What If Ebook Top 10

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With Foreword by Dr. Michio Kaku
Copyright © 2020 Underknown Corp. All rights reserved.

Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada by Underknown

Corp. and Backyard Media Inc., 2238 Dundas Street West P.O. Box 59043,
Toronto, Ontario, M6R 3A8.


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First Underknown edition: November 2020

ISBN: 978-1-99019-200-5
e-ISBN: 978-1-99019-201-2 Imagination will often carry
What If and Underknown are the property of Backyard Media Inc.
us to worlds that never were.
All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be copied or reproduced in But without it we go nowhere.
any medium without the express written permission of Backyard Media
Inc. — Carl Sagan

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication information is

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Printed and bound in Canada.

The content of this book is not intended to be a substitute for professional

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have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical
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dures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned in this book.

Everything that we know about our Universe, we know because
someone asked the question, ‘what if?’. Embark on an epic trip
through time, space, and chance as we ask the biggest and craziest
questions that only science can answer.

The book in your hands counts down the most popular scenarios
across all of our platforms, as of Fall 2020. We’ve organized them
from the 100th most popular to the 1st place winner, as determined
by each video’s total minutes watched. Combined, this list represents
100 videos with a combined total watch time by our audience of over
45 million hours. The top video? We’ll keep that a surprise until you
get there. Curious about what could swallow so many attention spans
whole for that long? Dive in, and let’s find out.

2 3

A volcano is one of the
most unforgiving natural
phenomenons on Earth.
If you were to fall into its magma-filled center, your
body would quickly bubble up, and disappear without
a trace. If they’re so good at getting rid of things, why
aren’t we using them to get rid of our garbage?

Americans alone generate about 254 million tons

of trash per year, and although dumping it all into
volcanoes might sound like a perfect way to get rid of
it, it wouldn’t be that easy. Volcanoes might look like
nature’s garbage incinerators, but in reality they’re
much more dangerous and unstable, not to mention a
lot harder to get to. Unfortunately, these aren’t very common. You’re more environment full of poisonous gases, lava splatter, and sent lava 280 feet (85m) into the air, so it’d probably
likely to come across their angry cousins, known as projectile rocks, and things only get worse once you look something like that. Even if you could safely get
The first obstacle in our quest for volcanic garbage stratovolcanoes. Stratovolcanoes are known for their start throwing stuff inside. your trash into the volcano, you’d still have to worry
disposal would be finding an active volcano that can explosive eruptions, caused by the build-up of pres- about all the air pollution created by burning our waste
get the job done. There are only about 1,500 potentially sure from hot gas and magma. In other words, they’re In 2002, a group of Ethiopian researchers threw a without filters. Plus, not all materials will completely
active volcanoes worldwide, and most of them aren’t probably not the safest location for the town dump. 66-pound (30kg) bag of trash into a volcano, and the break down in lava, which means the polluting
located anywhere near humans, for obvious reasons. results were explosive. Lava lakes are unstable, so if remnants could erupt out and contaminate the
That means that getting all our trash to an active Let’s say we’re lucky enough to find ourselves a nice you pierce their surfaces with something cold, like surrounding landscape; not ideal if you were hoping to
volcano could turn out to be pretty expensive, and once active shield volcano; before we worry about the trash, you’ll trigger a chain reaction of explosions burn nuclear waste, for example.
we get there we may find out it’s not even the right kind logistics of getting our trash there, let’s figure out if involving pressurized and acidic steam.
of active volcano. The kind of volcano we’d be looking it’s even a good idea to dump it inside. If you were one Add these environmental impacts on top of the fact
for is called a shield volcano, a slow-erupting variety of the first waste collectors hired to drive up to the Can you imagine how big those explosions would be if that shipping all our trash to these volcanoes would
that contains the iconic lava lakes that gradually spew vent of a volcano, you’d quickly start to question your you threw an entire nation’s trash in there? To put it in significantly increase the carbon footprint of the waste
out onto the Earth. career choices. The vent of a volcano is a treacherous perspective, rock falls into lava lakes in Hawaii have disposal, and the whole thing looks like a terrible idea.

