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Veride COIVD-19SClefT1setP Positive

New Dep Test

Your test has been successfully interpreted. Your result is EIlDsDV for COVID-19.

Verideb yG 2oobS2o


hnortfess oa yrectn or
biulg,tG yrectnifFm JctiFge

Test information
Nc1e New Dep Test
Dcte oa yirtn 0gfe SCm SOSS
Test tGpe I-V9D/C™ he,a/Test witn vibeo oyservctiof
Test fc1e -fA2o8 I-V9D/C™ :ftiFef he,a/Test
hc1p,e lo,,elteb 0gf O7m SOSS COMC(:E )WDTB
hc1p,e verideb 0gf O7m SOSS COMC7:E )WDTB
9ssgeb yG 2oobS2o
COOO .csnifFtof 6,vb3 Utn J,oor
Ig,ver IitGm I: ™OSxSm Rh:

Tne ofAFo8 I-V9D/C™ :ftiFef he,a/Test is c ,cterc, kow i11gfolnro1ctoFrcpnil csscG aor tne beteltiof oa
eztrclteb fgl,eolcpsib proteif cftiFefs spelidl to h:jh/IoV/S if se,a/lo,,elteb cfterior fcsc, )fcresB swcy

: positive test resg,t aor I-V9D/C™ ifbilctes tnct cftiFefs aro1 h:jh/IoV/S were beteltebm cfb tne pctieft
is verG ,i5e,G to ye ifaelteb witn tne virgs cfb presg1eb to ye loftcFiogs3 Test resg,ts snog,b c,wcGs ye
lofsibereb if tne loftezt oa l,ifilc, oyservctiofs cfb epibe1io,oFilc, bctc )sgln cs ,olc, prevc,efle rctes cfb
lgrreft ogtyrec5Aepilefter ,olctiofsB if 1c5ifF c dfc, bicFfosis cfb pctieft 1cfcFe1eft belisiofs3 Pctieft
1cfcFe1eft snog,b ao,,ow lgrreft IDI Fgibe,ifes3 :bbitiofc, lofdr1ctorG testifF witn c 1o,elg,cr test aor
positive resg,ts 1cG c,so ye felesscrGm ia tnere is c ,ow ,i5e,inoob oa I-V9D/C™m sgln cs if ifbivibgc,s witnogt
5fowf ezposgres to I-V9D/C™ or resibifF if lo11gfities witn ,ow prevc,efle oa ifaeltiof3

Tnis probglt ncs fot yeef JD: l,ecreb or cpproveb ygt ncs yeef cgtnori4eb yG JD: gfber cf W1erFeflG Rse
:gtnori4ctiof )WR:B3 Tnis probglt ncs yeef cgtnori4eb of,G aor tne beteltiof oa proteifs aro1 h:jh/IoV/Sm
fot aor cfG otner virgses or pctnoFefs3 Tne e1erFeflG gse oa tnis probglt is of,G cgtnori4eb aor tne bgrctiof
oa tne bel,crctiof tnct lirlg1stcfles ezist §gstiaGifF tne cgtnori4ctiof oa e1erFeflG gse oa if vitro bicFfostils
aor tne beteltiof cfbAor bicFfosis oa I-V9D/C™ gfber heltiof U )yB)CB oa tne Jeberc, Joobm DrgF cfb
Ios1etil :ltm SC R3h3I3 xUOyyy/x)yB)CBm gf,ess tne bel,crctiof is ter1ifctebm or cgtnori4ctiof is revo5eb
soofer3 Ini,bref cFeb Cx Gecrs o,b cfb GogfFer snog,b ye testeb yG c pcreft or ,eFc, Fgcrbicf3

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