MKTG 330-La Clandestine

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TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................. 2 INDUSTRY PROFILE .................................................................................................................................................... 2 COMPANY PROFILE..................................................................................................................................................... 2 SITUATION ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................................

3 GLOBAL SPIRITS INDUSTRY .................................................................................................................... 3 US ABSINTHE INDUSTRY .......................................................................................................................... 3 COMPETATIVE ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................................ 3 GLOBAL SPIRITS INDUSTRY .................................................................................................................... 3 US ABSINTHE INDUSTRY .......................................................................................................................... 4 SWOT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................ 6 MARKET RESEARCH ................................................................................................................................................... 9 PRIMARY RESEARCH .................................................................................................................................. 9 SECONDARY RESEARCH ..........................................................................................................................10 TARGET MARKET.......................................................................................................................................................11 DEMOGRAPHICS .........................................................................................................................................................11 PSYCHOGRAPHICS .....................................................................................................................................................12 SOCIODEMOGRAPHICS............................................................................................................................................12 MEDIA STRATEGY......................................................................................................................................................13 MESSAGE STRATEGY................................................................................................................................................13 CREATIVE BRIEF ........................................................................................................................................................14 INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PLAN ...........................................................................15 SOCIAL MEDIA .............................................................................................................................................................19 EVENT MARKETING .................................................................................................................................................22 PRINT ...............................................................................................................................................................................24 POINT OF PURCHASE DISPLAYS ........................................................................................................................25 BROADCAST MEDIA/PRODUCT PLACEMENT .............................................................................................26 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................................26

Executive Summary
La Clandestine Global Brand Ambassador A. Moss (personal communication, April 13, 2011) stated that in a market like the United States, where over 70 absinthe brands are now authorized for sale, marketing spending counts more than high quality. Unfortunately, low ingredient costs allow some companies to spend maybe twice as much on marketing as they do on the product. In comparison, La Clandestine will always be relatively clandestine in communication and spending. The result is not having enough resources to explain the category to the U.S. consumer. The main resource we have is ourselves, our time and our belief in our product. Helped by the fact that many long-term absinthe drinkers love it and help us with word of mouth. So the challenge is to find a way to communicate what the brand is about and to do so costeffectively. The following integrated marketing communications and advertising plan comprises nationwide strategies to spread awareness about absinthe and the La Clandestine brand to the U.S. market.

Industry Profile
Absinthe is a highly alcoholic beverage anise-flavored spirit made from herbs including wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) from which the name is derived. Blanche absinthe (referred to as la Bleue in Switzerland) is bottled directly following distillation and reduction, and is clear. The more traditional verte absinthe (commonly referred to as the "green fairy") begins as a blanche but is altered by a new mixture of herbs placed into the clear distillate. Thujone, an ingredient found in wormwood is believed to be the cause of reported hallucinations and the reason for many regulations.

Company Profile
La Clandestine absinthe is a blanche/la Bleue Swiss absinthe that was first launched in 2005, when the Swiss bans on absinthe were retracted. The U.S. approved version was later released in 2008. Compared to other brands that reach up to 80% alcohol by volume, La Clandestine has a lower alcohol content of 53% alcohol by volume. Most absinthes are traditionally meant to be diluted with ice water poured over a sugar cube placed on a slotted spoon on the rim of the glass; however, La Clandestine recommends using only ice water which results in a milky oil-in-water emulsion called the louche (French for opaque). La Clandestine chooses the finest of plants, distills batches in small proportions to ensure quality and authenticity, and remains 100% natural with no artificial colors.

