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Comprise of the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places

outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for
leisure, business and other purposes. (WTO)

TOURISM is a global business and where individual attractions and

destinations are competing with many similar offerings within the region and
the rest of the world.

TOURISM embraces cultural, economic and social exchange processes

together in a mesh of activity.
TOURISM focuses on all activities of visitors including both Tourists
(Overnight Visitors) and Excursionists (Same Day Visitors).
Tourism has become a backbone industry or the main economy of many
countries in the world because it attracts a large number of visitors, due to
the money they spend not only on their actual stay, but also in local
Tourism also provides a large number of jobs for people working in the
transport and hospitality industry, among others.
Tourism can open up cultural exchange opportunities, while for tourists, it
can lead to improved happiness, well-being and education.
The Tourism Industry is a multi-million dollar industry that is booming due to
the increasing affordability of overseas travel.
Air Travel is the most popular form of international travel, due to its speed
and coverage.
- Road Travel is the most popular form of travel and includes various modes
such as personal automobiles, buses and taxis;
Top 10 places with the worst traffic in the world 2019
module one: chapter TWO
Top 10 travelers of the world for 2019
Most visited countries
in the world for 2019
2019 TOP 10 Most Expensive Countries to Travel in the World
- China has the largest international tourism expenditure, followed by the
United States and Germany;
2019 Top five touris
of the Philippines
10 – CEBU
(amazing land formations, white sand beaches, placid lakes, and rich
underwater life)
(majestic scenes of green hills and cliffs over often raging seas)
(1,200 symmetrical mounds of earth covered in grass)
(the oldest church in the country, 1598)

Module one: Chapter THREE

The Global
1. Solo Travel
Leisure travel used to be a family or a couples’ affair. Some simply want to
travel without the distraction of a companion while others are young singles
looking for social activities or to find a partner.
2. Eco Travel
Eco travel includes simple changes, such as renting a bike or an electric
instead of a conventional vehicle. Others include a volunteer element like
working on a nature reserve or engaging in conservation work.
3. Local experience
Today’s tourists want to engage with and participate in the local culture.
From enjoying local cuisine to celebrating regional festivals and holidays,
local experiences are set to become some of the top tourist trends to watch.
4. Personalisation
An experience tailored to a client’s desires and expectations. More likely they
are to return and to use the same service again.
5. Bleisure Travel
A client who is travelling for work decides to engage in tourism on their
downtime; in other cases, a company may arrange for tourist activities on
work trips as a perk.
6. Recognition technology
One of the big tourism trends in the hospitality industry, with ID card and
matching it to their face using a camera or voice recognition as a method of
control such as in smart hotel rooms.
7. Customer Experience
Enhancing the customer experience is most vital that will make or break
your business. Everything from the web interface where your clients book
their trips to the very last day of their journey needs to be as enjoyable as
8. Healthy and organic food
Tourist wants to know that the food they are eating is as healthy as it is
delicious. The organic food movement is also affecting tourism trends, with
more eateries and hotels offering organic options.
The reasons why people love to travel are varied and are also very personal.
1) Challenging ONEself
- Traveling is testing yourself. It pushes you to your limits and gets you
outside of your comfort zone;
- You will discover how resourceful you are when you are exposed to new
places, people and experiences. You will feel pride when you finish your trip
successfully. You will realize how capable you are and build your confidence.
2) Learning
- People want to experience something unfamiliar and leave with new skills
or knowledge. immersing themselves in a completely different world is the
best learning experience;
3) Expanding your perspective
- Traveling helps open your mind. By being exposed to new places, people
and cultures, you will develop a wider world view. And that will make you a
better-rounded global citizen.

4) Getting in touch with oneself

- Getting away from home gives you the opportunity to reflect on your life.
Sometimes, you need the time and space to let your mind wander.
5) Appreciating your life
- Exploring another place will give you a fresh appreciation for your
hometown, country and “real life.” Once you are back, you will feel lucky to
live where you do. You will see that there really is no place like home.
6) Building and strengthening
- The shared experience of travel brings people together. A getaway, a
romantic trip, or long weekend with the girls or guys and families can
strengthen important bonds and also a great opportunity to make new
7) Escaping
- A demanding job, a bad breakup or the loss of a loved one, travel can be
a great relief from the stress and unhappiness that come along with those.
- People seek from their travels what they do not have back home: better
weather, nicer scenery, the freedom to do what they want, experiences they
can not normally have, a slower relaxing pace;
8) Relaxing and rejuvenating
- A restful vacation is just what you need to renew yourself. A relaxing
natural setting and good weather are common ingredients that will help your
mind and body reboot in a way you can not achieve at home.
9) Celebrating
- There is always a happy reason to take a trip. It could be a landmark
birthday or anniversary. A graduation. A wedding – or pre-wedding
10) Having an adventure
- A trip is the perfect time to do something different and exciting, especially
something you can not do at home. The thrill starts the minute you land in a
new place.
11) helps you learn
new languages
- There is something satisfying about being able to throw around a few
words of your destination’s language that you did not know.
12) Traveling proves that
dreams do come true
- You imagined it, daydreamed about it, envisioned it. Guess what? It can
be done. You just have to decide and start planning.
The reasons why people love to travel are varied and are also very personal.
1) Challenging YOURself
- Traveling is testing yourself. It pushes you to your limits and gets you
outside of your comfort zone;
- You will discover how resourceful you are when you are exposed to new
places, people and experiences. Maybe it is finding your way around or
communicating when you do not speak the native language;
- You will feel pride when you finish your trip successfully. Overcoming
challenges will bring you joy and energy for future tests. You will realize how
capable you are and build your confidence.
2) Learning
- People want to experience something unfamiliar and leave with new skills
or knowledge;
- Every destination has something unique to teach visitors, and immersing
themselves in a completely different world is the best learning experience;
- And because you are actually experiencing this learning in real life, not
reading it in a textbook, it will stay with you for a long time.
3) Expanding your perspective
- Traveling helps open your mind. By being exposed to new places, people
and cultures, you will develop a wider world view. And that will make you a
better-rounded global citizen.

