Influences of Groundwater Extraction On Flow Dynamics and Arsenic Levels in The Western Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, China

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Hydrogeology Journal


Influences of groundwater extraction on flow dynamics

and arsenic levels in the western Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhuo Zhang 1,2 & Huaming Guo 1,2 & Weiguang Zhao 2 & Shuai Liu 2 & Yongsheng Cao 2 & Yongfeng Jia 2

Received: 16 November 2017 / Accepted: 15 March 2018

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Data on spatiotemporal variations in groundwater levels are crucial for understanding arsenic (As) behavior and dynamics in
groundwater systems. Little is known about the influences of groundwater extraction on the transport and mobilization of As in
the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia (China), so groundwater levels were recorded in five monitoring wells from 2011 to 2016 and in
57 irrigation wells and two multilevel wells in 2016. Results showed that groundwater level in the groundwater irrigation area had
two troughs each year, induced by extensive groundwater extraction, while groundwater levels in the river-diverted (Yellow
River) water irrigation area had two peaks each year, resulting from surface-water irrigation. From 2011 to 2016, groundwater
levels in the groundwater irrigation area presented a decreasing trend due to the overextraction. Groundwater samples were taken
for geochemical analysis each year in July from 2011 to 2016. Increasing trends were observed in groundwater total dissolved
solids (TDS) and As. Owing to the reverse groundwater flow direction, the Shahai Lake acts as a new groundwater recharge
source. Lake water had flushed the near-surface sediments, which contain abundant soluble components, and increased ground-
water salinity. In addition, groundwater extraction induced strong downward hydraulic gradients, which led to leakage recharge
from shallow high-TDS groundwater to the deep semiconfined aquifer. The most plausible explanation for similar variations
among As, Fe(II) and total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations is the expected dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides.

Keywords Arsenic . Groundwater extraction . Spatiotemporal trends . Salinization . China

