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Twin Topics

Twin Topics is a monthly column devoted to the operation, maintenance, and ownership of Cessna 300- and 400-
series piston twins. It is edited by Mike Busch, CPA’s staff twin expert and the lead instructor in CPA’s twin
courses. Mike is a regular contributor to CPA Magazine, as well as editor-in-chief of AVweb, the Internet’s aviation
magazine and news service ( He also is the owner of a pristine 1979 Cessna T310R which
he maintains almost entirely himself.

Vortex Generators: Band-Aids or Magic?

A recent visit to Boundary Layer Research revealed
that there’s a lot more to those little wing and tail
bumps than meets the eye, and that they’re not just
for twins anymore!
by Mike Busch <>

N obody’s ever accused

me of being an early-
adopter when it comes
to aviation. I’m unabashedly
seemed like the only one on the
road that didn’t have one!
Even the most died-in-the-
wool skeptics were unanimous
engineers would routinely scoff
at the VGs on Boeing jets and
brag, “see, we don’t need those
things because we got our aero-
skeptical about aeronautical in- that vortex generators are a ma- dynamics right in the first
novations until they’ve been jor advance in piston twin safety, place.”
proven in the field for years. lowering Vmc by ten knots or so The idea of using VGs to
When Mobil AV-1 was being to the point that it is no longer a improve the low-speed perform-
touted as the greatest thing since factor (because it is below stall ance of general aviation aircraft
sliced bread, I stuck with my speed). And as if that wasn’t came from an ex-Boeing engi-
Aeroshell W100. When Cermi- enough, I learned that some of neer named Paul Robertson.
crome cylinders were all the the VG kits offered substantial Robertson first tried out his VG
rage, I stuck with nitrided steel gross weight increases and sig- idea on a Cessna 206, but while
jugs. (Both of those proved to be nificantly slower approach and the VGs did lower the stall
mighty good decisions, too.) takeoff speeds. speed, it degraded the plane’s
Heck, I’ll probably be the last on It was time. previously docile stall charac-
my block to replace my old teristics, so the project was
panel-mount LORAN with a How It All Began shelved.
GPS; I’m still holding off until Robertson’s next VG ex-
they get WAAS figured out. The use of vortex genera- periment involved a D-55 Baron
But the easily-visible fact tors is nothing new. First used in that belonged to his partner
that my T310R still wasn’t VG England, VGs have been used Mike Anderson. The Baron was
equipped was starting to get on transport jets for decades, famous for having a rather nasty
downright embarrassing. The and on bizjets since Bill Lear stall characteristics on one en-
lack of those little bumps on my invented them. But historically gine, but Robertson discovered
wings and vertical tail were they were used as an aerody- that the VGs turned the airplane
starting to make me feel as con- namic “band-aid” to deal with into a pussycat and lowered
spicuous as I did a decade ago localized mach buffet problems Vmc a full ten knots to the point
when Detroit introduced high- at the high end of the airspeed that it was below stall.
mounted stop lights and my car envelope. MacDonnell Douglas
would be better to keep the
money in-house, RAM obtained
its own VG STCs for the Cessna
340/340A, 402C, 414/414A,
421C and 425.
About the same time, back
at Anacortes, both Paul Robert-
son and Bob Desroche decided
to depart Micro Aerodynamics
to start new aircraft modification
companies. Robertson founded
Aeronautical Testing Services
and proceeded to obtain VG kit
STCs for most of the Cessna
300/400 twins and the Piper
Seneca, and also for the Cessna
120/140, 180/185 and deHavil-
land Beaver. Meanwhile, Desro-
che formed Boundary Layer
Research and obtained VG
STCs for the Beech Duke, the
Figure 1 — Typical vortex generator installation on a wing. Piper Navajo, Chieftain and
Panther, and also for the Super
Convinced that VGs had cluding the Baron 55 and 58, Cub. Ultimately, in 1997, Rob-
great promise to make piston Twin Bonanza, Cessna 310-320- ertson and Desroche decided to
twins safer, Robertson started a 340 and 402-414-421, and Piper combine their VG businesses
new company called Friday Aztec. More recently, the com- and Boundary Layer Research
International (located in Friday pany has obtained STCs for VG acquired rights to all of Robert-
Harbor, Washington) together kits for most of the rag-wing son’s VG STCs.
with partners Mike Anderson strut-braced Piper singles (Cub, In case you lost count a
and Chuck White. In 1987, the Super Cub, Super Cruiser, Pacer few paragraphs back (entirely
company managed to secure the andTri-Pacer) and the Maules. understandable!), this leaves
first STC for a VG kit on the Meantime, Friday Interna- four surviving players in the VG
Beech Barons. They also put tional changed its name to VG kit business: Beryl D’Shannon,
VGs on an A36 Bonanza but Systems and obtained additional Boundary Layer Research,
never got far along enough with STCs for VG kits on the Cessna Micro Aerodynamics, and
that project to get an STC. 340 and 421B. VG Systems was RAM Aircraft. D’Shannon
acquired in 1993 by Beryl offers VGs only for Barons and
D’Shannon (of Bonanza mod Bonanzas, while the other three
Turbulent Flow companies all offer a variety of
fame), who moved the operation
Beginning around 1990, to Minnesota and completed the twin Cessna kits. (See Table 1
the story of the VG kit business work started by Friday Interna- for a summary of which firms
started sounding like a passage tional to obtain STCs for VG currently offers VG STCs for
from the Old Testament. Disa- kits for the Bonanza A36 and which models.)
greements between the partners F33.
caused Robertson and White to RAM Aircraft in Waco Which One to Pick?
leave Friday International and, also decided to get into the act
together with their engineering about the same time. Many cus- When it came time to de-
test pilot Bob Desroche, form a tomers were asking RAM to cide which company to select to
new firm called Micro Aerody- install Micro Aerodynamics VG put bumps on my T310R, the
namics in Anacortes, Washing- kits on their Cessna 300 and 400 choice turned out to be pretty
ton. This company went on to series twins while the airplanes easy. RAM’s VG kit price
obtain STC approval for VG kits were in Waco being fitted with ($2,150) is the lowest of the
for numerous piston twins in- RAM engines. Concluding it three companies, but RAM’s VG
kits don’t offer any gross weight
Beryl D’Shannon Boundary Layer Reserach Micro Aerodynamics RAM Aircraft
Lakeville, MN Everett, WA Anacortes, WA Waco, TX
800-328-4629 800-257-4847 800-677-2370 254-752-8381


