Rhyrehyh E4tewt Et Wet4et

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The story begins

1. Establishing shot - Noida sector 18 ,GIP Mall opposite ,KFC restaurant, roads etc .

Urvil is a 22 year old boy finishing his night shift in KFC, coming out of the restaurant
and starts walking, Anvita colleague and of the same age as urvil , also comes out of
the restaurant and starts going behind urvil calling his name.

“Urvil..urvil.. Can you just wait for a moment uu..urvil…”


Urvil stops and turns around , and Anvita takes a breath.

“Oufff.. Can’t you just wait for me.”

Urvil simply being quiet for a moment.

“I was just saying.., you know, coffee.., maybe..”

“I’m so sorry, not today,.. you know ,maybe some other day,.. umm..”

“Oh, it's fine, I understand”.

(Gives a smile)

“Hope your ‘someday’ come for real, bye”.

Anvita saying this walks away ,urvil seeing her go starts walking in the opposite direction.

2. Urvil comes to this room tired changes his T-shirt and falls on the bed, suddenly some
two stranger who were already there inside the room cover urvils face and inject some
red colured liquid solution and leave, strangers faces were covered and their hands to,
urvil is struggling in pain, his vision is blurry and he hardy can get up, before something
bad happens to urvil, some other stranger comes inside the room quickly and inject some
solution, this time it’s green in colour and he is saying something which urvil hardly can
hear properly, by the time someone wearing jacket is peeping inside through the door
and makes a slight sound of the door by mistake, the stranger turns around, meanwhile
the jacket guy hides, after that the stranger says something out loud which urvil can't
hear , stranger moves close to table , keeps the solution and leave, after that the jacket
guy comes inside the room takes the solution , now urvil pain is reduced a bit and he can
manage to see but still not clear , the jacket guy one’s sees urvil and leave, but urvil
didn't manage to see his face, except his jacket . Urvil woke up ,the whole attack was
just a dream, his head is spinning because of tiredness and the bad dream, so he falls on
the bed and sleeps again.

3. 24 year old Mithun and 21 year old Ishika were sleeping in the other two rooms in the
same flat. They both are cousin brother and sister, both wake up, get ready to work
around 8:30 daily. Ishika is late and in a hurry as usual, shouting on everyone in the flat
indirectly especially on her cousin brother urvil (urvil lost his parents when he was just 11
years old from then Ishika’s and mithun’s parents were his guardians, but ishika and
mithun only treat him good until he does all the work for them.), mithun tries to wake him
up to lock the door but urvil is in a deep sleep, mithun finds it weird, (after some irritating
conversation between ishika and mithun audiences finds out, ishika is a Phlebotomist ,
mithun is a mechanical engineer working in IT company and both don’t like their jobs and
seniors.), and both go to work (day shift).

4. Evening already and it's time for urvil to go to work. Mithun and Ishika comes back from
work, but urvil is still sleeping, mithun finds it weird again but ignores, Mithun and Ishika
now are having a good and happy loud conversation, slowly their conversation topic now
changes to urvil’s life (In this audiences get to know more about urvil that he is a nano
engineer and practising programming from his childhood, but still keeping his (college
times) part time job which is in KFC restaurant and trying to invent something new
without doing a professional job.) , both mithun and ishika knew he is intelligent but thinks
that he is arrogant and loser in life. Due to their loud conversation, Urvil wakes up, sees
the time, quickly gets ready and goes to work without a word spoken.

5. Morning time urvil shift completes and he is coming out of the restaurant, Anvita again
stops him and asks urvil out, he refuses again saying next time for shore.

6. Urvil goes back to his room thinking hard, connecting dots to find meaning from the
undefined dream that he had , Ishika wake up from her bed, ask urvil to bring a glass of
water and she turns on the TV after changing few channel she sticks to a news channel
by the time urvil brings water bottle and keeps on the table ,she drinks water and
continue watching tv, there is a news of random ATM robbery showing two thieves in cc
camera footages, Ishika ignores first, but suddenly she noticed something in the footage
and got shocked, shouts and calls mithun fast and shows the news, tell him to see the
footage closely , mithun also noticed what she is trying to say , they both saw themself in
the footage as thieves. their own clothes , shoes and even their way of walking is the
same. They both are shocked and clueless about what's going on. They have some
serious conversation that who else could have done this, replicating both, and ishika
doubtfully takes urvil’s name, as soon as he hears “urvil” mithun rushes towards urvil
room , urvil was seating, mithun grabs his t-shirt and ask him impatiently what did he
do?How did he replicate them and rob ATMs ? Ishika shouts and stops Mithun from
being impatient . Now all three were discussing what could possibly have happened ,
urvil connecting dots in this mind but still clueless. Urvil suggests both go to their home
town for a few days , so that when police finds out , they can at least say they were not in
the city when the robbery happened. This made sense to both of them so they both
decided to first take things from their workplace and move as fast as possible.

