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Republic of the Phlippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Badoc, Ilocos Norte


Name: _________________________________ Gr./ Sec. _________________ Score: _______

Direction: Read each statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. At the start of the interview, the following are things to consider except:
a. Open or unstructured questions asked in this step of the interview
b. encourage respondent to talk about himself/herself including age, family, etc.
c. respondents give you hint on the right ways to ask your subjects the questions that elicit the right
data for your research
d. questions on the subject’s thoughts, attitudes, or performance of his or her job or any current
work assignment.

2. It refers to a method used for recording observation notes.

a. research site c .observational protocol
b. determining your role d. field notes

3 .The following are parts of an interview protocol EXCEPT:

a. Content Questions c. Opening Question.
b. Introduction. d.slowly withdrawn

4. Which of the following isn’t true about observation?

a. observation is expensive c. observation is time-consuming
b. observation replaces interviewing d. observation requires operational definitions

5. Which of the following is False in the process of observing?

a. After observation, slowly withdraw by thanking the participants for their time.
b. Gaining access through letter of consent is not necessary. You may start the observation right
c. After recording observation, it should be arranged chronologically or in order.
d. Before writing any notes, think of what catches your attention

6. Which of the following statements described ethnography?

a. Analysis of persons, groups, events, decisions, periods, policies, institutions or other systems
that are studied holistically by one or more methods
b. It is an approach that generates and modifies a theory.
c. Study of cultural patterns of people and their perspective as a group.
d. understanding of an individual’s experience for the same person’s realistic dealings with hard
facts of life
7. It refers to a sampling method which requires selection of a starting point for the sample and sample size
that can be repeated at regular intervals?
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Cluster Sampling
c. Systematic Sampling
d. Stratified Random Sampling

8. Instructors teaching research methods are interested in knowing what study techniques their students
are utilizing. Rather than assessing all students, the researchers randomly select 10 students from each of
the sections to comprise their sample. What sampling method do you think would be the best fit to use?
a. Cluster Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling
c. Systematic Sampling
d. Stratified Random Sampling

9. Say you were interested in sampling students who deal drugs on campus. What sampling technique
could you use to build this sample?
a. cluster sampling
b. purposive sampling
c. quota sampling
d snowball sampling

10.The following statements described Structured Interview EXCEPT:

a. Additional questions might be asked during interviews to clarify and expand certain issues
b. Data analysis seems to be straightforward
c. Consist of series of pre-determined questions
d. Can compare and contrast different answers given to the same questions

11. Which of the following is TRUE about self-completion survey?

a. Allows more data to be gathered
b. More expensive than other methodologies
c. Interviewers can reduce non-response by answering respondents queries concern
d. Allow respondents time to consider their answers, refer to records or consult with others.

12. It described as Analysis of persons, groups, events, decisions, periods, policies, institutions or other
systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods
a. narrative inquiry
b. case study
c. ethnography
d. ground theory

13. Which of the following statement is true about systematic sampling

a. groups can be organized and then draw a sample from each group separately
b. members of a sample are chosen at regular intervals of a population
c. researchers divide the entire population into sections that represent a population
d. each individual has the exact same probability of being chosen to be a part of a sample.
14. It refers to an observational method which involves studies of mechanical recording or the recording by
some of the other means like photographic or electronic
a. Structured observation
b. Covert observations
c. Indirect method
d. objective observation.

15. It defined as is a technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch, interact, or communicate
with the subjects of yours.”
a. object b. survey c. observation d. interview

16. To summarize the results in qualitative research, which can be done through vanManen method in
utilizing literary works as poem, quote, or song is known as:
a. Summary c. Recommendations
b. Conclusion d. References

17. Which part in a research paper that emphasizes the opportunity to write suggestions for the
improvement of the research study?
a. Summary c. Recommendations
b. Conclusion d. References

18. Which part of the paper that provides information necessary to locate and retrieve the source of the
a. Summary
b. Conclusion
c. Recommendations
d. References

19. Which one is NOT the purpose of the research conclusion?

a. It stresses the importance of the research statement
b. It does not leave a conclusive impression to the readers
c. It makes the written output a sense of completeness
d. It establishes good organization.

