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Module 4 | Exercise 2.

Solve the following problems.

1. A group of 50 senior highs school students were asked to rank their most favorite sports
to play. Determine the winning option using the plurality of voting. Is there a majority
option? If so, which option?
Options Ranking
Basketball 1 3 1 2 2
Volleyball 2 4 3 3 4
Badminton 4 1 4 1 3
Swimming 3 2 2 4 1
No. of Votes 15 8 12 10 5

Options Ranking Total first-
place votes
Basketball 1 3 1 2 2 27
Volleyball 2 4 3 3 4 0
Badminton 4 1 4 1 3 18
Swimming 3 2 2 4 1 5
No. of Votes 15 8 12 10 5

Using the plurality of voting, the majority option is the basketball for having the

highest total first-place votes of 27.
2. Answer Problem 1 using the Borda count method.

N=4 Basketball
Rank Rank Points No. of Votes Total
1 4 15 60
3 2 8 16
1 4 12 48
2 3 10 30
2 3 5 15
Borda Count 169

N=4 Volleyball
Rank Rank Points No. of Votes Total
2 3 15 45
4 1 8 8
3 2 12 24
3 2 10 20
4 1 5 5
Borda Count 102

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N=4 Badminton
Rank Rank Points No. of Votes Total
4 1 15 15
1 4 8 32
4 1 12 12
1 4 10 40
3 2 5 10
Borda Count 109

N=4 Swimming
Rank Rank Points No. of Votes Total
3 2 15 30
2 3 8 24
2 3 12 36
4 1 10 10
1 4 5 20
Borda Count 120
 The winning option is Basketball since it has the highest borda count.

3. Answer Problem 1 using the plurality with elimination method.

Round 1:

Options Total first-place votes

Basketball 27
Volleyball 0
Badminton 18
Swimming 5
 For round 1, volleyball should be eliminated for having the lowest total first-place

Round 2:

Options Ranking Total first-

place votes
Basketball 1 3 1 2 2 27
Badminton 3 1 3 1 3 18
Swimming 2 2 2 3 1 5
No. of Votes 15 8 12 10 5

 Swimming and badminton are the 3rd and 2nd lowest respectively, thus both will be
eliminated. Therefore, the winner for this method is Basketball.

4. Answer Problem 1 using the top runoffs method.

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Options Ranking Total first-

place votes
Basketball 1 3 1 2 2 27
Volleyball 2 4 3 3 4 0
Badminton 4 1 4 1 3 18
Swimming 3 2 2 4 1 5
No. of Votes 15 8 12 10 5

 Volleyball and swimming got the lowest total first place votes; thus, it will be
removed from the options while basketball and badminton remains.

Options Ranking Total first-

place votes
Basketball 1 2 1 2 1 32
Badminton 2 1 2 1 2 18
No. of Votes 15 8 12 10 5

 Thus, Basketball is the most favorite sport to play.

5. There are 360 voters in an election using the plurality method.

a. What is the number of majority votes?
The number of majority voted can be determined by dividing the total number
of voters by 2, then plus 1: (Total number of voters/2) + 1. Thus, the result would be

(360/2) + 1 = 181. Thus, the majority number of votes is 181 and above (if there are two

b. What is the minimum number of votes for the winner with 5 candidates?

(360/5)+1= 73. Thus, the minimum number of votes for the winner with 5 candidates is

6. There are 400 voter and 6 candidates in an election using the Borda count method.
a. What is the total number of points on a ballot?
It will be 6 since the maximum number of points is only 6.

b. What is the least number of points a candidate can receive?

1 point is the minimum number of points which will be given to the lowest rank
candidate (0 point does not apply).

c. What is the maximum number of points a candidate can receive?

The maximum number of points is 6 since the most favorite receives the n points
which is the total number of candidates.

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d. If points are given to the following candidates, which candidate wins the election?

Candidate Points Candidate Points

A 1635 D 2100
B 1325 E 1525
C 1800 F Unknown

 Candidate D wins the election for having the highest points of 2100.

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