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ACCT 411

Analyzing Profitability

Return on Investment
▪ Managerial effectiveness
▪ Profitability
▪ Planning & Control

▪ Return on net operating assets
▪ Return on capital employed
ROE – Dupont Analysis
ROE = Net Income
Shareholders Equity

= NI X Sales
Sales Shareholders Equity

= NI X Sales X Assets
Sales Assets Shareholders Equity

NPM X Asset Turnover X Equity Multiplier

NPM –Operating efficiency

Asset Turnover – Asset use efficiency
Equity Multiplier – Degree of financial leverage

ROCE* = RNOA + (LEV x Spread)

* ROCE –Return on Common Equity
RNOA = Net operating profits after tax (NOPAT)/ Average net operating assets (NOA)

The denominator of the equation, net operating assets (NOA), is equal to operating
assets less operating liabilities

NOPAT = (Sales - Operating expenses) X (1- [Tax expense/Pretax profit])

Return on net operating assets = Net operating profit margin x Net operating asset turnover


Avg NOA Sales Avg NOA
ACCT 221 | Corporate Financial Reporting | Atifa Dar & Waqar
Ali | Fall 2017
RNOA = Net operating profits after tax (NOPAT)
Average net operating assets (NOA)

Net operating assets (NOA) = Operating assets - Operating liabilities.

Operating assets and liabilities are those necessary to conduct the company’s business

Operating assets include cash, accounts receivable, inventories, prepaid expenses, deferred tax assets,
property, plant, and equipment (PPE), and long-term investments related to strategic acquisitions (such
as equity method investments, goodwill, and acquired intangible assets).

Operating liabilities include accounts payable and accrued expenses, and long term operating liabilities,
such as pensions and other postretirement (OPEB) liabilities and deferred income tax liabilities.

ROCE = RNOA + (LEV x Spread)

Term Definition
LEV (financial leverage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average NFO/Average equity
NFO (net financial obligations) . . . . . . . . . . . Interest-bearing liabilities less marketable securities
and other nonoperating assets (or NOA Equity)
Spread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RNOA–NFR
NFR (net financial rate). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NFE/Average NFO
NFE (net financial expense). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interest expense less investment returns from
nonoperating assets
Growth Rates

Equity growth rate = Net income - Preferred dividends - Common dividends

Average Common Equity

Sustainable equity growth rate = ROCE x (1 - Payout rate)

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