Assignment Week 4 & 5 (1) - 1

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Interactive Dashboard in a Healthcare Presentation

This assignment has two parts. You will have two weeks to complete both parts of this

This assignment builds toward your final presentation in Week 8. As a reminder, here are your
remaining tasks. Make sure to mark them complete in Bitrix24 as you finish them.

● This week, complete Part 1 of this assignment.

● In Week 5, complete Part 2 and turn it in.
● In Week 6, create the slides for your final presentation.
● In Week 7, practice your presentation with a classmate and get feedback.
● In Week 8, turn in your final presentation. For your presentation, you will be
creating a 15-minute video to submit to the COO and CFO of your organization. Your
presentation will contain an interactive dashboard and a Powerpoint presentation.

Directions: This week, complete Part 1: Gathering Your Data and the Week 4 Quiz: Gathering
Data in Canvas. Move on to Part 2 when you are ready.

Part 1: Gathering Your Data

Part 2: Creating Your Interactive Dashboard

Part 1: Gathering Your Data

This week you will be learning how to create an interactive dashboard and gather more data to
use for your final project. Your project involves evaluating the ROI for a project utilizing several
MS-DRGs. You will be creating an interactive dashboard which you will use to develop your

As a health information professional your facility is planning to expand the surgical care unit in
your medium-sized Phoenix Hospital. The hope is to become the premier surgical care unit in
Phoenix. It is your job to estimate the ROI for this project and answer the following questions:

1. Are there are enough cases in Phoenix for our facility to profit?
2. How long will it take for our facility to make a profit on this investment?
3. Utilizing all of the information you have, do you believe this is a viable project for your
facility to do?
4. Why or why not? (using statistics to back up your opinion)
You have been tasked with analyzing the charges versus the reimbursement and then
calculating the return on investment for the project, length of investment and validity of
investment. In your dashboard you will be utilizing pivot tables and charts to create your
interactive dashboard. In order to keep it simple we are only using the 5 DRGs that you have
been working with.

Create Your CMS Sheet

In Week 2, you gathered charge information from the AHRQ. Now you will need to gather
reimbursement information from CMS.
- Step 1 - Open the link:
Since the data we gathered from AHRQ was for 2016, you will need to choose the inpatient
charge data FY 2016.
- Step 2 - Select MS-DRG Summary (By MS-DRG and Geography)
- Step 3 - Select download (2016 to 2016)
- Step 4 - Data range choose 2016 to 2016
- Choose Report
- Step 5 – 2 files will download (open mup_ihp_r19_p09_v10_d16_geo.csv)
- Step 6 – On spreadsheet data sort by Column C
- Step 7 – go to the “Provider State” and select “AZ” only
- Step 8 – open a new sheet (name it sheet one)
- Highlight and copy the header row and paste in row 6 of sheet one
- Step 9 – Highlight DRG’s 001-027 and copy them
- Step 9 – Paste the copied cells on sheet one at row 7
- Step 10 – Format cell widths
- Step 11 – Delete rows that are not DRG 001, 003, 004, 025, and 027
- Step 12 – Save file as “Week 4 CMS”
- Step 13 – Click on this link and download the Workbook that will be used to create the
interactive dashboard; “Dashboard Data”. This file must be named in the following
format, “first.last.dashboard”. Remember to open this file in Excel and not Google Docs.
- Step 14 – Copy all the information from Sheet 1 and paste it onto the CMS sheet in the
dashboard workbook

Because we have data from 2 separate sources we need to put the data in all spreadsheets into
comparable data. In your CMS spreadsheet you will need to calculate the per patient costs,
charges & payments. This has been done for you in the other spreadsheets, however you will
need to do this in the CMS spread sheet.
- Step 15 – Adjust all columns on the CMS spreadsheet, as well as row 6
- Step 16 Delete columns A & B (Rndrng Prvdr Geo Lvl & Rndrng Prvder Geo Cd)
- Step 16 – Add three columns to the CMS spreadsheet, title them:

Avg.Cov.Chg. Avg.Tlt Pymt by Avg. Med.Pymt

By patient patient by patient

In these columns you will calculate the average by patient.

- Step 17 – Border these cells with “Thick Outside”
- Step 18 – Format these columns for currency with 2 decimal places
- Step 19 – Add formula “Avg. Cov. Chag. by patient”
- Step 20 – Add formula “Avg. Tlt. Cov by patient”
- Step 21 – Add formula “Avg. Med. Pymt. By patient”
- Step 22 – Copy to all rows
- Step 23 – Click in cell A6
- Step 24 – Go to Insert tab and click on Table; make sure that the check for “My table
headers” is marked.
- Step 25 – Click in the first cell in the table A7
- Step 26 – Go to the Insert tab and click “Pivot Table”
- Step 27 – Do not start a new sheet for the table; use an existing location. Go to cell A44
and click ok
- Step 28 – Place DRG description under “Rows”
- Step 29 – Place Rendering Provider Geo Desc. under “Filters”
- Step 30 – Place Total Discharges under “Value”
- Step 31 – Click in the first cell in the table A7
- Step 32 – Go to the Insert tab and click “Pivot Table”
- Step 33 – Do not a new sheet for the table; use an existing location. Go to cell A55 and
click ok
- Step 34 – Click the check boxes for “DRG Description”, “Avg. Cov. Charge”, “Avg. Tlt.
Pymt”, “Age. Med Pymt”

