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M.K.V.V. International Vidyalaya REVISION WORKSHEET (2022-23) STD: VI Subject: HISTORY CHAP NO 2 FROM HUNTING GATHERING TO GROWING FOOD 1. Multiple Choice Questions Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below: (i) Which of these Is the correct order of what early man did? (a) hunter + gatherers skilled ~ gatherers ~+ herders (b) herders ~ skilled ~ gatherers ~+ hunter-+ gatherers (c) skilled-gatherers ++ herders ~ hunter ~ gatherers (d) skilled-gatherers ~ hunter + gatherers ~* herders (Gi) Grains like wheat and barley have been found in . (a) Koldihwa (b) Mahagara (c) Mehrgarh (@ Hallur. (iii) Pit-houses were made in (a) Burzahom (b) Mehrgarh (c) Mahagara (d) Hallur. (iv) Archaeologists have found levels having ... A, Bones of wild animals B. Cattle bones C. Bones of sheep and goat dicate of what happened first and what happened later? What order do these levels in (a) ABC (()ACB ()CBA (BCA IL. Fill in the Blanks 1. Jadeite is a. . probably brought from China. 2. Bolan Pass is an important route into 3. Remains of square of rectangular houses have been found in . 4, Rice requires water than wheat and barley, (more/less) 5. Animals were a source of. and meat. Il. True/False Sheep and goat are more comfortable in dry, hilly environments than cattle are. Hunter-gatherers made and used pots. Palaeolithic tools were still made and used in the Neolithic Age. Levels found in Mehrgarh indicate hunting came after herding. s 4. IV Answer the following 1. Short note on Mehrgarh 2. Explain about Domestication 3. What do rock painting tell us? 4. Why did hunters and gatherers move from place to place? 5. How did farming and herding ?

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