Introduction and Kinniburgh 2002). Reducing aquifers that host high-As

groundwater have been reported in various river deltas
High concentrations of arsenic (As) have been found in (including deltas of the Ganges, Mekong, and Red River in
groundwater worldwide (Ravenscroft et al. 2009), and occur Asia, and Pearl River, Yangtze River and Yellow River in
under both oxic conditions and reducing conditions (Smedley China; Polizzotto et al. 2008; Eiche et al. 2008; Norrman
et al. 2008; Fendorf et al. 2010; Radloff et al. 2011; Wang
Published in the special issue BGroundwater sustainability in fast- et al. 2012; Guo et al. 2014a; Erban et al. 2014; Stuckey
developing China^ et al. 2016) and inland basins (including the Datong basin,
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article Hetao basin, west Songnen basin, Yinchuan basin, and
( contains supplementary Zhunger basin in China, and the Pannonian basin and
material, which is available to authorized users.
Danube basin in Europe; Luo et al. 2012; Guo et al. 2003,
2014a, b, c; Rowland et al. 2011; Ujević et al. 2010). It is well
* Huaming Guo known that reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides
leads to As release from aquifer sediments under anoxic con-
ditions (Islam et al. 2004; Mladenov et al. 2009; Fendorf et al.
State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology,
2010; Guo et al. 2013a, b), which depends in turn on the
China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, People’s Republic
of China quality and quantity of available organic matter, local geomor-
2 phologic characteristics and superimposing anthropogenic ef-
MOE Key Laboratory of Groundwater Circulation & Environment
Evolution & School of Water Resources and Environment, China fects (Harvey et al. 2002, 2006; Neumann et al. 2010; Lawson
University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, People’s et al. 2013; Neidhardt et al. 2013; Desbarats et al. 2014;
Republic of China Schaefer et al. 2016; Postma et al. 2016).
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Many studies have been done concerning the effects of As dynamics for developing effective strategies for sustainable
groundwater extraction on groundwater As in river deltas. In usage of low-As groundwater in As-affected areas.
the Bengal Basin (India and Bangladesh), around 10 million The objectives of this study are to (1) investigate the spa-
irrigation and potable-water wells had been installed during the tiotemporal variations of groundwater levels at the mountain
past four decades (Harvey et al. 2005). At a site in Bangladesh, fronts that are subject to intensive groundwater extraction, (2)
the recharge from surface water, induced by intensive ground- characterize temporal trends in groundwater chemistry and As
water extraction, which can be rich in labile organic matter, was concentration on an interannual time scale, and (3) evaluate
thought to cause the release of As by fueling reductive dissolu- the influences of groundwater extraction on groundwater As
tion of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides (Harvey et al. 2002); however, in distribution.
the Yangtze River Basin, owing to extensive groundwater ex-
traction in the dry season, the surface water seasonally supplied
oxidizing water to the anoxic aquifer, which promoted a transient Materials and methods
drop in As concentrations (Schaefer et al. 2016). Massive extrac-
tion of deep groundwater also created local depression cones in The study area
the aquifers in the Bengal Basin, causing subsequent drawdown
of As-rich shallow groundwater into deep pumping wells The Hetao basin, as one of the Cenozoic rift basins, is located
(Michael et al. 2009; Burgess et al. 2010). In addition, Stahl between Yinshan uplift and Erdos platform in western Inner
et al. (2016) showed that the Hanoi (Vietnam) aquifers adjacent Mongolia. Active faults, inactive faults and insidious faults
to the Red River were susceptible to further As contamination bound the northwest, the east, and the south of the basin,
where riverine recharge is drawn into aquifers by extensive respectively. The Langshan Mountains, to the north of the
groundwater pumping, with the water flowing through recently basin, are mainly composed of Mesoproterozoic deeply meta-
deposited river sediments before entering the aquifer. Hence, morphic rocks and intrusive rocks and Jurassic to Cretaceous
diverse temporal changes in As concentrations have been attrib- metamorphic rocks. The basin is a SW–NE tilting flat plain,
uted to variations in local groundwater flow patterns caused by with increasing sediment thickness from 500 to 1,500 m in the
excessive water extraction in river deltas; however, few studies east to 4,000–8,000 m in the west. The basin, located in an
have been carried to investigate the response of As concentra- arid-semiarid climate zone, has an average annual precipita-
tions to variations in groundwater flow patterns in inland basins. tion of 130–220 mm (mainly during July to September) and
The Hetao basin is a typical inland basin in northwest annual evaporation rate of about 2,000–2,500 mm (Guo et al.
China, where the prevalence of endemic arsenicosis was up 2008a).
to 25% of the population in 2002 (Jin et al. 2003). There are The study area is located in the northwest of the Hetao
more than 5,000 deep wells that extract groundwater for irri- basin with ground elevations between 980 and 1,050 m
gation and drinking at the mountain fronts along the margin of above sea level (asl), including alluvial fans and a flat plain
the basin (Guo et al. 2016a). Among these deep wells, ground- (Fig. 1b). Pluvial sediments occurring in the alluvial fans
water As concentration has been found up to 390 μg/L (Jia are normally composed of gravel, coarse sand, and medium
et al. 2017). Dissimilatory and bacterial sulfate reduction sand, while fluvial and lacustrine sediments mainly ob-
(BSR)-induced reduction of Fe(III) oxides were demonstrated served in the flat plain consist of Quaternary silt and fine
to be the important mechanisms for As mobilization based on sand. Groundwater mainly occurs in the Quaternary alluvi-
Fe and S isotope signatures (Guo et al. 2013a, b, 2016b), and al, alluvial-pluvial, and alluvial-lacustrine aquifers (Guo
hydrogeological and biogeochemical investigation (Guo et al. et al. 2008a). The alluvial-pluvial unconfined aquifers are
2011; Jia et al. 2017). generally observed in the belt of alluvial fans, while fluvial-
Nevertheless, little is known regarding the influences of lacustrine leaky-confined aquifers are common in the flat
groundwater extraction on groundwater flow dynamics and As plain. According to borehole logs and a previous
distribution in the Hetao basin, although reverse variation pat- hydrogeologic report (Inner Mongolia Institute of
terns of shallow groundwater levels are observed in the ground- Hydrogeology 1982), shallow groundwater is considered
water irrigation area (GIA) and diverted Yellow River water to be hosted in aquifers overlying the clay layers around
irrigation area (YIA; Guo et al. 2013a, b). Owing to the flat 40 m below land surface (bls), while aquifers underlying
topography, extremely low flow rates provoke a high vulnerabil- the clay layers, being regarded as semiconfined, host deep
ity toward the effects of groundwater extraction, which can lead groundwater.
to severe disturbances of the naturally established hydrochemical The groundwater level generally rises from around 20 m
conditions and possibly As distribution. Therefore, it is crucial to below land surface (bls) in the alluvial fans to around 2.0 m bls
characterize the relationship between temporal variations in in the flat plain for both shallow groundwater and deep
groundwater flow pattern and groundwater chemistry and to groundwater. Groundwater is mainly recharged by fracture
understand the effects of groundwater extraction on groundwater water along the mountain front in the alluvial fans, and by
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E107° E108° E109°