Situation Analysis
Global Spirits Industry Although developed economies will have to contend with rising interest rates and ongoing efforts to address high levels of public debt, rising wealth and improving labor markets across North America and Europe should result in stronger demand for white spirits, particularly vodka and whiskey. Demand for high quality premium and super-premium brands was more resilient than expected in 2010, and this segment of the market should recover more quickly and strongly than more standard brands from the upturn in 2011. A more supportive economic environment in 2012 should buoy spirits producers, as the global economy approaches normal growth during the year. Over the next five years through 2016, Global Spirits Manufacturing industry revenue will grow at an average annual rate of 4.8% to be worth $119.1 billion (IBISWorld 2011). U.S. Absinthe Industry On July 25, 1912, the Department of Agriculture issued Food Inspection Decision 147, which banned absinthe in America. In 2007, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau lifted the longstanding absinthe ban and has since approved many brands for sale in the U.S. market. Although sage and sage oil (which can be up to 50% thujone) are on the Food and Drug Administration's list of substances generally recognized as safe, absinthe offered for sale in the United States must have thujone content less than 10 mg/kg. Other restrictions focus on the labeling, branding, and advertising of absinthe. Absinthe may not be used as the brand name or part of the brand name, because it would appear as a class and type designation. The term absinthe also may not be the sole word on the label, as it must be accompanied by additional information. The graphics and artwork on the label, advertising, and point-of-purchase (POP) materials must not portray images of hallucinogenic or mind-altering effects (Manfreda, 2007). The U.S. absinthe industry is still in its growth phase, as it is trying to carve its section out of the competitive spirits market. Companies established in the worldwide absinthe market are being pressed to create a U.S. legal version that complies with U.S. regulations while being comparable to thujone-included/pre-ban absinthe

Competitive Analysis
Global Spirits Industry In the Global Spirits Manufacturing Industry, Scotch whiskey, Bourbon whiskey, and vodka are expected to be the best performing spirits over the year, while the ongoing emergence of cocktail culture in developed markets should support demand for liqueurs. Relatively speaking, absinthe is such an anomaly that it competes under the Other spirits category.

The following shows the market share for each category in the industry.

U.S. Absinthe Industry Lucid has more popularity among U.S. consumers because it was the first brand of absinthe approved for legal distribution since the ban of absinthe in 1912. Kbler follows directly behind Lucid, as it was the second absinthe to be offered in the United States. While both Lucid and Kbler started distribution in the U.S. in 2007, La Clandestine did not gain approval until June 2008. Other favorites include Grande Absente, La Fe, Mata Hari, Mansinthe, and Jade Nouvelle-Orlans. In comparison to La Clandestine, all competitive brands mentioned, with the exception of Jade Nouvelle-Orlans, are offered at lower prices.

The following measures the performance of three competing brands based on qualities of absinthe most important to consumers.

Feature Analysis: La Clandestine versus Competitors Based on Survey According to the feature analysis, La Clandestine out performs Lucid and Kbler by delivering in every category besides price, in which all three brands disappointed consumers.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Strong Brand Image La Clandestine displays a deep-rooted connection to its Swiss heritage that is said to be the birthplace of absinthe. Its rich history gives the brand and the drink an authentic, classy, and high-quality image. High Repurchase Rate Multiple surveys show that those who sampled La Clandestine were satisfied and have intention to purchase the same brand, implying brand loyalty. High Alcohol Content La Clandestine absinthe contains 53% alcohol by volume, and is meant to be diluted with ice water, so the high price per bottle is offset with longevity and numerous drinks. Versatile La Clandestine contains less alcohol by volume compared to other brands of absinthe, so it can be drunk with water, water and sugar, as a cocktail, shot, or flamed (not recommended).

Weaknesses Poor distribution Absinthe as an entire product class is difficult to find at common bars, clubs, restaurants, and liquor, grocery, and convenience stores. Consumers who are not determined to sample absinthe will have no motivation to search for a product available in only a few brands at specialty stores. Misinformation Because absinthe was illegal for almost 100 years and is rumored to be psychotropic, consumers are hesitant and/or afraid to tap back into the traditions of the vintage drink. Some are under the impression that absinthe is still illegal and are unaware that absinthe has been legal and approved for distribution throughout the United States since 2007. Highly Involved Product Compared to other alcohol/spirits, absinthe has many different techniques for consumption (proper and improper) and if consumers are not educated on how to extract its optimal taste, they will not have a preference towards absinthe. Pre-ban Enthusiasts Legalized versions of absinthe do not contain thujone, so many consumers advocate that they are not getting the true experience, especially in the U.S. market.

