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What are your thoughts on performing a bit of chitter-chatter in the ensuing time after you have had a

thorough completion of dousing liquid over yourself in a prolonged period of time, wherein you use
necessary utilities to cleanse yourself of this very day’s dirt, grime, despair and malice aforethought, in
theory making you a new person for a predetermined amount a time, in which after you’re covered in
tomorrow’s and over morrow’s filth therefore doing the said measures and steps over again in a later
time, being dependent if you are doing another purposeless, futile, and unavailing task, wherein you’re a
partial slave to the establishment by doing more impractical actions and movements provided by said
institution, after every single one of the futile actions provided by you yourself, a pair of familiars are
prepared, set, organized, even perhaps hot to trot, to do another task wherein we commit an act of
entertaining one’s self with an event, with the sobriquet of Lamented Unit where we battle a colossal
mammoth’s worth of adversaries, and foes, in which we have a skirmish exchange until we are the only
ones left, and then we can finally cheer with the bittersweet fruits of victory and triumph, of course
whilst we are going through all of this commotion we shall guffaw at both of our incompetence of
uttering and pronouncing our own first language.

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