Teks TM Derrick Qemal

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Welcome to Technical Meeting of Smart Competition in derrick 2022.

For your
information, our technical meeting will be held at ... o’clock. When technical meeting has
been started, please kindly turn on your camera, turn off your mic and keep your attention to
technical meeting of smart competition.
That’s all for The information , Thank you for your attention

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb. Good ...

The honourable Head Of Smart Competition Derrick 2022 or who represent
And all of the participants of the smart competition derrick 2022
Praise be to Almighty God because of His blessings and grace, we can gather at technical
meeting of smart competition derrick 2022. Eventhough this Technical meeting held in zoom
meeting, we hope for all of the participant pay attention in this technical meeting
Before that let me introduce myself, my name is qemal irsyad as the Master of Ceremony
(MC) for technical meeting tonight.
Before we are getting started, let me read the rundown of our technical meeting tonight.
1. First is Opening
2. Second is Welcoming Speech From Head of Smart Competition Derrick 2022
3. Third is explanation / exposure for this technical meeting
4. Fourth is QNA Session
5. Last is Closing
Ok, let’s go to next session that is welcoming speech from head of smart competition
derrick 2022 and for mbak rahayu dwi christanti, the time is yours..
Thank you mbak tanti, we will move to the next session that is exposure for this technical
meeting. To our moderator, bang zulfan and bang Muhammad hafid time is yours...
Thank you bang zulfan and bang hafid we will move to next session that’s QnA session.
For the participants who want to ask any question, you could raise your hands before turn
on your mic, or you also could drop your question through the chat box.
Thank you for the participants for your enthusiasm in this technical meeting.
Finally, we arrive at closing session. We hope derrick 2022 will be held with successfully
and could be beneficial for all of the participants in gaining their knowledges and experiences
especially in petroleum industry.
I am Qemal Irsyad as the Master of Ceremony for our technical meeting tonight, want to
say thank you for attention, and sorry if there were any mistakes during our technical
meeting. See you in DERRICK 2022.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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