Opportunities Spirits Industry Growth Industry profitability is forecast to rise moderately in 2011 as an upturn in demand in key markets results in stronger price growth, outpacing rises in input costs and wage growth (IBISWorld, 2011). Early Stage of Product Life Cycle Absinthe in the United States is still in the introduction stage of its product life cycle, so La Clandestine can still educate early adopters on the proper ways to drink absinthe and attach accessory purchases (specialty slotted spoons, sugar cube bowls, fountains, and carafes) to create the optimal drinking experience. Channel marketing Successful trade promotions would facilitate the wider distribution of La Clandestine initially through specialty alcohol stores, bars, clubs, restaurants, and subsequently liquor/convenience and grocery stores.

Threats Perceived Risk Absinthe is sold at higher price points than most alcohol/spirits and may discourage potential customers to sample it. Prices can range from approximately $7 for 50ml bottles to $60 for 750ml bottles.

Established Competitive Brands Absinthe falls under the spirits category with major players: Diageo Plc, making up 18.1% of the market share; Pernod Ricard SA, with 7.8%; and Bacardi & Company Limited, making up 4.5% of the market share.

Product Substitutes There are many close substitutes for spirits including sherry and port wines. Non-alcoholic beverages can be considered less extreme competitors, and include bottled water, juices, and soft drinks (IBISWorld, 2011). Government Regulation Strict FDA regulations prohibiting the use of thujone create a costly and elongated process for getting new product lines approved.

Market Research
Objectives Understand the different segments of alcohol and spirits consumers Discover alcohol and spirits consumers' knowledge and perception of absinthe Determine which absinthe brands and experiences have shaped aforesaid perception Primary Research Facebook Questions and Casual Interviews The polling feature of Facebook Questions and casual questioning in-person were used to measure general awareness and consumption of absinthe and also popularity of individual brands. Key Findings Few respondents were aware of absinthe's existence Some believed absinthe to be illegal, psychotropic, hazardous, or unpleasant Most who have sampled absinthe cited the Grande Absente brand Survey An online survey on was developed to collect and analyze data. Because this marketing and advertising plan is directed towards the United States, the survey was limited to U.S. residents over the age of 21 who consume alcohol/spirits. Through email, social networks, and personal contacts, a sample size of 150 respondents was reached. Key Findings Respondents ages 21-25 and 35-54 were the heaviest users of alcohol/spirits Few have heard of absinthe or had the opportunity to access it Most cited availability as the reason for choosing their brand Those who sampled Grande Absente were likely to try absinthe again but unlikely to choose the same brand

Secondary Research AbsintheDevil Survey AbsintheDevil a U.S. based absintuear webstore offering historical reproductions and modern examples of absinthe accessories conducted a survey from late March to early May 2010. The 174 respondents were mostly heavy users of absinthe from the AbsintheDevil database and a sub-sample of consumers from the Wormwood Society, America s premier absinthe association. Key Findings Top 3 absinthe brands with have bought, will buy again scores of over 90% were: o Meadow of Love o Nouvelle-Orlans o La Clandestine Top absinthes by category based on have bought, will buy again were: o American: Meadow of Love o French: Nouvelle-Orlans o Swiss: La Clandestine o Verte: Meadow of Love o Blanche: La Clandestine More than 90% of absinthe drinkers use the traditional ice/water way 95% drink absinthe at home while only 32% drink it in bars Most readily available absinthes are all outside the top 10 and are repurchased by fewer than 60% The Absinthe Review Network Survey The Absinthe Review Network conducted a survey in the United States during February and March of 2009. The 204 respondents were from the Absinthe Review Network, Wormwood Society, MySpace, Facebook, Drink Up New York newsletter, Imbibe online, Liquor Snob and several absinthe blogs including Absinthe Devil and Absinthe Drinkers. Nouvelle-Orlans was launched shortly after the survey, so it was only included in subsections. Key Findings Top 3 absinthe brands o Kbler o La Clandestine o Lucid and Duplais (tie) 71% drink absinthe with water and an optional sugar cube, 32% with water and ice, 17% as part of a cocktail, 9% as a shot, and 5% flamed 93% drink absinthe at home, a friend s home, or dorm rooms while only 29% cited bars or restaurants Two blanches shared the lead ahead of the traditional verte More than 90% of purchasers of La Clandestine, Nouvelle-Orlans, and Vieux Pontarlier would repurchase these brands. Only 24% of Grande Absente purchasers intend to buy it again. 10

