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In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the
given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the
dire consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the
given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-
giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are
exclusively used in a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through
search engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.
---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the
author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and
asserted throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive
feelings of care, and intense romantic addiction, which can lead to unforeseen
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world
that is extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of
making choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might
face and techniques you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and
to protect the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a
learning tool—modern mobile devices are perfectly suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the
fact that everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of
progress for all parties involved in the educational process—students, teachers, and
school districts, and to hold them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely
express themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and
freedoms, all of which are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental
organizations, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics,
themes and the like.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically
analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

This is also known as "interactive multimedia."

---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic
(something that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of
signifying practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing.
What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being
---The correct answer is: Intertext
St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are
cosmological: there can be no uncaused cause, so the universe could not have created
itself, so there must be a first cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls
“God.” This, in my view, does not prove anything. He is saying the universe cannot have
come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an exception to the “no uncaused
cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of
the illegality of an action, since the latter constitutes a breach of the peace. This traces
back to high-minded English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The
idea seems to be that a society is more important than its individuals. But this is, of
course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon reflection, that there can be nothing more
sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a
number of issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a
student’s knowledge and learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to
pass a test, a simple memorization is preferred to critical thinking and higher learning
(Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the
Rings” can be described even in a shorter way: “Four guys go to a dangerous land to
defeat ancient evil by destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.”
However, unlike Tolkien’s novel, Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the
events described in the previous paragraph. This is ridiculous, considering four
published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a
label for the first cause. The first cause is not necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins,
2007, p. 101)—all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is
usually considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating;
specifically, according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, sleep
deprivation is closely connected to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of
health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent
symptoms as shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-confidence and/or trust in other
people, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an
unpleasant bonus, these symptoms can be accompanied with various eating disorders
(American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl
and a vampire? Obviously none, neither in the novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a
marketing turn aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through
search engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic
(something that continually changes). What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of
signifying practices or uses of signs in culture." What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing.
What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the
given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in
structure, albeit the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a
great investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the
Universe, one can never be sure that aliens do not exist, or that their intentions are non-
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did
throughout your whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text
to form a meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily
access. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving
to: its prices.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression;
the exit is acceptance.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the
masters of our lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can distract us with false perceptions
and throw us off the right path.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business
to clean technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees
in order to control or eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you
acquire work experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries,
personal space, sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a
number of unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential
from the very beginning. Surprisingly, the one who truly took his time before finally
showing his personality was Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other
characters possessed vivid and readable personalities from the very beginning, for a
long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,” whose main goal is to move
the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their
education right away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career Conversion).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night,
and then abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has
undergone this surgery.
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral,
something could be from a different moral code (1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes
perfect sense, and is what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that
it is impossible to act immorally. This is another reason morality and legality must
remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts exist, immoral ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,”
a survivor of a terrible assault with a destiny to defeat an evil overlord. However, this is
the basic layer of the story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the
---The correct answer is: planning the research
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a
teenager? Theoretically, people get wiser when they get older, although reality proves it
is not necessarily so. I would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted
daughter, at least. But love? There is a special word for adult men having romantic and
sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according to folklore, vampires are sadistic,
vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire story, exploitation and
being devoured would be Bella’s only options. But a true, clean, and romantic love?
This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has
negatively affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would
Bella not feel scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who can turn into savage
beasts? What kind of weird taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward
acting weird—Jacob, Victoria, the vampire clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight
seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the
reader's attention.
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in
some but there will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010",
seeks to find out how The Catalyst, the official student publication of Polytechnic
University of the Philippines selected and treated the news articles they have published
from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis
on into categories: Political, Financial/Economic, Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion,
