CS 2015 Mod 3 Model Essay V.ramoutar-Singh

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Health and wellness are essential aspects of living and they are directly related to one’s lifestyle.

It is becoming increasingly important that young people are aware of the ways in which they can

live healthy and productive lives. The prefect body within Greenvale High School has decided to

create a campaign to promote the significance of healthy lifestyles which target the school’s

population. As a student of the Communication Studies class, the task of designing a plan of action

to be submitted to the principal for review was assigned. The main features of the proposal include

the theme, timetable of events, personnel, benefits to the school and justification for the various

advertising strategies used to promote the campaign.

One of the crucial aspects of the campaign is the creation of a suitable theme. The theme chosen

for the campaign is ‘Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle’. This is effective as a theme because it represents

the central concern and main message of the campaign. It is catchy and will serve as a constant

reminder of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Undoubtedly, a timetable of events will help in promoting an effective campaign. Some of the

activities can be scheduled to take place over a two week period where students are encouraged to

attend and take part in the campaign, which ultimately leads to them practicing healthier lifestyle

choices. Weekly check-ups can be done across the student population within their recess/lunch

breaks where they are encouraged to test their heart rate, blood pressure and glucose level etc. This

is beneficial in making students aware of the importance of having routine check-ups by doctors

to ensure that they are healthy. Similarly, another timetabled event can be the incorporation of

yoga sessions. This is advantageous to the student body as they will learn a new avenue for coping

with/relieving stress. It also underscores the importance of being mentally healthy.

On that note, having a nutritionist speak to the student population directly can be incorporated into

the list of timetabled events. Key information on developing a healthy diet plan along with exercise

help to coach students on healthy lifestyles and achieving health related goals. Likewise, zumba

is another scheduled event that will increase attendance and participation in the campaign. This

exercise routine is a fun way of de-stressing while becoming physically fit; and certainly promotes

students’ engagement in the campaign.

Furthermore, to guarantee the campaign’s success, certain personnel need to be involved for it to

be effectively executed. Firstly, members within the prefect body are important because they form

part of the organizing committee which is responsible for coordinating the events of the campaign.

This has to be approved by a teacher, who will also be another type of personnel assigned to the

campaign, and who will review and approve these suggested events/activities. Likewise,

instructors for yoga and zumba need to be sourced to conduct the sessions for the students which

will increase student appeal in the campaign. On that note, doctors are also essential because they

will conduct testing to determine the health of the population. All of these individuals contribute

to the campaign’s success by persuading the target population to practice healthy habits.

Ultimately, certain benefits can be reaped from making a conscious effort to live healthily. Above

all, a healthier student population will be the outcome of healthy lifestyle changes. A healthier

population is at a decreased risk of acquiring diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and

hypertension. Additionally, it helps to preserve one’s mental health which focuses on the

importance of one’s thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Being healthy mentally, can enhance

one’s productivity and efficiency in various tasks. Undeniably, this facilitates increased academic

performance and the attainment of education related goals.

Various advertising strategies can be employed for successful promotion of the campaign across

the school body. One of the most attractive means of captivating the audience’s attention is through

the use of flyers. The appeal to logos/logic can be incorporated by including important facts and

statistics relating to living a healthy lifestyle. Pertinent information concerning the event can be

integrated in a very concise manner. This will stimulate the interest of students who will be

mesmerized by the use of colour, graphics, font size and style and even the use of a decorative

border. This flyer will be effective as it can be distributed to students individually, and by having

their own copy, they can peruse the information on the flyer in their own time. This can create

direct appeal by making students aware of, attend and participate in the activities within the

campaign which will not only inform but persuade them to practice healthier choices.

Moreover, the use videos can be used to stimulate the audience’s attention regarding the campaign.

The members of the prefect body can create a video detailing what the campaign is about, its

importance to students’ lives and the upcoming activities. There is the appeal to ethos in the video

where quotes or clippings of recordings from reliable sources such as the World Health

Organisation and renowned doctors. This will provide relevant information concerning lifestyle

diseases, their prominence and effects on the average individual. It can be played during assembly

time to reach the entire school population directly and at once. This is didactic in nature as students

will learn about ways in which they can prevent themselves from falling victim to lifestyle

diseases. The video will be advantageous because it appeals to visual and aural imagery, and is an

innovative means of enticing the audience and persuading them to live healthy lives.

In addition to the above, face to face interaction can be a popular means of informing and

persuading the target population about the campaign. This can be achieved by the appeal to pathos

where emotions of the audience can be stimulated by discussions- specifically, the language used

within the interaction held with the members within the prefect body. Members within the

organizing committee directly interface with the student population by visiting their classrooms

throughout the day and inform them of the upcoming events to be held within the campaign. They

can be persuaded through verbal and non-verbal behaviours to attend and participate in the

campaign, thus making it a success.

To summarise, the success of the campaign is highly dependent on the ways in which it is

promoted. A healthier school population can be achieved by making healthier lifestyle decisions.

The theme, timetable of events, personnel, advantages and the myriad of advertising strategies all

contribute to making the target audience aware of the event, encourage their attendance and

participation in the campaign activities.


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