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BUS 322: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

Spring 2022 Syllabus

Montague Professor of Law


This course covers the core concepts of negotiation and dispute resolution. This
includes basic principles and theories of bargaining, cooperation, relationship
building, and deal making.


1. Business Knowledge: To gain a basic understanding of the basic principles of

negotiation and their practical application. Students will demonstrate knowledge
of key negotiation concepts.

2. Critical Thinking: To develop the ability to think critically and analytically about
the application of principles to business negotiations. Students will utilize critical
thinking skills to systematically assess negotiation alternatives and negotiate
business decisions.

3. Communication: To improve the student’s ability to communicate and bargain

effectively to achieve a desired result. Students will learn to communicate effectively to
negotiate deals and resolutions to business problems.


Fisher, Ury, & Patton, Getting to Yes: The Secret to Successful Negotiation
(ISBN: 978-1844131464)
Voss, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It
(ISBN: 978-0062407801)


The class will meet beginning on January 19, 2022 and meet on Wednesday
afternoons from 3:00-5:30pm. We will meet in Jackson Avenue Center Room


The best way to reach me is by email: If so desired, I

am available to meet at a mutually convenient time to discuss questions or
concerns. Right before or after class is usually the best time to meet.


Attending class the first day of the term will serve to verify your attendance in the
As the class meets once a week, students are expected to attend every class.
Students with more than two unexcused absences will receive a substantial
diminution in grade.


Grading for the class will be as follows:

(1)Mid-term graded negotiation exercise (25%)

(2)Mid-term examination (25%)
(3)Final graded negotiation exercise (25%)
(4)Final examination (25%)

In addition, all students will have the opportunity to gain bonus points during
weekly negotiation exercises during the semester. The class will not use the +/-
grading convention.

Note that if extenuating circumstances result in students missing the mid-term

examination, the make- up date will be on February 23, immediately prior to or
immediately after the normal class period, to be arranged by the student with the


The School of Business Administration upholds honor and academic integrity in

all of its teaching, research, and service activities. All business faculty, staff and
students are charged with the responsibility to behave with personal and
professional integrity and to refrain from dishonorable conduct.

Cheating will not be tolerated. Evidence of academic dishonesty is grounds for

reduction in class grade, failure in the class, and/or academic probation.


We will generally follow the below schedule, but we may adjust as needed.

1. Wednesday, January 19: Class Overview; Getting to Yes, Chapter 1

 Getting to Yes, Overview and Chapter 1

 Negotiation Exercise

2. Wednesday, January 26: Getting to Yes, Chapters 2 & 3

 Getting to Yes, Ch. 2: Separate the People from the Problem
 Getting to Yes, Ch. 3: Focus on Interests, Not Positions
 Negotiation Exercise

3. Wednesday, February 2: Getting to Yes, Chapters 4 & 5

 Getting to Yes, Ch. 4: Invent Options for Mutual Gain
 Getting to Yes, Ch. 5: Insist on Using Objective Criteria
 Negotiation Exercise

4. Wednesday, February 9: Getting to Yes, Chapters 6-8

 Getting to Yes, Ch. 6: What if they are more powerful?
 Getting to Yes, Ch. 7: What if they won’t play?
 Getting to Yes, Ch. 8: What if they use dirty tricks?
 Negotiation Exercise

5. Wednesday, February 16: Mid-term examination

 Mid-term examination on Getting to Yes

6. Wednesday, February 23: Mid-term negotiation

 Mid-term graded negotiation

7. Wednesday, March 2: Never Split the Difference, Chapters 1 & 2

 Never Split, Ch. 1: The New Rules
 Never Split, Ch. 2: Be a Mirror
 Negotiation Exercise

8. Wednesday, March 9: Never Split the Difference, Chapter 3 & 4

 Never Split, Ch. 3: Don’t Feel Their Pain, Label It
 Never Split, Ch. 4: Beware “Yes,” Master “No”
 Negotiation Exercise

Spring Break, March 14-18

9. Wednesday, March 23: Never Split the Difference, Chapter 5 & 6

 Never Split, Ch. 5: Triggering the Two Words
 Never Split, Ch. 6: Bend Their Reality
 Negotiation Exercise

10. Wednesday, March 30: Never Split the Difference, Chapters 7 & 8
 Never Split, Ch. 7: Create the Illusion of Control
 Never Split, Ch. 8: Guarantee Execution
 Negotiation Exercise

11. Wednesday, April 6: Complex Negotiation; Watch Voss Interview
 Complex Negotiation Exercise

12. Wednesday, April 13: Never Split the Difference, Chapters 9 & 10
 Never Split, Ch. 9: Bargain Hard
 Never Split, Ch. 10: Find the Black Swan
 Negotiation Exercise

13. Wednesday, April 20: Final Class—Wrapping Up the Semester

 Negotiation Exercise

14. Wednesday, April 27: Final Negotiation

 Final Graded Negotiation Exercise

15. Thursday, May 5: Final Examination

 Note: exam is scheduled for 4:00pm-6:00pm.


In addition to the policies for the class, the University and the School of Business
Administration have a number of policies with respect to its classes. Please read
these carefully and let me know if you have questions.

