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People v.

At the trial of the case in the Court of First Instance, the
FACTS: defendant entered a plea of not guilty, but did not testify. His
counsel presented the testimony of two guards of the provincial
In the month of November, 1946, the defendant Abelardo jail where Abelardo was confined to the effect that his conduct
Formigones was living on his farm in Bahao, Libmanan, there was rather strange and that he behaved like an insane
municipality of Sipocot, Camarines Sur, with his wife, Julia person; that sometimes he would remove his clothes and go
Agricola, and his five children. From there they went to live in stark naked in the presence of his fellow prisoners; that at times
the house of his half-brother, Zacarias Formigones, in the barrio he would remain silent and indifferent to his surroundings; that
of Binahian of the same municipality of Sipocot, to find he would refused to take a bath and wash his clothes until
employment as harvesters of palay. Late in the afternoon, Julia forced by the prison authorities; and that sometimes he would
was sitting at the head of the stairs of the house. The accused, sing in chorus with his fellow prisoners, or even alone by himself
without any previous quarrel or provocation whatsoever, took without being asked; and that once when the door of his cell
his bolo from the wall of the house and stabbed his wife, Julia, was opened, he suddenly darted from inside into the prison
in the back, the blade penetrating the right lung and causing a compound apparently in an attempt to regain his liberty.
severe hemorrhage resulting in her death not long thereafter.
The blow sent Julia toppling down the stairs to the ground, He appealed based on the theory that the appellant is an
immediately followed by her husband Abelardo who, taking her imbecile and therefore exempt from criminal liability under
up in his arms, carried her up the house, laid her on the floor of article 12 of the Revised Penal Code.
the living room and then lay down beside her. In this position he
was found by the people who came in response to the shouts
for help made by his eldest daughter, who witnessed and ISSUE: Is the appellant imbecile and covered by Article 12 of
testified to the stabbing of her mother by her father. Defendant the RPC?
admitted that he killed, motive was admittedly of jealousy
because according to his statement he used to have quarrels
with his wife for the reason that he often saw her in the company RULING:
of his brother Zacarias.
Dr. Francisco Gomez, who examined him, it was his opinion that
Investigated by the Constabulary, defendant Abelardo signed a Abelardo was suffering only from feeblemindedness and not
written statement, Exhibit D, wherein he admitted that he killed imbecility and that he could distinguish right from wrong.
The motive was admittedly of jealousy because according to his
statement he used to have quarrels with his wife for the reason In order that a person could be regarded as an imbecile within
that he often saw her in the company of his brother Zacarias; the meaning of article 12 of the Revised Penal Code so as to be
that he suspected that the two were maintaining illicit relations exempt from criminal liability, he must be deprived completely
because he noticed that his had become indifferent to him of reason or discernment and freedom of the will at the time of
(defendant). committing the crime. The Supreme Court of Spain held that in
order that this exempting circumstances may be taken into maintained in school his children of school age, with the fruits of
account, it is necessary that there be a complete deprivation of his work. Occasionally, as a side line he made copra. And a man
intelligence in committing the act, that is, that the accused be who could feel the pangs of jealousy to take violent measure to
deprived of reason; that there be no responsibility for his own the extent of killing his wife whom he suspected of being
acts; that he acts without the least discernment;1 that there be unfaithful to him, in the belief that in doing so he was vindicating
a complete absence of the power to discern, or that there be a his honor, could hardly be regarded as an imbecile. Whether or
total deprivation of freedom of the will. For this reason, it was not his suspicions were justified, is of little or no import. The fact
held that the imbecility or insanity at the time of the commission is that he believed her faithless.
of the act should absolutely deprive a person of intelligence or
freedom of will, because mere abnormality of his mental But to show that his feeling of jealousy had some color of
faculties does not exclude imputability. justification and was not a mere product of hallucination and
aberrations of a disordered mind as that an imbecile or a lunatic,
The Supreme Court of Spain likewise held that deaf-muteness there is evidence to the following effect. In addition to the
cannot be equaled to imbecility or insanity.The allegation of observations made by appellant in his written statement Exhibit
insanity or imbecility must be clearly proved. Without positive D, it is said that when he and his wife first went to live in the
evidence that the defendant had previously lost his reason or house of his half brother, Zacarias Formigones, the latter was
was demented, a few moments prior to or during the living with his grandmother, and his house was vacant.
perpetration of the crime, it will be presumed that he was in a However, after the family of Abelardo was settled in the house,
normal condition. Acts penalized by law are always reputed to Zacarias not only frequented said house but also used to sleep
be voluntary, and it is improper to conclude that a person acted there nights. All this may have aroused and even partly
unconsciously, in order to relieve him from liability, on the basis confirmed the suspicions of Abelardo, at least to his way of
of his mental condition, unless his insanity and absence of will thinking.
are proved.
The appellant has all the sympathies of the Court. He seems to
As to the strange behaviour of the accused during his be one of those unfortunate beings, simple, and even
confinement, assuming that it was not feigned to stimulate feebleminded, whose faculties have not been fully developed.
insanity, it may be attributed either to his being feebleminded or His action in picking up the body of his wife after she fell down
eccentric, or to a morbid mental condition produced by remorse to the ground, dead, taking her upstairs, laying her on the floor,
at having killed his wife. and lying beside her for hours, shows his feeling of remorse at
having killed his loved one though he thought that she has
After a careful study of the record, we are convinced that the betrayed him. Although he did not exactly surrender to the
appellant is not an imbecile. According to the evidence, during authorities, still he made no effort to flee and compel the police
his marriage of about 16 years, he has not done anything or to hunt him down and arrest him. In his written statement he
conducted himself in anyway so as to warrant an opinion that readily admitted that he killed his wife, and at the trial he made
he was or is an imbecile. He regularly and dutifully cultivated his no effort to deny or repudiate said written statement, thus saving
farm, raised five children, and supported his family and even
the government all the trouble and expense of catching him, and perpetua to death or otherwise apply executive clemency in the
insuring his conviction. manner he sees fit.

Although the deceased was struck in the back, we are not People v. Isla
prepared to find that the aggravating circumstance of treachery
attended the commission of the crime. It seems that the Facts:
prosecution was not intent or proving it. At least said This is an appeal from the December 17, 2010 Decision1ςrνll
aggravating circumstance was not alleged in the complaint of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. 28761, which
either in the justice of the peace court or in the Court of First affirmed the April 26, 2004 Decision2ςrνll of the Regional Trial
Instance. We are inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt Court, Branch 98, Quezon City (RTC), finding the accused guilty
and we therefore declined to find the existence of this beyond reasonable doubt of the crimes of Rape and Frustrated
aggravating circumstance. On the other hand, the fact that the Murder.
accused is feebleminded warrants the finding in his favor of the
mitigating circumstance provided for in either paragraph 8 or Criminal Case No. Q-97-72078
paragraph 9 of article 13 of the Revised Penal Code, namely
that the accused is "suffering some physical defect which thus The undersigned accuses EDWIN ISLA Y ROSSELL of the
restricts his means of action, defense, or communication with crime of Frustrated Murder, committed as follows:
his fellow beings," or such illness "as would diminish the
exercise of his will power." To this we may add the mitigating That on or about the 21st day of July, 1997, in Quezon City,
circumstance in paragraph 6 of the same article, — that of Philippines, the said accused, with intent to kill, with treachery
having acted upon an impulse so powerful as naturally to have and with evident premeditation, with abuse of superior strength,
produced passion or obfuscation. The accused evidently killed did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack,
his wife in a fit of jealousy. assault and employ personal violence upon the person of
AAA3ςrνll by then and there stabbing her with a kitchen knife,
In conclusion, we find the appellant guilty of parricide and we hitting her twice below the chest, thereby inflicting upon said
hereby affirm the judgment of the lower court with the AAA serious and mortal wounds, the offender thus performing
modification that the appellant will be credited with one-half of all the acts of execution which would produce death, which,
any preventive imprisonment he has undergone. Appellant will however, was not produced by reason of cause independent of
pay costs. the will of the perpetrator, that is, the timely medical intervention,
to the damage and prejudice of the said offended party.
Following the attitude adopted and the action taken by this same
court in the two cases above cited, and believing that the Criminal Case No. Q-97-72079
appellant is entitled to a lighter penalty, this case should be
brought to the attention of the Chief Executive who, in his The undersigned accuses EDWIN ISLA Y ROSSELL, of the
discretion may reduce the penalty to that next lower to reclusion crime of Rape, committed as follows:
That on or about the 21st day of July, 1997, in Quezon City, whole ordeal, her children were present and witnessed
Philippines, the said accused by means of force and everything.
intimidation, to wit: by then and there wilfully, unlawfully and
feloniously undress her and put himself on top of her, and When Isla stood up after raping her, she noticed that the knife
thereafter have carnal knowledge with the undersigned he was holding was already bloodstained. At this point, she
complainant against her will and without her consent. found out that she was stabbed with the knife. She tried to take
hold of the knife while shouting for help. In response, Isla struck
During the trial, the prosecution presented three (3) witnesses; her the second time, this time, under her lower left breast. She
namely: complainant AAA; Dr. Ma. Cristina Freyra (Dr. Freyra), also sustained a wound on her palm while trying to disarm him.
the chief of the medico-legal division of the Philippine National Then the knife fell to the floor. It was at this moment that she
Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory; and Dr. Reynaldo Perez (Dr. was able to get hold of it and she threw it outside through a
Perez) of the East Avenue Medical Center, AAAs attending broken window in the room. Thereafter, Isla scampered out of
physician. the house through the backdoor.

