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Hey FemSista!
Can you feel
your wings
itching under
your skin?



© Star Sarasvati Media

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Align & Actualise is a 3 month, 1:1 mentorship designed to help you:
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Weekly calls
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Ancestral Alchemy
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+ so much more.

The power of partnership
The work of destiny rescue has impacted me deeply due to my own
personal story. Every girl deserves a right to choose their destiny.
I was given this choice as well and working with them allows me
to pay this gift forward. – Shar Moore – The Girlfriend Hour TV.

Real lives. Real impact.

Shar Moore is partnering with Destiny Rescue to provide freedom for children
trapped in sexual slavery.

Right now a young child is being exploited, sold, and abused with no hope of a future. If we don’t get to her, someone
else will, and her horror story will continue to play night after night. You can put an end to this injustice. Help find
children caught in exploitation and give them a path to freedom and a better future.

Why I chose to support Destiny Rescue

“After hearing how many girls still need rescuing, how could I not? As a woman in the media business that has a way to
reach many others, we can help spread the word about this great cause.

Becoming a rescue partner has one simple benefit. Making a difference to one girl at a time. They each have a name.
A purpose. A life. And a bigger reason for being here.”

You can join Shar and become a Rescue Partner.

Your monthly gift of any amount will help set children free
and keep them safe.
Your regular gift will…

Mobilise Restore Empower

rescue agents across the brave girls who have them with education,
the world to find and stepped into freedom vocational training
rescue enslaved and through a personalised and safe employment
exploited children. reintegration plan that so they can live a
meets the needs of bright future.
each girl.
inspiration awaits...
21 28
Tarryn Reeves Introducing
Shows us how to balance both
masculine and feminine power to thrive The Girlfriend Hour™.
in business and entrepreneurship The all live TV event you
won’t want to miss!

Michelle Flowers
Offers support and strategies
to heal and thrive after

Nikki A Creber
On navigating Parkinson's

Disease and teaching
women about the magic of

Diana von Welanetz Wentworth

New York Times Best-Selling Author of 10 Award-Winning Books
tells us it is never too late to live up to your very highest potential!

Kim Yabsley
A funding guru that every Entrepreneur and
business person needs in their lives. This is the
kickstart you've been waiting for.

Tracey Collins
Shares how she scaled a
business during Covid 19 by
taking risks, backing herself,
and finding joy along the way.

Your special
invitation to a
night in.

Genevieve Searle
Our Feminessence Ambassador offers strategies
on how to lean into your personal health type
to find happiness and success

its the movement you’ve been longing for... 7

inspiration awaits...
Cathy Sheppard
A lesson in understanding

It ’s time
who you are at your core, and
how to find your true power
and purpose.
for you to publish
that book!

Jean Sheehan
Shares her incredible gift
of healing and medical
intuition and the power that
comes with owning your

Donna Aston
Nutritionalist, author and human
performance coach talks all
things metabolic health

Naz De Bono is redefining health after 50.
How to thrive throughout your middle years.

Bridget Foliaki-Davis
Celebrity Chef teaches us
how to nourish our bodies
and better understand the
role of hormones in
weight maintenance

Julie Cross

A masterclass in resilience,
reinvention and harnessing
energy to reveal your sparkle.

Jacqui B Scougall
Shows us the freedom and power in
choosing to live life without regrets

its the movement you’ve been longing for... 9

© Sumico Photography
CEO Letter
Amongst the pages, you will find the incredible signed by Binge in the United States
Genevieve Searle. The optimisation queen, forging and streamed out to Apple TV, Amazon, Roku and
‘Many people will review this time a path forward with zest, passion and soul and 60 plus other streaming platforms, we know that
in history in years to come.’ taking a tribe of women with her as she does. As
our Ambassador, we couldn’t have found a better
wherever you are in the world, you can find our
show and get the warm hug of support you need.
woman to lead this issue into the world.
How will you be seen, heard and remembered? With so many exciting projects coming, we are just
An experience that not many can boast about, buzzing with excitement as more and more women
This is not the time in our lives to be a but our exceptional guest Diana von Welanetz come out of the woodwork to share their stories,
wallflower. This is the time, my friends, to be Wentworth shares the story of her two great loves stand on their stages and share their voices.
SEEN, HEARD and REMEMBERED. of her life, her kiss with Elvis Presley and her Are you next?
involvement as the first Co-Author in the super
When our fellow humans review this time in history successful book series ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ Girlfriend, I hope as you turn the page and start
in years to come, what will they find on you? that sold a whopping 500 million copies! What a embarking on this exciting journey that you
woman! stop and ponder how else you can make your
Many are flying under the radar for fear of being life magical and wonderful. How you can further
too happy, too content, or too successful, and then As you indulge in the articles of our 12 sensational uncover your Feminessence® and ensure that all
some are saying ‘I’m worthy of being in a magazine, Feminessence® women, stop and remind yourself those that need to find and hear your voice can.
becoming an Author and being a guest on a TV Talk that they are just like you. Take the time to work
Show’! through the activities, as they have all been crafted Enjoy every moment of your journey, and I hope you
with you in mind. I invite you to take your time find some time just for you to enjoy our magazine.
And these women are Feminessence® women. going through these, as our magazine is not one to Created from our heart to yours.
flick through and pop on the coffee table. It’s very
This magazine is for those brave few. Those who much been designed as a workbook! Maybe we
wake up every day wondering if there are others
out there who are just like them. Who take chances.
should call it a Maga-book! Or Work-azine? Much love always,
Who find the money for the things they want to do. In other exciting news, our new TV Talk Show
Who don’t take things lying down. Who get up just The Girlfriend Hour™ TV launched and what a
one more time. Who juggle the kids, the business, launch it was. 111 women stunning women gave
the partners, the pets and all the other stuff! up some time on July 11th at 11:11am to help us
spread the word about our first episode. And
Our books are for those women and men yearning spread they did…
for more. More life experiences, more opportunities,
more life! Over 7,000 views on YouTube in 24 hours. That’s
7,000 people who have benefited from the
Our amazingly talented team have poured their sincere, authentic, honest and real guests that we
heart and soul (and hundreds of hours) into have had on the show. Isn’t this what TV should
producing this magazine for you, with just one be? Something relatable to all of us. Something
hope. That you too can unlock your Feminessence® uplifting, yet grounding. Inspirational but not ra-ra.
and shine. Ok, that’s two, but who’s counting! And something truthful. And with our show being

its the movement you’ve been longing for... 11

Are you ready to join the
Feminessence® Movement?
Feminessence speaks to the unique and innate power of
being a woman. Shar Moore
Our divine heart centre yields a power exclusive to our experience CEO/Founder, TEDx
as women. Often that power goes un-recognised, under-utilised, Speaker, TV Talk
and way too frequently overlooked. Show Host
Isn’t it time that you stood out in the crowd and backed yourself?

Unapologetically, Confidently, Gracefully.

It’s time to step into your feminine energy and invest in your

Gain credibility and raise your profile today by being featured

in our next issue of Feminessence Magazine. Devoured by over
300k monthly readers, let’s turn the page on the next chapter of
your journey.



Read anytime anywhere on It’s your time to stand up and get noticed!
PressReader for FREE It's time to step into your potential and discover how
media can help take your personal brand to the next
level. Raise your profile, expand your network and start to
see some of your ambitions realised.

For anyone thinking about it. Take the leap, have faith
in yourself, and back yourself. You won’t be sorry” - Ann
Tomlinson, Feminessence launch edition, March 2021.

©2022 Feminessence® (who hereby asserts their copyright), part of the Sharanis Take the first step and book a call with our team today.
Lifestyle Group Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. All material in Feminessence® is
protected by international copyright and reproduction of any part in any format
without the written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited.
Neither this publication, nor its contents, constitute an endorsement by the
Publisher of the advice, products or services mentioned in this publication, or
in advertising, editorials or in any of our content. Photographers are credited
where possible. Some images have been provided to us and the provider has
confirmed that they have the right to share these images with Feminessence® for
publication. All prices are accurate at the time of printing.

Cover image: Created by Erica Anderson - Fidget Media

Cover photo of Shar Moore by Sumico Photography

meet our FE +MALE team

Susannah Pask Erica Anderson

Editorial Director Designer/Art Director

Russ Moore
Kristen Lowrey
Commercial Director /
Publisher Editor

Anna Frangela
Social Media Angel

Kylie Ward
Online Business
Manager / Executive
Assistant to
Shar Moore

Min Melgar

Jacquie Ford

its the movement you’ve been longing for... 13

NuCalm is the most
life-enhancing tool
I’ve ever discovered!
My brain function has
improved markedly,
and my daily life
continues to expand
into more and more
opportunities and

Diana Wentworth uses

NuCalm to help her own
the day. Scan this QR
code to learn about her
daily regimen and take
advantage of a special
14 NuCalm subscription offer.
Diana von Welanetz Wentworth
New York Times best-selling author of
10 award-winning books, including two of
the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

Are you feeling it? The power, the passion, the

exuberance of emerging feminine energy? We women
won’t keep a lid on our wild visions any longer!

We ask ourselves what will bring us and those around

us the most joy and fulfilment. We explore all we can
grow into. We welcome new directions into our brightest
possible futures.

I learned early in life that feminine exuberance was

not acceptable in our patriarchal society. I learned to
put a lid on myself, thereby trapping myself and losing
the chance to blossom into all I was meant to be. It
took years to move beyond these constraints and give
myself permission to forge my own path. There are
opportunities through an open door, but first we must
open it!

Very often, what inhibits creativity is stress, ie. the

expectations put on us by other people. It’s like driving
with one foot on the gas and one on the brakes. When
we reduce stress, we find that we’re more resourceful,
creative and resilient than we know. Joy and stress
are opposites that block each other. Let joy be your

Break the stress response

• When standing in line, instead of getting impatient,

look at the people around you and quietly send good
wishes to them and their families.
• In the car, listen to sounds, feel your hands on the
• Banish the expectations others have put on you and
let your wild child thrive. Martha Beck and Rowan
Mangan, on their “Bewildered” podcast, advise us
how to reduce stress and thrive as we move from
bewildered to wild and free.

• We think, “people will judge me!” Yes, but we must
learn to embrace that wild child who blurts our truth

and embarrasses us. She is a messenger. She holds a
letter telling us that we are here to celebrate, that we
are magnificent, that we hold the key to doors of joy
and opportunity and grace.

When it ’s over,
I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married
to amazement.

at any age
I was the bridegroom,
taking the world
into my arms.
- Mary Oliver’s poem
By Susannah Pask When Death Comes

© Nick Richards, Privaro Design it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 15
Calming your thoughts And, occasionally, suddenly and sometimes I woke early the next morning, way too early to meet
shockingly, I sensed an event that had yet to my parents for breakfast. I chose to wear a certain
• Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Take 3 deep happen. I would call it Inner Knowing. dress, as if for a special occasion, and stood in the
breaths, exhaling longer than inhaling. Enter, Elvis! middle of the lobby.
• Feel your heart pulsating, nourishing you with a
Yes, that Elvis! Though our friendship began many What am I doing here so early? I wondered. Paul
sense of warmth and ease.
years ago, this wild happening left an indelible von Welanetz stepped out of the elevator, and I
• Breathing slowly, bask in the love you feel. mark. In the spring of 1959, when my sorority sisters soon found out.
Radiate your love to every living being. Invite and I were sprawled in our bunks, I asked someone
the feeling of expansiveness to stay with you to turn the music down. “Where are you from?”
throughout the day.
“Oh, Diana doesn’t like Elvis Presley!” With those words, my longed-for heart’s companion
• When you are ready to re-enter your everyday
had arrived. Three days later we were engaged.
world, radiate your gratitude for this feeling of “Actually, I do like him, and I’m going to date him
connection. Centred, blissful, calm, you re-enter someday!” Feeling our Way into Our Future
your day. Your world is lit from within!
Where did that come from? I wondered. Our romantic marriage would last twenty-five years,
My Path toward Empowerment and what a fabulous and fun career we shared
Of course, they laughed at me. How could I possibly and built together! I’d always loved cooking and
Let me take you on my journey of discovery – have known my quick retort would turn out to be gathering people around the table to enjoy each
the power of finding and stepping into the next true? other. Thanks to Julia Child, interest in French
challenge. After a great performance, the audience cooking and entertaining was emerging in America.
demands an encore. Encore at any age! It’s never A few months later, my mother took me on a I loved learning, and during the first five years of our
too late to respond to your calling and begin a new “Cook’s Tour” of Europe that began in Paris. Bobbie, marriage, I attended classes with the head chef of
adventure! a young boy on our tour, ran up to me as I entered the Escoffier Room in Beverly Hills.
the lobby.
May I tell you the story of how powerfully my own Paul, an artist at heart, loved using his imaginative
life has evolved and how it continues to expand? “Elvis is in the dining room! I’m scared to ask him talent to present food and table decor. He quoted
Even after eighty? Even though I’m recently for an autograph!” Mies VanDer Rohe, “First you eat with your eyes!”
widowed for the second time? Our shared passion led to cooking classes in
“Come with me!” our home and then to a groundbreaking career
As a child I found myself living in a serious world. in cooking and entertaining. Our first book, The
Dinner table discussions were ominous. Children Drop dead gorgeous in his Army uniform, Elvis’ Pleasure of your Company, won the “Cookbook of
should be seen and not heard. Be a lady! blue eyes lit up as I approached! Charming and the Year” Award in the category of entertaining.
courteous, he took Bobbie’s pen and signed. He Five more books followed, along with our cooking
But a small, precious part of me was always told us he was on his first leave from the Army, school on the Sunset Strip, where Wolfgang
irrepressible. No one could quiet me for long. visiting Paris for the first time. Puck and other rising chefs taught. Los Angeles
While I marvelled at coincidences, serendipitous Magazine featured us as one of L.A.’s most romantic
happenings, and signs of invisible support, I was Again, quite magically, we were in the same couples. We also hosted an early television cooking
cautioned to be careful and realistic. place again that very evening attending an show on the Lifetime Network, The New Way
early show at the Moulin Rouge. Afterwards, Gourmet.
At eight, I was sent away to a girls’ boarding school. back at the hotel, Elvis was waiting in the lobby
I was lonely there; very few boarders, none my age. as our tour bus returned. He stood up and And then, as happens with trends, it all fell apart.
invited my mother to join him, inquiring how By 1985, women entered the workforce in droves
Wounds Give Birth to Wisdom she was enjoying Paris. He then asked if he and lost interest in spending days at the stove for
might escort me to the Lido Nightclub for the parties that would only last a few hours.
That deep loneliness, though a wound, would serve late show.
me well. Challenged to Reinvent our Career
It was thrilling to be with him! Thrills continued
More than anything in the world, even as a young later, in his room, when he played the guitar and Paul and I were feeling desperate. We could think
girl, I yearned for a future romantic partner who sang the theme from the film Moulin Rouge for this of no other way than cooking to make a living.
would be my forever love. I sensed how fulfilling audience of one. Paul was quietly consulting the wanted ads. I
deep intimacy would feel. I just knew I would find a was worriedly pacing the floor, stamping my foot,
way to share my whole heart. I know what you’re wondering. Yes, we kissed. impatiently wanting to know NOW what could open
new doors.
Meanwhile, I noticed how I loved to spark joy. Learning to Trust
Whenever I lit up someone’s day, my own And I noticed something; “Spiritual Alchemy.” Out of
brightened. I used many techniques — jokes, Another meeting that felt magically destined desperation, I’d insistently asked aloud for our next
riddles, practical jokes and magic tricks — to lighten happened three years later in Hong Kong. At the step. (A few years earlier, when we’d been waiting
up my serious family. I discovered the power to age of twenty-one, I felt another knowing. Without too long to be offered our own TV show, I’d done
delight others. warning, I broke up with the approved “eligible the same thing. “Give us a show now!” I demanded
bachelor” I’d been dating and tagged along with aloud. Within hours, we were offered our own show
One source of delight was home cooking. My my parents on their tour of Asia. For the next on two different networks.)
mother and my maternal grandmother, who ran a three weeks, as we toured Japan, the Philippines,
boarding house, spent lots of time in the kitchen. Vietnam, and Cambodia, I felt sure I’d made the Please take note: Erupting wildness needs to
What warmth, fun and generosity they shared right decision. While an appreciation for world be honoured and amplified to its full force.
preparing delicious food! I loved being in the travel awakened in me, I also felt a quiet sense of Add fierceness to your prayers! No more polite
kitchen with them, perusing recipes, planning anticipation. pleadings.
menus, preparing treats. The most fun was
anticipating the pleasure it would bring. Chopping On the evening we arrived in Hong Kong, our A Whole New Tribe!
and prepping, sautéing, and simmering, I was final stop, I wasn’t aware that a man in the dining
stirring blessings into every bite. room felt drawn to me and had followed me to the Paul and I shared more than a talent for cooking.
elevator, only to have it close in his face. We’d always found ourselves drawn toward human

potential. We’d been introduced to Transcendental “Come as you will be in five years!” I invite wisdom, grace and beauty to enter the world
Meditation in 1970. We avidly read books to each through me. Those who want to travel this path with
other and attended lectures and personal-growth The rule at the first party was that you had to stay me will call in their angels and guides to help us
workshops with the leading teachers of the day. in character throughout and tell us all what you discover our next adventure.
had achieved. Dr. Susan Jeffers stepped out of a In the words of poet Mary Oliver,
When we heard about “Impact,” a motivational limousine holding three mock books, announcing
seminar for people in the entertainment industry, that she had just returned from her third New “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild
we committed to the cost and threw ourselves into York Times bestseller tour. Her first book, Feel the and precious life?”
it wholeheartedly. Our nine-month stint there was Fear and Do It Anyway, soon became a massive
life-changing. Several hundred of us were coaxed bestseller and was followed by two more. She Now that I’m alone, I don’t need to behave myself. I
into setting nearly impossible goals and then held achieved what she’d announced. And so did others. can loudly insist on magic! Order in a miracle! How
accountable to achieve them. “Your considerations The Law of Attraction, of creating vivid feelings in it works, I don’t know. What I do know is my inner
don’t count. All that counts is the action you take!” advance of achieving what you wish to experience, knowing loves to be called upon. And trusted!
When we focused on action, magic multiplied. was practised early at The Inside Edge.
Many of the world’s most successful authors Recently in a large online group, I blurted
Other participants — Jack Canfield, Dr. Barbara and motivational speakers found support at our something and possibly embarrassed myself.
DeAngelis and others — who were just launching meetings. Despite my embarrassment, I felt a certain
their careers also experienced amazing results. giddiness, which I identified as “trapped
“Come to the Edge!” exuberance” finding its voice. I got the idea to
Through our association with “Impact,” Paul purchase the domain,
and I were invited to travel to the Soviet Union Early attendees still speak of how uplifting and and then a few weeks later, I was invited to write
at the height of the Cold War to take part in a magical it felt to step into that meeting room at 6:30 the foreword for the first edition of the Women
documentary on “Citizen Diplomacy.” We were to am. Recently, at the Inside Edge 35th Anniversary Gone Wild book series. A global sisterhood arose
create dialogues and connect with Soviet citizens Gala, Jack Canfield acknowledged that without the from that bestseller. We connected deeply, and
at a time when our governments were not speaking Inside Edge, Chicken Soup for the Soul, the largest Rhonda Swan asked me to teach a writing course
diplomatically. selling book series of all time (half a billion sold!), for my talented co-authors.
may never have come into being. I’m grateful to
I think back on terrifying situations: our rooms were have been the first author in the series with Jack Most empowering of all is NuCalm, my
bugged. Soviet police barged into our cabins on and Mark Victor Hansen on my bestsellers Chicken discovery of the most magical tool ever! As a
trains and tore through our luggage, confiscating Soup for the Body and Soul and Chicken Soup for meditator for fifty years, this is a truly life-
anything that might be considered propaganda. Our the Soul Cookbook. enhancing tool! Listening to it several times
motives were questioned. We hardly slept. We felt daily lets me choose my ideal mental state. No
we were living on the edge of something entirely Another Transition drugs, just scientifically proven control of brain
new. waves. While listening to sublime music, I find
But just after our 25th anniversary in 1989, Paul, myself floating in a blissful space of wonder. I
At the same time, we gained new appreciation near the end of his terminal cancer, surprised me. ask these questions and invite guidance. Where
for gathering around the table, observing and “I don’t want you to be alone.” can I spark the most joy today? What step is
listening to our fellow travellers, activists and “Send me someone!” I blurted. about to be revealed? How wildly wonderful can
leaders in human potential: Dennis Weaver, “I will!” he said. my life become? Answers show up. Insights
Barbara Marx Hubbard, author Alan Cohen, arrive. Most importantly, I give thanks!
Mike Farrell from Mash, Swami Satchidananda, He did. Almost right away. Ted Wentworth just
the real Patch Adams, and 70 more. We happened to walk right into my life and my heart at I’m launching my show “Encore!” which will
marvelled at how the group gained support for the Inside Edge, bringing with him thirty-one more encourage my peak-age audience to create the
their cause. We felt more and more empowered years of marital bliss that ended recently. change they’ve been waiting for. The women I
and made what would become lifelong admire most are the ones who have reinvented
connections. My Teddy deserves more pages than I can offer themselves, who, when finding themselves
here about his life and careers. (Please see www. blindsided by difficult circumstances, discovered
Breakthrough!, a tribute page to his life and ways to rise to the occasion and construct their new
a free download of his book The Enlightenment lives. Wild energy goes on and on!
What if we gather people together without Code).
preparing food? We wondered how we might Unlocking your Next Encore Chapter
encourage and delight others on a grander scale by Though I deeply miss Ted’s affection, his
offering larger, more meaningful events than home encouragement, his very playful companionship, I Listen to your inner wisdom and be bold. What is
dinner parties. now savour solitude — and an entirely new sense of the next big project calling to you?
sovereignty to explore.
Power breakfasts and networking were just How will you go big for it? Feel the excitement of a
beginning in New York. Hopping early onto the So here I am at eighty-one, widowed for the second vibrant journey. Leap!
next trend, Paul and I used our hosting abilities time, not only expecting an Encore chapter, but
to produce phenomenal events. We launched The being flooded with more opportunities than ever! Make a personal affirmation to repeat about your
Inside Edge, a weekly power breakfast in three I realise that I am no longer the centre of my resilience and bountiful resources.
Southern California cities: Los Angeles, Orange husband’s world. I miss him. And yet, I’m getting
County and San Diego. better at tapping into a wild exuberance that has Don’t be perfect, be persistent.
been my new gift. That exuberance explodes with
Our concept caught on and became legendary.
Attracted to our weekly breakfasts at the Beverly
enthusiasm and possibility. My job is to tame it and
run a comb through it, but first I must see it as the “Follow your heart and charge
Hills Hotel were folks who had not yet written holy shining mess it is! into your next act — it ’s never too
books, including Jack Canfield, Louise Hay, Dr.
Barbara DeAngelis, Mark Victor Hansen, and Dr. When I feel this exuberance, I know it’s my purest late to live as your highest self! ”.
Susan Jeffers. Our first speaker was the futurist expression. I’m creating a joyful year by attracting
Barbara Marx Hubbard. a circle of women who also want to expand their
horizons as we ask, “What’s next?” We’re full of Contact Diana through her website at
Paul and I also hosted imaginative parties for our anticipation.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 17

Who are you?
What are your core values?
Women have abundant natural intuition.
This feminine knowing grows as we practice.

Who do I admire?
A fun and deeply revealing way to hone this
inborn skill is to ask ourselves core questions, On the lines below, make a list of women—those in the world
today or even throughout history—who most inspire and spark
what I call “quintessential questions.” I do you, who shine brightly in your imagination? Who do you tend
this first thing in the morning when survival to emulate? List the role models you love to gather around you
instincts influence my first thoughts before as an inner wisdom circle.
they can spiral into worry.
List them here:
I ask, “Where is the most joy to be found today?”
“What miracles reveal themselves?”