20. Which of the following characteristics of recommendations states that it should not be confusing and
must be precise?
a. Recommendations must be brief c. Recommendations should be clear
b. Recommendations must be precise d. None of the above

21. Which of the following defeats the purpose of securing the correct intext citation?
a. provides where this evidence cannot be found
b. provides evidence for what you are saying
c. providing list of detailed bibliographic information
d. gives credit to authors being consulted for ideas

22. In qualitative research, what is the basis in drawing conclusions?

a. from statistical findings c. from demographic data
b. from patterns and themes d. all of the choices
23. Recommendations were formulated from which of the following?
a. Objectives
b. Findings
c. Conclusions
d. Reference

24. It is of utmost importance that that conclusions have:

a. conceptual significance
b. chart future research directions
c. can imply and/ or indicate
d. all of the above

25. References lists is also known as which of the following?

a. Appendices
b. Bibliography
c. Cover page
d. Preliminary pages

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher II
Checked and Verified

Head Teacher I


School Principal I
Republic of the Phlippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Badoc, Ilocos Norte


Name: _________________________________ Gr./ Sec. _________________ Score: _______

Direction: Read each statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements described ethnography?

a. Analysis of persons, groups, events, decisions, periods, policies, institutions or other systems
that are studied holistically by one or more methods
b. It is an approach that generates and modifies a theory.
c. Study of cultural patterns of people and their perspective as a group.
d. understanding of an individual’s experience for the same person’s realistic dealings with hard
facts of life

2. It is an exploration of a “bounded system” over time through detailed, in-depth data collection involving
multiple sources of information rich in interesting stories.
a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study

3. It refers to a sampling method which requires selection of a starting point for the sample and sample size
that can be repeated at regular intervals?
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Cluster Sampling
c. Systematic Sampling
d. Stratified Random Sampling

4. Instructors teaching research methods are interested in knowing what study techniques their students
are utilizing. Rather than assessing all students, the researchers randomly select 10 students from each of
the sections to comprise their sample. What sampling method do you think would be the best fit to use?
a. Cluster Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling
c. Systematic Sampling
d. Stratified Random Sampling

5. It is the most familiar and applicable type of qualitative research which refers to the investigation of a
culture through an in-depth study of the members of the cultural society.
a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study

6. Say you were interested in sampling students who deal drugs on campus. What sampling technique
could you use to build this sample?
a. cluster sampling
b. purposive sampling
c. quota sampling
d snowball sampling
7.The following statements described Structured Interview EXCEPT:
a. Additional questions might be asked during interviews to clarify and expand certain issues
b. Data analysis seems to be straightforward
c. Consist of series of pre-determined questions
d. Can compare and contrast different answers given to the same questions

8. Which of the following is TRUE about self-completion survey?

a. Allows more data to be gathered
b. More expensive than other methodologies
c. Interviewers can reduce non-response by answering respondents queries concern
d. Allow respondents time to consider their answers, refer to records or consult with others.

9. It described as Analysis of persons, groups, events, decisions, periods, policies, institutions or other
systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods
a. narrative inquiry
b. case study
c. ethnography
d. ground theory

10. Which of the following statement is true about systematic sampling

a. groups can be organized and then draw a sample from each group separately
b. members of a sample are chosen at regular intervals of a population
c. researchers divide the entire population into sections that represent a population
d. each individual has the exact same probability of being chosen to be a part of a sample.

11. It refers to an observational method which involves studies of mechanical recording or the recording by
some of the other means like photographic or electronic
a. Structured observation
b. Covert observations
c. Indirect method
d. objective observation.

12. It defined as is a technique of gathering data whereby you personally watch, interact, or communicate
with the subjects of yours.”
a. object b. survey c. observation d. interview

13. It is primarily used to generate theory through relevant information taken from very reliable sources and
its focus is theory development.
a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study

14. Which of the following types of qualitative research is designed to focus on the commonality of a “lived
experience” with a particular group and its aim is to determine what an experience means for the persons
who have had the experience of living in a certain community which is the subject of the research?
a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study

15. It is a qualitative research which analyzes the language “beyond the sentence”. It is the study of the
ways in which language is used by the people, both written and spoken contexts.
a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report.
16. “A student really idolizes his English teacher who is expert in grammar and literature. The former wants
to write a scholarly chronicle about the latter’s experiences including his family background, how he
achieved his success in life, his likes and dislikes, his achievements and struggles in life.” What type of
qualitative research should a student employ?
a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report

17. It is a qualitative research in which data related to the past events are systematically collected and
evaluated to describe potential causes, effects, or trends related to those events.
a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report

18. All of the following are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT

a. Explores sensitive issues
b. Captures diversity of experiences and perceptions
c. Allows participants to freely exchange ideas
d. Proves a certain theory or principle

19. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?

a. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.
b. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted.
c. Data analysis involving numerical data is difficult.
d. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

20. Which of the following is EXCLUDED from the importance of qualitative research in daily life?
a. Qualitative unveils individual’s perception, feelings and attitudes about a certain phenomenon.
b. Qualitative research allows the researcher to immerse in the community where the participants
c. Qualitative research stimulates people’s interdependence or interpersonal relationship.
d. Qualitative research lets the researcher to validate the previously constructed theory or principle.

21. A business student plans a research project of an online business. Due to its limited information (the
title) on the nature of the business, which one of these best applies to the idea?
a. It is too broad.
b. It is a highly technical subject.
c. It has an acceptable method.
d. It has an acceptable purpose.

