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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2016; 61:(1 Suppl): 95–106

doi: 10.1111/adj.12401

Management of incompletely developed teeth requiring

root canal treatment
SC Harlamb*
*Specialist Endodontist, Private Practice, Burwood, New South Wales, Australia.

Endodontic management of the permanent immature tooth continues to be a challenge for both clinicians and research-
ers. Clinical concerns are primarily related to achieving adequate levels of disinfection as ‘aggressive’ instrumentation is
contraindicated and hence there exists a much greater reliance on endodontic irrigants and medicaments. The open apex
has also presented obturation difficulties, notably in controlling length. Long-term apexification procedures with calcium
hydroxide have proven to be successful in retaining many of these immature infected teeth but due to their thin dentinal
walls and perceived problems associated with long-term placement of calcium hydroxide, they have been found to be
prone to cervical fracture and subsequent tooth loss. In recent years there has developed an increasing interest in the
possibility of ‘regenerating’ pulp tissue in an infected immature tooth. It is apparent that although the philosophy and
hope of ‘regeneration’ is commendable, recent histologic studies appear to suggest that the calcified material deposited
on the canal wall is bone/cementum rather than dentine, hence the absence of pulp tissue with or without an odontoblast
Keywords: Apexification, immature teeth, regenerative endodontic procedure, root canal, trauma.
Abbreviations and acronyms: CEJ = cemento-enamel junction; CMCP = camphorated para-chlorphenol; HERS = Hertwig’s Epithelial
Root Sheath; IADT = International Association of Dental Traumatology; MTA = mineral trioxide aggregate; PDL = periodontal liga-
ment; PLP = plasma-rich plasma; REP = regenerative endodontic procedures; SCAP = stem cells from the apical papilla; TAP = triple
antibiotic paste.

niques, follow-up and outcomes. Rafter’s review in

2005 was an excellent example and even included the
The incompletely developed permanent tooth, follow- then exciting, relatively new material known as mineral
ing a traumatic injury, provides the clinician with trioxide aggregate (MTA).2 In 2015, however, prepar-
diagnostic and clinical challenges. Endodontic treat- ing such a paper is not so straightforward. Despite
ment, if indicated, poses instrumentation and obtura- Nygaard-Østby’s3 work in the 1960s, which showed
tion issues due to the wide canal and thin dentinal the possibility of the growth of connective tissue into
walls, and as such the decision to commit the tooth to the pulp space following formation of a blood clot, the
endodontic treatment should be based on definitive concept of ‘pulp regeneration’ remained relatively quiet
findings and sound biological principles. Studies have (and ignored) until the turn of the century. Since then,
shown that the endodontically treated immature tooth there have been an abundance of case series and reports
is more prone to fracture1 than its fully developed with at least 35 papers4 dealing with pulp ‘regeneration’
root filled counterpart, and as such there is presently published between 2007 and 2013, reflecting a mounting
an abundance of researchers exploring the notion of interest in the possibility of continued root development
continued root development of the immature tooth in the infected immature tooth.
with a necrotic and infected pulp. This review will explore the impact of trauma on
Until recently, when asked to present a review on the immature tooth, as well as endodontic treatment
the endodontic management of the immature tooth, options such as pulpotomy and apexification and the
the author would discuss and describe techniques such roles of calcium hydroxide and MTA. ‘Regenerative’
as conservative pulp therapy (apexogenesis) or apexifi- procedures will also be discussed and the current
cation. There would be an outline of indications, tech- treatment protocol outlined.