According to AAAs account, on July 21, 1997, at around 3:00 In a little while, a neighbor came knocking at the door and was
oclock in the afternoon, she was inside her rented house able to see AAAs condition. She was taken to the East Avenue
together with her two (2) children, aged 1 years old and 9 Medical Center (EAMC) for medical attention and was confined
months old, respectively. She then noticed that accused Edwin there for five (5) days.
Isla (Isla) was standing by the door of her kitchen. He asked her
what time her landlady would be arriving and she answered that At the hospital, Dr. Freyra conducted an examination on AAA
she had no idea. Thereafter, she opened the door of the kitchen, upon the request of the station commander of the PNP Lagro
hoping that passersby would see him inside the house. After Police Station. The stab wounds required medical attendance
fifteen (15) minutes, she was startled when he suddenly poked of not less than 30 days. An examination of AAAs sexual organ
a knife on her neck and pulled her inside the bedroom. By this showed congestions and abrasion in the labia minora and
time, she noticed that she had already closed the window and yielded negative result on the presence of spermatozoa.
the door of the living room. She pleaded and begged for mercy
but to no avail. She was warned not to shout or resist otherwise Dr. Perez concluded that the stab wounds were severe and fatal
she would be stabbed. which could have led to AAAs death had it not been for the
timely medical attendance.
Inside the bedroom, she was made to lie down on the floor
because there was no bed. Isla placed himself on top of her and Isla never denied that he raped AAA on July 21, 1997. Invoking
then he removed her upper clothing. He raised her bra, the defense of insanity, he testified that before the incident, he
exposing her breasts and then kissed them. Eventually, he and AAA had an illicit relationship for about two months until
made her spread her legs and had carnal knowledge with her. they broke up. He had to use a knife to be able to have sexual
While he was committing the dastardly act, she noticed a knife intercourse with her. It was the first time that he and AAA had
pointed at her. She also informed the trial court that during the sex. After raping her, he admitted stabbing AAA twice, first on
her left breast and then on her lower right breast "for reason he so much so that he had to employ cunning means, by discreetly
cannot understand."6ςrνll He also punched her several times closing the windows and the door of the house and by resorting
when she attempted to grab the knife from him. to threats and violence, to ensure the consummation of his
dastardly deed. The fact that he scampered away after AAA was
Dr. Villacorta testified that Isla was suffering from a major able to take the knife from him, would only show that he fully
depressive disorder with psychotic features; that he manifested understood that he committed a crime for which he could be
psychosis on account of his hallucinations, poor impulse held liable.
control, poor judgment, and low frustration tolerance; and that
he exhibited such behavioral pattern immediately prior to being Held:
jailed. Dr. Villacorta, however, could not say with definite
certainty or not Isla was suffering from such mental disorder on This Court is not convinced with Islas defense.
July 21, 1997 as there was no examination conducted on Isla
on the said date.7ςrνll Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) provides for one of
the circumstances which will exempt one from criminal liability
To corroborate Dr. Villacortas findings, Dr. Gomez was which is when the perpetrator of the act was an imbecile or
presented. After a thorough interview and psychiatric testing on insane, unless the latter has acted during a lucid interval. This
Isla, she likewise observed that Isla was suffering from a major circumstance, however, is not easily available to an accused as
depressive disorder which impaired his mental faculties. She a successful defense. Insanity is the exception rather than the
said that his psychosis could have been existing prior to or rule in the human condition. Under Article 800 of the Civil Code,
about July 21, 1997 but again, like Dr. Villacorta, she opined the presumption is that every human is sane. Anyone who
that such finding could not be conclusive because of lack of pleads the exempting circumstance of insanity bears the burden
information from other informants during that time. of proving it with clear and convincing evidence. It is in the
nature of confession and avoidance. An accused invoking
RTC Ruling insanity admits to have committed the crime but claims that he
RTC convicted Isla of the crimes of rape and frustrated murder. or she is not guilty because of insanity. The testimony or proof
It did not give credence to his defense of insanity because it of an accused's insanity must, however, relate to the time
noted that Isla committed the crimes charged during a lucid immediately preceding or simultaneous with the commission of
interval. He knew that what he was doing was unlawful. There the offense with which he is charged.13ςrνll
was no indication that he was deprived of reason or discernment
and freedom of will when he committed all the acts attending In the case at bench, the defense failed to overcome the
the commission of the crime. presumption of sanity. The respective testimonies of Dr.
Villacorta and Dr. Gomez of the NCMH, as qualified expert
CA Ruling witnesses, failed to support its claim of insanity. As observed by
CA denied the appeal and affirmed the RTC decision which the CA, the mental examination on Isla taken four to six years
found Isla to have acted with discernment when he committed after the incident happened in July 1997, in effect, showed that
the crimes. Isla exactly knew that what he was doing was evil it could not be concluded with certainty that he was suffering
from such psychosis immediately before or simultaneous to the same. His defense still fails considering that he was not insane
commission of the crimes. The expert witnesses themselves during the commission of the acts charged. Any problem
opined that their findings were not conclusive as to whether Isla regarding his present mental condition should be dealt with
was insane on that fateful day of July 21, 1997, as no administratively.
examination was made on said day or for lack of information
from other informants during that time.14ςrνll With respect to the stabbings, it appears that Isla committed two
acts. The first was while he was ravishing AAA. The Court
This Court also agrees with the observation of the RTC as considers this and the rape as one continuous act, the stabbing
affirmed by the CA that Isla acted with discernment as can be being necessary, as far as he was concerned, for the successful
deduced from his acts before, during and after the commission perpetration of the crime. When he testified, Isla claimed that he
of the crimes with which he was charged. The RTC wrote: had to use the knife so he could have sexual intercourse with
“The overt acts committed by the accused are attributed to a
criminal mind, not a lunatic. There is no indication whatsoever The second stabbing took place after consummation of the rape
that he was completely deprived of reason or discernment and act. According to AAA, after her defilement, she noticed the
freedom of will when he stood for a while by the door of knife bloodied and she tried to wrest it from him. In their
complainants house, then entered it, toyed with a disconnected struggle, she was stabbed under her lower left breast but she
telephone set, and cunningly poked a knife at complainants was able to force Isla to drop the knife. At this point, Isla was
neck and dragged her inside the room where he raped her. The able to escape through the backdoor. This second stabbing is a
fact that he first discreetly closed the door and the window separate and distinct offense as it was not a necessary means
before he approached and poked a knife at complainant, then, to commit the rape. It was intended to do away with her life.
as he laid on top of her, ordered her to undress, kissed her Thus, it has been written, "Where a girl was raped and then
breast, separated apart her legs with his own legs, and satisfied strangled to death, the crimes are the separate crimes of rape
his lust, all the while holding a knife with his right hand poked at and homicide, not complex.
complainants body, are calculated means to ensure
consummation of his lewd design. These are by no means the The Court, however, finds itself unable to agree that the second
workings of an imbecile, but by one engulfed by lust.” crime committed was frustrated murder. In the information, it
was alleged that the stabbing was committed with treachery,
In the case of People vs. Rafanan, Jr., this Court has held that evident premeditation and abuse of superior strength. There is,
the defense of insanity may be accepted as an exempting however, nothing in the records of the case that would show the
circumstance on the test of cognition, which requires a complete presence of the said qualifying circumstances.
deprivation of intelligence, not only of the will, in committing the For said reasons, the crime charged should have been
criminal act. frustrated homicide only. Consequently the penalty should be
If Isla had become insane after the commission of the crime,
such fact does not alter the situation and the Courts ruling is the
People v. Gimena
Facts: The appellant's argument in his favor is that he was in a state of
somnambulism when he attacked his wife. We do not think that
The defendant Juan N. Gimena is charged with the crime of this theory can serve as a defense in the present case. By order
parricide. It appears from the evidence that on the morning of of the trial court the defendant was placed under observation for
April 9, 1930, in the municipality of Ronda, Province of Cebu, some time by Dr. Luis B. Gomez, but the doctor apparently did
the defendant helped his father-in-law, Gregorio Diana, in not discover any somnambulism on the part of the defendant. A
cleaning bamboo. After having finished the cleaning he went defense of that character must be proven and such proof is
home and upon arriving there he found his wife Crispina Diana lacking in this case.
and a child 2 weeks of age sleeping together on the floor.
Shortly afterwards Gregorio Diana heard his daughter, the The defense that the offense charged was committed by the
defendant's wife, cry for help. accused during the prevalence of or in a state of somnambulism
has been recognized; but the latest holding of courts is to the
He went to the defendant's house which was close to his own effect that it does not constitute a defense other than that
and there found the defendant attacking Crispina with a bolo. embraced in a plea of insanity. (Wharton's Criminal Law, Vol. 1,
With the assistance of Teodulo Gimena, a brother of the p. 574.)
defendant, Gregorio succeeded in disarming the defendant and
tied him to a post of the house. The matter was then reported to We can find no error in the decision of the court below and the
the authorities and the justice of the peace, the chief of police, appealed judgment is therefore affirmed with the costs against
a sanitary inspector and a policeman appeared on the scene. the appellant. So ordered.
The justice of the peace asked the defendant why he had
attacked his wife and received the answer that it was because People v. Madarang
she had given the sum of P2.70 to one Apolinar Sereno whom
he, the defendant, suspected of illicit relations with the wife. Facts:
What distinguishes man from beast is his intellect. Man's action
A few hours later on the same day Crispina Diana died and the is guided and controlled by his mind. Law is designed for
examination subsequently made disclosed ten wounds in rational beings as it is based on our inherent sense of right
different parts of her body. which is inseparable from reason. Thus, when man's reasoning
is so distorted by disease that he is totally incapable of
After trial the court below found the defendant guilty of parricide distinguishing right from wrong, he loses responsibility before
and considering in his favor the mitigating circumstances of the law. In the case at bar, we are asked to resolve whether or
obfuscation and lack of instruction, sentenced him to suffer not the accused, invoking insanity, can claim exemption from
fourteen years and eight months and one day of cadena liability for the crime he committed.
temporal with the accessory penalties prescribed by law and to
pay the costs.
Accused FERNANDO MADARANG y MAGNO was charged jail as he was already found fit to face the charges against him.
with parricide for killing his wife LILIA MADARANG in an 3
Information 1 which reads:
As culled from the testimonies of the accused, his mother-in-law
That on or about September 3, 1993, at Poblacion, the above- AVELINA MIRADOR, and his daughter LILIFER MADARANG,
named accused, with evident premeditation and treachery, the following facts were established: The accused and Lilia
armed with a bladed weapon, did then and there, wilfully, Mirador were legally married and their union was blessed with
unlawfully and feloniously attack and stab LILIA M. seven (7) children. The accused worked as a seaman for
MADARANG, his legitimate wife, inflicting upon her stab wound sixteen (16) years. He was employed in a United States ship
4 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 inch(es) long and 3/16 of an inch wide, until 1972. In 1973, he worked as a seaman in Germany and
located just below the left clavicle 1 3/4 inch(es) lateral to the stayed there for nine (9) years, or until 1982. Thereafter, he
supra-sternal notch, and plowed along the interpace slightly returned to his family in Infanta, Pangasinan, and started a
coursing upward and posteriorly and stab wound 1 inch in hardware store business. His venture however failed. Worse, he
length, gaping and 3 1/2 inch(es) deep, located at the right arm lost his entire fortune due to cockfighting. 4
at its medial aspect, coursing upwards and medially towards the
apex of the right axilla which caused her instantaneous death, The accused, his wife Lilia and their children were forced to stay
to the damage and prejudice of the heirs of Lilia M. Madarang. in the house of Avelina Mirador as the accused could no longer
support his family. Moreover, Lilia was then already heavy with
At the arraignment, the accused refused to enter a plea. their eight child and was about to give birth. 5
Pursuant to the Rules, the trial court entered a "not guilty" plea
for him. At the initial hearing of the case on May 5, 1994, the At about 5:00 p.m., the accused and Lilia had a squabble. The
accused's counsel manifested that his client had been observed accused was jealous of another man and was accusing Lilia of
behaving in an abnormal manner inside the provincial jail. Thus, infidelity. In the heat of the fight and in the presence of their
the Court called the accused to the stand but he refused to children, the accused stabbed Lilia, resulting in her untimely
answer any of the questions propounded by the court. Hence, demise. 6
on the same date, the Court issued an Order 2 directing the
transfer of the accused to the National Center for Mental Health AVELINA MIRADOR was then in the pigpen when she heard
(NCMH) for psychiatric evaluation to determine his fitness to the children of the accused shouting and crying inside her
stand trial. house. She called out to them and asked what was wrong. She
received no reply. Her nephew barged into the house and
The initial examination of the accused at the NCMH revealed brought out the children one at a time, leaving the accused with
that he was suffering from a form of psychosis known as Lilia. While passing by Avelina, her nephew warned her: "You
schizophrenia. The accused was detained at the hospital and better run." Avelina then saw the accused emerge from the
was administered medication for his illness. On June 19, 1996, house holding a bolo. She scampered for safety.
after more than two (2) years of confinement, the accused was
discharged from the NCMH and recommitted to the provincial
She declared that during the period that the accused and his
family stayed in her house, she did not notice anything peculiar After one and a half years of confinement, the third psychiatric
in accused's behavior that would suggest that he was suffering evaluation of the accused, dated May 27, 1996, 14 showed that
from any mental illness. Neither did she know of any reason why his mental condition considerably improved due to continuous
the accused killed his wife as she never saw the two engage in medication. The accused was recommended to be discharged
any argument while they were living with her. from the NCMH and recommitted to jail to stand trial. 15

