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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 65

A Practical UAV Remote

Sensing Methodology to
Generate Multispectral
Orthophotos for Vineyards:
Estimation of Spectral Reflectance
Using Compact Digital Cameras
Adam J. Mathews, Department of Geography, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK,

This paper explores the use of compact digital cameras to remotely estimate spectral reflectance based on
unmanned aerial vehicle imagery. Two digital cameras, one unaltered and one altered, were used to collect
four bands of spectral information (blue, green, red, and near-infrared [NIR]). The altered camera had its
internal hot mirror removed to allow the sensor to be additionally sensitive to NIR. Through on-ground
experimentation with spectral targets and a spectroradiometer, the sensitivity and abilities of the cameras
were observed. This information along with on-site collected spectral data were used to aid in converting
aerial imagery digital numbers to estimates of scaled surface reflectance using the empirical line method.
The resulting images were used to create spectrally-consistent orthophotomosaics of a vineyard study site.
Individual bands were subsequently validated with in situ spectroradiometer data. Results show that red and
NIR bands exhibited the best fit (R2: 0.78 for red; 0.57 for NIR).

Keywords: Digital Cameras, Multispectral, Orthophotos, Remote Sensing, UAV, Vineyards, Viticulture

1. INTRODUCTION capture of natural color photography (Dean,

Warner, & McGraw, 2000). Digital camera ease
1.1. Use of Compact Digital of operation, speed of image capture, efficient
Cameras in Remote Sensing processing, and lightweight design lend utility
to aerial image capture (King, 1995). Coupled
The low cost and high availability of compact with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to cre-
(point-and-shoot) digital cameras has led to us- ate an unmanned aerial system (UAS), digital
ages beyond that of recreational or professional cameras can inexpensively provide very high

DOI: 10.4018/ijagr.2015100104

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66 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

spatial and temporal resolution data for research their geometric relationships within a captured
in soils (Levin, Ben-Dor, & Singer, 2005), tree image. The hot mirror is an internal spectral
inventory and biomass (Dean et al., 2000), filter that limits detector sensitivity to visible
land management (Rango, Laliberte, Herrick, wavelengths (i.e., the sensor will not record
Winters, Havstad, Steele, & Browning, 2009), energy in the near-infrared [NIR] region). In
and agriculture (Hunt, Hively, Daughtry, & most cases the hot mirror wavelength cut-off
McCarty, 2008; Lebourgeois, Beguye, Labbe, is somewhere around 670-690 nm (Dean et
Mallavan, Prevot, & Roux, 2008; Lelong, al., 2000; Ritchie et al., 2008), whereas most
Burger, Jubelin, Roux, Labbe, & Baret, 2008; CCDs have a spectral range up to 900 nm
Ritchie, Sullivan, Perry, Hook, & Bednarz, (Dare, 2008; Lelong et al., 2008). Therefore,
2008) including viticulture (Smit, Sithole, & the hot mirror forces the CCD to sense only the
Strever, 2010; Turner, Lucieer, & Watson, 2011). desired portions of the spectrum to more eas-
See Everaerts (2008) and Watts, Ambrosia, and ily replicate the visible light range for natural
Hinkley (2012) for informative reviews on UAV color photography. For studies that require NIR
and UAS technology. Camera system design for sensitivity, the hot mirror can be removed and
UAV-based remote sensing varies by the nature replaced with clear glass to allow the CCD to
of the images to be captured; as evidenced by sense NIR wavelengths (Cheng & Rahimza-
studies that alter digital cameras for their spe- deh, 2005). In the case of vegetation studies
cific needs, while others employ cameras with for instance, NIR sensitivity is important to be
off-the-shelf configurations. With or without able to monitor differentials in crop health, thus
modification, digital cameras remotely record the hot mirror must be replaced (Dare, 2008;
spectral information of a target of interest (Dean Ritchie et al., 2008). System designs must be
et al., 2000; Levin et al., 2005; Ritchie et al., creative to integrate the NIR band usually by
2008). Levin et al. (2005) utilized an unaltered use of two cameras. Ritchie et al. (2008), for
digital camera (UDC) to record the spectral example, employed an UDC combined with
properties of soils with three spectral bands an altered digital camera (ADC) to gather four
of blue, green, and red. Most digital cameras, spectral bands for analysis (UDC—blue, green,
however, have the ability to sense wavelengths red; ADC—NIR).
beyond the visible spectrum with minor altera- Image format is another important image
tion (Cheng & Rahimzadeh, 2005). acquisition consideration when using digital
A typical digital camera has the following cameras as remote sensors. Image format is
vital components: a sensor (either a charge- important because compression of images alters
coupled device [CCD] or a complementary the way DNs are computed and stored (Dean et
metal oxide semiconductor [CMOS]) made al., 2000). RAW and TIFF image formats are
up of an array of sensor elements or sensels presumed to be better because they do not alter
(each of which later become picture elements the image (Cheng & Rahimzadeh, 2005; Lebour-
or pixels in the captured image), a Bayer filter geois et al., 2008). RAW and TIFF images are
(or other color filter), a lens, and a hot mirror. made up of unprocessed, uncompressed pixel
This study focuses on the CCD sensor, which data as captured by the CCD. The downsides to
senses light and converts this spectral informa- such measurements are increased file size and
tion into digital numbers (DNs), typically with capture time (Lelong et al., 2008). An alternative
8-bit radiometric resolution (0-255). The Bayer to RAW and TIFF formats is JPEG, which has
filter is responsible for splitting the incoming proven adequate for scientific analyses (Hunt,
visible wavelengths into separate bands so Cavigelli, Daughtry, McMurtrey, & Walthall,
brightness for each can be recorded (i.e., blue, 2005; Lelong et al., 2008; Levin et al., 2005).
green, and red; stored in reverse order and re- Compared to other formats, JPEG offers the
ferred to as RGB). The lens de-magnifies the convenience of small file size, quick capture
scene to properly represent physical objects and ability, and easier processing.