- You can not imagine how different life is in another place until you see it
for yourself.
4) Getting in touch with yourself
- Getting away from home gives you the opportunity to reflect on your life.
You needed the time and space to let your mind wander;
5) Appreciating your life
- Exploring another place will give you a fresh appreciation for your
hometown, country and “real life.” Once you are back, you will feel lucky to
live where you do. You will see that there really is no place like home.
6) Building and strengthening
- The shared experience of travel brings people together. A family getaway,
a romantic trip, or long weekend with the girls or guys can strengthen
important bonds;
- With the demands of today’s lifestyle, and relatives spread across the
country and world, families do not have much time together;
- Travel is a special way to deepen friendships and also a great opportunity
to make new friends.
7) Escaping
- A demanding job… A bad breakup… The loss of a loved one, travel can be
a great relief from the stress and unhappiness that come along with those;
- People seek from their travels what they do not have back home: better
weather, nicer scenery, the freedom to do what they want, experiences they
can not normally have, a slower relaxing pace;
- Travel has the power to let you not only escape but also heal.
8) Relaxing and rejuvenating
- A restful vacation is just what you need to renew yourself with a relaxing
natural setting and good weather are common ingredients that will help your
mind and body reboot in a way you can not achieve at home.
9) Celebrating
- There is always a happy reason to take a trip. It could be a landmark
birthday or anniversary. A graduation. A wedding – or pre-wedding
10) Having an adventure
- A trip is the perfect time to do something different and exciting, especially
something you can not do at home. The thrill starts the minute you land in a
new place.
11) helps you learn new languages
- There is something satisfying about being able to throw around a few
words of your destination’s language that you did not know.
12) Traveling proves that dreams
do come true
- You imagined it, daydreamed about it, envisioned it. Guess what? It can
be done. You just have to decide and start planning. So what are you
waiting for?
15 least visited destinations tourists should visit
1) Packing is such a hassle;
- So many people hate to put so much effort into packing light and making
sure they do not go over the baggage allowance. Some even run to the
grocery to get some last-minute toiletries. Packing, for some, is quite a
2) The destination is not at all
worth it;
- Traveling to a not-so-convenient destinations, you will think that hopping
on that plane would not be worth it.
3) It is such a waste of money;
- People dislike travelling because they are already thinking of potential
expenses. You hear excuses like they do not have enough, the tickets are
too expensive. Travelling will require you to spend a good amount of money.
4) Delayed and cancelled flights;
- After all the hard work of planning for the trip, your itinerary will be
disrupted because of a single delayed or cancelled flight.
5) The weather is so different
from back home;
- Weather is definitely a make or break when it comes to deciding which
place to go next.
6) The food is terrible;
- People are sometimes afraid to not get my money’s worth when buying
food that I might not end up liking.
7) Adjusting to a different
culture is a pain;
- Some people hate to travel because they would have to adjust to others’
cultures. These are the people who do not want to step out of their comfort
2019 Travel trends
1) Last minute bookings are increasing
-reservations for tours and activities which last 1 to 3 hours tend to be
booked in the destination or just before arrival.
2) Advance booking is preferred for multi-days tour
-Convenience is a key selling point as travelers no longer need to spend time
planning various activities.
3) Travelers are visiting new destinations
-There is a visible increase in the number of visitors to new destinations.
4) Request for new experience
-Tour operators have been receiving requests for unique experiences;
wanting to do something that is once-in-a-lifetime.
5) Ecological and educational tours are in demand
-These are usually rare experiences that educate and share inside
information on the area, and how to protect it for the future;
-Tours that use proceeds to fund ecological projects such as forest or animal
habitat restoration are chosen above alternatives without a cause.
6) skip the line tours
-Most popular tour products were skip-the-line tours.
7) Travelers enjoy a local experience
-Travelers choose to become more immersed in the local culture when
visiting a destination and do what the locals do;
-Air bnb experiences offer a solution where travelers can book a local
experience with a destination native.
8) History and culture tours
-Walking tours are still one of the leading experiences when visiting a new
location and a great opportunity to meet other travelers and have all their
questions answered by the local destination expert.

9) Adventure tours
-Adrenaline pumping activities continue to grow with two new generations
who are keen to push their limits;
-Adventure destinations are booked for the variety of action packed activities
on offer.

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