198 199
WHAT IF YOU You’ve seen it growing on your
fruit, eating your leftovers,
How do you know which kind of mold you’re dealing
with? And is it ever okay to just eat around the mold on
away, but if you find mold on harder foods like cheese,
carrots, or hard salami, it’s ok to cut the mold out and

your food? Mold is the microscopic fungi you can find eat the rest of your food. Harder, denser foods are
and maybe even hiding in your living on plants, animals, and even in buildings. Molds more difficult for mold to penetrate, meaning it can’t
basement. form branches that are like thin threads called hyphae. spread inwards as quickly as it can in softer foods.
These can burrow into food, something you might miss
since they can be difficult to see. Let’s imagine that you didn’t have this handy guide, and
Biggest threat: mycotoxins It smells bad, it’s creepy-looking, and even if you you ate some moldy food. What would happen to you?
Your best hope: sticking to blue cheese don’t know much about it, you probably know enough If you do notice mold growing on your food, The biggest problem wouldn’t be the mold itself. It’s the
Worst consequence: stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea to keep it as far away from your mouth as possible. your first question will probably be, “should I other things that come along with the mold that could
Best consequence: molds have saved millions of lives There are up to 300,000 different types of mold, and throw this away?” really hurt you. First off, there’s the invisible bacteria
they could affect you in very different ways. Some that can accompany the mold. If you eat that bacteria
could ruin your day by causing nausea or diarrhea. We’ve put together a little guide to help you figure it you would experience stomach pain, vomiting, and
Some could be used to make expensive cheeses, and out. If you find mold on soft foods like yogurts, jams, several urgent trips to the washroom.
others could nearly kill you. peaches, or tomatoes, you should throw it out right
That would be nothing compared to the damage that
would come from eating something called mycotoxins.
Mycotoxins are poisonous substances that are pro-
duced by certain strains of mold; they can be found in
a variety of foods, and can survive almost all kinds of
food processing. There are many kinds of mycotoxins,
about 500 to be a little more specific. Perhaps the most
dangerous variety is known as aflatoxin. Aflatoxin grows
on corn and peanuts. Too much aflatoxin can cause
liver damage, cancer, DNA damage, and immune system

Not all mold is harmful and sometimes people eat

mold on purpose. Take blue cheese, for example; it’s
produced using the non-toxic blue molds penicillium
roqueforti and penicillium glaucum. These molds have
antibacterial properties that enable them to suppress
pathogens. They also break down proteins, which is
why blue cheese is so creamy and has a sharp flavor.

Just like most things on our planet, there’s more

to mold than meets the eye. Sure it can make you
sick, but it’s also the key to one of the most powerful
antibiotics of all time: penicillin.


200 201
played an integral part in human and animal evolution. FAST FACTS
If Pangea had not broken apart, you may not be here
today. Let’s assume that we survived and evolved to be Pangea was created over a timespan of a few
the people we are today. What would the Earth be like? hundred million years, during what is known as the
Permian Epoch.
First, let’s talk about where your country would be
located. Europe would be a lot closer to North America, The supercontinent included nearly every
just to the east. Asia would be up north, by Russia, and landmass on the planet, but there was another
Antarctica would remain down south. India and Aus- continent at the time. Cathaysia. This contained
tralia would be farther south, connected to Antarctica. what is now China, and was not attached to
These countries that used to have hot climates would Pangea.
now be cold, covered with snow and ice, and those
wouldn’t be the only environmental changes.