© 2016 Australian Dental Association 95

SC Harlamb

Although an immature tooth may require endodon- width, hence ensuring easier implant placement once
tic intervention due to caries or congenital anomalies the child has fully developed.9 Malmgren and co-
such as dens invaginatus, it is important to note this workers10 in 1984 introduced decoronation as a
review will deal with the endodontic management of treatment alternative to extraction of the ankylosed
the trauma-afflicted immature permanent tooth. tooth – they argued that removal of the ankylosed
tooth would lead to severe bone loss, thereby com-
promising implant placement. The technique
Trauma and the incompletely developed tooth
involved removal of the crown at the cemento-
Studies have revealed that 30% of children are enamel junction (CEJ), encouraging bone deposition
affected by a traumatic dental injury, with the major- over the resorbing root. The authors argued that
ity occurring before complete formation of the root.5 such a technique ‘supports the indication for replan-
Prior to commencement of endodontic treatment, tation of avulsed teeth in children even when the
careful assessment, both clinical and radiographic, is extra-alveolar conditions indicate that healing might
essential. The clinician should be mindful that, if pos- be compromised by ankylosis’.6,11
sible, every attempt should be made to preserve pulp The recently revised International Association of
integrity in the incompletely developed mature tooth. Dental Traumatology Dental Trauma Guidelines11
As such, the type of trauma the permanent imma- confirm the prognosis for such teeth is poor with
ture tooth has been subjected to plays an essential role resorption and ankylosis to be expected. However,
in formulating a treatment plan. Avulsion injuries, replantation is recommended (delayed replantation)
fractures and luxation injuries all have vastly differing ‘for aesthetic, functional and psychological reasons
impacts on both the pulp and periodontal ligament and to maintain alveolar contour’.11
(PDL), and subsequently need to be individually
considered. Extraoral dry time LESS than 60 minutes
If stored ideally (physiological storage media such as
milk, saline, saliva or HBSS) or extraoral dry time of
Avulsion injuries and the immature tooth
less than 60 minutes, it is generally accepted that pulp
The majority of avulsion injuries occur between the revascularization and continued root development is
ages of 8 to 12 years.6 Following an avulsion injury, possible. Andreasen et al., in their seminal 1995 series
severe damage is inflicted upon both the pulp and of papers12 examined the pulp and periodontal
periodontal attachment. As a result of the tooth being responses of 400 replanted incisors – which included
separated from its socket, viable PDL cells are present 28 teeth with incompletely developed roots. In 34%
on both the root surface as well as the socket wall. of the immature teeth, following replantation, sponta-
Therefore, the timing of replantation of the avulsed neous revascularization occurred, a finding consistent
tooth is critical. The avulsed immature permanent with a study13 10 years earlier. The authors hypothe-
tooth has the added complications of its shortened sized that Hertwig’s Epithelial Root Sheath (HERS)
root and thin walls, and the impact these will have on ‘can tolerate the trauma of avulsion and replantation
its long-term prognosis. The time that an avulsed plus damage due to extra-alveolar storage’.12,14
tooth is out of its socket7 is critical and therefore Therefore, as opposed to the replanted fully
should be considered as follows: matured tooth, endodontic treatment for the imma-
ture replanted tooth should be initially avoided – any
Extraoral dry time MORE than 60 minutes opportunity for continued root growth in these cases
Following an avulsion injury, a tooth with a dry time will be lost if endodontic treatment is initiated.14
in excess of 1 hour will have virtually no viable PDL Follow-up and review is critical – it is recommended
cells on its root surface.8 It has been concluded that that the patient be reviewed at 4 weeks, 3 months, 6
the ‘60-minute mark’ of dry time is the critical point months, 1 year and yearly15 thereafter for pulp sensi-
at which PDL cell damage occurred. At 2 hours, there bility testing and clinical and radiographic examina-
were no viable cells present on the root surfaces.8 tion. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been found to be
As a result, the management of the avulsed immature extremely reliable in assessing pulp status, even in
tooth with a dry time in excess of 1 hour is complex – immature teeth.16 The clinician should be aware of
to replant or not? Some argue that the prognosis for any radiographic changes such as apical ‘breakdown’
such teeth is so poor that replantation will lead to or root resorption, as well as clinical findings such as
probable replacement resorption and ankylosis with all tenderness to percussion and palpation. However, the
the well-known complications (difficulties with extrac- decision to commence endodontic treatment must be
tion, impact on marginal bone, etc.)6 ensuing. based on a ‘holistic’ approach, ensuring all the clinical
Conversely, others argue that replantation will and radiographic findings have been considered and
allow for maintenance of both the alveolar height and accurately interpreted.
96 © 2016 Australian Dental Association
Management of incompletely developed teeth

