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Anil Surendra Modi School of Commerce

Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Program: BBA Year: II Semester: IV
Subject: Advertising and Media
Batch: 2019 - 2022
Date: 27/04/ 2021 Time: 2 hours
Marks: 50 No. of Pages: 2

Final Examination

Instructions: Candidates should read carefully the instructions printed on the question
paper and on the cover of the answer book, which is provided for their use.

1. Attempt ALL 5 questions.
2. Each question carries 10 marks
3. Figures in brackets on the right hand side indicate full marks.
4. Support your answers with justifications/ examples/ Assumptions wherever

Q1. FCB grid is one of the foremost models used by advertisers to plan their advertising
programs. Using FCB grid, suggest the following parameters for the 2 cases: type of buying
behavior exhibited, learning hierarchy model followed by the customer, type of copy format to
be used, type of appeal, and types of media to be used. (10 marks)

 Apple has launched its latest series of smartwatches- series 6 equipped with the latest
features in terms of updated features, design and connectivity. The company plans to
launch it at a price point of Rs 60000 for the Indian market .
 Mars- an international confectionary brand has launched a new variant of Juicy Fruit
chewing gums. It has designed the new variant keeping the Indian sensibilities and the
price factor in mind. It also has increased its distribution to include more Indian cities

Q2. How often do you see babies dancing to tunes? KitKat, the global brand, from the house
of Nestle has continued its brand communication “take a break” in this campaign. The earlier
ads had squirrels in 2010, birds in 2012 and finally dancing babies in 2013. TVC’s with kids
are adorable and generate public interest very quickly! The concept added more charm to the
brand and kept the uniqueness alive. Also, the ad was first tested on YouTube and then released
as a TVC. The campaign was only promoted on YouTube to get the response to air it on
Explain the creative process proposed by Young and outline how it could be applied to the
creation of this campaign. (10 marks)
Q3. Angeline ltd, a company based in Maharashtra has launched Veggie Safe solution keeping
in consideration pandemic situation as an opportunity in August 2020. The product uses neem
and citrus fruits extract and is specially designed as a preventive hygiene solution which is safe
to use and has no added chlorine, bleach or artificial color. The product addresses an emerging
consumer need to clean fresh produce(vegetables, fruits etc.) properly once it reaches consumer
homes. It removes pesticides and kills germs. The product is of 450-ml packs and priced at
₹99. Mr. Vaz is being appointed as marketing head for this product. The company has asked
him to suggest advertising budget for the year 21-22. Mr. Vaz thinks that company should
increase its advertising budget due to tough competition with big brands like Nim Wash,
Veggie Clean, Dabur Veggie Wash etc. What factors Mr. Vaz should consider before
advertising budget setting? What 5 methods can you as a marketer utilize to allocate the
advertising budget and explain the rationale behind using the methods? (10 marks)

Q4. Airbnb has recently collaborated with the City Palace of Jaipur to offer guests royal
experiences. The Gudliya Suite at the palace opens doors for guests from last year on Airbnb,
in order to help support the women’s empowerment initiatives of the Princess Diya Kumari
Foundation. The Palace has never been available to be booked by outside guests before.
Proceeds from each booking will go to the Princess Diya Kumari Foundation, a nonprofit
dedicated to supporting rural women and artisans in Rajasthan. As a media planning executive
for Airbnb, you are to chalk out their media planning process and evaluate the best 3 media
options for them to promote this new offering. (10 marks)

Q5. In May 2014, Mondelēz decided to use YouTube TrueView ads to promote the launch of
its apple-and-cinnamon belVita breakfast biscuit. The TrueView ad format lets people watch
the ads they find interesting and skip those they don't. Mondelēz wanted to increase awareness,
strengthen the focus on breakfast and encourage consumers to try the new product. Mondelēz
used Google's Brand Lift solution to measure the effectiveness of the ad. Brand Lift measures
the effectiveness of video and display campaigns by using survey and search data collected
from target audiences. You can optimize campaigns for better results midflight, based on
results broken out by demographics, frequency and more. "We wanted to understand if we were
using the best strategy and best material for the channel," says Rafaela Coelho, digital media
manager for w3haus, one of Mondelēz's digital agencies. When Brand Lift findings showed
that viewer retention dropped considerably after the first five seconds, Mondelēz paused the
campaign and tested another version. The revised ad mentioned the brand within the first five
seconds, showed the product on screen and included a call to viewers not to skip the ad.
Revising those first few critical seconds improved the view-through rate (VTR) to about 15%.
Overall, the ad showed a 57% lift in ad recall and a 26% lift in brand awareness when compared
with a control group.
Suggest the different advertising testing methods which they can use with justification. Give
reasons with respect to the case as to why to measure effectiveness (10 marks)

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