The accused declared that he has absolutely no recollection of The trial court convicted the accused as his evidence failed to
the stabbing incident. He could not remember where he was on refute the presumption of sanity at the time he committed the
that fateful day. He did not know the whereabouts of his wife. It offense.
was only during one of the hearings when his mother-in-law
showed him a picture of his wife in a coffin that he learned about First. He had no recollection of the stabbing incident. Hence, he
her death. He, however, was not aware of the cause of her was completely unaware of his acts that fateful day and must
demise. He claimed that he did not know whether he suffered have committed the crime without the least discernment.
from any mental illness and did not remember being confined at
the NCMH for treatment. Second. His behavior at the time of the stabbing proved he was
then afflicted with schizophrenia. He cited the testimony of Dr.
The NCMH conducted three (3) medical and psychiatric Tibayan that a schizophrenic may go into extremes — he may
evaluations of the accused during his confinement therein. be violent and destructive, or very silent and self-focused. The
Based on the first medical report, dated August 2, 1994, 10 the appellant exhibited his violent tendencies on that fateful day. He
accused was found to be suffering from insanity or psychosis, killed his wife and Avelina and her nephew were so frightened
classified as schizophrenia. Dr. Tibayan explained that that they ran away at the sight of him holding a bolo. He did not
schizophrenia is a mental abnormality characterized by seem to recognize anybody and could have turned to anyone
impaired fundamental reasoning, delusions, hallucinations, and inflicted further injury. He avers that this is peculiar only to
preoccupation with one's thoughts, poor self-care, insight and persons who are mentally deranged for a sane person who just
judgment, and impaired cognitive, social and occupational committed a crime would have appeared remorseful and
functions. The patient may be incapable of distinguishing right repentant after realizing that what he did was wrong.
from wrong or know what he is doing. He may become
destructive or have a propensity to attack any one if his Third. The appellant also relies on Dr. Tibayan's opinion that
hallucinations were violent. 11 A schizophrenic, however, may there was a high possibility that he was already suffering from
have lucid intervals during which he may be able to distinguish insanity prior to his commission of the crime on September 3,
right from wrong. 12 Dr. Tibayan opined that the accused's 1993. 17 The defense posits that his mental illness may have
mental illness may have begun even prior to his admission to been caused by his loss of fortune. His hardware business,
the NCMH and it was highly possible that he was already which he started through 16 years of working as a seaman, went
suffering from schizophrenia prior to his commission of the bankrupt. He ended up virtually dependent on his mother-in-law
for his family's support and all these may have been beyond his by a witness who is intimately acquainted with the accused, by
capacity to handle. a witness who has rational basis to conclude that the accused
was insane based on the witness' own perception of the
The appellant further contends that the fact that he and his wife accused, or by a witness who is qualified as an expert, such as
never engaged in a fight prior to that fateful day should be a psychiatrist. 31 The testimony or proof of the accused's
considered. The marked change in his behavior when he insanity must relate to the time preceding or coetaneous with
uncharacteristically quarreled with his wife on that day and the commission of the offense with which he is charged. 32
suddenly turned violent on her confirms that he was mentally
disturbed when he committed the crime. In the case at bar, the appellant was diagnosed to be suffering
from schizophrenia when he was committed to the NCMH
Lastly, the appellant urges that he had no motive to kill Lilia who months after he killed his wife. Medical books describe
was scheduled to give birth to their eighth child three (3) days schizophrenia as a chronic mental disorder characterized by
prior to the killing. Unless overpowered by something beyond inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality and often
his control, nobody in his right mind would kill his wife who was accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. Formerly called
carrying his child. Jealousy, the appellant posits, is not a dementia pracecox, it is the most common form of psychosis. 3
sufficient reason to kill a pregnant spouse. Symptomatically, schizophrenic reactions are recognizable
through odd and bizarre behavior apparent in aloofness or
Held: periods of impulsive destructiveness and immature and
exaggerated emotionality, often ambivalently directed.
We find these arguments without merit.
The interpersonal perceptions are distorted in the more serious
In the Philippines, the courts have established a more stringent states by delusions and hallucinations. In the most disorganized
criterion for insanity to be exempting as it is required that there form of schizophrenic living, withdrawal into a fantasy life takes
must be a complete deprivation of intelligence in committing the place and is associated with serious thought disorder and
act, i.e., the accused is deprived of reason; he acted without the profound habit deterioration in which the usual social customs
least discernment because there is a complete absence of the are disregarded. 34 During the initial stage, the common early
power to discern, or that there is a total deprivation of the will. symptom is aloofness, a withdrawal behind barriers of
Mere abnormality of the mental faculties will not exclude loneliness, hopelessness, hatred and fear. Frequently, the
imputability. patient would seem preoccupied and dreamy and may appear
"far away." He does not empathize with the feelings of others
The issue of insanity is a question of fact for insanity is a and manifests little concern about the realities of life situations.
condition of the mind, not susceptible of the usual means of The schizophrenic suffers from a feeling of rejection and an
proof. As no man can know what is going on in the mind of intolerable lack of self-respect. He withdraws from emotional
another, the state or condition of a person's mind can only be involvement with other people to protect himself from painful
measured and judged by his behavior. Establishing the insanity relationships.
of an accused requires opinion testimony which may be given
There is shallowness of affect, a paucity of emotional In the case at bar, we find the evidence adduced by the defense
responsiveness and a loss of spontaneity. Frequently, he insufficient to establish his claim of insanity at the time he killed
becomes neglectful of personal care and cleanliness. 35 A his wife. There is a dearth of evidence on record to show that
variety of subjective experiences, associated with or influenced the appellant was completely of unsound mind prior to or
by mounting anxiety and fears precede the earliest behavioral coetaneous with the commission of the crime. The arguments
changes and oddities. He becomes aware of increasing tension advanced by the appellant to prove his insanity are speculative
and confusion and becomes distracted in conversation and non-sequitur. For one, his claim that he has absolutely no
manifested by his inability to maintain a train of thought in his recollection of the stabbing incident amounts to a mere general
conversations. Outwardly, this will be noticed as blocks or denial that can be made with facility.
breaks in conversations. The schizophrenic may not speak or
respond appropriately to his companions. He may look fixedly The fact that Avelina and her nephew were frightened at the
away, or he may appear to stare, as he does not regularly blink sight of the appellant holding a bolo after he killed his wife does
his eyes in his attempt to hold his attention. 36 not, by any stretch of imagination, prove that the appellant has
lost his grip on reality on that occasion. Neither is the appellant's
None of the witnesses presented by the appellant declared that seemingly non-repentant attitude immediately after he stabbed
he exhibited any of the myriad symptoms associated with his wife an indicium of his alleged insanity. Even criminals of
schizophrenia immediately before or simultaneous with the stable mental condition take this non-remorseful stance.
stabbing incident. To be sure, the record is bereft of even a Similarly, that the appellant and his wife were never seen
single account of abnormal or bizarre behavior on the part of the quarreling prior to that fateful day does not by itself prove the
appellant prior to that fateful day. Although Dr. Tibayan opined appellant's unstable mental condition. Neither can it be said that