Luxation injuries and the immature tooth hypothesized a reason for the more favourable out-
come is the ‘softer’ bone, thereby ensuring the impact
Luxation injuries are the most prevalent of all trau-
of the intrusion on the PDL to be significantly less in
matic dental injuries, comprising 15–61%.17 Five
the growing patient.22
types of luxation injuries have been identified: concus-
The challenge associated with intrusive luxation has
sion, subluxation, extrusive luxation, lateral luxation
for many years been its clinical management. Three
and intrusive luxation. In teeth with closed apices,
options are available to the clinician in the manage-
studies have consistently confirmed that the more sev-
ment of the intruded tooth: (1) await spontaneous
ere the luxation injury, the greater the prevalence of
re-eruption; (2) immediate surgical reduction and
pulp necrosis. For example, 3% of teeth with a con-
fixation; or (3) orthodontic repositioning.23
cussion type injury exhibited pulp necrosis while 85%
Until recently,24 the management of intrusive luxa-
of intrusively luxated teeth had necrotic pulps.18
tion injuries received very little attention in the litera-
Immature teeth are less likely to develop pulp
ture,23 primarily due to it being a rare dental injury
necrosis following a luxation injury – according to
(0.5% to 1%).25 However, Andreasen et al. in 200626
Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen,18 only 8% of
have provided specific guidelines as to management of
immature luxated teeth exhibited pulp necrosis over a
the intrusively luxated tooth – the stage of root for-
10-year period, as opposed to 38% of luxated teeth
mation and the age of the patient greatly assist the
with closed apices while root development was the
clinician in the decision-making process. The authors
only significant factor in predicting healing following
concluded that allowing the permanent immature
a luxation injury.18 It was also found that the wider
tooth to spontaneously re-erupt is the treatment of
the diameter of the apical foramen, the higher the
choice, so long as the tooth is not completely embed-
probability of pulp survival.19 Researchers have sur-
ded. If no crown is visible, then the incisal edge
mised that the greater the width of the apical fora-
should be surgically exposed and the crown loosened
men, the easier it is for revascularization to occur.19
slightly with forceps to facilitate re-eruption, which
Additionally, the type of luxation injury an immature
can take up to 6 months (the authors reported a range
tooth is subjected to does not have the same impact
of 2 to 14 months).24
on pulp necrosis developing when compared to the
Figures 1 to 3 illustrate an example of spontaneous
closed apex tooth.
re-eruption of an intrusively luxated open apex tooth
Therefore, it is imperative to carry out all appropri-
21 in a 10-year-old patient. The patient was monitored
ate testing prior to commencement of endodontic
for 7 months with continued evidence of re-eruption.
treatment for the luxated immature tooth. The clini-
Endodontic treatment was eventually deemed necessary
cian should be mindful that colour change, a negative
for the intrusively luxated tooth 21 because the root
response to pulp sensibility testing and indeed a radio-
canal system had become infected, and this was com-
graphic apical radiolucency can all be followed by
menced following complete eruption of the tooth.23
pulp repair, especially given the immature tooth’s
If the clinician decides to allow for re-eruption, a
propensity for pulp revascularization. Andreasen20 has
follow-up and review plan must be formulated with
concluded that tenderness to percussion is the only
the patient and parent/carer. The author recommends
clinical sign which can be consistently relied upon as
review at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks initially. At each
an indicator of pulp necrosis and infection.
appointment, mobility and percussion testing should
be carried out as well as pulp sensibility tests, prefer-
Management of the intrusively luxated immature tooth ably with CO2.23 Guidelines currently advise radio-
Intrusive luxation, the displacement of a tooth (along graphs to be taken at 2–3 weeks, 6–8 weeks, 1 year
its long axis) into the alveolar socket, is considered and 5, 10 and 15 years.11
the most severe of all the luxation injuries.21 An asso- During the observation period it is imperative to
ciated fracture of the alveolar socket is also commonly note any signs of pulp necrosis and infection, and
seen. Studies have shown that the survival of intru- inflammatory root resorption – endodontic treatment
sively luxated teeth (whether fully developed or not) will then need to be commenced as soon as practical
range from 69% to 95%.21 Irrespective of root devel- but as per other luxation injuries and the immature
opment, 30% of all intruded teeth are lost after 15 tooth, endodontic treatment should only be initiated
years.22 if absolutely indicated.
Following intrusive luxation, the stage of root A common concern for the clinician is if the
development plays a major role in determining the intruded tooth is not showing any signs of re-eruption
potential outcome of pulp necrosis, root resorption or the possibility of ankylosis. It is recommended that
and loss of marginal bone. Complications have been if there is no indication of re-eruption after one
found to be significantly less in the immature tooth month then the crown should be loosened with for-
following intrusive luxation – researchers have ceps and the tooth orthodontically repositioned.21
© 2016 Australian Dental Association 97
SC Harlamb

Fig. 3 Fourteen months post-trauma with associated periapical healing

of tooth 21. (Reproduced from Harlamb SC, Messer HH. Endodontic
Fig. 1 Intrusive luxation of immature tooth 21 of approximately management of a rare combination (intrusion and avulsion) of dental
2–3 mm with crown clinically visible. (Reproduced from Harlamb SC, trauma. Dent Traumatol 1997;1:42-46, courtesy John Wiley and Sons.)
Messer HH. Endodontic management of a rare combination (intrusion
and avulsion) of dental trauma. Dent Traumatol 1997;1:42-46, courtesy
John Wiley and Sons.) widened canal and open apex should allow for pulp
healing, the clinician should be mindful that endodon-
tic treatment is commonly indicated for the intrusively
luxated tooth.

