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Your Nickname:

Main Questions (Please rate every segment, and a higher score indicates better experience)
Elysian Realm Battle Experience

How do you rate the difficulty of Vill-V?

What's the rank of your Vill-V?

The weather when clearing the stage

What's the highest difficulty level of the stage you've cleared?

The battle experience rating of the current stage cleared
How many Signet sets did you get for clearing the stage or achieving the best score?
When deploying Vill-V in a battle, what support Signet did you use?
What's your preferred Signet set for Vill-V when clearing the stage or achieving the best score?
What's your secondary Signet set for Vill-V when clearing the stage or achieving the best score?
What's your secondary Signet set for Vill-V when clearing the stage or achieving the best score?

How do you rate the difficulty of Goushinnso Memento?

What's the rank of your Goushinnso Memento?
The weather when clearing the stage
What's the highest difficulty level of the stage you've cleared?
The battle experience rating of the current stage cleared
How many Signet sets did you get for clearing the stage or achieving the best score?
When deploying Goushinnso Memento in a battle, what support Signet did you use?
What's your preferred Signet set for Goushinnso Memento when clearing the stage or achieving the best score?
What's your secondary Signet set for Goushinnso Memento when clearing the stage or achieving the best score?
What's your secondary Signet set for Goushinnso Memento when clearing the stage or achieving the best score?

Elysian Realm Support Test

Stygian Nymph Support Experience Rating

Reverist Calico: The battle experience rating of using the 1st Signet set of Reverie
Reverist Calico: The battle experience rating of using the 2nd Signet set of Reverie

The trial battlesuit who uses the 2nd Signet set of Daybreak
The use experience rating of the battlesuit's 2nd Signet set of Daybreak

The trial battlesuit who uses the 2nd Signet set of Helix
The use experience rating of the battlesuit's 2nd Signet set of Helix

Elysian Realm Enemy Test

What's the difficulty level of Kosma in the current test?

The battlesuit currently in use (Recommended: Vill-V)
The battlesuit's current rank
Overall Combat Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Average Combat Length (Refer to the upper right timer). Example: 80.

What's the difficulty level of Tonatiuh: Sunshade in the current test?

The battlesuit currently in use (Recommended: Starchasm Nyx/Vill-V)
The battlesuit's current rank
Overall Combat Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Average Combat Length (Refer to the upper right timer). Example: 80.

v5.9 Summer Event

Overall Rating (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Playability (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Strategic Gameplay (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Visuals (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Battle Performance (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Main Screen UI (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Event Battle Screen UI (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Position Selection UI (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Flame-Chaser Battle and Support Skills (Out of 10. A higher score indicates better acceptance.)

Chapter 1 Stage Difficulty Rating

Chapter 2 Stage Difficulty Rating
Single Stage Combat Length Rating

Which one of the 5 available Flame-Chasers do you think is the strongest?

Which one of the 5 available Flame-Chasers do you think is the weakest?

Story Open World Limited-time Event

Event Overall Rating

Screen Visuals Rating

Screen Interactive Portability Rating

Screen Function Understanding Difficulty Rating

Gameplay Rules Understanding Difficulty Rating

Gameplay Flow & Cycle Experience Rating

Playability/Strategic Gameplay Rating

Affix Refresh/Replacement Experience Rating
Affix Composition/Support Experience Rating

Impenetrable — Stage 1 Combat Experience Rating

Impenetrable — Stage 2 Combat Experience Rating
Impenetrable — Stage 3 Combat Experience Rating
Incoming — Stage 1 Combat Experience Rating
Incoming — Stage 2 Combat Experience Rating
Incoming — Stage 3 Combat Experience Rating

Helix New Deck Combat Experience Rating

Helix Source Side Mission Experience Rating

Main Story Enemies

Model VFX Rating (As shown on the right)