Religious, Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The
researchers also sorted The Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following:
Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and Content. Lastly, the researchers
intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news articles.
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content
analyzed 84 existing issues from the year 1986 up to 2010. The researchers
categorized 586 news articles from the said issues into categories based on the criteria
following the three major variables in content analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that
The Catalyst’s style changed from the orthodox style in 1986 to different forms of layout
in the later years. Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly
using black ink and later on red ink.
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication
usually covered events within the university. Most of the student publication’s news
stories were straight news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning
the news were written merely as statement of events in the simplest and most objective
way. The researchers concluded that The Catalyst has performed its duty as the official
student publication of PUP through disseminating information that would be of concern
to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in
analyzing the news stories of The Catalyst. With each category is a set of keywords to
make the coding easier for the coders. The coders would determine the category an
article belongs to through the keywords provided.
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting
from 1986 up to 2010, with the exception of the special issues released and the issues
without dates available in the university archives. There were no recorded issues of The
Catalyst in the year 1989 and 1990 due to problems within the publication while there
were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during the time of the coding. News
roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this particular study but
would focus on the stories in the news section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were
willing to work abroad to earn higher salary compared to the Philippines’. These people
are called OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives
here in the Philippines for the sake of earning more money. Because of this, they were
referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through
the help of OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer
the loneliness of not having their parent/s with them.
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can
compare to a parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be
ensured of their parent’s safety. They would be surely anxious of the condition of their
parents because of the distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate
proximity which is the university and its branches. Therefore, these findings reflect that
The Catalyst does its duty as the student publication to serve the student body, first and
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of
news within the local proximity were given the utmost priority by the editorial board.
Events which occurred in PUP demanded immediate publication to easily spread the
information to the rest of the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since
the dollar reserve that we can get from them saved us from economic turmoil. But let us
think about the children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their
parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child.
The OFWs should communicate with their children regularly so as not to create a
distance between them. It could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable.
Imagine if communicating devices did not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the
parents and the children since snail mail, the alternative communication, would take a
long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-mail, in which the message
would be sent in just a matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love
overseas to reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they
would all enjoy for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts.
The history of Philippine journalism presented in this study is cited from “Journalism for
Filipinos” by Malinao (2003).
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices”
(Fortunate Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s
one-shot fling at journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to
the public, were widely distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology),
the aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the incredibly diverse cultural background
behind the novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors
make reading the trilogy rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how
that character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them:
the first fight with the Nazguls; the battle with the ancient demon in desolated Moria and
Gandalf’s disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic
moments in world literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White;
the transformation of King Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep; the uprising of the ents
and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas
Tirith and the sortie to the Black Gate of Mordor; the defeat of the Witch-King of
Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and honors to the
hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more
important than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample
book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages:
Elven and Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian myths (“The Saga of the
Nibelungs“, in particular) and used them to create his own unique plot, world, and
characters. The number of cultural and literary references used in “The Lord of the
Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample
book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an
ancient demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample
book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book,
it branches into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures
from analyzing each news story. Through this, the researchers analyzed each criterion
that will determine the changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in
terms of physical changes, as well as in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from
the year 1986 to 2010. The table above shows that focus-wise, The Catalyst presented
a substantial amount of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the
total number of articles. As provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there
are miscellaneous stories which continually appear in the news section. In this study,
these news articles are common stories within PUP which did not fall to any of the other
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who
have parents as overseas workers would be considered well-off in life because of the
money, not to mention, dollars sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the
pains and sufferings of having their families away from them because in the end, they
are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts
and contributions by referring to them as the modern heroes in the speech she gave last
1988 to a group of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’
lives, the Philippines celebrates December as the “Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”,
to pay tribute to them.
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common
precursors and evaluate how accurate each monitoring is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is
no appreciable cost associated with performing this literature review. The only costs,
which will be minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the
review. I estimate that I can do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin
at Madison. In my undergraduate courses I have taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics,
geophysics, and stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology
and stress-strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most
of my time will be spent sifting through the information, finding the key results, and
presenting those results to the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in
earthquake-prone areas or are affected financially when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of
people in the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the
project to fruition.
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the
implementation of the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations
and advertising of events. (She is applying for PR specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your
application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes

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