The crown fractured immature tooth

The management of a pulp exposure of an immature
tooth following crown fracture (complicated crown
fracture) has long been recommended to be conserva-
tive in nature. Cvek27 has stated that ‘the exposed
vital pulp should be maintained in young teeth with
incomplete root formation’ and that premature
removal of the pulp deprives the tooth of adequate
root development.
In a clinical study where patients aged 7 to 16 were
examined over 12 hours following a complicated
crown fracture, the primary pulp response observed
was hyperplastic in nature28 whereas following a
mechanically induced pulp exposure, researchers
Fig. 2 Seven months post-trauma with clinically acceptable re-eruption found no evidence of necrosis, other than a superficial
of tooth 21. Note the apical radiolucency and tooth was non-responsive inflammatory response of no more than 2 mm.29
to CO2 testing. (Reproduced from Harlamb SC, Messer HH. Endodontic
management of a rare combination (intrusion and avulsion) of dental
These findings served as the basis for the development
trauma. Dent Traumatol 1997;1:42-46, courtesy John Wiley and Sons.) of the Cvek partial pulpotomy, a technique designed
to maintain the integrity of the pulp by surgically
removing the coronal portion of the pulp, thereby
In conclusion, current guidelines stipulate that if a ensuring continued root development in the immature
tooth with incomplete root formation is intrusively tooth.
luxated then the clinician should expect a favourable Calcium hydroxide was the material of choice pro-
response with spontaneous re-eruption. Although the posed by Cvek – he recommended cutting a cavity
98 © 2016 Australian Dental Association
Management of incompletely developed teeth

approximately 2 mm below the site of the pulp expo- remains uncertain. However, it is generally accepted
sure, establishing haemostasis and then covering the that the apical placement of calcium hydroxide within
wound with calcium hydroxide to promote hard tissue the root canal of a tooth with an open apex elicits a
formation. MTA has recently been proposed as an response similar to when it comes into contact with
alternative material to calcium hydroxide in partial coronal pulp tissue. Rather than dentine being formed
pulpotomy cases, the main advantages being that however, ‘reparative or cementum-like’ hard tissue
complete haemostasis need not be achieved as MTA has been identified.35
requires fluid to be present to set and that once set, Frank first described the calcium hydroxide apexifi-
MTA acts as a barrier against bacteria penetration.30 cation technique36 in 1966 following Kaiser’s37 pre-
Both calcium hydroxide and MTA will be discussed sentation 2 years earlier which combined calcium
in detail below. hydroxide with camphorated para-chlorphenol
(CMCP). Frank advocated the placement of calcium
hydroxide with CMCP, with the calcium hydroxide to
be replaced every 3 months until an apical barrier
The American Association of Endodontists defines was formed which could take up to 24 months.
apexification as ‘a method to induce a calcified barrier The calcium hydroxide apexification technique is
in a root with an open apex or the continued apical simple. Once working length is established radio-
development of an incompletely formed root in teeth graphically, light filing is advocated with copious irri-
with necrotic pulps’.31 Endodontic management of an gation using 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)33 to
immature tooth is justifiably described as challenging facilitate the removal of necrotic pulp tissue. Sterile
for three fundamental reasons:7 paper points must be used to dry the canal followed
(1) The open apex creates a difficult environment for by placement of calcium hydroxide, which can be
controlling the root canal filling material to be mixed with saline, sterile or distilled water.2 Pulp-
used. dentâ – calcium hydroxide mixed with methylcellu-
(2) Due to the width of the canal and the thin root lose – has been proposed by Heithersay38 and
dentine walls, it can be extremely difficult to ade- Feiglin.39 An adequate interappointment temporary
quately ‘clean’ the canal, as an aggressive instru- restoration is a critical, yet often overlooked, step in
mentation approach is contraindicated. the apexification procedure, as it is essential the
(3) The remaining canal walls are inevitably quite medicament remains within the canal without any
thin and therefore there exists a high degree of possibility of bacterial ingress.41
possibility of root fracture. Abbott41 has recommended replacement of the cal-
Two types of apexification procedures have been cium hydroxide every 2 to 3 months, usually over 5
described: calcium hydroxide (multiple visit) apexifica- to 6 appointments. A single application of calcium
tion and MTA apical barrier (single visit) hydroxide may lead to the medicament ‘washing out’,
apexification. hence the possibility of delayed healing (Fig. 4).41 The
apical barrier, Abbott also argues, can only be accu-
rately assessed clinically – ‘tapping’ a sterile paper
Calcium hydroxide (multiple visit) apexification
point apically provides the clinician with an idea of
Calcium hydroxide has played an integral role in den- the integrity of the barrier. If blood or exudate are
tistry since first described by Hermann32 in 1930 as a detected, then the calcium hydroxide needs to be
pulp capping agent. Since then numerous studies have replenished and further assessment indicated. Radio-
been carried out confirming its bactericidal efficacy graphs alone are not an accurate indicator of barrier
and in turn its ability to promote healing and the for- formation.41
mation of a hard tissue barrier. These effects are Chawla42 has suggested that calcium hydroxide
directly related to calcium hydroxide’s alkaline pH of needs to be placed only once as the author states there
12.5, which enables it to cause localized tissue necro- is no benefit in multiple applications of the medica-
sis, allowing inflammatory cells to migrate to the area, ment. However, this approach generally leads to
thereby pre-empting wound healing. It has also been much longer treatment times and it is not possible to
found that 99.9% of common bacterial flora within ascertain when the root filling can be done.
an infected root canal system are killed when they Once the clinician is satisfied with apical barrier
come into contact with calcium hydroxide.33 Calcium integrity, calcium hydroxide should be placed one
hydroxide also has the ability to dissolve necrotic pulp final time and left in situ for a further 3 months – the
tissue,34 which therefore allows the clinician to mini- canal can then be obturated, usually with a heat soft-
mize filing (see below). ened gutta-percha technique.
Calcium hydroxide’s ability to promote a hard tis- As apexification with calcium hydroxide is the most
sue barrier (i.e. whether it has osteogenic properties) established of all the techniques, its long-term success
© 2016 Australian Dental Association 99
SC Harlamb

