PE Module 7-9

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At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

a. discuss the aerobics exercises;
b. identify the fundamental movement skills;
c. differentiate aerobic exercises and aerobic dance; and
d. distinguish the types of aerobic dance

Topic: Aerobic exercise and Aerobic dance

Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and
strenght training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness (flexibility, muscular strenght,
and cardio-vacular fitness). It is usually performed with music and may be practiced in a group setting led by
an instructor (fitness professional), although it can be done solo and without musical accompaniment. With
the goal of preventing illness and promoting physical fitness, practioners perform various routines comprising
a number of different dance- like exercises. Formal aerobics classes are divided into different levels of
intensity and complexity.

A well-balanced aerobics clas will have five components:

1. warm-up (5-10 minutes) 4. Cool- down (5-8 minutes)

2. cardio vascular conditioning (25-30 minutes) 5. Stretching and flexibility (5-8 minutes)

3. muscular strenght conditioning (10-15 minutes)

Aerobics exercise is sometimes known as “cardio” that requires pumping of oxygenated blood by the
heart to deliver oxygen to working muscles.

Aerobic exercise stimulates the heart rate and breathing rate to increase in a way that can be
sustained for the exercise session. In contrast, anaerobic ( without oxygen) exercise is activity that cause you
to be quickly out of breath, like sprinting or lifting a heavy weight.

Aerobics exercise can become anaerobic exercises if performed at a level of intensity that is too high.

Aerobic exercise not only improves fitness; also has known benefits for both physical and emotional
health .

Aerobic exercise can help prevent of reduce the chance of developing some cancers, diabetes,
depression, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis.

An aerobic exercise plan should be simple, practical, realistic.

History of aerobics

In the 1960’s, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, a physiologist searched for an effective and easy way of
keeping healthy. His hard work resulted in the various ways of flexing muscles and burning calories
to maintain body fitness. He named his findings AEROBICS.
Since he was an employee of the Air Force, Dr. Cooper’s discovery was initially meant to keep
the astronauts in good shape.
However, in 1968 Cooper broke the secret when he wrote a book titled, ‘Aerobics’ detailing
his simple methods of exercising. Some of the aerobic exercises he mentioned in the book included
cycling, swimming, walking, running and others.
These exercises increase the oxygen consumption in the body that intensifies muscle activity
and in the process burn calories producing sweat.
After the book’s publication Cooper put it out for sale and it was an instant non- fiction best
seller reaching a million sales.
The release of the book was during the technology revolution that had led to increased
redundancy amongst Americans.

1|Module 7-9 -Physical Education

It was that time of cable technology when Americans spent most of their free on couches in front of
the screen and when video games were enjoying their first touch.
With over relaxation, there was prevalent weight increase amongst the American community
and many of them were caught in unhealthy conditions.
The timely publication of Cooper’s book saw many people taking on daily aerobic exercises at
home to regain their health.
Aerobics evolved as a commercial commodity. Exercising program was broadcast on
television for the convenience of homes.
And professional trainers emerged as early as 1978. The number of Americans alone
practicing aerobics reached 2 million but shot to 22million after a period of ten years.
The following two decades saw the introduction of aerobic sports. In 1983, sport aerobics was
introduced by Howard and Karen Schwartz. They came up with Sport Fitness International (SFI).
From local competition this later oversaw the first world championships at San Diego in
March 1990. 15 countries attended. The content of Cooper’s book continued its effect beyond
American boundaries.

Fundamentals Movement Skills

Are the movement patterns that involve various body parts and provode the basis of physical
literacy. Fundamental movement skills are the foundational movements or precursor patterns, to
the more specialized and complex skills used in play, games and specific sports. Physical literacy
describes the ability of a person to instruct the body to perform an action accurately and with
confidence and to recognize the physical, social, cognitive and emotional attributes required to do so
effectively. Gymnastics-like activities promote the development of all movement patterns.

Fundamental movement skills can be categorized into three groups:

1. Body management- involve balancing the body in stillness and in motion. Example are the static
dynamic balancing, rolling, landing, bending, and stretching, twisting amd turning, and climbing.

2. Locomotor skills- involve transporting the body in any direction from one point to another.
Examples: crawling, walking, running, hopping, jumping, galloping, skipping and swimming.

3. Object control skills- requires controlling implements and objects such as balls, hoops, bats and
ribbons by hand, by foot or with any other part of the body . Examples: throwing, catching kicking,
bouncing and dribbing.

Topic: Aerobic Dance

What is aerobic dancing?

