and Rina’s school budget through the Federal cover the remainder of her childrens’ tuition and
Direct Student Loan Program. fees.
Francisco and Federico’s claim that they have the option under ▪ RESPONDENT: (Francisco) asserts that she
the law as to how they could perform their obligation to support has a gainful employment in US and she is
Rica and Rina, respondent Francisco insists that Rica and Rina qualified for a parent loan program
should move here to the Philippines to study in any of the local ▪ If petitioner were really making enough money
universities. abroad, she certainly would not have felt the
need to apply for said loan. The fact that
Held: petitioner was compelled to take out a loan is
enough indication that she did not have enough
money to enable her to send her daughters to • Francisco is liable for half of the amount of school
college by herself. expenses incurred by Rica and Rina as support
▪ Even Rica and Rina themselves were forced by pendente lite.
the circumstances they found themselves in to o Amount of support should be proportionate to the
secure loans under their names so as not to resources or means of the giver and to the
delay their entrance to college. necessities of the recipient.
• Under Art 199, Francisco as the next immediate
relative of Rica and Rina, is tasked to give support Considering, however, that the twin sisters may have already
to his granddaughters in default of their parents. been done with their education by the time of the promulgation
o Respondent Francisco has the financial means to of this decision, support pendente lite awarded in arrears to be
support his granddaughters’ education,(see facts for computed from the time they entered college until they had
his properties and source of income) finished their respective studies.
• Respondent Francisco cannot avail himself of the 2nd
option in Art 204 since there are circumstances, legal W/N Trial court erred in fixing the amount of the monthly support
or moral, between respondent and petitioner which pendente lite granted to petitioner’s children at a measly PHP
should be considered. 5000 per child – NO
o Art 204. States that the alternative of receiving and
maintaining in the family dwelling the person who NO, Because of the provisional nature of a support pendente
has a right to receive support cannot be availed of lite, a court does not need to delve fully into the merits of the
in case there is a moral or legal obstacle thereto. case before it can settle an application for this relief. All that a
o Prior to the commencement of this action, the court is tasked to do is determine the kind and amount of
relationship between respondent Francisco, and evidence which may suffice to enable it to justly resolve the
petitioner and her twin daughters was indeed quite application. It is enough that the facts be established by
pleasant. affidavits or other documentary evidence appearing in the
▪ correspondences exchanged among them record.
expressed profound feelings of thoughtfulness • Petitioner was able to establish, by prima facie proof, the
and concern for one another’s well-being. filiation of her twin daughters to private respondents
o With the filing of this case, and the allegations hurled and the twins’ entitlement to support pendente lite.
at one another by the parties, the relationships o Francisco and the twins maintained constant
among the parties had certainly been affected. communication as seen in their exchange of letters
o Those who Rina and Rica had considered and where he wrote their names as Rica and Rina
claimed as family denied having any familial Delgado.
relationship with them. o He referred to himself as Daddy Paco or Lolo Paco.
o Given all these, Rica and Rina cannot be obliged o In a letter on October 13, 1989 he states that “as
to move back here in the Philippines in the the grandfather, am extending financial help of
company of those who have disowned them. 1000 USD”
Richelle added that on February 27, 2002, she initiated a
criminal case for rape against Cabañero. This, however, was
RULING dismissed. Later, she initiated another criminal case, this time
for child abuse under Republic Act No. 7610 or the Special
WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Petition is Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and
PARTIALLY GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals Discrimination Act. This, too, was dismissed. Later, she initiated
dated 20 March 1996 and Resolution dated 16 May 1996 another criminal case, this time for child abuse under Republic
affirming the Order dated 12 September 1995 of the Regional Act No. 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against
Trial Court, Branch 149, Makati, fixing the amount of support Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act. This, too, was
pendente lite to P5,000.00 for Rebecca Angela and Regina dismissed. Richelle prayed for the child's monthly allowance in
Isabel, are hereby MODIFIED in that respondent Francisco the amount of P3,000.00.
Delgado is hereby held liable for support pendente lite in the
amount to be determined by the trial court pursuant to this In his Answer, Cabañero denied sexually abusing Richelle, or
Decision. Let the records of this case be remanded to the trial otherwise having any sexual relations with her. Thus, he
court for the determination of the proper amount of support asserted that he could not have been the father of Richelle’s
pendente lite for Rebecca Angela and Regina Isabel as well as child.
the arrearages due them in accordance with this Decision within
ten (10) days from receipt hereof. Concomitantly, the trial court After two (2) re-settings, pre-trial was held on February 21,
is directed to proceed with the trial of the main case and the 2007. Only Richelle's counsel appeared. Richelle's motion to
immediate resolution of the same with deliberate dispatch. The present her evidence ex parte was granted.
