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although We've known each other a long time

, although it was quite cold

, although we dont like them very much
Although i didn't speak the languge
Although the heating was on
, although i'd met her twice before
, although i had never seen her before

Because of
because of
in spite of
because of

he didn't study
he tried so hard
i'm hủngy
being hungury

of little money, they are happy

Although my foot was injured, i managed to walk to the nearest village

I enjoyed the film, in spite of the silly of the movie

Despite living in the same street, we hardly ever see each other.

I got very wet in the rain, enen though i was only out for five minutes.

It's very windy though.

We ate though.
don't like her husband though.
a map in case you get lost.
Take an anorak in case it rains.
Take a camera in case you want to take some photographs.
Take some water in case you are thirsty.

in case i don't see her again.

check the list in case i have forgotteen something

your files in case the comuter can crash.

the name of the book in case he forget it.

my parents in case they worried about me.

another email in case Liz hadn't recived the first one.

my adress in London in case they came to there one day.

in case
in case
in case
in case
unless you listen carefully.

I'll never speak to her again unless she apologise to me.

He wont be able to undersatnd you unless you speak very slowly.

The company wlii have to close unless business improve soon.

to the party unless you go

will not attack you unless you move suddenly

will not speak to you unless you ask him something

will not see you unless it's an emergency

it's not too hot

Exercises Unit 116
116.1 (Section A) Use as to join sentences from the boxes.

1 we ell we·,ed goodb�·e to Liz we were driving along the road

2 we all smiled I was raking a hot dish our of the oven
3 I burnt myself she dFove away
4 the crowd cheered we posed for rhe photograph
5 a dog ran our in front of the car the two reams ran onto the field

1 ..... We ..oJl ...wo..vea.....good..bye lLz ... � ... sne .. d. rove... o..w°'B . . ....................... .... ...... .......... ........................ ........... .................
2 ....................
We all smiled . ..... ..........................
as we posed ······for
the photograph. .
3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I burnt myself as I was taking a hot dish out of the oven. .
4 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The crowed cheered as the two teams ran onto the field. ..
5 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
a dog ran out in front of the car as we were driving along the road. .
116.2 (Section BJ Join sentences from the boxes. Begin each sentence with as.

1 it was a pU-&lic holiday I went in

2 it was a nice day we came in very quietly
3 we didn't want to wake anybody up most of th@ shops were shut
4 che door was open we didn't know what rime it was
5 none of us had a watch we went for a walk by rhe sea

.....As... i.t. . wo.s. ..o.. pubu,c, .. notu:la.!;jJ....rMst .of the ...snops ... were .. 5Yll,(t..................................................................................
2 As it was a nice day, we went for a walk by the sea.
3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
As we didn't want to wake anybody up, we came in very quitely. .
4 .As
.. . ..................
the door........ was. open, ... ..............
i went
. .. .................. ..... .. . .. .... ... ................ .. . ... . .. . ..... ................... ..... .. .. .. .. ........................ . . .... ..... ........... .
5 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
As none of us had a watch, we didn't know what time it was. ..
116.3 What does as mean in these sentences? because at the same
time as
As they live near me, I see chem quire often. ✓
2 Kate slipped as she was getting off the bus. ✓
3 As I \\'as tired, I \\'ent ro bed earl�·. ok
4 Unforrunately, as I \\'as parking the car, I hit the car behind. ok
5 As we climbed the hill, we got more and more tired. ok
6 \Y/e decided to go our to eat as we had no food ar home. ok
7 As ,,·e don't use rhe car \'ery often. we've decided co sell it. ok

116.4 In some of these sentences. you need when (not as). ·Correct the sentences where necessary.
Julia gor married �
as she was 22. ....wnen... sne .. w�....2.2. ............................
2 . .\.sthe day went on, the weather got worse. ....Ok .........................................................................
3 He dropped rhe glass as he ,vas taking it out of the cupboard. ....................................................................................
When he was taking,... .
4 My camera was srolen as I was asleep on the beach. ..When
i was,... ..
5 As I left school, I went to work in a shop. .................................... . ..............................................
6 The train slowed down as it approached the station. ..When
it .... ..
- I used ro live near rhe sea as I was a child. .....................................................................................
When i was...

116.5 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1 I saw you as .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
he opend the window. .
2 Ir srarred ro rain just as ............. we left ........
the. .....................................................................................................................................................................
school. .
3 As I didn't have enough money for a taxi, ............................................................................................................................................
i called my mother. ..
4 Just as I took the phorograph, ................ ............................................................................................................................................................
he called me.

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