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Tired of seeing some piece of plastic and paper around the

campus? What a waste?! Why not pack some veggies and fruits in a lunch
box instead of buying in convenience stores? Isn’t it healthier that way?
Buying bottled water and cold drinks? Why not try bringing your own mug or
tumbler? That way, we can save money; we can be healthier, and; we can
help the environment.
STOP! Trash cans or trash bins are all around the campus. It is not that
difficult to throw your candy wrapper in one of them, right? If there are no
trash bins available, why not keep it first in your bag and throw it afterwards?
Papers, papers, papers! Done with the paperwork? Don’t throw your notes
away! You can use it for re-printing an essay or article or even for some
artwork! This won’t bite. Trust us!
OFF! Turn off the lights if not in use. Unplug your electronics if not in use.
Turn off the air conditioning units if it’s not needed. Just turn them off and
unplug them, will you? You know how it works.
DO NOT overuse water. Use it if needed. Got some used water? Water the
plants with it. Plants have unique filtration capabilities to recycle water and
turn it into its own food. Know that process? Yeah, partner it with carbon
dioxide and sunlight and you’ll get photosynthesis, which by-products will
give you clean water and fresh air.
FOR AN ECO FRIENDLY ONE! If our school supplies are not used
anymore, why not try to donate it to the needy instead of throwing it right
away? You’ll not just help the environment, but also the youth and the
PLASTIC AGAIN! If you’re going to buy something in any store, why not
try using reusable bags instead of buying plastic? In that way, you can help
lessen pollution and waste in our nation! Invest in Eco-bags!
TOO MUCH POLLUTION, LET’S BEAT IT! Gases that are coming from
the vehicles are also dangerous to our health. If it’s possible to walk to the
University, why not try it? You’re not just helping the environment, but
you’re also exercising a healthy lifestyle!
DOWNLOAD! Any environmental application can be your guide to save and
fight for the betterment of the environment. This will be your tool to gain
knowledge about how significant our environment is!
START AND JOIN! Student perspectives are important in the society as they
are entitled as the key for success. Collaboration and Engagement is what we
really need. We need to grow and learn. Model United Nations is an avenue
where delegates from need to be cognizant and mindful seeking a vital
solution for the unstoppable issues that are propagating all over the nation.

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