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 67

1.2. Improving the Quality This method assumes that targets of differing
of Collected Images reflectance are captured by the sensor that can
be compared to actual target reflectance as mea-
Regardless of the type of sensor employed, sured by a spectroradiometer. At the very least
radiometric and geometric effects must be one spectral target with very low reflectance
addressed in the processing of aerial imagery (dark) and one with very high reflectance (light)
to properly create image products for future should be included in the scene. Spectral targets
analysis. Radiometric corrections aim to remove with reflectances along the spectrum between
inconsistencies produced by (1) atmospheric the light and dark objects are encouraged to be
effects like scattering and/or absorption of in- included,, not forgetting that similar variation
coming or reflected energy between the sensor must exist in NIR reflectance (if NIR calibra-
and the surface, and (2) topographic effects that tion is necessary). The empirical line method
may create shadowing and other unequal reflec- essentially correlates brightness measured
tance over space within the collected images with the CCD to reflectance measured by a
(Jensen, 2005). Geometric corrections address spectroradiometer. Linear regression is then
internal and external errors caused by the sensor used to create a slope line equation to predict
and aircraft (Jensen, 2005). Internal errors are reflectance of non-target pixels (Karpouzli &
predictable and therefore easier to correct like Malthus, 2003; Smith & Milton, 1999). Each
distortion created by the camera lens. External band of imagery requires a different predic-
errors are flight-dependent and include altitude tion equation “which attempt to remove both
changes as well as sensor viewing geometries illumination and atmospheric effects” that can
dictated by aircraft attitude. External errors are then be “applied to the remotely sensed data to
accentuated in UAV image capture due to low produce images in units of [relative] reflectance”
flying heights and reduced control of in-flight (Smith & Milton, 1999, p. 2654).
motion (Lelong et al., 2008). Low flying height In the case of using digital cameras as
also results in small image footprints, which remote sensors, the empirical line method has
requires mosaicking of images to create the proven practical and successful in a number
desired ground coverage (Laliberte, Goforth, of instances (Levin et al., 2005; Ritchie et al.,
Steele, & Rango, 2011; Turner, Lucieer, & 2008). Levin et al. (2005) utilized repeating
Watson, 2012). targets (plastic chips) of black, gray, white,
blue, green, red, and also a known 100 percent
1.2.1. Radiometric Corrections reflectance target, whereas Ritchie et al. (2008)
used a ColorChecker chart with 24 standardized
“Radiometric calibration of a sensor involves colored squares as reflectance targets. These tar-
determining the relationship between image gets were designed for small-scale calibration of
brightness as measured in digital image units digital camera images taken on-the-ground. The
[DNs] and actual radiance or reflectance of the difficulty with this method in the case of digital
target” (King, 1995, p. 258). This is normally cameras for quantitative research relates to the
completed by capturing known spectral targets properties of the digital camera sensor that are,
during flight and establishing a correlative for the most part, unknown and unpublished by
relationship with in situ spectroradiometer the manufacturer, specifically the wavelength
measurements (King, 1995; Smith & Milton, interval captured by each band. Lelong et al.
1999). Conversion to spectral reflectance allows (2008) were fortunate to know the properties of
for a standardized method by which quantitative the sensor they employed: a Canon EOS-350D
comparisons can be made over time with ac- with blue (420-500 nm), green (490-580 nm),
curacy and confidence (Smith & Milton, 1999). red (570-640 nm), and NIR (720-850 nm) bands.
One method of conversion is the empirical line Levin et al. (2005), however, did not know this
method (Jensen, 2005; Smith & Milton, 1999). information and were therefore forced to select

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68 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

specific wavelengths that were assumed to best 1.2.2. Geometric Corrections

represent and correlate with DNs from each
band collected by the CCD: Olympus Camedia Internal geometric errors like radial and tangen-
C-920 with blue (460 nm), green (510 nm), and tial distortions created by digital camera lenses
red (640 nm) bands. Jensen, Apan, Young, and are less predictable and stable than traditional
Zeller (2007) provided an example of a typical aerial photograph sensors, but are still able
CCD sensitivity that showed blue centered on to be estimated and corrected (Turner et al.,
450 nm, green on 550 nm, and red on 650 nm, 2012). Kelcey and Lucieer (2012) for instance
with each band exhibiting a wavelength interval used the free software Agisoft Lens (Agisoft
of around 80-120 nm. LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) to calculate lens
After this calibration, large-scale targets distortion coefficients and apply a correction
can be captured within aerial imagery such as to their UAV images, although the literature
tarpaulins or other specially designed spectral indicates this correction is often ignored. Other
targets to aid in conversion to reflectance of sources of error such as external geometric er-
field captured imagery. These targets must cover rors are consistently present with UAV collected
substantial area on-the-ground depending on data because of the difficulty of maintaining
the spatial resolution of the imagery (Hunt et consistent flying height, roll, pitch, and yaw
al., 2008). With small-footprint UAV imagery, (Lelong et al. 2008; Turner et al., 2012), which
Laliberte et al. (2011) noted difficulty captur- leads to image mosaics with differing spatial
ing targets within all images. In converting resolution and viewing angles. Selectivity in
UAV image DNs to reflectance using spectral regard to which images to include in the mosaic
targets, Laliberte et al. (2011) found estimates becomes important (i.e., nadir-only at or near
to be more accurate when the conversion was the same flying height; Turner et al., 2011;
applied to the entire mosaic rather than to single Turner et al., 2012).
images (prior to mosaicking). Proper georectification of UAV collected
Prior to conversion to reflectance, correc- images is traditionally based on a highly accu-
tion for vignetting within each image may be rate digital terrain model (DTM) of the imaged
necessary. Aerial imagery collected by digital area. UAV-based methodologies have benefitted
cameras often displays a radial pattern of bright- from recent advances in Structure from Motion
ness falloff near the image edges that can vary (SfM), which much like traditional photogram-
based on exposure (Kelcey & Lucieer, 2012). metry utilizes image overlap from multiple
Vignetting corrections range from producing perspectives of the collected images to identify
and applying anti-vignetting filters (Lelong et keypoints (Snavely, Seitz, & Szeliski, 2008) and
al., 2008) to the complete removal (masking) generate an accurate point cloud model of the
of edge pixels (De Biasio, Arnold, Leitner, surface (Kaminsky, Snavely, Seitz, & Szeliski,
McGuinnigle, & Meester, 2010), although 2009). Once georeferenced, SfM point clouds
leaving images unaltered and not correcting can be filtered and interpolated to create highly
for vignetting is not uncommon (Turner et al., accurate, site-specific digital terrain models
2012). Other radiometric issues including gen- (DTMs; Mathews & Jensen, 2013) and/or digital
eral brightness differences between collected surface models (DSMs; Dandois & Ellis, 2010)
images can be addressed with color balancing upon which image mosaics are georectified
and/or histogram equalization (Niethammer, (Turner et al., 2012). Adjustment of imagery to
Rothmund, Schwaderer, Zeman, & Joswig, the DTM accounts for any topographic effects
2011), although such brightness adjustment is at the image site (Baboo & Devi, 2011).
not always a part of mosaicking methodologies
(Rango et al., 2009; Turner et al., 2011; Turner
et al., 2012).