The second step is listening.

We use all the methods to cultivate silence—meditation,

yoga, Tai chi, etc., and prayer—to open and enhance our
ability to hear and sense. We allow our inner knowing to

Some answers arrive instantly, and others may drift through

our minds later. As we learn to trust to stay alert to our
listening, insights flow in.

So, let’s do this fun practice together...

When you have a good list to work with, set your pen down.
(You can always add more names later as they come to mind.)

Now, tune into each of these beautiful beings one at a time.

Sense the very essence of each one.

Which of your embodied
qualities have you identified?
List them here:

Which qualities
do they embody?
Pick up your pen, and next to each woman’s name, list various
qualities each exemplifies. Some qualities may be duplicates, and
others will be unique to a particular individual. (Others making their
own lists might identify entirely different attributes.)

List them here:

How do you feel as you ponder what this list has revealed?

Are you amazed? Delighted? Grateful?

You, my divine feminine

sister, demonstrate these qualities
when you are centred in your clear
awareness. Like a fountain, you pour these
delicious qualities into all aspects of all you
do as you flow through your day.

Now, study your list.

Own them!
Do you sense that you already own and radiate these qualities
yourself? Are these the features that others perceive in you? Embrace them!
And, do you see that the listed qualities reveal your core values? Grow more fully into them!
Our values reveal and broadcast our personal light into the world! Develop them in ever more
expansive ways!

you came here to light the world! - Jan Phillips, author, artist-activist

© Diana von Welanetz Wentworth

Intention is
action is just
the result.
With my thoughts
I create the world!
– Serene Serene

Be the lighthouse!
Unapologetically Me
By Susannah Pask

Tarryn Reeves
CEO & Founder Tarryn Reeves, Four Eagles Publishing

Growing up, I was unapologetically myself.

I was unconcerned about what others were doing, thinking

or thought about me. We are all born this way, free from the
cage in which society traps us, trying to feel like we belong,
that we matter and that we are doing life ‘right’. It was only in
my early teen years that I realised that I was different. Some
would even say ‘weird’. I preferred my own company to that
of others. I preferred to run around barefoot in nature rather
than wear makeup and read teen magazines. I preferred
reading books to partying and boys. I was happy being all of
me – until I wasn’t.

The bullying started. The hormones started. The realisation

hit me that I wasn’t acting like my peers. It is natural for us to
want to fit in. It is a biological human need. We are wired to
want to be a part of our human network. Nobody likes to be
bullied and nobody likes to feel like they don’t belong. I had
no idea how to be anything but myself in the environment
in which I had grown up. I felt it wouldn’t make sense to
magically try to become someone else. So, when I found out
that my family and I would be moving to start a new life in
Australia, I thought, Here’s my chance! A fresh start! Nobody
knows me there. I can be anyone I want to be. I am going to
be somebody that everyone likes.

Remembering My Feminessence®

The moment that I remembered my Feminessence – for she

is always within you no matter how long you have locked her
away and ignored her – I felt her throw open the doors to
the cage in which I had imprisoned her. She exploded and
released within me when I was in a hotel bathroom in the
Cotswolds in England in 2015.

I was looking at a positive pregnancy test.

I had just come off the back of a spectacular burnout from

my career in corporate, and had been diagnosed with
post-traumatic stress disorder, major anxiety and chronic
depression. I was medicated and had been wading through
this dark hole for about a year and a half. This was the result
of straying so far from who I was. I no longer remembered
who I was and felt completely adrift in the raging oceans of

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 21

© Katie Lee, Obleek Photography
As it started to dawn on me that I was housing me still felt unfulfilled. The opportunity to start my
another soul in my womb, and that I would be own publishing company came along and I jumped
having a baby, becoming a mother, responsible for in with both feet, with no plan and a whole lot of
guiding another being through this life, I felt the trust. I knew that this was the missing piece.
world as I had created it drop away. I sensed my
Feminessence® calling me back. In that silence, I felt A business and an entrepreneur thrive best when
a fierce lioness energy rise through my body and dancing gracefully between both the masculine and
consume me, and I started to remember who the feminine parts of running a business. We need the
hell I was. I remembered that I had a choice. I could masculine so we can develop systems and find the
choose a different way to operate in the world. I drive to keep going even when things get tough.
knew that I did not want to model my behaviour to We need the feminine to be our guiding light, the
date for my child, that I didn’t want my child to feel force that shows us what to do next for the greater
like she had to squash herself into a specific way good of ourselves, our company, our family, our
of being, just to please others. I made a conscious community and the world. The feminine is the
decision then to unlock my own Feminessence®, to creatrix who stands at the forefront of the business
shine my light, not only for my child, but for all the to ignite change and impact.
other women who are feeling trapped in a state of
misery and disconnection from their true selves. My purpose as a woman, and as a human, is to
not only show others what is possible but also
The week before finding out I was pregnant I was to leave the world a better place than how I
made redundant. I tried to get another job, but found it. This is at the forefront of everything I
nobody would hire me because I was pregnant. do. When I am afraid, I remember why. When I
After a while I got fed up and realised that I didn’t suffer from imposter syndrome I remember why.
really want to go back to a traditional job anyway!
I decided to have my baby and then reassess the

Starting My Business

Six weeks after my daughter was born, I was already

getting itchy feet. It turns out I was not born to be
a stay-at-home mum. There is nothing wrong with
this, of course. It just wasn’t for me. Even though
I had made the decision to light the way for my
daughter, her arrival threw me into another spiral
of identity crisis. Who was I without a career? What
if I was a bad mother? The pressure! My anxiety
was having the time of its life – running rampant
through my system every minute of every day
and night. To help me cope, I sought intellectual

I decided to start my own business so that I could

earn money, use my brain and be there for my
child. I started out as a virtual assistant and quickly
booked that out. So, I scaled it to agency level. I had
found my groove. I was born to be an entrepreneur.

A few years in, I added business coaching to

my list of services as I found that I was a natural
at it. I booked my calendar out again. This may
all sound hunky-dory, but due to my people-
pleasing conditioning and self-worth issues, I
was undercharging, overdelivering and working
insane hours to make my business dream a reality.
However, I loved it – and still do – but some part of

The Feminine Self • How do we make choices so that our business is
contributing to the world and not taking from it
I think the feminine self is the wise woman within. for the gain of a single individual?
She is the woman who already has all the answers.
She is the woman who is capable beyond our most • How do we create amazing offers that serve?
wild expectations.
• How do we show up and speak our truth so that
we may ignite other people in turn?
She is you.
• These are just a few of the questions I ask myself
We all have her within us. Sometimes we just need every day.
help letting her out of the cage to which we have
banished her! I want to be a teacher and not a preacher.
This means that I must lead by example. This
I have the innate ability to see someone for who is vitally important to me. I am unable to do
they truly are and for the unique wisdom that they anything well if it feels like it is out of alignment
are here to share. I encourage them to remember with who I am. This is especially true when
who they are, to find their voice and to share their it comes to selling! I cannot and will not sell
wisdom through the power of storytelling. something in which I do not wholeheartedly
I used to think that a woman needed to act like a
man in business to succeed. And then I burned out I work with women to write, publish and promote
in the most spectacular fashion! non-fiction books that function as marketing tools
and authority builders that grow their business and
Women are not designed to ‘do’ all the time. We create ripple effects of impact across the globe.
need ample space to hear our own inner wisdom Although I say that we are writing a book, what
and to create magic from that. We are amazing really happens is the most beautiful, transformative,
at nurturing but cannot do so to the best of our expansive experience that leaves my client stepping
abilities if we don’t first nurture ourselves. Once fully into the most shining version of herself.
we understand this and take a deep dive into what
success looks like to us – not what we have been I feel like I am a lighthouse helping others to
told it is – that is when the magic happens! shine.

Once we understand our unique feminine way of ‘I literally have tears in my eyes as I’m opening
being in the world, we can bring that to the table our edits. So grateful to be putting my story
in our businesses. Women in business aren’t on paper – and for it to be in a form that is not
necessarily driven by a single thing – money or anger-filled and vindictive, but a clear snippet
achievement. Yes, of course we love those things that portrays the struggle, and the relief. This
too, and they are a vital component of business, but has been a healing process for me. Truly, thank
we take a more holistic approach: you.’ – S.B., Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
• How do we make a great workplace for the
people who work in the company and enable ‘Thank you so much for helping me believe in
them to shine? myself enough to write my story.’ – B. S., Founder
and CEO at Tandem Resource Solutions

‘I feel so blessed and very, very fortunate that

Tarryn came into my life.’ – R. G., The Gutsy
Executive Coach

I think the
feminine self is the
wise woman within.
it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 23
Defining your IRA
Ideal Reader Avatar
Welcome to your Ideal Reader 1 Do they identify as male, female or other?
Avatar workbook.
Take the time to answer the questions below to 2 What is the age range of your ideal reader?
ensure that you have a clear understanding of who
exactly you are writing for.

3 Are they married, in a relationship, single, divorced or other?

4 What sort of income do they earn?

5 Do they have children or is this irrelevant?

6 Where do they live?

7 What kinds of books or magazines do they read?

8 Where are they looking for solutions (online, offline, brochures, etc.)?

9 Where are they hanging out?

10 What are their interests?

11 How do they communicate (e.g., phone, email, text, etc.)?

12 What do they do in their spare time?

13 What do they do for work?

14 What keeps them awake at night?

15 Right now, how do they feel?

16 What do they find frustrating?

© Tarryn Reeves
your book
This worksheet has been designed to support
you in deciding on a topic for your book.

Take the time to fill in the spaces as you go and

by the end, you will have a clear idea on the topic
17 What do they find frustrating that they would never voice out loud? of your book.

1. Brainstorm ideas for topics based on your

18 What do they actually need (versus what they think they need)? knowledge, skills, experience and passions.

2. Complete the following sentence: By the

time you finish reading this book you will be
19 If they do not get their problem sorted out will they continue to be frustrated? able to:

20 Do they know that?

21 What is important to them? What do they value?

22 What do they think the problem is?

23 What are some of the key phrases that they use to describe the problem?
3. Is anyone actually looking for the topic you
want to write about?
24 They will find your book valuable if…?
4. Are there books that are already available
on your topic?

25 How do they speak in everyday life?

5. Are people actually buying those books?

6. If so, how much are they paying?

26 Do they have a sense of humour?
7. Describe who you are writing for.
27 Do they swear/cuss?
8. Note down the different pieces of content
you have already created which can be
repurposed in your book.
28 Do they like lots of visual cues or are they more of a words person?

29 Do they like exercises or prefer gathering knowledge?


© Hayley Melrose Soul Photographer & Starry Eyed and Spellbound


Turn your story into a client

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© Harry Acosta Photography

is now!



It is complete craziness to hope to thrive

in your new normal after divorce when you
continue to face your emotional struggles
with the same level of thinking and believing
that got you here in the first place.


Stop the nonsense, take off your
mask and ask for help. It’s time to
Love Your Life On Purpose!

If you’re ready to expedite your transformation

and break free from the emotional
captivity of divorce then book in at
for an opportunity to chat with me for free. Let’s
define what the next steps look like for you on
your way to loving your life after divorce.
Get Over~it And Live! By Susannah Pask

Michelle Flowers – IM4U

Helping Professionals Escape the Emotional
Captivity of Divorce

I’d been served divorce papers.

How could I move forward in my life, having been

with the same person for more than 25 years? How
was change possible? But I would learn that the
catalyst for my change was rooted in the pain and
despair I found in facing the fact that my life would
never be the same again.

It all starts with forgiving yourself – as I had to.

You see, getting out of my own way and taking full
responsibility for my choices, and the way that I
responded to what was happening to me, were
the key components in my healing. The power of
forgiveness is only limited by those who have not
fully experienced its freedom.

They say in your darkest hour is when your real

strength emerges. With a conviction to keep moving
forward, I was determined to find my light – and
that’s when I decided to hire a coach for myself. My
coach taught me that life happens for me not to
me. I had no idea at the time that this decision was
going to propel me onto a life-changing trajectory.
My coach would often say to me, ‘Have you ever
considered being a divorce coach yourself and
helping women who don’t know which way to turn?’

I didn’t hear him. My ears were plugged

because I was just worried about SURVIVING
myself and couldn’t care less about helping
others. I wanted MY life back. Little did I know
then, but he was planting the seeds for me
to thrive…. not just survive. I learned how to
squash the victim mentality and realised I had
a story to tell that could be of value to others.
Even though a story can inspire, I was way out
of my comfort zone, stepping into unknown
territory when I decided to become a coach

But, if I was going to be a divorce coach, I wanted to

learn from the six- and seven-figure earners in the
industry. I hired multiple coaches, attended various
events, trainings and conferences, all during the
heart of the pandemic. My living room became my
office and meeting hub. A word of advice here –
don’t ever allow your circumstances to dictate your
actions. © Harry Acosta Photography

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 31

I began connecting with people from all over the I remember a woman reached out to me online
planet. At a Tony Robbins conference, he said, ‘You and said I saved her life. She lived on the other
are who you surround yourself with. Proximity is side of the world, had two small children and was
POWER.’ So, I joined an exclusive mastermind of contemplating suicide. She read a post I had written
coaches because to be the best version of myself, on Facebook and said it stirred something within to
I needed to be amongst the elite. I went all in on help her see that her existence was not a mistake!
myself, getting a masters certification in neuro- That’s the power of the written word!
linguistic programming and becoming a licensed
hypnotherapist and to this day, I meet weekly with Time is a precious commodity. For those of us
phenomenal coaches from all over the world whom divorcees starting our new chapter, it is critical to
I now call family (aka ‘FAM’)! know that we don’t have to take this road alone. We
can expedite our breakthroughs by locking arms
With an indescribable belief in myself, I am now with someone who has the recipe for a magnificent
on a mission to serve as many women as I can life after divorce. But YOU must ask for help and not
reach. I believe my feminine side has given me the be ashamed. Be a victor not a victim.
empathy and deep-rooted understanding to relate
to the professional woman who has gone through I offer complementary clarity calls for women
a divorce and subsequently encased herself in an interested in learning what the next steps look
emotional prison. I hid behind a mask to cover the like to Loving Your Life Again. Those who are tired
shame, confusion, anger and fear of being divorced. of marinating in their own ‘stuckness’, exhausted
Knowing the pain of trying to go it alone and getting from the incessant back and forth whirlwind of
nowhere was self-inflicted torture. self-doubt, fearful that healing is something beyond
their reach, sign up for my six-week exploration to
As a woman, facing the barrage of emotions that discover The First Steps to Emotional Freedom.
were holding me captive has turned out to be the
backbone of what I do. Although everyone has their Because we all rock our own authentic vibe, my
own experience, divorce is divorce. Having gone programs are tailored to each individual and are
through divorce and come out on the other side has ‘Unique to You.’ I have even given little nicknames
made me relatable and authentic. For some women, to some of the areas my clients and I explore. ‘Find
getting out of the bed is a major step. Others Your Why’, ‘Forbidden Talk’, ‘Enough is Enough’,
completely bury their emotions and wear a smile, ‘May the Force Be with You’ and ‘Believe it or Not’
but deep inside they are being held captive by the are just a taste of my no nonsense, down-to-earth,
pain of divorce. relatable flair. For those who are ready to ignite
their fire within, ‘Be the CEO of Your Life’ is a six-
No matter where you are on your path, when you month experience for women desiring to not just
lock arms with me, we go on a journey of healing live life, but to love their life on purpose. Aren’t you
and transformation together. I will be your tour a teeny bit curious of what meaning the queen of
guide for change. As clients awaken to their inner acronyms has assigned to the letters CEO?
warrioress, the once dimmed light begins to
illuminate. I stand firm on honesty, and I tell my Maybe you’re in a situation and you’ve made
clients what they need to hear NOT what they want the decision to go on with your life but you’re
to hear. The major G.O.A.L. that I urge women to on the verge of second guessing the ‘grass
make a priority is to ‘Get Over~it And Live!’ is greener’ thing? Or maybe you’re still with
someone and you’re going through the battle of
I am naturally honest to the core. So when I coach do I leave, or do I stay?
women, I think my authenticity shines like a kind
of lighthouse guiding lost ships to shore. I am When are you going to realise that you deserve
unapologetically me. To be honest, I refuse to get happiness? You can choose to go it alone, refuse
caught up in what others think about me. Because help, or you can even choose to stay suffering by
of this, the real me always shines through and my yourself. No matter if you’re in a disintegrating
sincerity is felt. marriage, or you’re divorced, there’s this block,
there’s this force, there’s this wall. It keeps people
Today I am serving women by showing them the stuck and in denial. And it keeps them soaking their
POWER in asking for help, because it is TIME to love soul in misery and hopelessness.
life again. Life is waiting for them, and it is TIME
to set some GOALS, like Get Over~it And Live. But what if you just raise your hand and ask for
My goal is to show divorcees that there really is a help? What if you stop allowing divorce or a failed
magnificent life on the other side of divorce. relationship to define your destiny? What could
you do today, what decision could you make right
My private community on Facebook, ‘Loving Your now, to give yourself permission to love your life on
Life After Divorce’, is growing in leaps and bounds, purpose?
and I constantly share my unique stance on moving
forward after divorce, which is to make it your Oftentimes after divorce, we not only lose our

Be a
G.O.A.L. to Get Over~it And Live. If you want a confidence, but we lose our way. I am determined
touchy-feely place to hang, this is not it. Unlike to light the way for women all over the world!
other groups, we are about forward thinking. I
host events, provide written and video content and You are not alone. I got you! Yes, honey, I am
I hold five-day virtual retreats exclusive to group here to be your reflection and show you your
members. Feminessence®.

© Harry Acosta Photography
A word of advice
here – don’t
ever allow your
to dictate your
- Michelle Flowers

victor not a victim.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 33
It’s your time
to shine
Imagine being granted the ability to design your own life.
Wait, what? Complete the following questions as you describe
your new normal life after divorce! (Money is no object, honey!)

find this
Hint: If you write
What do I absolutely love that ,
challenging it you
I get paid every day to do? the answers Netflix
are creating ou are
(And it doesn't even Original a n d
the S R!
feel like work.)

Where will I live?

What is the look... the
feel... the smell...?
Get as detailed as you
possibly can.

© Michelle Flowers
Who do I help with
no strings attached?

When I decide to start my

day, what do I experience?
(Anything goes.)
What do I do for
(It’s okay, Boo. Only
you will see this....)

What activities
are part of my New
Normal that bring
me fulfillment?

Who do I love spending time

with? Why? (Get spicy....
It’s all good to go there.)
Living my own
authenticity By Susannah Pask

Nikki A Creber – CEO & Founder

Navigating Parkinson's Disease & Navigating the Crone Zone

I am a local, national and international, mission-fueled

and purpose-driven coach and advocate for men and
women living with Parkinson’s disease.

I am also a Women’s Change Guide working with mature

aged, experience-rich women, raising their consciousness to
step into the best and highest version of themselves.

As a coach, I am a confidante, counselor, guide and listener.

As your advocate, I can be a loud or soft representative
voice, a presence to support you and an ally to give you
the opportunity to have your rights in place. Walking the
walk and talking the talk are powerful states that speak to
integrity, authenticity and sovereignty. It is imperative that
leaders in their field and experts claim this. Walking my own
journey with reflection and self-realisation assuredly has left
footprints for others.

Neurologically we can
change. We can grow
new neural pathways
and heal our brains.
- Nikki A Creber

I am alive beyond the normal

years – and that is because
Life Altering Moment #1 Life Altering Moment #2

My own experiences have each contributed significantly At age ten, my younger daughter Sammie was an amazing
to my sense of purpose and advocacy in developing soccer player. She was selected for the regional team in our
community awareness. I know my Feminessence visibility area. At one weekly competition game, she was struck on
has grown, flowered and is recognisable because of these the back of the head and knocked out cold. Thus began the
experiences. hardest five years of my life.

At the age of 48, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s I spent the next five years fighting to bring my brain-
disease. I went into shock and felt like a beached damaged daughter back. This is when I learned about the
whale. I felt hopeless! supreme power of neuroplasticity, as I helped my daughter
recover from a brain injury when the doctors had left us with
My Parkinson’s disease diagnosis contributed to changing little hope. I used kinesiology with her daily for five years
the course of my trajectory. I was a full-time deputy principal and it empowered neuroplasticity processes in her brain
in a very busy school, and firmly on the promotion pathway. to heal and recover. At the age of fifteen, she came out for
It felt like my life suddenly was stolen from me. I had to breakfast one morning and I could see it in her eyes – my
learn to live with a chronic, debilitating, degenerative and daughter was restored.
progressively developing disease that interrupts the body
system on three distinct levels: motoric, non-motoric and Neurologically we can change. We can grow new neural
neurological. pathways and heal our brains.

Who Was I? Discovering Audaciousness

A few years after diagnosis, I got out of bed and crossed I became aware of my audacious centre through a sudden
the room to go to the bathroom – and had a severe fright. accidental emergency. I was called upon to hold a young
There was someone in my room, and I saw her in the mirror. man’s abdominal wall together and his intestines in, while
It took me some minutes to realise it was me – I just did not simultaneously trying to maintain a conversation and his
recognise myself! What had happened to me? I was stooped consciousness. There came a moment when I ran out of
and hobbling. I was thin. I had lost control of my body, my energy to stay on task, and I felt faint with fatigue and fear.
hair was untidy and I looked like an invalid. As I struggled, I felt something deep in my heart wrench,
perhaps shift a gear… and my whole persona was overrun
A while later, a friend offered me a lifeline – a chance to with an unfamiliar embracing and enervating warmth and
oversee renovations on her home and restore her one-acre strength. The ambulance finally arrived and the young man
garden across an 18-month period. I said yes because I survived his emergency surgery and thrives to this day.
realised I was no longer in touch with any of my former
passions. I had lost hope and given up on life. It wasn’t until a few years later I had the chance to
really reflect on that experience, finding that my heart,
That sabbatical time taught me so much as I took myself my strength, and my sense of self had been changed.
off all drugs and laboured physically for two years. I pushed It is delightful to work with clients and observe the
through all sorts of pain and brain fog barriers and came out long-term shifts and transformation occurring in their
the other side, once more the one in charge of my mind, my ability to curate their own directions, purposes and
spirit and most importantly, my body. lives because they understand how to ‘tune into’
their audacious heart space. Being able to rely upon
I still have Multiple Systems Atrophy - Parkinson's Disease, using my own well of audaciousness has added a new
part of the Parkinson's Plus Syndromes, which means I am dimension of confidence, making my Feminessence
very well acquainted with the progression of this terrible more available to me every day.
disease and how difficult it is to live with its inevitable,
chronic debilitating degenerative progression. I am alive
beyond the normal stated life span by eight years – and that
is because I am the one in control now.

stated life span by eight

© Keith Swekla

I am the one in control now.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 37
Locating the STAR Within sovereign selves through a transformative path that My counselling, coaching and mentoring are about
locates the STAR within (Savvy, Transforming, helping others, particularly women, unpack their
My 18-month sabbatical taught me how to maintain Audaciously and Realising your Agency). I have individual story. I am passionate about living by
my strength, so I can support, encourage and guide developed my own Changework process within authenticity and sovereignty. I believe making
clients on their various pathways today. I work Lifestyle Protocols – Locate Audacious You®. This more visible one's own increasingly strong sense of
with women seeking connection with their divine process weaves together the wisdom a woman Feminessence® enables one to move more deeply
gathers as she traverses various life roles: sister, into all aspects of this work with the aim of releasing
friend, mother, aunt, lover, wife, homemaker, the subconscious blocks that keep one stuck and
teacher, party girl, grandmother, maven, advisor, prevent one from being their one’s best self.
elder, wise woman and ‘crone’.
Through various tools inside my programs, I
These myriad expressions of a woman in her guide luminescent women - and those yet fearful
life journey are my constant impetus, helping of shining - to drill down to their deepest heart
her to: recesses and look into their iridescent souls. This
inner heart space is where you tune into your deep
• nurture her unique expression well of audaciousness.
• nourish its continued growth
• nurse those expressions into new and further Here is where I read your aura and listen with great
variations attention to you. And here is also the portal to
revealing your Femininessence® - your inner glow.
My feminine edge has informed the design of
the Changework process I use with clients to: The created radiance, from your inner glow once
found, carries back and enables the definition and
• interrogate each lived experience for its distinction of your beautiful feminine essence. I
lessons invite you to join me in this sacred work.
• adopt one’s value set to become one’s
compass My programs include Navigating the Crone Zone,
• reflect on and reframe, identify and transform Presence Plus Strategist, Navigating Parkinson’s
negative self-talk Disease® and Parkinson’s Lifestyle Protocols®
• holistically approach body, mind, soul and
heart I’ve walked my own journey. I’ve been there. I know.