7. Urvil in his room, seating in his chair and struggling to relate something close to what’s
happening but still clueless. One hour passes by , Urvil is still seated, he hears a creak
of the door he turned around, it is mithun and ishika standing, they are wearing the same
clothes like the ATM robbers did. Urvil as soon as he sees them he is not bothered about
their clothes.

Guy’s, move fast!!

Mithun and Ishika give a look that they are going to do something, suddenly both attack
urvil, mithun holds urvil tight and ishika injects poison, urvil now feeling dizzy and falls
They both wait until urvil dies, finally he dies, but both mithun and ishika are shocked for
some reason,
(Their conversation shows audiences that they are one year in the future from the
present time and they are here to kill one year younger urvil , so that he never invent time
travel gadgets and they never attempt ATM robbery.)

Technically now mithun and ishika should have vanished but they don’t and ishika
imagines what could have happened before they came.

8. Before 50 minutes Urvil is seated, he hears a creak of the door and he turns around,
shocked and amazed at the same time. He sees a guy who is a copy of him , same face ,
body structure top to bottom . (he is one year older than the present one and comes from
the future.)

Urvil (22 age)

"holy shit…is this for real.”

Future Urvil (23 age)

“Urvil..i want you to listen carefully”

Urvil (22 age)

Did I actually succeed ? oh! God this is awesome….

Future Urvil (23 age)

“Listen we don't have much time”

Urvil (22 age)

“Ok..ok.. Go ahead.”

Future Urvil (23 age)

“technically you, sorry,.. i mean i..”

Urvil (22 age)

“Come on, we both are the same….”

Future Urvil (23 age)

“No we are not.”

Urvil (22 age)

“What? , how come?..”

Future Urvil (23 age)

“That’s why I'm here to make a difference.”

Urvil (22 age)

“Oh! You don’t want me to be you, in future? Do you?”

(Future Urvil (23 age) takes a moment of silence.)

Future Urvil (23 age)


(Urvil (22 age) confused and silent)

Future Urvil (23 age)

“Listen, here's the thing..”

Urvil (22 age)

“ I know what the thing is ,You create a time travel gadget and got excited ,showed this to
mithun and ishika and they got excited and planned to rob ATMs all out the city in their
own past…isn't that crazy, and they realised they messed up and trying to fix things by
killing your younger self Which…. is…. me. “
(Starts with full speed casual in confidence and ends slow in fear.)

Future Urvil (23 age)

“Umm.. not bad, now listen the gadget which mithun and ishika had, was having four
gateways, now they have already used two and again they will use one more to come
and hunt you, if they fail, they end up having one gateway which is pretty much useless
because their past is ruined as their present too , so they will end you killing their own
younger self.”

Urvil (22 age)

“what ?”

Future Urvil (23 age)

“We don't have much time, let's change fast.”
(They both exchange their cloths)

Future Urvil (23 age)

“Here,you can go 5 years in the future and 25 years in the past. This is not the thing you
share with the world, just trust yourself, you will figure out everything by yourself ,.. now
(he shows and hands over the time travel gadget.)
Urvil (22 age)

Future Urvil (23 age)

“Just go”
Urvil (22 age) goes out and Future Urvil (23 age) sits on the chair as if he is Urvil (22

9. Now Future Urvil (23 age) has died .Mithu and Ishika know what had happened before
they came. They knew that they can’t stop urvil now, Their discussion tells that they are
going to kill their younger self to stop the invention because urvil did not invent the
gadget himself both mithun and ishika also helped him and the robbery plan was Urvil’s
not mithun and ishika's , Which Future Urvil (23 age) did not reveal it to Urvil (22 age).

10. Urvil (22 age) spends the day out, goes to work at night and comes back to home, opens
the door he sees mithun and ishika dead on the floor and he is immobile , tears in his
eyes, he moves towards his room and sees Urvil (23 age) dead too. Urvil is completely in
shock, leans back to the wall and sits down.

11. Urvil’s narration - “ I buried my own older body,... i had to call the police and the case was
closed as sucide. At this point,.. i have a strong feeling that i lost everything , my brother,
my sister ,even my future self is dead and i buried him with my own hands,.. i feel so
alone, there’s no point in living right?,...wrong,.. let me tell you why,...because,.. I have
my future in my hands, I can make, build, change my future as I wish, as a matter of
fact,.. I was,..I was always alone,...from inside, but... not until now.”