22. What is the main advantage of producing a written research project?

a. Helps with liability.
b. Helps the society.
c. Informs all interested parties.
d. Helps keep people employed.

23. Good research proposals will always:

a. focus on the written style.
b. provides respondent names and addresses.
c. consider all possible research previously been done on the topic.
d. focus on addressing the research objectives.

24. What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or reviews in the initial stages
of identifying a research topic?
a. They are readily available.
b. They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic.
c. They are primary sources.
d. They avoid reporting statistical data to interpret the results more readily.
25. Which of the following are excellent sources for research topics?
a. Theory
b. Personal experience
c. Replication of prior research
d. All of the above

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher II
Checked and Verified

Head Teacher I


School Principal I
Republic of the Phlippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Badoc, Ilocos Norte


Name: _________________________________ Gr./ Sec. _________________ Score: _______

Direction: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What data collection method involves tracking of changes during specified time period?
A. Questionnaire B. Observation C. Interview D. Test

2. Which of the following is defined as an action that the researcher will do to obtain appropriate data?
A. Data Interpretation B. Data Manipulation C. Data Collection D. Data Analysis

3. Which of these methods is the most expensive way to collect data per respondent?
A. Personal B. Online C. Phone Call/Text D. Postal

4. The following are guidelines before conducting an interview. Which one is not?
A. Check if your recording device worked well throughout the interview.
B. Choose a comfortable venue with the least amount of distractions.
C. Prepare and rehearse your interview guide.
D. Decide on the duration of the interview.

5. Which of the following should not be part of the informed consent form?
A. Name of Researchers and the Institution affiliated with
B. Name of Participants and the Institution affiliated with
C. Anonymity of the participants and their responses
D. Title of the study and purpose of the study

6. Participant observation can be performed covertly. What does it imply?

A. Participants are not aware of the purpose of the observation.
B. Participants are aware of the purpose of the observation.
C. Participants are unmindful of the result of the research.
D. Participants are aware of the result of the research.

7. Which of the following data processing techniques refers to ordering the data into a table?
A. Arrangement B. Tabulation C. Editing D. Coding

8. Which correlation is the strongest?

A. -1.0 B. +.80 C.-0.6 D. +0.5

9. Which graph uses vertical bars to represent data?

A. vertical graph B. pie chart C. line graph D. bar chart
10. In a two-tailed test, which should be rejected when the test value falls in any of the two critical regions?
A. Alternative hypothesis B. Null hypothesis C. Type I error D. Type II error

11. What is the type of reliability when measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects except
the actual wording of items?
A. Internal Consistency Reliability C. Test-retest reliability
B. Equivalent Forms Reliability D. Inter-rater Reliability

12. In which of the following situation does a Type I error occurs?

A. The null hypothesis is accepted when it is false.
B. The null hypothesis is accepted when it is true.
C. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is false.
D. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is true.

13. Which of the following is true about the significance level?

A. It measures the probability of rejecting a correct null hypothesis.
B. It is set after a statistical test is conducted.
C. It is always set at 0.05.
D. It results in a p-value.

14. When does a positive correlation occurs?

A. When one variable goes up, and the other goes down.
B. When two variables move in opposite directions.
C. When two variables move in the same direction.
D. When two variables remain constant.

15. What is the decision that you will make if the p-value is lower than the alpha level?
A. Do not accept the null hypothesis.
B. Do not reject the null hypothesis
C. Accept the null hypothesis.
D. Reject the null hypothesis.

16. The Ability Test has been proven to predict the writing skills of Senior High School students. What type
of test validity is shown in the example?
A. Construct Validity C. Content Validity
B. Criterion Validity D. Face Validity

17. Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the research
A. Summary of research methodology, scope and limitations, and recommendations.
B. Summary of research methodology, conclusions, and recommendations.
C. Summary of findings, research methodology, and recommendations.
D. Summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendations.

18. Which of the following statements best describes a conclusion?

A. makes logical connections between the various parts of the arguments starting from the
B. discuss the results and limitations about the topic under study
C. discuss the methodology of the study
D. discuss relevant literature

19. Which of the following contents of the summary of findings is considered as the most important?
A. Research findings from which the conclusion will be derived.
B. Brief restatement of the research methodology.
C. List of research questions and hypothesis.
D. Overall research problem of the study.

20. Which of the following statements is addressed or answered by your research conclusion?
A. every research inquiry you have in your research study.
B. the queries of the previous researchers.
C. the questions of the field experts.
D. the hesitations of the researcher.