Regions in the middle of Pangea would have lush

rainforests along their borders, and as you travel If these countries didn’t get along, things could get
further inland, it would become a desert. This would ugly. How much easier would it be to start a war in
be due to Pangea’s landmass being so large. The rain another country if they were just a short drive away?
which comes from the ocean wouldn’t be able to travel Transporting weapons, people, and supplies would all
far enough inland, leaving parts of Pangea practically be faster and cheaper if certain countries were right
uninhabitable by humans and other species. The next to each other.
weather up north would be different too, with Russia
being much warmer than it is today. Or none of this would happen, and the entire world
Biggest threat: changes to the weather would be more unified than ever. With us all sharing the
Our best hope: getting along with your new neighbors The weather wouldn’t be the only thing that would same land mass, maybe we’d learn to treat each other
Worst consequence: less species diversity change. On Pangea, we might have less diversity of just a bit better than what we do now.
Best consequence: easy to travel the world species. The species at the top of the food chain today
would most likely remain there, but some of today’s
animals would not exist since they wouldn’t have a
chance to evolve. Fewer animals might make it easier Where today’s continents were positioned on Pangea


to travel, and on this modern version of Pangea you’d (artist impression)
probably want to do a lot of it. Luckily you wouldn’t
have to go far.

BROKE APART? If you lived in Florida you’d be right next to the

Caribbean islands, Venezuela, and Brazil. You could
visit all these in a single day! And if you lived in Nova
Scotia, Canada, you’d be driving distance from France,
Millions of years ago, the Earth looked very different. England, and Germany. Although this might sound like
fun, a lot of countries would have new neighbors, which
A huge landmass, called Pangea, covered about one- theory, you could drive from California to England, could cause some serious issues for some. Places like
third of our planet until about 175 million years ago, since they’d both be part of the same landmass. the United States which used to have oceans on both
when the Earth broke apart into continents and formed Although you may only think of Pangea as just another sides of the country would now have Africa on its East
the world we know today. If Pangea existed today, in piece of land, it would be much more than that. It has Coast.

202 203

What would happen if you dumped one of
the world’s coldest liquids into the boiling,
volatile mouth of a volcano?

Biggest threat: explosions

Our best hope: a vapor barrier to protect your skin
Worst consequence: triggering a strong earthquake
Best consequence: the world’s biggest science fair project

First thing’s first, if you’re planning to put your protec- know much about. It can be as cold as -346°F (-210°C), deadly brew of heated nitrogen gas floating its way up this stage, look like a crumbling black sidewalk, slowly
tive gear on and dump a bucket of liquid nitrogen into and when it warms up and becomes a gas, it expands and out of the volcano, gobbling up all of the oxygen being elevated as lava pools under it.
a volcano, you’re going to be disappointed. Before you to 175 times its volume. around it as it rises.
could even get close to the mouth of the volcano the Finally, explosions would begin. The volcano would
liquid nitrogen would evaporate due to the extreme If we want the liquid nitrogen to have a noticeable The liquid nitrogen might be able to freeze the surface erupt, sending jets of atmospheric pollutants skyward
heat, so you’d have to be a little more creative. One way impact on the volcano, we’re going to need millions of lava quickly enough to form a crust, but that still that could affect any living creature in the vicinity, or
you could do it would be to fill a bunch of cannonballs gallons of the stuff. Large masses of liquid nitrogen wouldn’t be a very exciting effect for you watching from the volcano might even explode, causing an earthquake.
with liquid nitrogen and launch them all into the can be produced commercially, and all we’d need to outside the volcano. If you were somehow able to line Essentially, you’d be creating an induced eruption. A
volcano at once. That would definitely start a reaction transport it would be vented and insulated containers up thousands of nitrogen cannons and continuously blocked vent is what causes volcanic eruptions, but
inside the volcano, but you probably wouldn’t want to to prevent pressure buildup. The really hard part would fire copious amounts of liquid nitrogen into the generally, those blocks are natural. Perhaps you should
stick around to see it. come when you’d try to put those millions of gallons of volcano, things would start to get interesting. just keep liquid nitrogen far away from volcanoes, and
liquid nitrogen into the volcano. That brings us back to put it to better uses, like culinary experiments.
Before you go mixing these two crazy things together, the cannonballs. With this amount of liquid nitrogen, more than just the
let’s get to know them a little better. On the one hand, surface lava would start to freeze, and immense pres-
you have volcanoes, which are basically giant holes The idea is that you’d fill each cannonball with liquid sure would build up underneath. Beneath the mouth
in the Earth’s crust. They’re full of boiling hot magma nitrogen and blast it into the mouth of the volcano. of the volcano, there would be miles of lava slowly EXPLORE MORE
that can erupt outward in the form of lava. On the other When the cannonball melts due to the extreme heat, it making its way to the surface. Its natural flow would be
hand, you have liquid nitrogen, the smoky-looking will release the liquid nitrogen into the magma. Once stopped by the frozen top layer. All that pressure would Instead of pouring liquid nitrogen into a volcano,
substance that most people have heard of, but don’t a few cannonballs reach the magma, there would be a need to go somewhere. The surface lava would, at could we fill a pool with it and go for a cold dip?
g Scenario #3 | Page 212