that there is a high possibility that the appellant was already jealousy is not a sufficient reason to kill a pregnant spouse. Our
suffering from schizophrenia at the time of the stabbing, he also jurisprudence is replete with cases where lives had been
declared that schizophrenics have lucid intervals during which terminated for the flimsiest reason.
they are capable of distinguishing right from wrong. 37 Hence
the importance of adducing proof to show that the appellant was The appellant attributes his loss of sanity to the fact that he lost
not in his lucid interval at the time he committed the offense. his business and became totally dependent on his mother-in-
law for support. We find this, however, purely speculative and
Although the appellant was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few unsupported by record. To be sure, there was no showing of
months after the stabbing incident, the evidence of insanity after any odd or bizarre behavior on the part of the appellant after he
the fact of commission of the offense may be accorded weight lost his fortune and prior to his commission of the crime that may
only if there is also proof of abnormal behavior immediately be symptomatic of his mental illness. In fact, the appellant's
before or simultaneous to the commission of the crime. mother-in-law declared that during the time that she knew the
Evidence on the alleged insanity must refer to the time appellant and while he lived in her house, she did not notice
preceding the act under prosecution or to the very moment of anything irregular or abnormal in the appellant's behavior that
its execution. could have suggested that he was suffering from any mental
complainant, DEBBIELYN SANTOS, a minor, seven (7) years
An accused invoking the insanity defense pleads not guilty by of age, against her will and consent.
reason thereof. He admits committing the crime but claims that
he is not guilty because he was insane at the time of its Debbielyn testified that on September 24, 2002, she arrived
commission. Hence, the accused is tried on the issue of sanity home at past 6:00 p.m. She changed her clothes and proceeded
alone and if found to be sane, a judgment of conviction is to her mother’s store. Marilou asked her daughter to bring home
rendered without any trial on the issue of guilt as he had already the container with the unsold quail eggs.11 Debbielyn did as told
admitted committing the crime. 39 As the appellant, in the case and went on her way. As she neared the vacant house, she saw
at bar, failed to establish by convincing evidence his alleged petitioner, who suddenly pulled her behind a pile of hollow
insanity at the time he killed his wife, we are constrained to blocks which was in front of the vacant house. There was a little
affirm his conviction. light from the lamp post.12 She resisted to no avail.13 Petitioner
ordered her to lie down on the cement. Petrified, she complied.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Decision of the trial court convicting He removed her shorts and underwear then removed his own.
the appellant of the crime of parricide is AFFIRMED in toto. He got on top of her.14 She felt his penis being inserted into her
vagina. He kissed her.15 She felt pain and cried.16 She was
Llave v. People sure there were passersby on the street near the vacant house
at the time.
It was then that Teofisto came out of their house and heard the
The spouses Domingo and Marilou Santos were residents of girl’s cries. He rushed to the place and saw petitioner on top of
Pasay City.4 One of their children, Debbielyn, was born on Debbielyn, naked from the waist down. Teofisto shouted at
December 8, 1994.5 In 2002, she was a Grade II student at the petitioner, and the latter fled from the scene. Teofisto told
Villamor Air Base Elementary School in Pasay City6 and Debbielyn to inform her parents about what happened.17 She
attended classes from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.7 told her father about the incident.18 Her parents later reported
what happened to the police authorities.19 Debbielyn told the
Domingo eked out a living as a jeepney driver, while Marilou police that petitioner was a bad boy because he was a rapist.
sold quail eggs at a nearby church.8 Adjacent to their house
was that of Teofisto Bucud, a barbecue vendor who would Petitioner testified and declared that he was a freshman at the
usually start selling at 6:30 p.m.9 Next to Teofisto’s residence Pasay City South High School.41 He had been one of the three
was a vacant house outstanding students in grade school and received awards such
as Best in Mathematics.42 He also finished a computer course
That on or about the 24th day of September 2002, NIEL F. and received a Certificate of Completion from the Philippine Air
LLAVE, a minor 12 years of age but acting with discernment, by Force Management Information Center.43 He denied having
means of force threat and intimidation, did then and there raped the private complainant. He declared that at 6:30 p.m. on
willfully, unlawfully, feloniously have carnal knowledge of the September 24, 2002, he was outside of their house to buy rice
in the carinderia44 and he saw her on his way back.45 He also
met his father, who asked him what he had done to their SEC. 7. When accused lawfully arrested without warrant. –
neighbor. He was also told that the victim’s father was so angry When a person is lawfully arrested without a warrant involving
that the latter wanted to kill him.46 He did not ask his father for an offense which requires a preliminary investigation, the
the name of the angry neighbor. He was also told to pass by complaint or information may be filed by a prosecutor without
Cadena de Amor Street in going to his aunt’s house. Petitioner need of such investigation provided an inquest has been
also declared that his mother prodded him to go to his aunt’s conducted in accordance with existing rules. In the absence or
house.47 Later, Domingo and Barangay Tanod Jorge unavailability of an inquest prosecutor, the complaint may be
Dominguez arrived at his aunt’s house and brought him to the filed by the offended party or a peace officer directly with the
barangay hall. He did not know of any reason why Debbielyn proper court on the basis of the affidavit of the offended party or
and her parents would charge him with rape. arresting officer or person. The Office of the Solicitor General
(OSG) avers that petitioner was subjected to an inquest
RTC RULING: At the conclusion of the trial, the court rendered investigation under Section 7, Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of
judgment convicting Neil of the crime charged. Sentenced him Criminal Procedure, as gleaned from the Certification of the City
to prision mayor minimum, Six (6) years and One (1) day to Prosecutor incorporated in the Information.
Eight (8) years, and pay civil indemnity of Fifty Thousand Pesos
(Php50,000.00). Before the complaint or information is filed, the person arrested
may ask for a preliminary investigation in accordance with this
CA RULING: The CA rendered judgment affirming the decision Rule, but he must sign a waiver of the provisions of Article 125
with modification. Sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of two of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, in the presence of his
(2) years and four (4) months of prision correccional medium as counsel. Notwithstanding the waiver, he may apply for bail and
the minimum to eight (8) years and one (1) day of prision mayor the investigation must be terminated within fifteen (15) days
medium as the maximum. Additionally, the accused-appellant is from its inception.
ordered to pay the complaining witness the amount of ₱50,000
by way of moral damages and ₱20,000 by way of exemplary After the filing of the complaint or information in court without a
damages. preliminary investigation, the accused may, within five (5) days
from the time he learns of its filing, ask for a preliminary
ISSUE investigation with the same right to adduce evidence in his
defense as provided for in this Rule.
1. WON he was deprived of his right to a preliminary
investigation. As gleaned from the Certification of the City Prosecutor which
2. WON he acted with discernment was incorporated in the Information, petitioner did not execute
any waiver of the provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal
Held: Code before the Information was filed. He was arraigned with
the assistance of counsel on October 10, 2002, and thereafter
1. Yes. Section 7, Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of Criminal filed a petition for bail.63 Petitioner’s failure to file a motion for a
Procedure provides: preliminary investigation within five days from finding out that an
Information had been filed against him effectively operates as a represented his class in a quiz bee contest.86 At his the age of
waiver of his right to such preliminary investigation. 12, he finished a computer course.