Therefore, although some disadvantages do exist

with the multiple visit calcium hydroxide apexification
technique, the clinician should bear in mind it is, to
date, a technique which has been scrutinized and
assessed for many years. It is a reliable and simple
technique to carry out and therefore should not be
readily dismissed as newer materials or techniques are
proposed – the clinician should continue to consider
and offer it as a treatment option.

MTA apical barrier (single visit) apexification

MTA was initially proposed as an ‘apical plug’ in
apexification cases in 1999.48 The authors at the time
suggested that following 1 week with calcium hydrox-
ide dressing, 3–4 mm of MTA be placed apically with
pluggers and paper points. Over the ensuing years the
technique has evolved into a single visit treatment. As
will be shown, subsequent studies have shown very
little difference in success rates between the single visit
and multiple visit techniques.
Fig. 4 Calcium hydroxide ‘washed out’ in the apical half of the canal of MTA is composed of calcium silicate, bismuth
tooth 11 after 3 months – it has therefore been recommended calcium
hydroxide be replaced at 3 monthly intervals in apexification cases. oxide, calcium carbonate, calcium aluminate and cal-
(Reproduced from Abbott PV. Apexification with calcium hydroxide – cium sulfate, and when mixed with water or saline is
when should the dressing be changed? Aust Endod J 1998;24:27-32, made up of 33% calcium, 49% phosphate, 2% car-
courtesy John Wiley and Sons.)
bon, 3% chloride and 6% silica.49 MTA takes up to
3 hours to set, has excellent sealing properties, is bio-
rates are well documented. Ballesio et al.43 reported compatible and has the ability to set in a moist envi-
success rates of up to 90% with a follow-up of 7 to ronment.50 Additionally, when set MTA comes into
13 years, while Heithersay38 and Cvek44 reported suc- contact with fluid, calcium hydroxide is released.
cess rates above 95%. Cvek observed no difference in Friedland and Rosado51 deduced that this was the
periapical healing between calcium hydroxide treated reason that MTA formed a hard tissue barrier similar
mature and immature teeth after 4 years.1 to calcium hydroxide. As a result, MTA has been pro-
Equally, disadvantages have been identified with the posed as an excellent material in apexification cases.
calcium hydroxide apexification method. Multiple The MTA apexification technique is more challeng-
appointments for replenishment of calcium hydroxide ing than the calcium hydroxide technique previously
do pose problems for the clinician. Managing a child described. Following light filing and copious irrigation
over numerous appointments can be challenging while with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA, the
the literature is replete with evidence that children canal is dried with sterile paper points.
may be traumatized in an ever-increasing manner The MTA, once mixed to the correct consistency,
when subjected to multiple appointments.45 can be dispensed on an MTA ‘block’ (Fig. 4) and the
Apexification does not promote continued root material placed into the middle to apical third of the
development while calcium hydroxide has been shown canal with a Half Hollenbach instrument (Fig. 5). The
to cause dentine brittleness via its proteolytic and MTA can then be compacted to the correct working
hygroscopic properties.46 Andreasen et al.47 reported length with large paper points or loose fitting pluggers
that long-term calcium hydroxide dressings could (pre-measured). It is advisable to place a moist cotton
increase the risk of root fracture, hypothesizing that pellet against the MTA which should be left in situ
the high pH produced by the hydroxyl ions have a for at least 6 hours.7 Advocates of the MTA single
detrimental effect on the organic support (denatura- visit technique place a bonded composite resin mate-
tion and dissolution of protein) of dentine. Cvek rial directly over the MTA, filling both the canal and
reported a high incidence of fracture (specifically at access opening.50 However, such an extensive restora-
the cervical portion of the root) in the immature tooth tion would likely render the tooth impossible to
following long-term calcium hydroxide applications. retreat.
In teeth with very early root development, a fracture There is no doubt that MTA offers many advan-
rate of 77% in 26 teeth was observed which fell to tages when utilized in apexification procedures. How-
2% in 362 mature teeth.1 ever, it does have poor handling characteristics, being
100 © 2016 Australian Dental Association
Management of incompletely developed teeth