Summary of Research
Various categories, styles, and preparations of absinthe may satisfy a diverse group of consumers if the differences were acknowledged. Because most drink absinthe the traditional way, bars will not have to make complicated absinthe cocktails or create shooting or flaming absinthes. Retailers/bars are missing the opportunity to satisfy a broad market by stocking just a few absinthes unlikely to be repurchased and consequently reducing demand. Grande Absente is one of the most widely distributed and sampled brands in the U.S. but also a least favorite with a very low repurchase rate. Similar low quality brands may damage the reputation, first impressions, and sales of absinthe in the United States are a threat to their own product class unless quality brands like La Clandestine become associated with absinthe.

Target Market
U.S. Retailers of Alcohol and Spirits The first target market includes specialty alcohol stores, bars, clubs, restaurants, and other upscale members of the alcohol and spirits distribution channel in the United States. Retailers are able to make La Clandestine available for consumers but question their return on investment (ROI), additional advertising costs, and benefits when carrying more brands. U.S. Consumers of Alcohol and Spirits The second target market consist of middle to upper middle class Americans ages 25-to-54 who consume alcohol and spirits and includes a broad number of demographics, psychographics, and sociodemographics.

Age Per capita consumption of spirits is highest among ages 25-to-54. Gender Alcohol and spirits consumption is generally higher among men than women. Household income Greater disposable income allows consumers to purchase more discretionary products; including spirits. It can also serve to shift consumers from low-price to high-price premium spirits. The level of disposable income is determined by macroeconomic factors such as gross domestic product (GDP) per person, and employment levels. Also, greater confidence among consumers in the outlook of the economy stimulates higher consumption of discretionary products.


Social trends Cocktail consumption and increased social acceptance of alcohol consumption have led to more people choosing to consume spirits in a social environment. Personality Consumers have used beverage choice to signal individuality or sophistication, leading to increased consumption of premium products. Attitudes toward alcohol/spirits consumption Greater consciousness of the negative health and social effects of alcohol has been a barrier to volume consumption growth. Greater awareness of the dangers of drunk driving has also curbed consumption. Consumer attitudes toward alcohol are also influenced by advertising campaigns and government regulations.

Generation X has a tendency to have more disposable income due to already having careers. These people are skeptical and independent minded but are still vulnerable to strong marketing campaigns. The Bling bling generation includes flashy people with high-rolling lifestyles who purchase various premium products. Dinkies are double-income young couples with no kids and the ability to spend their disposable income on leisure and slightly upscale products.

Main Objectives y Increase awareness and knowledge of absinthe y Decrease negative perceptions towards absinthe y Increase distribution and sampling of La Clandestine y Feature La Clandestine as part of the evoked set for absinthe Key Strategic Decisions Educate: Provide opportunities to learn about and sample absinthe by creating engaging events and participating in festivals and trade shows Relocate: Transform the illegal, psychotropic, and hazardous perception of absinthe by positioning La Clandestine as new, exclusive, and of superior quality and design Motivate: Push retailers to carry quality absinthe and increase demand by providing display allowances and bonuses to those who advertise and sell La Clandestine Captivate: Increase buzz, word of mouth, and bandwagon appeal by creating allure around a brand icon and subtle advertising