Let me be there for you.

Nikki brings to her clients the wisdom, leadership,

beautiful feminine energy and decades of experience…
from her work in the field of Parkinson’s to her
transformative work with women in business. Nikki
possesses grace and humility rarely seen and is a
standout businesswoman and human.
– Genine Howard, Feminine Business Coach

Navigating Navigating
Parkinson’s Disease the Crone Zone
Bespoke Personalised Coaching, Mature Women’s Wisdom
discover your Parkinson’s Illuminated by Heart Alchemy
Lifestyle Protocols
Who are my Key Clients?
# newly diagnosed, in shock, confused
# feeling beached like a whale; high and bereft
# experiencing emotional overwhelm
# trying to cope with the symptoms of grief,
# ongoing shock, depression, anxiety and apathy
# experiencing a loss of control in life and a sense of being different
# caring for a person living with Parkinson’s Disease
# embarking on an NDIS application

Inside the Crone Zone probe your

“Do you know anyone with
Parkinson’s Disease?
deep heart spaces and illuminate
” your divine feminine edge
Meet the Star within.
In the last 5 years, I have asked this question everywhere.
Perhaps at work, or through your friendship network or perhaps in Make change the way, step into your
your family? 87% of people I ask answer Yes, after they have a little magic and impact the world
think. What about you? The numbers are growing.

Not a discovery call at all!

Mention Feminessence® to get
Your first coaching call x 1 hour is free! To take this offer up you
do not need to be a client yet but can come expecting some good 10% Discount
suggestions and maybe even some answers to take away. on all courses for the
No obligations! How can I be of service to you? remainder of 2022

Connect through our website at
Mob: 61 434 149 688
When heart leads, head follows
& purpose emerges
Illuminating your Heart Code
- ‘Navigating the Crone Zone’

When you Google your name, what comes up? Is it what you expected? Is
it what you wanted to see? If not, or if not quite, then this is when revisiting
your value set and writing your manifesto anew is worth your time and effort.

Audaciously navigate your Heart Code - Why?

Writing your manifesto is an exercise in reframing and refining your
values and beliefs. This is very important as it can form a rock-solid
foundation and filter against which you can test every difficult Your story should run alongside
decision – business or personal. your value lineup comfortably.
Establishing that partner relationship can
be achieved by giving thought to these
2 considerations:

1 List 5 features about the person you want to be.

Interrogating your List 3 emotions you would want to feel on a
The art of leading yourself value system regular basis.

This can provide clarity about your List 5 activities you would love to do each week.
So vitally important in 2022 and beyond. While you
might have a host of mentors across different areas vocation / profession / business. Part
of this process is about the stories If finding the answers to these questions feels
in your life, secondary ‘balcony people’ (heroes and
you tell yourself. What is of great help like stepping out into a void then consider any
imaginary advisors that you continually turn to in your
here is identifying the disruptors in material items that you like to have around – any
mind) can be pivotal to self-motivating,
your life and using a personal audit daily pursuits that give you satisfaction – and
self- initiating and flowing into an effective
tool to refine your story. what your spiritual connection with the universe
process of self-governing.
is? Try mediating on these things and then return
to the exercise.
Beyond this, there is still more required for complete
sovereignty. Serving in our highest and best way
Your Heart Code can be the bedrock of your
does require our self-leadership to be based firmly in
character and forms the foundation for your
strong sovereignty
Try these questions:

1. What is your personality style?

2. What do you stand for?
3. What’s your big ‘why’?
4. What’s your genius area?
5. How do you intend to change the world?
6. What do you love about the work you do and the
people you serve?
7. What do you dislike about the struggle your ideal
customer goes through before they find you?
8. What can you offer to lessen that struggle and help
your customer find you more easily?
This exercise is about unveiling yourself – the pretty,
good, tired, weak, indifferent, thorough, moving and
inspirational parts of you. Make it a complete process.

© Nikki A Creber
The following questions can help you
clarify your Heart Code.
Many experts in self-development agree that there is
the need to review your bedrock beliefs at least
every year.

1. What do you love to do?

2. What are you passionate about?
3. If money was not an issue, what would you do with
your energy and time?
4. What could you do to create a legacy with your
current talents and abilities?
5. What do you personally wish to change in your life
right now?
6. Describe your healthy personal boundaries.
7. What are the daily practices in your self-love
8. Check out your daily meditation practices. Have you
considered ‘Heart Appreciation Meditation’?
Use the heart picture —- fill in the 1/8ths quadrants

WHY revisit your values?
Use values list over here
Valut, Aedvsentulires, Atuthority, Autonomy
# You’ll become more confident. With confidence Achievemen
Authenticity, s, Belonging
you’ll stop struggling so much with decision making. uty, Boldnes ion,
Balance, Bea ncy, Contribut
ip , Co m m un ity, Compete ication
tizensh mmun
Challenge, Ci n, Change, Co
# You’ll become more self-referential and self- Compassion, ity, Curiosity, Collaboratio sity
Creativ ocracy, Diver
validating. When you define your values, it’s like io n, D ec is iveness, Dem tiveness
having an internal validation system. Determin at
ci te m en t, Ex pertise, Effec
nal), Ex
llence (perso eedom, Fun,
Equality, Exce Friendship, Fr
ith , Fa m e,
Fairness, Fa
# They put you as the master of your own ship. Growth
When you define your values, you are no longer a
ne ss , H on es ty, Humour, H
passive bystander in your life. Happi ctualism
en ce , In no vation, Intelle
Integrity, Inde
# They act like a useful yardstick against which to owledge
measure your progress. When your values are clear, Kindness, Kn
, Leisure
a lot of your insecurity will fall away. ip , Le ar ni ng , Love, Loyalty
ork, Mastery
Meaningful W
# The clarity seems to create opportunities. Nature
ptimism, Ord
I notice that opportunities to bring myself into Openness, O y, Productivity
alignment with my values arise more often when I am
, Po w er , Pr estige, Privac
clear on my values Peace, Pleasu
Quality ps
y, Relationshi
sp ec t, Responsibilit ,
Religio n, Re ccess, Status
# They help you make better decisions. When you
Sp iri tu al ity, Stability, Su
define your values, you know when or what to say yes Respect, Serv , Self-Expres
or no to. Security, Self- lf- Re al isat ion, Serenity
s, Se
Self-Awarenes amwork
ess, Truth, Te
Wealth, Wisdo

Grants can be
a great growth
strategy for
small business.
Expanding outcomes is at the core of what we do.
We have an impressive track record supporting
clients, transforming organisations, securing funding
and positioning our clients for the future.

• Stay competitive
• Kickstart innovation
• Scale growth potential
• Optimise opportunities


- A work in progress
Kim Yabsley
Founder – Everyday Strategy
Funding Acquisition Specialist

For me, life has been an evolving journey

of reinvention.
By Susannah Pask
I recall early in life; a simple interaction left me
feeling that I was not quite good enough. It was
an insignificant event. I was sitting on the grass
contemplating nothing, in particular, perhaps my
first experience of being entirely in the moment,
in the curious way that children in nature do. I
recall being told that no one likes a sullen child. It
was at this moment that I began to think I needed
to be more, do more, and perform more to be
appreciated. That one limiting belief has travelled
with me and is often present before I am even
aware of it.

Like many people, I’ve had to constantly battle

against that thought so that it doesn't drive
my decisions and create my results in life. That
remains a work in progress. There are various
circumstances throughout my journey that have
triggered reflection, of course; the birth of my
daughter and the complex dynamics of extended
family that followed; complications experienced
during my second pregnancy and my relationship
breakdown shortly afterwards; losing my 'forever
home' and the death of my father. These individual
events and circumstances seem less relevant than
being able to accept the ultimate flow of life: joy,
constraint, the stickiness of challenges, solutions
development, growth and the insight that follows.

It's not always easy to accept that flow when

you are deeply embedded in the experience.
Still, as I become wiser (and older), I recognise
that despite the unfamiliarity and discomfort
life sometimes presents, it is the most fertile
ground for growth. While we are in the vast
terrain of uncertainty, clarity is not expected.
I've always liked to be informed to make good
choices. Some might consider me a control
freak; I think of it as being organised and
informed. Life has shown me that, on occasion,
we have to get lost to find ourselves.

My father was a pragmatic man, but he was also

insightful. Only after his death did I come to
see the value of his experience, teachings and
wisdom. In hindsight, he and my mother taught
us well early on. We were raised to commit and
follow through but also to trust our instincts. We
were free to make choices but required to accept
responsibility for those choices. We were taught
to use our experiences to develop insight, not to
make the same mistake repeatedly, to leave others
bigger than we found, and to pick our battles and
prepare for the fights that mattered. We were taught
emotional intelligence long before it was a thing. It
was not ‘woo woo’ or even intentional; it was just
the way of life for my parents. They were smart,
centred, loving people.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 43

Becoming An Entrepreneur any problem, figure out the pathway to create more role and potential of building a better culture.
possibilities and ultimately, create better outcomes Most recently, in this business, we have created a
I have always been an analyser and a creator, for ourselves and others. tech platform that measures and monitors culture,
even when I didn't know it. Some of my favourite offering a simple, gamified experience for the end
memories of early adulthood include sitting around It's tricky; it's still a man's world in many user while providing a real-time culture snapshot
with my brother, identifying what didn't work ways, even though we are starting to see that for organisations.
about life, relationships, people and systems and called out more often. I don't think we need to
trying to brainstorm solutions. Cam went on to emulate men. Women have the unique ability This unusual foray into becoming a tech startup
become an analyst, and I became an entrepreneur. to understand men and to use their feminine led to a new business opportunity for me. For
It figures. I always felt a little unusual, and my life powers for good. I do believe there can be small businesses, we facilitate expansion through
choices reinforced my view of myself. I always a pitfall, however. We are still expected to grants. It has been my personal experience when I
believed that if I could conceive it, I could create it. juggle more and complain less, to be beautiful, launched my tech product for the corporate market
I have always been driven, ambitious and wanted intelligent, resourceful and gracious in a way that grants can be an effective growth strategy
to have an impact. After a string of jobs in sales the world does not expect of men. The more for small businesses. There are over 3000 grants
and account management for large corporates, women help and support each other, the sooner available at any given time; on average, they are
in which I did reasonably well but struggled we can shape those structures that once held only 17% successful. The strategist in me can’t help
with the structure, I found myself working as a us back and show the world how it can be done but want to help other small businesses to take a
consultant and a facilitator in organisational and together and with love, rather than from a step back, do the research and use grants as a key
leadership development. I loved that work but place of separateness and competition. Women growth strategy.
saw a fundamental flaw in how organisations have this unique capacity for softening and an
developed. They sent people to be trained to authenticity that can transform circumstances. So, of course, in true entrepreneurial style, I created
develop skills, sometimes personal, other times I'm not saying men can't do that, but I have seen a business to do just that! At Everyday Strategy,
professional; they wrote corporate strategy without it come more naturally for women far more often. we help clients to find, submit and win grants. I
any real engagement, threw in some team building, have become quite passionate about grants as a
if there was time and budget, and hoped that it Everyday Strategy & Inspired Engagement growth strategy; often, a grant can be the difference
would result in a healthy culture. There was no real between getting a dream off the ground and not. I
foundation for measuring, monitoring or changing My work helps corporations and government know how overwhelming that can be for business
culture. None of the existing frameworks defined organisations to expand. We do that by building a owners who are not used to reading guidelines,
what culture was. better culture. By building emotional intelligence strategising their business into projects and writing
at leadership levels, we can truly shape the to win funding.
Feminine Intuition whole ecosystem of an organisation which has
ripple effects on individuals, their families and I am an ideas agent, first and foremost, fuelled by
I think that intuition has always led me in life and communities. We spend, on average, 90,000 hours intuition and creativity. I love to spot an opportunity
business. I can feel into opportunities easily and of work during our lifetime – workplace culture and leverage it; I guess that’s why I have always
make decisions quickly, which has meant that significantly contributes to how we experience it. loved and been good at selling, even when I
I've been both fortunate and opportunistic. I love The more we can create healthy cultures where feared failure in my younger years. These days I am
what I do, but what I do has changed many times people thrive, can find themselves, experience motivated by creating freedom (time and money)
during my career, always with the fundamental enhanced wellbeing, feel connected to others, and as access to being present with the things which
goal of helping businesses grow. Being flexible and contribute meaningfully, the more we can create matter most to me. If I can help others do the same,
allowing myself to adapt and transition - which I win-win outcomes for all involved. that’s a win-win. I’m unsure if I will always be in this
consider essential feminine skills - have been the business or even in business. I am sure I will always
keys to my own personal and professional growth. Through this business, I wrote my first book, keep my eye on the horizon, seek growth, and try to
Inspired Engagement, and had the opportunity accept myself more.
Connecting with others is the essence of true to share stages with some of the very best in the
collaboration. I have always sought connection; it industry (Brene Brown, Simon Sinek). This inspired After all, the real work is “self-work.” Don’t you
is one of my highest values. If we are authentically me to contribute to thought leadership about the agree?
connected and communicate, we can solve almost

The more women help and support

each other, the sooner we can shape
those structures that once held us
back and show the world how it can
be done together and with love.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 45

Position The following are our three
top tips to help you position

for success
for success in finding,
submitting and winning
government grants in 2022:

Be consistent.

Be prepared.
You’ve got to be in it to win it, but
consistency is key. While there
are over 3000 grants open at any
given time, on average, only 17% of
submissions are successful. There is
indeed an art to writing good grant
applications but winning them is
Have your documents ready;

Be strategic.
a combination of well-structured
strategy, business or project plan, submissions (talk to us about that!)
financial documents, team profiles, and consistently showing up to
supplier proposals, quotations, etc. knock on the door. You might not
Someone who has never met you win the first (or even second or third)
and doesn’t know your business grant you apply for, but chances are,
is comparing it with thousands of if you are applying for the right ones,
others. For competitive grants (and your time will come as long as you
Grants can scale your business even for a quick turnaround on stay in the game, especially if you
growth by giving you access to the eligibility grants), position yourself are working with an expert (wink,
funds to get out there and help for success by documenting your wink, nudge, nudge!).
you scale quicker than you would idea/ initiative or project (on paper!)
otherwise. But it’s essential to so that it’s an easy “yes!” at the
ensure you identify and apply for other end and get the supporting
grants that are a good match for your documentation ready well ahead of
business. The ‘grant grab’ refers time.
to a reactive approach to funding,
applying for sporadic grants and
cobbling together submissions
at the last minute without really
assessing how you can deliver on
the intended outcomes.

A funding strategy will help you to take a step back and:
• assess the broad range of funding opportunities that align with your areas of focus
• shape your business/project/ activities to position you to win - and grow!
• develop a clear roadmap for using grants to grow

Want a customised funding strategy for your business?

Book a free strategy call, and let’s brainstorm.

© Kim Yabsley
Grant 1. Are you an es
tablished busi
ness ready to

• Demonstra
te research fin

• Innovate
• Commercial
• Grow/expor

2. Is your vi
sion (for your
About Your Business
ject/idea) clea
3. Do you kn
ow precisely
what you will
4. How will
you do it?

5. What will
you achieve?
6. Is your ro
ute to market
delivery mod clear and defin
el)? able (product
sales or se rvice
7. Have you
completed a m
arket analysis
• Can you de
fine the size of
the market/op
• Target mar portunity?
ket characteris
8. Can you
be flexible in
how yo u package yo
ur offer?
9. Are you do
ing so mething new
or novel?
10. Do you ha
ve up-to-date
you access th financial docu
ese easily? ments at your
fingertips, or
11. For a spec
ific grant:
• Have you re
ad the guidelines
• Is your busi in detail?
of the funding /project/initiative/idea a
(i.e. do you m fit
eet every elig for the scope and intent
ibility criteria
12. Can you
define your id
ea / project in
a simple sum
mary documen
13. Do you ha t?
ve client testim
of support?
14. What stat
e are you in?

15. Are you lo

cated in a regional
Today is the
first day of the
rest of your
life, make it
the best
of your life.
– Moana Robinson
Out of my

zone By Susannah Pask

Tracey Collins
Founder – The PamperClub App.

When I was 21, I moved to Sydney from a regional town


I had to move out of my comfort zone and thought I had

what it took to survive in a ‘Big City.’ It was intoxicating and
exciting to experience the bright lights and the fast pace
of living in Sydney. I relished learning about the different
cultures I would have never experienced in my regional
hometown. When I was in Sydney, I began working
in the beauty and makeup industry. After about two
years, I craved to return to my hometown to open
my own salon, using the newfound beauty skills
my hometown would appreciate. I didn’t want the
burden of a business loan, so I began to work
two extra jobs along with my full-time job in the
beauty industry. I worked Friday nights in a
Surry Hills bar and 2 x 4-hour weekend shifts
in an Auburn pharmacy. I saved the money
needed to buy an existing 20-square-metre
salon and had enough money to purchase
the products and equipment necessary
to start my new business. After about a
year, I headed back to my hometown.

I had no business plan, just an

eagerness to work hard and make
a success of my new venture.
© Beata Mazur

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 49

“Don’t give up without a fight,
whether it requires you to be fierce
or to stand strong in your footprint.”
Growing My Business two years later, they are still a business nuisance
that renders our solid cancellation policy invalid. I
After 12 years, I decided my little 20-square-metre started to read many posts on the Facebook private,
salon was too small for my ever-growing business. professional group pages of the ever-growing
I knew I had to work harder if I wanted bigger number of salon business owners with the same
premises, so I put my head down and saved the problem. If the Covid shutdown didn’t take our
dollars needed. After a few months, I signed a businesses, then this would. It was a potential
lease contract for a new 100 square metre premises disaster in the making.
to start over again. This time I did secure a small
loan as it was five times the size of the original Meeting A Need
salon. I had to fill eight treatment rooms, reception
and staff room. I was terrified but determined Then an idea came to me. What about an app.
to make my way in life – and to be financially, where salon and service based industry owners can
emotionally and fiercely independent Here’s the upload deals to fill in their cancellations or slower
best part. My now-partner was a carpenter by trade times in their appointment schedules?
with a fantastic skill set and a strong desire to make
my new salon both successful and the best-looking, The PamperClub App. was born.
most reputable salon in my hometown. And it was.
I now had the most prominent beauty salon in my Here was a way to help fill service based businesses
hometown. Life was good, but after 12 years, the cancellations, and replace some of the owner’s
building sold, and I had to move out. We couldn’t revenue losses while giving clients a great last-
find any available suitable commercial premises. minute deal. It made so much sense. I had come
There were none. up with something I could use myself and share
nationwide to help other client service-based
Not ready to retire, I kept searching and businesses like mine.
then one day, I drove past a suburban florist
shop. I noticed a SOLD sign on it, and I was As the saying goes, ‘Necessity is the mother of
disappointed because I had often thought this invention.’
would be a perfect place for a salon. But sales
can fall through, right? I decided to ring the Being A Woman in Business
real estate agent, who told me the gentleman
who had it under contract might not be able to Being a beauty salon owner for 34 years, I am
get financing. Again, I channelled the universe, constantly in a predominantly female environment.
and a few days later, she rang me with the This provides me with a unique and privileged
I got married when I was 27 in my hometown, but news that it had fallen through. I put it under position to listen to and understand what women
unfortunately, the marriage broke down. After the contract, terrified and again over-thinking the want and what they need. As a businesswoman,
breakdown, I was determined not to be a woman what if’s and what have I done? wife and mother, along with many other women, we
who needed to be financially and emotionally are exhausted with being exhausted, but we need
dependent on a man. I discovered that it was okay My husband and I committed to taking on our to push through, as many others are depending on
to be on my own; it was okay to be nervous and in biggest project ever. We gutted it, did all the us. As a woman, I think I have an innate ability to
doubt. I always want to be known for my honesty outfitting ourselves, we worked our butts off after ‘trust my gut.’ I believe women know when to be
and integrity. Because what you see is what you get. work into the night and on weekends, with our two empathetic, and we know when to be protective
young children asleep in the spare rooms. It took us and firm but gentle and caring all at the same time.
I walked away from my first marriage with few 3-4 months to be ready. We don’t give up without a fight, whether it requires
possessions or money. I didn’t want to fight for the us to be fierce or to stand strong in our footprints.
house. I wasn’t emotionally up for it. I threw myself Eight years later, Covid hit. Like so many other Determination and grit have always served me well.
into my work, which greatly distracted me. I saved businesses, we were forced to shut down. I was
enough to buy my very own home, which was very beside myself with worry. I had a building load to I have a very personable and trustworthy
run down and in need of much love, but that was pay off, so I pivoted. I did Facebook posts, carried personality. I have the natural ability to make
okay; I had time, and I knew I could save money. out online skin consults, and delivered skincare people feel comfortable and to enjoy being in my
I was an incredibly hard worker. But something and retail all over my hometown. The support was company. I became aware of these traits in my early
happened. I met someone and fought my feelings overwhelming, 20’s when I started my career as a beauty therapist.
until I could no more. He was just everything. I’ve always wanted to help individuals be and feel
Damn it! I didn’t want this to happen so soon after After about two months, we were allowed to open their best. I do this by delivering services to an
my marriage breakdown, but I stopped overthinking for business again, with stringent Covid rules and exceptional standard that encourages others to
it and let the universe do what it does. He is now my PPE, which were all expensive to implement. Like relax and enjoy being in the moment. I have carried
husband of 23 years. many other service-based business owners, I all these skills to my new business, the PamperClub
had to juggle constant client cancellations and app.
reschedules due to Covid and its restrictions. Some

I also LOVE getting to know people’s stories about
how they got to where they are; their journeys are
ever-growing and never-ending. I want my traits
of trustworthiness and reliability to be the reason
PamperClub App is downloaded and implemented
daily by client service-based businesses in
Australia, so they know the PamperClub app has
their back!

Do I think women have to act like men in

business? Hell no! In fact, the opposite is true.
Being a woman gives me significant advantages
because I can relate by sharing my personal
experiences, wins, and failures. It shows that
I understand my clients and have the best
intentions. The business landscape is evolving
rapidly. Attitudes towards the ‘traditional’ ways
of doing business are changing. Women play
a more significant role in shaping the future
of business – and we can provide a fresh new
approach because of our life experiences. Being
a successful woman in business these days is
important and beneficial to all involved. We
have so much to give our clients – and so much
to offer the business world.

The PamperClub App

I believe in helping others by being able to tap into

their strengths and weaknesses and finding out
about their frustrations and struggles. It is about
listening and engaging in conversation, sharing
stories and real-life events. As I’m in business
myself in a service-based industry, I understand
what it is like to lose clients because of last-minute
cancellations. I have been there. I know what it
is like – and I invented the PamperClub App to
help solve a real-life business frustration in these
uncertain times.