Is essentially hour’s workout set to music. A typical aerobic program begins with 5-10 minutes of
warm-ups and stretching, peaks with 20-30 minutesb of target heart range dance, can be include 20 mins. of
a muscle stretching floor program known as body sculpting, and ends with 5-10 mins. of cool down and more
stretching. Programs typically run three to four times a week

2|Module 7-9 -Physical Education

Benefits Aerobics

Improves cardiovascular conditioning.

o Decreases risk of heart disease.

o Lowers blood pressure.
o Increases HDL or "good" cholesterol.
o Helps to better control blood sugar.
o Assists in weight management and/or weight loss.
o Improves lung function.
o Decreases resting heart rate.

What makes a good aerobic dancing workout?

 Warm-up- Start off moving to something slow for about 5-10 minutes which will prepare you for more
vigorous activities.
 High Impact- After warm-up, your main aerobic routine should last about 20-30 minutes.
 Cool Down- Speed the last 5-10 minutes of your aerobic dance routine cooling down and relaxing. This
will give you a chance to stretch your muscles and let your heart rate slowly come down.

Basic steps of Aerobic Dance

1. Basic Step
This move can be performed on an aerobics step bench or on the floor. Do several in a row with the
lead leg, or alternate lead legs for variety.
HOW TO DO IT: Start with your feet side by side, about hip-distance apart. Step about two feet
forward with your lead leg. Bring the back leg forward to meet it. Step back two feet with your lead
leg and draw the other foot back to meet it.

2. V-Step
This dance step is also doable on an aerobic step or the floor. It gets its name from the wide, v-
shape of the movement.
HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet parallel and hip-distance apart. Step your lead foot 2 to 3 feet
forward to the corresponding corner of the floor or the bench. Step the opposite foot wide to its
corner. Step back to the original position with your lead leg. Bring the opposite leg back to meet it.
You may alternate lead legs or repeat the step on the same leg several times before switching.

3. Step Touch
Step touch is commonly found in floor-based classes. It's an easy move to master.
HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet side by side and hip distance apart. Step your lead leg to the
side and bring the other foot to meet it. Switch the direction as you alternate touching side to side.

3|Module 7-9 -Physical Education

Sometimes, you might do two to four steps to the right, and then an equal number to the left (or
vice versa).

4. Mambo
The mambo step in aerobics dance takes its cue from the dance style. It's a fundamental move that
has you swinging your hips.
HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. For a right leg lead, take a small step
forward on your right foot; keep your left foot where it is. Shift weight onto the right foot, and then
shift weight onto the left foot as you step the right foot backward. Shift weight onto the right foot,
then to the left; immediately take the step forward with the right to repeat the step.

5. Box Step
A box step is sometimes called a "jazz square."
HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and parallel to one another. For a right leg
lead, step the right foot slightly forward and in front of your left foot. Step the left foot out to the
side. Bring the right foot a step back and cross over it with your left foot. Repeat multiple times.

6. Grapevine
The grapevine offers a way to travel side to side during a floor-based aerobics class. Sometimes, an
instructor adds a knee lift or hamstring curl instead of the tap before switching directions.
HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. To move to the right, step your right foot
to the side. Cross your left foot behind the right. Step the right foot again to the right and tap your
left foot next to it to switch directions.



Copyright 2019

Meynardo L. Ballecer, Wilfredo G. Faustion,Jr., Ernesto Thaddeus M. Solmerano

Published by: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.


4|Module 7-9 -Physical Education

V. Sagun cor. M. Roxas St.
San Francisco Dist., Pagadian City

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ________________

Course/Year/Block:_______________________________ Date:_________________
Instructor: _____________________ Score: _______________

Activity 1:

Directions: Look at each physical activity given below and then put a check if you think it can be considered
as aerobics.

Physical Activity Aerobic Anaerobic

Exercise Exercise
1. aerobic classes
2. cross country skiing
3. dancing
4. high –intensity interval training
5. hiking
6. kickboxing
7. powerlifting
8. race walking
9. long-distance running
10. road running
11. spinning
12. sprinting
13. stair-climber
14. stationary bike
15. swimming
16. treadmill

Activity 2:

Directions: Create your top 10 benefits of aerobics exercise for your health. (2pts. Each)











5|Module 7-9 -Physical Education

Activity 3

Directions: Use Internet to distinguish types of aerobic dance. (3pts. each)

Types of Aerobic Dance Definition

1. Jazzercise

2. Zumba

3. Hip-Hop Aerobics

4. Step Aerobics

5. Ballroom Dance

6. Belly Dancing

7. Break Free Dance

8. Pump It Up Aerobic Dance

6|Module 7-9 -Physical Education

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