Media Strategy
Media Weighting In attempts to coordinate a push strategy towards retailers to carry La Clandestine and a pull strategy for consumers to demand it, our media weighting strategy will allocate 35% of the budget on retailers and 65% on consumers. Where (Geography) Metropolitan areas in the United States but especially: Las Vegas, Nevada: Known as the sin city, it is a central location with high-end clubs, bars, and restaurants attracting customers who intend to purchase alcohol/spirits. New York: Location for many wine and food festivals, fashion shows, and upscale events California: Currently the state with the most retailers of La Clandestine and many opportunities to advertise to a large population When (Timing/Seasonality) Drinking alcohol during the summer can increase chances for dehydration and heat exhaustion, so the campaign will use a flighting strategy beginning November 2011 (National Safety Council, 2010). This will provide enough lead-time into the winter holidays when alcohol is consumed more often. Also, absinthe is more likely to be consumed indoors, and people are typically indoors more often during winter. The campaign will begin its hiatus in May 2012, in expectation of a carryover effect and end in November 2012 when the campaign will be re-launched to support product placement of La Clandestine in the film Bond 23 scheduled for release November 9, 2012. In December 2012 the campaign will be evaluated to determine whether it will be continued, adjusted, or discontinued.

Message Strategy
A hard sell and straightforward message will be delivered to the members of the alcohol/spirits distribution channel, offering bonuses and display allowances and claiming that carrying La Clandestine increases demand for absinthe. A blend of four of Frazer s Six Creative Strategies will be used towards consumers. Unique Selling Proposition: La Clandestine is one of the few brands that discourages the use of spoons and sugar. This will be presented as a benefit, because less involvement and fewer accessory purchases are required. Currently green absinthes are more common, so presenting a clear absinthe is also unique.


Brand Image: The Swiss heritage of La Clandestine will be emphasized to make consumers presume it is of higher quality and superior to other brands. Positioning: La Clandestine will be positioned as refined and sophisticated to challenge Grande Absente s post-ban and barely-legal image. Affective/Anomalous: A brand icon and subtle campaign strategy will be used to increase curiosity and allure. Also, one from Tylor s Six-Segment Strategy Wheel will be used towards consumers. Social: Displaying upper middle class and higher lifestyle reference groups will create status appeal.

Creative Brief
Problem: Most consumers are unfamiliar with absinthe, because it is not widely distributed. Target audience: Upscale members of the alcohol/spirits distribution channel and middle to upper middle class U.S. alcohol/spirits consumers ages 25-54 Brand position: Refined, sophisticated, and exclusive Communication Objectives Distribution Channel: Selling La Clandestine will increase profits and demand for absinthe. Consumers: La Clandestine is a status symbol, and drinking it will elevate your social position. Proposition: La Clandestine s Swiss heritage and high-quality ingredients make it superior to other brands in this new product class. Media considerations Consumers are technologically advanced and use computers and mobile devices to seek out new information and products, so most advertising will be placed on the Internet. Print media will urge consumers to visit the campaign website or order absinthe. To maintain subtlety, broadcast media will only be used for product placement. Retailers will be informed of the benefits of carrying La Clandestine in trade publications, trade shows, and on a portion of the company website where videos and digital brochures will be made available. Creative direction An emphasis on the blue bottle and blue fairy brand icon will increase curiosity and remembrance of the brand. Consumers of alcohol/spirits connect with images and emotions, so a mysterious rather than straightforward tone of voice will be used to create allure and interest.


Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

Internet/Nontraditional Media Scripps Networks comprises HGTV (Home & Garden Television), Food Network, Travel Channel, and other television brands focusing on home, food, and lifestyle. They also offer digital advertising opportunities that reach audiences who closely resemble our target market--homeowners with high incomes and travelers who seek new experiences and authentic food and beverages. Audience Profiles 55% Adults 25-54 Median HH Income: $69,361 66% of users agree that is a way to learn about new products 56% of users agree gets them to try new things 63% Adults 25-54 Median HH Income: $71,049 45% of users agree that is a way to learn about new products 60% of users agree gets them to try new things 68% Adults 25-54 Median HH Income: $77,441 59% of users agree that really stimulates their curiosity 41% of users agree gets them to try new things Online Banner Advertising Pushdowns are interactive advertising units that are available to run on any of the Scripps Networks websites. The clickable banner advertisement expands from the navigation bar for 15 seconds and then collapses where the words, "Follow the blue fairy will be discreetly visible until expanded again by the viewer. Clicking on the advertisement anywhere besides the "open" and "close" button will direct traffic to the company website. Pushdowns complement the mysterious tone of our campaign, and one pushdown will be purchased for each of the three main websites:,, and also offers destination-specific sponsorship packages to reach consumers as they explore feature articles, photo slideshows, video content, and interactive features specific to a city or region. We will place an advertisement on the page allocated to Switzerland directing traffic to the company website since La Clandestine would like to share the importance of its birthplace with the consumer.