Combat Experience Rating

Weekly Quiz: Trial Stage Test

Which stage of Weekly Quiz is being tested (indicate the trial battlesuit)?
Did you use trial battlesuits?
Overall Combat Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)

The 2nd SSS-rank Boss will appear in the Exalted group of Memorial Arena.
*Short Answer Questions
New Outfits

Infinite Ouroboros' New Outfit Appearance Rating

Infinite Ouroboros' New Outfit Battle Special Effects Rating

Reverist Calico's New Outfit Appearance Rating

Reverist Calico's New Outfit Battle Special Effects Rating

Miss Pink Elf♪'s New Outfit Appearance Rating

Goushinnso Memento's New Outfit Appearance Rating

Helical Contraption Overall Rating

Special Effects

Sound Effects
Voice Lines
Combat Mechanics
Combat Controls
Finalization Animation
Single Battle

Helical Contraption Animation and Special Effects (Visuals)

Machine Gun Shooting

Cannon Shooting
Enter Cannon Form; Hold [ATK] (While in Normal Form)
Exit Cannon Form; Tap [ULT] (While in Cannon Form)
Move Between Weapons; Tap [Weapon] (While in Cannon Form)
Shield Defense; Tap [EVA] (While in Cannon Form)

Ultimate; Unleash
Chariot Form; Typical ATK; Hold [ATK]
Chariot Form; Charged ATK; Hold [ATK] (Automatically Unleashes at Full KE)
Chariot Form; Evasion; Tap [EVA]
Chariot Form; Dashing; Hold [EVA]
Ultimate; Finisher

Evasion Visuals (With Direction)

Evasion Visuals (Without Direction)
QTE Visuals
Movement Visuals
Standby Visuals
Receiving Light Hits Visuals
Receiving Heavy Hits Visuals (Knockdown Recovery)
KE Bar Visibility

Helical Contraption Controls (Functionality)

Machine Gun Shooting

Cannon Shooting
Enter Cannon Form; Hold [ATK] (While in Normal Form)
Exit Cannon Form; Tap [ULT] (While in Cannon Form)
Move Between Weapons; Tap [Weapon] (While in Cannon Form)
Shield Defense; Tap [EVA] (While in Cannon Form)

Chariot Form; Typical ATK; Hold [ATK]

Chariot Form; Charged ATK; Hold [ATK] (Automatically Unleashes at Full KE)
Chariot Form; Evasion; Tap [EVA]
Chariot Form; Dashing; Hold [EVA]

Evasion Controls (With Direction)

Evasion Controls (Without Direction)
QTE Controls
Movement Controls
Smoothness of Chaining Moves

Helical Contraption TPS Mode Experience

Combat View Angle

UI Visuals
Scope Controls
Semi-automatic Tracking

Difficulty of Fighting Enemies (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)

Helical Contraption Mechanics

Player Friendliness (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)

DMG Dealing & SP Regen Cycle (Related to Stimulation of Burst Mode)

Cannon Overall Mechanics

Ultimate Mechanics
QTE Mechanics
Evasion Skill Mechanics
Helical Contraption Stats

Abyss Strength S0
Memorial Arena Strength S0
Abyss Strength SS
Memorial Arena Strength SS
Abyss Strength SSS
Memorial Arena Strength SSS

PRI-ARM Heavy Cannon Tower of the Past: Silk Ladder

Active Skill
Active Skill (Helical Contraption's Chariot Form)
Strength of Stats
Acceptance of Weapon Mechanics

Heavy Cannon Tower of the Past

Active Skill
Active Skill (Helical Contraption's Chariot Form)
Strength of Stats
Acceptance of Weapon Mechanics

Stigma Carlo Collodi

Strength of Stats
Abyss Strength
Memorial Arena Strength
Acceptance of Stigma Mechanics
Suitability with
Helical Contraption
Strength of Helical Contraption Without This Stigma Set

Superstring Dimension: Purgatory: Fringe (No.1, Row 1)