• I want the PamperClub App to be an extra

business tool discovered and downloaded by

There is something
client service-based businesses all over Australia.
These businesses can trust that it came from
someone who understands their problems

powerful and unique


• I want the PamperClub App to be downloaded

when we women support

and utilised by women who need to spend ‘time
out’ to give themselves some important self-love
and pamper themselves on an impulse, treating

each other. We can

themselves to some well deserved pampering,
health, wellness and fitness therapy sessions.

achieve the impossible

When a woman sets her mind to something, there’s
nothing she can’t accomplish! We can either give
in to obstacles or approach them with a ‘come at

- and trust that the

me’ attitude. With our other women’s support and
cheerleading, we can band together and celebrate
each other’s wins.

Universe will provide.

– Tracey Collins

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 51

Is your business in the hair,
beauty, spa, health, wellness
& fitness service industry?
Have you found your cancellation policy is constantly challenged
because of Covid, and your business is losing income?
Or you just aren’t as full of appointments as you were pre-Covid days?
After answering these questions, what if you discovered you can still make money
from your client or fitness class member cancellations? By filling up the gaps in
your appointment or class days.

There are usually FOUR areas that service businesses must get done right,
but did you know there’s a FIFTH? This one most businesses haven’t even
considered until now!

1. A booking system that takes a fee.

Does your booking system take a fee when an appointment or class spot is scheduled? However, do
you find that even if the client reschedules, that booking fee carries over, leaving a gap you can’t fill in
your day?

2. A cancellation policy
Do you have a well-published cancellation policy that communicates the terms & fees? Has Covid
and other medical reasons become a ‘get out of jail card’, and you’re still left with an open gap in
your appointments or classes?

3. A wait list
This is a file or diary that you manually list client names that want an appointment for a particular
day and time. Is your waitlist manual or automated?

4. A shout-out platform
Do you have social platforms and automated processes that allow you to advertise a last
minute "shout out"? You probably do, however doing a post across many different platforms
will take you time, extra effort and expertise.

5. An App
It’s a mobile App! It’s quick, effective and reaches many consumers just waiting to claim a
deal from a business in the Hair, Beauty, Pamper, Health, Wellness & Fitness sectors. You
register your business, location, and services, and you can upload deals in under 5mins to
reach many consumers.

© Tracey Collins
Take the quiz
On a scale of 1-10, how often or how less do YOU give YOURSELF
Pamper, Health, Wellness & Fitness Self-Care?

A = 4points, B = 3points, C= 2points, D= 1points

When you finish answering the Quiz questions, add your score to see
where you rate!

ons, spas, and massage clin
1. How often do you visit sal

a. Monthly
b. 3-6monthly
c. Yearly
d. Never - Rarely - no time, no

do yoga or pilates in groups
2. Do you workout, meditate,

a. Yes, daily.
b. Weekly
c. Monthly
d. Rarely……I lack the motivation

not do
service/session you can
3. What is one self-love
ssages, Hair Salon, Spa
a. Pampering - Facials, Ma
b. Wellness sessions
c. Fitness
d. Alternative health con

4. Are you a motivated

a. Absolutely - 100%
the appointment
b. Maybe - I just need to make
c. Probably - If I could afford it
when I will have spare time
d. I want to, but I never know

nload &
ilable that you could dow
5. If there was an app ava out amazing pamper wellness,
register for FREE to check sses,
m unique Australian busine
health & fitness deals fro
would you use it?

a. Daily
b. Weekly
c. Monthly
d. Yearly

Score results ing perfect!

15-20 - WOW, you’re pamper fect!
pering path to pampering per
10-15 - You’re on your pam
per L plates on;
5-10 - You have your pam
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Magazine Brand Ambassador

What do I
want you
Genevieve Searle
Founder, The Optimisation Queen

Beautiful woman reading these words, I have been sitting with this
article, with you in my heart pondering “what do I want this woman to
know?” What do I want her to receive from these pages?
What can I offer her?1

Beautiful Sister Queen, I want you to know that the most incredible
things are possible.

I want you to know that your wildest dreams are available to you.
And that your deepest desires and biggest visions are a gift to the world.
I want you to know that your dreams are not too big, that your soul calling is
perfect and needed.

I want you to know that being “too much” is just about perfect when you are
connected to your heart and committed to your evolution.
to know? By Susannah Pask
I want you to know that your expansion is a gift to the world and is exactly
what you need to actualise your soul purpose.

I want you to know that the intuition in your bones, your courageous, radiant
heart, your sassy, magnetic yoni1 and your wise, compassionate, wild, and
untamed feminine essence is EXACTLY what’s needed to bring this in.

I want you to know that I see you, and I honour you.

Yoni: a celebratory Sanskrit word meaning “abode,” “source,” “womb,” or “vagina”

I want you to know that

I see you, and I honour you.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 55

I have shared my early story in the previous surrender to the truth of my deeply feminine woman who exercised every day and was strong,
Feminessence® edition, so I won’t rehash it here. nature and follow my soul purpose or step back active and in the best shape of my life, this was
Instead, I’d love to share the journey that I’ve been into mediocrity, get a regular job, have a normal devastating. It stripped me of some of my biggest
on since writing that article, close to a year ago relationship, or separate permanently and do all joys, CrossFit, running and aerial hoop, taking with
today. the usual things because pursuing my vision while it not only my physical strength and resilience but
trying to follow the culturally acceptable, masculine also significant mental and emotional support.
This past year has been one of the most challenging “rules” simply WOULD. NOT. WORK!
and profoundly transformative periods of my life However, this paradoxically also saved my health
so far. Truth be told, I still wasn’t fully embracing Every time I tried to do what I “should” do, it failed, and led me deeper into one of my other loves,
my Feminessence® at the time of that writing, and no matter what area of my life I worked with. I ecstatic dance. I genuinely believe that my health
it has been a wild, challenging and often painful only made progress when I wholly followed my would not have coped with the stress of exercise
process of surrendering to Her. intuition and feminine flow. This was terrifying, and the intense pressure I was experiencing in
uncomfortable, confronting and often nauseating. every other part of my life. I needed to conserve my
In that time, I have: It went against EVERYTHING logical, rational, or energy, and these injuries made sure of that!
followed any conventionally accepted format.
• Navigated physical injuries and reimagined my Two things were an absolute lifeline in looking
relationship with my body Most of the time, I was so far out of my comfort after my injured, stressed body: Ecstatic dance and
zone that my nervous system was permanently the profiling technology that I work with, ph360
• Released, grieved, and rebirthed my 20-year
on high alert. I have spent a year and even Healthtype Profiling.
more so the last six months feeling way out of
• I confronted what was failing and reconstructed my depth, uncertain and often terrified! Let me Dancing through the Darkness
my business in a way that is aligned with how I repeat that… Every step I took, I was scared.
want to work and whom I want to work with Even though my leg was injured, my wrist was
The bright, shiny, audacious woman you see in broken, and I developed calf, knee, and fatigue
• I have begun the era of letting my children fly free
these images has risen out of the ashes of her old issues, I could still find ways to dance by engaging
as adults
self and life. the floor, walls, and other surfaces. I could find ways
• Celebrated WILD and ongoing successes as an to move freely and fluidly while limiting the strain to
international author and speaker Body Breakdown my body.

It began with an injured leg and a broken wrist that Far more than just a way to move, though, it has
All of this required me to make a choice: fully happened within two weeks of each other. As a also been one of the most potent pathways for
transformation, and that was its biggest gift.

Dance is an access point for entering altered

states of consciousness & in that space, I have
encountered some of the deepest wisdom, most
profound insights, most powerful healing
and most pure & connected love.

Free, ecstatic, or conscious dance is where we

ALLOW ourselves to be moved BY the music
from the inside in any way we feel. Through this
process, we can:

1. Make sense of experiences,

2. Move emotions through our body
3. Access our wisdom
4. Rewire our nervous system & ingrained patterns
5. Take us out of the Monkey Mind & help us find
6. Activate the endo-cannabinoid system and feel-
good chemicals
7. Change emotional states and
8. Reprogram cellular memory

Through ecstatic dance, we become our own

healers, therapists & guides. It is our birthright to
move in a fluid, free, unchoreographed and deeply
embodied way. It is our birthright to feel and in the
feeling of “what is” that we transform. For me, in the
sense of “what is”, I have transformed.

I invite you too to dance like no one is watching, in

your own space, in your way, on your terms.

Free your body, claim your power and transform

yourself because what happens on the dance floor
ripples into every part of life.

The bright,
shiny, audacious
woman you see
here has risen
out of the ashes
of her old self
and life.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 57

Body Care with ph360 • We were able to understand ourselves, our
stress responses and meet our own needs. I also want to “feel” a client and “dive in” with them,
The second lifeline was Ph360 Healthtype profiling. especially in my three-month mentorships. When
• We could be considerate towards each other and
This is a science-based, whole human profiling I onboard a new client, they are in my “field” of
the other’s needs.
technology based on epigenetics and hormonal awareness nearly all of the time, and I’m constantly
wiring. It is NOT a personality test. It uses physical • We were validated as individuals who are alert to what might be coming up for them or what
body measurements and lifestyle questions to hormonally wired very differently from each they might need, so “landing” lots of clients is
determine what hormones were most dominant other. overwhelming for me and reduces my capacity to
during development. From that information, it can deliver high quality, valuable and truly personalised
• It allowed us to take things less personally,
give precise insight into how an individual is “wired” service.
keeping our hearts open toward each other even
physically, mentally, and emotionally.
though we had been swimming in the “void” of
Hence, I was blocking them with my unconscious
uncertainty for months.
I leant heavily on the insights and guidance in my mind. I feel that our unconscious mind is feminine.
profile as I was recovering from my injuries and She is vast, non-linear, visionary, and driven by our
Knowing our individual stress responses and
working out how to care for myself through this soul essence and core “Why.” Our conscious mind
core values is incredibly important for all of us
time. Changing the way I start my day and the hours is more masculine: logical, rational, linear and goal-
when dealing with matters of the heart because
I keep based on my “chronobiology”, which is my oriented.
we are ALL traumatised at one level or another.
unique internal body clock. I reduced certain foods
and increased others based on guidance from my According to Dr Bruce Lipton our subconscious or
No matter how good our childhood was, we live in
profile to support healing and wellness. I also gave unconscious mind is 500,000 times more powerful
a traumatised culture in a traumatised world. This
myself lots of time and spaciousness. than our conscious mind.
inevitably comes out in relationships, and when a
relationship needs to be unravelled and rewoven,
Unfortunately, it was raining most of this time So, no matter what you think you “should” think,
it feels as if our hearts and our very survival are on
which disrupted the amount of time I could spend want or believe, if it’s not aligned with your
the line.
in nature and the sun or I would have been doing a unconscious and your soul “Why”, it simply won’t
LOT of that. happen or if it does happen, then result will feel
Understanding our own “wiring” and recognising
empty and unsatisfying.
that while we are all different, we are all geniuses
Relationship death
in our way can be a healing balm and a pathway for
This is one of the main reasons why traditional
evolution. The fact that ph360 Profiling is based on
Not long after these injuries occurred, I was manifesting doesn’t work. It’s not that we’re not
science legitimises our uniqueness and allows us
simultaneously facing issues with my business and powerful or that manifestation isn’t tangible; it’s
to relax and not feel like we need to be something
releasing my 20-year relationship with the father of that we are asking for things we don’t want at an
we’re not.
my three sons, best friend, and long-time lover. unconscious level.
This is indescribably valuable because growth and
We were a couple, with the relationship revered as Realising this can be uncomfortable because what
expansion can’t happen from a place of stress and
the epitome of great partnerships by everyone who we want at an unconscious level might be opposite
trauma. We can only expand when we feel safe and
knew us. To grieve the death of that relationship to what we “should” want. However, it’s through
calm our nervous systems.
was utterly devastating yet absolutely necessary coming to peace with the truth that we can resolve
because the dynamic that we had been in for the what’s holding us back so we can move forward.
So, here we stand side by side, both much changed,
last 20 years was not supportive of either of us Finding your core “Why,” that is, what drives your
building a new relationship as allies, lovers, and
going to the next level. We were unconsciously unconscious, and aligning every part of your life
business partners. Matthew has reconfigured his
holding both ourselves and each other back. to support that is a vital critical stepping into your
work to meet his needs better, and he supports
ultimate You & actualising your soul purpose.
my visionary nature by helping create order and
Courageous hearts
practical structure for my business.
I’ve included an activity over the page so you can
One of two things happens when the veil is lifted on explore this more for yourself. For me, I had to get
Our relationship is more real, powerful, and
co-dependency and unconscious patterns. Either honest about what I DID want, which was a lot fewer
beautiful than ever before and is only destined to
the veil is nervously put back down, and the couple clients, more time to dive in with them and charging
get better.
continues, each as a compromised version of significantly more. I also refined who my ideal
themselves - or they separate, often with bitterness, clients are, especially for my 3-month mentorship,
Business Evolution
resentment and unresolved issues that reveal Align & Actualise. It took quite a bit of processing
themselves in future relationships. to be comfortable with this, but it has meant that I
At the same time, as all of this was going on, it
have the spaciousness to enjoy diving in with the
became abundantly clear that the way I was trying
Yet my partner Matthew and I are both visionaries clients I take on.
to operate my business was NOT the way I truly
and we have a deep connection that is worth
wanted to, and as a result, I was struggling to get
fighting for, so true to style we chose to do it My mentoring work now looks like this:
clients. My unconscious mind was blocking this
differently. It was nothing short of open-heart
because it was simply not aligned with my soul and
surgery, as Matthew calls it, and it required radical I have two select offers:
levels of honesty, vulnerability, and courage.
• Personal Body-Genius Profiling, centred
As a Diplomat, close to the Sensor and with definite
We both had to face some very uncomfortable around ph360 Healthtype profiling. This short
Crusader and Connector qualities in the ph360
truths and deep shadows; however, once again, but extremely potent and highly valuable
Healthtype Profile, trying to run my business
ph360 Healthtype profiling became a lifeline. “Kickstarter” focused on determining a client's
through a conventional, high client number
epigenetic & hormonal “wiring,” emphasising
model is just so wrong! My genius is in bringing
It gave us clear and profound insight into who we their innate genius, how to support this and the
lots of different threads together and seeing the
are as individuals and how we are wired, which is top 3 aligned steps to take.
interconnectedness of all parts of a person. To do
almost opposite.
this, I need time and spaciousness to allow all the
I take a maximum of 2 clients per week for this.
bits of information to weave together, to feel the
Understanding the way we are wired meant:
depth and breadth of how this might play out for
a client and to go down research “rabbit holes” to
find unique solutions and strategies.

• Align & Actualise is a 3-month journey focused Everything is interconnected, and everything We know through the science of inter-generational
on Aligning with your genetic genius to Actualise impacts who we are, how we are wired, how and trans-generational epigenetics that their lives
your soul mission. We discover the Truth of who we see the world, and how our bodies and very much influence who we are and who we can
you are, embrace all of her and get clear on what minds work. How we navigate and experience become, even if we have never met them. We are
you are here for and what you are not, discover emotions and how our bodies respond to life living elixirs of potential, crafted from more than a
what you need to amplify to expand into your and the world around us, including our physical thousand generations of ancestors.
next version so you can actualise your soul environment, relationships, food choices,
purpose and work with that. movement, thoughts, and beliefs. First, we track our family lineage with curiosity and
compassion looking at not only who they were and
I take a maximum of 2 clients per month for We constantly dance with life and our bodies are where and when they lived but also taking into
Align & Actualise. That’s it. forever receiving and transmitting information and consideration what was going on around them in
energy. This impacts our epigenetics – or gene their local communities and the wider world. This
We specifically focus on the ph360 epigenetic & expression via our hormones and is the most creates a lot of awareness, understanding and
hormonal profile, ancestry, early life experiences important consideration for health, wealth, and appreciation for who they were and who we are.
and embodied movement as pathways for happiness on all levels.
this because to have a clear understanding We then work with this vast network of talents,
of yourself and how you are uniquely (& Hormones shape the way a person grows and traits and attributes that lie in our family tree as
perfectly) wired is arguably the most important develops physically, mentally and emotionally. resources to bring forth and amplify to go to the
foundational piece for being able to step into the The profiling technology offers precise information next level. Indeed “we stand on the shoulders
expanded version of you that longs to exist. about a person and comes with the Shae App of giants”, and I write more deeply about this
that gives personalised guidance on how to eat, “Ancestral Wealth” in the Women Gone Wild, Wealth
• Ph360 Epigenetic Profiling cuts through move, rest, connect with others, work and live. It is Edition book.
the confusion and gives clear insight plus unbelievably valuable.
practical guidance on aligning every part of
your life to be in flow with your unique body b) Ancestral Alchemy is about knowing where we • Embodied movement re-wires our
& mind genius. As mentioned before, ph360 came from and our family lineage's impact on our subconscious mind & cellular memory so we
Healthtype Profiling is a cutting-edge science- body, mind & life. can shift out of old states of being and open up
backed profiling technology that uses physical to new possibilities - in our way, on our terms.
body measurements in conjunction with other We don’t exist in isolation; we only exist in Free or non-linear movement like ecstatic
fact-based lifestyle questions to determine context. We are woven from our ancestors' lives, dance is an incredibly powerful way to “disrupt”
what hormones were dominant during early experiences, and stories. Their lives crossed in the and re-pattern our bodies and minds, and I
development. most profound and mundane ways; their blood write more deeply about this in Embrace Your
mingled to create our blood, their DNA entwining to Feminessence®.
craft ours.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 59

Working this way gives me the spaciousness I I became a published TEDx speaker with a talk titled can tap into their bodies' innate brilliance and the
need to be in my genius zone, which resides in an “How To Thrive In An Era Of Uncertainty.” vast knowledge and wisdom they carry.
ability to see many threads of a woman and how
they are woven together. I follow my intuition and While I would love for it to be included on the The Ultimate Vision
inspiration regarding what she needs, and I am leading TED site, this is unlikely because true to
deeply present for each woman not only on every style, what I speak about challenges conventional The difference between spreading our wings and
call but also between calls. norms. It took weeks to be published and comes truly flying and just having a mediocre life lies in the
with a warning… a bit like me, really. (You’re courage we're willing to lean into and the level of
Enter At Your Own Risk welcome, btw) honesty we are eager to have with ourselves.

For this reason, I am selective with who I will work Not long after this, I dove into my first co-authored To do that, we need to:
with for Align & Actualise and intake is based on an book, Embrace Your Feminessence®. The digital
application process. This is because working with version went bestseller in 3 categories, ranking 1. KNOW who we are now
me comes with a warning label “Enter at your own above Brene Brown’s new book, which is an 2. Embrace the Truth of this,
risk; you will not be the same woman on the other incredible achievement. The print version is just 3. Expand into our next, fuller version.
side.” It will get gritty and uncomfortable because coming out now, and I’m excited to be presented
most of us have unclaimed parts, our “shadow” at the official summit for that over the next few We need to tap into the magnetic radiance of our
selves that we want to ignore and hide, yet we months. feminine essence. To uncover our TRUE genius, not
will go there because this is where the gold is. To the one we've been conditioned to believe is right
expand into our magnificence means facing and This opened another door, and I joined the Women or valuable, but what our REAL superpowers are. We
claiming our unclaimed parts and to be willing to Gone Wild Movement, featuring as a co-author in need to know where we've come from because the
be seen. the wildly successful Women Gone Wild, Wealth ancestors in our family lineage are gunning for our
Edition book. success, and they hold some incredible keys to our
I now work with visionary, change-making women evolution.
because even if they are not clear on exactly what This digital book went best seller in five categories
their soul purpose is, they can feel it and will step and a hot new release in nine. It launched in Las We need to be able to re-write the stories in our
naturally towards it. These women are called by Vegas and went on tour to Los Angeles and New bodies and tap into her wild intelligence, and we
something bigger than themselves and their human York with billboards in Times Square, NY, and Las need to find the courage to be seen, to be big, bold,
failings. Vegas. and brilliant.

They will keep moving towards their calling, even It has since been picked up by Browns Publishing We are all wired for brilliance. Our genius is
when it makes no sense, even when it is hard, for physical publication and is set to be translated encoded into our very bones, and no one offers
even when everything around them crumbles, into seven languages and distributed to forty-nine the exact blend of your unique magic. THAT is your
even when every day for months, they might spend countries. superpower. That is your gift. That is what we are
every waking hour scared. With their hearts in their all crying out for without even knowing it. And
throat, they will keep following the impulses of their Out of this has come an interview on The Rhonda that’s why I do what I do. The pathway home to
soul. These are the women I LOVE to work with. Swan Show, multiple podcast interviews and that is less confusing than we have been taught.
speaking opportunities, which I adore, plus features The toolkit I work with is vast, but every element
I know them because I am them. I know what it in Hollywood Digest, Influincive, Total Girl Boss, So of it is a pathway home to the Self, uncovering the
takes to expand into whom we need to be to land Influential, and Disrupt Magazines. genius within, embracing the Truth of that and then
the Vision. I know that it requires an up-level in EV- expanding into a more excellent, more aligned
ER-Y area of life, AND I know how to support that in Illuminate Your Feminessence® came next, and version of who you already ARE; a glorious, juicy,
other women. We need our bodies, hearts, minds, while it’s yet to be released, I have no doubt it will alive, vibrant, sexy, sassy, authentic, wise, honest,
and spirits ALL online. also explode. open-hearted, connected, conscious woman who is
here for MORE.
The most powerful people on the planet are the I was invited to be a guest on The Girlfriend Hour™
ones, especially women, who are connected to with Shar Moore. This delicious show streams Ultimately, I’m here for the evolution of humanity.
their hearts, their sexuality, their soul purpose on BingeTV and YouTube and has recently been Imagine a world full of women audacious enough
and their bodies, and they KNOW who they are. approached to take a spot on one of the more to follow the call of their soul and actualise their
They are women with access to money because major stations! brightest vision. Imagine our beautiful planet full of
money brings choice and the possibility for a more people who are aligned with the truth of whom they
significant impact. The potential ripple effect of this And now here I am, writing to you as the are and living their fullest potential.
work is enormous, and this is absolutely what I’m Ambassador for this latest edition of Feminessence®
here for. Magazine. A magazine that has a big vision, one Imagine a world in service to their hearts. What
that knows that when one rises, we all rise. A would that mean for our children, the earth, and the
WILD Success magazine that represents a movement fuelled by future?
heart, soul, and purpose.

I am so here for this!

In amongst all the chaos, confusion and rebirthing,
I was being catapulted into a new level of impact as I’m also currently working on two extra projects:
an author and speaker. Firstly, I’m collaborating with other incredible
women facilitators to create a fun, profound and Will you join me?
In the last 12 months, I have realised multiple luscious five-day immersion called Many Faces of
childhood dreams. These have come through She, where we play with embodied movement and
saying “yes” to things that equally excited and our “inner characters” to reawaken our most vital,
terrified me, and as a result, more doorways, authentic & unapologetic self so we can step into
opportunities and successes ensued. something BIGGER.

Firstly, I was featured in the September 2021 I’m also looking at creating a new fitness modality
Feminessence® magazine, which was such a thrill. that combines traditional masculine structure with a
This opened a doorway to realising a clear vision fluid, feminine movement practice so more people
that I have held since I saw my first TED talk in 2013;

Ancestral Alchemy
This is an incredibly valuable
gift, so much so that I debated So from my heart to yours,
sharing it as a free offer. I hope it brings you lightness
However, I am here for the
evolution of humanity, and since and possibility.
most of the planet will never
work directly with me, I wanted
to offer something really needed
in the world.
We need to delve into the vast web of
resources that live within us and learn to
bring them to the fore, which is what this
gift offers. Begin by reading the words below,
then scan the code below to take you to the
Ancestral Alchemy Journey.

What are you here for?

What is your soul’s desire?

and now...
What attributes do you need to meet your soul’s mission?

What traits are you “missing” preventing you from stepping into this?

Well, guess what?

They are already in you. They just need to be brought out!

You are a living elixir of unique potential crafted from more than
a thousand generations.