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 69

1.3. Objective Lake Success, NY, USA), one UDC and one
ADC. The A480s have a resolution of 10 mega-
The objective of this paper was to design a pixels (3648 by 2736 pixels) with a 1/2.3-inch
practical and inexpensive data collection and type CCD sensor and cost approximately $150
processing methodology to generate ortho- USD each. The ADC was purchased with the hot
photomosiacs with multiple bands each with mirror removed and replaced with clear glass as
pixel values in units of reflectance. This was described by Cheng and Rahimzadeh (2005).
completed using only compact digital cameras The same model camera (A480) was utilized for
and a small UAV, which is contrary to similar both the UDC and ADC to consistently replicate
studies that utilize specialized, more expensive potential geometric (focal length, megapixels)
sensors and UAVs (Baluja, Diago, Balda, Zorer, and spectral (sensor, Bayer filter) distortions
Meggio, Morales, & Targuila, 2012; Bellvert, between cameras.
Zarco-Tejada, Girona, & Fereres, 2013; Primic- Following Levin et al. (2005) and Ritchie
erio et al., 2012; Turner et al., 2011). Ultimately, et al. (2008), all UDC and ADC images were
the system would have the ability to collect very captured on manual setting with sunlight white
high spatial resolution aerial imagery (less than balance and no image adjustment. In addition,
10 cm) in four spectral bands (blue, green, red, the UDC ISO level was fixed at 80. The ADC
and NIR), each of which could be converted ISO level was fixed at 400 due to the speed
to estimates of reflectance using the empiri- of the UAV carrying the camera, increasing
cal line method. To address the objective, this the cameras’ ability to effectively capture the
paper is presented in two parts: (1) on-ground scene. All images were captured in JPEG format
camera testing to determine the sensitivity and following Levin et al. (2005). Although JPEG
capability of the digital camera sensors and (2) format undergoes compression which may
application of the camera system in the field slightly alter the saved data, JPEGs provide
to create spectrally-consistent orthophotos of a the most practical means to capture hundreds
study vineyard site in the Texas Hill Country. A of aerial images while in-the-field due to its
per-band validation was implemented to gauge quick recording ability and smaller file size.
the quality of each of the four collected bands This is contrary to RAW files, which in test-
for future analyses. A per-band validation is ing needed several more seconds per image to
contrary to similar research that evaluates ortho- save and were around three times larger in file
photo quality using NDVI or other vegetation size (JPEG: 2-5 MB, RAW: 15 MB). The high
index values (Hunt et al., 2005; Primicerio, Di speed capturing ability is necessary when us-
Gennaro, Fiorillo, Genesio, Lugato, Matese, & ing faster moving aircraft like planes to ensure
Vaccari, 2012). This UAV and digital camera proper image overlap.
system design was aimed at identifying spatial Four spectral bands were captured: blue,
heterogeneity in grapevine canopy vigor across green, red, and NIR. Like Ritchie et al. (2008),
vineyards, however, it could be used for a num- both cameras were utilized to obtain these bands
ber of applications that require very high spatial with the UDC capturing the three visible bands
resolution imagery with visible and NIR bands and the ADC capturing three NIR bands. To
(precision agriculture and crop management, block visible wavelengths from being sensed by
small area land cover change, etc.). the ADC, a NIR-transmitting filter was placed
in front of the ADC lens similar to Dean et al.
(2000). This filter permitted the ADC CCD to
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS only sense wavelengths 750 nm and longer. As
was discussed previously, presumably most
2.1. Digital Cameras
digital camera sensors (CCDs) cannot sense
This study utilized two Canon PowerShot A480 wavelengths greater than 900 nm, which forced
compact digital cameras (Canon U.S.A., Inc., the ADC to collect three bands (still assigned

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70 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

as RGB) within this 750-900 nm range. Plac- Throughout spectroradiometer data collection
ing the NIR filter on the outside of the camera, for on-ground and aerial-based calibration and
instead of replacing the hot mirror with a NIR validation, measurements were taken by a single
filter, was preferred so other spectral filters operator standing on the far side of the sun to
(i.e., red) could be implemented during future avoid casting shadows into the measurement
acquisitions. area (McCoy, 2005). Data were collected as
values of reflectance by regularly calibrating
2.2. On-Ground Image Collection the ASD with the Spectralon reference panel.
and Camera Calibration Measurements of spectral targets were taken at
nadir approximately 10 cm above each target
Ground-based calibration data were collected aimed at the center of each target. A minimum
on two cloud-free days near noon: 23-Novem- of two measurements were taken of each target
ber-2011 at 11:30 AM and 27-November-2011 and later averaged. DNs were obtained for each
at 12:45 PM. Data were captured at the Texas target using ENVI 4.8 (Exelis, Inc., Boulder,
State University campus in San Marcos, Texas, CO, USA) to define 19 regions of interest
USA (29°53′18′′N, 97°56′32′′W). On both occa- (ROI) as shown in Figure 1a. ROIs were drawn
sions, the following datasets were collected: (1) central to each target area to avoid adjacency
2-3 images from both cameras capturing within effects (Dean et al., 2000; Levin et al., 2007).
the field of view (FOV) a calibration panel of The mean DN value was taken from each ROI
color targets, a known 100 percent Spectralon to represent each target. Single images from
reflectance target, and two leaves for distinct each sample were used to calculate mean DN
NIR response, and (2) spectroradiometer read- after observing minimal variation in DNs across
ings of each of these objects. The calibration images within each sample.
panel of spectral targets was crafted out of black, Mean DNs were then compared to
gray, white, purple, yellow, blue, green, and spectroradiometer-measured reflectance for
red paint swatches affixed to foamboard (near- each band. Both cameras used a Bayer filter to
Lambertian surfaces as suggested by Smith & capture three bands of data (UDC—blue, green,
Milton, 1999). The swatches were collected red and ADC—NIR [called ADC-Blue], NIR
from a local hardware store and exhibited a flat [ADC-Green], NIR [ADC-Red]). The three
color finish. Each color square was 5 cm by 5 NIR bands recorded DNs for energy reflected
cm. Two of each color swatch were included within a 750-900 nm interval. The optimal NIR
to account for variability in spectral response. band, to be used in future analysis, was chosen
Calibration panel design was similar to the set- based on the linear relationship between DNs
up produced by Levin et al. (2005). and spectroradiometer measurements. The band
Images were taken perpendicular to the with the highest R2 value was chosen as the best
targets (nadir) at a distance of approximately one representation of the NIR wavelengths. The
meter (see Figure 1a-b for sample images). An optimal wavelength interval for each band was
ASD FieldSpec Pro spectroradiometer (Analyti- determined by testing a series of wavelength
cal Spectral Devices, Inc., Boulder, CO, USA) intervals. Tested intervals for each band were
collecting a value for every nanometer within centered on 450 nm (blue), 550 nm (green),
a spectral range of 350-1050 nm was utilized 650 nm (red), and 850 nm (NIR) following the
to collect spectral signatures of the objects typical CCD sensitivity illustrated by Jensen et
immediately following image capture. The al. (2007). The following wavelength intervals
ASD device consisted of a backpack unit and were tested for the blue band from narrow to
a fiber optic cable connected to a 25° field of wide: 450 nm, 445-455 nm, 440-460 nm, 420-
view handheld optic (pistol-grip with integrated 480 nm, and 400-500 nm. Similarly, the same
leveler for nadir positioning). Measurements intervals were used for the other bands (i.e.
were logged with a connected laptop computer. green: 550 nm, 545-555 nm, 540-560 nm, etc.;

