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At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

a. understand the concept and skills acquired in various physical fitness test;
b. compute the body mass index(BMI); and
c. perform a variety of physical fitness test using correct techniques

Topic: Body Composition

Body composition is the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in your body. A healthy body composition
is one that includes a lower prcentage of body fat and a higher percentage of fat- free mass, which includes
muscle, bones, and organs.

Body composition is a measured to assess your health and fitness level. Often, you will have a body
composition measured at the start of a weight loss or fitness program and checked perodically to monitor
your progress.

Two types of mass:

1. Fat-free mass- It includes bone, water, muscle, organs, and tissues. It may also be called lean tissue. These
tissues are metabolically active, burning calories for energy, while body fat is not.

2. Body fat mass- it can be found in muscle tissue, under the skin (subcutaneous fat), or around
organs(visceral fat). Some fats is necessary for overall health. It called essential fat and it helps protect
internal organs, stores fuel for energy, and regulates important body hormones.

Factors Affecting Body Composition

Your body composition can be influenced by factors you can’t control:

a. Age- People lose muscle mass as they age if they don’t maintain it with sufficient weight training. This
result in a lower metabolism.

b. Sex- Women have more body fat than men as nature’s way of preparing for pregnancy and nursing.

c. Genes- These play a role in whether you are naturally lean or have a tendency to retain fat, including where
you store.

d. Hormones- These can influence water retention and body composition.

1|Module 4-6 -Physical Education

V. Sagun cor. M. Roxas St.
San Francisco Dist., Pagadian City

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ________________

Course/Year/Block:_______________________________ Date:_________________
Instructor: _____________________ Score: _______________

Activity 1: Calculate your BMI

Body Mass Index- is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. The formula is BMI=kg/m2
where kg is a person’s weight and m2 is their height in meter squared. A BMI of 25.0 or more isa overweight,
while the healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9. Now it’s time to calculate your BMI.

Instruction: To determine your BMI, use the abovementioned fromula and then fill in the details below. (15


Height: _______________________(ft/in) or ______________ (cm)

Your BMI is ________________ this is considered _________________

Activity 2: Count your Calories

Instruction: Calculate how many calories you will burn for any activity. Record your score in the blank spaces

Name: _______________________________



Weight: Before (lbs)_____________/(kg)___________

After: (lbs)_______________/ (kg)___________

Height: (ft)________________/(cm) _____________

How long is your workout? ____________________

2|Module 4-6 -Physical Education

Physical Fitness Pre-Test1: Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Warm up and Cool Down exercise- warm up and cooling down may offer help in dreducing your risk of
injury and improving your athletic performance.

Here are some examples of warm-up activites:

a. To warm up for a brisk walk, walk slowly for five to ten minutes.

b. To warm-up for run, walk briskly for five to ten minutes.

c. To warm-up for awimming, swim slowly at first and then pick up the tempo as you’re able.

Here are some examples fo cool-down activities:

a. To cool down after a brisky walk, walk slowly for 5 to 10 minutes.

b. To cool down after run, walk briskly for 5 to 10 minutes.

c. To cool down after swimming, swim some leisure laps for 5 to 10 minutes.

Stretching Exercises

Stretching is the act of releasing tension from the muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons, and gaining
youth as you do so. Kika Stretch Studios looks at stretching as a way to find that ultimate relief you’ve been
searching for. Not only will stretching make your body feel good, but it’s health benefits will reduce the effects
of aging and leave you feeling and looking younger. 

Type of Stretching

1. Dynamic Stretching- Dynamic Stretching is a type of stretching that is based on movement, which uses the
muscles to stretch themselves. It is more so used as a warm-up for athletes, as it does not stretch the
muscles to their fullest capacity, and works on activating them instead. An example of a dynamic stretch
would be doing arm circles before lifting weights or doing an arm-heavy sport. 

3|Module 4-6 -Physical Education

2. Static Stretching- Static Stretching is stretching where you hold a single position for a period of time,
typically less than a minute. It is usually done after a workout, as it increases blood flow and range of motion,
but could poorly impact an athlete’s performance. An example of static stretching is holding a forward fold
3.Ballistic Stretching- Ballistic Stretching is a form of stretching that attempts to use the momentum of a body
part to stretch past normal range of motion. This typically looks like bouncing in and out of a stretching
position to try and get farther into the stretch. An example of this might be bouncing forward in a seated
position in an effort to touch your toes. 
4. Passive Stretching- Passive Stretching What we do! This is a type of stretching where you stay in one
position for a period of time. What is so great about passive stretching is that it gives your muscles the time to
fully release, which other forms of stretching do not. The Kika Method is a form of fully assisted passive
stretching, which means that the coach is doing all of the work for you, and your only job is to relax. An
example of passive stretching is having a person gently push your leg towards you in a lying hamstring
5.  Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation or PNF stretching - Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation or
PNF stretching is a method of stretching used to find maximum range of motion through holding and
releasing the muscle, or contracting and releasing the muscle. This is done by passively holding the stretch,
pushing the muscle out of the stretch, and then allowing it to go back to the passive stretch, hopefully with
more mobility. An example of this would be a lying hamstring pull, by pushing against your hands to contract
the muscle.

Benefits of Stretching

1. Stretching can improve posture.

Tight muscles can cause poor posture. Specifically, the muscles of the chest, back (both lower and upper),
and hips can cause poor posture if they are tight. Many of us spend at least a portion of our day sitting at a
computer or looking at a phone or tablet. The position that is typical with these activities (rounded shoulders
and forward head) is a position of poor posture. We can improve on this by stretching the pectoralis, upper
trapezius, and hamstring muscles, to name a few.

2. Stretching can improve range of motion and prevents loss of range of motion.
As we age, our joints lose range of motion. We can counteract this by stretching regularly. Even if range of
motion in some joints is limited, stretching can help to improve this.

3. Stretching can decrease back pain.

This somewhat goes hand in hand with posture. If we have poor posture in the upper back, the lower back
compensates and can develop pain. Also, if we have tight hamstrings or hip flexors, the lower back
compensates and can develop pain. Stretching the leg muscles and the muscles mentioned for posture will
likely help to decrease back pain.

4. Stretching can help prevent injury.

If you stretch a muscle too far, it will become strained or torn. If your stretch and increase the range in which
a muscle can move, the likelihood of injuring it decreases. Stretching before physical activity specifically helps
prevent injury by bringing blood flow to the muscles, warming them up, and decreasing any tightness they
might have to prevent a strain or a tear.

5. Stretching can decrease muscle soreness.

If you have soreness in a muscle or muscle group from a recent workout or from a muscle strain, stretching
can help relieve some of this discomfort. Many times, when we are injured, the muscles around the injury site
tighten up as a protective response. By stretching these tight muscles out, pain and soreness can be



Copyright 2019

Meynardo L. Ballecer, Wilfredo G. Faustion,Jr., Ernesto Thaddeus M. Solmerano

Published by: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp

4|Module 4-6 -Physical Education

V. Sagun cor. M. Roxas St.
San Francisco Dist., Pagadian City

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ________________

Course/Year/Block:_______________________________ Date:_________________
Instructor: _____________________ Score: _______________

Activity 1

Instruction: Identify the following stretching exercises below. ( 2points each)

Activity 2

Instruction: Select at least two exercises if you think that would benefit your health. Explain why? ( 20points)


Activity 3. Make a video

Instructions: Perform at least seven stretching exercises and wear proper outfit. Minimum of 3 minutes and
maximum of 5 minutes. Upload in fb group page “ West Prime PE 1”

5|Module 4-6 -Physical Education

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