2. Yes. Article 12, paragraph 3 of the Revised Penal Code The trial court correctly ruled that the petitioner acted with
provides that a person over nine years of age and under fifteen discernment when he had carnal knowledge of the offended
is exempt from criminal liability, unless he acted with party; hence, the CA cannot be faulted for affirming the trial
discernment. The basic reason behind the exempting court’s ruling.
circumstance is complete absence of intelligence, freedom of
action of the offender which is an essential element of a felony In People v. Doqueña,87 the Court held that the accused-
either by dolus or by culpa. Intelligence is the power necessary appellant therein acted with discernment in raping the victim
to determine the morality of human acts to distinguish a licit from under the following facts:
an illicit act.84 On the other hand, discernment is the mental
capacity to understand the difference between right and wrong. “Taking into account the fact that when the accused Valentin
The prosecution is burdened to prove that the accused acted Doqueña committed the crime in question, he was a 7th grade
with discernment by evidence of physical appearance, attitude pupil in the intermediate school of the municipality of Sual,
or deportment not only before and during the commission of the Pangasinan, and as such pupil, he was one of the brightest in
act, but also after and during the trial.85 The surrounding said school and was a captain of a company of the cadet corps
circumstances must demonstrate that the minor knew what he thereof, and during the time he was studying therein he always
was doing and that it was wrong. Such circumstance includes obtain excellent marks, this court is convinced that the accused,
the gruesome nature of the crime and the minor’s cunning and in committing the crime, acted with discernment and was
shrewdness. conscious of the nature and consequences of his act, and so
also has this court observed at the time said accused was
In the present case, the petitioner, with methodical fashion, testifying in his behalf during the trial of this case.”
dragged the resisting victim behind the pile of hollow blocks
near the vacant house to insure that passersby would not be The CA ordered petitioner to pay ₱50,000.00 as moral damages
able to discover his dastardly acts. When he was discovered by and ₱20,000.00 as exemplary damages. There is no factual
Teofisto Bucud who shouted at him, the petitioner hastily fled basis for the award of exemplary damages. Under Article 2231,
from the scene to escape arrest. Upon the prodding of his father of the New Civil Code, exemplary damages may be awarded if
and her mother, he hid in his grandmother’s house to avoid the crime was committed with one or more aggravating
being arrested by policemen and remained thereat until circumstances. In this case, no aggravating circumstance was
barangay tanods arrived and took him into custody. alleged in the Information and proved by the People; hence, the
award must be deleted.
The petitioner also testified that he had been an outstanding
grade school student and even received awards. While in Grade LEGAL PREMISES
I, he was the best in his class in his academic subjects. He
Rape is consummated if there is some degree of penetration People v. Ayaya
within the vaginal surface. Corroborative evidence is not
necessary to prove rape. As long as the testimony of the victim Facts:
is credible, such testimony will suffice for conviction of
consummated rape. The appellant was tried in the Court of First Instance of Tayabas
upon the following information:
Discernment, as used in Article 12(3) of the Revised Penal
Code is defined as follows: "the discernment that constitutes an “That on or about January 15, 1928, in the municipality of
Pagbilao, Province of Tayabas, Philippine Islands, and within
exception to the exemption from criminal liability of a minor the jurisdiction of this court, the above-named accused, with the
under fifteen (15) years of age but over nine (9), who commits intent to kill her husband Benito dela Cruz, with whom she was
an act prohibited by law, is his mental capacity to understand united in lawful marriage, with treachery and by means of an
the difference between right and wrong" (People v. Doquena, umbrella, did voluntarily, unlawfully, and feloniously assault and
68 Phil. 580 [1939]). attack her said husband Benito de la Cruz, inflicting a mortal
wound in the upper left eyelid, as a result of which said Benito
For a minor above nine but below fifteen years of age, he must de la Cruz died five (5) days thereafter. In violation of article 402
discern the rightness or wrongness of the effects of his act of the Penal Code.”
(Guevarra v. Almodova, G.R. No. 75256, January 26, 1989).
It appears from the record that at about 1 o'clock in the morning
Professor Ambrocio Padilla, in his annotation of Criminal Law of January 16, 1928, Jose Fajardo, the chief of police of
(p. 375, 1998 Ed.), writes that "discernment is more than the Pagbilao, Tayabas, was informed by a policeman that one
mere understanding between right and wrong. Rather, it means Benito de la Cruz was drunk, wounded, and vomiting in his
the mental capacity of a minor between 9 and 15 years of age house in said municipality. Said chief of police went to the place
to fully appreciate the consequences of his unlawful act" and found Benito, the deceased, lying in bed with a wound on
(People v. Navarro, [CA] [51 O.G. 4062]). his left eyelid, and unconscious, for he did not answer the
questions put to him. When his wife, the defendant Praxedes
Judging whether a minor accused acted with discernment, his Ayaya, was questioned as to the cause of that wound, she
mental capacity to understand the difference between right and replied that it was due to the fact that she herself had jabbed
wrong, which may be known and should be determined by her husband with an umbrella.
considering all the circumstances disclosed by the record of the
case, his appearance, his attitude and his behavior and Health officer Victoriano Litonjua was then called, and upon
conduct, not only before and during the commission of the act, examining Benito, found he had a wound on the left upper eyelid
but also after and even during the trial should be taken into which was bleeding: that his pupils were dilated and, from the
consideration (People v. Doquena, supra). odor of his breath and from his vomiting, it appeared that Benito
was drunk. In view of the wounded man's condition he was later
taken to the provincial hospital of Tayabas, where he died four
days after the incident. Health officer Litonjua and Dr. G. Santos tuba in the store of one Felicidad Losloso; that afterwards they
Cuyugan, the director of the provincial hospital of Tayabas, who went to a cinema; that while returning home and without any
treated the wounded man, expressed different opinions as to warning her husband, who was drunk, gave her a blow which
the cause of the death of Benito de la Cruz. Health officer she dodged; that then her husband went home, preceding her
Litonjua believes that the deceased's cerebral hemorrhage was and her son and when they arrived at the house they found the
due to his alcoholic excesses, whereas Doctor Cuyugan, who door closed; that she and her son pushed the door and
performed the autopsy, declared that the wound was caused by attempted to open it, but her husband, who was inside,
some blunt instrument and that his death was caused by the prevented it; that then the door gave way somewhat and her
cerebral hemorrhage produced by the wound he had received son Emilio succeeded in putting his head between the opening
in the forehead, and that health officer Litonjua's statement as of the door and the wall and in order to prevent the door from
to said hemorrhage being due to the alcohol is erroneous. crushing him, she pushed it; that Benito then poked his head
out of the opening of the door and when she saw him, she
The trial court found the defendant guilty of the crime alleged in jabbed him with the umbrella she carried; that she does not
the information, and taking into account that the defendant did know where she jabbed him although she thinks it was in the
not intend to inflict so grave an injury as she did, and that there body; and that when she and her son finally succeeded in
had been provocation on the part of the offended party, entering the house, they found that Benito was already in bed
sentenced her to fourteen years, eight months and one day with a wound in the forehead. The accused herself, in her
reclusion temporal, with the accessories of the law, and to pay testimony in her own behalf, substantially repeated what she
the heirs of the deceased the sum of P500 by way of indemnity, had declared before the justice of the peace of Pagbilao, stating,
plus the costs of the action. however, that when the door was opened and her son put his
head between the opening of the door and the wall, in order to
The defendant appealed from this judgment, and her attorney, prevent the door from crushing her son's head, she jabbed her
in support of the petition that the judgment appealed from be husband with her umbrella with a downward motion, though she
reversed and the appellant acquitted with costs de oficio, could not tell if she touched him or not. She stated, furthermore,
assigns the following errors: (1) The trial court erred in holding that she did not know how the wound in her husband's forehead
that the deceased's wound on the left upper eyelid was caused was caused. This point of the defendant's testimony has not
by the appellant; (2) supposing, without admitting, that said been contradicted by any evidence to the contrary; rather it has
wound was really caused by the herein appellant, the lower been corroborated by her son Emilio de la Cruz who also
court erred in concluding that said wound was the immediate testified at the trial.
cause of the death of the deceased and consequently, in
convicting the appellant; and (3) the lower court erred in not Held:
acquitting the appellant, at least, for reasonable doubt.
In view of the fact that there is no eyewitness of the act herein
In the defendant's sworn statement she states, among other prosecuted, with the exception of the defendant and her son
things, that at about 8 o'clock at night on January 15, 1928, she, Emilio de la Cruz, we are compelled to accept the declaration of
with her husband Benito de la Cruz, and her son Emilio, drank the defendant that she jabbed her husband with her umbrella in
order to prevent the door from closing and crushing her son's because he was compelled to do so by the murderers of the four
head which was inserted between said door and the wall of the teachers. And not only does the defendant affirm this, but he is
house. Said defendant, explaining what took place, says in part: corroborated by the only eyewitness to the crime, Teodoro
"When the door was ajar my son went in, and then my husband Sabate, who, by the way, is a witness for the prosecution. This
pushed it and as I saw that he was about to crush my son's witness says he was present when the Americans were killed;
head, I jabbed my husband with the point of the umbrella, that Roberto Baculi was not a member of the group who killed
downwards to prevent him from crushing my son's head." the Americans, but the he was in a banana plantation on his
property gathering some bananas; that when he heard the shots
We find nothing improbable in this statement and if we add to he began to run; that he was, however, seen by Damaso and
this the absence of any reasonable motive to prompt said Isidoro, the leaders of the band; that the latter called to him and
defendant to injure her husband, we are compelled to conclude striking him with the butts of their guns they forced him to bury
that in thrusting her umbrella in the opening of the door in the corpses.
question, she did so to free her son from the imminent danger
of having his head crushed or being strangled; and if she thus The Penal Code exempts from liability any person who performs
caused her husband's injury, it was by a mere accident, without the act by reason of irresistible force (par. 9, art. 8). Baculi
any fault or intention to cause it. This being so, we believe that acted, doubtless, under such circumstances when he executed
she incurred no criminal liability in accordance with article 8, No. the acts which are charged against him.
8, of the Penal Code, because, it being a licit act to free her son
from the grave danger threatening him, and the fact of having As regards the other defendant, Apolonio Caballeros, there is
touched the left eye of her husband, who was behind the door, no proof that he took any part in any way in the execution of the
with the end of her umbrella, does not make her criminally liable. crime with which he has been charged; there is conclusive proof
to the contrary, since Baculi, as well as one of the witnesses for
U.S. v. Caballeros the prosecution, Teodoro Sabate, expressly declare that he,
Caballeros, did not take any part in the burial of the aforesaid
The defendants have been sentenced by the Court of First corpses, nor was he even in the place of the occurrence when
Instance of Cebu to the penalty of seven years of presidio mayor the burial took place. The confession of his supposed liability
as accessories after the fact in the crime of assassination or and guilt, made before an official of the division of information
murder perpetrated on the persons of the American school- of the Constabulary, Enrique Calderon, as the latter states when
teachers Louis A. Thomas, Clyde O. France, John E. Wells, and testifying as a witness, can not be considered as legal proof,
Ernest Eger, because, without having taken part in the said because the same witness says that Roberto Baculi was the
crime as principals or as accomplices, they took part in the only one of the defendants who made a confession to him
burial of the corpses of the victims in order to conceal the crime. voluntarily. It appears besides, from the statements of another
witness for the prosecution, Meliton Covarrubias, that the
The evidence does not justify, in our opinion, this sentence. As confession of Apolonio Caballeros was made through the
regards Roberto Baculi, although he confessed to having promise made to him and to the other defendants that nothing
assisted in the burial of the corpses, it appears that he did so would be done to them. Confessions which do not appear to
have been made freely and voluntarily, without force, with them to San Miguel, Tarlac. She was kept in Lando’s house
intimidation, or promise of pardon, can not be accepted as proof until 09 May 2002.
on a trial. (Sec. 4, Act No. 619 of the Philippine Commission).
On 09 May 2002, Lando told AAA that Fred and Bert has
The fact of the defendants not reporting to the authorities the intention to kill her and he brought her to a hotel. Through threat,
perpetration of the crime, which seems to be one of the motives Lando sexually molested AAA. Later on Fred, Bert and Lando
for the conviction and which the court below takes into transferred AAA to the house of Fred’s niece in Riles, Tarlac.
consideration in his judgment, is not punished by the Penal Fred kept AAA as a wife and repeatedly raped her at night,
Code and therefore that can not render the defendants threatening to give her back to Lando whom she knew killed
criminally liable according to law. Abad.