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 71

Figure 1. Sample images of spectral targets captured with the UDC (a) and the ADC (b) with
the regions of interest (ROIs) shown (a) in different colors (see online publication for color)

red: 650 nm, 645-655 nm, etc.), except for nar- 2.3. Application of UAV-Based
row intervals in the NIR band (850 nm, 845-455 Image System to the Study
nm, and 840-860 nm) because the wavelength Vineyard and Generation of
interval range was more confidently known. Analysis-Ready Image Products
These intervals determined the range at which
spectral signatures captured by the spectrora- 2.3.1. Study Site and Data Collection
diometer would be averaged and compared to
mean ROI-specific DNs for each target. The vineyard study site is located in the Texas
The relationship between spectroradiome- Hill Country American Viticultural Area near
ter-measured reflectance and camera recorded Fredericksburg, Texas, USA (120 km west of
DNs was modeled using linear regression (R2) Austin). This study focused image collection
and root mean square error (RMSE). This was on two contiguous vineyard blocks consist-
completed for both samples to account for any ing of 39 vine rows each with up 90 vertical
variability that may exist with the digital cam- trellis-trained 5-10 year-old Tempranillo (Vitis
era and spectroradiometer measurements over vinifera) vines covering approximately 1.9 ha
time. For each band, the wavelength interval (4.8 acres). Figure 2 shows the vineyard layout
with the best combination of R2 (high) and with the study vines outlined in red. The study
RMSE (low) for both samples was selected as blocks are separated with a dotted red line. The
the most representative wavelength interval. eastern block is older than the western block and
These wavelength intervals were then used provides desirable variation in canopy size and
with in situ spectroradiometer measurements to reflectance characteristics. At the time of data
convert aerial image DNs to reflectance using collection, the area beneath the vine canopies
the empirical line method. consisted of bare soil, while the inter-row space
was covered in grass. The vineyard has a gentle

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72 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

Figure 2. The study vineyard blocks separated with a dashed line and enclosed with a solid line.
The UAV takeoff/landing area is enclosed with a rectangle, GCPs are shown as X’s, and the
UAV flight path for low-altitude aerial image capture is shown with the line with arrows (see
online publication for color)

slope from its highest point in the northwest Z coordinates). When autopilot was switched
corner to the lowest point in the southeast corner. on, Ardupilot controlled the UAV autonomously
Aerial images of the study vineyard were using the on-board GPS and the waypoint loca-
captured using the previously discussed digi- tions. When flown on autopilot, the Hawkeye
tal cameras mounted (at separate times) on a is prone to becoming stagnant in gusty winds,
Hawkeye UAV (, particularly when flying into the wind. Manual
Kingsland, TX, USA; see Figure 3 a-b). The flight control, therefore, was initiated during
Hawkeye is a lithium battery-powered kitewing wind gusts to avoid unnecessary reduction in
plane with a 1.5 m wingspan, single rear-facing ground covered and battery power loss. Takeoff
propeller, and single nadir-facing camera mount. and landing were also manually controlled.
The Hawkeye was flown both autonomously To launch the UAV, the Hawkeye was thrown
with pre-programmed autopilot and manually. forward at shoulder height with the propeller
Ardupilot ( was running and manual control initiated. After
used to allow for autopilot capability. This gaining altitude under manual control, auto-
Arduino-based, open-source hardware and pilot was enabled with a switch on the remote
software combination based its flight path on control. The autopilot was pre-programmed
pre-programmed, ordered waypoints (X, Y, and to follow the flight path provided in Figure 2.

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 73

Figure 3. The kitewing UAV (a) with mounted digital camera (b) and other hardware (see online
publication for color)

Flight paths were orientated north-to-south to takeoff/landing area (see Figure 2). The targets
keep the UAV flying directly into or with the were large enough to ensure that many pure
winds, serving to steady the aircraft and capture pixels would represent each target within the
higher quality images. Otherwise, the UAV was captured images that could then be averaged
likely to sway and decrease the cameras ability and compared to measured reflectance. Other
to capture nadir images. Upon completion of targets were placed in the field to help georefer-
aerial data collection manual flight control was ence the collected imagery. Five total ground
reinitiated, the altitude of the UAV was gradually control points (GCPs) were positioned follow-
decreased, the UAV was guided to touchdown ing Mathews & Jensen (2013). Locations of the
in the landing area and retrieved. GCPs are shown with X’s in Figure 2 at the
Prior to image capture, several spectral corners and eastern edge of the study vineyard.
targets were placed along the northeastern edge The 0.6 m by 0.6 m GCP targets were crafted
of the vineyard to aid the empirical line method out of durable foamboard and painted with flat
transformation. Six flat, colored foamboard hues of red, and small concentric black and white
spectral targets sized 0.75 m by 0.5 m (black, circles at the center, similar to Aber, Marzoff,
white, grey, blue, green, red) were placed on and Ries (2010). These highly visible targets
flat ground spaced about 2 m apart near the were easy to find in aerial images and served