Millions of people compile your family lineage; some already embody (or
have embodied) the traits you need to bring your gifts to the world.

Let’s find them...

© Genevieve Searle
What's your soul ‘why’
According to Dr Bruce This is one of the main reasons why traditional
manifesting doesn’t work. It’s not that we’re not
Once you get clear on your “why”, we can link our
goals and the focus of our manifestation practices
Lipton, our Subconscious or powerful or that manifestation isn’t real. It’s that to it; this becomes a super powerful combination.
unconscious mind is 500,000 we are asking for things that we don’t want at an
unconscious level. Take time to read the poem below and allow the
times more powerful than our words to become feelings in your body.
conscious mind. Finding your core “why”, that is, what drives your
unconscious and aligning every part of your life to Reading it multiple times, slowly, out loud is
support that, is vital to stepping into your ultimate better, or you could even record it for yourself and
So no matter what you think you you & actualising your soul purpose. play it back so you can close your eyes and listen.
“should” feel, want or believe if it’s not
aligned with your unconscious and your Your core or soul “why” is linked to your core values Notice what thoughts, feelings, ideas, and images
soul “why”, it won’t happen, or if it does and is also significantly driven by our dominant drop as you do this. Be with this for a while, and
happen, then the result will feel empty hormones. For this reason, Personal Body-Genius then go on to the “Why” activity below.
and unsatisfying. Profiling can bring much clarity to uncovering your
core why.

What is the voice that whispers to you in the darkness?

When you are lost and exhausted?
When your failures have left you bloody and spent?
When you find yourself in the inky swamp of despair,
struggling to breathe above the muck,
your mind a tangled web of confusion,
your heart bleeding and burnt…
What calls to you?
What voice sings your soul out of the shadowlands?
What is the voice of fierceness that firmly states…
And what is the voice
that reaches into your deepest of deep,
with a soothing compassion,
and says...
"I know you are tired,
It’s ok to be.
Rest now,
take your spirit to the healing waters,
love your fatigue with the gentlest of strokes,
for tomorrow we rise again….
You are not done yet,
You are not done yet."

What is the voice that ignites your spirit,

That sets your toes dancing and your hands creating?
The voice that giggles you into action,
Possibility frothing over the edges of your mind
And has you peeking into hidden pathways of potential?
What calls you alive?
Waking you from your dead delirium of old patterns and has you weaving new colours into the
tapestry of your life?
What voice speaks of hope, wonder and a desire forged deep in the womb of your very being?
This is your WHY!
She is your ally,
Your guidepost in life.
She is your juice,
Your fire,
Your life force.
She is the very essence of you and she is
calling you forth to SHINE.
© Beata Mazur

© Genevieve Searle
A legacy letter or letter to your
great-grand children
Imagine you are at the end of your life and want to share They can be anything; this is YOUR story; how do you want
your story with your future great-grandchildren or the it written and remembered?
younger generation of a community you care about.
Be prepared to include things that might feel edgy or even
Take a pen and paper and write them a letter. taboo – they might not be taboo by the time this future
Feel free to make it as short or as long as you’d like or to generation is around, so you may as well go for it!
write multiple copies until it feels perfect.
When you are finished, choose what to do with it. Keep
What would you LOVE to have this younger generation read it private, share it with people you love and trust, burn it
and know about you? and offer it as a prayer to the universe, or bury it like you
What do you want your legacy to be when you leave this are planting a seed; the choice is yours, but whatever you
earth? choose, be intentional about it.

Include things that make your heart sing. Things that make
you feel proud, inspired, successful and purposeful.
All the There are 6 Health types; Activators, I have also included a QR Code for you to scan that
will take you to the main website; if you’d like, you
Connectors, Guardians, Diplomats,
can choose to sign up directly with them, or if you
Sensors & Crusaders. would like to dive deeper with it, my Personal Body-

Genius Profiling offer is an excellent place to start.

However, we all have all of the hormones in our I dive right into the backend of your profile, look at
bodies at different levels, which means we are the top three dominant hormones, how they likely
all a combination. Where we "sit" on the circle play out in your life and offer key strategies for you
sit on the “circle" makes a difference, plus what to implement immediately.
other links we have.
In the meantime, have fun seeing where
you and “your people” likely fit.
I am a Diplomat sitting at 315 degrees, meaning I
am pretty close to the Sensor end, and I resonate
with attributes from both. I also have clear Crusader
and Connector traits.

Activators: Connectors: Guardians:

Wired for action. Wired for connection. Wired for nurture.
Driven by nor-adrenalin and testosterone, Fuelled by oxytocin, Connectors are all Guided by Prolactin, Guardians are here to serve,
Activators are natural athletes with a robust about, you guessed it, connection. Excellent tend to & take care of their family, community
and clear body/gut-based internal guidance at facilitating group harmony and ensuring or pets. They are the strongest of all the health
system. They have shorter bodies, naturally everyone feels good. Like Activators, they love types, generally taller than connectors &
good muscle tone and love to get things variety and need to express themselves. When activators with bigger bone structure and body
happening… now. Activators are self-directed in alignment, they are fun, sparkly and heart mass. Their cups are filled by being valued for
and don’t need approval from anyone for centred. When out of alignment, they will feel their nurturing service. Salt of the earth people,
anything. flat. Their bodies are shorter than the Activator, they will be the last one standing and their
with big (open-hearted) chests, strong arms bodies reflect this. When they feel stressed,
When stressed, they are more likely to “fight” and solid legs. their bodies go into conservation mode, and
and are naturally competitive, expressive Guardians can put on weight even when they eat
and sometimes explosive. They need to eat Connectors can read body language like nothing if they feel that they or their “people”
often to avoid being “hangry”, can “pivot” at a no one else and feel in their bodies when are threatened. Self-care is a top priority for
moment’s notice, love taking risks and thrive something is not “right”. They love new ideas, Guardians, so they can give from a full cup. They
when life is exciting and varied. experiences and people; touch and fun are incredibly generous and will be the first to
hangs are their love language. put their needs aside to look after
those they care about.

Diplomats: Sensors: Crusaders:

Wired for comfort and Wired for awareness. Wired to achieve.
consideration Sculpted by Vasopressin, Sensors are long of Driven by Dopamine, Crusaders are ambitious,
limb, with light bones and are generally slimmer logical, reliable, curious and competitive. They’ll
Built on Serotonin, Diplomats are the original than all other health types. Their brain and willingly sacrifice a lot in order to bring their
nomads, have the longest digestive systems, nervous systems are super active, making them ideas into reality or actualise their mission.
so do well having their main meal at lunch excellent at assessing everything that is going They love accuracy and data and once they
& lots of time between meals. Their bodies on around them, and processing enormous have found a mission worth pursuing, they
are solid and enduring. Once committed to amounts of information and data. Sensors feel can be relentless. Their bodies are long and
something, they stay committed, so they often safer when the rules are clear and known. They lean but with more muscle mass than a sensor
take a long time to decide if something is generally need to eat often to keep their bodies making them excellent at both sports and life or
worth committing to because they know how warm and their minds alert and happy as they business goals that require consistent focus and
much energy it will take. don’t carry much excess weight. endurance.
Even if they appear extroverted in certain
They are highly considered, excellent at seeing situations, they reserve their private selves for They have a thirst for knowledge and seek
the inter-connectedness of things and different a very small inner circle, and it can take time out detail when they’re learning and creating.
sides to each story. They are empathic, and, to be invited inside this. When stressed, they Because they need higher levels of dopamine to
you guessed it, very diplomatic. They need can become anxious, hypervigilant and tend be in flow, they can tend toward addiction if they
lots of time, space, nature & beauty and can go towards “flight” and aloofness. Natural artists, are not connected to their mission. On the flip
into overwhelm and even depression without writers, and librarians are highly creative side, a Crusader who is connected to
enough of any of these things. and intuitive when they feel safe, their mission is likely to stop at
warm and settled. nothing to make it happen.

© Genevieve Searle
I will have
a good day,
because it is
my choice!
– Larcie Tulao
Your special invitation to a
Girlfriends night in.
Forget happy hour, The Girlfriend Hour™
is the best hour of the week.
Best enjoyed with... yep, you guessed it! Your girlfriends!

Here is your chance to come onto

The Girlfriend Hour™ TV Show
with your GFF’s (girlfriends forever).

Use our simple 8 month girlfriend calendar to

plan your girlfriend night in with your besties now.
One group of girlfriends will be chosen per season as guests on the show! Either
in person, if you can attend our live filming on the Gold Coast, or via zoom for our
International girlfriends.

It’s simple:
1 Watch the show with your girlfriends in person (or online)
2 Record a 3-5 minute video sharing what you all loved, learnt and will take away
3 Share the video on Facebook, and tag The Girlfriend Hour™ TV page
We will review the videos every season and look for the most colourful, fun, heartfelt group of girlfriends to
bring onto the show. Exciting!!! Is that YOU girlfriend? What a great way to catch up with your friends AND help
other women in the process.

Oh, and we hope you like prizes as our winning girlfriends will leave with their arms full of prizes from our
wonderful sponsors! Remember, girlfriends are soul food, and many of us get so busy we forget to prioritise
this important and oh-so-fun girly time, so now you can!

We can’t wait to see your videos. Remember to tag our page so we can find your video and have fun.
That’s the whole point!

Good luck from Shar and all your girlfriends at…

Copyright Shar Moore 2021.

© Flashes of Nostalgia.


68 Copyright Shar Moore 2022.

Nothing is impossible only
miracles take a bit longer.
I've always believed in my
3 P's persistence, patience
and perseverance. You'll
get there. Relax and go
with the flow.
– Helen Williams
What is the most
important thing
in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people.
By Susannah Pask

compassion for the hurt and grief of others and my willingness

to walk alongside them. We can't fix grief; we need to feel it,
Cathy Sheppard appreciate and treasure the memories of these special people
now gone from our lives, and find a way to move forward. Part
CEO/Founder BSI People Skills of what makes us human is experiencing joy, love, pain, loss,
Executive Level & Senior Level Facilitator/Coach happiness, sadness, and so many other emotions.

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he More learning

I spent a year in Japan as an AFS exchange student. I lived out
Different in the countryside where there were no foreigners; no one
spoke English, not even my English teachers. I was treated the
I have always been different from the people around me. same as the other students, sitting the same exams with no
dictionary allowed, trying to take notes from the blackboard,
I was born in Tokyo, Japan. Coming back to New Zealand, sitting and nearly always failing the weekly English vocab tests.
aged three, was a different world. I remember being in I had to learn Japanese fast, immersing myself in Japanese
kindergarten and feeling so alone, not knowing how to fit in. culture - tea ceremony classes, joining the Kendo club at
school without knowing what Kendo even was, and then
My life from the beginning was learning about other countries finding out there is no quitting in Japan; you must keep going.
and languages – it was like growing up in the United Nations. It was incredible learning about perseverance and how far I
My father spoke eight languages, and my mum five, and could dig in. These experiences have shaped me and given me
both had lived in France as well, so we lived using a mix of strength, a unique identity, and a willingness to learn and be
languages, English, French, and Japanese, with the odd splash open to others, accepting and valuing them for who and how
of German thrown in, very unusual in New Zealand. We also they are.
had people from all around the world come to stay. It was
fantastic learning about culture, language and differences. We Then came university back in New Zealand, working in a bank
ate food from all over the world - France, China, Japan, Italy, ... for three years, following the chalk in my veins to become a
Very different from the meat, potato and three veg typical of high school teacher of Maths, Japanese and French. Children
many New Zealand families. followed, and I joined Playcentre – an early childhood service
run entirely by the parents. They run the centres, educate the
Grief children (and each other), all with others who only have in
common that they have young children, and all volunteers.
When I had just turned six, my father died. My littlest sister I learned so much over 20 years –as a parent, leader, and
was born two weeks later, making me the oldest of four. I teacher, and it changed my life. I worked with adults and
was then one of the very few children at school with only one children from centres across New Zealand. Every centre,
parent, so different from nowadays where there are so many every person, was different. It meant finding what each centre
kinds of families! My mother was amazing - fighting for us all needed and tailoring the work to get excellent outcomes for
to attend the funeral at a time when children were kept away that group. I loved seeing the results of empowering people
and keeping his memory alive for us despite her grief. She to work better with each other. Good centres can become
was always willing to talk about him, keep the family stories even better, toxic environments can be changed if people are
alive, and walk with us in our mutual pain. This developed my willing, and it’s fantastic when they do!

© John Sheppard Photography

Part of what makes us human is

experiencing joy, love, pain, loss, happiness,
sadness, and so many other emotions.
it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 71
Leading to business can get better results, adding The Five Behaviors, My unique approach helps others find their true
Wealth Dynamics, and Incredible Years Teacher power and purpose. Our programmes involve
I started my business, BSI People Skills, in 2013. programmes to the suite of world-class tools people finding out more about themselves: who
we use. We are Authorised Partners of Wiley for they are and what's happening for them; the
As humans, we are wired for connection with Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors, and good, the challenges; who others are, and how to
others. People can be the most significant source of of Entrepreneurs Institute – the number one get better results. We offer leadership coaching
joy in life and the biggest source of pain. We can all global movement for entrepreneurs – for Wealth and team development workshops, focusing on
develop strategies to make this easier. Dynamics. I now develop others, as coaches and communication, core values and shared vision/
facilitators, with a team around me. I have worked purpose, using the highest quality profiling tools,
I started hearing the same stories from people with people from zero to eighty in five different empowering you and your people together.
in work situations, not wanting to go to work countries in person, and now work globally online.
because they hated the environment so much, Our flagship programme is our Workplace Culture
were bullied, or had their confidence crushed Striving For Excellence Excellence Badge - a tailored programme creating
over time as they made mistakes. I knew I could Leaders that Work, Teams that Work, Workplaces
make a difference! I strive for excellence - making sure what I'm doing that Work, and recognising this.
is good. I want quality, but knowing perfection is
A key factor was attending a DiSC workshop in not attainable. I am very reflective, learn quickly, Imagine you and your people:
2005, which was an absolute revelation. DiSC and never give up. I'm always looking for solutions,
is a personality profiling tool that helps people for different strategies to use together to solve • working together with confidence
understand why they do what they do, why others problems. I care deeply about people; aggression
• using everyone’s strengths
do what they do, and how to get different results doesn’t solve problems. I empower people to bring
together. The behavioural psychologist William their best to any situation and to look for the best • communicating effectively
Moulton Marston identified four different ways in others.
people respond to emotions. Everyone is a blend • getting better results - higher engagement,
of these four DiSC styles: Dominance, Influence, I am lucky that I was empowered as a girl to be my greater productivity and quality, reduced
Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. best, doing what I wanted to do and was good at, ineffective conflict
not having to fit into societal gender norms. I can be • all together on the same page achieving more
Training as a Certified Everything DiSC Trainer in the strong, caring, capable woman I am, not fitting than you’d think possible
Denmark in 2013, I use Everything DiSC as a base into the soft feminine stereotype.
for developing leaders and teams so they too This is what we can do for you.

“I can be the strong,

caring, capable woman
I am, not fitting into the
soft feminine stereotype.”

© John Sheppard Photography

Take your first step
towards Workplace Culture Excellence

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proving her knowledge transcends
better results - higher engagement,
cultural bounds, with people and
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team on the same page achieving
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Tailored Workshops and Coaching Packages focusing on
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the highest quality profiling tools, empowering you and
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it ’s the movement you’ve been longing
Develop your Why did you start your business?

What’s important to you?
What difference do you want to make for people?

Finding your WHY is so important – it’s a motivator, a guidepost,
something to keep you focused on when the going gets tough.
It’s also what you can unite your team around. An inspiring WHY
inspires other people to go on the journey with you.

in your business
When thinking of your business and how to What do you love doing?
grow it, the more you know about yourself and What are you good at?

the people you’re working with, the better!

You need to know who you are, what’s important to you and why, and what you’re
trying to achieve, and be able to communicate this effectively to others so that you
can inspire them too. What are the things you love
The more you learn about yourself and accept who you are – the good and the more about what you’re doing now?
challenging aspects, the more you can be open to receiving others, and the easier it
Work/business, Life
will be to work with others, bringing out the best in them too. You’ve got this!

Take some time to think about the following questions. These are great things to
journal! I love grabbing pieces of A3 paper and felt pens, collecting a whole heap of
my thoughts for each of these topics. The hardest thing can be to get them out of
our heads. Once out of our heads, we can find the patterns and make sense of it all.

The answers all form part of the framework pictured below: Leadership, Teams,
Mission/Vision/Values, Culture. These four areas can each be measured on a 1-10
What are the challenges you’re
scale. The bigger the numbers, the better your business car will drive, as these form facing at the moment?
the wheels. You want big, even wheels to make your business really hum. Your
people working together, all on the same page, will make that happen. Work/business, Life

Business Culture Excellence = Leaders that Work, Teams that Work,

Workplaces that Work

• Your leadership, along with the leadership of others in your business

• The way your people work together using their strengths
• The structures that support that to create a culture that works

And with that, here are the questions to begin: Your Vision for your life – Blue Sky
Thinking! Stephen R. Covey said,
“Start with the end in mind.” Roger
James Hamilton talks about getting into
a helicopter and looking at your life at
particular points in time.

I revisit my future vision at least

every 12 months, at the
beginning of every year.

© Cathy Sheppard © BSI People Skills

What do you want your life to What are your core values?
look like in 5 years’ time? Knowing your core values is vital for guiding decision-making
and behaviour. Are you living according to your values?
Your business? Your role in it, then? What are your top 5 values? What do these look like?

The more detail you can add, the better. If you know where you
want to go, it’s easier to find the way there. You don’t have to see Then this leads to What are the core
the path from the beginning, it will open up, and then you can
enjoy the journey too, being amazed by what is coming. If you values of your business?
don’t know where you’re going, it’s impossible to get there!
Developing these with your team, so everyone is on board
is essential. How are they being lived as a guide for everyone’s
It’s like a beautiful tree on the other side of a vast field of long
behaviour and decision-making? How are they embedded in your
grass. The quickest way to get there is to keep your eyes on the
recruiting and employment processes?
tree. If you look down at your feet and the obstacles, it’s much
harder and the path meanders. Yes, you will need to look down
occasionally, but keep lifting your eyes to the prize. The closer it
gets, the more detail you can add as well!

NB: Write it as if you are at that point of time. List the things
you’re grateful for having had happen, things you’ve done,
places you’ve gone, and with who, … What’s the culture you
It’s August 2027. want in your business?
Looking back over the last five years…!
Start with “I am so grateful for the last five For your staff? For your clients?
years because ….” What do you want your people to feel?
What do you not want them to feel?
What strategies can you implement to increase the desired
What do you want your life and business positive feelings and mitigate the negative ones?
What coping strategies do your people have for when
to look like one year from now? the negative emotions come?

It’s … August 2023.

Looking back over the last 12 months…
Start with “I am so grateful for the last
12 months because …”.

What personality profiling have you All the best as you

done, and what have you learned about grow yourself and your
yourself through these? business! Feel free to
I recommend Everything DiSC and Wealth Dynamics for connect with me on
women serious about building purpose-driven successful
businesses. Have a debrief with a coach – what do they
LinkedIn or touch base if
mean for you with your unique strengths in your situation? you want more.
This coaching releases the power of transformation available
through the tools.

Having your team members do DiSC with training releases the

power of a common language for communication. This reduces
costly conflict, builds trust, and enables much more effective

I’m here to empower you so that

communication. There is so much depth and power
available through Everything DiSC for
building leadership and teams.

you can change the world too!

Harness the power
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Becoming a published author is not exclusive
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Writing your story is the easy part. Discovering the right audience with
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With over 500k readers, globally, Sharanis publishing can help expose
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H OU re
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HI uss
ha IS
rs: S L
Publishe S PUB
The 'walking
talking' MRI
By Susannah Pask

Medical Intuition Abuse

Jean Sheehan When I was 5, we moved to Australia, and I became

aware that women here were able to have a career
When I was sixteen, my mother died, and I became
homeless. I had to finish my last year at school
Medical Intuitive, Speaker, Author & Founder, and be themselves, truly expressing their talents. in secrecy - as it was safer to do so. It was a relief
Millennium Education I knew in my heart that one day I would be able to to be away from the home as there were all types
share my gift of Medical Intuition with the world of abuse from my Dad. Yes, it included physical,
I grew up in Kuwait. and teach women to shine their brilliance too. I mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual. I recall
knew my gift was seeing inside peoples’ bodies and waking up on the floor to a loud bang noise and
My Dad was Greek Arabic and grew up there. My being able to make them feel better. I was able to something warm dripping on my foot. I did not
Mum had met him in her travels and fell in love with practice on friends at school, as I knew I was safe to have a bed and slept on the floor. The bang was
him. It was a romantic story, but it quickly turned be myself with my close girlfriends. Kim and I would Dad grabbing my Mum by the hair with a knife at
sour as she was trapped there. She had to learn to share everything, and one day she said, ‘I feel sick.’ her neck. The warm drip was her blood. He was
speak Arabic quickly, as she was forced to stay with I could see she was fearful, so I asked what she yelling “I am going to kill her!” This was one of many
my dad’s family. She had to adhere to their ‘ways was frightened of. She said it was the spelling test. occasions of abuse. I recall Mum having money for
and dress full face and body covered. She had to When I talked to her and allowed her to share her food, and while we were eating at the table, Dad
cook ‘their way’ and do as she was told. If you have fears, she said she did not feel sick anymore. As I came home drunk again, picked up the plate, and
read the book ‘Not Without My Daughter’, it was share this now, it seems so simple, and it was - for a smashed it on the floor. I was then expected to eat
similar to that story. I recall being told continually as 6-year-old child. the food from the floor, including the shards of the
a child, ‘The Arabs are coming to get you!’ I was in plate that had smashed and was told I was a dog,
terror the whole time growing up there. Eventually, In High School, my best friend Sarah and I would so I was to eat like a dog from the floor.
my Mum convinced my Dad that life would be better do everything together. I noticed one day she
if they moved to Australia, where she was from. came to school with crutches and asked what had At one stage, my mum and I had run away from
happened. She said she woke up and could not my Dad, and she found a place for us to stay.
I soon learned that, as a girl, it was frowned walk on her left leg. When I looked in her body, Dad found us, broke the door down, and hit me
upon to shine my brilliance. Having the ability I saw cancer in her knee. As I looked deeper, I from behind on the neck. I woke up on the floor
to see within a body like an x-ray was seen as could see an emotional attachment to why cancer from being unconscious. That is, I began to learn
evil and outrageous. Children speak how they started. She felt like she did not have choices. how to express my Feminessence®. I needed to
feel and say what they mean. That was me. I Her Mum was an English teacher and had high learn to be myself, know my destiny, listen to
could see when people would die through their expectations of what Sarah should do and be as my heart and intuition and follow my dreams. I
aura when they had diseases and growths and a student and a lady. Sarah HAD to learn and play learned possibilities and potentiality very quickly.
what the outcome would be. I did not hesitate the piano; she didn’t want to. Sarah HAD to learn My journey guided me to become a nurse, so I
to say it. This was seen as evil and the devil’s German and French; she didn’t want to. Sarah HAD could understand what I was seeing inside the
work in my culture. I would be called names by to do ballet; she didn’t want to. Sarah HAD to do human body. My innate wisdom led me to work in
the village people and had an evil eye pinned to drama lessons to help her English spoken word; pathology and autopsies to quantify what I could
my clothes to ward off evil spirits. she didn’t want to. I could see this lack of choices see metaphysically and physically. I saw the need
was building emotionally in Sarah’s knee, creating to understand the truth about people’s health and
After I was born, my Mum had cervical cancer and cancer. I couldn’t tell her she had cancer, but I did how they need to feel empowered to be physically
could not have any more children. This added to the tell her that I loved her and that she had choices. well.
illusion that I was the devil, as I was seen to have She needed to discuss these with her mum. I also
tainted the womb and would curse the family and suggested she see a Doctor as her leg needed it. A niggling voice in my head said, 'They will reject
the village. I was told every day until I was 16 years Sarah gave me that look of ‘I don’t what you mean, you. Don't say anything. That is when I became
old that I was bad luck, so I believed it for a long Jean, but I trust you.’ Sure enough, the diagnosis suicidal. I had the pills in my hand and was ready
time. I hated being feminine and hid it by being a was cancer of the knee. Looking back, I saw many to end my life. Then I had a vision of my toddler
tomboy and making sure I was NOT attractive in any diseases in the teachers but never said anything. son who was at childcare and thought, 'I can't do
way. Deep down, I had so much pain in my heart as With Kim and Sarah, I felt safe to access my it'. I had a heart-felt mission to empower women
I wanted to share my instinctive Medical Intuition. feminine side. and help them shine their brilliance using Medical
But my ‘training’ and ‘education’ was to stay quiet Intuition. My nursing girlfriends started calling me
and small. It was safer being masculine. 'The Walking Talking MRI'. My work today involves
events and keynote speaking, and I’ve written 6
Amazon best-selling books. My gift is to empower
women so they can shine their brilliance.