21. In presenting the conclusion of the study, what should be the guide of the researcher?
A. Scope and Delimitation of the Study C. Methodology of the Study
B. Research Questions of the Study D. Statistical Tests Used

22. What is the purpose of the theoretical implications in your conclusion part of the research study?
A. reflect how literature presented supports or contrasts the findings
B. reflect the results and findings based on reality
C. be indicated in your recommendations
D. be an important theory

23. Which of the following parts of the research paper refers to the brief restatement of the overall
components of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study C. Summary of Findings
B. Conclusion of the Study D. Abstract of the Study

24. Which of the following parts of the research paper answers the research questions of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study C. Limitations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study D. Abstract of the Study

25. In writing the recommendations, where should the researcher based its suggestions?
A. Conceptual Framework of the Study C. Summary of Findings of the Study
B. Scope and Delimitation of the Study D. Conclusions of the Study

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher II
Checked and Verified

Head Teacher I

School Principal I

Republic of the Phlippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Badoc, Ilocos Norte


Name: _________________________________ Gr./ Sec. _________________ Score: _______

Direction: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What research design aims to determine a cause from already existing effects?
A. Descriptive Research Design
B. Correlational Research Design
C. Quasi-Experimental Research
D. Ex Post Facto

2. What research design is often conducted in a controlled setting with corresponding research treatment?
A. Correlational
B. Survey Research
C. Ex post facto
D. Experimental

3. What is the suited research design for this research title, “The Effects of Twitter on the Communication
Etiquette of Students”?
A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Ex post facto D. Descriptive

4. Mr. Canuc would like to know further the type of social media used between the male and female SHS
students of East Pagat National High School. What is the appropriate research design to be used in his
A. Quasi-Experimental B. Experimental C. Correlational D. Descriptive

5. What is the difference between quasi-experimental research and experimental research?

A. Only one dependent variable is used in quasi-experimental research, while multiple dependent
variables can be used in quasi-experimental research.
B. Intact groups are used in experimental, while quasi-experimental randomly assigned individuals
into groups.
C. The researcher controls the intervention in the experimental group, but not quasiexperimental
D. Participants for groups are randomly selected in experimental, but not quasiexperimental

6. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal chance to
the member of the accessible population being selected as part of the study?
A. Simple Random Sampling
B. Stratified Sampling
C. Systematic Sampling
D. Cluster Sampling
7. When can we consider a research sample as the “best”?
A. representative of the population
B. systematically chosen
C. conveniently represented
D. purposely selected

8. What is the main objective of using stratified random sampling?

A. sample was chosen proportionately drawn from the different categories of the population
B. sample is taken from an accessible population than the target population
C. every individual will be given an equal chance to be selected
D. those who will possibly respond to treatment are chosen

9. What is the sampling method used in the given situation? Teacher Joan wants to know if the new
learning modalities of the school effects on the academic performance of students in the science
curriculum. He took the list of students and selected every 8th name in each class list as participant.
A. Stratified Random Sampling C. Simple Random Sampling
B. Systematic Random Sampling D. Cluster Sampling

10. What is the type of validity when an instrument produces results similar to those of another instrument
that will be employed in the future?
A. Predictive Validity C. Criterion Validity
B. Content Validity D. Face Validity

11. What is the type of reliability when measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects except
the actual wording of items?
A. Internal Consistency Reliability
B. Equivalent Forms Reliability
C. Test-retest reliability
D. Inter-rater Reliability

12. The Ability Test has been proven to predict the writing skills of Senior High School students. What type
of test validity is shown in the example?
A. Construct Validity C. Content Validity
B. Criterion Validity D. Face Validity

13. What common scaling technique consists of several declarative statements that express viewpoint on a
A. Semantic Differential Scale C. Observation Checklist
B. Completion Type D. Likert Scale

14. What statistical technique purposes to test the relationship between two continuous variables?
A. T-Test for two dependent samples C. Chi Square Test
B. T-Test for independent samples D. Pearson’s r

15. What statistical technique should be used for this research question, “Is there a significant difference
between the pretest and posttest scores of learners in reading comprehension test?”
A. T-Test for two dependent samples C. Chi Square Test
B. T-Test for independent samples D. Pearson’s r

II. Arrange the following steps in data gathering into their correct sequence, 1 as being the first step, and 10
as the last step.

_______ The respondents will have a chance to have a look at the performance tasks.
_______ Each of the participants will be interviewed for individual filling out of the personal background of
media literacy information.
_______ The researcher will meet the participants eight times in a four-month data gathering period.
_______ The participants will answer the learning activity sheet (LAS) after practicing the new approach.
_______ The data collection in each group will be supervised by two experienced Information Technology
teachers to ensure proper implementation of the intervention.
_______ The participants will read example situations about media literacy that are not familiar to them.
_______ The new approach in assessing the performance tasks of learners will be implemented.
_______ The list of performance tasks and assessment tools will be prepared.
_______ The media literacy summative test will be administered after the implementation of the new
approach in assessing performance tasks.
_______ The test results will be encoded for summary and will be analyzed.

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher II
Checked and Verified

Head Teacher I


School Principal I

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