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September 8/2022
Team Exercise-Situational Analysis

Topic: A Royal Caribbean cruise of the Eastern Caribbean February 10-15. $1,500

The Royal Caribbean cruise of the eatern caribbean is a worldwide brand that makes a lot of
money. The government is including themselves by running the expenses. The cruise boosts
the global economy by supporting close to 940 thousand jobs worldwide and paying very well.
Supporting jobs around the world helps their political situations. Economically, people haven't
been able to go on cruises because of money and covid. Now that cruise ships might be
lowering their price on their tickets people could afford it. People have been wanting to go on a
vacation so if they can get on a cruise there, they're gonna do it.

The cruise would attract a lot of people from the ages 20-60 and these people may be
looking for a get away or something fun they can go do with family and friends. Cruises have
improved a lot and one of these goals is to make money obviously. So to do that they lowered
the prices to give people a break because of covid that has gone on for almost three years. So
for people that just wanna get out of their house but might not have a lot of money to buy an
expensive ticket. A goal I would like to see them meet is keeping their cruise ships available and
having a good priced ticket.

A way that I can try to track the system to make sure they have reasonable prices is
checking in. They could check in every month to check the number of what the cruise ships are
charging. If they charge too much then people won't buy tickets so they have to keep it at a
good price. They should report something every month at the end of the month to talk about if
they wanna decrease or increase the price. The person that should keep track of this is
probably the people that have something to do with the pricing of the ship or that check people
in. They could send something to the manager because the manager is probably busy a lot of
times. They also wanna scope out the competition for their pricing because if they have better
deals people are gonna come to them.
September 8/2022
Team Exercise-Situational Analysis

Topic: A Royal Caribbean cruise of the Eastern Caribbean February 10-15. $1,500

1. Create two Marketing Plan Objectives (slide 31): In a 3-5 sentence paragraph,
create two objectives that identify specific goals you would like to see met for
this product. (Ex: Bring in more customers ages 18-25, sell more products
online instead of in the store, etc)

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