© Jaya McIntyre from Empire Art Photography

It always
works out
It Always Works Out Connecting From The Heart struck by a lightning bolt of pure love. The insights,
the inward unfolding, kept leading to one epiphany
I had no intention of starting a business. It all I remember as a child talking to an older woman after another about my innate self while being
unfolded perfectly accidentally. When my nursing about what I could see inside her body. She supported in the unravelling. I finished the course
friends shared what I could do for others, requests embraced my openness and vulnerability. But that with such clarity and unexpected awareness. Jean
poured in. I was continually asked for my business was rare. When I was nursing, I could connect with Sheehan is Absolute Love, and that emanates from
card, but I was not actually in business. I suddenly patients from the heart. It is the easiest thing to her being. You can feel it in her touch, the way she
had speaking events, requests for magazine articles do. When you genuinely listen with your heart, you speaks and looks at you. Her knowledge is amazing,
and proposals to learn what I do. The WHY was can connect with anyone and their femininity. It is and she explains things in a way you can easily
most important to me as it meant others could be that feeling you have when you instinctively know understand. Don't expect her to answer all your
empowered from within, not without. The HOW them and deeply connect with them without logic questions, as the tough ones she directs you to find
just unfolded easily. Today I still pinch myself as I or reason. It is like when babies look into your eyes, are those answers deep within yourself… Attend a
know how blessed I am to have the ability to help and you know they are connecting with you. As course, and you'll soon know what I mean! I loved
so many people globally. I remember the joy I felt adults, we forget and are told not to connect that every minute of my time in the course, and it won't
seeing my first client, a nursing friend, go from way. When you do, though, you feel that person's be my last. Jean Sheehan, you are amazing!"
doom to thrive and jive. And at the end of my eight- absolute love and core blueprint. Everyone can
day immersion Medical Intuition events, to witness feel that if they allow themselves to. For some, it Jaimie is a successful business owner debating
people have miracles occur is my reason for doing is linked to feelings and emotions; for others, it is whether to sell her business or make changes.
what I do. like butterflies in their abdomen. It has always been She had lost her way and her Feminessence®. She
there for me, but I was fearful of showing it until I shares, "Having just completed a 2-day Modern
The feminine side is a superpower of men and learned through nursing that this innate ability is Medicine Woman course with Jean, I can honestly
women, but especially women, of course. I use my strength to help others. say that it was, hands down, the most empowering
all things feminine to get me where I am today, and liberating personal development course I have
including Crystals, Intuition, Sacred Geometry, and When I first started in business, I was told to ever attended. From the communication in the
Medical Intuition healing. The feminine superpower go to networking events. It was not my 'thing' lead-up to the event to the heart-felt structure of
is an innate understanding in your heart that guides as it was quite masculine back in the day. But the weekend, the venue, the food and the tribe of
you to live your purpose. When I embraced this I played the game of being like a man to be women that Jean held so much time and space for
feminine superpower, my life changed radically accepted. What an absolute failure for me! It over the weekend, I would recommend so highly
from poverty, self-sabotage, such as not accepting did not work - and I probably looked ridiculous that you allow yourself the opportunity to attend
opportunities when they were offered, and pain - to thinking about it now. The more I tried to one of the course offerings. Jean certainly leaves
an easy personal and professional life, abundant, be something I was not, the more I failed in no stone unturned in ensuring you get the very
rich in life and pure love. My favourite saying is business. As soon as I became the woman I am, best out of the teachings she delivers - this is what
based on the theme of 'It always works out'. And it opened the door to many amazing people, I know to be true. Thank you, beautiful QUEEN, for
it does! Once I embraced the true gift of being a opportunities and connections. Women have a allowing me to reclaim my story and move into
woman, my career took off. I now speak on cruise gift of connection from the heart and know how a place of ALL the LOVE. Much gratitude, dearest
ships, at universities, I’ve been featured in a movie, to support each other. That is what business is lady!"
and I do interviews on podcasts and on TV, etc. A about; connections, support, community and
woman’s gifts, her intuition and her ability to tune empowering each other. If everyone tapped Maraea was searching for her tribe and connection
in to the universe are amazing. into this, each business would thrive. They say, to home. She was a gorgeous Maori woman who
'It takes a village to raise a child', and I say, 'it lost her connection to her culture and innate
It does always work out. takes a community to empower each other. Feminessence®. She was running her life and
business from the masculine, and she was lost. She
Finding Your Feminessence® attended my eight-day immersion, and WOW! Tears
flowed from everyone that participated, especially
The most important aspect when being in your from me. She returned home to her heart. This is
Feminessence® is to be open, honest, vulnerable what she says "I started doing courses with Jean,
and come from the heart. I try to 'be the example of and each one has been a stepping stone for my
what is possible,' as this allows other women to find growth and learning. I didn’t have direction before
their true power and purpose. Women have a gift of then and just went with the motions. Now I have a
intuition, and they live life with purpose when they purpose, confidence, and direction, and I know who
access this superpower. The fundamental essence I am. Jean brings out the brilliance in every one of
of my work is to help women access their intuition us. Jean can see what we cannot see in ourselves.
and innate gifts so they can shine their brilliance. You make longtime friendships and connections
with like-minded people too. Thank you, Jean, for
In my 25+ years of this work, I can recall so many opening those doors for me!” Maraea
women going from limited, blocked, stuck and in
pain to creating their heart's desires. Through my My heart is whole, and tears are rolling down my
online and offline Millennium Modality ® events, cheeks as I share this. I know what it was like to feel
I see my gorgeous clients become the example of squashed as a woman – and to see these women
what is possible. shine their brilliance is... WOW!

Here are a couple of examples I’d like to share: When I am interviewed, I am asked if I have words
of wisdom and about my legacy. My words are
Bre was a nurse who wanted to know what direction ‘It always works out." We forget when we are not
to go in, but she could not make it happen. This is our REAL selves. And my legacy? Like every other
what she says ... "I was guided to Jean Sheehan at woman in their true Feminessence®, it is to be the
a time when I was questioning my career direction. example of what is possible.
Little did I know, through synchronistic meetings,

My legacy is to help you stop

that connecting with Jean in her 8-day course of
Millennium Modality® Medical Intuition would
awaken me to see my full potential, my sparkles of
brilliance and reconnect with ME! It was like being hiding from yourself and allow
you to shine your brilliance!
Your body talks
What's it saying?
“The human body is
a blueprint for your most
dominant thoughts.
It is a 3D printout of
the internal vibration.
It shows the
unconscious secrets.
You are the author.
Your story becomes
your biology.”
Jean Sheehan©

I love the theory of PLATO

(Mathematician & Metaphysician)
“There is a difference between HEAL & CURE.
To ‘heal’ is to make the entire mind/body/
spirit whole. To ‘cure’ is to eliminate or relieve
immediate distress. Unless one changes the
ways/thoughts that cause pain, it will repeat in
the same or another area.”

This describes medical Intuition. At the heart

of Medical Intuition lies the ability to connect
with your potentiality. It is ancient, sacred and
perfect. It is love. Potentiality is absolute love and
empowerment. It is the power of intuition. This is
the Feminessence.

Describing what your body is saying is about

understanding how you will access your Medical
Intuitive gifts. Medicine is the art of healing known
as the heart of healing. To HEAL is to make it whole
and complete like we were originally created.
Intuition is spontaneous insight. Women are
amazing at this! And you are going to access this for
(7) days.

This journey is about tuning in to your body and

listening to what it wants and how to manifest
your heart's desires. Women naturally do this by
choosing what to wear, what they feel like eating
and how they visualise their hair for an event.

You are going to access your innate modern wisdom

with this ritual which will allow you to tap into your
superpower intuition and body consciousness.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 81

© JeanSheehan
What is body
you ask? Great
question. Each day I want you to follow this ritual.
When I was Nursing, I could see the disease
in each person with my XRAY eyes and an
emotional link to each body part. The body
consciousness is the story and emotion held
within each body part. Before you get up in the morning, ask your body
“What do you want me to know?”
For example

1. BREASTS are about nurture and

nourishment. If the woman is not feeling
nurtured or nourished she feels tenderness in
her breast.
Take a deep breath in and out
2. LIVER is about the emotion of anger and
being organised. When things are not going as
planned, women will supress their anger and it
may show up as ‘fatty liver’ in a blood test.
3. SORE FEET indicate a woman is people Feel a sensation in your body or maybe a whisper in your
pleasing. It may show up as feet blisters, foot mind or a thought that pops into your head
aches and pains, and shin splits.

The body is always talking and is asking you to live 4

your purpose.
Thank your body
When you have the aches, pains, nausea or niggling
in your stomach area, that is your superpower of

intuition guiding you that you are not aligned with
your purpose and Femininessence®.

Action what it needs

o u r t urn .
O K y
a jo ur na l of what For example
o keep will self
It is best t g as each day you mething 1
in o
is happent your body needs s , or more
Before you get up in the morning, ask your body
s “What do you want me to know?”
realise tha ore sleep, work les rooms.
such as m B12 such as mush A: Eat more green vegetables
Vitamin by 2
ith this as ay
Take a deep breath in and out
v e fu n w
of all, ha is each d
And most will want to do th power of
3 Feel a sensation in your body or maybe a whisper in

Day 3, youtap into your super peaking.

your mind or a thought that pops into your head

as you and your Body S A: You may have had a vision of a green
intuition smoothie
4 Thank your body
5 Action what it needs

A: Make a delicious green smoothie or have a

green salad for lunch

© JeanSheehan


It is time to be the example of what is possible. As
a woman you are here to shine your brilliance. Stop
playing small. Stop hiding from yourself. This creates
disease and disharmony is your life.

Allow your self to discovery the ancient

wisdom of the Modern Medicine Woman
using Medical Intuition so that you can
shine your brilliance and manifest your
hearts desires. If not now - when?!?!?
© Jaya McIntyre from Empire Art Photography
0414 758 360
it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 83
A personalised
based on
science, not

“At Aston RX, we start with a blood

test to identify your specific biological
markers, tailoring a 28-day program to
transform your metabolism, improve
energy, reduce inflammation and
trigger rapid fat loss.” Donna Aston

Visit to
create your FREE Fat Loss Projection
Plan, or sign up now.

Coming soon
– AstonRX Gut Rehab program!

* Results may vary with each participant.

Donna Aston
Director Aston RX

I was an overweight teenager. I managed

to transform my weight and health, so
transitioning into personal training was an
organic one, with people in the gym witnessing
my transformation and asking for my help.

In 1996, I was running my small personal training

business when I received a phone call from Karen, a
woman from Sydney living in Geneva, Switzerland.
She had seen my cover story in a magazine with
Brigitte Duclos’ transformation and wanted me to
fly to Geneva for ten weeks to train her for the Nice
Triathlon. The next thing I knew, I was in Geneva,
living with Karen and her husband, cooking their
meals and training them both daily.

I met her husband’s business partner, Adrian,

the day I arrived. He would tell you he had ten
weeks to convince me I was never going home. He
succeeded. We married six months later and lived in
various countries worldwide for eight years when I
started writing and publishing my books.

In January 2004, I had come back to Melbourne a

week earlier than Adrian. I went to the airport to
pick him up. He walked in the door, put his bags
down and said, “I’m not happy. I’m leaving.” He
picked up his bags and left. I never saw him again.
I soon discovered he had left me in enormous
financial debt, and I had not worked in Australia for
eight years. Friends and a lawyer were encouraging
me to pursue him legally. However, I knew I only
had a finite amount of energy in my body, and I
didn’t want to expend it on negativity and pain.

weight loss
by optimizing
health By Susannah Pask
© Ken Pryor

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 85

“I have the
privilege of
showing people
what they’re
capable of.”

© Ken Pryor

Moving On & Trusting My Ability Again I think people can feel my authenticity. I have can’t agree, so it’s almost impossible for anyone
an innate ability to show others what they are to sort fact from fiction. My programs are like the
I needed to do something positive and re-establish capable of, and I provide them with an education instruction manual you never received for your
my life, so I opened a tiny studio and started and understanding that allows them to believe in body. They start by identifying the cause of your
my little personal training business again. It was themselves again. Many clients tell me they don’t weight gain or health issues with a blood test.
frightening, as I had considered my husband to be feel like themselves anymore. They’ve lost their Your program is customised to address these
the ‘brains’ in our business endeavours. I would identity and their confidence. I encourage them to biomarkers directly and optimise metabolic health.
always seek his advice for such decisions, and I was ‘make friends with their bodies again. To appreciate Fat loss is a welcome ‘side-effect’ of this. The
now on my own, with very little confidence in my how amazing it is and what it’s capable of. Maternal education throughout the 28-day program serves
ability. instinct often sees women putting others first as invaluable skills, which will empower you better
before themselves. When you get on a plane, I to manage your health and weight for a lifetime.
Once clients heard I was back, they began returning always say they tell you to put on your oxygen mask
to my business, and in a relatively short time, I before you can help others. I recently did a live webinar with a group of female
was back on my feet and running a successful members, and one said, “Why doesn’t everyone
business again. Admittedly, I was working 24/7, but This is an excellent analogy for life. know this?” I hear this often. I spoke with another
I was slowly proving that I could trust my ability to client on the phone last week. She has lost 15 kilos
make sound business decisions. I also wrote and I believe we all need to be confident, have a – inspired by her sister, who had lost 30 kilos doing
published my fifth book that year. The title, ‘Losing strong identity and be passionate about our my program. I had not met either of these women,
It,’ was a little joke to myself, as it referred to a lot business, service or product, and personal lives yet the program has profoundly impacted their
more than weight loss! to be happy and prosperous. Women have great lives. It is sound, scientifically-backed information
empathy and emotional intelligence, which can that will change your life, but the entire diet and
At the time Adrian left, it was devastating. In translate into outstanding leadership at home health industry remain clouded with so much fluff
hindsight, it was one of the best things that could with the family and in the workplace. and hype that we can’t see the forest for the trees!
have happened, as it forced me out of my comfort
zone and allowed me to push myself beyond my
beliefs about myself. I’m now a more balanced,
There is so much conflicting information about
health, nutrition, and weight loss. Even the experts
I help you see the forest.
empathetic and confident woman because of this

From Personal Training to Nutrition & AstonRX

Why did I start my business?

In 2010, after more than a decade of working with

private clients in personal training and lifestyle “When you get on
coaching, I completed my degree in Human
Nutrition. It was becoming increasingly evident a plane, I always
say they tell you
that exercise was only a tiny part of the quest for
improved health, and nutrition and lifestyle were
crucial to success, so this is where my passion
lies. I realised some time ago that when I believe
in people’s abilities - even when they don’t - it can to put on your
be very empowering for them. In my current role,
I have the incredible privilege of showing people
what they’re capable of and helping to restore their
oxygen mask
confidence in themselves and their bodies.
before you can
This is what drives me. Business success is a
by-product of this commitment. is
an online platform that I started building in 2017.
help others.”
I had spent years developing and delivering a
very successful program to private clients, which
profoundly impacted their lives, so I needed
to reach more people. I did consider another
book; however, I knew this needed to be far
more interactive and provide significant support
and guidance. Being overweight is a ‘symptom’
of underlying metabolic dysfunction. AstonRX
identifies the cause and targets it directly, rather
than trying to put a BandAid on the symptom, which
will always result in regaining the weight.

Helping Women Regain Confidence

I feel that my life experience serves as inspiration

for other women who may be struggling with weight
and nutritional problems. The fact that I have lived
© Ken Pryor

through their current situation and conquered it

gives them hope and confidence that there is light
at the end of the tunnel.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 87

is your metabolism?
How healthy

Take the metabolic
profiling Q1: My quality and Q2: Have you been
duration of sleep is
generally poor? diagnosed with high
blood pressure?
Science tells us that gaining a. Yes
a. Yes
excess weight or struggling to
b. No
b. No

lose weight is a symptom of

metabolic dysfunction. Many Q3: Have you been Q4: Have you been
‘solutions’ are focussed on
diagnosed with high
cholesterol levels? diagnosed with
pre-diabetes or
putting a Band-Aid on the a. Yes Type 2 Diabetes?

symptom, commonly ignoring b. No

a. Yes
b. No
the root cause. The result will be
short-term weight loss, at best. Q5: Do you carry Q6: Do you struggle
excess abdominal fat?
with chronically high
anxiety or stress
It’s imperative to understand a. Yes
b. No levels?

your metabolic function a. Yes

thoroughly and establish the

b. No

cause of your weight gain Q7: Do you find you Q8: Are you
before you can achieve have uncontrolled
hunger & cravings? overweight and

long-term success.
struggling to lose it?
a. Yes
b. No a. Yes
b. No
The following questions will
help you form a guide on
how efficient your metabolic Q9: Do you suffer Q10: Do you find
from PCOS or fertility
function is now and which problems? yourself snacking/
grazing regularly?
strategy may be your best a. Yes
a. Yes
option moving forward… b. No
b. No
Insulin resistance is at the heart of weight
gain, abdominal fat storage, difficulty losing weight,
inflammation, fatty liver, high blood pressure, polycystic
ovary syndrome, excessive hunger, high cholesterol and type 2
diabetes, yet it’s rarely paid any attention until one or more of
these issues is well advanced.
If you’d like to investigate further, I recommend creating your free Fat offers three main programs based on science and the body’s
Loss Projection Report at biology.

This report will provide you with a simple, accurate projection of your It uses real, whole foods to help reset good gut health – as well as herbal
current body composition and perspective on how quickly you can formulas to rid parasites, probiotic formulas to replenish good bacteria,
reach your goal weight and where you currently sit within the goal body nutrients and supplements that can help reduce cholesterol, regulate
fat percentage range. blood glucose and boost what the body is lacking.

Should you register for our Metabolic Fat Loss Program, we then confirm Then the focus is on the right foods to eat and when – with online cooking
all this with a simple blood test – using science, not guesswork, to lessons from the AstonRX in-house chef and webinars to help people
optimise your health and metabolic function. understand how better sleep, stress management and exercise play a role.

We then teach you how to reduce and control your insulin levels for We explain the effects of what you eat, what it means to sleep and energy
a lifetime, along with other factors such as gut health, sleep, stress and that when you eat is essential as well as quality sleep and mental
management, exercise, circadian rhythm, or body clock. The ‘side- health.
effect’? Rapid, permanent fat loss.
It is also about mindset coaching and behavioural change. It is not just
Managing our weight and staying within the ‘healthy range’ is not just one component. For long-term success, we must consider all contributing
about aesthetics – it reduces our risk of developing heart disease, type factors.
2 diabetes and 13 different cancers.

With every 5kg of body fat we gain, there’s an extra 20kg of pressure in
each joint, resulting in pain, inflammation and reduced quality of life. AstonRX Metabolic Fat Loss Program,
Weight loss is a catalyst for people starting the AstonRX programs, but
Gut Rehab Program and Quick Start
people soon find extra things are happening – such as a reduction in Program are available online at AstonRX.
joint pain, reflux and even snoring!”
com. Programs run for 28 days, with
new cohorts of participants beginning
every two weeks. Extensions for further
weight loss are available, along with
customised Maintenance Programs to help
If you answer ‘YES’ to two of participants incorporate the principles into
these questions, you are likely their lifestyle for long-term success.
battling mild to moderate
insulin resistance, making fat
loss slow and difficult.
If you answer ‘YES’ to three or more
of these questions, you are likely
experiencing moderate to severe range
insulin resistance, making fat loss almost
impossible until it’s addressed.

© Donna Aston
She’s had 30 + years of experience working in Bridget Foliaki-Davis has cooking credentials galore.
professional kitchens in Australia and New Zealand. She was a fully qualified chef by the time she was
Bridget Foliaki-Davis She was Head Chef for Bill Granger and Executive 20 and became the first President of New Zealand’s
Chef at one of New Zealand’s largest event Training Chef’s Association. She worked her way
Chef, Nutritionist, Author, Health & Wellness Mentor,
companies. She is a writer, a speaker,accredited up the food chain, so to speak, in many small
TV Personality, Brand Ambassador
nutritionist, and television chef for SBS food and restaurants throughout New Zealand including
The Café. She’s a TEDx speaker and has written cafes, a coffee roasting boutique, and on chartered
Bridget Foliaki- Davis was just 14 when she six award-winning cookbooks. She has cooked yachts around the Auckland harbour.
dropped out of school to work as a waitress for Oprah and for New Zealand’s Prime Minister,
which eventually led to a culinary qualification. Jacinda Ardern.
She graduated at the top of her class.

© Bridget Foliaki-Davis

© Anna Stella Turner
The first business she owned was a kitchen in a It involved completely changing her diet, and giving “I am the exact opposite of her now. It’s almost like
sports club in Sydney, Australia. She was just 22. up processed foods, sugar, dairy and gluten. we were two different people. I have a new lease on
By age 23 she had two separate businesses and life and so much confidence. I have fallen back in
kitchens operating on opposite ends of Sydney. Within five months she had dropped to a size 8 love with life.”
By 32, years of hard work and taken their toll. She and shed a miraculous 35 kilos.
needed a vacation and a change of scenery. She She has now added exercise to her healthy living
and her husband took their first holiday together, She looks back at old photographs and feels sorry routine – something she never did before. She
an 8-week hiatus from work travelling around the for her old self. “I don’t recognise the old me. She walks, does yoga, paddle boarding and lifts
world, where they learned how to appreciate life was so sad. I can see it in the pictures. She was shy, weights. She also practices intermittent fasting, in
away from the kitchen. trying to hide behind baggy clothes and layers. She which she eats within a 7-8-hour window during the
had no confidence. day and fasts the rest of the time.
In March 2008, she was offered a job working as
Head Chef for Bill Granger at Bills’ Restaurant in
Darlinghurst. It was back to Sydney, where the
couple and their three children have lived ever
since. She’s gone on to make a name for herself © Bridget Foliaki-Davis
as a VIP chef for Google, a brand ambassador,
cruise ship lecturer, keynote speaker and cookbook

She no longer works in commercial kitchens, but

what ignites her passion these days is helping
mentor the 300,000+ followers she has on social
media with her bespoke gut-healthy recipes and
ideas for healthier living – along with maintaining a
healthy lifestyle herself.

It wasn’t an easy path.

She had struggled with her weight all her life. Being
a chef did not make it easy to eat healthy food,
delicious daily temptations constantly surrounded
her. Back then, she didn’t care about the nutritional
value of the food she was cooking, as long as it
tasted good. When her weight ballooned to 94 kilos
and her dress size went up to a 22, she decided she
had to do something about it.

She had suffered a devastating miscarriage and

her weight had spiralled out of control as she
turned to food and alcohol to deaden the pain.
It was a vicious cycle of binge-eating all the
wrong foods, vomiting and over-eating again,
washing unhealthy foods down with a half-
bottle of vodka. She had hit rock bottom, losing
all self-esteem and confidence in herself.