structure and thin dentinal walls continue to be a clin-

ical concern. Ongoing research appears to indicate
that resin-bonded restorations within the canal and
beyond the CEJ do act to reinforce these fracture
prone teeth.52

Regenerative endodontic procedures and the

incompletely developed tooth – where are we?
The disadvantages associated with apexification dis-
cussed above have led, over the past 10 to 15 years,
to increasing interest in the possibility of regenerating
Fig. 5 MTA is placed into the ‘slots’ of the MTA block.
pulp tissue in the immature tooth with an infected
necrotic pulp, thereby allowing for continued root
development. This ‘new frontier’ of regenerative
endodontics has been met with either extreme enthusi-
asm4,53 or scepticism.54,55 There also appears to be a
distinct lack of consensus regarding a ‘title’. At last
count, the author has identified at least 7 descriptors:
pulp regeneration;53 pulp revascularization;56 maturo-
genesis;57 pulp revitalization;58 pulp replacement;59
pulp repair;60 or most recently regenerative endodontic
procedures (REPs).4 A factor in this lack of consensus is
that there is little agreement as to what is actually being
regenerated and the impact that this ‘tissue’ has (and
will have) on the remaining tooth structure.54
Nygaard-Østby3 in 1961 found that following the
creation of a blood clot in an infected root canal, tis-
sue ingrowth was established. It was, however, not
Fig. 6 MTA is placed on a Half Hollenbach to allow for ease of place-
ment into the canal.
pulp in origin, rather it was consistent with fibrous
connective tissue and cementum. As previously stated,
the concept of ‘pulp regeneration’ remained relatively
heavily reliant on correct mixing techniques and its quiet until recently, followed by ongoing hysteria
long setting time is a concern in the single visit tech- amongst researchers – multiple papers (152 case
nique as the clinician is unable to observe whether the reports and case series)4 dealing with pulp ‘regenera-
material has set. Control of placement of MTA is dif- tion’ have been published, with claims that with pulp
ficult while both grey and white MTA have been regeneration, a paradigm shift in the management of
found to discolour teeth. Another limitation with the infected immature tooth has been created.53
MTA is the difficulty the clinician is faced with if it REPs are defined as ‘biologically based procedures
needs to be removed. designed to replace damaged structures, including
Witherspoon et al.,50 in a retrospective study, anal- dentine and root structures, as well as cells of the
ysed the success rates of 144 immature teeth which pulp-dentine complex’.4 Mesenchymal stem cells were
were treated with an MTA apical plug over one identified within the apical papilla of immature
(92/144) or two visits (52/144). The group in the two- teeth61 and have subsequently been coined ‘stem cells
visit category had calcium hydroxide placed for 3 from the apical papilla’ (SCAP), which in turn have
weeks prior to the MTA plug being placed. Both been found to differentiate into odontoblast-like cells
groups achieved high success rates of over 90% fol- (in vitro).61 Therefore, the hypothesis of the REP is
lowing recall of at least 12 months However, with that undifferentiated cells within the apical papilla of
only 39.7% of the two-visit group being recalled as an immature tooth can be stimulated to assist in the
opposed to 60.3% of the single visit group, it is diffi- further development of the root and that for the pro-
cult to conclude much more than both techniques cedure to succeed, all bacteria must have been elimi-
worked well in the short-term period. nated, a scaffold is established apically to allow for
As can be seen, apexification procedures over the ingrowth of new tissue and that a barrier and restora-
years have been successful in retaining the trauma- tion ensures no bacterial recontamination.62
tized immature tooth. However, regardless of the Being an immature tooth, it was recommended that
technique or material employed the remaining tooth virtually no mechanical instrumentation be carried
© 2016 Australian Dental Association 101
SC Harlamb

