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Vision-To increase the per capita income in agricultural sector in India.

To improve the earning standards of the farmers by providing them with a platform of connectivity
within 5 years.

Mission- To reduce the economic gap between the farmers belonging to the rich group and the poor


POLITICAL – there are government schemes available which provides assistance to the farmers in
the form of loans, seeds and fertilizers distribution. But our business model revolves around aiding
farmers in the way of linking them in needs which make them vulnerable.

But the major providing with government providing these services is that the way the distribution of
these government schemes is concentrated to some majority rulers in agriculture.

So, we must provide our conscious intensions in informing our government about our involved in
linking the farmers.

ECONOMIC- Agriculture being the prime sector of our country. Major part of the country’s
investment is done in agriculture as well. Therefore, we are being the connector drivers for the
farmers across can help to rejuvenate those investment in a much useful manner. We can also tackle
a considerate amount of economic level to our favor by increasing the importance of cash cropping
among the farmers. Moreover, our company will also make sure on the availability and ease of
access of fertilizers and high-quality seeds to all the farmers irrespective of the land holdings under

SOCIAL- Our business proposals revolve around providing platform to the farmers where in case of
risky circumstances such as natural calamity, these farmers have a back to drive them off and link
them with another farmer where both farmers can collectively earn their respective share of margin.

This major step of ours can improve the earning capacity of the farmers to a great extent. Ultimately
by joining us these farmers will be benefitted with a lot more than just an incentive. Our company
will have minimum 35% of women employees in our team with some guaranteed salary packages
supporting gender roles in Indian society. We as a company will take attitude towards health and
safety of the farmers involved with us carefully.

TECHNOLOGY- Our website is user friendly as the farmers will be able to access the website in Hindi
medium as well so that they are able to approach us with a better understanding. Our
technical team will keep a check on each farmer’s financial transaction which will help us to
understand their individual background better. Our team will also keep a statistical record of
the weather condition in different part of the country so that in case of a predicted natural
calamities like floods and droughts we can send our team to the farmers prior.

LEGAL- Our legal team will make sure of the meet ups between the farmers. Our legal team will
make sure of the authentic policies of the company abiding by the law to make sure no frauds and
misuse of responsibilities happen in the organization.

ENVIRONMENT- Agriculture contributes to a number larger of environmental issues that

cause environmental degradation including climate change, deforestation, biodiversity
loss, dead zones, genetic engineering, irrigation problems, pollutants, soil
degradation, and waste.
Practices that farmers use on their farms might include no-till, putting fences around
streams, planting cover crops, collecting water runoff, and integrating crop and
pasture rotations. No-till helps farmers conserve the soil by not disrupting the soil and
leaving it intact so that it cannot be washed away by water or blown away by wind. The no-till
method can produce high yielding crops in areas of low moisture, due to the soil staying
intact.  This method can decrease herbicide runoff, labour and time, as well as a large
decrease in water usage. collecting runoff water from both fields and buildings is an
important way that farmers help to stop pollutants from reaching water sources. 
One way that farms can control runoff is by planting cover crops when the fields do not have
anything planted in them. Farmers can decrease the use of pesticides and herbicides on
their farm by implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The basis for IPM is to use
different forms of pest control instead of just using pesticides. 
With the help of conscious measure our co0mpany can follow the guidelines ser by the
government on environment conservation and motivate the farmers to crop in a sustainable

1. Rivalry among existing player- Government involvement has been for long when it
comes to agricultural matters. Plus, there are start-ups coming up focusing on
agriculture because we have more than 40% of the present youth opting for
agriculture for their masters and working closely with the farmers and agricultural
Bharat Agri is a farming technology platform ac ting as a rivalry to us. Bharat Agri follows the
mission of bridging the gap between technology and agriculture in India. Another company is
Fasal. It is an
2. Threat of new entrants- We are making efforts to earn a minimum percentage of the
commission from the joint selling of the crops done by farmers. This will help us in 2
a) Helps in reducing threats
b) Will keep us in a good picture among farmers and government authorities.