Bonanza 33, 35, 36, 36TC Duke 60, A60, B60 Twin Bonanza 50 340, 340A
Baron 55, 58, 58TC, 58P CESSNA Baron 55, 58 402C
120/140 CESSNA 414, 414A
Skywagon 180, 185 310G-R,T310R, 320 414AW, 414AW-V
310, 310A–R, T310P–R 335, 340, 340A 421C, 421CW
320D–F 414, 414A 425 (Conquest I)
335, 340, 340A 402B, 402C
401, 401A, 401B 421C
402, 402A, 402B, 402C PIPER
414, 414A Aztec PA23
421, 421A, 421B, 421C Cub J-3, PA11
PIPER Super Cruiser PA12
Navajo PA31-310, 325C/R Super Cub PA18
Colemill Panther I & II Pacer PA20
Chieftan PA31-350, T1020 Tri-Pacer PA22
Super Cruiser PA12, PA14 M-4, M-5, M-7, MX-7
deHAVILLAND Ayres Thrush
Beaver Mk I
Ayres Thrush, Air Tractor,
Cessna 188 AgWagon, Piper
PA36 Brave, Dromader,

Table 1 — Vortex generator STCs…who offers what?

increase. Furthermore, RAM nating ZFW) while the MA STC Bob Desroche, who undoubtedly
doesn’t presently have an STC offered no ZFW increase. I con- has more test-pilot time certify-
for the 310 or T310. So RAM’s cluded that Boundary Layer Re- ing VGs on light twins than any
kits were doubly out of the run- search’s STC for the T310R was man on earth.
ning as far as I was concerned. both less expensive and better, I’d also been looking for
That left Boundary Layer so I decided to go that route. an excuse to fly up to Everett’s
Research and Micro Aerody- Rather than order the kit Paine Field (PAE) because that’s
namics, both of whom offer VG and install it myself, I decided to where Boeing builds its wide-
kits for the T310R (and for most fly the airplane up to Everett, bodies (747, 767, 777) and I’ve
other twin Cessna models as Washington, and have BLR do long wanted to take a tour of that
well). Both kits looked good, the installation. Although the facility. So I made an appoint-
and both offered comparable VG installation is simple enough ment with BLR for the first week
gross weight increases. But (one might even go so far as to in August (while everyone else
BLR’s was priced $500 less call it idiot-proof) and can be was off at Oshkosh) and had a
($2,450 vs. $2,950) and offered easily done in one day, going up glorious flight from SMX to
slightly better numbers than to Everett would give me the PAE in an easy four hours.
MA’s. The clincher was that the chance to learn how these little
BLR STC increased the Zero bumps do their aerodynamic
Fuel Weight of the T310R by magic, and to do a little flying
385 pounds (effectively elimi- with the master, BLR president
Hello, BLR
Monday morning at 0800,
I taxied the airplane to Hangar
C-75 where Boundary Layer
Research makes its home. I was
greeted by BLR’s office man-
ager Jean Wieser and introduced
to BLR founder and president
Bob Desroche. Bob in turn in-
troduced me to Jay Falatko,
BLR’s resident FAA-Designated
Engineering Representative
(DER) and a former Boeing
aerodynamicist, and to Dale
Lundgren who would be assist-
ing Jay with the installation of
my VG kit.
BLR’s spotless hangar
contained Bob’s Beech Duke Figure 2 — Jean and Jay apply wing template using a taut string.
which was in the process of be-
ing fitted with prototypes of
BLR’s new wet wingtips (aux
tanks), and a Super Cub be-
longing to Bob’s wife Monika
that bristled with an eye-
catching menagerie of VGs and
body strakes. (Monika is an ac-
complished pilot and vice-
president of BLR.) Bob and Jay
pulled Monika’s Super Cub out
of the hangar and pushed in my
Cessna 310. Within minutes,
Jay, Dale and Jean were busily
at work on my VG installation.

Installing The Kit

My VG kit included about
90 one-inch-long vortex gen-
erator tabs machined from a tee-
