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PSYC 2111_SW4 - Introduction to Research Methods

in Psychology

Assignment 2

Student Name – Aditi Mahendru

Answer-1. The reference of both report which is available on website of the Association for

Psychological Science are as follows:

 Bartusevičius, H., Bor, A., Jorgensen, F., & Petersen, M. B. (2021). The psychological

burden of the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with anti-systemic attitudes and political

violence. Psychological Science. Advance online


 Gamble, B., Tippett, L. J., Moreau, D., & Addis, D. R. (2021). The futures we want: How

goal-directed imagination relates to mental health. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(4),


The reference of both report which is available on the google scholar are as follows:

 Bartusevičius, H., Bor, A., Jørgensen, F., & Petersen, M. B. (2021). The psychological

burden of the covid-19 pandemic is associated with antisystemic attitudes and political

violence. Psychological science, 32(9), 1391-1403.

 Gamble, B., Tippett, L. J., Moreau, D., & Addis, D. R. (2021). The futures we want: How

goal-directed imagination relates to mental health. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(4),

Abstract of news story titled “The psychological burden of the covid-19 pandemic is associated

with antisystemic attitudes and political violence” are as follows:

What are the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for people’s political attitudes and

behavior? We tested, specifically, whether the psychological burden of the COVID-19 pandemic

relates to antisystemic attitudes (dissatisfaction with the fundamental social and political order),

peaceful political activism, and political violence. Nationally representative two-wave panel data

were collected via online surveys of adults in the United States, Denmark, Italy, and Hungary (ns

= 6,131 and 4,568 in Waves 1 and 2, respectively). Overall, levels of antisystemic attitudes were

low, and only a small share of interviewees reported behavioral intentions to participate in and

actual participation in political violence. However, preregistered analyses indicated that

perceived COVID-19 burden was associated with antisystemic attitudes and intentions to engage

in political violence. In the United States, the burden of COVID-19 was also associated with

self-reported engagement in violence surrounding the Black Lives Matter protests and

counterprotests. We found less robust evidence that perceived COVID-19 burden was associated

with peaceful activism.

Abstract of news story titled “The futures we want: How goal-directed imagination relates to

mental health” is as follows:

Imagination is an adaptive ability that can be directed toward the pursuit of personal goals.

Although there is a wealth of research on goals and on imagination, few studies lie at the

intersection—little is known about individual differences in goal-directed imagination. In 153

adults, we examined how 28 aspects of goal setting, pursuit, and goal-directed imagination relate
to mental health. Higher well-being and lower depressive symptoms were strongly linked (a) to

having goals that were more attainable, under control, and expected to bring more joy and (b) to

goal-directed imagination that was clearer, more detailed, more positive, and less negative.

Importantly, the emotional valence of goal-directed imagination strongly predicted well-being at

a 2-month follow-up even after controlling for mental health at baseline. These findings

underscore the relevance of goal-directed imagination to well-being and depressive symptoms

and highlight potential targets for goal- and imagery-based interventions to improve mental

health. Correlational result

It is stated that in the first article titled “The psychological burden of the covid-19 pandemic is

associated with antisystemic attitudes and political violence” clearly demonstrate that pandemic

is resulted into the erode of social relationship which undermine the mental as well as physical

health, the economic losses and fear related to disease. The study figures out two correlations,

firstly Is the psychological burden of COVID-19 associated with antisystemic attitudes and is the

psychological burden of COVID-19 associated with nonviolent political activism and political

violence. For the both correlations, the study finds that there is a positive correlation between the

Covid-19 Pandemic and Antisystemic and political violence. As there is increase of 6% in

antisystemic attitudes and 2.2% and 3.8% increases in activism and radicalism intentions,

respectively. As fact around 20,000 demonstrations have been occurred in the public sphere in

2020 along in the jurisdiction of United states of America. In the second article which titled as

“The futures we want: How goal-directed imagination relates to mental health” correlation result

demonstrates that there is direct correlation between the goals and imagination of the individual

and the depressive. The individual who decides their goals which are in their control are less

likely to faced the less depressive symptoms. However, on the other side the individual who
decide their goals which are not under their control are likely to face more depressive symptoms

in future. The direction of the correlation is 0< (ρ)<+1. So, it can be said out that both the

variable is moves in the positive direction. So, the main correlation between the both study

is that Covid has deeply affected the goals of the individual goals and make things out of

their control which resulted into the depression and political violence.


Figure: Correlation
Cause and Affect outline

Based on the given facts and correlation results in the particular case study, it can be said out that

third avenue in which a third variable c can affect the A and B variable can be drawn. It can be

said out that Covid is a third variable which resulted into the antisystemic and depression as the

things are not in the control in the human beings which deeply impacts their goals setting.

Interpretation of the correlation

It is stated that the direction of the correlation is 0<(ρ)<+1 which means there is a positive

impact of the C variable on the both Variable. In addition, the both variable which are depression

and Political violence are both moving in the same direction with the Covid.

different nonexperimental research design

The fact that there is an online survey has been conducted in the first new story. But it can be

said out that that there is low level of authenticity in the online survey. The fact that if the

personal interview is being conducted of the participant, then it can be helpful to find out the real

time value and result from the participants. SO, a qualitative study will can provide the better

results as compared to correlation.


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