Combat Experience
Stage Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of Stage Mechanics
Stage Lineup
Time Spent for Clearing the Stage (Redlotus. Example: 240).
Please Indicate Your Ideal Team Lineup (list one to three team lineups)

Superstring Dimension: Purgatory: Intensive (No.2, Row 1)

Combat Experience
Stage Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of Stage Mechanics
Stage Lineup
Time Spent for Clearing the Stage (Redlotus. Example: 240).
Please Indicate Your Ideal Team Lineup (list one to three team lineups)

Superstring Dimension: Nemesis: Perilous (No.3, Row 1) Clock 2nd Generation

Combat Experience
BOSS Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of BOSS Mechanics
BOSS Battle Lineup
BOSS Battle Score (Redlotus, out of 1,000)
Please Indicate Your Ideal Team Lineup (list one to three team lineups)

Superstring Dimension: Quantum: Perilous (No.4, Row 1) MEGA Lobster

Combat Experience
BOSS Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of BOSS Mechanics
BOSS Battle Lineup
BOSS Battle Score (Redlotus, out of 1,000)
Please Indicate Your Ideal Team Lineup (list one to three team lineups)
Superstring Dimension: Quantum: Perilous (No.1, Row 2) Quantum Cluster

Combat Experience
BOSS Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of BOSS Mechanics
BOSS Battle Lineup
BOSS Battle Score (Redlotus, out of 1,000)
Please Indicate Your Ideal Team Lineup (list one to three team lineups)

SSS Arena: Kosma

Who is your main DMG dealer and what is her rank? Example: S0 Vill-V. Fill in here →
Combat Experience
BOSS Battle Visuals
HP Balance
Mechanics Difficulty (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Satisfaction with SSS Arena
Combat Playability
Average Combat Length (Refer to the upper right timer). Example: 80.

Boss Battle Visuals (Phase 1)

Combat Difficulty (Phase 1) (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of Mechanics (Phase 1)
HP Balance (Phase 1)
Combat Playability (Phase 1)

Boss Battle Visuals (Phase Change)

Combat Difficulty (Phase Change) (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of Mechanics (Phase Change)
Combat Playability (Phase Change)

Boss Battle Visuals (Phase 2)

Combat Difficulty (Phase 2) (A higher score indicates lower difficulty)
Acceptance of Mechanics (Phase 2)
HP Balance (Phase 2)
Combat Difficulty (Phase 2)

Please Indicate Your Ideal Team Lineup (list one to three team lineups)

In-game Lags (Please let us know if there are any!)

Tier of Special Effects

Other Suggestions
Rating (Out of 10)

Blood Rose And Azure Empyrea
Signet Of Helix
Signet of infinity
Signet of deliverance

ving the best score?

ving the best score?
ving the best score?
Short Answer Questions
Assessment Points (Important)

*Please use S-rank Vill-V to challenge on 140 difficulty

1. When Vill-V is challenging the current difficulty, is there any negative experience regarding enemy combination
*Please indicate the difficulty level and the weather before providing feedback (see the rating question for details)
2. When Goushinnso Memento is challenging the current difficulty, is there any negative experience regarding ene
or their stats?
*Please indicate the difficulty level and the weather before providing feedback (see the rating question for details)

1. Is there any negative experience regarding the combat mechanics/strength of Stygian Nymph acting as support
2. When Reverist Calico is used as a trial battlesuit, is there any negative experience regarding the 2nd Signet set o
3. Judging by your selected battlesuit, is there any negative experience regarding the 2nd Signet set of Daybreak?
4. Judging by your selected battlesuit, is there any negative experience regarding the 2nd Signet set of Helix?

1. Is there any negative experience regarding Kosma's combat mechanics/strength of stats in Elysian Realm? If so,
*The current Summer Event features all the stages of Chapter I and 6 Flame-Chasers.
1. Is there any negative experience regarding the general event UI? If so, please elaborate.