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74 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

to provide additional spectral targets to aid in pistol-grip fiber optic sensor at a level nadir
SfM keypoint matching as well as conversion direction approximately 0.5 m above the vine
of DNs to reflectance. GCPs were located using canopy directly above the vine trunk. At this
a Trimble GeoXH GPS with an external Zephyr height above the canopy, the spot or target
antenna that averaged 200 separate positions size of the ASD optic was around 0.23 m in
for each location (X,Y: NAD83 UTM Zone diameter similar to vine canopy measurements
14N; and Z: NADV88). Acquisition of GPS taken by Rodríguez-Pérez, Riaño, Carlisle,
positions was limited to a maximum position Ustin, & Smart (2007). The sensor was then
dilution of precision (PDOP) of three. Following moved slightly to cover more vine canopy area
GPS data collection, differential correction was and account for variation in spectral response.
completed using the Trimble GPS Analyst Ex- Multiple measurements were also captured to
tension in ArcGIS (ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA). account for variation due to wind and potential
UAV-based aerial images were captured un- canopy movement (McCoy, 2005). Two to four
der clear skies on 16-May-2012 at approximate- observations of each vine canopy were taken
ly 11:00 AM to minimize shadowing between and averaged. The same procedure was used to
the vine rows. At this time of the growing season sample each vine. All samples were taken with
the vines were flowering, which has served as the ASD spectroradiometer by the same opera-
a useful time to gauge relative vine health and tor standing on the far side of the canopy (in
eventual production (Hall, Lamb, Holzapfel, & relation to the sun) to not cast shadows into the
Louis, 2011). Images were captured at a flying vine canopy being sampled. In total, the spectral
height of approximately 125 m and before noon signatures of 61 vine canopies were collected.
due to lower wind speeds at that time (around The sampled vine locations (vine trunks) were
15 kph). Images were captured within two 15 located using the previously discussed GPS
minute time periods coinciding with the life of unit and processing method with the number
each lithium battery. Upon landing, the UAV of averaged positions reduced from 200 to 30.
battery and cameras were switched to continue
capturing data. Images were automatically cap- 2.3.2. Data Processing
tured every second throughout flight using the
Canon Hackers Development Kit (CHDK; chdk. The data processing workflow from UAV im- intervalometer script preinstalled age capture to export of the final orthophotos
on the camera SD cards. During aerial image is provided with Figure 4. The same processing
collection, camera settings remained the same chain was completed separately for both the
as were used for on-ground testing. RGB and NIR images. After capturing aerial
Immediately following image capture, images of the vineyard site, a cursory manual
spectroradiometer data were collected at the image filtering was employed to remove any
vineyard site with the ASD FieldSpec Pro. non-nadir images and other poor quality (blurry)
A minimum of two measurements of each of images caused by aircraft motion. This image
the spectral targets, including the red portion subset was used throughout the rest of the
of each GCP, were collected and averaged. A processing. Image histogram equalization was
stratified sample of vine measurements was applied to the image subset to account for any
implemented for every fifth row starting with brightness differences between individual im-
the first row (easternmost) and ending at row ages using ERDAS ImageEqualizer (Intergraph
30. Within rows, every tenth vine was sampled Corp., Madison, AL, USA). ImageEqualizer
starting from the northern end of the vine rows collects image statistics for all of the images
(alternating starting vines from first to fifth vine; and applies a normalization procedure prior to
i.e. row 1-vine 1; row 1-vine 10; row 5-vine 5; exporting new, radiometrically-adjusted im-
row 5-vine 15; etc.). Vine canopy reflectance ages. Without such spectral adjustment, spatial
was sampled by aiming the spectroradiometer heterogeneity in surface reflectance was visually

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 75

Figure 4. Data workflow from UAV image capture to final Orthophoto generation

apparent in the output mosaics (see Figure 5). also served to minimize the effect of vignetting
Figure 5a displays increased brightness in the by brightening pixels near image edges.
central-western portions of the study vineyard. Following image normalization, images
Brightness variation is also apparent in the NIR were aligned using Agisoft PhotoScan (Agi-
imagery (Figure 5c) in the southernmost parts soft LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia). PhotoScan
of the study vineyard. Histogram equalization provides a SfM-based automatic image align-
served to correct such image-to-image bright- ment procedure that creates point clouds with
ness variation (Figure 5b,d). This normalization arbitrary coordinates. Input images are corrected

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76 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

Figure 5. Comparison of Image Mosaics (RGB: a, b; NIR: c, d) with (b, d) and without (a, c)
Image Histogram Equalization (see online publication for color)

for internal geometric distortions in PhotoScan the orthophotos was determined by the lowest
by automatic import of digital camera EXIF altitude image within the image set. This image
data on lens and focal characteristics (applies exhibited the highest spatial resolution that all
lens distortion coefficients). Across the input of the other images were upsampled to.
images, point clouds for RGB and NIR images At this stage, preliminary RGB and NIR
were created. Following point cloud creation, orthophotos were exported from PhotoScan,
manual editing was necessary to remove which include all input images blended (mean
obvious outlier points or noise (usually well DNs at edge overlap). Figure 4 specifies further
above or below the ground surface). SfM point manual editing at this point, specifically trial and
clouds typically include noise that necessitates error image masking or removal of undesirable
removal (Dandois & Ellis, 2013; Mathews & areas within images (i.e., vignetting corners if
Jensen, 2013). still present, areas of distortion). This was nec-
Following noise removal, the point clouds essary because the geometry of vineyards and
were georeferenced within PhotoScan by similar row crops provide a difficult surface to
manual identification of the GCP targets within automatically create orthophoto mosaics from
images and by inputting their respective UTM due to the canopy being elevated above the
coordinates. PhotoScan then transformed and ground surface on a trellis system. This elevated
optimized the point cloud with arbitrary coor- canopy combined with the wide FOV of the
dinates to real-world UTM coordinates (X, Y, digital cameras created areas of high distortion
Z). Within PhotoScan, geometry was then built within images. In images captured with an area
to both (1) create the underlying DTM surface array like a CCD, distortion naturally occurs in
onto which orthophotos were rectified/gener- the pixels away from the principal point. This is
ated, and (2) determine the spatial resolution further accentuated in UAV imagery due to low
(pixel size as well as pixel array layout and flying height and variability in aircraft attitude.
image coverage) of the output orthophoto by Figure 6 shows a more traditional example of
analyzing the input images. In PhotoScan, the aerial image capture of vineyards where in this
DTM surface was derived by creating a mesh case one image captured the entire vineyard
from a simplified/filtered version of the point within its FOV (black camera at or above 250 m
cloud (like a TIN). The spatial resolution of flying height). In this case, all of the vine rows