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falling out of the mix. Falling at such a high speed, you’ll FAST FACTS
start to notice things getting a little toasty as your
heart rate starts to elevate, and panic sets in. Earth’s crust is 25 miles (40km) thick. Beneath the
crust lies 1,800 miles (2,900km) of mantle, and then
You might find it getting harder to breathe. At 490 feet the Earth’s core.
(150m), your poor lungs would be getting crushed by
the constantly increasing air pressure. You might also Kola scientists expected to find a granite-basalt
encounter what cave explorers like to call “foul air”, boundary 4.35 miles (7km) down, but instead they
deadly underground pockets of carbon dioxide. And at stumbled on an area saturated with water. This was
less than 2 miles (3km) into the trip, you’re going to see a significant discovery, as it wasn’t believed that
your skin start to burn up. Literally. water could penetrate this deep into the Earth’s
dense crust.
As you continue to fall, it only gets hotter and hotter.
This is because you’re being pulled closer to the
gravitational center of Earth and its molten core, which
Site of the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia
is baking the planet from the inside out. A temperature
of 176°F (80°C) can severely burn a person’s skin in less
than a second. At this point in the hole, you’re feeling
Biggest threat: high temperatures and pressure heat of over 356°F (180°C).
Your best hope: a heat resistant pressure suit
Worst consequence: dying from the intense conditions On the bright side, you’ve probably already passed out.
Best consequence: a chance to admire a 2.7 billion-year-old rock When you fall out of a plane you can pass out from lack
of air, but wake up as oxygen becomes more available,
and catch a glimpse of the ground as you smack into
it. Down here, you’re not waking up, unless you came
prepared and wore an atmospheric diving suit to help

For 20 years, Russian scientists and engineers drilled with the increasing pressure as you fell. It’s heavy, but
deeper and deeper, hoping to uncover whatever it will help with that breathing problem.
mysteries the hole may hold, earning it the ominous


nickname of “The Well to Hell”. They began in 1971, in In 2016, Luke Aikens jumped from 25,000 feet (7,620m)
the Kola Peninsula of northwest Russia. Measuring in without a parachute and survived. Granted, he landed 378 tons. Talk about a headache. At least you could
at just over 7.5 miles (12km) deep, the Kola Superdeep in a net. If he’s allowed to have one, you can too. You admire the 2.7 billion-year-old rock.

Borehole is the deepest hole humankind has managed land in the net. And now you’ve got to get back out. In
to dig on Earth. 2018, Alex Honnold managed to scale Yosemite Na- We’re still trying to figure out the equipment require-
tional Park’s 3,000-foot (914m) El Capitan granite wall, ments for digging this deep, let alone finding someone

Team Kola had managed to break the world record for without ropes, in just under 4 hours. Granted, he wasn’t crazy enough to take the plunge. Luckily, the hole only
drilling depth, trying to get a leg up on the U.S. during wearing a huge suit like you are. This big outfit wouldn’t has a diameter of nine inches, so it’s too narrow for you
the Cold War. Eventually, they encountered tempera- help you climb, and you would need some climbing to trip into. If you did decide to dive in, you could argue
tures of 356°F (180°C), which melted their equipment. equipment, to help you get a better grip on the walls of that all it would take is for someone else to try it first,
The hole was capped in 1992, but what would happen if, the hole. and spark the desire to out-do each other. After all,
A journey toward the center of for whatever reason, you fell into this hole? that’s a primary reason the Kola hole exists in the first
the Earth isn’t for the faint of You’ll start plummeting at almost 33 feet per second
When you’re at the bottom, you’d find things are warm,
to say the least, not to mention your body would
place. Even with its record-breaking depth, the Kola
Superdeep Borehole is only a fraction of the thickness
heart. (9.8m/s), and every second after that, it gets faster if be dealing with air pressure equal to 54 elephants of the Earth’s crust, but it does make you think about
we take the resistence of the air through which you’re perched on top of your head, weighing in at a whopping what humans are capable of.