Wulatehouqi Wuyuan

GIA Linhe N

(b) 0 15 30 60km
Lake Flat plain City/county
Dengkou Yellow River Alluvial fans Irrigation channel
Desert Alluvial fan plain Drainage channel
Steep massif Tectonic terrace The study area
I22 I21
I20 Hetao basin

zone I

(b) lia

Kyrgyzstan go

I10 Tajikistan M

I9 Inner

tan n

kis sta

Pa hani
I3 China




zone II


1-3 I15

Shahai Lake 2-4
Drainage channel
Boundary of zones
Spring water
water Lake water
Diverted Yellow River water 4-5
Continuous sampling well
of groundwater (n=10)
Regular monitoring well of N
groundwater level(n=57)
well @2011(n=80) @2014(n=25)
@2012(n=16) @2015(n=29)
@2013(n=13) @2016(n=18) 1km
Multilevel well (n=2)
Long-term monitoring well of
groundwater level (n=5)
Fig. 1 Locations of a the study area and b the sampling sites. GIA means the groundwater irrigation area and YIA is the diverted Yellow River water
irrigation area

vertically infiltrating precipitation, ditch water (irrigation For more than 50 years, the diverted water from the Yellow
channels), and irrigation water in the flat plain, and discharged River has been predominately used for agricultural irrigation
mainly via evapotranspiration, drainage, and extraction. As a in the basin (Guo et al. 2011). Since the diverted Yellow River
natural boundary between the two geomorphic units (the pied- water is unavailable near the mountains due to the high eleva-
mont alluvial plain in the north and the alluvial lacustrine plain tion and overuse of the water in the upstream of the irrigation
in the south), the drainage channel is regarded as the discharge channels, groundwater has recently been used for both irriga-
route of shallow groundwater, where groundwater flows from tion and drinking to the north of the drainage channel. Reverse
the piedmont area in the north and from the flat plain in the variation patterns of groundwater levels are observed in GIA
south (Zhang et al. 2013). The general direction of groundwa- and YIA (Guo et al. 2013a, b). During irrigation seasons, high
ter flow is from the alluvial fans, through the transition area, to groundwater levels occur in YIA, while low levels occur in
the flat plain, but the flow rate has been recorded as relatively GIA; therefore, irrigation activities, including the overextrac-
slow, with the range between 0.002 and 0.2 m/day due to the tion of groundwater and the diverted Yellow River water irri-
gentle topography and low permeability of the aquifer sedi- gation, may change groundwater flow patterns and potentially
ments (Inner Mongolia Institute of Hydrogeology 1982). affect the chemistry of groundwater.
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According to monitoring data of groundwater levels/heads analysis were acidified with ultrapure 6 M HNO3 to pH <2.0.
in GIA in this study, the GIA may be divided into two zones: Those for analysis of As species were preserved with 0.25 M
the northwestern groundwater recharge area (zone I) near the EDTA in amber bottles. Samples for anion analysis were fil-
piedmont, and the southeastern surface water recharge area tered but unacidified. All samples were kept and transported to
(zone II) close to the Shahai Lake. During irrigation seasons, the laboratory at 4 °C, and kept in a refrigerator at 4 °C.
groundwater flows from northwest to southeast in zone I, At the time of sampling, parameters including water tem-
while it flows from southeast to northwest in zone II. perature, EC, pH, and Eh were measured using a multiparam-
eter portable meter (HI9828, HANNA), while Fe(II) concen-
Monitoring of groundwater levels tration was determined by using a portable spectrophotometer
(DR2800, HACH) and alkalinity using a Model 16,900 digital
Five monitoring wells were installed in Shahai town; two of titrator (HACH) using bromocresol green-methyl red indica-
them were located in GIA (Nos. 1-3 and 5-2) and three in YIA tor. Eh readings were normalized with reference to a hydrogen
(Nos. 2-4, 3-4, and 4-5; Fig. 1b). Groundwater levels were electrode.
monitored every 30 min from 2011 to 2016 using water level Concentrations of major cations and trace elements were
data loggers (HOBO U20, Onset) and local atmospheric pres- determined by ICP-AES and ICP-MS, respectively. The ana-