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 77

Figure 6. High- vs. Low-Altitude Aerial Image Capture of Vineyard Canopy (ideal in black and
realistic in gray)

would look to be near-planimetrically correct The final orthophotos (two mosaics) were
because they fall with a “usable” field of view exported from PhotoScan following the trial/
(UFOV) showed with dark lines extending error masking process: a RGB mosaic from
from the FOV to the ground surface (Figure 6), the UDC images and a NIR mosaic from the
without the appearance of “leaning” vine rows ADC images. The ADC-Blue and ADC-Red
away from the principal point. In the case of bands were dropped from the NIR orthophoto
UAV-captured images at an altitude of 125 m since ADC-Green was determined to best gauge
(ideal locations shown with black cameras in NIR. All three NIR bands were kept in the
Figure 6), these areas of distortion within images earlier stages of processing to aid SfM image
are increased due to the UFOV shrinking with alignment, which was more successful with
reduction in altitude. In this example, instead of the additional pixel information provided by
the whole vineyard being successfully imaged, multiple bands. Average DNs of spectral targets
only five rows of vines are accurately repre- were collected from all four bands avoiding
sented (multiple images needed with mosaic). target edge pixels. Mean DNs were compared to
This is further complicated by the more realistic measured reflectance to create linear regression
picture of UAV camera geometry (gray cameras models to transform each band’s pixels from
in Figure 6) where flying height is inconsistent DNs (0-255) to percent reflectance (0-100).
and not every image is perfectly nadir-facing. A All six spectral targets were intended to be
significant amount of manual masking (within included in creation of all slope line equations
PhotoScan) of unusable areas of images (outside as suggested by Smith & Milton (1999), but this
the UFOV) within both the RGB and NIR im- was only completed for the NIR band. For the
age sets was necessary. In some extreme cases, visible bands, two dark objects (black target;
entire images were completely excluded from GCP red target for the blue and green bands, blue
production of the final orthophoto. target for red band) and one light object (white

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78 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

target) were used due an observed tendency of a significant amount of variation, especially
the visible bands to over- and underestimate within narrow wavelength intervals. The 440-
brightness of color targets. The non-black dark 460 nm interval was selected as the best fit
targets were chosen based on having at or near between samples with R2 and RMSE values
the same recorded brightness as the black target. of 0.937 and 8.250 for sample 1 and 0.923
Regression equations were created for each band and 9.628 for sample 2. Although, the interval
and applied to every pixel in that band using of 445-455 nm and single wavelength of 450
the raster calculator in ArcGIS. nm had slightly higher R2 values, these were
considered to be less robust due to greater
2.3.3. Output Validation variation between samples 1 and 2. The green
band DNs exhibited a strong relationship with
Using the output mosaics and spectroradiometer spectroradiometer measurements contained
measurements, each output band was validated with a relatively wide interval of 500-600 nm,
to compare measured reflectance to estimated yielding R2 and RMSE values of 0.973 and 6.057
reflectance. Validation ROIs were obtained for for sample 1 and 0.965 and 7.242 for sample 2.
each vine location using 0.48 m diameter buffers The red band R2 values were the most consistent
of the GPS-located vine trunks. More narrow among the different wavelength intervals, with
and broad buffers were tested (no buffer, 0.12 R2 of 0.974 and 0.960. The 620-680 nm range
m, 0.24 m, and 1 m), but were considered less was chosen based on the combination of high
representative of the canopy size and spectro- R2 and low RMSE. Overall, the blue band was
radiometer FOV (multiple measurements over slightly less successful in correlating DNs with
the canopy). This 0.48 m buffer size was near measured reflectance (R2 less than 0.94) when
the extent of the canopy width for most vines, compared to the green and red bands (both with
although smaller canopies and canopies with R2 greater than 0.96).
sizable gaps bring in the possibility of spectral The ADC provided three NIR bands, of
contamination from underlying soil. All pixels which the green band (regardless of wavelength
with centroids within the 0.48 m buffers were interval) consistently provided DNs that highly
averaged and compared to spectroradiometer- correlate with measured reflectance (Table 2).
measured reflectance. In addition to vine The ADC-Green band was therefore used as
samples, reflectance values from on-ground the NIR band throughout this paper (hereafter
spectral targets not included in the DN to reflec- referred to as just ‘NIR’). Within this band,
tance conversion were also compared (including the widest wavelength interval had the highest
GCP targets and other color targets like blue, R2 values accounting for greater than 98% of
green, and red). Linear regression was used to the variation in measured reflectance of both
compare each band’s estimated and measured samples. RMSE values for this wavelength in-
reflectances and determine the suitable bands terval also were desirably low (3.587 and 4.220).
for future analyses. Using the selected wavelength intervals,
the per-band relationships between DNs and
3. RESULTS reflectance are provided in Figure 7(a-d). In
each case, all of the 19 ROIs are plotted twice
3.1. On-Ground Image Collection (once for each sample). For each band there
and Camera Calibration was a noticeable offset between the origin and
where the fit lines intersect the X-axes. This
Results from the wavelength interval analysis was present with all bands. For each band the
for the visible bands are provided in Table 1. dark object (black spectral target) registered
The wavelength intervals determined to best mean DNs greater than zero, meaning that
represent the sensor for each band are dis- the digital cameras measured the dark objects
played in bold. The blue band accounted for as being more reflective than expected when

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 79

Table 1. Spectral calibration test results for UDC (visible bands)