(Along with the slow narration we see a time span of 1 year, urvil coding something,
making many trials replicating and improving the time travel gadget. At the end of the
narration we see two urvil (one is of 22 years and other 23 year old) showing he succeed
replicating and making more gates in one single gadget and he is not alone anymore. )

12. Urvil having a very good company with his yourself , having fun talks , playing video
games, working together to improvise the gadget with more gates, by more gates he now
goes to future on monthly basics and comeback with lots of information about stock
market, cryptocurrency etc, so that he can trade and earn money. Urvil knows and
understands the economic system and its limits , at this point he does not have any kind
of materialistic or getting famous mindset and he also says he don’t have to save the
world to be a hero , he just have to save himself and the world from him, because his
innovation and his own company was everything for him, the interesting fact is, he still
goes to his night shift job and keeps his profile standards low. Now Anvita does not ask
urvil to go out anymore.

(This has happened for one more year now; the age of urvil is 24.)

13. Urvil now has lost interest in everything, he is confused about finding life's meaning and
purpose or enjoying it. He is too disturped for some reason , he sends the rest of the
younger urvil to their own time, he throws the gadget into the dustbin , after sometime he
remembers anvita.
14. When he goes to work he finds out anvita took two days leave, after the shift urvil comes
out of the restaurant, and sees here and there, until then anvita comes from back.

“Looking for someone”

(Urvil got scared for a moment )

“Oh! You scared me”’

(Both laughs)

“So, who were you looking for?”

(Urvil just smiles and both start to walk together.)

They are having a good time talking, after a few hours they say bye to each other and
move. Urvil feeling , relaxed , happy and affectionate towards anvita.

15. The next day they meet again , we see urvil expressing some bad lonely past and asks
anvita if there is any flaw in him.

“You think you know everything but you don’t, and you don’t have to know everything for
a happy life,..you are searching what’s not there in you,.. but you forget,.. how you are.”

(Urvil thinking deep)

Anvita gives a gift to urvil with a smile saying bye and leave.

16. The next day anvita is present at work ,after work they meet outside , as soon as they
meet urvil asks her for an official date, anvita gets so excited which seems little weird to
urvil, they say bye to each other and move in opposite directions.

17. Date day- urvil and anvita meet and they take their seats , urvil trying to make good
moves to impress her. Both have some good talks, suddenly Anvita asks ,..

"Did you like the gift?"

"Ahh.. yeah,..yeah..I like it,.I really did."
(Lie in a way that any one can say he is lying)

"So, You did not open it."
(Serious face )

(Urvil not making eye contact)

"You know what your problem is, you think you see things clearly but ignore what's in
front of you."

(Sayings this she keeps her hands on her face , there is ring 💍 in her finger.)
"Excuse me,.. I will be back."

Urvil sees her go, feels weird and starts thinking deeply. the next moment Anvita
enters and breaks urvil's thinking. She enters like she is here for the first time

"Oh! I'm late Sorry"
(In hurry)

"But you just went now."
(In shock)

"What are you talking about?,..leave it,..did you order something?."

oh! Please,...Stop it Anvita, i will open your gift by tomorrow,..your acting too much now.

"What are you talking about?Have you lost your mind, which gift,..I think you're not well right
now,..take your time, you can do this some other day, bye."

Anvita leaves, urvil thinking and in shock seeing all this . He opens the ring box that he bought to
propose to Anvita and that's the exact same ring Anvita wore when she left for a moment and
when she came back ,she did not have any ring in her finger.

18. Urvil runs to his home, enters his room in a hurry , picks up the gadget from the dustbin
and tries to fix it fast, suddenly he remembers Anvita's words about gift , he opens it ,
it is a jacket , now urvil knows he saw this jacket somewhere ,so he is trying to
remember where he saw the jacket previously and starts skipping to think fast. After 5
minutes , Suddenly he stops and remembers something. He picks up the gadget, wears
the jacket and vanishes in time. After 45 minutes, he appears, shocked, completely
taking a breath (showing the audience that he saw something serious) and takes out the
solution from the jacket pocket and keeps it on the table.
19. Now Urvil knows something . He quickly brings two of his younger self saying " red code
emergency " to help him improvise the gadget, he wanted them to create a gateway to 25
years in the future, and he needed three gadgets like this. After 6 months the gadgets are
ready ,urvil sends all his younger self back to their time.

20. Urvil feels relaxed now, but again remembers Anvita, he meets her and proposes,
spends a few days with her happily, After a few days he reveals his secret of time travel
gadget ,makes her understand and asks her to help him , Anvita understands.

(Now we see that , when urvil was searching for Anvita (14th paragraph) , the present
Anvita of that time actually took leave from job and went to her aunt's home but the
Anvita how urvil was spending time with (14 to 15th paragraph and date day until she
takes a moment from urvil) was Anvita of future from that time (Anvita of 20 paragraph)

( After anvita take a moment from urvil on date day (17 paragraph) )

"Are you sure he noticed the ring?"

"Of Course he did, I mean you did."

(They both hug each other.)

