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Nowadays, the physical beauty of an artwork is losing its importance in more

modern paintings. Though beauty is an important factor, it is not the most

important factor when it comes to a piece of art. A piece of art is a reflection upon
an artist’s emotions and feelings. Paintings have a deeper meaning behind them
hidden behind every detail. Nowadays, art is used as a canvas to express the
Artist’s thoughts and emotions. Art can be used to express emotions that can’t be
expressed using words. In an article by Brittney, she states “art reflects the identity
of the creator.” An artwork is created from the artist’s emotions and expresses how
they experience the world. However, that isn’t to say beauty does not contribute to
a work of art. Beauty in art makes it more appealing to the masses as people are
generally more attracted to things, they find to look pleasing. However, what one
may call a beautiful artwork may not be beautiful to others as beauty is subjective.
All artwork can be considered beautiful as the term “beauty” has multiple
implications in the world of art. Some people find the beauty in what the artwork
expresses, or they just find it appealing to look at, whether or not an art piece is
beautiful it is all in what the artist wants someone to see, either the feeling of
despair, happiness, adoration, or spite, that is the beauty in art of course like I said
if it is drawn or painted well it will be more appealing to a wider range of
audience, and the ambience, or the color palette whether it is warm or cold will
change how someone feels about the painting, or drawing. The true beauty in art
isn’t how well it is drawn or painted it is more of how the artist wants you to feel.
The actual beauty in the art isn’t the fact that it drawn well, that’s besides the point
like I said, the actual beauty is the fact that the artist can portrait feelings and
emotions though a drawing or a painting, and manage to make people feel the
emotions of the artist as if they were the artists themselves, Like I previously
mentioned the term beauty has multiple implications. There are many art piece that
convey a type of emotion I’ll use the art piece by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu called
Can’t Help Myself Even though the creators intended the robot to represent
violence and autonomy in border zones, people have found deeper meanings. The
robotic arm is sweeping red liquid towards itself, which viewers believe
symbolizes mental health struggles, domestic abuse, and a broader shared human
struggle, art can have different meanings, that’s what I think the actual beauty of
art is, not whether if It was made or drawn well.

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