Students with Disabilities

University policy provides for reasonable accommodations to be made for students

with verified disabilities on an individualized and flexible basis as specified under
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990 (ADA). Students with disabilities who believe they may benefit from
classroom or other accommodations should contact the Office of Student Disability
Services for information: 234 Martindale, 662-915-7128 (Phone), 662-915-7907 (TTY

Copyright Notice

Materials used in connection with this course may be subject to copyright protection
under Title 17 of the United States Code. Under certain Fair Use circumstances
specified by law, copies may be made for private study, scholarship, or research.
Electronic copies should not be shared with unauthorized users. Violations of
copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal
liability as well as disciplinary action under University policies.

IT Appropriate Use Policy

Students may use electronics as needed for class, but please restrict use to academic
purposes. In addition, the university IT policy sets forth the privileges of and
restrictions on students, faculty, staff, and other users with respect to the computing
and telecommunications systems offered by the University of Mississippi (UM). This
policy is designed to protect the University community from illegal or damaging
actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly. Inappropriate use exposes
the University to risks, including virus attacks, compromise of network systems and
services, and legal issues. This policy directly addresses copyright issues related to
illegal downloads and peer-to-peer file sharing. For Appropriate Use Policy
questions, send an email to

Student Privacy Policy

The University of Mississippi protects the privacy of all students, including online
and distance learning students, through adherence to the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) through compliance with other institutional policies
and procedures governing the management and security of protected information of
faculty, staff, and students, and by outlining the expectations of privacy for the
university community as regards to electronic information. Student Privacy Policy.

Classroom Health Requirements

 Students are expected to comply with the University’s protocols when they are in
effect. Currently, a mask requirement is in place for vaccinated and unvaccinated
people. As a result, proper mask wearing is required indoors and in the classroom.
Current protocols can be found at

 Students who have a diagnosed health concern that interferes with the wearing of
face masks may contact the Student Disabilities Services (SDS) Office to seek a
University-approved accommodation. Please contact SDS at for
more information.

 If students test positive for COVID-19 at any health care facility, they must contact the
Student Health Center at 662-915-7274. (Faculty and staff should contact the Employee
Health Service at 662-915-6550.) University Health Services will coordinate contact
tracing to lessen the likelihood of spread.

 Students with COVID-19 should seek medical attention at the Student Health Center
and contact their instructor to let them know that they will be missing class due to a
health-related issue.

 If you are exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should contact the Student Health
Center to get tested three to five days following exposure and follow the guidance
recommended by the Health Center. If you are not fully vaccinated, you should follow
quarantine protocols found at

Non-adherence to Health Requirements

 Currently, COVID-19 guidelines for the Fall 2021 semester include face masks for
vaccinated and unvaccinated people inside University buildings; therefore, students
should not be in classroom spaces when they are out of compliance with these
guidelines unless they have an accommodation approved by Student Disability Services.

 The University’s Academic Conduct and Discipline Policy states that “disorderly
behavior that disrupts the academic environment violates the standard of fair access to
the academic experience.” Failure to adhere to health requirements during the COVID-
19 emergency will be deemed as disruptive to the classroom and will be enforced
following the Academic Conduct and Discipline procedures.

 The University of Mississippi has adopted a tiered disciplinary protocol for non-
adherence to COVID-19 health requirements. This disciplinary protocol is maintained
by the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct:

Attendance Policies

 If you need to isolate due to contracting the coronavirus at any point this semester,
you should do so, and email me as soon as possible. I will work with you to help you
continue your progress in the course. More information on isolation protocols can be
found at

 Quarantines are an important tool for controlling the spread of the virus. If you need
to quarantine at any point this semester, you should do so, and email me as soon as
possible. In your email, state how long you expect not to attend class. I [will/will not] be
able to provide recordings of class sessions, and we can work together to establish a
plan for completing the necessary work. You will have access to your texts, my course
slides, and our Blackboard course site. More information on quarantine protocols can
be found at

 Students attending the virtual component of hybrid or online courses are subject to
the same attendance policy and procedures as traditional students. However,
participation is defined in a different manner. The University’s “Attendance Policy for
Online Education” states: “Student attendance in online courses is defined as active

participation in the course as described in the individual course syllabus.” If students
fail to meet online attendance requirements as stated in the syllabus, they will be given
an absence.

Student Support Services

 Students are encouraged to visit the University’s Keep Learning site to access information and resources related to
COVID-19 support. The site provides links to University student services to facilitate
and support learning.

 Students with diagnosed health concerns that may affect their compliance with
COVID-19 health requirements should contact UM’s Student Disability Services (SDS)
Office to see if they are eligible for an SDS accommodation as
soon as possible.

 The University Counseling Center is a professional facility offered by the University of

Mississippi to assist students, faculty, and staff with many types of life stressors that
interrupt day-to-day functioning, including the stressors associated with the COVID-19
pandemic. They offer individual counseling, couple’s counseling, group counseling,
stress management, crisis intervention, assessments and referrals, outreach programs,
consultations, and substance abuse services. There is no fee for currently enrolled
University students and everything you say to your counselor is confidential. You can
contact the Counseling Center for information about mental health issues at,, 662-915-3784, 320 Lester Hall,
and You can schedule
an appointment or get information about appointments by calling the UCC at 662-915-

Updated Contact Information

 The University must have accurate contact information, including cell phone numbers,
to facilitate student communications and contact tracing. Students should check and
update their University contact information available at

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