shaped aluminum extrusion and
prepainted to match the air-
plane’s primary paint color— Figure 3 — Jay installs vertical stabilizer template along a skin lap.
white Imron in my case. VGs (That giant VG below Jay’s right arm is my VOR antenna!)
located over trim stripes may be complete set of peel-and-stick pulled taut between two refer-
painted with touch up paint after templates with little rectangular ence points and the template is
installation, if desired, although cutouts where each VG is to go. aligned with the string.
the five-color paint scheme on In many cases, such as the verti- Once the templates are in
my 310 is so complex that I’ll cal stabilizer and stub wings on position, it’s simply a matter of
probably just leave my VGs my 310, the templates are posi- roughening the paint at each VG
white. tioned along a nearby skin lap. location with a Scotchbrite pad
Positioning the VGs cor- In the case of the outboard wing (or a chisel in the case of the
rectly is important, but the kit section of the 310, no conven- 310’s wing-walk area), and then
makes that easy by providing a ient skin lap exists so a string is gluing the VG tab in place using
How VGs Work
With the installation well
underway, I asked Bob Desroche
and Jay Falatko if they could
explain to me the theory behind
how vortex generators reduce
stall speeds and Vmc. What en-
sued was a cram course in Aero-
dynamics 101 which I found
illuminating and fascinating.
VGs are boundary layer
control devices, so it isn’t sur-
prising that to understand how
they work you first need to know
something about the boundary
layer. I’d certainly heard the
term before, but never really
understood its significance. Bob
and Jay were glad to fill me in,
Figure 4 — Nacelle strakes bolt on. and here’s what I learned.
When an airplane is in
flight, we usually think in terms
the provided two-part adhesive detachable capillary tube con- of air passing over the top of the
(Loctite 330). necting the instrument to an air wing at the airspeed of the air-
Most of the twin kits also temperature probe on the belly craft. But it turns out that the
come with a pair of nacelle of the aircraft, and it’s almost viscosity of the air and the fric-
strakes that act like large VGs impossible to remove this in- tion of the wing surface cause
for the wing-to-nacelle interface. strument from the aircraft with- the air molecules in contact with
Another peel-and-stick template out destroying the capillary tube. the wing to adhere to its surface
is used to locate mounting holes (I’d love to get my hands on the and therefore have zero velocity.
that are drilled in the sides of the yo-yo who came up with that Air molecules slightly farther
nacelles. The strakes are then design!) So a technician from away from the wing surface will
simply bolted in place. the local instrument shop had to be slowed due to friction with
The BLR kit also comes come over to open up the in- the zero-velocity molecules but
with a re-marked dial face for strument in the aircraft, install won’t be completely stopped. As
the airspeed indicator, and in- the new dial, and recheck the we move still farther away from
stalling that turned out to be the instrument calibration. That the wing surface, the air mole-
only difficult part of the job. turned out to be a two-hour job. cules will be slowed less and
Unfortunately, my airplane came less, until at some distance from
equipped with a “true airspeed” the surface a point is reached
indicator that has a long non- where the air molecules are not