UDC-Blue UDC-Green UDC-Red

Interval Sample 1 Sample 2 Interval Sample 1 Sample 2 Interval Sample 1 Sample 2
(nm) (R2; (R2; RMSE) (nm) (R2; (R2; (nm) (R2; (R2;
450 0.941; 8.028 0.925; 9.52 550 0.940; 9.730 0.958; 8.383 650 0.973; 6.683 0.963;
445-455 0.940; 8.083 0.927; 9.386 545-555 0.940; 9.691 0.958; 8.367 645-655 0.973; 6.681 0.963;
440-460 0.937; 8.250 0.923; 9.628 540-560 0.943; 9.482 0.959; 8.307 640-660 0.973; 6.710 0.961;
420-480 0.923; 9.111 0.906; 520-580 0.958; 7.986 0.963; 7.735 620-680 0.974; 6.547 0.960;
10.514 8.189
400-500 0.909; 9.436 0.894; 500-600 0.973; 6.057 0.965; 7.242 600-700 0.973; 6.478 0.958;
10.710 8.331

compared to the spectroradiometer measured 3.2. Application of UAV-Based

reflectance. The low RMSE and high correlation Image System to the Study
for the NIR band are graphically demonstrated Vineyard and Generation of
with observations falling close to, or on the Analysis-Ready Image Products
fit line. However, this is not the case with the
visible bands, where less variability in spec- 3.2.1. Orthophoto Generation and
troradiometer values was accounted for by the Per-Band Reflectance Conversion
regression models. Additionally, the spectral
signatures of several of the calibration panel Of the 150 total RGB images collected, 59 were
targets are shown in Figure 8 (the first blue, selected as high-quality and nadir or near-nadir
green, red, leaf, white, and black targets). The facing, which were used in model creation. In
spectral sensitivities of the UDC and ADC are total, 25 of these images were used to export
provided, within which the selected wavelength the final orthophoto mosaic. As for NIR, 45 of
intervals for each band are displayed. the 191 images captured were used to create
the NIR model. Of this subset, only 13 images
were needed to create the NIR orthophoto.
Fewer images were needed for NIR because
the NIR flight yielded higher quality images
overall, mostly attributed to more consistent,
slightly higher flying height (due to reduced

Table 2. Spectral calibration test results for ADC (NIR bands)

ADC-Blue ADC-Green ADC-Red

Interval Sample 1 Sample 2 Interval Sample 1 Sample 2 Interval Sample 1 Sample 2
(nm) (R2; RMSE) (R2; RMSE) (nm) (R2; RMSE) (R2; RMSE) (nm) (R2; RMSE) (R2;
840-860 0.939; 8.853 0.923; 10.010 840-860 0.988; 3.903 0.984; 4.526 840-860 0.946; 8.352 0.929; 9.600
820-880 0.937; 8.991 0.921; 10.125 820-880 0.988; 3.903 0.984; 4.526 820-880 0.946; 8.361 0.929; 9.600
800-900 0.933; 9.250 0.917; 10.344 800-900 0.990; 3.587 0.986; 4.220 800-900 0.945; 8.406 0.929; 9.625

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80 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

Figure 7. Relationships between spectroradiometer measured reflectance (Y-axis) and digital

camera measured brightness (X-axis) of spectral targets within blue (a), green (b), red (c), and
NIR (d) bands

winds during the NIR flight). This resulted vine values are clustered, whereas the spectral
in the NIR orthophoto having a lower spatial target points are scattered due to their distinct-
resolution. Both orthophoto mosaics yielded ness. Overall, the red (Figure 10c) and NIR
spatial resolutions of less than 4 cm. The RGB (Figure 10d) bands exhibited the highest vali-
images had a resolution of 2.59 cm, and the NIR dation R2 values of 0.78 and 0.57 respectively.
image had a resolution of 3.45 cm. Orthophotos Viewing the distribution of all points around
were converted from DNs to reflectance using the 1:1 line is representative of the relationship
the equations for each band provided in Table 3. between measured and estimated. The NIR band
The light and dark targets used for the empirical in particular appears more robust than the other
line conversion yielded R2 of 0.98 or greater for bands due to the tight clustering around the pro-
all bands (all models p <= 0.085). Each band vided 1:1 relationship line. The vine values for
of the converted, final orthophotos of the study the red (Figure 10c) band however are variable,
vineyard is shown in Figure 9(a-h). shown along the bottom of the graph increasing
the RMSE value for this band. This over- and
3.2.2. Per-Band Validation sometimes underestimation of reflectance was
also observed in the other visible bands of blue
The validation results including R2, RMSE, (Figure 10a) and green (Figure 10b). The blue
scatterplots with trend lines and 1:1 lines are and green bands yielded R2 values of 0.35 and
provided in Figure 10(a-d). For each band, the

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 81

Figure 8. Spectral signatures of selected targets from sample 1 with camera spectral ranges and
optimal band wavelength intervals

0.02 respectively. More importantly though, 4. DISCUSSION

the green vine samples are clustered similarly
to the red and are even more variable. Vine re- 4.1. Validation Results
flectance was overestimated by the green band
more so than the red. Vine values for the blue The estimated reflectance results were weaker
band were often underestimated with values than desired for the visible bands, particularly
at, near, or less zero. Some values ended up with blue and green, where blue resulted in
slightly negative following conversion, leav- extremely low values and green resulted in
ing the remaining samples off the graph. The extremely high, variable values. Shorter wave-
over- and underestimation of reflectance in the lengths are typically more difficult to measure
visible bands, particularly the blue and green due to atmospheric scattering, which may
bands, also occurred with the spectral targets have played a slight role. At such a low flying
(outliers shown in the upper-left and lower-right height though, these effects should have been
portions of Figures 10a and 10b). minimal. Similar to the other visible bands, the

Table 3. Derived reflectance conversion equations for each band

Band Conversion Equation R2 RMSE Spectral Targets Used

Blue Reflectance = (0.7076 * DN) - 71.149 0.999 2.753 White, Black, Red GCP
Green Reflectance = (0.6016 * DN) - 48.385 0.982 10.158 White, Black, Red GCP
Red Reflectance = (0.6162 * DN) - 55.824 0.991 6.631 White, Black, Blue
NIR Reflectance = (0.5124 * DN) - 11.675 0.992 3.420 All

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82 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

Figure 9. Generated orthophoto bands of blue (a,e), green (b,f), red (c,g), and NIR (d,h) at the
whole-vineyard (a-d) and partial-vineyard (e-h) scales

modeled red band did not account for much of green bands (see Figure 10a-d; spectral target
the variability in the validation data. The red reflectance values are found on or very near
band, however, exhibited the best fit of the the fit line). The tendency of the visible band
visible bands due to its accurate estimations of models to over- and underestimate brightness
spectral target reflectance unlike the blue and (DNs and subsequent reflectance) might be