By virtue, then, of the above considerations, and with a reversal On 22 May 2002, Fred, together with his family, transferred AAA
of the judgment appealed from, we acquit the defendants, to Carnaga. AAA was made to stay as a house helper in the
appellants, with the costs de oficio in both instances. So house of Fred’s brother-in-law. On 04 June 2002, AAA escaped
ordered. the house and sought help from her friend who called AAA’s
brother. Arriving Mandaue City, AAA and her brother reported
People v. Anticamara the incident to police authorities. The cadaver of Abad was
autopsied and cause of death was gunshot wounds on trunk.
Lando, Al and Cita pleaded not guilty during arraignment while
Conrado Estrella and his wife employed AAA and Sulpacio Dick, Bet, Marvin and Fred Doe remained at-large.
Abad as maid and driver respectively. Sometime on the
afternoon of 07 May 2002, the group of Fernando Fernandez The Regional Trial Court convicted both Lando and Al for the
(Lando), Alberto Anticamara (Al), Dick Taedo (Dick), Roberto crime of Murder and Kidnapping/Serious Illegal Detention.
Taedo (Bet), Marvin Lim (Marvin), and Fred Doe entered the Whereas Cita was found not guilty for both crimes due to
house of AAA’s employer whilst she was sleeping. Thinking that insufficiency of evidence. The Court of Appeals affirmed the
the intruders left the house already, she attempted to run but decision.
Dick was still there. After a brief commotion, the group decided
to tie AAA and was led outside the house. AAA saw Abad tied Lando appealed the decision of the Court of Appeals contending
and blindfolded inside a vehicle. that the court gravely erred in giving scant consideration to the
evidence presented by the accused-appellant which is more
AAA was brought to the fishpond, there she saw Necitas credible than that of the prosecution.
Ordeiza-Taedo (Cita). The group brought Abad outside the
vehicle and was led away. AAA heard the group discussing to Issue: Whether or not the Court erred in finding circumstantial
make a decision since Abad apparently has been shot four evidence against the accused-appellant sufficient to convict
times. Later on, Lando and Fred boarded the vehicle taking AAA them?
Held: In the case at bar, although no one directly saw the actual killing
of Sulpacio, the prosecution was able to paint a clear picture
The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Court of that the appellants took Sulpacio away from the house of the
Appeals. Estrellas, tied and blindfolded him, and brought him to another
place where he was repeatedly shot and buried.
Circumstantial evidence consists of proof of collateral facts and
circumstances from which the existence of the main fact may In the present case, prior to the commission of the crime, the
be inferred according to reason and common experience. group met at the landing field in Carmen, Pangasinan and
discussed their plan to rob the house of the Estrellas with the
In this case, the circumstantial evidence presented by the agreement that whoever comes their way will be eliminated.15
prosecution, when analyzed and taken together, lead to the Appellant Al served as a lookout by posting himself across the
inescapable conclusion that the appellants are responsible for house of the Estrellas with the task of reporting any movements
the death of Sulpacio. In addition to these circumstances, the outside. Fred then climbed the old unserviceable gate of the
trial court further found that AAA heard Fred utter “Usapan natin Estrella compound and then opened the small door and the rest
pare, kung sino ang masagasaan, sagasaan. (Our agreement of the group entered the house of the Estrellas through that
is that whoever comes our way should be eliminated).” opening.16 After almost an hour inside the house, they left on
board a vehicle with AAA and Sulpacio. AAA and Sulpacio were
Moreover, NBI Agent Gerald V. Geralde testified that on June brought to Sitio Rosalia, Brgy. San Bartolome, Rosales,
23, 2002, appellant Al admitted his participation as lookout and Pangasinan. In that place, Sulpacio was killed and AAA was
naming his companions Dick, Lando, Fred, Marvin and Bet as brought to another place and deprived of her liberty. These
the ones who took AAA and Sulpacio from the house of the circumstances establish a community of criminal design
Estrellas and brought them to the fishpond. Al also pointed and between the malefactors in committing the crime. Clearly, the
led the authorities to a shallow grave in Sitio Rosalia, Barangay group conspired to rob the house of the Estrellas and kill any
San Bartolome, Rosales, Pangasinan, where the remains of person who comes their way. The killing of Sulpacio was part of
Sulpacio were buried. The autopsy conducted on the body, their conspiracy. Further, Dick's act of arming himself with a gun
prepared by the Medico Legal Officer Dr. Bandonil, shows that constitutes direct evidence of a deliberate plan to kill should the
several holes were found on various parts of the body of the need arise.
victim and Dr. Bandonil concluded that the cause of the victim’s
death was the gunshot wounds. The report also indicates that a Appellant Al attempts to evade criminal liability by alleging that
piece of cloth was found wrapped around the eye sockets and he was only forced to participate in the commission of the crime
tied at the back of the skull, and another cloth was also found because he and his family were threatened to be killed. Al's
tied at the remnants of the left wrist. defense fails to impress us. Under Article 1217 of the Revised
Penal Code, a person is exempt from criminal liability if he acts
under the compulsion of an irresistible force, or under the
impulse of an uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury,
because such person does not act with freedom.18 To avail of
this exempting circumstance, the evidence must establish: (1) U.S. v. Exaltacion
the existence of an uncontrollable fear; (2) that the fear must be
real and imminent; and (3) the fear of an injury is greater than, Facts:
or at least equal to, that committed.19 For such defense to
prosper, the duress, force, fear or intimidation must be present, March 26, 1903, the provincial fiscal of Bulacan presented to
imminent and impending, and of such nature as to induce a well- the court of that province an information charging Liberato
grounded apprehension of death or serious bodily harm if the Exaltacion and Buenaventura Tanchinco with the crime of
act be done. A threat of future injury is not enough.20 rebellion, in that they, subsequently to the 4th day of November,
1901, willfully and illegally bound themselves to take part in a
There is nothing in the records to substantiate appellant Al's rebellion against the Government of the United States in these
insistence that he was under duress from his co-accused while Islands, swearing allegiance to the Katipunan Society, the
participating in the crime that would suffice to exempt him from purpose of which was to overthrow the said Government by
incurring criminal liability. The evidence shows that Al was force of arms, this against the statute in the case made and
tasked to act as a lookout and directed to station himself across provided.
the house of the Estrellas. Al was there from 7:30 p.m. to 1:00
a.m.21 of the following day, while the rest of the group was In the course of the trial Don Pablo Tecson, the provincial
waiting in the landing field. Thus, while all alone, Al had every governor of Bulacan, testified under oath that the two
opportunity to escape since he was no longer subjected to a defendants were arrested in the month of March, 1903, the
real, imminent or reasonable fear. However, he opted to stay police some days before having captured a number of
across the house of the Estrellas for almost six (6) hours,22 and documents in the encampment of one Contreras, as so-called
thereafter returned to the landing field where the group was general of bandits, situated at a place called Langca, of the town
waiting for his report. Subsequently, the group proceeded to the of Meycauayan, among which documents appeared the papers
Estrellas’ house. When the group entered the house, Al stayed now on pages 2 and 3 of the record, signed by the said
for almost one (1) hour outside to wait for his companions. Later, Exaltacion and Tanchinco, who recognized the said documents
when the group left the house aboard a vehicle, Al rode with when they were exhibited to them; that the said defendants
them in going to Sitio Rosalia, Brgy. San Bartolome, Rosales, stated to the witness that they had signed the said documents
Pangasinan, bringing with them Sulpacio and AAA.23 Clearly, under compulsion; that the purpose of the Katipunan Society
appellant Al had ample opportunity to escape if he wished to, was to obtain the independence of the Philippines; that this
but he never did. Neither did he request for assistance from the statement was made in the house of the parish priest of
authorities or any person passing by the house of the Estrellas Meycauayan in the presence of Exequiel Casas and Fernando
during the period he was stationed there. Clearly, Al did not Nieto. The latter, upon their examination as witnesses, testified
make any effort to perform an overt act to dissociate or detach to the same facts, stating that the defendants told Governor
himself from the conspiracy to commit the felony and prevent Tecson that they had signed the said documents under fear of
the commission thereof that would exempt himself from criminal death at the hands of the thieves by whom they had been
liability.24 Therefore, it is obvious that he willingly agreed to be captured. The witness Casas, the municipal president of
a part of the conspiracy. Meycauayan, testified that he held office as such in place of the
former president, Don Tomas Testa, who was kidnapped in the volunteers, and reported to him the fact that they had been
month of October, 1902. captured.

