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Vacation at the beach

Last holiday, my family and I went to the beach. We were there by car. The weather
was sunny. I was pleased to see the view of the beach. Some children were playing with kites.
There were adults playing beach volleyball. Many vendors were selling around. My father,
mother, little sister, and I bought ice cream. It tastes good and fresh. What a pleasant

Answer the following questions according to the text above!

1. What did the writer do during holiday?


2. What did some children do at the beach?


3. What did some adults do at the beach?


4. How was the weather there?


5. What did the writer buy there?


 Last holiday : Liburan lalu  Kites : Layang-layang
 My family : Keluargaku  Adults : Orang dewasa
 And : Dan  Volleyball : Bola voli
 I : Aku  Many : Banyak
 Went : Pergi  vendors : Pedagang
 Beach : Pantai  Selling : Menjual
 We : Kami  Around : Sekitaran
 There : Disana  My father : Ayahku
 Pleasant : Menyenangkan  Mother : Ibu
 Weather : Cuaca  Little sister : Adik kecil
 Sunny : Cerah  Bought : Membeli
 Pleased : Sangat senang  Ice cream : Es krim
 See : Melihat  Taste good: Enak
 View : Pemandangan  Fresh : Segar
 Some : Beberapa  Car : Mobil
 Children : Anak-anak  Experience: Pengalaman
 Playing : Bermain

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