Company Website The current company website has entirely too much information. The pace of American culture is too fast for large blocks of text. The URL on advertisements will be to support the campaign and be easier to recall, but it will redirect consumers to the actual domain name Currently absent, the website will begin with an age and country verification home page with only the brand name, blue fairy, and the following copy: You must be of legal drinking age in your country to visit the blue fairy. Although age and country verifications appear as a nuisance, this page will serve as another complement to the mysterious and secret tone of our campaign. The current navigation includes the following sections each with multiple topics and links to unaffiliated websites, which need to be consolidated. o Hand-crafted o The Birthplace o The Story o Awards o Historical Press All of these components will be condensed into a user-friendly timeline that will reveal historical information on the homepage. Small awards and historical press tacked onto the wall may also be viewed in detail with a simple click. Lastly, viewers can label, package, and digitally ship the newly distilled bottle of La Clandestine through email or Facebook. Webcam: This 15-second live webcam is uninteresting, and the visitor pictures are ambiguous, so it will be removed. Where to Find Me: This will be renamed "Distribution." Current members of the distribution channel will be able to log in to replenish product, and future distributors may request information on the profit margins they expect to receive, the product s major selling points, and La Clandestine s bonuses and display allowances. Like/Follow Me: This will be removed and replaced with small Facebook and Twitter icons on the bottom of the website. Viewers understand what the icons mean, how to use them, and where it will redirect them. News & Events and Cocktails: News updates will be featured on the website where you can seek more information. Cocktails will be featured on the website along with the Facebook page and Smartphone/tablet personal computer (PC) application. FAQ: False information is mentioned in paragraph form as if it were true and then challenged afterwards. This will be more clearly consolidated into a rumor/question & answer format.



Social Media
A strategy to place information only where it seems relevant and/or compatible with the platform will increase motivation to be connected to multiple formats. Facebook As another complement to the mysterious and secret tone of our campaign, all content on Facebook will only be accessible to those who "Like" the page. Instead of only getting viewers, this feature spikes curiosity and encourages them to become a fan of the page, which is shown in their friends' news feed thereby increasing word of mouth about La Clandestine. Facebook also serves as a good platform for video, so the exclusive content will include advertainment webisodes starring (possibly fictional) brand representatives, bartenders, and hopefully humorous and attractive people informing viewers of absinthe factoids, tips, drinking methods, and cocktails including best and worst user-submitted recipes. An advertisement will also be placed on Facebook, because it is cost-effective and the target can be directly addressed: ages 25-54, U.S. residents whose interests include alcohol and spirits, an estimated reach of 423,120 people. CPM (cost per thousand impressions) will be used for budgeting the campaign, because it is recommended for increasing brand, product or service awareness. The ad will have the brand name, fairy logo, and the following copy: Now available in the U.S. Imported from Switzerland! The ONLY absinthe handcrafted in the village where absinthe was first born. Follow the blue fairy... This should spark enough curiosity to increase click-through to the La Clandestine Facebook page.


Twitter All news about absinthe, retailers, and La Clandestine events will be posted on Twitter.