RTC Judge, Branch 149, Makati, is further directed to submit a
report of his compliance with the directive regarding the support In her testimony, Richelle noted that Cabañero was related to
pendente lite within ten (10) days from compliance thereof. her mother and that she treated him as her uncle. She narrated
how she was sexually abused by Cabañero on July 25, 2000,
September 10, 2000, and February 8, 2002 and how Cabañero
Abella v. Cabañero threatened her to keep her silent. She added that during this
period, Cabañero sent her three (3) letters. She testified that
FACTS: she bore her and Cabañero's child, whom she named Marl
JhorylleAbella, on August 21, 2002. She insisted on her
In a Complaint for Support filed on April 22, 2005, petitioner certainty that Cabañero was the father of the child as she
Richelle alleged that while she was still a minor in the years supposedly had no sexual relations with any other man.
2000 to 2002, she was repeatedly sexually abused by
respondent Cabañero inside his rest house at Barangay In its March 19, 2007 Decision, the Regional Trial Court
Masayo, Tobias Fornier, Antique.[9] As a result, she allegedly dismissed Richelle's Complaint without prejudice, on account of
gave birth to a child on August 21, 2002. her failure to implead her minor child, Jhorylle, as plaintiff.
However, the Court of Appeals disagreed with the Regional Trial terminated by the Court of Appeals in the manner that it did.
Court's basis for dismissing the Complaint. It emphasized that Instead of dismissing the case, the Court of Appeals should
non-joinder of indispensable parties is not a ground for the have remanded the case to the Regional Trial Court. There,
dismissal of an action and added that it would have sufficed for petitioner and her daughter should have been enabled to
the Regional Trial Court to have "ordered the amendment of the present evidence to establish their cause of action—inclusive of
caption of the Complaint to implead the minor child." The Court their underlying claim of paternal relations—against
of Appeals still ruled that the dismissal of the Complaint was respondent.
proper as the filiation and paternity of the child had not been
previously established. As the child's birth certificate did not An illegitimate child, "conceived and born outside a valid
indicate that marriage," as is the admitted case with petitioner's daughter, is
entitled to support. To claim it, however, a child should have first
Cabañero was the father and as Cabañero had not done been acknowledged by the putative parent or must have
anything to voluntarily recognize the child as his own, the Court otherwise previously established his or her filiation with the
of Appeals asserted that Richelle "should have first instituted putative parent." When "filiation is beyond question, support
filiation proceedings to adjudicate the minor child's paternity." [shall then follow] as [a] matter of obligation." A liberal
application of rules should not be "without prejudice to the right
Following the denial of her Motion for Reconsideration, Richelle of the putative parent to claim his or her own defenses."
filed this Petition.
The recognition of an illegitimate child through a birth certificate,
ISSUE: a will, a statement before a court of record, or in any authentic
writing, has been held to be "in itself, a consummated act of
Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that filiation acknowledgment of the child, and no further court action is
proceedings should have first been separately instituted to required."
ascertain the minor child's paternity and that without these
proceedings having first been resolved in favor of the child's Although petitioner contends that the complaint filed by herein
paternity claim, petitioner Richelle P. Abella's action for support private respondent merely alleges that the minor Chad Cuyugan
could not prosper. is an illegitimate child of the deceased and is actually a claim for
inheritance, from the allegations therein the same may be
HELD: considered as one to compel recognition. Further, that, the two
causes of action, one to compel recognition and the other to
The Court reverses the Court of Appeals Decision. claim inheritance, may be joined in one complaint is not new in
our jurisprudence.