** Stop here and complete the Week 4 Quiz: Gathering Data **

Part 2: Creating your Interactive Dashboard

Part 2 of your assignment is due in Week 5, but you can begin as early as you’d like.
- Step 1 – Using your dashboard file (first.last.dashboard.xlsx), go to the CMS sheet.
- Step 2- Click in the first cell A7
- Step 3 – Create a Pivot Table, on a new sheet.
- Step 4 – Select DRG Definition, Ave.Tlt.Payment by patient, Ave.Med.Pymt by patient
- Step 5 – Close Field box
- Step 6 – Rename sheet “Dashboard”
- Step 7 – In column named “Row Labels” – remove all but the DRG numbers in each row
- Step 8 – Adjust all three columns to a width of 14
- Step 9 – Select the header row (3), and right click to “Format Cells”, and check wrap text
- Step 10 – Click in the first cell of table, then click on the “Insert” tab
- Step 11 – Create a Bar Chart
- Step 12 – Click on the spreadsheet “Project Estimates”
- Step 13 – Go to the third table on the sheet and click in the first cell of it, (A20)
- Step 14 – At this point you will create a pivot table with this information; go to the
“Insert” tab
- Step 15 – Be sure to select “use an existing sheet” option
- Step 16 – Click on the “Dashboard” spreadsheet, and select an empty cell, on an empty
- Step 17 – Click “OK”
- Step 18 – Select “Project total by patient, Estimated Costs, Estimated Total Payments,
Estimated Medicare payments” Be sure to click each one in this order.
- Step 19 – Close the “Pivot Table Field” box
- Step 20 – In column named “Row Labels” – remove all but the DRG numbers in each row
- Step 21 – Adjust all four columns to a width of 14
- Step 22 – Select the header row (20), and right click to “Format Cells”, and check wrap
- Step 23 – Insert sideways graph, click on “Insert” Tab
- Step 24 – Select sideways graph 2D
- Step 25 – Select change graph + sign
- Step 26 – Change Axis and check “Values in Reverse Order” box
- Step 27 – Click on the “Project Estimate” spreadsheet
- Step 28 – Click in the first cell on the table labeled “ROI Medicare Payments”
- Step 29 – Click on the “Insert” tab and then click on the “Recommended Charts”
- Step 30 – Then insert a “Stacked Area Chart”
- Step 31 – Title this chart “Medicare Reimbursement”
- Step 32 – Cut and paste chart “Dashboard” spreadsheet
- Step 33 – Click in the first cell on the table labeled “ROI Total Payments”
- Step 34 – Click on the “Insert” tab and then click on the “Recommended Charts”
- Step 35 – Then insert a “Stacked Area Chart”
- Step 36 – Title this chart “Total Reimbursement”
- Step 37 – Cut and paste chart “Dashboard” spreadsheet
- Step 38 – Go to the “Project Estimates” spreadsheet again, and click in the first cell on
the table “Estimated Medicare Payments”
- Step 39 – Click on the “Insert” tab and then click on the “Recommended Charts”
- Step 40 – Select the pie chart and click “OK”; move the chart to a clear area
- Step 41 – Click on the “Chart Filters” and select only the years that have a negative
value, indicating a loss, from the table
- Step 42 – Go to the “Project Estimates” spreadsheet again, and click in the first cell on
the table “Estimated Total Payments”
- Step 43 – Click on the “Insert” tab and then click on the “Recommended Charts”
- Step 44 – Select the pie chart and click “OK”; move the chart to a clear area
- Step 45 – Click on the “Chart Filters” and select only the years that have a negative
value, indicating a loss, from the table
- Step 46 – Go to the “Project Estimates” spreadsheet again, and click in the first cell on
the table “DRG”
- Step 47 – Select all the cells under the “DRG”; right click and change to text
- Step 48 – In column named “Row Labels” – remove all but the DRG numbers in each row
- Step 49 – Create a Pivot Table on the “Dashboard” spreadsheet in a clear area
- Step 50 – Select DRG, Phoenix discharge, Project estimated discharge, & Arizona total
discharges; and close the “Pivot Table Fields” box
- Step 51 – Click on the “Insert” tab, and create a line chart
- Step 52 – Go back to the “Project Estimates” spreadsheet and select one of the two pie
charts that you would like to use: “Medicare Reimbursement” or “Total
- Step 53 – Select the chart and cut it, then paste it on the “Dashboard” spreadsheet.

The Dashboard spreadsheet should have three Pivot Tables and six charts on it.

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