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If you happened to wander If 1 million people decided to do this, they may not
into the Nevada desert and even make it to the military base. Instead, they may
get stuck in traffic or get into an accident. So much
stumbled upon the secret U.S. for seeing any aliens, but let’s imagine that everyone
military base, Area 51, you’d somehow makes it to the front gates of the base. Now
one million people are ready to storm Area 51.
quickly be arrested or maybe
abducted by aliens. You and your friends are peaceful people, so you
wouldn’t be carrying any guns. You’re just simply
Biggest threat: armed guards running into the base. As soon as you crossed the Area
Our best hope: discovering friendly aliens 51 borders, you’d quickly be met by the base’s private
Worst consequence: humanity destroyed security. These people, also known as “camo dudes”,
Best consequence: finally finding the truth have weapons in hand and patrol the base 24/7 in white
pickup trucks. You wouldn’t be able to sneak up on any
If you haven’t heard of it before, Area 51 is a highly of these guys as they’d surely know you’re coming.
classified U.S. military base. It’s heavily rumored to
have secret military technology and perhaps aliens. For It wouldn’t just be the private security trying to stop
decades it’s been the source of conspiracy theories, you. With an event this big, the whole world would
but now, you want to see if any of these theories are know, and it would be impossible to keep it a secret.
true. It’s off-limits to visitors, so it may not be on your Area 51 is a detachment of Edwards Air Force Base,
GPS, but there are online guides you’ll need to use. which is located in southern California. Thousands of
active military members are stationed at Edwards. If you’re lucky enough not to get shot, or pepper-sprayed, technology, UFOs, or even aliens could be lurking
The closest airport is in Las Vegas. From there, you’ll You could expect to see them, along with thousands of you’d get arrested, but what if you somehow managed to about. The truth is, nobody knows for sure. Proceed
have to rent a car and drive through the southern other armed soldiers and police members. They’d have sneak past all the guards? Despite this, you still wouldn’t with caution though, as some suspect that the base is
Nevada desert for several hours. Keep in mind that their guns, tasers, tanks, and who knows what else. be at the actual Area 51 base, at least not yet. You’d heavily polluted from decades of government exper-
there are going to be 1 million other people doing the have to find it. That’s because the original Area 51 base iments. If that’s true, just being in the base without
same thing as you. Nevada’s most populated city, Las The Armed Forces would try to keep casualties at occupies a space of 60 square miles (150km2), but the proper equipment could result in you getting sick or
Vegas, has less than 800,000 people living in it, and the a minimum, but they’d still be hitting everyone with property surrounding it is 575 square miles (1,600km2). In dying.
entire state of Nevada only has about 3 million people. pepper spray and other non-lethal weapons. They’d the middle of the desert. It’s reported the base is discreet,
Adding another million people, all at once would be determined to keep what’s inside Area 51 a secret, with blacked-out windows and hardly any visible lights Storming Area 51 probably isn’t a good idea. Sorry, you
seriously damage Nevada’s infrastructure. The roads to so it’s not unlikely the camo dudes and their military from the outside. You could be walking around for hours won’t be getting a baby alien as a souvenir gift. The
get to Area 51 aren’t an 8-lane highway. Instead, they’re counterparts would open fire on the crowds — and before you found it. But once you reached Area 51, what only way you’ll probably ever be able to see aliens is if
small 2-lane roads and dirt trails. they’re authorized to use deadly force. would happen? What would you see? Crazy military they come to us.

