Upgradation PST

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No. FOPe.401.14r79(RNANCEYPROVL) P C2 ' GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB ——— From te FINANCE DEPARTMENT she? Dated Lahorp, the 8" Juno, 2017 Mr, Nasit Mahmood Khosa, Finanee Secretary. Al Administrative Secretaries fo Government of ha Panjab, Tha Princigal Secretary to Gavernor, Punjab, Lahore. The Principal Secretary io Chiet Mister, Punjab, Lahore. Ta spec See » Schoo! Enenet Dopartment, Panjab, Labora, sa Watary te Gerernor, Punjab, Litre. ‘The Sorvehry. Pujoo Prom Aasembly. Lahore ‘Ail Heads of Allached Departents inthe Punjab, All Commissianars in the Punjab, Tha Provincial Ditecior, Leeal Fund Audit, Punjab, Labere. UPGRADATION OF THE POSTS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER (PST). ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER (EST). SCHOOL EDUCATION. (CEPARTMENT. PUNJAS, | ain Gireeted to stale (nat tne Governor of thw Punjad, hax Been pleased 10 BON PRON upgrade (ne posts of Pritiary School Tescher (FST), Elementary Schoo! Teacher (EST), in fotaxalion of ban on up-gradation of posts, win affect from 01-01-2018, ‘50.8 [Name ofihePosl | Eslsting BS | Upgrade BS. ena 1] Br | | * | * | ‘The incuinbents ot the LUpgtasted posts wil also stand Upgradded and inolr pay ‘tll be fixed athe stage nek! above thelr base:pay in their pay scales wilh immedite effect, 2 The review of required qualiication and shils for the mew tentrants, rationalization ‘@f different cadros and amendmen! i) the requisite service ulna shall be discussed subsequently By the Cabinet Committee, consituled by the Chel Miniter fot improving the ‘adminisuativo ond goverance structuro, 3 The exparistureincutred cn tha above upgradation of past shall be borne by the respective Adminiswative Departmentuautonomens Bosies ¢ Disticl Governments. No Let sEenew orricen FS) ‘suppletmentary Grants wt be tasued in thes regard NO, & DATE EVEN: A copy is forwarded for Information and necessary scboe a= The Accountant Gareval Pusjab, Lahore. Ad tha District Accounts Gificers inthe Punjab. The Treasury Officer , Lahoce: The Director Genwral Audit, Lahore, Tha Director General Works (Accounts), Latarn. |, The Birector General Works (Audit), Lahora, The Direco'y General Audit (Local Governments), Punjab. Ser awe (SHAKEECK shesin SECTION OFFICER (PC) HO. & DATEEVEN: A.copy is forwarded for information and necessary ction ta Tha Finance Secretary. Govemment of Pakistan, Inamabad, Tha Finance Secretary, Governenent of Singt, Karachl Tha finance Secretary, Governmont ol KPH , Peshawar. ‘The Finance Sectatary, Goverment of Baluchistan, Cuotta, The Finance Secretary, Azad Stain of jamma & Kash, hiuratarabad, ‘Tho Finance Sectetary. Goverment cf Gaga Baltistan, Gugit. erkeno (silane: SECTION GFFICER (PC)

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