Materi Bahasa Inggris Maskur

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Community Service in the Class Garden

In Dira's school, every class has one garden plot that can be planted with various
plants. Dira and friends discuss with Mr. Wira to determine the plants to be planted. They
decided to grow spinach and kale vegetables because of the short harvest period, around 3 – 4

All students bring a pot, while Mr. Wira will get seeds. All students do planting
accompanied by Mr. Dudi's gardener. Dira and friends also make a watering schedule in the
morning and evening. The fertilization schedule is done once a week.

A week later, spinach and kale begin to grow but dry from the sun's heat. Dira and her
friends are very sad, but Mr. Dudi and Mr. Wira remind her to be happy.

A month later, they harvest kale and spinach. The plant grows fertile, fresh green.
Vegetable harvest is done together and enjoying the plants.

Answer the following questions according to the text above!
1. What is planted by Dora and her friends?

2. When Dira harvesting the plants ?


3. What was bring by Mr. Wira?


4. When do watering and fertilizing plants?


5. What is the lesson can be taken from the story?


 Kerja bakti : Community  Kebun kelas : Class garden

service  Masing-masing : Each
 Petak : Plot  Subur : Thrive
 Ditanami : Planted  Segar : Fresh
 Berbagai : Various  Sayuran : Vegetable
 Diskusi : Discuss  Panen : Harvest
 Menentukan : Determine  Bersama : Together
 Memutuskan : Decided  Menikmati : Enjoy
 Bayam : Spinach  Ingin : Wants
 Kangkung : Kale  Membaca : Read
 Pendek: Short  Peduli : Care
 Panen : Harvest  Membawa : Bring
 Masa : Period  Sebelum : Before
 Sekitar : Around  Berangkat : Leaving
 Membawa : Bring  Membiarkan : Let
 Pot : Pot  Menyiapkan : Prepare
 Biji : Seeds  Makanan : Food
 Penanaman : Planting  Menyenangkan : Fun
 Ditemani : Accompanied  Hidup : Living
 Tukang kebun : Gardener  Jagung : Corn
 Penyiraman : Watering  Kedelai : Soybeans
 Jadwal : Schedule  Kacang : Peanuts
 Pemupukan : Fertilization  Umbi : Tubers
 Kangkung : Kale  Wortel : Carrots
 Kemudian : Later  Sulit : Difficult
 Bayam : Spinach  Makan : Eating
 Kangkung : Kale  Pernah : Been
 Mulai : Begin  Sakit : Sick
 Tumbuh : Grow  Sabar : Patient
 Matahari : Sun  Merawat : Tak care
 Panas : Heat  Memberi : Giving
 Sedih : Sad  Sehat : Healty
 Mengingatkan : Remind  Gesit : Agile
 Penanaman kembali : Replant  Membersihkan : Cleanses
 Bulan : Month  Tanggung jawab : Responsible
 Memanen : Harvest  Mandiri : Independently
 Seminggu sekali : Once a week

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