2. Is there any negative experience with the information provided in the event (Are you able to understand the co
playstyle with the guides and tutorials)? If so, please elaborate.

3. As for the 6 Flame-Chasers' skills (dice gameplay) and weapons, is there any negative experience regarding mec
please indicate the Flame-Chaser(s).

4. As for the 6 Flame-Chasers' support skills (used by Flame-Chasers in battle), is there any negative experience? If
elaborate on the skills.

5. Have you encountered any bugs/obstructions? Please describe in detail.

6. Do you have any general advice for the gameplay of the summer event? Please describe in detail.

*Event entrance is on the top right of the main screen.

*Limited-time event, new decks and side mission tests are added to Story Open World this week, but main story c

1. Are there any obstructions or bugs in your gaming experience?

2. Is there any negative experience regarding the visuals, UI navigation and information clarity of the event screen
3. Is there any negative experience regarding the rules, the flow and cycle of the event? If so, please elaborate.
4. Is there any negative experience regarding the interactive gameplay of Affix Refresh/Replacement and Affix
Composition/Support? If so, please elaborate.
5. Is there any negative experience regarding the battles in the two available themed stages (Impenetrable and Inc
please elaborate.
6. Is there any negative experience regarding the combat performance and side mission process of Helix new deck

Story → Friendship Magic
Obtain Signet of Helix:

1. Are there any obstructions or bugs in your gaming experience?

2. Is there any negative experience regarding the models, skills, attack VFX and battle mechanics of main story ene
please elaborate.

Event → Test Mission → Test Stage → Mock Test → Special → Main Story Enemies

1. Did you encounter wrong questions or abnormalities while answering questions? If so, please elaborate.
2. Is there any negative experience regarding the trial stage of Weekly Quiz? If so, please elaborate.

1. Is there any negative experience regarding the rules and rewards after the 2nd SSS-rank Boss is added?
Note: Please include your desired optimizations in the feedback regarding negative experience. You can attach rel
explain the situation.
1. Is there any negative experience regarding the appearance/battle special effects of Infinite Ouroboros' new out
2. Is there any negative experience regarding the appearance/battle special effects of Reverist Calico's new outfit?
3. Is there any negative experience regarding the appearance of Miss Pink Elf ♪'s new outfit?
4. Is there any negative experience regarding the appearance of Goushinnso Memento's new outfit?

*You can add more opinions/feedback under the relevant questions.

1. Disregarding special effects, how satisfied are you with her appearance?
2. Other than model overlaps, have you experienced any outstanding problems?
3. Do the special effects match the animations? Are the special effects too dull or too gaudy? Please describe
effects or animations that are unsatisfactory.
4. Did Helical Contraption meet your expectations? If not, please tell us why.
5. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

1. Disregarding lighting effects, have you seen any rigid attack animations or unnatural postures?
2. Are there any animations that are unsatisfactory? Please elaborate if there are any.
3. Are there any special effects that are unsatisfactory? Please elaborate if there are any.
4. Do you think there are any animations that are too slow or too fast? Are you satisfied with the hit feedbac
5. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?
*Note: Please ignore TPS experience here, and it will be singled out later.
1. Are there any controls that are unsatisfactory? Can you connect moves smoothly? Please elaborate if there
2. Are the controls easy to master? Is it intuitive? Please elaborate if you find them unsatisfactory.
3. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

← Refers to accuracy, speed and range

← Refers to tracking logic
← Refers to QUA enemies, the clock Boss and other enemies that attack and move quickly. You can try Abyss
rank Kosma.