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 83

Figure 10. Validation results comparing measured (Y-axis) and estimated (X-axis) reflectance
of vines and spectral targets within each band

attributed to the CCD and Bayer filter’s sus- representations of the study vineyard that are
ceptibility to accentuate color as it is measured. very useful for surveillance mapping. As for
Hunt et al. (2005) discussed similar findings quantitative analyses, the weak validation R2
where, in the majority of images captured, mean values for all bands does not support future
DNs of non-light (object) spectral targets were work without a substantial amount of error. In
greater than values of 250. The sensors used in cases where such error can be tolerated (which
this study were designed for and marketed to a is very likely due to the vastly reduced cost of
recreational audience that limits the amount of UAV-based image collection), the red and NIR
customization possible. Even using the custom bands could be employed due to their higher R2
settings outlined in the Materials and Methods values. Of all bands, NIR appeared graphically
section, digital cameras still automate much (Figure 10d) to best estimate vine reflectance
of the data collection process. The JPEG file (clustered around the fit line) without the high
format may have also contributed to this error variability that the visible bands exhibited (low
even though similar studies insist otherwise RMSE). Similarly, Jensen et al. (2007) noted
(Lebourgeois et al., 2008). that digital camera-collected NIR information
In terms of future qualitative analyses, played the most significant role in predicting
the produced orthophotos are highly accurate grain yields. Statistically though, validation

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84 International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015

results for the red band accounted for the most sophisticated though, which may soon provide
variation in measured reflectance. Overall, poor the ability to match images and then adjust
results may relate to the general difficulty of spectral properties within a single application.
establishing a statistical relationship between Of the more successful bands of red and
ground-measured spectra and aerial imagery NIR, the NIR band was less likely to over- or
due to spatial and spectral resolution differences underestimate spectral reflectance. This might
between the spectroradiometer and the digital be due to the ADC only being able to sense a nar-
cameras. This difficulty was discussed by Le- row portion of the spectrum, which minimizes
long et al. (2008) and led to relative analyses the degree to which the Bayer filter and CCD
(within each image set and not image set to affect the DNs of the captured scene. In this way,
image set) with DNs instead of conversion to future work may wish to use a spectral filter
reflectance. In addition, due to its very hetero- with the UDC (or ADC) to collect single bands
geneous nature with leaves of varying angles within the visible range. For example, a green
and sizes, canopy gaps, trellis hardware (wire filter (blocking blue and red light) would force
and posts), and other background noise/spectral the sensor to collect less spectral information
contamination (bare soil and grass), vine canopy overall, which may increase accuracy of green
is a very difficult surface to model in terms of information collected within three (RGB) bands.
reflectance. Due to this, using vine canopy as a How the Bayer filter and CCD might record
validation is an especially challenging endeavor. this spectral data is unknown. Future work may
Additionally, unknown sensor capabilities, wish to create a time series of orthophotos to
which were estimated in this study (wavelength gain a fuller sense of the usefulness of digital
intervals), might have contributed error. camera-based spectral reflectance estimations.
In keeping with the practical nature of this
4.2. Practicality of Provided research, band-to-band registration between
Methodology and Future Work cameras was not performed. Band-to-band
registration between two cameras is impracti-
The proposed data workflow provides a practical cal in many UAV applications because UAV
and very inexpensive means by which to collect (planes, quadcopters, blimps) payloads are
very high spatial resolution orthophotos. Pro- extremely low (less than 400g in many cases
cessing time and effort, though, remains lengthy, where one digital camera weighs around 150-
specifically the effort needed to mask the input 200 g with batteries), therefore necessitating
images to generate high quality image products. separate flights with each camera. Even if the
Future research would benefit from increased UAV has the payload capacity to carry two
automation within the proposed data workflow cameras, further problems can arise: mounting
in an effort to reduce overall time needed to the cameras very near each other proves difficult
produce image products (spectrally-consistent with many do-it-yourself UAVs and capturing
or not). Also, in creating orthophotomosaics images simultaneously without a servo and the
with and without image histogram equaliza- additional weight of the servo (with motor) fur-
tion, it was found that image alignment was ther complicates system creation. If desired at
less successful with images that were adjusted, a later time, bands can always be co-registered
necessitating more manual effort to remove by way of resampling the rasters to a lower
noise within the point clouds. This is due to spatial resolution.
the slightly adjusted DNs that, when changed As for vineyard-specific future work,
within all images, can reduce image-to-image analysis of the generated image products is
matching. It would therefore be useful to create needed to further assess the usefulness of the
a methodology that could improve SfM results data to viticulturists. Due to band-to-band
of spectrally-adjusted images. UAV image registration being disregarded, future analysis
processing software is rapidly becoming more with the red and NIR bands would likely need

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International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 6(4), 65-87, October-December 2015 85

to take an object-oriented approach or resample Baboo, S. S., & Devi, M. R. (2011). Geometric Cor-
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blue, green, red, and NIR at a vineyard site in
central Texas. A data workflow methodology Bellvert, J., Zarco-Tejada, P. J., Girona, J., & Fereres,
was proposed to address radiometric and geo- E. (2013). Mapping crop water stress index in a
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT Dare, P. M. (2008). Small Format Digital Sensors for

Aerial Imaging Applications. The International Ar-
chives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and
The author wishes to thank John Klier, Kumu- Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVII(B1), 533–538.
dan Grubh, Matthew Patton, and David Yelacic
for help collecting the data used in this study. De Biasio, M., Arnold, T., Leitner, R., McGuinnigle,
The author would like to further acknowledge G., & Meester, R. (2010). UAV-based environmental
monitoring using multi-spectral imaging. Proceed-
Jennifer Jensen and Nathan Currit for provid- ings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical
ing helpful advice throughout the project. This Engineering, 7668, 1-7.
work was supported by a doctoral research
Dean, C., Warner, T. A., & McGraw, J. B. (2000).
stipend provided by the Texas State University Suitability of the DSC460c colour digital camera for
Graduate College. quantitative remote sensing analysis of vegetation.
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Sensing, 55(2), 105–118. doi:10.1016/S0924-
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Adam Mathews is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography at Oklahoma State University
in Stillwater, Oklahoma. His research interests are applications of remote sensing and GIS. Adam is spe-
cifically interested in applying low-cost geospatial tools and techniques to viticulture and other areas of
agriculture to aid decision-making.

Copyright © 2015, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

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