Master of Arts in Psychology

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36- 42 units (Dev Psych Students)

A. Prerequisite Requirements1

Psych 207 (Basic Course in Psychological Statistics) 3.0 -

Psych 208 (Introduction to Psychological Research Methods) 3.0

Psych 209 (Psychological Measurement) 4.0

Other undergraduate psychology courses that may be required

B. Concepts and Methods Core Courses (12.0 Units)

Psych 206 (Development of Psychological Thought) 3.0

Development of Psychological Thought. The development
of psychological thought in the East and West, including Asia
and the Philippines with emphasis on the history of ideas and
philosophical issues in psychology. Prereq: Writen consent of
instructor. 3 u.

Psych 210 (Experimental Design) 3.0

Psych 212 (Multivariate Statistical Methods) 3.0

Psych 220 (Research Methodology) 3.0

C. Areas of Interest2 (At least 18 units)

Psych 272 (Theories in Developmental Psychology) 3.0

Theories in Developmental Psychology. A survey of theories
in developmental psychology from infancy to late adulthood.
Prereq: Psych 171. 3 u.

Psych 273 (Research Methods in Developmental Psychology) 3.0

Research Methods in Developmental Psychology.
Introducton to research methods utlized in the study of
infancy to late adulthood. Prereq: Psych 272. 3 u.

Psych 274 (Cognitive Development) 3.0

Cognitve Development. A review of theoretcal approaches
to cognitve development and an examinaton of critcal
issues in theory and research. Prereq: Psych 272. 3 u.

Psych 275 (Development of Language and Communication) 3.0

Development of Language and Communicaton. An
examinaton of processes and development of language and
communicaton with emphasis on theoretcal and research
issues. Prereq: Psych 272. 3 u.

Psych 276 (Social, Emotional and Personality Development) 3.0

Social, Emotonal and Personality Development. A study of
the processes involved in social, emotonal, personality and
moral development with emphasis on current issues. Prereq:
Psych 272. 3 u.

Psych 277 (Psychological Assessment I: The Infant and the Child) 4.0
Psychological Assessment I: The Infant and the Child. The
theory and practce of the assessment of infants and children.
Prereq: Psych 162/209, 272, 273. 4 h. (3 lec, 1 lab) 4 u.

Psych 287 (Survey Methodology) 4.0

Survey Methodology. Introducton to the use of the survey
method in psychological research. Covers the design and
constructon of survey instrument/questonnaire, pre-testng
the instrument, data gathering and the conduct of interviews,
editng of data, coding, analysis of survey data, writngup the
report. Prereq: Psych 207, 208/COI. 3 u.

Psych 270 (Seminar in Child Psychology) 3.0

Seminar in Child Psychology. Prereq: COI. 3 u.

Psych 271 (Special Topics in Child Psychology) 3.0

Special Topics in Child Psychology. Prereq: Psych 171/writen
COI. 3 u.; may be taken twice.

Practicum 3.0

D. Master’s Thesis 6.0

Personality Psychology

A. Prerequisite Requirements1

Psych 150 (Personality) 3.0

Personality. Systematic approaches to the understanding
of personality formation and dynamics. Prereq: Psych 101/
written consent of instructor. 3 u.

Psych 207 (Basic Course in Psychological Statistics) 3.0

Basic Course in Psychological Statstcs. Intended as a frst
course in statstcal analysis for students at the graduate level.
Includes descriptve statstcs up to multple regression. 3 u.

Psych 208 (Introduction to Psychological Research Methods) 3.0

Introducton to Psychological Research Methods. Intended
as a frst research course for students at the graduate level.
Includes lectures, discussions and exercises on experimental
and feld methods and how they may be used to efectvely
study questons of interest. Will include the writng of research
proposals, the actual carrying out of research, analysis of
data, and writng of a fnal report to provide the student with
frst hand research experience. Prereq: Psych 207. 3 u.

Psych 209 (Psychological Measurement) 4.0

Psychological Measurement. In-depth discussion of
measurement concepts and issues, scaling, designing of tests
and validaton of instruments in experimental psychology,
personality and social psychology. Prereq: Psych 208. 4 h. (3
lec, 1 lab) 4 u.

Other undergraduate psychology courses that may be required

B. Concepts and Methods Core Courses (12.0 Units)

Psych 206 (Development of Psychological Thought) 3.0

Development of Psychological Thought. The development
of psychological thought in the East and West, including Asia
and the Philippines with emphasis on the history of ideas and
philosophical issues in psychology. Prereq: Writen consent of
instructor. 3 u.

Psych 210 (Experimental Design) 3.0

Experimental Designs in Psychology. Design and analysis of
experiments in psychology. Prereq: Psych 110/COI. 3 u.

Psych 212 (Multivariate Statistical Methods) 3.0

Multvariate Statstcal Methods. Introducton to the use of
multple regression, factor analysis, discriminant analysis,
canonical correlatons, and other multvariate statstcal
methods. Prereq: Psych 210/COI. 3 u.

Psych 220 (Research Methodology) 3.0

Research Methodology: Issues and Problems. Overview of
the philosophical bases underlying the research methods
used in Psychology. Prereq: Psych 110, 115, 118/equiv. 3 u.

C. Areas of Interest2 (At least 18 units)

Psych 240 (Seminar in Behavior Analysis) 3.0-6.0

Seminar in Behavior Analysis. Prereq: COI. 3 u.; may be
taken twice.

Psych 250 (Seminar in Personality) 3.0-6.0

Seminar in Personality. Prereq: Psych 150/COI. 3 u.; may be
taken twice.

Psych 251 (Special Topics in Personality) 3.0-6.0

Special Topics in Personality. Prereq: Psych 150/writen COI.
3 u.; may be taken twice.

Psych 252 (Theories of Personality) 3.0

Theories of Personality. Prereq: COI. 3 u.

Psych 253 (Motivation) 3.0

Motvaton. Prereq: COI. 3 u.

Psych 259 (The Filipino Personality) 3.0

The Filipino Personality. Prereq: COI. 3 u.

Psych 263 (Projective Techniques) 4.0

Projectve Techniques. Introducton to the theory and
techniques of projectve testng: sentence completon and
story telling techniques, and the Rorschach ink blot test.
Prereq: Psych 150, 162/209. 4 h. (3 lec, 1 lab) 4 u.

Psych 276 (Social, Emotional and Personality Development) 3.0

Social, Emotonal and Personality Development. A study of
the processes involved in social, emotonal, personality and
moral development with emphasis on current issues. Prereq:
Psych 272. 3 u.

Psych 291 (Readings in Psychology) 3.0-6.0

Readings in Psychology. Reading on special topics:
conferences and reports. Prereq: Advanced standing, COI. 3
u.; may be taken twice.

Psych 299 (Research in Psychology) 3.0-9.0

Research in Psychology. Opportunity for laboratory, clinical
or feld research in psychology. Emphasis on observaton of
actual behavior. Prereq: Advanced Standing, COI. 3 u.; may be
taken thrice.

Psych 303 (Advanced Topics in Personality) 3.0-9.0

Advanced Topics in Psychology. Prereq: COI. 3 u.; may be
taken thrice.

Psych 351 (The Assessment of Personality) 3.0

351 The Assessment of Personality. Prereq: Psych 150, 162/COI. 3 u.

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