out and as such research was conducted to identify a (2) Anaesthesia with 3% mepivacaine without vaso-
new ‘disinfection medicament’ which could effectively constrictor.
disinfect the canal and have no deleterious effect on (3) Rubber dam isolation.
the root dentine or any undifferentiated cells in the (4) Copious, gentle irrigation with 20 ml of 17%
apical region. Hoshino et al.63 found the combination EDTA.
of ciprofloxacin 200 mg, metronidazole 500 mg and (5) Dry with paper points.
minocycline 100 mg to be effective in eliminating bac- (6) Create bleeding into the root canal system by
teria from infected dentine – the combination has over-instrumenting (induce by rotating a pre-
become known as ‘triple antibiotic paste’ (TAP). curved K-file at 2 mm past the apical foramen
For cells and vasculature to proliferate in any regen- with the goal of having the entire canal filled
erative procedure, a ‘scaffold’ is required – in the with blood to the level of the CEJ).
immature tooth researchers have found that the cre- (7) Stop bleeding at a level that allows for 3–4 mm
ation of a blood clot serves as a scaffold which then of restorative material.
allows for stimulation of cell growth as well as possi- (8) Place white MTA as the capping material. MTA
ble odontoblast-like cells forming.64 As it is impera- has been associated with discolouration. Alterna-
tive that the clot/scaffold remain free of bacterial tives to MTA (such as resin-modified glass iono-
contamination, a barrier needs to be placed and MTA mer or bioceramics) should be considered in
has been found to be the most reliable material for teeth where there is an aesthetic concern.
this. (9) A 3–4 mm layer of GIC is flowed gently over the
As previously mentioned, interest was renewed with capping material.
REPs following two case reports published in 200165
and 2004,66 the former providing the basis for the
recommended protocol of REPs. Below is a summary
of the most recently revised clinical recommendations (1) Clinical and radiographic exam:
for REP proposed by the American Association of o No pain, soft tissue swelling or sinus tract
Endodontists:67 (healing is often observed between the first
and second appointments).
o Resolution of the periapical radiolucency
First appointment
(often observed 6–12 months after treatment).
(1) Local anaesthesia, dental dam isolation and o Increased width of the root walls and length
access. of the root.
(2) Copious, gentle irrigation with 20 ml 1.5% o Positive pulp sensibility test response (not
NaOCl using an irrigation system that minimizes always present).
the possibility of extrusion of irrigants into the As can be seen, the REP technique is not a simple
periapical space. one and a clear understanding of each of the clinical
(3) Dry canals with paper points. steps is imperative. The intention of this review is nei-
(4) Place calcium hydroxide or low concentration of ther to dismiss nor advocate a particular procedure
triple antibiotic paste. If the triple antibiotic and this has been the rationale for providing the cur-
paste is used: (a) consider placing a dentine rent67 REP treatment protocol. However, the clinician
bonding agent in the pulp chamber [to minimize should be aware of the pitfalls and disadvantages of a
risk of staining]; and (b) mix 1:1:1 ciprofloxacin: relatively new technique that lacks high levels of evi-
metronidazole:minocycline to a final concentra- dence and is largely based on case reports.
tion of 0.1 mg/ml.
(5) If triple antibiotic paste is used, ensure that it
Identified problems with REPs
remains below the CEJ.
(6) Place 3–4 mm of a temporary restorative mate- It is important to note that the outcomes of REPs are
rial such as Cavit, IRM, GIC or another tempo- to date based on case studies alone. These case studies
rary material. Dismiss patient for 1–4 weeks ‘lack the use of a standardised treatment protocol and
include a broad range of differences in the aetiology
of treated disease, chemo-mechanical debridement reg-
Second appointment (1–4 weeks after first visit)
imen, number of visits and intra-canal medicament’.4
(1) Assess response to initial treatment. If there are Indeed, many of these case studies involve no more
signs/symptoms of persistent infection, consider than one or two teeth and the lack of consistency as
additional treatment time with the antimicrobial, to the aetiology (trauma, caries, dens evaginatus, etc.)
or an alternative antimicrobial, intracanal makes it extremely difficult to draw any conclusions
dressing. about the outcomes, as the impact on HERS in partic-
102 © 2016 Australian Dental Association
Management of incompletely developed teeth