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SARS CoV-2 belongs to the All the parts needed to create a new virus gather
family of coronaviruses, just beneath your cell’s membrane. Then, a new virus
begins to butt off from the cell’s membrane. With the
named for crownlike spikes on virus spreading in your body, you develop pneumonia
their surfaces. symptoms. Each lung has separate sections, called
lobes. Normally, as you breathe, air moves freely
through your trachea, or windpipe, then through large
SARS CoV-2 can cause COVID-19, which stands for tubes, called bronchi, through smaller tubes, called
coronavirus disease 2019, a contagious viral infection bronchioles, and finally into tiny sacs, called alveoli.
that primarily attacks your throat and lungs. Like all
viruses, the coronavirus must infect living cells in order If your immune system is weakened, like in the case
to reproduce. of coronavirus infection, the virus can overwhelm
your immune cells, and your bronchioles and alveoli
Inside the virus, genetic material contains the infor- become inflamed as your immune system attacks the
mation to make more copies of itself. A protein shell multiplying viruses.
provides a hard protective enclosure for the genetic
material as the virus travels between the people it The inflammation can cause your alveoli
infects. An outer envelope allows the virus to infect to fill with fluid, making it difficult for your
cells by merging with the cell’s outer membrane. body to get the oxygen it needs.

Projecting from the envelope are spikes of protein You could develop lobar pneumonia, where one lobe of
molecules. Both a typical influenza virus and the new your lungs is affected, or you could have bronchopneu-
coronavirus use their spikes like a key to get inside monia that affects many areas of both lungs.
a cell in your body, where it takes over its internal
machinery, repurposing it to build the components of Pneumonia may cause difficulty breathing, chest
new viruses. pain, coughing, fever, and chills, confusion, headache,
muscle pain, and fatigue. It can also lead to more
When an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes, serious complications. Respiratory failure occurs when
droplets carrying the virus may land in your mouth or your breathing becomes so difficult that you need a
nose, and then move into your lungs. Once inside your machine called a ventilator to help you breathe. These
body, the virus comes into contact with cells in your are the machines that save lives.
throat, nose, or lungs. One spike on the virus inserts
Biggest threat: infecting and killing your loved ones into a receptor molecule on your healthy cell Whether you would develop these symptoms depends
Your best hope: mild symptoms and speedy recovery membrane like a key in a lock. This action allows the on a lot of factors, such as your age and whether you
Worst consequence: lung failure and death virus to get inside your cell. already have an existing condition. Until we have a
Best consequence: developing antibodies widely available vaccine, stay home and wear a mask
The coronavirus doesn’t need to enter the host cell if you can to protect the most vulnerable, and don’t


nucleus. It can directly access parts of the host cell, forget to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds as
called ribosomes. Ribosomes use genetic information often as possible.
from the virus to make viral proteins, such as the


spikes on the virus’ surface. A packaging structure
in your cell then carries the spikes in vesicles, which
merge with your cell’s outer layer, the cell membrane.

210 211
Before we go jumping into a whole pool of it, let’s get
to know liquid nitrogen a little better. Liquid nitrogen FAST FACTS
is nonflammable, odorless, and colorless; and it
creates its notorious fog whenever it’s exposed to Nitrogen was first liquified in 1883 by Polish
room temperature air. It can be used to freeze and physicists Zygmunt Wróblewski and Karol
transport food products, to preserve sperm and eggs, Olszewski.
and to remove skin abnormalities, among other things.
Recently, its use has been embraced by the public, Although nitrogen comprises 78 percent of
with chefs and bartenders using it to create fancy ice the air we breathe it can also displace oxygen,
creams and cocktails. causing asphyxiation.