MySpace This account page lowers the perceived quality of the brand and should be cancelled, because the age demographic does not match our target market, and the total traffic of MySpace has been rapidly diminishing. YouTube During this campaign all La Clandestine videos will be exclusive to Facebook, and this account will be made private or cancelled. Mobile Applications Due to increasing popularity of smartphones and tablet PC s, a free application for mobile devices will be developed by U.S. brand owner Viridian Spirits LLC who has already developed one for Lucid. Users will be able to digitally pour absinthe and watch a louche demonstration. Other features include cocktail recipes and availability/purchasing information. Also, quick response (QR) codes will be placed on offline advertising, and those with mobile phones can easily be directed to the new and interactive company website.



Event Marketing
By creating engaging events, La Clandestine can Influence industry opinion leaders to serve absinthe, and consumers to associate absinthe with a positive experience.


Social Seminars Bartenders, retailers, and other members of the alcohol/spirits distribution channel will be invited to a Blue Tie Affair to socialize and learn about La Clandestine on yachts in select metropolitan areas. Attendees can ride in a limousine to the location, enjoy La Clandestine absinthe, and receive promotional products throughout the night. A successful social seminar will build strong relationships with those who can push La Clandestine through their channel. Festivals Epicurean events are a great way to showcase absinthe and expose the public to the La Clandestine brand in a dynamic environment. Branded booths can be set up to inform attendees that absinthe is legal and available in the United States. Fountains, carafes, spoons, and other accessories will attract a crowd, and providing samples allows La Clandestine to demonstrate the proper way to drink absinthe. The following are a few festivals in which to participate: Pebble Beach Food and Wine American Wine and Food Festival New York Wine and Food Festival Trade Shows Exhibits are greats ways to look for distribution for a new product or simply grow brands, products, or services in the U.S. marketplace. The Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc. (WSWA) is a national trade organization representing the wholesale tier of the wine and spirits industry and is holding the 69th Annual Convention & Exposition April 2, 2012 April 5, 2012 in Las Vegas, NV. Purchasing a booth at this event would connect La Clandestine to America s distributors, suppliers, importers, and exporters. Mixology Events Advertising Specialist at MGM Grand Hotel, P. Middleton, (personal communication, April 13, 2011) says mixology has become a hot word around Vegas. Hosting a master mixology event could showcase the quality of La Clandestine. Free samples would not be offered, as this could be marketed as a chance to try a handcrafted cocktail from an award-winning mixologist, which are common in Las Vegas. Vegas Uncork d is one example that also provides the opportunity to become a partner of the event. Partnerships/Sponsorships La Clandestine will partner with Tao, Tryst, and XS in Las Vegas and other world-class nightclubs to be featured on their bottle service menu. The reserved table for each party includes one bottle of La Clandestine, a four-spigot fountain of ice water, and slotted spoons and sugar cubes upon request. Additionally, suggesting a higher price than the other bottles will position it as a more sophisticated option. La Clandestine will sponsor a series of after parties for Fashion's Night Out, New York Fashion Week, LA Fashion Week and others where a variety of celebrities, designers, and chic opinion leaders can sample the product in a refined environment and help position it accordingly. 23

Key Cards/In-Room Advertising Most consumers staying in upscale hotels and resorts do so because they have leisure time and have a more discretionary income. Partnering with Hyatt and Westin to advertise on key cards, room service menus, and in-room guides will urge consumers to order absinthe in the restaurants and bars of the hotel and resort, and surrounding locations. Table Tents Because of the anise and fennel flavored herbs of absinthe, La Clandestine can easily be paired with seafood and other foods found in upscale steak houses. Partnering with such restaurants and placing table tents featuring La Clandestine will expose the target to absinthe in a non-intrusive way and allow servers to act as agents that provide additional information about the beverage to consumers. Magazines Industry Articles will be published in magazines such as Bartender, Wine & Spirits, and Beverage Dynamics outlying the product performance and key benefits of carrying La Clandestine, which includes increasing demand for absinthe and receiving bonuses and display allowances for selling and advertising La Clandestine. Consumer Advertisements will be placed in magazines such as Elle and GQ, which target both males and females who want to be contemporary in fashion and beverages.