sure was also monitored in the same way. Water levels of the lytical precision of ICP-AES and ICP-MS was 3.0%, whereas
Shahai Lake were monitored every 30 min from May 2016 to the detection limit for As was 0.01 μg/L. Unacidified aliquots
May 2017. Groundwater heads of 45 irrigation wells (Fig. 1b) were analyzed for major anions by ion chromatography (DX-
were measured using an electronic water sensor (Model 101B, 120, Dionex), with the analytical precision less than 5.0%;
Solinst) in July 2016 (irrigation season), while water heads of however, for most samples, ion charge imbalances were less
57 irrigation wells were measured in October 2016 and than 5%. Arsenic species in groundwater samples were ana-
March 2017 which are in the nonirrigation seasons; addition- lyzed by HPLC-HG-AFS and detection limits of As(III) and
ally, two multilevel wells (Nos. K1 and K2) were installed in As(V) were 2 and 4 μg/L, respectively.
zone II and zone I, respectively. Each multilevel well had
seven piezometers at seven different depths. Piezometers
No. K2-3 (41 m) and No. K2-6 (65 m) in zone I, and No. Results
K1-3 (38 m) and No. K1-6 (74 m) in zone II, were selected
to regularly measure groundwater levels/heads of shallow Variations in groundwater levels/heads
groundwater and deep groundwater, in April 2016,
May 2016, August 2016, November 2016 and March 2017. In the study area, groundwater levels/heads fluctuated from
The real-time kinematic difference global positioning system 2011 to 2016. During irrigation seasons, groundwater levels/
(RTK-GPS) was used to measure the elevations of all well heads decreased in GIA. Water level elevations in well Nos. 1-
heads and to calibrate water level/head depth measurements 3 and 5-2 declined to the minimum during May and August
to water level/head elevations above mean sea level (amsl). (spring irrigation; Fig. 2a), which were caused by the intense
extraction of groundwater for irrigation. As soon as the spring
Sample collection and analysis irrigation ceased, the groundwater level of well No. 1-3 rose
from September to October and then presented a trough in
Groundwater samples were collected in 2011 (n = 80), 2012 November, while the groundwater level of well No. 5-2 rose
(n = 16), 2013 (n = 13), 2014 (n = 25), 2015 (n = 29), and from September to October and then reached a peak in
2016 (n = 18) from irrigation wells (in GIA), and yearly from November. Generally, the water level elevations in well No.
two monitoring wells (in YIA) from 2012 to 2015 (Fig. 1b). In 5-2 were higher than in well No. 1-3 and there were decreas-
particular, from the piedmont area to the Shahai Lake, ground- ing trends in groundwater levels from 2012 to 2016 in GIA.
water samples of 10 typical irrigation wells (five wells: Nos. I22, In addition to shallow groundwater, deep groundwater
I21, I20, I5 and I9 in zone I; five wells: Nos. I10, I3, I1, I14 and heads were lower in irrigation seasons relative to nonirrigation
I15 in zone II, in GIA) were collected yearly from 2011 to 2016. seasons. The groundwater levels of piezometer Nos. K1-6 and
The depths of these irrigation wells mostly ranged between 60 K2-6 in August (irrigation season) were around 1,025.5 and
and 110 m. The monitoring wells have depths of around 20 m 1,023.6 m amsl, respectively, which are around 4–5 m lower
bls. In addition, spring water, Shahai Lake water and diverted than those in March (nonirrigation season; Fig. 3). It indicated
Yellow River water were collected in July 2016 (Fig. 1b). that groundwater irrigation decreased groundwater levels/
Before groundwater sampling, wells were pumped at least heads in both the shallow aquifer and deep aquifer.
20 min until water temperature, EC, pH, and Eh kept stable. Although water levels/heads varied, higher water levels/
All samples were filtered through 0.22-μm membrane filters heads were generally observed in zone II than those in zone
in the field. Water samples for major cation and trace element I. Groundwater levels/heads of well No. K1 in zone II were
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Fig. 2 Variations of groundwater levels in a YIA and b GIA. Green-shaded area means spring irrigation season and gray-shaded area means winter
irrigation season. Date format is mm/dd/yyyy

