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“When we are no longer able to change a
situation – we are challenged to change

–Viktor Frankl
What Is Logotherapy?

-Logotherapy is a therapeutic approach

that helps people find personal meaning in

life. It’s a form of psychotherapy that is

focused on the future and on our ability to
endure hardship and suffering through a
search for purpose.
Viktor Frankl was a 20th century psychiatrist
who founded the field of logotherapy. A
Holocaust survivor, he wrote the best-selling
book, Man's Search for Meaning. Viktor Frankl
is one of those human beings that managed to
grow as a person amidst some of the worst
human misery and leave in one piece. He was
an Austrian doctor and psychiatrist, born into
a middle class family in 1905. He had two
siblings, one older and one younger.
When Viktor Frankl was still just an
undergraduate student, he gave his first
conference. It was titled “The Meaning of
Life”and was taught at the Popular
University of Vienna.
From a young age he
was occupied with the questions he would
try to answer throughout his life: Why do we
exist? What is the meaning of life?

Although he was initially very interested

in psychoanalysis, in 1925 he distanced
himself from Freud. He believed its
approaches were too deterministic. He

the “individual
turned his focus to
psychology” of Alfred Adler. Afterwards,
he became interested in the theses of
Rudolf Allers and Oswald Schwarz,
founder of psychosomatic medicine.
"Man’s Search for Meaning"
Frankl argues that finding meaning in everyday
moments can enable trauma survivors to avoid the
bitterness and apathy that are so often the results of
torture, imprisonment, and prolonged trauma. He
encourages trauma sufferers to think of people they
would not want to disappoint, such as dead or distant
family members, and to reflect on how they would
like to be perceived by these loved ones. Frankl
believes meaning can be found through creativity and
work, human interaction and experience, and the
manner in which we respond to inevitable suffering.

1. The human being is an entity

consisting of body, mind, and spirit. This
first assumption deals with the body
(soma), mind (psyche), and spirit (noos).
According to Frankl, the body and mind
are what we have and the spirit is what
we are.
2. Life has meaning under all
circumstances, even the most
miserable. Assumption two is
"ultimate meaning." This is difficult
to grasp but it is something everyone
experiences and it represents an
order in a world with laws that go
beyond human laws.
3. People have a will to meaning. The
third assumption is seen as our main
motivation for living and acting. When
we see meaning, we are ready for any
type of suffering. This is considered to
be different than our will to achieve
power and pleasure.
4. People have freedom under all
circumstances to activate the will to find
meaning. Assumption four is that we are
free to activate our will to find meaning,
and this can be done under any
circumstances. This deals with change of
attitudes about unavoidable fate. Frankl
was able to test the first four assumptions
when he was confined in the concentration
5. Life has a demand quality to which
people must respond if decisions are to be
meaningful. The fifth assumption, the
meaning of the moment, is more practical
in daily living than ultimate meaning.
Unlike ultimate meaning this meaning can
be found and fulfilled. This can be done by
following the values of society or by
following the voice of our conscience.
The individual is unique. The sixth assumption
deals with one" sense of meaning. This is
enhanced by the realization that we a
1.Purposeful Work. To find the meaning of life
starts with holding a future goal. Each
individual has each own future goal to achieve
or a task to perform. That task or goal to fulfill
becomes the meaning of their life. Therefore,
meaning of life is unique to every individual.
2. Courage in the Face of
Difficulty. A meaningful life is a
life with suffering. Suffering is
inevitable part of life. To find
meaning of life is to recognize
suffering, pain, and death as
part of life and to have the
courage to face these life
Costello (2015) captured Viktor
Frankl's message: "The ultimate secret
on the spiritual foundation of life is
that love is salvation and joy eternity."
The ultimate factor to find the
meaning of life is love
How is logotherapy used

Logotherapy is used today for

a variety of purposes, including
addiction, pain and guilt,
anxiety, grief, and depression.

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