Point-of-Purchase Displays
At low price points, discounts can increase demand for spirits relative to beer and wine. However, at higher price points, discounts may be less effective and may even diminish the perceived quality and demand for super-premium spirits. Therefore coupons and discounts will not be offered to consumers. Together with the common $60, 750ml bottle, $35, 375ml, and $7, 50ml sized bottles will be advertised on point-of-purchase displays. Although the value of the smaller bottle is lower, a smaller required lump sum lowers the perceived risk of sampling the product. Retailers will be paid to construct and feature the following POP displays that create curiosity and attract customers. y Three-tiered display table supported by stand with fairy logo o Top tier displays 750ml La Clandestine bottles o Middle tier displays 375ml La Clandestine bottles along with drinking glasses o Bottom tier displays La Clandestine gift sets Narrow aisle end-cap display resembling La Clandestine Bottle o Fairy logo on neck of bottle o Three separate levels o Top and bottom levels stocked with 750ml bottles o Middle level stocked with 50 ml bottles


Broadcast Media/Product Placement

Product placement in broadcast media compared to commercials is less intrusive and integrates the product into the scene in a natural way that cannot be ignored with digital video recorders (DVR s). Bond 23 The 23rd James Bond film, temporarily named Bond 23, is scheduled to be released on November 9, 2012 and will mark the 50th year of the franchise. The image of this franchise along with confirmed actor Daniel Craig is exotic, sexy, and edgy, but still sophisticated at the same time; similar to the brand positioning of La Clandestine. James Bond is a classy consumer of alcohol, and he will order absinthe at a bar. The brand will not be stated and the label may or may not be briefly shown, but the importance is introducing absinthe to the American public and displaying the distinctive blue La Clandestine bottle. Iron Chef America Iron Chef America is a television program on the Food Network, stated earlier as having a similar audience profile to the target market. Two chefs compete to create a five-course meal featuring one ingredient or theme of ingredients. There was previously an episode where the main ingredient was Bourbon whiskey, so featuring absinthe would not be out of the ordinary. Although the labels will be removed, again the importance is introducing absinthe to the American public and displaying the distinctive blue La Clandestine bottle. Cooking with absinthe is not common, but it is possible, and it will really challenge the chefs to use creative ways to feature absinthe and demonstrate its versatility. Lastly, one of the hosts Alton Brown usually adds commentary including history and other information about the main ingredient.

By implementing a campaign that will motivate members of the alcohol/spirits distribution channel to supply absinthe to the American public, and by creating a spark of curiosity in consumers, La Clandestine can increase its market share in a cost-effective manner without compromising its exclusive brand image and deep-rooted heritage.








References AbsintheDevil. (2010, May 11). 2010 Absinthe Survey Results [Web log message]. Retrieved from Alcohol and Tobacco and Trade Bureau. (2007). [Application for Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval, Lucid]. Retrieved from earchBasic&ttbid=07064000000076 Alcohol and Tobacco and Trade Bureau. (2007) [Application for Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval, Kubler]. Retrieved from play&ttbid=07058001000192 Alcohol and Tobacco and Trade Bureau. (2008). [Application for Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval, La Clandestine]. Retrieved from play&ttbid=08123001000076 Archives Spirits. (2008). Absinthe History and FAQ IV. Retrieved from GreenDevil. (2006). Absinthe is now legal in the United States! Almost, well not exactly. Retrieved from IBISWorld. (2011). Global Spirits Manufacturing Industry Report. Retrieved from National Safety Council. (2010). Summer & Alcohol Safety. Retrieved from cohol%20(Fnl).pdf Manfreda, J. (2007). Use of the Term Absinthe for Distilled Spirits. Retrieved from Moriarty, S., Mitchell, N., & Wells, W. (2008). Advertising: Principles & Practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall The Absinthe Review Network. (2009). Survey Results: Absinthe Drinking in the USA. Retrieved from Thujone - Cause of absinthism? (2006). Lachenmeier, D.W., Emmert, J., Kuballa, T., & Sartor, G. Thujone.Info webpage. Retrieved from


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