The said documents, the first of which was dated July 4 and the The witnesses of whom the last two were present when
second July 17, 1902, were written in Tagalog, and contain an Tanchinco appeared before Senor Testa, the president of
oath taken in the name of God, and a covenant on the part of Meycauayan, and reported to him what had happened to him —
the subscribers to carry out the superior orders of the all testified to the same fact and corroborated the statements of
Katipunan, and never disobey them until their death in the the accused with respect to their capture and their subsequent
defense of the mother country. The two accused, under oath, report to President Testa and to the witness Morales.
testified to having signed the said documents and alleged that
they did so under compulsion and force while they were held as The evidence for the prosecution, and especially the two
captives by the thieves; that the defendant Tanchinco was documents above referred to, signed by the accused, is not
captured in the fields one day when he was going to work on his sufficient to prove the guilt of the latter or to justify the imposition
farm by three armed men, unknown to him, who asked him if he upon them of the penalty inflicted by the judgment of the court
was an agent or friend of President Testa, and upon his replying below.
in the negative they compelled him in view of his denial to sign
a document, now on page 3 of the record. Held:

The defendant Tanchinco cited Lazaro Yusay to testify to the The facts, established by the evidence, that the defendants
fact that he was captured at a place called Kaibiga in the were kidnapped by brigands who belonged to the Contreras
township of Novaliches, and that on the day following his band, and that they signed the said documents under
release, having been unable to pay the $300 which was compulsion and while in captivity, relieve them from all criminal
demanded of him, he reported to the president, Tomas Testa. liability from the crime of rebellion of which they are charged.
The defendant Liberato Exaltacion under oath testified that he The conduct of the defendants in presenting themselves first to
was captured near Meycauayan by five persons, unknown, the local president of Meycauayan and subsequently to Lieut.
dressed as policemen and armed with guns or revolvers; that Bonifacio Morales, of the Bulacan Government Volunteers, as
these men bound him and took him into the forest and there soon as they were released by the bandits is corroborative of
compelled him by threats of death to sign the documents now their testimony, and is the best demonstration of their
on page 2 of the record; that thereupon they allowed him to go innocence. This conclusion is not overcome by the trifling
upon promise to return. This defendant testified that Antero discrepancy between the testimony of the witness Yusay and
Villano and Tomas Rivera saw him while on the road in the that of the defendant Tanchinco nor the fact the Exaltacion was
hands of the thieves. Both the accused testified that as soon as unable to determine the date when he was captured or that on
they were released they presented themselves to the president, which he appeared before President Testa.
Don Tomas Testa, in the presence of witnesses, and
subsequently went to Bonifacio Morales, a lieutenant of The guilt of the defendants of the crime defined and punished
by Act No. 292 not having been established at the trial beyond
a reasonable doubt, we are of the opinion that the judgment morning of the following day, September 28, 1999. As agreed
below must be reversed and the defendants acquitted with the upon, they met at the designated place and time. Not long
costs de oficio. The judge below will be informed of this decision thereafter, Sally joined them. They knew Sally to be [Dequina’s]
and a copy of the judgment entered herein will be furnished him supplier of RTW’s and other merchandise. For a while,
for his information and guidance. So ordered. [Dequina] and Sally excused themselves and proceeded to the
first floor of the mall where they talked privately. Soon after Sally
People v. Dequina left, [Jingabo] and [Jundoc] asked [Dequina] what they talked
about. Instead of answering, [Dequina] asked if they are willing
Facts: to go with her to Manila in order to get something. While a little
bit surprised, [Jingabo] and [Jundoc] readily agreed as they had
Accused-appellants Nelida D. Dequina (Dequina), Joselito J. never been in the city before. [Dequina] handed to them their
Jundoc (Jundoc), and Nora C. Jingabo (Jingabo) were charged plane tickets. They were told that the same were given by Sally.
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 27, with However, they noticed that the plane tickets were not in their
Violations of Section 4, in relation to Section 21, paragraphs (e- names but in the names of other persons. When they called the
l), (f), (m), and (o) of Republic Act No. 6425, otherwise known attention of [Dequina] about it, the latter simply replied "Anyway
as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended by Republic that is free". [Jingabo] noticed anxiety got the better of Nelida at
Act No. 7659. The accusatory portion of the Amended that time. Nevertheless, the three of them enplaned for Manila
Information reads: at around 7:45 a.m. of September 28, 1999.

From the Ninoy Aquino Domestic Airport, they proceeded to the

That on or about September 29, 1999, in the City of Manila,
Philippines, the said accused, conspiring and confed erating house of [Dequina’s] aunt in Guadalupe, Makati City. In the
afternoon, their host noticed the presence of unfamiliar vehicles.
together and helping one another, not being authorized by law
to sell, deliver, transport or give away to another any prohibited Some of these vehicles were even parked right in front of the
house. Unmindful about it, they left Guadalupe at around 6:00
drug, did and there willfully, unlawfully and knowingly sell, or
p.m. and proceeded to a Philippine Rabbit Bus Terminal.
offer for sale, deliver or transport marijuana dried flowering tops
Thereat, two male persons approached [Dequina] and handed
with total weight of thirty two thousand nine hundred ninety five
to her bus tickets. They were pointed to the particular vehicle
(32,995) grams which is a prohibited drug. All accused-
appellants entered a plea of not guilty. where they were to board.

The combined testimony of accused Nora Jingabo and Joselito They reached Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga between 12:30 and
1:00 a.m. of September 29, 1999. While they were having their
Jundoc established the following facts.
snacks, a couple approached [Dequina] and they had a talk.
On September 27, 1999, while [Jundoc] and [Jingabo] were Thereafter, the couple motioned them to three male persons,
each carrying a bag, at the opposite side of the road. Upon
tending to their fish stall in Iloilo Public Market, [Dequina], their
friend, came and invited them to meet her, for a still undisclosed [Dequina’s] instruction, they took the bags from the three men.
Then, they waited for their ride back to Manila.
reason, at the ground floor of the Gaisano Mall, early in the
In its Decision9 dated August 16, 2006, the appellate court
As they boarded the bus, the conductor loaded their bags inside affirmed accused-appellants’ conviction.
the compartment. They alighted at SM EDSA at around 6:00
a.m. of September 29, 1999. They boarded a waiting tricycle. WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is DENIED, the Decision of
When they reached a certain store, the trike driver bought the Regional Trial Court, Branch 27, in Manila, in Criminal Case
carton boxes where they loaded two of the three bags. No. 99-177393, finding accused-appellants NELIDA DEQUINA
Thereafter, the tricycle driver pointed [Dequina] to a waiting taxi y DIMAPANAN, JOSELITO JUNDOC y JAPITANA and NORA
where they boarded along with their baggages. JINGABO y CRUZ guilty beyond reasonable doubt of illegally
transporting 32[,]995 grams of marijuana is hereby AFFIRMED.
As they entered the pier premises, a police officer on board a
mobile patrol car ordered them to stop. They were ordered to Held:
alight and the police officers ordered the driver to open the taxi’s
compartment. One of the police officers took a knife from his In order to exonerate herself from criminal liability, Dequina
pocket and slashed one of the bags. Then, the policemen told contends that she transported the marijuana under the
them that what they had in their bags were marijuana. The compulsion of an irresistible fear. Jundoc and Jingabo, on the
police officers ordered them to board the mobile car while the other hand, claim that they went along to accommodate
bags were loaded inside the compartment of the same car. Dequina, a trusted childhood friend.