Figure 5 — Boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent flow as it moves aft along the wing.
take place. (Another easily-seen increasingly slow-moving and
example of laminar and turbu- stagnant toward the trailing edge
lent flow can be seen by watch- of the wing. It is this
ing the smoke rise from a lighted “aerodynamically dead” sub-
cigarette in a draft-free room.) layer that allows airflow to sepa-
It turns out that laminar rate and the wing to stall.
flow is a good-news/bad-news If we could find a way to
situation. The good news is that energize this sublayer, flow
laminar flow provides greatly separation would be supressed
reduced drag compared to tur- and the onset of stall delayed.
Figure 6 — Laminar vs turbulent. bulent flow. The bad news is This is precisely what vortex
that laminar flow permits the generators do. Each VG creates
boundary layer to separate easily a pencil-thin tornado-like cone
slowed at all. The layer of air
from the wing surface at high of swirling air that stimulates
from the surface of the wing to
angles of attack. That’s why so- and organizes the turbulent flow
the point where there is no
called “laminar flow airfoils” of the boundary layer on the aft
measurable slowing of the air is
(which are designed to move the portion of the wing. The swirl of
known as the boundary layer.
transition to turbulent flow fur- the vortices pull fast-moving air
Near the leading edge of
ther aft) tend to provide low down through the boundary
the wing, the boundary layer is
drag at cruise but nasty stall layer into close proximity to the
very thin, and the air molecules
characteristics. wing surface, energizing the
in it move smoothly and parallel
Turbulent flow in the previously-dead air there. The
to the wing surface. This is
boundary layer produces more result is a wing that can fly at
known as laminar flow. But as
drag, but is much more resistant significantly higher angles of
the airflow progresses aft from
to separation (and therefore to attack before the onset of
the leading edge, the boundary
stalling). However, even in areas boundary layer separation, and
layer becomes progressively
of turbulent flow, there tends to can therefore achieve a signifi-
thicker and more unstable, and
be a thin sub-layer of laminar cantly higher maximum lift coef-
transitions to turbulent flow in
flow in the immediate vicinity of ficient.
which intermixing of faster and
the wing surface which becomes When mounted on the
slower air molecules starts to

