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1. Where did Silenus get lost?

In the Vineyards of King Midas

2. Why did Bacchus give a promise to give whatever King Midas asked?
Because King Midas sent the peasants to carry Silenus safely to Bacchus

3. What is in the treasury of king Midas?

It contained a vast collection of rich jewels, vessels of silver and gold and chest of gold coins.

4. Who brought the infant Bacchus to placed him in the care of the nymphs?

5. What King Midas asked Bacchus to grant?

King Midas asked for whatever he touched might be turned into gold

6. Where did King Midas realize that his wish was granted?
When he stood under the oak tree

7. What happened when King Midas took a sip of water?

It became liquid gold

8. What was the first thing King Midas did when his wish was granted?
The first thing he did was raise his hand and touch one of the branches of oak tree

9. What thing that makes King Midas free from his golden touch?
The pure water in the spring where the river Pactolus rises

10. Why King Midas implored the god to take his gift?
Because he began to fear that all his family might be changed to hard golden statues.

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