higher than those of well No. K2 in zone I of both shallow Three months after summer irrigation, an obvious increase in
groundwater and deep groundwater during April 2016 and groundwater levels was observed in GIA, especially in the de-
March 2017 (Fig. 3). It indicated that groundwater would flow pression cone with an increase in water levels around 3 m,
from zone II to zone I, which is opposite to the groundwater which resulted from the recharge of groundwater from both
flow direction reported before by Zhang et al. (2013). the piedmont area and the Shahai Lake (Fig. 4b) and the de-
Water heads of the 57 irrigation wells, which showed that a crease in groundwater extraction. Groundwater levels kept a
depression cone had occurred in GIA in July (Fig. 4a), are rising trend during winter due to no irrigation from November
consistent with those of the piezometers. Water heads dropped to March (Fig. 4c). Groundwater level elevations in the top of
2.5 m from the top of the alluvial fans to the depression cone the alluvial fans increased from 1,026.5 to 1,029 m from
and 9 m from the Shahai Lake to the depression cone (Fig. 4). July 2016 to March 2017. The water head difference between

Fig. 3 Variations of groundwater levels/heads in a piezometer Nos. K2-3 and K2-6 in zone I and b piezometer Nos. K1-3 and K1-6 in zone II from GIA.
Green-shaded area means spring irrigation season, and gray-shaded area means winter irrigation season
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Fig. 4 Contour maps of groundwater levels/heads of the 57 irrigation wells in GIA in a July 2016, b October 2016, and c March 2017. Yellow solid dots
mean locations of irrigation wells for monitoring groundwater levels

the Shahai Lake and the depression cone reduced to 5 m Interannual variations in groundwater chemistry
(Fig. 4c); therefore, during the spring irrigation, groundwater
mainly flowed from both southeast and the northwest of GIA to In GIA, the groundwater in zone I was mainly of Ca-HCO3-
the depression cone, while groundwater flowed to the northeast SO4 type and did not change over time, while the groundwater
after pooling in the depression cone at other times of the year. in zone II changed from Na-SO4-HCO3 type and partly Na-
In GIA, hydraulic connection between the shallow aquifer Cl-HCO3 type to Na-Cl-SO4 type from 2011 to 2016 (Fig. 5).
and deep aquifer may exist. Groundwater levels/heads were sim- Groundwater in zone I usually had a lower TDS than that in
ilar in both the shallow aquifer and deep aquifer in nonirrigation zone II, which kept relatively stable, with an average value
seasons (Fig. 3); however, groundwater heads of the deep ranging from 555 to 591 mg/L from 2011 to 2016—Fig. 6;
groundwater (Nos. K1-6 and K2-6) declined faster than those Table S1 of the electronic supplementary material (ESM);
of the shallow groundwater (Nos. K1-3 and K2-3; Fig. 3) in however, a significantly rising trend in groundwater TDS
irrigation seasons, indicating that the hydraulic connection would was observed in zone II, increasing from 1,024 to 1,715 mg/
be weak. Accordingly, the lower water heads in the deep aquifer L between 2011 and 2016.
increased hydraulic gradients between the shallow groundwater Those trends in major ions were also supported by the repre-
and deep groundwater, and therefore recharged from the shallow sentative 10 irrigation wells. Mean values of TDS of five wells in
groundwater into the deep groundwater in irrigation seasons. zone I kept relatively constant from 2011 to 2016. Similarly,
In YIA, the shallow groundwater levels increased during concentrations of major ions stayed at almost the same level
irrigation seasons. For well Nos. 2-4, 3-4, and 4-5, water level (Fig. 7). However, there were statistically long-term increasing
elevations had two peaks in each year. One peak was observed trends in TDS for five wells (r > 0.7) in zone II (Table S1 of the
in May–August and the other in November, both of which ESM). The largest increase (45%) was observed in well No. I15,
were caused by the extensive irrigation using the diverted which was nearest to the lake (Fig. 7). Accordingly, concentra-
Yellow River water. A slight decline was observed from tions of major ions had obvious increasing trends except for
August to October because of the decrease in the recharge of HCO3−, with the mean values of Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, SO42− and
irrigation water and evaporation. During winter, the shallow Cl− increasing from 114 to 149, 309–396, 66–105, 410–583 and
groundwater levels decreased by 2 m, possibly due to strong 423–547 mg/L from 2011 to 2016, respectively.
evaporation and freezing. There was no obvious interannual Groundwater in YIA was mainly of Na-Cl-HCO3 type,
change of water levels in those three wells from 2011 to 2016 which witnessed a slight decrease in TDS within 6 years
(Fig. 2b). A similar trend in water level was observed in the (Fig. 5). There were statistically long-term declining trends
lake water and well No. 2-4, both of which had two water level of TDS for well Nos. 2-4 and 3-4 from 2012 to 2015 (r =
peaks within 1 year. Generally, the lake-water levels were 0.69 and 0.96, respectively). Especially, the decreasing trend
higher than those of well Nos. 1-3 and 5-2 and lower than those in TDS of well No. 3-4 (12%) was more evident than that of
of well Nos. 3-4 and 4-5 (Fig. 2). The groundwater levels of well No. 2-4 (2.1%). The decrease in groundwater TDS was
well No. 4-5 were generally higher than the other two wells undoubtedly accompanied by decreases in some major ions,
(Nos. 2-4 and 3-4), indicating that groundwater flow direction mainly Cl−, SO42− and Na+ (12, 0.8 and 2.7% for well No. 2-4;
was from the flat plain region to the drainage channel, which is 19.6, 37.3 and 9.7% for well No. 2-4, respectively; Fig. 7;
consistent with the observation of Zhang et al. (2013) in YIA. Table S1 of the ESM). In addition, the spring water was of
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Fig. 5 Piper plot of groundwater

and surface-water samples in the
study area

Fig. 6 Contour maps of groundwater total dissolved solids (TDS) in GIA in a 2011 (n = 80), b 2012 (n = 16), c 2013 (n = 13), d 2014 (n = 25), e 2015
(n = 29), and f 2016 (n = 18). Cyan solid dots mean sampling sites
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Fig. 7 Spatiotemporal variations

of major ions and TDS: five wells
(Nos. I22, I21, I20, I5 and I9) in
zone I of GIA; five wells (Nos.
I10, I3, I1, I14 and I15) in zone II
of GIA; and two monitoring wells
in YIA (Nos. 2-4 and 3-4)