3. Bargaining power of suppliers- Suppliers might charge a higher price for fertilizers,
seeds or might charge a higher portion for buying harvested crops from the farmers.
4. Threat of substitute products and services- Subsistence farming, food cropping,
taking assistance from NGO, government schemes.
5. Bargaining power of buyer- There are chances where it will be difficult for us to
convince the farmers to trust us in helping them. They might do the usual by going to
local landlords and indulged in taking loan from them to excavate from losses.
They might drive the commission low limiting our potential to earn sustainable profits.


1. Providing a stable life to farmers.
2. Providing a platform where farmers can raise a voice about their grievances
3. Where there is proper resource allocation
4. Proper monitoring of the aids peented by the company to the farmers.


Q5- Vision- To increase the per capita income in agricultural sector in India.

To improve the earning standards of the farmers by providing them with a platform of connectivity
within 5 years.

Mission- To reduce the economic gap between the farmers belonging to the rich group and the poor

BUSINESS MODEL- After explaining the business model to the operational manager, he suggested
the following modifications-

 Earlier we decided to not limit upon our target audience and to expand our business model
in India across. But my domain expert suggested to focus on a particular target market first
and then expand across India over the years.
He suggested us to focus over North India first which we all 6 agreed upon. In North India,
he told us to focus on states where middle class farmers are in a severe position.
 When we say that our goal is to link one farmer to another, the operational manager
suggested that we should also make sure that we are linking a poor, disturbed farmer with a
farmer who is well off at that moment. So that there is a biased distribution of resources of
all the Farmers.
 Apart from targeting farmers who are exploited by way of natural calamities, the domain
expert suggested us that we should also focus on general farmers belonging to backward
states like Bihar, Jharkhand where there is only subsistence farming happening in that state
because of no fertilizer, seed availability at reasonable rate.
 We should do ground level research to study and market properly as it will help us in
managing the entire business more properly before focusing on a particular target market.
 The operational manager suggested that to attract farmers to join our company, we should
do personal selling of our model to the farmers to make them more relatable with us.
 According to the operational manager, the website developed by us should also have an
interface to help them understand farmers better.

After explaining the pestle analysis of our business model, the operational manager suggested
following changes that can be implemented by us-

 POLITICAL- To ensure a smooth functioning of the company, we must seek government

support as well as recover statistical data about possible occurrence of natural calamities In
India so that we as a team are prepared in advance and are ready in providing aid to the
The operational manager told me that there our government scheme ready on the farmers
doorsteps to help them by providing them with fertilizers and seeds at a reasonable price,
but these farmers are so vulnerable that its extremely hard for them to even purchase it at
the lower price set by the government. Therefore, according to him we should arrange for a
way where even if there is no natural calamity harming these farmers there should be a way
in which we can provide them with proper resources.

 ECONOMIC- The operational manager gave a positive review over our economic analysis.
 SOCIAL- For the social analysis he just makes a single point that while we link two farmers
where one is helping the other farmers; we should make sure that the agreement between
the two parties should be agreed upon. The poor farmer should be able to sell the crop and
earn a good margin.
 TECHNOLOGY- The operational manager suggested that the website should be
understandable by any farmer irrespective of his educational background. Also, the soil
mapping team that will measure the quality of the soil should not only tell farmers if his soil
is fertile enough or not but also suggest reasonable ways to increase his fertility.
 I received positive feedback over my legal and environmental analysis. He complimented my
approach by saying with the mentioned points I will be able to stay of my competitors soon.