Figure 7 — By energizing the boundary layer, VGs allow the airfoil to operate at higher angles-of-attack
without airflow separation.
wings, VGs reduce stall speed
and increase climb capability. Original With VGs Difference
When mounted on the vertical
tail, they increase rudder effec- Ramp Weight 5535 5720 +185
tiveness and lower Vmc.
Gross Takeoff Weight 5500 5684 +184
Weight Increases
Zero Fuel Weight 5015 5400 +385
The performance im-
provements resulting from the Landing Weight 5400 5400 No Change
VG installation on my T310R
are shown in Table 2. While the Minimum Control (Vmc) 80 70 -10
numbers mostly speak for them-
selves, a few explanations are Stall, Clean (Vs) 79 75 -4
probably in order.
The gross weight increase
Stall, Dirty (Vso) 72 69 -3
offered by the VG STC is a di-
rect result of the reduction in
Liftoff Speed (Vlof) 85 75 -10
stall speed. Under the FARs,
light twins are required to have
an engine-out rate-of-climb (in Approach Speed (Vref) 94 87 -7
feet/minute) equal to .027 times
the square of Vso (in knots). If Table 2 — Performance specifications for Cessna T310R, before and
you lower Vso by a few knots, after BLR VG kit. (Weights shown in pounds, speeds shown in knots.)
the required single-engine ROC
goes down. At the same time, ones. For an STC to obtain a be fuel. By increasing the ZFW
the VGs actually increase single- landing weight increase would to 5400 lbs (same as landing
engine ROC by increasing the involve a landing gear beef-up weight), the VG kit effectively
maximum lift coefficient of the and a series of very costly “drop makes ZFW disappear, because
wings at high angles-of-attack. tests” to prove that the aircraft if you loaded the aircraft to
Thus, the aircraft now has more could handle the additional ZFW you’d have to land on
single-engine climb performance weight without structural dam- fumes (or overweight)!
than the regs require. The solu- age. BLR actually did this for
tion: increase the gross weight! the Piper Chieftain, but it re-
Landing weight is a differ-
quired strut modifications and
ent story. It has structural impli- new torque links, and was quite The most significant air-
cations, not just aerodynamic expensive. It’s therefore under- speed change resulting from the
standable why none of the twin VG installation is the virtual
Cessna VG STCs offer a landing elimination of Vmc. Techni-
weight increase. cally, Vmc still exists, but at 70
So if you take off at the knots loss of control occurs at a
new higher maximum takeoff lower airspeed than the airplane
weight, better plan on flying far will fly unless it’s extraordinar-
enough to burn of a few hundred ily light.
pounds of fuel…or land gently Bob Desroche told me a
and don’t tell anyone! funny story from his early VG
Zero fuel weight only days with Paul Robertson when
comes into play when you want they were getting the original
to carry a maximum payload for Cessna 340 STC. Since Vmc is
a short distance. For example, predicated on failure of the criti-
on a stock T310R with a 3900 cal (left) engine, Robertson
pound empty weight, it says that originally applied VGs only to
of the 1600 lbs of useful load, no the left side of the 340’s vertical
Figure 8 — My re-marked air- stabilizer. Les Berven of the
more than 1115 lbs may be pas-
speed dial. Vmc is now below Vs. Seattle FSDO did those original
sengers and cargo; the rest must
certification flights, and after
numerous left engine cuts, he
was bubbling over about the
reduction of Vmc. Then Les
tried something totally unex-
pected: he cut the right engine,
and discovered (to everyone’s
astonishment) that Vmc oc-
curred at a higher airspeed…the
right engine had become critical!
Needless to say, Robertson
quickly added VGs to the right
side of the vertical tail and re-
flew the tests!
While the reduction in
Vmc gets all the glory, the 10-
knot reduction in liftoff speed
and 7-knot reduction in ap-
proach speed makes a big differ-
ence in everyday flying. Twin
Cessnas are not especially good
short-field airplanes, so these
improvements are especially
If you’ve been paying
close attention, you might have Figure 10 — BLR founder, president and chief test pilot Bob Desroche
noticed an apparent discrepancy in a typical pose: on the phone with a customer.
in the airspeed figures in Table
2. How can approach speed
same question, and the answer is Bob explained that while
(Vref) be reduced by 7 knots
straightforward: the published the VGs do produce some drag,
when the dirty stall speed (Vso)
Vso is certified at maximum they also reduce drag by reduc-
has been reduced by only 3
takeoff weight (5684 lbs with ing the thickness of the bound-
knots? After all, Vref is by defi-
the VGs), while Vref is based on ary layer on the aft portion of the
nition 1.3 times Vso. I had the
maximum landing weight (5400 wing. The net result is about a
lbs) at which Vso is lower. Natu- “push” with no measurable deg-
rally, at lighter weights, ap- radation in cruise speed.
proach speeds should be even Here’s where proper
less than the published 87 knot placement of VGs is critical, Jay
Vref. chimed in. If they’re placed too
far forward, they’ll hasten the
Disadvantages? transition from laminar to tur-
bulent flow and therefore in-
Okay, I thought, this all crease drag. On the other hand,
makes sense. But I still had the if they’re placed too far aft, their
feeling that there must be some effectiveness will be compro-
downside. After all, my daddy mised. The trick is to mount the
always taught me that there’s no VGs right at the boundary
such thing as a free lunch. layer’s transition zone from
For instance, those 90 laminar to turbulent flow.
VGs stick up into the airflow How about icing, I asked?
and must produce some drag, Won’t the VGs pick up ice?
right? Won’t that slow the air- Not unless they’re tall
Figure 9 — VGs are applied to both plane down at cruise, I queried? enough to poke up through the
sides of the vertical tail! boundary layer, Bob replied.
That’s one reason why the VGs
are sized to a height of about
80% of the boundary layer
thickness. The VGs have been
tested extensively in icing con-
ditions during FAA certification,
and do not pick up ice except
possibly when flying in freezing
rain or supercooled drizzle
drops—conditions in which no
portion of the airframe is com-
pletely immune from icing.