Ca-HCO3-SO4 type, while both the lake water and the groundwater As concentrations higher than 350 μg/L gradu-
diverted Yellow River water were of Na-Cl-SO4 type. ally emerged (Fig. 8f). In zone I, the mean values of ground-
Accordingly, the former had a lower TDS (438 mg/L) than water As concentration kept nearly unchanged from 2011 to
both of the latter (1,050 and 657 mg/L, respectively). 2016; however, there was an obvious rising trend in the mean
values of groundwater As concentration in zone II from 191 to
Interannual variations in groundwater 252 μg/L from 2011 to 2016 (Fig. 9). In addition, the concen-
as and redox-sensitive components tration of As(III), as the major species, spanned a comparable
range, from <2 to 343 μg/L, which mostly accounted for 22–
Total As concentrations ranged between <2 and 400 μg/L, 96% of total As (average 79%). Groundwater samples had
generally showing increasing trends from the alluvial fans to As(V) concentrations ranging between <3 and 88 μg/L.
the flat plain (Fig. 8). The trends are consistent with a previous Similarly, these ten irrigation wells in GIA witnessed a
investigation (Guo et al. 2016a). From 2011 to 2016, the geo- rising trend in groundwater As concentrations from zone I to
graphical area with groundwater As less than 50 μg/L de- zone II. In zone I, four (well Nos. I22, I21, I20 and 5) out of
creased, while the area with groundwater As higher than five wells met the Chinese drinking water standard (<
300 μg/L increased (Fig. 8). Especially in 2016, an area with 50 μg/L), and well No. I9 did not meet the standard with As
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Fig. 8 Contour maps of groundwater As in GIA in a 2011 (n = 80), b 2012 (n = 16), c 2013 (n = 13), d 2014 (n = 25), e 2015 (n = 29) and f 2016 (n = 18).
Cyan solid dots mean sampling sites

concentrations increasing from 97.7 to 123 μg/L between irrigation wells in zone II, varying from 0.59 to 2.48 mg/L and
2011 and 2016 (Fig. 10). However, in zone II, groundwater 0.90 to 6.40 mg/L, respectively (Table S1 of the ESM).
As concentrations in well Nos. I10, I3, I1, I14 and I15 were From 2011 to 2016, the fluctuation (% RSD, relative stan-
much higher than the standard, ranging from 103 to 400 μg/L. dard deviation) of Fe(II) concentration of the five irrigation
Liner regression of As concentration as a function of time wells in zone I remained <20.6%, excluding the wells with
indicated that there were statistically long-term increasing Fe(II) concentrations <0.05 mg/L (Table S1 of the ESM). In
trends for these five wells (r > 0.6; Table S1 of the ESM) with addition, slight rising trends in Fe(II) concentrations were ob-
the largest increases from 4.37 to 10.5 μg/L/year (Fig. 10). served in well Nos. I5 and I9 of zone I, increasing by 0.04 and
Moderate groundwater As concentrations were observed in 0.03 mg/L/year respectively. In zone II, five irrigation wells
YIA. Two monitoring wells (Nos. 2-4 and 3-4) had As concen- showed obvious long-term increases in Fe(II) concentrations
trations between 48.2 and 106 μg/L, whereby well No. 3-4, which between 0.03 and 0.19 mg/L/year (r > 0.7; Table S1 of the
had As concentrations lower than 50 μg/L between 2012 and ESM); however, in YIA, no temporal change was observed
2014, especially did not meet the standard in 2015, while well concerning Fe(II) concentrations in well Nos. 2-4 and 3-4.
No. 2-4 remained relatively stable during 2012–2015. The tem-
poral variations in As(III) were comparable to those of total As,
whereby arsenic concentrations of spring water, lake water and Discussion
the diverted Yellow River water were lower than 10 μg/L.
From the piedmont to the flat plain, groundwater Eh pre- Influences of extraction on groundwater flow fields
sented decreasing trends. Concentrations of redox-sensitive
components Fe(II) in groundwater displayed rising trends. In Pre-extraction
GIA, the groundwater Fe(II) concentrations of five irrigation
wells in zone I ranged from <0.01 to 0.66 mg/L and from 0.02 Before 2006, the diverted Yellow River water irrigation was
to 0.55 mg/L, which were lower than those of another five widely applied in the study area and almost no groundwater
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Fig. 9 Mean values of groundwater As in zone I and zone II of the GIA

from 2011 to 2016

was used for agriculture irrigation (Li et al. 2011).