21. Urvil in his room. 'Narration' -

Urvil (Narration)

"I know, life has many events of twist and unexpected turns to pass by, but what I
realised is , I created more of them for myself. Somehow,..I did like it. I'm not a hero, at
least,...not for the world, I don't have to save the world to be a hero, I just have to save it
from myself, I mean to say , I'm not a villain and I'm happy for that. I know Great things ,
secrets bring more responsibility, and more responsibility, makes your life even more
meaningful and beautiful,.. I guess I had those responsibilities,..hmmm..I would rather
say 'I have'."

( Before the narration, Urvil was 24 years old and now he is 47.)

Anvita (she is 47 years old now.) Enters the room bringing a new jacket and hands over
to urvil.

"Be careful."
Urvil just nods head, wears the jacket ,picks up all three gadgets and the solution ,
Anvita and Urvil see each other and both nod their heads, Urvil vanishes holding one
gadget in hand.

22. Now we see the first attack ( 2th paragraph in which the audience thought it was a
dream.) Two strangers injecting urvil (faces are not revealed.) when he is in pain the
other stranger who saves him my injecting green solution is urvil ( 47 age) itself. Urvil, 24
years old, is also present in the scene peeking through the door. Urvil (47 age) notices
him and he smiles at himself. After injecting the solution, urvil (47 age) moves towards
the table saying,

Urvil (47 age)

"Some secrets become secrets forever but some are meant to be shared."
( In a loud voice)

Urvil (47 age ) keeps the remaining solution on the table and moves out of the room and flat.
Urvil (24 age ) , shocked ,hides before urvil (47 age) comes out of the room, after that takes the
solution and vanishes.

23. The two strangers who attract urvil (2 paragraph) ,now they are walking on the street
taking a taxi, inside the taxi they both remove their Jackets and masks, we see it's
Mithun and Ishika, they are old like urvil (47).

(( Flashback (9th paragraph)

When future Mithun and Ishika decide to kill their young self. Mithun suddenly,..

Future Mithun
"Why the hell should we kill our younger selves?"

Future ishika
"What do you mean?"

Future Mithun
"If urvil can trick us, why can't we?"

Future ishika
"Inform our younger selves instead of killing them and kill our self !."

Future Mithun
"So that the younger urvil who ran from us, will think we all died."

Future ishika
"And our younger selves can change their future and hunt younger urvil after 25 years from now."

Future Mithun
"Which can't be changed because urvil will never come back. in fact he will never know."

Flashback ends. ))
Mithun and Ishika who are in the taxi now step out , the taxi driver gives them their jackets which
they left behind and moves his taxi. Mithun and Ishika wear the jacket, put their hands inside the
pocket, both are in shock, they see each other and take out what's inside the pocket, it's the
improvised gadget with a paper note, "Please come back home" written on it, Ishika in shock,
Mithun not as shocked as Ishika.

24. Urvil (47 age) sitting on chair , Urvil (22 age) deep in sleep, Mithun and Ishika (old)
comes inside the room , there is already two more empty chairs waiting for them, as
soon as they come in, urvil (47 age) invites them kindly, saying brother and sister, and
tells them to sit. Ishika giving a strange look to urvil (47 age), surprisingly Mithun not
feeling strange ,urvil and Mithun passing some eye contact, suddenly,..

"How did you survive?,.. how did you know we are alive?,..and how many more robberies
have you done trapping people?.."

"I think my brother Mithun knows all the answers better than me."
(Looking towards Mithun and smiling.)

(Ishika is shocked again and looks towards Mithun, he does not make direct eye contact.)

"Yes ishika, I let him know", that day when our future selves convinces us saying
everything about what happened in the future, I noticed something weird, I could see my
evil self in him, so I slightly lost trust in them because you never know what could actually
had happened, I understand what happened to us was bad, but that moment we were
taking actions according to our emotions. The person right in front of you will never make
a mistake knowingly because I knew him very well in college days also. I locked the door
when we left home , so when urvil comes back he gets to know we are alive.

(Ishika in guilty)

Urvil (47 age)

What happened, actually happened for good, you both have good businesses now, come
on let's go back to our own time, I spent years developing this.
(Showing the time travel gadget)

"So you were Stalking us?"
(Crying in emotion)

Urvil (47 age) laughs, all three get up, make some family hugs and emotions, hold each
other's hands and vanish to their own time.

25. Urvil (47 age) now appears in his room, Anvita was waiting, hugs as soon as she sees
him, they both have a couple moment together, Anvita asks,..
"Did you feel good?"

(Urvil swallows and nods in emotion)

"Yes,.. yes I actually did"

(Urvil's Narration in background)

My future self who died giving me the secret gadget was actually true,..this is not the secret you
share with the world. but,..

(Anvita breaks urvil's Narration, saying..)

"I think our Mithun and Ishika are mature enough to know the truth."
(She meant to say, their kids.)

(Urvil takes a moment smiling at himself and the camera goes close to urvil's face.)



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