Final Exam HK202 Co So Truong Dien Tu

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Dr. Vo Que Son

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Semester/Academic year 2 2020-2021

FINAL EXAM Date 19/8/2021
Course title Introduction to EM Fields
FACULTY OF EEE Duration 60 mins. Question sheet code
Notes: - Hard-copy reference materials are allowed. Digital reference materials are prohibited.

Problem 1 (L.O.1) (3 marks): A charge density in a one-dimension device is given by:

0 z
v = (C / m3 )
If E=0 at z=0, and V=0 at z=a, find V and E?

Problem 2 (L.O.2) (4 marks): A uniform plane wave propagates from region 1 (z<0) to region 2 (z>0).
Given the conditions:

• The electric component of the wave in region 1:

E( z, t ) = 5e−1z cos(2 x105 t − 1 z )a y (V/m)

• Characteristic of region 1: σ1 = 10-6 (S/m), ε1 = 80ε0 (F/m), μ1 = μ0 (H/m),
• Characteristic of region 2: σ2 = 10-4 (S/m), ε2 = 5ε0 (F/m), μ2 = μ0 (H/m).
a) The reflected electric component in region 1?
b) The transmitted magnetic component in region 2?
c) The distance d (m) where the phase of the transmitted magnetic component in region 2 is changed
by 10π (rad)?
d) The attenuation (in Decibel) at the distance d in question c)?

Problem 3 (L.O.3) (3 marks): In free space (z≤0) a plane wave with:

E( z, t ) = 10cos(108 t −  z )a x (V/m)
is normally incident on a perfect dielectric with ε = ε0 and μ=4μ0 in the region z≥0.
a) Determine phase constant , reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient?
b) Find the reflected and transmitted waves of the magnetic component H(z,t)?
c) Find the time-dependent Poynting vector of reflected electromagnetic waves?

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