ular varies greatly from one case to another. Case Subsequent to this study, in a pilot study using fer-
studies are unreliable in determining success and fail- rets, histologic examination has been carried out on
ure outcomes68 with the Centre for Evidence Based the type of tissue formed following blood clot creation
Medicine at Oxford University ranking case studies as and the use of PRP as a scaffold.59 The authors
the lowest form of evidence-based studies (Level 5).68 found, histologically, in both groups an ‘ingrowth of
Minocycline (a component in the TAP) and MTA bonelike tissue from the apical region extending to
have been identified as possible causes of discoloura- the coronal third of the root’.59 Connective tissue was
tion of a tooth following an REP and patients should also identified in the pulp space in association with
be warned of the possibility of this occurring. In a fibroblasts and blood vessels. Interestingly, the authors
recent article,69 10 of 16 teeth treated without the concluded that the thickening of the root was essen-
minocycline component in the TAP (substituted with tially due to the presence of bone and cementum
amoxicillin) were found to have discoloured and the rather than dentine. Therefore, if this is the case, the
authors concluded that the use of grey and white claimed advantage of increased resistance to fracture
MTA was the cause. Internal bleaching may be following a REP comes into question. As previously
required but this may not be feasible if MTA has been mentioned, a long-held cited disadvantage associated
placed within the pulp chamber due to the difficulties with apexification has been increased susceptibility to
associated with its removal. It is interesting to note fracture due to cessation of dentine deposition in the
that as a result of this complication, a technique with- cervical one third of the root. As histological studies
out the use of the TAP has been suggested.70 are continuing to show no evidence of dentine deposi-
In an editorial, Nair55 argued that proponents of tion following a REP (especially in the coronal third
regenerative endodontics have not yet seen the ‘ele- of the root), one needs to question if there is any dif-
phant in the room’, namely, that to date there has ference in the long term with respect to fracture resis-
been no evidence of an acceptable pulp-odontoblast- tance in either treatment scenario. Long-term
dentine complex in these infected cases, and it is prospective clinical studies are indicated prior to these
indeed the presence of infection which is precluding claims continuing to be made.
that outcome, primarily caused by continued chal- Authors of a recent histological study73 reported
lenges in dealing with residual biofilms in all aspects that following bone ingrowth into the pulp space (a
of endodontics. He states that research should be now known phenomenon following REPs), replace-
focused on ‘generative’ dentistry and likens it to ment resorption, as a result of fusion between the
demolishing an old decrepit house and rebuilding it bone and the canal wall, was identified due to the
according to its original design, rather than retaining absence of the protective qualities of the PDL against
it by carrying out a ‘soft’ renovation.55 resorption. Replacement resorption could therefore be
The creation of the blood clot has also been a long-term outcome of REPs.
reported during the second stage to have been met Recent case reports74 continue to claim evidence of
with difficulty. Kahler et al.,69 despite using an an increase in root length and thickness following a
anaesthetic without a vasoconstrictor, could not ini- REP. However, the lack of radiographic standardiza-
tiate bleeding in some of their cases. They also tion renders the findings impossible to draw any
reported that even if bleeding was initiated, the definitive conclusions other than subjective interpreta-
amount of blood required for clot formation was tion (which is consistently reported positively4).
insubstantial. Another report, where a vasoconstric- Indeed, the case cited74 presents three radiographic
tor was used, failed to cause bleeding in 4 of 12 images (preoperative, 6 months and 1 year) with three
teeth.71 As a result of this possible complication, the different angulations. Research is also lacking as to
use of a plasma-rich plasma (PRP) scaffold has been the true long-term impact of these ‘marginal’ improve-
suggested,72 where blood is drawn from the patient, ments in length and thickness with respect to fracture
red blood cells are removed and thrombin and cal- resistance and tooth survival.
cium are added to prepare the PRP. The use of PRP There is little doubt REPs have captured the imag-
is designed to replicate the functions of a naturally ination of endodontic researchers and continued
occurring blood clot/scaffold as it contains the fol- investigations into the procedure are to be com-
lowing properties: (1) stimulates collagen produc- mended and encouraged. However, the reliance on
tion; (2) contains growth factors; (3) promotion of case studies alone to determine treatment protocols
vascular ingrowth; and (4) induces cell differentia- is troublesome and has medico-legal and ethical
tion.72 implications. Additionally, the uncertainty of what is
However, the practicalities of the creation and sub- actually being produced in the pulp space following
sequent placement of a PRP scaffold in a clinical den- these procedures will hopefully be clarified and that
tal setting will likely preclude it from being used in well-designed prospective outcome studies are to be
most practices. produced.
© 2016 Australian Dental Association 103
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Equally of concern is that as REPs are reliant on 4. Diogenes A, Henry MA, Teixeira FB, Hargreaves KM. An
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Address for correspondence:
J Endod 2009;35:745–759. Dr Stephen C Harlamb
72. Torabinejad M, Turman M. Revitalization ot tooth with necro- Specialist Endodontist
tic pulp and open apex by using platelet-rich plasma: a case Inner West Endodontics
report. J Endod 2011;37:265–268.
56 Burwood Road
73. Tsilingaridis G, Malmgren B, Andresean JO, et al. Intrusive Burwood NSW 2134
luxation of 60 permanent incisors: a retrospective study of
treatment and outcome. Dent Traumatol 2012;28: Australia
416–422. Email:

106 © 2016 Australian Dental Association

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