They were brought to a "sari-sari" store where a certain Chief We are unconvinced.
Sapitula, whom they later knew to be the police officers’
superior, was waiting. Sapitula interrogated [Dequina] and at A person who acts under the compulsion of an irresistible force,
one point, he slapped her. Sapitula summoned press people like one who acts under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of
who took their photographs. Thereafter, they were brought to equal or greater injury, is exempt from criminal liability because
the "Hospital ng Bayan" and finally, to the police precinct were he does not act with freedom. Actus me invito factus non est
they were charged accordingly.4 meus actus. An act done by me against my will is not my act.
The force contemplated must be so formidable as to reduce the
The parties dispensed with the testimony of Prose M. Arreola, a actor to a mere instrument who acts not only without will but
representative of Air Philippines, since they were willing to against his will. The duress, force, fear or intimidation must be
stipulate on the existence of the passenger manifest, on which present, imminent and impending, and of such nature as to
appeared the accused-appellants’ assumed names, as well as induce a well-grounded apprehension of death or serious bodily
the accused-appellants’ plane tickets for the flight from Iloilo to harm if the act be done.
Manila on September 28, 1999 at 7:00 a.m.
A threat of future injury is not enough. The compulsion must be
The RTC, in a Decision dated October 30, 2000, found the of such a character as to leave no opportunity for the accused
accused-appellants guilty as charged. for escape or self-defense in equal combat.19 Here, Dequina’s
version of events that culminated with her and Jundoc and
Jingabo’s arrests on September 29, 1999 is implausible. the same degree of proof required for establishing the crime is
Equally far-fetched is Jundoc and Jingabo’s assertion of blind required to support a finding of the presence of conspiracy, it
trust in Dequina and total ignorance of the transportation of need not be proven by direct evidence. Conspiracy may be
marijuana. We agree with the Court of Appeals when it deduced from the mode and manner in which the offense was
observed that: perpetrated.21 Thus, as found by the RTC, conspiracy by and
among accused-appellants was present in this case, as it may
While [Dequina] wants us to believe that she acted under be inferred from the following acts of accused-appellants:
compulsion and that a certain Sally called all the shots, she
nevertheless admitted that their accommodations when they This was shown when by their account, the three accused left
reached Manila was with her aunt in Guadalupe. On cross Iloilo together, stayed in Manila for a while, left for Dau,
examination, she said that it was she who told Sally that they Mabalacat, Pampanga and returned to Manila thereafter. They
were going to stay with her aunt. More importantly, the alleged were together when the apprehending police officers pounced
threat on her daughter was unclear. At one point in her on them near the pier premises on their way back to Iloilo, each
testimony, she claimed that her daughter was to be under the of them carrying a travelling bag which contained marijuana. x
custody of Sally while she was away. However, during the trial x x.22
her lawyer manifested that her daughter was in fact in Manila
and in the court room attending the hearing.1âwphi1 Moreover, People v. Bandian
accused-appellants themselves picture a very precise and
elaborate scheme in the transport of the huge shipment of Facts:
marijuana. Charged with the crime of infanticide, convicted thereof and
sentenced to reclusion perpetua and the corresponding
With this, it is simply contrary to human experience that the accessory penalties, with the costs of the suit, Josefina Bandian
people behind the shipment would entrust the same to an appealed from said sentence alleging that the trial court erred:
unknowing and uncertain person such as [Dequina] and her two
stooges, unless they themselves were in on it. Furthermore, the I. In taking into consideration, to convict her, her alleged
scheme or transport of the marijuana shipment was so exact admission to Dr. Nepomuceno that she had thrown away her
that [Jundoc] and [Jingabo] only had enough time to rest in the newborn babe, and
house of [Dequina’s] aunt in Guadalupe – from the time they
arrived in Manila in the morning to the time they had to go to II. In holding her guilty of infanticide, beyond reasonable doubt,
provincial bus station in the afternoon, negating their purported and in sentencing her to reclusion perpetua, with costs.
desire to see Manila. Clearly, the defense’ story is riddled with
holes. At about 7 o'clock in the morning of January 31, 1936, Valentin
Aguilar, the appellant's neighbor, saw the appellant go to a
Conspiracy can be inferred from and proven by acts of the thicket about four or five brazas from her house, apparently to
accused themselves when said acts point to a joint purpose and respond to a call of nature because it was there that the people
design, concerted action, and community of interests. Although of the place used to go for that purpose. A few minutes later, he
again saw her emerge from the thicket with her clothes stained
with blood both in the front and back, staggering and visibly It should be stated that there is no evidence showing how the
showing signs of not being able to support herself. He ran to her child in question died. Dr. Nepomuceno himself affirmed that the
aid and, having noted that she was very weak and dizzy, he wounds found in the body of the child were not caused by the
supported and helped her go up to her house and placed her in hand of man but by bites animals, the pigs that usually roamed
her own bed. through the thicket where it was found.

Upon being asked before Aguilar brought her to her house, what Held:
happened to her, the appellant merely answered that she was
very dizzy. Not wishing to be alone with the appellant in such Infanticide and abandonment of a minor, to be punishable, must
circumstances, Valentin Aguilar called Adriano Comcom, who be committed wilfully or
lived nearby, to help them, and later requested him to take consciously, or at least it must be result of a voluntary,
bamboo leaves to stop the hemorrhage which had come upon conscious and free act or omission. Even in cases where said
the appellant. Comcom had scarcely gone about five brazas crimes are committed through mere imprudence, the person
when he saw the body of a newborn babe near a path adjoining who commits them, under said circumstances, must be in the
the thicket where the appellant had gone a few moments before. full enjoyment of his mental faculties, or must be conscious of
Comcom informed Aguilar of it and latter told him to bring the his acts, in order that he may be held liable.
body to the appellant's house. Upon being asked whether the
baby which had just been shown to her was hers or not, the The evidence certainly does not show that the appellant, in
appellant answered in the affirmative. causing her child's death in one way or another, or in
abandoning it in the thicket, did so wilfully, consciously or
Upon being notified of the incident at 2 o'clock in the afternoon imprudently. She had no cause to kill or abandon it, to expose
of said day, Dr. Emilio Nepomuceno, president of the sanitary it to death, because her affair with a former lover, which was not
division of Talisayan, Oriental Misamis, went to the appellant's unknown to her second lover, Luis Kirol, took place three years
house and found her lying in bed still bleeding. Her bed, the floor before the incident; her married life with Kirol — she considers
of her house and beneath it, directly under the bed, were full of him her husband as he considers her his wife — began a year
blood. Basing his opinion upon said facts, the physician in ago; as he so testified at the trial, he knew that the appellant
question declared that the appellant gave birth in her house and was pregnant and he believed from the beginning, affirming
in her own bed; that after giving birth she threw her child into the such belief when he testified at the trial, that the child carried by
thicket to kill it for the purpose of concealing her dishonor from the appellant in her womb was his, and he testified that he and
the man, Luis Kirol, with whom she had theretofore been living she had been eagerly waiting for the birth of the child. The
maritally, because the child was not his but of another man with appellant, therefore, had no cause to be ashamed of her
whom she had previously had amorous relations. To give force pregnancy to Kirol.
to his conclusions, he testified that the appellant had admitted
to him that she had killed her child, when he went to her house If to the foregoing facts is added the testimony of the witnesses
at the time and on the date above-stated. Valentin Aguilar and Adriano Comcom that the child was taken
from the thicket and carried already dead to the appellant's happened by mere accident, from liability any person who so
house after the appellant had left the place, staggering, without acts and behaves under such circumstances (art. 12,
strength to remain on her feet and very dizzy, to the extent of subsection 4, Revised Penal Code).
having to be as in fact she was helped to go up to her house
and to lie in bed, it will clearly appear how far from the truth were In conclusion, taking into account the foregoing facts and
Dr. Nepomuceno's affirmation and conclusions. Also add to all considerations, and granting that the appellant was aware of her
these the fact that the appellant denied having made any involuntary childbirth in the thicket and that she later failed to
admission to said physician and that from the time she became take her child therefrom, having been so prevented by reason
pregnant she continuously had fever. of causes entirely independent of her will, it should be held that
the alleged errors attributed to the lower court by the appellant
This illness and her extreme debility undoubtedly caused by her are true; and it appearing that under such circumstances said
long illness as well as the hemorrhage which she had upon appellant has the fourth and seventh exempting circumstances
giving birth, coupled with the circumstances that she is a in her favor, is hereby acquitted of the crime of which she had
primipara, being then only 23 years of age, and therefore been accused and convicted, with costs de oficio, and she is
inexperienced as to childbirth and as to the inconvenience or actually confined in jail in connection with this case, it is ordered
difficulties usually attending such event; and the fact that she, that she be released immediately. So ordered.
like her lover Luis Kirol — a mere laborer earning only twenty-
five centavos a day — is uneducated and could supplant with
what she had read or learned from books what experience itself
could teach her, undoubtedly were the reasons why she was
not aware of her childbirth, or if she was, it did not occur to her
or she was unable, due to her debility or dizziness, which
causes may be considered lawful or insuperable to constitute
the seventh exempting circumstance (art. 12, Revised Penal
Code), to take her child from the thicket where she had given it
birth, so as not to leave it abandoned and exposed to the danger
of losing its life.

The act performed by the appellant in the morning in question,

by going into the thicket, according to her, to respond to call of
nature, notwithstanding the fact that she had fever for a long
time, was perfectly lawful. If by doing so she caused a wrong as
that of giving birth to her child in that same place and later
abandoning it, not because of imprudence or any other reason
than that she was overcome by strong dizziness and extreme
debility, she should not be blamed therefor because it all

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