Why So Pricey?
While I had Bob’s ear, I Figure 11 — It doesn't look very different, but it flies like a new wing!
figured I might as well go for
broke and ask him the $2,500
popular models like the Cessna tude at 85 knots…no faster.”
question: why do VG kits cost so
310, but you’d be wrong. Sepa- Bob warned me that this would
much when the materials cost is
rate STCs (and flight tests) are feel at first like an unnatural act.
clearly not very great? Of
required for the “tuna tank” He was right…it took all
course, I already knew the an-
models, the narrow-chord ai- the faith and backpressure I
swer—it costs a lot to get the
leron models, wide-chord ai- could muster, and the airplane
FAA to certify these things—but
leron models, the long-nose R- (with three people aboard) broke
Bob gave me some details that
model, and the turbocharged ground early and climbed at an
helped put things into true per-
models. So the market for each awesome deck angle with the
of those STCs is still pretty VSI nailed at 2,000 FPM. Thirty
He said that it can easily
small. To make matters worse, seconds later, we were at pattern
cost between $250,000 and
the popular models like Barons altitude and hadn’t even crossed
$500,000 to get a VG kit certi-
and Twin Cessnas have two or the departure end of the runway
fied. Why so much? In essence,
three companies competing for yet.
the FAA requires that almost all
the limited market. Bob directed me to a
of the airplane’s original flight
It’s a tough business. practice area over Puget Sound
testing be repeated. For instance,
Work the numbers. I think I’ll and had me fly a series of steep
for twins that were certificated
stick to writing. turns, slow flight exercises, and
for known-icing (i.e., most of
stalls. I found the airplane rock
them), the icing tests have to be
Lets Go Flying! solid at indicated airspeeds so
reflown (which means finding
low that they’d have freaked me
sufficiently bad natural icing
With the VGs installed, out before. We flew a series of
condition, flying behind a spray
the airspeed dial changed, and low-speed maneuvers with the
plane, or gluing styrofoam
the logbooks and 337 forms stall warning horn blaring con-
“shapes” to the unbooted areas
signed, it was time to go flying. tinuously, yet roll and pitch
of the aircraft to simulate ice).
Bob likes to go up with new VG control remained crisp and re-
For singles, the spin tests have to
customers for 45 minutes or so sponsive.
be reflown (which means fitting
to give them a checkout in their Then we did a series of
the aircraft with a spin chute and
new-and-improved airplane be- stalls, with and without power,
water ballast).
fore turning them loose. It didn’t clean and dirty, level and turn-
To make matters worse,
take long for me to see why. ing. It was really interesting: as
the market for most of these
We taxied out to PAE’s the airplane eventually ap-
costly-to-get STCs is depress-
9000-foot main runway, did our proached a stall (with indicated
ingly small. BLR’s first VG STC
runup, and Bob briefed me for airspeeds down in the 60s), it
was for the Beech Duke, of
the takeoff. “I want you to rotate would start buffeting like a
which only about 500 are flying.
at 75 knots—the new Vmc plus bucking bronco, yet with no loss
You might think the situation
five—and climb to pattern alti- of altitude. Bob explained that
would be a lot better with more
this was the airflow separating Bob thinks that similar re-
over the stub wings (between the sults could be achieved on the
fuselage and nacelles), but that Cessna 182, and expects that
the nacelle strakes created a BLR will start working on the
large vortex that acts like a stall STC for the Skylane in a few
fence and prevents the stall from months. At this point, Bob is on