It had to change.

The turning point was an email inviting her to

appear on a TV show. She was horrified! How could
she possibly be seen on TV looking the way she
did? She had five weeks to get in shape and was
determined to lose the weight and regain control of
her life. In researching healthy diets she discovered
the concept of gut healthy eating.

Falling back
in love with life. By Susannah Pask

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 91

There is no longer any junk or processed food in her
house, - where treats and temptations are now the
healthy creations that she makes herself.

What are her words of advice for those looking to

shed unwanted weight and live a healthier lifestyle,
as she did?

“My advice is to take one small step at a time. I

started by making my next meal a healthy one.
That’s all I focused on. I didn’t focus at all on the
weight I wanted to lose. I just focused on making
my next meal a healthy one. After the first meal, I
focused on the next meal and then the next one.

“Rather than overwhelming myself with what

seemed like an enormous task at the time, I just
focused on taking one small step forward to who
I wanted to become – a happier, healthier, more
slender me.

“The only thing I would do differently is starting

earlier. I cannot describe in words how different and
more fulfilling my life and my relationships have

Her recipes are delicious. Her advice and

mentorship have been nothing short of life-
changing for hundreds of thousands of her

One step at a time.

Focus on
taking one
small step
forward to
who you want
to become
– a happier,
healthier you. © Bridget Foliaki-Davis

brid g et’s
he alth y
Treat yourself
5-min Strawberry Shortcake
Gluten-free | Sugar-free | No added fat | Dairy-free

Makes 1
Why it’s delicious
1 tablespoon of inulin in
Add the strawberries and
Summer-like in taste and spirit, nothing beats a sweet strawberry, and if you ss and stir to combine.
a microwavable mug or gla
are feeling like a little treat, this recipe can’t be beaten for speed and delight! 45 seconds until just soft.
Microwave on high for 30-
the cooked berries and set
Remove a tablespoon of
them aside to serve.

Helpful hints and tips Mix the almond flour, coc

onut, remaining inulin pow
van illa in a sm all bow
l, and
or mug and a egg, baking powder and .
You will need a large jars recipe. spoon on top of the berries
microwave for thi
and cook on high for 60-
e Return to the microwave taped
powder, which is a solubl seconds until the cake fee
ls spo ngy wh en gen tly
This recipe calls for inulin als o a pre bio tic
ling as it’s on top.
fibre. It is great for gut hea e
is slig htly sw eet , so it can be used to give a littl
and and
best place to buy inu lin coconut yogurt if using
sweetness to this dish. The Top the shortcake with it for a
a hea lth foo d sto re or purchase it online by the reserved spoonful of be rries, and wa
is from t
to purchase”, and the bes minute before devourin
googling “inulin powder r locatio n.
results will pop up for you

5 medium strawberries, green tops removed and sliced
1 tbsp + ½ tbsp inulin powder
2 tbsp almond flour
½ tsp desiccated coconut
1 egg
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp pure vanilla essence
½ tbsp unsweetened coconut yogurt to serve, optional

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 93

© Bridget Foliaki-Davis
4 Ingredient Chocolate Fudge
Gluten-free | Sugar-free | Dairy-free | Vegan Friendly

Makes 12 serves
Why it’s delicious
Fudge was my favourite treat as a child, with chocolate fudge coming in a
close second only to Russian fudge. This new and improved fudge treat is so
good that it’s dangerous and should be approached with caution as it’s hard
to stop at one piece. With it tasting so good, how could it possibly be this
healthy? It is excellent fudge trickery!

If you would like to ci
me making this re pe, Method
k to watch a replay of ou
you can click on this lin g class into a small metal or glass
live healthy fudge cookin Place all the ingredients sm all pot fille d wit h 5 cm
ery ra and position the bowl ove the ing red ien ts
ring water. Stir
(2 inches) of gently simme ien ts are me lted and
with a spatula until the ing
Ingredients used
dish with baking paper (I
Line a small container or ay con tain er) and pour
tak eaw
100 g (3 .5 oz) almond butter or a nut or seed butter of your choosing a small rectangle plastic the container.
50 g (1.7 oz) coconut oil or MCT oil the warm ingredients into
70 g (2.4 oz) sugar-free, dairy-free vegan dark chocolate chips
zer for 30 minutes or in the
2 tbsp pure as inulin powder or pure erythritol Cool the fudge in the free ing
until hard. Portion by slic
fridge for 60-90 minutes the fridge for up
re covered in
into 12-14 pieces and sto .
to 2 we eks

Quinoa ganache cookies

Gluten-free | Sugar-free | Dairy-free | Grain-free | Vegan friendly

Makes 1 dozen cookies

Why it’s delicious
These little healthy cookies taste as good
as they look! Soft and tender and packed
full of flavour, it is quite possibly my
favourite way to have leftover quinoa ever. Method
she et with
Ingredients C (350F) and line a baking
Preheat your oven at 180 ing pap er.
non-stick bak
300 g (10.5 oz) or about 2 cups of cooked
ients into a bowl and mix
and cooled quinoa (see above on how to Place all the cookie ingred n as a
bined. Using a tablespoo in the
cook) thoroughly until well com each por tion
into 12, rolling
80 g (2.7 oz) nut or seed butter or hazelnut guide, portion the mixture achieve a smooth ball.
chocolate spread (page **) palm of your hand to
et and
60 g (2 oz) of whole oats or quinoa flakes spaced on the baking she the
3 tbsp sweet as fibre syrup Position the balls evenly to form a cookie . Bak e in
3 tbsp raw cacao powder flatten gently with your han until the cookies are cooked
oven for 18-20 minutes or
Helpful hints and tips
3 tbsp zero as sugar pure erythritol through.
40 g (1.7 oz) dry roasted hazelnuts,
s before
crushed on the tray for 20 minute
(10.5 oz) of Allow the cookies to cool rack to cool completely.
In order to have 300 grams transferring to a wir e
qui noa for this rec ipe , bring to the Cookie toppings
cooked chips and
boil ⅔ cup of raw quinoa
in 500 ml (1 pint) 90 g (3 oz) sugar, dairy-free dark chocolate gently heat the chocolate
For the ganache topping, pot, stirring until the ganache is
minutes or until coconut cream in a small ooth.
of water and boil for 18-20 chips
. Dra in the water from the 3 tbsp coconut cream sm
the quinoa is tender
k, allo g the steam
win 2 tbsp dried rose petals or crushed nuts
quinoa and stir with a for the top of cooled cookies
coo ked quinoa. Allow the or seeds Spoon the ganache onto
to escape from the or crushe d nut s or see ds.
quinoa to cool in a coland
er. sprinkle with rose petals
ight container in the
Store the cookies in an airt 5 days.
fridge for up to

© Bridget Foliaki-Davis
bri dg et’s
k itc he n
© Bridget Foliaki-Davis
Look after what is
essential today on
the stage, watch life
support you, and wrap
itself around you!

Stay true to my
By Susannah Pask

Julie Cross
Keynote Motivational Speaker I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar!

I’ve been through a lot in my personal life. I am a mother of two

I grew up in regional Queensland, so I was not one of the children; my husband had a stroke, and I became his carer. He
‘cool city kids.’ passed away, and suddenly, I was a widow and a single mother.
My youngest son was diagnosed with Autism, and I became his
I always felt a little uncool and clunky, but on reflection, I now carer, still the sole income earner. This was all challenging, but I
know it was a gift not to be one of the cool kids. Because, you am a woman, hear me roar! I have moved through all that now,
see, I stayed in touch with who I was, my uniqueness. I wasn't and I get to look back with wisdom and see the gifts of being a
coerced into looking like everybody else to fit in by wearing the woman and how I concentrated on what was important in my life
right clothes to look like one of the cool kids. I was oblivious, then... my husband, then my children ... their grief, and Autism. In
which meant I was in touch with my authenticity. managing all that, I had to 'let go of my business. I still needed to
work, obviously, but I had no energy, time or focus to decide what
When I started hairdressing and moved to the city, being that looked like. There was no goal-setting, no business planning,
authentic wasn't always comfortable. I felt like I spent most of no marketing and social media strategies, no ringing seven
my young adult years being uncomfortable, feeling like I was too client's a day to follow up, no database ... hell, I was just trying to
loud and just too much for people. I just didn't know how to be get through the moment I was in without too many windows and
like everybody else, and every time I tried to be, by wearing what walls being kicked in... because as grief got deeper, Autism got
the cool people were wearing or acting like the cool people were louder. I was just trying to negotiate the simple moments in life
working, well, the truth is, I never got it right. It was easier to be and not to lose my other son and my mind as we dealt with our
me and get comfortable with being uncomfortable because I grief and Autism.
could still feel like ME.
So, my business was on autopilot ... the only marketing strategy
As we grow up, we lose ourselves and spend most of our I had was to do the best I could with what came to my way and
adult lives trying to find ourselves again. I never entirely lost trust that when I did, something good would somehow come
touch with who I was, so ‘she’ wasn't that hard to find again! of it. And it was enough. Unwittingly because as a woman, as a
And what a gift that ended up being, because I became single Mum, I needed to focus on my family. I found 'flow', 'trust',
that too loud, too much, authentic, full of passion, energy, and 'faith', and these are some of the best strategies to grow
laughter and dance kind of girl that put some sequins on, your business successfully, organically, happily and peacefully!
who found a stage, found her dharma and her true calling in There were times I remember looking at what other speakers
life. I’m so happy now that I was never one of the cool kids, were doing. I had those moments of saying to myself, 'Look at
and I still am not. Yes, it still gets uncomfortable sometimes, what they are doing... travelling to America to speak, I could be
but it is way more painful these days, NOT being my true self. doing that, I should be doing that... " Then the Universe would
whisper to me, "And when would you fit that in? You do what is
Inspiring Others important now, and that is your family ... and we will look after
the rest!" Trust, faith, flow... and then when my oldest son Jack
I started in the hairdressing industry, training hairdressers in skills left home and Thomas had moved through the worst of his grief
and product knowledge. I loved doing it - but I always added and grew through some of his challenging behaviours, My work
some personal development concepts into my training. I had took off, and the Universe whispered, "See, we always had your
also worked as an area manager for a hairdressing organisation back, go get 'em, girl!" Feminine energy in action right there!
and knew the importance of not just 'teaching' people but also Make your journey, and don't compare it to anybody else's. There
'inspiring' them. It was about the head and the heart connection, is nowhere to 'get to.’ Where is everybody racing off to anyway?
and it was the heart and emotional messages that I loved Look after what is essential today on the stage, watch life support
teaching. I had terrific feedback from my sessions, so I know they you, and wrap itself around you!
resonated with my audiences. I then fell pregnant with my first
son and resigned from my job; in between breastfeeding and
changing nappies, I read a book called 'Speak and Grow Rich, so
when my son, Jack, was six months old, I bought a whiteboard,
typed up some training formats, printed some business cards,
rang some hairdressers and started my training business. I
started it with no expectation except that if I could just make a
difference and enough money to contribute to the car payment
every month, then I was winning.

It is clear what I have been put on this earth to do because 25

years later, my business has evolved from training hairdressers
to presenting Keynote speeches to all kinds of audiences on
all sorts of stages. My goal is pretty much the same, if I can just
make a difference in somebody's life today and make enough
money to live a good life, then I’m happy. They say that if you look
back on your childhood, you see signs of how you are meant to
serve the world. In the regional towns where I grew up, we often
had those old wooden tank stands, and sometimes there would
be one without a tank. I remember pushing a ladder up against
the tank stand and climbing up and pretending to perform to an
audience. I also have a book from my childhood ... an old exercise
book, and in it, I had written out pages of poems and positive
quotes from Readers Digest. These days I both speak and write.
Perfect! But I did have to go on a journey - from hairdressing to
owning who I was - to get here.

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 97

Relaxing Into Your Sparkle don't do your emotions, they will do you. do business with us, work for us, cooperate with
us, and lift us to success. Your energy also affects
After women hear me speak, the most common I empower ... I remind people what they already your physical health and wellbeing. Energy is what
responses are 'You are SO authentic and real' and know. I reconnect them to owning how incredible makes us come alive; energy is living.
'I just love your energy! Can I hug you?' Now I don't they are. I invite them to fall in love with themselves
know how to 'teach' this because how don't I ‘be like they knew how to do when they were two years "Funny, entertaining, authentic, real, raw, honest,
myself? I mean, who else would I be? Who else old. I encourage them to remember that nobody moving ... I laughed, I cried, I laughed, I cried, and
would you be? And I think 'energy' is SO vital and else in this world is exactly like them, which means I laughed again. I will never let anybody steal. my
not talked about enough. We must get out of our there is no competition because nobody can do energy again, my energy is high!" T.C.
heads and into our hearts a little more. When we do them as they can! Imagine if we all just moved
that, we will relax into our authentic selves and our through the world knowing how amazing we are? The Courage to Sparkle
energy, or as I like to call it, our sparkle, will radiate Not that we are better than anybody else because
from us as a unique charisma that will attract we aren't, but we are as good as, and we are When I started my business, I was wearing the usual
people to you. Let go of being professional and enough! I also invite them to reconnect with their 'corporate' dress; I started wearing sequins when
connect with being passionate; add more of YOU in resilience and power because we are more vital one of the other Mummy in my 'Mothers’ Group'
all you do! than we know. told me she saw these sequin shirts that reminded
her of me my personality. So, I did... and it took
The world will love you for it. "Julie, you touched my core today. I walked away great courage to do so back then when there was
from today's event shaken, but not in a bad way. no sequin to be seen except in a dress-up box. But
Keynote Speaking You spoke some truths that hit home with what I this fitted perfectly with my message of the courage
have been through in the past few years. You have it takes to stand out from the crowd. Over the years,
Through my keynote speaking, my books and my given me a new outlook on life; thank you from the many have said that 'sequins’ are too feminine, that
online program ... I entertain ... I invite people to bottom of my heart" A.M. I wouldn't be taken seriously by people wanting to
laugh. We have made everything so complicated book me for a mixed audience, and that my male
and serious; laughter is underestimated. When you I energise ... our energy is so underrated, audience wouldn't relate to me.
have a big belly laugh, you release endorphins into underutilised and under-managed! I energise
your system, you feel better, and your immunity through my passionate, unique and energetic I stayed true to myself and my sparkle; I have
system has been boosted. After a big laugh, your style of presenting, but I also do it through since spoken at several mines and power
following conversation will be one of your most storytelling. Through telling stories, we connect to stations with predominantly male audiences.
authentic and honest moments because laughter people emotionally. Emotion is motion, and that
relaxes you into who you are. So often, as people is where motivation is accessed. So, if we want They love it!
leave my shows, they say, ‘thank you and mention to affect change, we must connect the concepts
that they can't remember the last time they laughed and ideas in our heads with the emotion in our "Such an inspirational and moving presentation.
so much. Really, what are we doing? I also invite hearts, and storytelling does this. Your energy is You captured the audience with your sparkle and
people to cry ... life is a feeling journey, and if you at the foundation of your mental and emotional moved us to tears while sharing your journey, We
want to live and feel a big, exciting life, then you well-being, and we need to be more aware of laughed and cried, but most of all, we could see
have to be willing to hurt a little and sometimes a how we can control, use, and elevate it. Energy ourselves in your journey too. Amazing!" – A. D.
lot. How do I know happy if I don't know sad? If you inspires people to hang out with us, buy from us,


Julie Cross is one of the most inspiring keynote

speakers in Australia. She combines powerful insights
into human behaviour with practical strategies that
leaves audiences with powerful tools for living their
best life and setting a higher standard in all aspects
of life, personally and professionally.




CALL: 0414 451 512

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 99

Finding your inner
sparkle & purpose
So how do we find our inner sparkle?
Our relationship with ourselves will affect every other relationship
Re-discovering our purpose.
we have in our lives. The conversations we have with ourselves will Experts suggest that there are signs in our childhood of how we
affect every different conversation we have. were best meant to serve the world, and in discovering that, we
often find our authentic selves.
Your inner sparkle is not just your authentic and unique personality; it
is more than that. It is the energy you bring into the world, confidence, Reflect on what you loved doing as a child? Write down 3 things
courage, resilience and charisma. People in touch with their inner you were either great at or loved doing.
sparkle find a wonderful flow with life and attract the people and

Are you doing any of these things in

circumstances that support them and their dreams. So, if you have lost
touch, she is worth rediscovering!
your life today?
For example, if you love to sing but are working in a Bar to pay
the bills, could you start singing customer drink orders? It may
feel uncomfortable or silly, but by doing this, you would
be creating a new and unique experience for your
customers, and you are using your stage to ‘be seen,
and then the Universe will do her magic!

I think sometimes we resist doing what makes

our heart sing because we don’t know how to

Falling in love with yourself

make money from it, or we don’t want to risk
losing our secure income; just get started!

List two ways you can

re-igniting that inner sparkle. add what you love to do
Put a baby photo of yourself on your bathroom mirror. Look how beautiful, perfect and into what you are already
unique she is. Reflect on how much love we all give to a baby. We are so open with
our passion and in awe of the miracle of life. Everybody looked at you with that
same love. You are that same perfect amazing miracle; you just grew up, is all.

When you look into the mirror, instead of looking AT yourself, look right into your
eyes and rediscover the perfection, the miracle and your sparkle inside. Thank
your body, love every part of who you are. If your inner dialogue starts to
judge and talk negatively about your body or your face, look back at that
baby photo and ask yourself if you would speak to her like that?

This mindful action every day will have you falling back
in love with yourself; your sparkle will start beaming
from you. It may be uncomfortable and
emotional, but they are the signs that
you are re-igniting that
sparkle within.
Maintaining your
inner sparkle.
Every day we are being bombarded with messages that convince us to compare ourselves with
others and compete. Whether it be around what we have in our lives or how we look, there is
always that subliminal message that you are not good enough unless … unless you are this dress
size, have this kind of car, your children go to this school… so it takes a lot of mental and emotional
discipline to not buy into all of that. Remember, you are more than your stuff or the way you look. You
came to this world a miracle with nothing and were celebrated and loved. The ‘stuff’ is just the fun along
the way; it need not define you. Or nor does how we look. In a world full of individuals, why would we
compare? We are individuals! And it is THAT individuality that makes you, YOU.

Take action.
If you are playing that game of comparison and feel your sparkle and energy depleting STOP.

1. Return to the mirror and remind yourself how loved and amazing you are.
2. Write down five things you are grateful for
3. Stop comparing.
4. Do some exercise!

A final thought on the value of exercise.

Exercise is a loving thing to do for you and your body. We underestimate the connection between
our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Exercise continues to be the most under-
prescribed, under-utilised natural antidepressant there is.

Think about the effect of the relationship and your conversations with yourself.

Let’s say, right now; you decide you are going for a walk tomorrow morning; yep, you are getting started.
The alarm goes off; you hit snooze and don’t go.

What is the conversation with yourself when you finally drag yourself out of bed?

“Oh, here we go again; I knew you couldn’t do it, always saying you would do something, and you don’t.
These pants are tight, damn it.”

Your energy is low, and you take the negative energy everywhere with you and make everybody else pay
because you didn’t do that living thing for yourself.

However, if you do get up and go for that walk.

What is the conversation you are having with yourself now?

Oh, you are so proud of yourself! You get back and put your pants on and think, “Oh, they fit
better already!” (No, they don’t, you have only been once!), but you see, we don’t see things as
they are; we see things as we are. Doing something loving for yourself changes the lens through
which you look at the world. Now you are sparkling, and the world looks better!

just do it!
Now take action! Remember that when
you get that nervous feeling in your tummy
as you step out of your comfort zone, that’s
not when you stop. Feel the fear and leap into
it because that nervous funny feeling is your
sparkle, and it is trying to get out!

© Julie Cross
Naz De Bono
Founder & Fitness Coach at XALI

Redefining What 50 Can Be

I welcome it.

I am passionate about supporting my physical and

emotional body and helping others reach their

I had a fitness app that helped people do precisely

that. Still, as I experienced my journey, I realised
I wanted to combine my knowledge with my own
experiences to build a safe, supportive community
for women to access.

As a trainer and woman, I know that we need to

move in diverse ways, especially as our bodies
constantly evolve and change. I would be a fool
if I didn't respect that basic human chemistry. I
felt many online fitness apps were not helping
women undergoing hormonal changes. We are
not in our 20's anymore, and we can’t do HIIT after
HIIT without it affecting our joints and energy.
I experienced this myself, having sampled so
many fitness apps that didn’t work. I realised that
something was missing - and that was 'Emotional

I was inspired to draw together a team of

women through manifestation, intention,
and my vision board to build XALI. (OK, I also
had help from our amazing creative digital
marketing agency, New Beach!) This required
that we develop our platform from scratch to be
able to offer tailor-made programs for women
based on emotion. Our team was not entirely
female, but I was careful to choose the male
counterparts that would support our journey to
help the divine feminine emerge.

I feel it's important to have female role models who

inspire you - I am lucky to have Shelley Craft and
Mandy Nolan, who helped me realise my potential
in creating XALI. For the first year, we brainstormed
what we wanted in the marketplace as a group
of intelligent women. Our ages ranged from 21 to
55, so our ideas had a wide variety, which I loved.
Although I was going through menopause myself
and wanted to cater for women going through

Holistic health for

hormonal changes, I knew that the level of care in
my workout design would help women of all ages.

experiencing biological
The whole concept of XALI is to ask women how
they feel today and how they want to feel. So, after
inputting their personal goals, each time they log in
to XALI, they are asked if they want to be energised,
happily motivated, nurtured or calmed and soothed.

I found it easy to design a session for a

woman who wants to be energised or happily
motivated. Still, the challenge I faced was
developing programs for when the emotion
"nurture" was chosen. I still wanted to give
them a workout their body NEEDED - and that
may be Strength or Power rather than Yoga.
The solution I came up with was to provide
a workout that let you feel you had nurtured
yourself after completing your session.

For me, it’s always about how you feel after the
workout - not all my nurturing sessions are yoga on
repeat - some of them may harness your strength
and power but still result in a satiated, nurtured

I wanted the same concept for nutrition. One size

does not fit all, so offering a menu plan did not
sit well with me. So, I invited Samantha Gowing,
an award-winning clinical nutritionist and former
chef, to our tribe of growing women. Sammy put
the ‘food as medicine’ concept on the map with her
expertise in nutrition, and she brought happiness to
the plate! So now XALI asks - Do you want to boost
brain power? Refuel me please/immunity boost /
Anti-inflammatory, Gut healing food, or I want to
increase my energy.

changes By Susannah Pask

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 103

And finally - but maybe most importantly - when Do you know what? I have chosen a biological age, XALI has been designed with emotion and intuition
I film my exercise videos, I really show up. I am integrated with my current wisdom, awareness, and is specifically for women facing biological
present. I channel my highest wisdom and let it flow and powerful consciousness. Our chronological changes. You are taken on an individualised journey
throughout me. There is a clear intent that I put out age is measured in years, but our biological age is of daily workouts, recipes, and articles to keep you
for women to reclaim their superpower once they assessed by our diet, exercise, and stress. So I am on track with your physical and emotional health.
connect to themselves. choosing acceptance of being fifty but redefining
what fifty can be. XALI can help you do that too! How do you want to feel? We’ll get you there.
We are not small men, but we need to work with
weights to help keep us strong and ready for all life Many women feel as I did - lost, confused, When women are operating at their best potential,
throws at us. We wanted to build a platform that wondering if my best years were behind me. I men can harmonise into that balanced state of
makes sure you have all the different training you was desperate to find a new reality for myself – being. To quote the Dalai Lama, "The world will be
need to keep you healthy, strong, and full of vitality and this is it! saved by the western woman."
but also have FUN! Trust me, I love ...A LOT! It's who
I am ...and it gives me ABS!! So, step up, ladies!!