Groundwater mainly flowed from the alluvial fans to the flat
plain, and partly discharged into the drainage channel (Zhang
et al. 2013; Fig. 11a). There were scattered wetlands and tarns
in zone I, which gradually shrunk with groundwater extraction Fig. 10 Spatiotemporal variations of As, Fe(II), Eh and SO42−/Cl− in
for irrigation after 2006 (Li et al. 2016). Under the natural groundwater of ten representative irrigation wells in GIA and two
groundwater flow conditions, a large area of saline land was monitoring wells YIA. Red dot line means the Chinese drinking water
standard for As
observed in zone II near the drainage channel, which resulted
from the intense evaporation concentration due to flat terrain
and shallower groundwater depth (Shanafield et al. 2015; Jia between the center of the depression cone and the Shahai Lake
et al. 2017). However, in YIA, the groundwater flowed from gradually increased, which resulted in the increase of hydraulic
southeast to northwest (Fig. 11a), with the dominant discharge gradient and the flow rate of groundwater recharge from the
areas being around Shahai Lake and the drainage channel. Shahai Lake (around twice as fast as normal). Accordingly,
the lake water level presented a decreasing trend. When the
Post-extraction spring irrigation ended, the groundwater levels/heads rose again
and the depression cone subsequently shrunk (Figs. 2b and 4b).
Irrigation wells have been gradually installed in GIA owing to In the period of winter irrigation, relatively less groundwater
the improvement of electric power facilities and difficulties in (2.1 million m3) was needed for irrigation, which caused a slight
diverting the Yellow River water to the piedmont since 2006. drop in groundwater levels. Before the drop, a slight peak was
A total of 127 irrigation wells, each with a flow rate of also observed due to the influence of the diverted Yellow River
0.027 m3/s have been used for irrigation in the studied area water irrigation which occurred earlier than the groundwater
until 2016. Around 15.5 million m3 of groundwater has been irrigation. During winter irrigation, the diverted Yellow River
extracted for irrigation in the spring of each year. Although the water irrigation affected groundwater levels near well No. 5-2.
groundwater levels/heads fluctuated due to the irrigation ac- As soon as the winter irrigation ceased, the water levels recov-
tivities, the Shahai Lake generally kept higher water levels ered. Before the next irrigation season, the area of the depres-
than the northwestern groundwater levels/heads, which acted sion cone decreased to the minimum. The lake-water recharge
as a recharge area throughout the year (Fig. 11b). Therefore, continuously introduced chemicals into the groundwater be-
groundwater flowed from the Shahai Lake to the northwest in tween the depression cone and the Shahai Lake in zone II,
zone II, which is opposite to the observation by Zhang et al. which may affect groundwater As variations.
(2013), although it flowed from the alluvial fans to the south- For the whole year, well No. 5-2 had higher water levels
east in zone I. During the spring irrigation, pumping caused than well No. 1-3, showing that the flow direction was from the
sharp drops in the water levels of well Nos. 1-3 and 5-2 west to the east of the depression cone. Additionally, from
(Fig. 2b) and also induced a depression cone in GIA 2012 to 2016, significant downward trends of water levels
(Fig. 4). As the pumping continued, the water level difference were observed in well Nos. 1-3 and 5-2, with the decrease rates
Hydrogeol J

Fig. 11 Conceptual models of

groundwater flow for a pre-
extraction and b post-extraction

of 0.25 and 0.2 m/year, respectively (Fig. 2b). It indicated that ions. This phenomenon was governed by the change of ground-
groundwater extraction led to the continuous decrease in water flow conditions. The shift of the groundwater recharge
groundwater levels/heads, and the previous groundwater flow source from the low-TDS piedmont groundwater to the high-
conditions had been broken in the study area (Fig. 11). TDS lake water, which was induced by the depression cone,
Nevertheless, in YIA, the diverted Yellow River water irriga- increased groundwater salinity in zone II (Figs. 6 and 7). Since
tion was still the predominant irrigation method. Groundwater zone II was the local discharge area of shallow groundwater
levels had two peaks each year, which corresponded to the before 2006, near-surface sediments in this zone contained a
spring irrigation season and the winter irrigation season, indicat- lot of soluble components (Yuan et al. 2017). The lake-water
ing that the diverted Yellow River water irrigation was the main recharge flushed those sediments and carried a large amount of
recharge source for groundwater. No obvious interannual varia- soluble components into the groundwater. Moreover, intensive
tions in groundwater levels were observed, suggesting that the extraction of deep groundwater increased the hydraulic gradient
recharge and discharge of groundwater maintain a long-term between the shallow groundwater and deep groundwater (Fig.
stable state. Therefore, the groundwater flow conditions 3b) and might induce recharge of shallow highly saline ground-
remained unchanged in YIA, which is consistent with the ob- water into the deep low-salinity groundwater. Hence, the TDS of
servation by Zhang et al. (2013). the deep semiconfined groundwater tended to gradually increase
over time with the intensive extraction. Although shallow
Spatiotemporal variations of groundwater chemistry groundwater levels in YIA would lead to intensive evaporation
(Fig. 2a), the dilution by the diverted Yellow River water (with
Although the groundwater flow field in zone I was disturbed low TDS 657 mg/L) counteracted the evaporation, resulting in
by the depression cone due to the intensive extraction (Fig. 4), the relatively constant TDS (Fig. 7).
the groundwater recharge source did not change. Owing to the
deep water table, ranging between 10 and 20 m bls (Fig. 4), Influences of groundwater flow changes
groundwater evaporation was relatively weak; consequently, on groundwater As
groundwater TDS or major ions concentrations kept relatively
stable from 2011 to 2016 (Fig. 8). High-As groundwater (> 50 μg/L; Figs. 8 and 9) was
However, in zone II, groundwater TDS increased significant- observed in zone II and the YIA with high concentra-
ly over time, which was accompanied by increases in the major tions of Fe(II) and TOC and lower Eh (Fig. 10).
Hydrogeol J