While it is true that the grant of support was contingent on
ascertaining paternal relations between respondent and It was improper to rule here, as the Court of Appeals did, that it
petitioner's daughter, Jhorylle, it was unnecessary for was impossible to entertain petitioner's child's plea for support
petitioner's action for support to have been dismissed and without her and petitioner first surmounting the encumbrance of
an entirely different judicial proceeding. Without meaning to against the petitioner for breach of promise to marry. Later,
lend credence to the minutiae of petitioner's claims, it is quite however, the petitioner and the respondent amicably settled the
apparent that the rigors of judicial proceedings have been taxing case.The respondent gave birth to their son Gliffze on March 9,
enough for a mother and her daughter whose claim for support 1995. When the petitioner did not show up and failed to provide
amounts to a modest P3,000.00 every month. When petitioner support to Gliffze, the respondent sent him a letter on July 24,
initiated her action, her daughter was a toddler; she is, by now, 1995 demanding recognition of and support for their
well into her adolescence. The primordial interest of justice and child.During the pendency of the case, the RTC, on the
the basic dictum that procedural rules are to be "liberally respondent’s motion granted a ₱2,000.00 monthly child
construed in order to promote their objective of securing a just, support, retroactive from March 1995.
speedy and inexpensive disposition of every action and
proceeding impel us to grant the present Petition. THE RTC RULING
In its June 25, 2002 decision, the RTC dismissed the complaint
for insufficiency of evidence proving Gliffze’s filiation. It found
Gotardo v. Buling the respondent’s testimony inconsistent on the question of
when she had her first sexual contact with the petitioner, i.e.,
"September 1993" in her direct testimony while "last week of
Facts: January 1993"
On September 6, 1995, respondent Divina Buling filed a
complaint for compulsory recognition and support pendente THE CA RULING
lite, claiming that the petitioner is the father of her child Gliffze. In its March 5, 2004 decision, the CA departed from the RTC's
appreciation of the respondent’s testimony, concluding that the
The petitioner started courting the respondent in the third week latter merely made an honest mistake in her understanding of
of December 1992 and they became sweethearts in the last the questions of the petitioner’s counsel. It noted that the
week of January 1993. Sometime in September 1993, the petitioner and the respondent had sexual relationship even
petitioner started intimate sexual relations with the respondent before August 1994; that the respondent had only one
in the former’s rented room in the boarding house managed by boyfriend, the petitioner, from January 1993 to August 1994;
Rodulfo, the respondent’s uncle, on Tomas Oppus St., Agbao, and that the petitioner’s allegation that the respondent had
Maasin, Southern Leyte.When told of the pregnancy, the previous relationships with other men remained
petitioner was happy and made plans to marry the unsubstantiated. The CA consequently set aside the RTC
respondent.They in fact applied for a marriage license.The decision and ordered the petitioner to recognize his minor son
petitioner even inquired about the costs of a wedding reception Gliffze. It also reinstated the RTC order granting a ₱ 2,000.00
and the bridal gown.Subsequently, however, the petitioner monthly child support.
backed out of the wedding plans.
The respondent responded by filing a complaint with the
Municipal Trial Court of Maasin, Southern Leyte for damages
Whether or not the CA committed a reversible error when it set that she had been sexually involved only with one man, the
aside the RTC’s findings and ordered the petitioner to recognize petitioner, at the time of her conception.38Rodulfo corroborated
and provide legal support to his minor son Gliffze. her testimony that the petitioner and the respondent had
intimate relationship.
We do not find any reversible error in the CA’s ruling. On the other hand, the petitioner did not deny that he had sexual
encounters with the respondent, only that it occurred on a much
One can prove filiation, either legitimate or illegitimate, through later date than the respondent asserted, such that it was
the record of birth appearing in the civil register or a final physically impossible for the respondent to have been three (3)
judgment, an admission of filiation in a public document or a months pregnant already in September 1994 when he was
private handwritten instrument and signed by the parent informed of the pregnancy.40 However, the petitioner failed to
concerned, or the open and continuous possession of the status substantiate his allegations of infidelity and insinuations of
of a legitimate or illegitimate child, or any other means allowed promiscuity. His allegations, therefore, cannot be given
by the Rules of Court and special laws.32 We have held that credence for lack of evidentiary support. The petitioner’s denial
such other proof of one's filiation may be a "baptismal certificate, cannot overcome the respondent’s clear and categorical
a judicial admission, a family bible in which his name has been assertions.