“Having my workout
recommended by Naz based
on how I want to feel is genius.
As we age, we can’t keep doing
what we’ve always done, not
because we are not capable - it
just doesn’t work anymore. I
love the fact that after putting
in my dietary preferences I had
a meal suited to me too. Naz has
been my trainer and it really is
like having her with me.”

Shelley Craft -
(TV Personality and Founder of
The Aging Project and
inspirer of women!)

Reconnect with your power
Gone are the days of feeling like you don't fit into the perfect mould - it's
time to regain your confidence and start feeling like yourself again!


Xali is a new holistic health platform, led by
emotion and intuition, designed specifically
for women experiencing biological
changes. We’ve created a space for you
to share your stories with like-minded
women, all while providing a personalised
selection of workouts to keep you moving,
techniques to keep you mindful, over
250+ recipes to keep you nourished, and
researched articles to keep you informed.
It's time to put yourself first - listen to
your body and embrace the new you. No
shame or embarrassment, no code words
or innuendos, just straight facts and tips to
help you conquer those biological changes.


Sign up today and enter the promo
code 'F25' at checkout to receive
25% off the annual Xali membership!

Have a question about Xali?

Contact us at

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 105

Ground & stand
Did you know that power is the
first thing we lose as we age?
Understanding how our bodies change as we grow Why should I improve my core
older is essential to our overall health and wellbeing. strength?
So, when you start to notice that it’s getting a little
If we were to sit you in a chair and tie your hands behind your back,
more challenging to move with ease, it’s essential could you get up? If the answer is ‘no’, that’s ok!
that you begin to incorporate core strengthening As you age, this type of systematic training, based on repetition,
exercises into your daily routine. will assist in strengthening your core and help give you confidence.
Mastering basic strengthening movements, such as the Ground and
We all know that everyone has their unique level of flexibility, strength, fitness, Stand, is imperative to maintaining mobility into your older years.
and differing mobility restrictions due to pain or other health issues, which
is why the team at Xali aim to provide bespoke workouts based on your daily The Ground and Stand is a simple move whereby you begin on the
emotion, fitness level, experience and motivation. Some days, you’ll want to floor and manoeuvre your body in a certain way to get back up in
push outside your comfort zone, other days, you’ll need to nurture your body, a standing position without using your hands. As a fitness trainer,
and we have a routine for every step along the way. I have worked with clients at different levels of ability, mobility and
strength, so I understand that although this particular move sounds
Each workout on our platform has been meticulously designed to support like a simple feat, it can, unfortunately, become much harder to
women's bodies, keeping joints and muscles safe, no matter the exercise. By complete the older we get.
answering a few easy questions when setting up your account, Xali creates
a personalised recommendation of daily workouts, recipes and articles to There is no right or wrong way to do it; as long as you’re determined,
support your health. We will take into consideration how you are feeling you can build your strength back up over time. Beginning on a level
emotionally as well as physically to work in harmony with hormonal changes. that is comfortable for you and working your way up is critical. Drills
such as this play a significant role on the Xali platform, both in
warm-ups and recovery workouts, to keep your body vital and strong
at any age.

1 2 3

© Naz De Bono
What level are you?
Test your current strength by sitting in a chair and sliding down to
the edge of the seat. Position your knees over your ankles. Can you
stand up without putting weight on your hands? If this proves to be Meet Naz
a little tricky it may be time to incorporate some more recovery and
stretch exercises into your daily routine. Meet our vi
of Xali, Naz cious Movement Coa
De Bono. ch and pass
If you can do this with ease, try moving to the floor. Once sitting on ionate foun
the floor, move into any grounded position you find comfortable Passionate
about physic
and stand up without using your hands. It's tough - do not be Naz has alw al training, m
ay o
embarrassed if you’re unable to complete the move right now - use listening to s understood the impo vement and coaching,
your body. Fo rtance of re
studied alon r over 20 ye specting an
another chair next to you for assistance. gs ar d
experts to d ide specialist trainers, s, Naz has worked and
o the work, nutritionists
knowledge le ,
Here is a step-by-step guide of me completing one from a cross- to drive the arn the lessons, and bri and mindfulness
creation of Xa ng all that ex
legged position. I aimed to be able to get up and back down again li. pert
- and I decided to make it a little more complicated by doing it on Naz’s way o
f training - th
sand! One side is more accessible than the other for me, so I make beyond you e Xali way -
r lim is n
sure I train both sides. of injury or ex its, to drag you throu ot to challenge you to
haustion. Rat gh the grad push
expectation es
s, supportin her, she will align with to the point
g you every yo ur goals and

4 5
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Remember your unconscious

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Imagine the possibilities as you explore this
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As your dedicated ‘travel buddy’ and working with

your unconscious mind, I will help you unlock the
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beliefs, acknowledging significant emotional
© Melinda Hird Photography

events, until we discover the root cause.
This is your life to design – time to turn the page
and write how this story ends.
No regrets By Susannah Pask

Jacqui B Scougall
Transformation Coach, Author, International Speaker, Consultant

“I am not a stranger to the dark

Hide away, they say
‘Cause we don’t want your broken parts
I’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one’ll love you as you are

But I won’t let them break me down to dust

I know that there’s a place for us
For we are glorious.”

This Is Me

There are very few songs that have struck such a chord with me quite
like this one, “This Is Me.” From the opening line, poetically sitting in a
darkened cinema, I found myself transported into the story, recalling
my own darkness and anonymity; times when I’d let people’s
perceptions project onto me, clipping my wings and holding me
ransom. As they say, no one knows you better than yourself,
and as the song rang out, its words wrapped around me like a
superhero cape, fueling my inner flame...

“...When the sharpest words wanna cut me down, I’m

gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out I am brave, I
am bruised I am who I’m meant to be, this is me.”

I’ve had a few AHA moments in my time but regressed,

consumed by some negative emotion, be it guilt, fear,
sadness, or inadequacy. I hadn’t sufficient self-belief or
certainty to step out of the darkness and into the spotlight
like the ‘ringmaster’ in The Greatest Showman or my son as
I proudly watched him act on stage. Yet that night, sitting
in the cinema, goosebumps covering my arms and tears
streaming down my cheeks, my connection to the song was
so undeniably strong that I finally gave myself permission
to believe again and trust the process. Songs can be highly
cathartic and a powerful anchor; this song delivered that to
me in spades.

“...Look out ‘cause here I come,

and I ’m marching on to the beat
I drum, I ’m not scared to be seen,
I make no apologies, this is me.”

© Melinda Hird Photography © Benj Pasek and Justin Paul - Songwriters 'This Is Me'
Like joining stars in the night sky, key relationships, including the one I had with
myself. Settling, being taken for granted, or playing

I finally made the connection between

small were no longer options.

When my marriage of 17 years ended, people were

a series of events in my life. quick to judge. You’d think that with one in three
marriages resulting in divorce the stigma would
have disappeared, but I was wrong. I’d recognised
for some time the cracks in my marriage, and no
single person was to blame. We had both changed
Whilst I recognised my perfectionist traits I’d given away the power of my innate
had previously left me frozen on the starting from when we first met and now had different
Feminessence - and that was serving no one.
line, ‘paralysis by over analysis’, what had perspectives on life and what we wanted out of it.
actually been holding me back was the fear There was one significant exception to this, though;
of succeeding, or worse still, ‘outshining.’ we both adored our son and wanted the very best
Outshining can show up in our lives in many for him, agreeing that no matter what, we would
2012 started as a year I’d rather forget. Mum,
forms. A strong desire to people-please work together to make that happen.
my rock, had to undergo life-threatening heart
underpinned my personal experiences:
surgery; my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were
As the ‘initiator’ you often carry overwhelming
both undergoing chemotherapy, and we sadly said
• Downplaying achievements in family feelings of fear and guilt around with you for
goodbye to our much loved four-legged family
environments. Being labelled, ‘the favourite’ or years before (and after) the day you make the
member. At the time, my career as a commercial/
‘special’ can challenge family dynamics. As the break. It’s a hard decision, and there will never
contract management specialist was at its peak.
baby of the family by ten years, comments like; be a perfect time or way to do it. Accepting
On the surface, my life was perfect, and I didn’t
“they got smarter as they got younger” were that people will get hurt is a heart-wrenching
want for anything. Balancing work demands with
flippantly exchanged across the dinner table. concept to grasp, and the pain I put others
being the kind of mum, wife, daughter, sister, and
through still stings at times.
• Not wanting to ‘outshine’ with your opinions. friend I expected of myself became increasingly
If you’ve ever been shut down in a meeting, at challenging. I was in a constant state of ‘busyness’
Writing a new story since my divorce, I started
home, or publicly belittled for comments you’ve and, sadly too busy for the people and things that
prioritising myself. My wings were no longer clipped
made, it’s most likely because they didn’t like meant the most. Worse still, I fell into the trap
but this sense of freedom didn’t happen overnight.
being upstaged by your brilliance. Remember, it’s of thinking that material objects and gifts would
I invested in what I’d like to class as ‘Personal
a reflection of their insecurities, not you. compensate for my love and time.
Performance Technology.’ I wasn’t broken and didn’t
• Playing small whilst being the head cheerleader need fixing; I just chose to fill my tank with nothing
When Mum started to get sick, you’d think I’d wake
for others. Hiding your talents or achievements to other than ‘premium’ fuel. The Universe answers
up to my new normal, but I kept suppressing it. It
avoid drawing any negative response from your when you open yourself up to limitless possibilities
would take a few more months and something far
inner circle is not serving you or doing them any and approach life from a growth mindset. I broke
more dramatic for that. I still remember watching
favours. free from my bubble and sought out more aligned
my son play an inter-school cricket match, my
connections – I engaged mentors, attended events
• Shrinking your problems because there are laptop close at hand, when my brother-in-law rang
often on my own, changed business advisors,
‘bigger’ problems in the world. In the big scheme to say Mum had just been rushed to hospital. After
signed up for what some would class as ‘out of left
of things, there are, but dismissing your pain or many back-and-forth calls between the hospital and
field’ courses, and established two successful side
pretending your problem isn’t real, is unhealthy. my siblings, it was decided that a surprise visit from
businesses. I’d be lying if I said it was all smooth
me would only panic Mum. Forty-eight hours later, I
• Deflecting compliments. Commonly, we meet a sailing along the way, with me hitting rock bottom
was on a plane, fearing I wouldn’t make it in time.
compliment with a caveat, “I was just lucky,” “In on more than one occasion. Was it all worth it,
the right place at the right time,” or “You’re just though - absolutely yes!
We always knew never to underestimate Mum. She
being nice.” But when you give out a compliment, was the strongest woman I had ever known and
aren’t you being sincere? Food for thought. As work/life ‘balance’ had previously been a
determined to get out of that hospital bed; “I don’t
challenge, I put boundaries around the non-
have time to be sick.” When it became harder for
Imposter Syndrome negotiables, my family. I also started following
Mum to talk, she switched to writing notes to us.
through on Mum’s advice; life is too short and “...not
One day, when we were sitting alone in her hospital
With the prevalence of social media and ‘comparing,’ measured by the breaths we take but the moments
room, she started writing away and then pointed to
I’ll admit I have suffered from Imposter Syndrome. that take our breath away.” I took the family holiday
the words on the page; “Tell your business partner
I’ve had a few bad experiences with so-called we never made time for, literally walked over hot
you’re moving to Queensland,” and on the following
coaches or mentors, outlaying more money than I coals, and completed a half marathon on the Great
line “Life’s too short, live without regret.” My ‘AHA’
care to remember, only to find out they were frauds. Wall of China. Serendipitously, the race was held
moment right there! She was pointedly right. I had
After the initial emotional roller coaster of sadness, on what would have been Mum’s 90th birthday.
been living away from my family for too long, living
anger, remorse, and guilt, I began on some level These events painted a picture of possibility that
my life on other people’s terms and fulfilling their
to recognise that my diverse life experiences and others started to see. From this, my desire to pay
dreams instead of my own. Somewhere along the
training more than qualified me to do what they did. the lessons I had learnt the hard way forward was
line, I had also lost my sense of purpose.
If I truly wanted to serve others, I needed to get out ignited, giving birth to my coaching business.
of my own way and offer an authentic alternative.
After nearly three weeks in the hospital, Mum
Paying It Forward
peacefully passed away surrounded by her four
With awareness comes change and recognising my
children and the sound of our laughter as we stirred
fear of outshining others was a game-changer. It In 2019 I was honoured to share my story about
each other and reminisced of special family times.
was the missing piece in the puzzle, giving me a far breaking glass ceilings and overcoming adversity
We took solace in knowing that after 25 years, Mum
more profound understanding of my relationships. as a guest speaker at the Women Economic Forum
and Dad were together again and would forever be
I’d dimmed my light to keep the peace at work or (WEF) in India. Speaking in front of 2000 people
in our hearts.
home, letting the happiness of others determine was a daunting concept, but I’d felt the pull to help
my own. It was simply a natural response to pain other women, to pay it forward.
Peeling Back the Layers
or fear as I’d attached a negative emotion to each
of my significant achievements, all influenced by In a break-out session, “Stand up for yourself,
I began living my life differently after that, gradually
someone else’s reaction to them. I thought I was truly stand up for others”, I was partnered with
peeling back the layers to reveal the real me. In
being empathetic and compassionate, but at a two incredible speakers; a lady who recounted her
doing so, the spotlight was shone on each of my
subconscious level, it was inadvertent pity.

husband’s attempt to kill her and a fellow Aussie holding a rifle that was nearly as long as I was As a transformation coach for both individuals
acclaimed for bringing down Rolf Harris. Before my tall. As I looked through the sight, trying to focus and corporates, I weave together an integrative
turn to speak, I doubted my right to be there. My through dust-filled eyes, I gently squeezed back the and bespoke solution matched to the client’s
story was certainly not in the same league as theirs trigger and then splat; the recoil sent me flying head needs. This may be a single or series of targeted
- or was it? over heels. The bombardier, as a true gentleman, sessions. Clients are expertly guided through the
turned to me and said with a wry smile, “Ma’am, I’ve whole transformation process, and as they unlock
As I was telling my story, a lady sitting at the back of never had the pleasure of teaching a woman before, their hidden magic, they unconsciously design
the room started to cry. When I finished, she stood let alone a Smurf.” the outcomes, perfectly matched to their deepest
up and through the tears said she was divorced. desires and needs. This is no cookie-cutter, cut and
She explained that we had just witnessed the first Displaying vulnerability or asking for help is often paste approach.
time she had said the word ‘divorce’ aloud. For incorrectly perceived as a weakness, and during my
over a year, she had kept that secret to herself initial training, I certainly found this to be the case. The relationship between client and coach is one
in fear of dishonouring her Indian family and the I drew criticism from particular Directing Staff and I treasure and not to be taken lightly as it must
consequences that would follow. Today she is an a few of my fellow cadets being told, “There’s no be ‘the right fit’ for both. I’ve had potential clients
internationally celebrated musical artist and living place for a girl like you in the military.” They held contact me who were rightly skeptical because
life on her terms. strong unconscious biases and a distinct image in ‘coaching’ hasn’t worked for them previously. I get
their mind of what women in Defence should look it - I’ve been underwhelmed by some coaching
My wish for that trip was to light a spark in at least and act like. But I knew that what I lacked in natural experiences of my own. But sometimes, you need
one woman, to give her hope, enough belief to physicality,I made up for in other ways, including to dig a little deeper to see if there is a ‘secondary
back herself, and permission to dream again. I resilience, agility, empathy, humility, teamwork gain,’ a label or ‘badge of honour’ that has been
achieved that and came home a changed woman and intuition. So I trained my butt off, ‘played the unknowingly clutched onto like a security blanket.
with an even bigger fire in my belly. I also realised game,’ and chose to keep my mouth shut and let Using advanced tools, including where appropriate,
that what was holding me back was the very label my actions be my voice. I will forever hold the most values inventory and hypnosis, results are rapid
I’d stuck on myself like some badge of honour. My profound reverence for my military family, and my and lasting. Negative behaviours and blockages are
divorces weren’t what defined me. Each time I faced time in uniform was both a privilege and one of released, opening the door to new opportunities,
adversity, I had looked within to the gifts Mum and the best experiences of my life. It was also a time enhanced relationships and growth.
Dad had instilled in me. Your heart and true north I experienced exponential personal growth and
are the only compasses you will ever need. suspect was the key that unlocked the first gate I’ve been privileged to assist clients stuck on the
to my Feminessence Code. My superpower was yo-yo dieting treadmill release stubborn weight,
Finding My Feminessence® a balanced, ‘elegant’ leadership style - knowing and long-term smokers replace tar in their lungs
when to step more into my feminine (Yin) energy with clean, fresh air. Breakthrough sessions are
Since returning from India, I have continued and when to lean into my masculine (Yang) energy. a personal favourite though. I’m honoured and
my journey, including being featured in a book The misconception for many is that these energies humbled to witness such powerful transformations,
compilation called Change Makers. The experience are intrinsically linked to gender, whereas we are a inspiring souls to let go of years of negative
was personally quite cathartic, but more complex and ever-changing unique blend of both. baggage to reclaim their self-worth, and taking
importantly, I learned my story had touched others. When we begin to truly own this Feminessence, action to turn suppressed dreams into reality. Toxic
Through my voice, they had been able to identify magic happens. relationships are not exclusive to our personal lives,
longstanding issues in their own lives and had having worked with corporate clients, similar issues
decided to act. It’s the old adage ‘if she can, I can’. My Work – Empowering My Clients exist in the workplace. By examining the language
used in business interactions, ‘business self-talk,’
But the alchemist in me knew there was far Each of my businesses is centred on relationships, unconscious biases and their hidden messages are
more I could do to help others transform their starting with the one you have with yourself, as we uncovered. This unblocks barriers often between
lives for the better. I pursued my certification know this sets the tone for every relationship we supplier and buyer to enable a mutually rewarding
as a Hypnotherapist, Master Practitioner of will have. and abundant relationship to be formed.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time
Line Therapy. We all enter the world the same way, and but for As an ex-military member, I am deeply saddened
external factors, our trajectories could end up on and concerned by the climbing number of suicides
With this renewed sense of purpose, I the same path. So what then stops some people in Australia and the prevalence of PTSD. I am in
unconsciously began to emit my Feminessence®. from reaching for the stars? I truly believe that like discussions with various veteran groups, local
Friends started to comment on the change they saw attracts like, and as you read this, I already sense women’s shelters, and parents beyond breakup
in me – my inner spark and unwavering positivity. you know that you are destined for something groups to assist in the alleviation of debilitating
Strangers would, to my surprise, stop me in the bigger but can’t quite put your finger on precisely levels of anxiety and stress in their members.
shops to compliment me on simple acts, a passing what it is...yet.
smile I gave them, a kind word spoken or the This is me.
twinkle in my eyes. This, to me was simply a display Each client to me is a gem; precious, unique, come
of the inherent qualities passed down to me. My in different shapes and sizes, has most likely been
thoughts and actions, head and heart, were in total placed under extreme pressure at some time in
alignment. So much so that my car sports ‘JUSTBU’ their life, and needs a little dusting off so others can
number plates. These plates embody what I stand
for, and gauging by the number of conversations
see how brightly they shine. My work is not about
changing who my clients are but reconnecting them The meaning of life
is to find your gift.
they have initiated, including with the odd traffic with their true north and deepest desires. Then
controller, the permission to dream again, to ‘live equipped with renewed clarity on how they want

The purpose of life

a life without regret’ is well and truly being paid their story to end, I guide clients along the path less
forward. trodden. Yes, it takes courage, but that is where the
magic is found.
Overcoming Gender Bias & Playing the Game

When I joined the Air Force at 18, I was 160cms

“Our job is not to deny the story but to defy the
ending – to rise strong, recognise our story,
is to give it away.
tall and 50 kilos and quickly acknowledged my and rumble with the truth until we get to a place
limitations. I certainly wasn’t going to pretend that where we think, yes. This is what happened. And – Pablo Picasso
I could, for example, scale a 2.5m high wall on my I will choose how the story ends.” Brené Brown
own. I fondly recall my first day on the rifle range,

it ’s the movement you’ve been longing for... 113

“If your path is difficult
it is because your purpose is
bigger than you thought” -Unknown

Before you set off on your transformational journey, take some time to delve into the present.
Otherwise, it will be a little like trying to read a map when you don’t know where you are.

The 3 Pillars
1 Relationships/Self Wealth Health

What is great in your life right now?

Yes, I saw that smile.

What is missing? These could be

goals you’ve set for yourself or areas of
your life where you’d like to see change.

What would be the

consequences if you didn’t
change/get what you want?

What (or who) has prevented you

in the past?

I want I wish I need I’m trying I hope I should
Read over your answers and circle
any of the following phrases:

I want = I lack I have

Replace with

I wish = I’m not in control I create

I need = I haven’t got I’m grateful for

Ready for a mind hack? I’m trying = I’m not committed I enjoy
When you use these phrases,
I hope = I don’t believe or it might not happen I can
subconsciously you’re saying:
I should = Maybe I don’t want to I choose

© Jacqui B Scougall
or receive
“There is no greater gift you can give you were
Indrive nal
terprocess than to honour your calling. It ’s why y alive.”
born. And how you become most trul - Oprah Winfrey
Time to delve a little deeper…

A letter of thanks
Throughout your life, what activity
has constantly produced the greatest
sense of joy?

from your future self

There have been two times in my life when the words “Life’s too short” rocked me
to my very core.
What skills or abilities do you most
like to perform? The first time I was only 18 and a week away from moving interstate to join the Royal
Australian Air Force as an Officer Cadet. After a special lunch with Mum and Dad, we
detoured via a camera store, my parents hopeful that I’d be sending plenty of photos
home. As Dad was paying, he looked down and sitting on the counter were my Year 12
Graduation photos. Coincidence? As we turned to leave, Dad remarked, “An education
is the one thing that can never be taken away from your child.” I sensed Dad’s feeling of
accomplishment; the baby of the family had finished school.
What do you most like about Walking to the car, Dad started to get short of breath, quickly popping a pill under his
yourself? tongue. He sat down on the bench for a breather, and as I brought around the car to pick
Mum and Dad up, Mum’s face said it all. You see, Dad had already had two heart attacks,
the first one at only 42 and not long before I was born. As I waited with Dad outside
Emergency while Mum ran for help, he reassured me everything would be ok, “I still have
to walk you down the aisle.” As the orderly wheeled Dad away, we exchanged “I love
you”, not knowing these would be the last words we got to say to each other. When the
Doctor came to tell us that Dad had passed, we sat there totally numb; our world turned
Now imagine you have a magic wand; upside down. Through the tears, Mum said, “Life’s too short,” and then started to share
with this magic wand, you could have all the plans they had made that would never be realised.
or create anything you want for your
life. You would have all the time you And as for the second time, as you will have read in my story, a few short days before
needed, all the money you needed, and Mum passed away, she wrote, “Life’s too short so live without regret”.
all the resources at your disposal. There
would be absolutely nothing holding Whilst this story of regret is very personal, there is plenty of literature available on the
you back from what you truly want. top regrets, particularly of the dying. Despite being armed with all this knowledge, very
few of us take positive action. Well, I’m here to tell you IT’S TIME, unreservedly!
What would you be doing with your I want you to write a letter, not any old letter. Imagine you are now 80 years old.
life? What would your life look like?
If you were to move out of your way, releasing all the fears you are holding onto, what
would your future self be thanking you for today?

- What actions did you take?

- What obstacles did you overcome?
- Where were you courageous, true to yourself as opposed to the life others
expected of you?
- What filled your cup with joy?
- Who were the most important people in your life?

Now let’s create that life, bring those moments you wrote about into reality. Those
feelings you have right now can no longer be denied. Your best years are not behind you.

“Life is meant to be experienced. Put yourself out

there. Do things you’ve never done. Live a life
where at the end, you will have No Regrets.”
- Anonymous


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