propagating outboard of the na- the lookout for a few 182 own-
celles. All I know is that even ers who’d be willing to make
with the stall warning horn dis- their airplanes available for VG
coneected and the airspeed indi- certification work. (He’ll need
cator covered up, you’d still both straight-tail and swept-tail
have to be comatose to get the airplanes, with and without
airplane into an unintentional leading-edge cuffs.) If you’re a
stall. 182 owner and think you might
We were running out of be interested, give Bob a call at Figure 12 — BLR’s Spring Thing
time, so we decided to skip the 1-800-257-4847 or drop him an installed on the nose compartment
Vmc demonstration and head e-mail at <>. door of my 310. I also have two
back to PAE for a couple of more installed in the wing lockers.
landings. I made my approaches Spring Thing
at 85 knots indicated (7 knots Because it has no latch,
slower than the 92 Vref I was Although Boundary Layer the Spring Thing virtually elimi-
accustomed to using) and found Research is primarily focused on nates the possibility of the door
that I was still arriving at the securing STCs for VGs and closing inadvertantly, even in
flare with too much energy and other major aerodynamic and the strongest breeze. Yet closing
floating a bit much. We agreed I structural modifications, I dis- the door intentionally couldn’t
would have to spend some time covered that the wizards at BLR be simpler: you simply depress
on my own nibbling at the edge have also come up with a few the center of the Spring Thing
of the envelope to determine other goodies that hardly any- with the touch of a finger,
what short-field approach speed body knows about. My favorite whereupon the door will close as
would work best. One things for is an elegant little gizmo that I the spring folds neatly in two.
sure: it’ll be a lot slower than it spotted on the nose baggage It’s an elegantly simple solution
used to be. door of Bob’s Duke, and which to a painfully annoying problem.
he calls the “Spring Thing.” I asked Bob if he’d ever
VGs for Singles The Spring Thing is a installed a Spring Thing on a
chrome-plated stainless steel twin Cessna before. He said
When I asked Bob what spring with an internal stainless no—although he’d put them on
new projects he saw coming up safety cable, and is designed to lots of Cessna singles and Beech
for BLR, he told me that the replace the hold-open bracket on twins—but he was willing to try
company was focusing increas- almost any aircraft baggage if I was willing to be the guinea
ingly on VG kits for single- door. My eyes lit up when I saw pig. “Absolutely,” I said, and
engine airplanes. While the VG this, because twin Cessna bag- before long my Cessna 310 was
market for twins has become gage door brackets have long sporting three shiny Spring
quite mature over the past dec- been one of my pet peeves—I Things, one in the nose com-
ade, the surface has just barely can’t even guess how many partment and two in the wing
been scratched when it comes to times the nose baggage door of lockers.
singles. my 310 has slipped and whacked BLR sells the Spring
For instance, BLR secured me on the noggin, or a wing Thing (including the mounting
an STC to install VGs on the locker door came down on my brackets) for $65 each.
Cessna 180 and 185 Skywagons, arm. Uncommanded closure of
and the results were quite im- the 310’s big nose compartment
pressive. For the Cessna 180, door can be especially painful,
Vso was reduced by 8–10 knots and it happens both when load-
(depending on CG), and low- ing and unloading baggage and
speed handling was significantly when swinging wrenches in the
improved. nose compartment.

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