Obvious increases in groundwater As concentrations Conclusion

were observed in zone II from 2011 to 2016 (Fig. 10).
Temporal variations in As concentrations were well correlated Groundwater levels temporally fluctuated during the 6 years
to temporal variations in Fe(II) (r > 0.7) for five irrigation wells of observation. The fluctuation patterns of groundwater level
(Fig. 10). Increases in groundwater TOC were also obvious in were different between the GIA and YIA, as they were affect-
zone II (Table S1 of the ESM). The increases in groundwater ed by groundwater extraction, the diverted Yellow River water
As may be associated with the increases in groundwater TOC irrigation and evaporation. In GIA, groundwater was extracted
and may indicate that reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxides for irrigation during April–August and in November, resulting
played a dominant role in As mobilization. This process was in two troughs in groundwater levels each year. From 2011 to
usually fueled by natural organic matter (Islam et al. 2004; 2016, groundwater level presented a decreasing trend due to
McArthur et al. 2004); however, in addition, higher As ground- the overextraction. However, in YIA, surface water was uti-
water generally had lower concentrations of SO42−/Cl− in the lized for spring irrigation and winter irrigation, resulting in
study area (Fig. 10). The bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) was two peaks in groundwater levels each year. In GIA, the inten-
verified by S and O isotopes of groundwater SO42− and chem- sive groundwater extraction caused a depression cone, which
ical analysis in the study area, and by the abundant distribution reversed the groundwater flow direction and changed the re-
of sulfate-reducing bacteria (Guo et al. 2008b; Li et al. 2014a, b; charge source in zone II. From 2011 to 2016, groundwater
Guo et al. 2016b), which would induce reduction of As-bearing TDS of zone II showed an obvious increase, which could be
Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides and lead to the release of As into explained by the fact that the recharge from the lake water
groundwater. flushed near-surface sediments, which contained soluble com-
The shift of the groundwater recharge source from the ponents, and finally carried shallow high-TDS groundwater
piedmont groundwater to the lake water would be related into the deep aquifer. Furthermore, a rising trend of ground-
to the increase in groundwater As concentrations in zone water As was also observed, which was accompanied by the
II. The Shahai Lake water had higher TOC contents than increases in groundwater Fe(II) and TOC and the decrease in
the piedmont groundwater. The shift of the groundwater SO42−/Cl−, implying that the biologically degradable organic
recharge source introduced more dissolved organic matter carbon introduced by the lake water promoted dissimilatory
(DOM) into the aquifers, and the recharge source DOM reduction of Fe(III) oxides and BSR-induced reduction of
was believed to be more labile in comparison with the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides; besides, the low-As groundwater in
resident groundwater DOM. The labile DOM readily zone I would be potentially affected by the high-As ground-
fueled dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III) oxides and water from zone II due to the reverse groundwater flow direc-
BSR-induced reduction of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides. In addi- tion. Slight decreases in groundwater TDS occurred in YIA
tion, pumping-induced fluctuations of groundwater levels/ due to the dilution effect of surface water, and temporal vari-
heads could physically disturb the sediment matrix, which ation in groundwater As was slight. The groundwater extrac-
would destabilize the mineral-associated sedimentary or- tion, altering recharge sources of groundwater and conse-
ganic matter (Eusterhues et al. 2003). The destabilized quently providing labile organic matter for biogeochemical
sedimentary organic matter is believed to be bioavailable processes of As release, should be restrained in terms of ef-
for microbes (Neumann et al. 2014) and may also con- fective protection of groundwater quality.
tribute to the increase in groundwater As concentrations in
zone II; however, in YIA, no obvious changes of ground- Funding Information The study was financially supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant Nos. 41672225
water As were observed, which is consistent with the
and 41222020), the program of China Geology Survey (grant No.
previous observation (Guo et al. 2013a, b). No significant 12120113103700), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
variations in As concentrations are attributed to the rela- Universities (grant No. 2652013028), and the Fok Ying-Tung
tively steady groundwater flow direction and recharge Education Foundation, China (grant No. 131017).
source (Fig. 10).
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