entered, common reputation respecting [his] pedigree,
admission by silence, the [testimonies] of witnesses, and other The petitioner, as the RTC did, made much of the variance
kinds of proof admissible under Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.” between the respondent’s direct testimony regarding their first
sexual contact as "sometime in September 1993" and her cross-
In Herrera v. Alba, we stressed that there are four significant testimony when she stated that their first sexual contact was
procedural aspects of a traditional paternity action that parties "last week of January 1993," as follows:
have to face: a prima facie case, affirmative defenses,
presumption of legitimacy, and physical resemblance between We find that the contradictions are for the most part more
the putative father and the child.35 We explained that a prima apparent than real, having resulted from the failure of the
facie case exists if a woman declares — supported by respondent to comprehend the question posed, but this
corroborative proof — that she had sexual relations with the misunderstanding was later corrected and satisfactorily
putative father; at this point, the burden of evidence shifts to the explained. Indeed, when confronted for her contradictory
putative father.36 We explained further that the two affirmative statements, the respondent explained that that portion of the
defenses available to the putative father are: (1) incapability of transcript of stenographic notes was incorrect and she had
sexual relations with the mother due to either physical absence brought it to the attention of Atty. Josefino Go Cinco (her former
or impotency, or (2) that the mother had sexual relations with counsel) but the latter took no action on the matter.
other men at the time of conception.37
Jurisprudence teaches that in assessing the credibility of a
In this case, the respondent established a prima facie case that witness, his testimony must be considered in its entirety instead
the petitioner is the putative father of Gliffze through testimony of in truncated parts. The technique in deciphering a testimony
is not to consider only its isolated parts and to anchor a Mabugay-Otamias v. Republic
conclusion based on these parts. "In ascertaining the facts
established by a witness, everything stated by him on direct, Facts:
cross and redirect examinations must be calibrated and
considered." Evidently, the totality of the respondent's testimony Petitioner Edna Mabugay-Otamias and retired Colonel
positively and convincingly shows that no real inconsistency Francisco B. Otamias were married on June 16, 1978 and had
exists. The respondent has consistently asserted that she five children. On September 2000, Edna and Colonel Otamias
started intimate sexual relations with the petitioner sometime in separated due to his alleged infidelity. Their children remained
September 1993/ with Edna.
On August 2002, Edna filed a Complaint-Affidavit against
Since filiation is beyond question, support follows as a matter of Colonel Otamias before the Provost Marshall Division of the
obligation; a parent is obliged to support his child, whether Armed Forces of the Philippines. Edna demanded monthly
legitimate or illegitimate. Support consists of everything support equivalent to 75% of Colonel Otamias’ retirement
indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical benefit. Colonel Otamias executed an affidavit stating that he
attendance, education and transportation, in keeping with the can only 50% of his retirement benefits.
financial capacity of the family. Thus, the amount of support is On February 26, 2003, Colonel Otamias executed a Deed of
variable and, for this reason, no final judgment on the amount Assignment where he waived 50% of his salary and pension
of support is made as the amount shall be in proportion to the benefits in favor of Edna and their children. The Deed of
resources or means of the giver and the necessities of the Assignment was considered by the parties as a compromise
recipient It may be reduced or increased proportionately agreement. Colonel Otamias retired on April 1, 2003.
according to the reduction or increase of the necessities of the
recipient and the resources or means of the person obliged to The agreement was honored until January 6, 2006. Edna
support. alleged that “the Armed Forced of the Philippines suddenly
decided not to honor the agreement” between Colonel Otamias
In this case, we sustain the award of ₱ 2,000.00 monthly child and his legitimate family. In a letter dated April 3, 2006, the
support, without prejudice to the filing of the proper motion in Armed Forces of the Philippines Pension and Gratuity
the RTC for the determination of any support in arrears, Management Center (AFP-PGMC) informed Edna that a court
considering the needs of the child, Gliffze, during the pendency order was required for them to recognize the Deed of
of this case. Assignment. In another letter dated April 17, 2006, the Armed
Forces of the Philippines Pension Gratuity Management Center
WHEREFORE, we hereby DENY the petition for lack of merit. reiterated that it could not act on Edna’s request to receive a
The March 5, 2004 decision and the July 27, 2004 resolution of portion of Colonel Otamias’ pension “unless ordered by the
the Court of Appeals in CA GR CV No. 76326 are hereby appropriate court”.
AFFIRMED. Costs against the petitioner.
Issue: Whether or not the Deed of Assignment made by Colonel
Otamias and Edna Otamias is valid
stipulate terms and conditions that are not contrary to law,
Ruling: morals, good customs, public order, or public policy.