With this new fascination with liquid nitrogen and the The Leidenfrost effect occurs when a liquid, close
fact that it’s available to the public, something terrible to a surface that is significantly hotter than the
was bound to happen, and that brings us back to the liquid’s boiling point, produces an insulating vapor
liquid nitrogen pool party that we mentioned before. In layer that keeps the liquid from boiling rapidly.
an effort to create a smoke effect to impress guests, a
resort in Mexico poured 4 large cans of liquid nitrogen
into the hotel pool. It created an impressive fog, but it
also did something the organizers didn’t know about:
it displaced the oxygen poolside. And with no oxygen, every other liquid in your body would be frozen solid. If
guests couldn’t breathe. you kept your head above the surface, your body would
freeze underneath you, and you’d sink right down. On
Biggest threat: severe frostbite Luckily though, since it was just 4 cans of liquid the bright side, there probably wouldn’t be much pain
Your best hope: liquid nitrogen boiling off before touching your skin nitrogen that were added slowly, it boiled off in the involved since the nerve damage would be so severe
Best consequence: a vapor coat protecting your skin water before it made contact with anyone’s skin. How and occur so quickly.
Worst consequence: freezing to death much worse would it have been if the entire pool was
filled with pure liquid nitrogen? As terrible as this would be for a living creature, it
could actually be beneficial for a dead one. Instead of
If you were to quickly submerge your hand in liquid being buried or cremated, some people have chosen


nitrogen, it would feel frozen. But there wouldn’t be to have their bodies frozen when they die. It’s called
any frostbite or damage because of something called cryogenic freezing.
the Leidenfrost effect. Because liquid nitrogen boils


at the very low temperature of −320°F (-196°C), it
will bead up and create a layer of vapor underneath
The Leidenfrost effect in action
it when it touches any surface that’s at room tem-
perature, similar to when you drop water onto a flat
heated surface. If you dipped your hand inside liquid
Liquid nitrogen may look like a lot of fun when you’re nitrogen, a vapor barrier would immediately form that
watching people dump everyday objects into it, but it’s protected your hand from freezing, but the protective
barrier would only be temporary.
actually a very dangerous substance.
If you were planning on taking a long swim, you
Did you know that hundreds of people voluntarily end of the event, one person was in a coma, and 8 wouldn’t be coming back out. Instead, you’d get severe
jumped into a pool of liquid nitrogen? It’s true! It others had been rushed to the hospital. What is it that frostbite all over your body. Then, the cold would work
happened at a promotional pool party in 2013. By the makes this substance so dangerous? its way deeper inside you. Muscles, fat, your blood, and

212 213


It’s as strong as battery acid and can melt
steel, but it lives inside of us and helps
digest our food. This is stomach acid.

Biggest threat: acid eating away your skin

Your best hope: a protective suit and mask
Worst consequence: third-degree burns and death
Best consequence: seeing all that stomach acid

Stomach acid is compared to battery acid in terms of A stomach can produce up to 0.3 gallons (1.5 To get a sense of what this might feel like, have you As long as you wash the acid off with soap and water
the damage it can do. It can range from 1 to 3 on the liters) of stomach acid a day, so to fill up an ever had lemon juice squirted in your eye? It would be and towel off, you’ll be totally fine. If you didn’t get out
pH scale, meaning it’s extremely acidic. That’s because entire pool, we’d need the stomachs of over similar to that, as lemon juice and stomach acid have right away, the acid would slowly eat your skin. This
stomach acid’s main component is hydrochloric acid, 50,000 people. a similar pH level, but if you remember to bring your would eventually leave you covered in burns. If you
which is a highly corrosive substance. The reason it goggles and nose plugs, you’ll hopefully be able to avoid didn’t manage to cover your eyes during the swim, you’d
can live inside us is due to a special mucous membrane Let’s say we find our 50,000 volunteers to fill up this this part. slowly lose your vision and end up blind, and your nose
that lines our stomachs, but what would happen if we pool. Before you even jump into it, you’re going to notice would dissolve from the inside if the acid touched it
covered all our skin with it? the awful smell. Whenever there’s excess acid in your What’s much less avoidable is the stomach acid making long enough.
digestive tract, it can cause your breath to stink. Multiply contact with your skin. When it does, it will cause some
Before we jump into a pool full of stomach acid, we’ll that by 50,000, and you’d get an idea of how awful the mild irritation right away. Luckily, the epidermis layer If you accidentally swallow some of it, you’ll inevitably
first need to figure out just how we’d be able to fill pool would smell. You’d be surrounded by a horrible bad of your skin should be able to protect you before it vomit it back up, along with anything else you ate
up an entire pool with the stuff. Let’s assume we’re breath odor, and that’s even before you jump in. As soon starts to hurt too badly. If you jump into the pool and earlier in the day. So no, don’t try this. It’s best to leave
swimming in an average 20×20 foot (6×6m) pool that as you take the plunge, you’ll feel stinging in your eyes hop right back out, even with your skin all covered in stomach acid where it belongs, and that’s inside of us,
can hold about 12,100 gallons (55,000 liters) of liquid. and your nostrils. stomach acid, you’d be relatively okay. digesting our food.