After explaining the porters 5 forces for our business model, my domain expert suggested the
following points that I can look forward to-

 Rivalry among existing players- The operational manager mentions that there are
already so many government schemes and NGOs working in favor of the farmers like
FASAL AND BHARAT AGRI. Therefore, to stay ahead of them all we need to focus more
on the marketing and supply chain part of the operational management. Moreover, the
expert suggested that we need to look for proper investment opportunities for our
business so that we can provide the best assistance to the farmers in whichever way
possible so that we stay ahead of our competitors.
 While I was explaining him the point of threat of substitute products and services, he
suggested that there is a very high chance that to maintain basic survival these poor
farmers will give on cash cropping and move back to produce crops for self-
consumption. So, he suggested to bring ways in which these farmers can earn at least
some margins over selling along other farmers in least minimum cost.
 In bargaining power of buyer, he explained that There is a possibility that it may be
challenging for us to win the farmers' confidence in our ability to assist them. They can
go to their local landlords as is customary and engage in borrowing money from them to
recover from losses. Therefore, we must provide them with demos and present a picture
of before and after usage of our services and show in numbers how joining us can make
them earn a stable earning.


The operational manager agreed upon the value presented by us for our company. Apart
from the point I told him, he just added a point that EDUCTION OF THE FARMEFS about a fair
channel of agriculture can be adopted through us.

Also, farmers usually want to raise their voice about a problem, even NGOS, government
rallies allow a farmer to raise their point but after putting their points forward, they are not
able to convert a solution for the same. But our company pledges to do so.

Answer 6-

a) Major takeaways from the interview b) what can you teach class about how interview can
help your business

Agriculture in India is livelihood for most of the population and

can never be underestimated.
No matter how many agricultural revolutionaries our nation produces, further help is
required to improve the standard of living for India's 58 percent agricultural workforce. Since
fruits and vegetables are often extremely perishable and hence more susceptible to supply
chain disruptions and decreased demand, we believe that agricultural families producing
high-value cash crops like these may need the most assistance.
Although the government is presently concentrating on staple crops, we predict that the
yield of cash crops will decline by a bigger amount.
Interventions should focus on the regions and crop categories that are most at risk, which
would include almost 17 million agricultural families.
From this interview what I have learned as a student is that what we see and hear about
initiatives being taken by the government authorities in support of the farmers the realities
is much more different.
The subsidies provided to these farmers and the priced at which these higher authorities
provide fertilizers, and other resources to the farmers is not even a pinch to what these
farmers can purchase.
Our business model is about aiding farmer in case of a natural calamity by way of linking
them with the farmer who has a stable cropping patter.
But now after what I learned from the interview; I think we also need to involve ways in
which a poor farmer should be provided with necessities of cultivation at the lowest cost
Our agenda should not only revolve around providing all farmers a stable position, but we
should be able to drag the lowest class farmer and middle level farmers in parallel position
to the farmers of Punjab and Haryana.
My learning from the interview suggests me to take North India as our prime focus for now
and take the farmers of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and West Chaparam as our target market.
Statistical data suggest that more than half percentage of the farmers produce crop for self-
consumption, we must change that outlook and make sure each farmer products to earn a
After the interview I realized that to attract farmers into our business its important for us we
must get to the roots of agriculture, understand every know-how of it and talk to the
farmers in person.
With all the mentioned points above I think that my perspective towards agriculture as a
business has widened its horizons.
I have got to k bow realities about the truth of agriculture that every student in my class
should know. I hope that this business model of ours helps to deliver the same.


The name of my domain expert is Pramod Pandey.

He’s the 2nd secretary director of the operational management of the Nath Bio Genes Ltd.

He holds 10+ experience as agricultural expert for Ministry of Agriculture and now works as an
operational manager in the company for over 5 years now.

Ans 4- As a part of the Ministry of Agriculture, he has been around forces making important
decisions for the the agriculture sector of our country. He has seen different ways in which a
scheme is generated, or a policy is implemented keeping in mind close involvement of the
supply chain and demand of the agricultural workforce and cash crops.
His expertise in the same will help us to understand true rural India. His insights on our
business model can help us to get to know the roots of the agricultural system in India.

Moreover, Pramod Pandey’s indulgence with the Nath Bio Genes Ltd, is a great help to the
operational aspect of our business. Through his useful insights I will be able to provide an unbiased
overview to each department
in my organization.

He has worked closely with the farmers of West Champaran and Punjab so he knows the nature of
the farmers belonging to these geographical areas better.

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