1. Are the skills easy to understand? Is the battlesuit practical in battle?

2. Are the skills overpowered under certain circumstances?
3. Do you have any negative experience when using the battlesuit? Is it too different from the common plays
4. Are you satisfied with the current combat mechanics and single-form combat experience? If not, please te
5. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?
*Upon receiving battlesuit resources, please test S0-rank first and then SS-rank. You can also try SSS-rank if
1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Do you have other suggestions/advice?
3. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there any problems regarding the strength of its stats/skills?
3. Does Tower of the Past: Silk Ladder meet your expectations?
4. Are there any unreasonable skills/moves/combos? If so, please tell us why.
5. Are there any skills/moves/combos that are too strong or too weak? If so, please tell us why.
6. Do you have other suggestions/advice?
7. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there any problems regarding the strength of its stats/skills?
3. Does Tower of the Past meet your expectations?
4. Are there any unreasonable skills/moves/combos? If so, please tell us why.
5. Are there any skills/moves/combos that are too strong or too weak? If so, please tell us why.
6. Do you have other suggestions/advice?
7. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there any problems regarding the strength of its stats/skills?
3. Does Carlo Collodi meet your expectations?
4. Are there any panels/skills/sets that are too strong/weak? If so, please tell us why.

5. Are there any battlesuits that are too strong? If so, please tell us why.

6. Do you have other suggestions/advice?

7. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?
*Redlotus 435 Disturbance, Nirvana 470 Disturbance
1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there mechanics and stats of Boss that are too difficult or too easy? If so, please elaborate.
3. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

← Unit: Second

*Redlotus 435 Disturbance, Nirvana 470 Disturbance

1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there mechanics and stats of Boss that are too difficult or too easy? If so, please elaborate.
3. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

← Unit: Second

*Redlotus 435 Disturbance, Nirvana 470 Disturbance

1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there mechanics and stats of Boss that are too difficult or too easy? If so, please elaborate.
3. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

*Redlotus 435 Disturbance, Nirvana 470 Disturbance

1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there mechanics and stats of Boss that are too difficult or too easy? If so, please elaborate.
3. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?
*Redlotus 435 Disturbance, Nirvana 470 Disturbance
1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there mechanics and stats of Boss that are too difficult or too easy? If so, please elaborate.
3. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?

*To enter: Home Screen → Attack → Challenge → Memorial Arena → Kosma

1. Are there any errors or bugs? (Indicate anything you deem as a bug)
2. Are there instances of excessive or insufficient Boss HP? If so, please elaborate.
3. Are there mechanics and stats that are too difficult or too easy? If so, please elaborate.
4. Are you satisfied with SSS Kosma? If not, please tell us why.

← Fill in here. Recommended to battle 3 times after familiarizing to average times. Answer in seconds.

5. Does the performance of SSS Kosma in Phase 1 meet your expectations? If not, what do you think is unsat
6. Does the combat experience in Phase 1 meet your expectations?
7. Is there any negative experience regarding the mechanics of Phase 1?
8. Is the Boss HP appropriate in Phase 1?

9. Does the performance of SSS Kosma in Phase Change meet your expectations? If not, what do you think is
10. Did the combat experience in Phase Change meet your expectations?
11. Is there any negative experience regarding the mechanics of Phase Change?

12. Does the performance of SSS Kosma in Phase 2 meet your expectations? If not, what do you think is unsa
13. Did the combat experience in Phase 2 meet your expectations?
14. Is there any negative experience regarding the mechanics of Phase 2?
15. Is the Boss HP appropriate in Phase 2?

16. From your current experience, what do you think can be improved?
17. For segments with low rating, do you have any feedback or suggestions?
Are there any lags in the battle?
Please elaborate on the condition of the lags and provide the settings and model of your mobile phone/emulator
Assessment Answers (Required)

1. When Vill-V challenging Elysian realm, Sometimes accidentally vill-v is using her finisher, even though I didn't p
s not available.
Negative feedback/Suggestions/Bugs (Optional)

her finisher, even though I didn't press the finisher button, Maybe This just a bug in beta, But i hope when she is released I ho
Additional Description

Maybe This just a bug in beta, But i hope when she is released I hope there are no bugs like this, because it will be troublesom
cause it will be troublesome and make me have to repeat the stage

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