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In 1891, reports emerged that a man had been swal- FAST FACTS
lowed by one of these whales, and although he lived
to tell the tale, he would never be the same again. Sperm whales are the largest toothed whales in
According to the story, James Bartley was swallowed the world. They also have the largest brains on
when a whale attacked his ship, and he wasn’t retrieved Earth, weighing in at 17 pounds (7.7kg), over five
until the following day. When the crew found and killed times as large as a human brain.
the whale, they quickly brought it on board their ship
and cut it open, revealing an unconscious but very alive Bowhead whales have the largest mouths of
James Bartley. any whale species.

His face and arms were bleached white, and he was There are zero confirmed instances of a whale
blind, all thanks to the stomach acids of the whale. eating a human in history.
However, as the years went by, people started poking
holes in this story, and questioned whether James
had really been swallowed by a whale. Wouldn’t the
stomach acids do more damage than just bleaching his
skin? The science suggests if you get swallowed by a until you’re just a bunch of bones being unceremoni-
whale, coming back out with shiny white skin would be ously ejected from the whale’s anus. It’s pretty safe to
the least of your worries. say that there’s no way you could be swallowed whole
Biggest threat: being swallowed by a sperm whale by a whale and live to tell the tale. Sorry, James. You
Your best hope: the whale spitting you out right away The first thing you’d have to worry about would be may have been able to fool people in the 1890s, but
Worst consequence: being dissolved by stomach acids getting shredded to pieces by the sperm whale’s we’re on to you now.
Best consequence: seeing the inside of a whale impressive set of teeth. Each tooth is approximately
8 inches (20cm) long; that’s about the length of an For as vast as they are and as monstrous as they might
average chef knife, and sperm whales have anywhere seem to us, whales actually have no interest in eating
from 40 to 50 of these. Let’s say you’re lucky enough to humans. And if they could talk, they would probably


make it past all of them. Next you’d begin your descent make a point of telling us that.
down the throat. Not only would it be dark and slimy
down there, but you’d also find it hard to breathe due to

the lack of oxygen and an increase in methane gas.

As the whale’s throat muscles constrict in and out to

help force you down, you’d also start to feel hydro-
chloric acid beginning to eat away at your skin. Next,
Close calls with whales happen more often than you you’d be dropped into the first, and largest, of the This is the most watched episode on the What If
might expect but has anyone ever been swallowed? whale’s four stomachs. You’d probably be in there for a
while, but the bright side is that you might have some
show so far. It has been watched for more than
315 million minutes (that’s a total of about 600
light in the form of a bioluminescent squid or two being years) in 5 different languges. The combination
Although many people have gotten away relatively un- tongue alone weighs as much as an elephant, and it noshed on after your arrival, since sperm whales love of a frightening situation, the various legends
scathed, there’s no denying that some were just yards can fit anywhere between 100 and 200 people in its neon flying squid. including parallels to the story of Jonah in Islam
away from becoming a whale’s lunch. If you’ve never mouth. We wouldn’t have to worry about a blue whale and the interesting facts about the anatomy of
seen a whale up close, it’s hard to comprehend just how swallowing us anytime soon, because their anatomy You’d better enjoy this brief light show, because after whales made this episode a hit for viewers across
monstrous they can really be. To put it in perspective, makes it nearly impossible. Instead, we should be more this you’d just be tossed from one stomach to the next, cultures and regions.
the blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. Its concerned with their smaller cousins, sperm whales. with the acids breaking down almost all of your body

216 217
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Everything that we know about our Universe, we know because someone asked
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