Yes the Deed of Assignment made by Colonel Otamias and Thus, the Deed of Assignment executed by Colonel Otamias
Edna Otamias is valid. was not contrary to law; it was in accordance with the provisions
on support in the Family Code. Hence, there was no reason for
Article 6 of the Civil Code provides that “Rights may be waived, the AFP-PGMC not to recognize its validity.
unless the waiver is contrary to law, public order, public policy,
morals or good customs, or prejudicial to a third person with a The AFP PGMC allows deductions from a retiree's pension for
right recognized by law”. as long as the retiree executes a Special Power of Attorney
authorizing the AFP PGMC to deduct a certain amount for the
The concept of waiver has been defined by this Court as “a benefit of the retiree's beneficiary.
voluntary and intentional relinquishment or abandonment of a
known existing legal right, advantage, benefit, claim or privilege, It is curious why Colonel Otamias was allowed to execute a
which except for such waiver the party would have enjoyed; the Deed of Assignment by the administering officer when, in the
voluntary abandonment or surrender, by a capable person, of a first place, the AFP PGMC's recognized procedure was to
right known by him to exist, with the intent that such right shall execute a Special Power of Attorney, which would have been
be surrendered and such person forever deprived of its benefit; the easier remedy for Colonel Otamias' family.
or such conduct as warrants an inference of the relinquishment
of such right; or the intentional doing of an act inconsisted with Instead, Colonel Otamias' family was forced to incur litigation
claiming it”. expenses just to be able to receive the financial support that
Colonel Otamias was willing to give to Edna, et al.
When Colonel Otamias executed the Deed of Assignment, he
effectively waived his right to claim that his retirement benefits Under Section 31, Colonel Otamias' retirement benefits are
are exempt from execution. The right to receive retirement exempt from execution. Retirement benefits are exempt from
benefits belongs to Colonel Otamias. His decision to waive a execution so as to ensure that the retiree has enough funds to
portion of his retirement benefits does not infringe on the right support himself and his family.
of third persons, but even protects the right of his family to
receive support. On the other hand, the right to receive support is provided under
the Family Code. Article 194 of the Family Code defines support
In addition, the Deed of Assignment should be considered as as follows:
the law between the parties, and its provisions should be
respected in the absene of allegations that Colonel Otamias Art. 194. Support comprises everything indispensable for
was coerced or defrauded in executing it. The general rule is sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, education
that a contract is the law between parties and parties are free to and transportation, in keeping with the financial capacity of the
the separate property of the person obliged to give support shall
The education of the person entitled to be supported referred to be answerable provided that in case the obligor has no separate
in the preceding paragraph shall include his schooling or property, the absolute community or the conjugal partnership, if
training for some profession, trade or vocation, even beyond the financially capable, shall advance the support, which shall be
age of majority. Transportation shall include expenses in going deducted from the share of the spouses obliged upon the
to and from school, or to and from place of work. liquidation of the absolute community or of the conjugal
The provisions of the Family Code also state who are obliged to
give support, thus: The provisions of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court that are
applicable to this case are in apparent conflict with each other.
Art. 195. Subject to the provisions of the succeeding articles, Section 4 provides that judgments in actions for support are
the following are obliged to support each other to the whole immediately executory. On the other hand, Section 13(1)
extent set forth in the preceding article: provides that the right to receive pension from government is
exempt from execution.
(1) The spouses;
Based on the Family Code, Colonel Otamias is obliged to give
(2) Legitimate ascendants and descendants; support to his family, petitioners in this case. However, he
retired in 2003, and his sole source of income is his pension.
(3) Parents and their legitimate children and the legitimate and Judgments in actions for support are immediately executory, yet
illegitimate children of the latter; under Section 31 of Presidential Decree No. 1638, his pension
cannot be executed upon.
(4) Parents and their illegitimate children and the legitimate and
illegitimate children of the latter; and However, considering that Colonel Otamias has waived a
portion of his retirement benefits through his Deed of
(5) Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half- Assignment, resolution on the conflict between the civil code
blood. provisions on support and Section 31 of Presidential Decree No.
1638 should be resolved in a more appropriate case.
Art. 196. Brothers and sisters not legitimately related, whether
of the full or half-blood, are likewise bound to support each other
to the full extent set forth in Article 194 except only when the
need for support of the brother or sister, being of age, is due to
a cause imputable to the claimant's fault or negligence.

Art. 197. For the support of legitimate ascendants;

descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate; and brothers
and sisters, whether legitimately or illegitimately related, only

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