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Prepared by Rebecca R. Alferez, Ed.D.


Setting new benchmarks for office administration is no mean task. This

OJT/Practicum/Internship Program is especially designed for students to perform learning
tasks based on actual experiences to prepare them to become effective office administration
practitioners in the near future. Such experiences include those related to legal, medical and
general office work. This program has four phases, namely:
Phase 1: Orientation Sessions
Phase 2: Observation and Building Relationship
Phase 3: On Site Tasks
Phase 4: Final Performance Evaluation and Accomplishment of Exit Forms


The OJT/Internship Program wishes to achieve the following objectives for its

1. To give them opportunities to experience the world of the real workplace.

2. To reinforce the theories and concepts learned in the classroom.
3. To unfold many possibilities in the office administering process thus making them
effective future practitioners.
4. To develop wholesome attitude of the interns in the field.


The duration of the OJT/Internship Program is 300 hours for each of the following areas: Legal
Office Internship, Medical Office Internship, and Office Administration Internship.


A. Orientation Sessions: Saturday, August 7, 2021

9:00-10:00 am
B. Preparation of MOAs: August 5, 2021
C. Deployment: Monday, August 9, 2021
D. Final Evaluation : Friday, October 1, 2021
E. End of OJT (Accomplishment of Exit Forms): October 4, 2021


LT 1: Realizing What Medical Office Internship/OJT is All About

LT 2: Going to the Cooperating Agency/Establishment/Company
LT 3: Meeting the Cooperating Office Mentor
LT 4: Understanding the Work and Managing One’s Office Routines
LT 5: Seeking Advice from the COM to Enrich One’s Office Practice
LT 6: Participating in the Cooperating Agency’s/Establishment’s/Company’s Programs and
LT 7: Summarizing One’s Learning Experiences During the OJT/Internship
LT 8: Evaluating Performance and Accomplishing Exit Forms

LT 1: Realizing What Office Internship/OJT is All About

PT 1: Complete the structured frame:

I need to undergo OJT/internship because

PT 2: Among the four phases of internship, which seems difficult? Why?

Phase 1: Orientation Sessions
Phase 2: Observation and Building Relationship
Phase 3: On Site Tasks
Phase 4: Final Performance Evaluation and Accomplishment of Exit Forms

PT 3: My Vision (Where am I going?)

Write your vision statement.
Steps on how to write your vision statement:
1. Project what you will be 5 to 10 years from now.
2. Focus on your big dream towards success.
3. Use the present tense.
4. Write in clear, simple language.
5. Be directional, descriptive.
6. Make sure that your vision has the following:
6.1 destination
6.2 purpose
6.3 values
7. State your vision in not more than 15 words.

LT 2: Going to the Cooperating Agency/Establishment/Company

1) Cooperating Agency/Establishment/Company refers to the public agency or private
agency/establishment/company where the trainee/intern undergoes OJT under an
office mentor who assists him/her in his/her office training stint.
2) The cooperating agency/establishment/company serves as an office training ground
or laboratory for the prospective office worker to get the “feel” of the workplace and
the feel of “being a real office worker”.
3) The success of the OJT Program greatly depends on how well it is carried out in the
cooperating agencies/establishments/companies.
4) The characteristics of cooperating agencies that nurture and inspire trainee/intern
a. friendly atmosphere
b. safe and secure environment
c. positive and non-threatening environment

PT 1: Paste a picture of your cooperating agency/establishment/company

PT 2: Paste a copy of the Vision/Mission/Goals (VMG) of your cooperating


LT 3: Meeting the Cooperating Office Mentor (COM)

1.) Trainees/Interns are placed in the real world of work called Cooperating
Agency/Establishment/Company .
2.) The COM has expectations of and from trainees/interns who are placed in their
agency for OJT/internship.
3.) The role of the COM is to oversee the effective implementation of the OJT program.
Hence, orientation with the COM is a must for him/her to discuss the policies and
procedures to be followed to foster harmonious relationship with the wider work
place or community.

PT 1: Based on the orientation conducted by the COM, complete the matrix given
Expectations : My Responsibilities

LT 4: Understanding the Work and Managing One’s Office Routines

PT 1: Write the work policies and procedures that you need to comply with as a
trainee/intern to foster harmonious relationship with the wider work
place or community. Complete the matrix below.

Rules and Policies I need to comply with : What do I need to do?(My plan of action.)

LT 5: Seeking Advice from the COM to Enrich One’s Office Practice

Understanding: Seeking advice from seasoned and experienced office workers will
hone the personal and professional competencies of the trainees/interns. This can
provide support to clarify doubts as regards the work given to the trainee/intern.

PT 1: Why is there a need to seek advice from your COM?


PT 2: Check the purpose of/benefit from the advice which you have sought from
your COM. However, if you haven’t sought any advice yet, please don’t check any of
____ 1. To attain new information and gain new perspectives
____ 2. To assess the options you have chosen
____ 3. To increase the likelihood of attaining your objectives
____ 4. To help see positive outcomes of your actions
____ 5. To encourage you to do more
____ 6. To confirm what is good
____ 7. To appreciate the values, ideas and thoughts of others.

LT 6: Participating in the Cooperating Agency’s/Establishment’s/Company’s

Programs and Activities

PT 1: What are the benefits of participating in the programs and activities at

your assigned workplace? Enumerate them.


PT 2: Paste photos as evidence of the above-mentioned participation.

LT 7: Summarizing One’s Learning Experiences During the OJT/Internship

PT 1: Present a synthesis of your entire OJT experience. Photos may be added to

highlight your presentation.

LT 8: Evaluating Performance and Accomplishing Exit Forms

PT 1: Please paste the following:

a. Copy of the DTR during the entire OJT
b. Accomplished Clearance Form
c. Copy of your Thank You letter to your Cooperating
agency/establishment/company and to your COM

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