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Quarter 4 – Module 1
Determining the Tone, Mood,
Technique, and Purpose of the



Introductory Message
Welcome to the ENGLISH School-Based Learning Module (SBLM). I am
MRS. LORGILDA P. TAMAYO, LPT, your teacher or facilitator in this subject.
This learning material is especially crafted to provide you with independent
and self-directed learning experiences and to have more autonomy and control over
your learning. This will help you improve your academic performance, increase
motivation and confidence, make choices and decisions about how to meet your
learning needs, take responsibility for constructing and carrying out your own

The competencies included in this module are considered as the most

essential competencies which need to be mastered by a Grade 7 student like you.
These competencies are anchored on the general principles, goals, and objectives of
the K to 12 Basic Education program for Grade 7 student like you to become
productive and effective participant in the society you are in.

For the Parents/Guardians:


The world is currently in a very challenging situation due to the corona virus
2019 pandemic. All are affected including the education system. In this time of crisis,
learning must continue. That is why the Quezon Colleges of the North initiates this
School-Based Self-Learning Module for the students to continue learning even at

You, as the parents, play an important role in this new way of learning. Kindly
give your child enough lesson time. Check their modules if they seriously do the
activities. Your support would mean so much for them. Help them to become a
productive learner even at home. This is just a temporary situation. Everything would
go back to normal when this corona virus is over. Thank you for the unconditional
support to your child’s education. Let us join, hand in hand, for your child’s future.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the new normal way of learning!

This self-directed module is designed for you to be equipped with the most
essential competencies you need to learn for your grade level. For you to become
successful independent learner, you must have a good time management so that
you would be able to complete this course. In reading, you need to pay close
attention to the words you are reading and their meanings. In times that you need to
do some research, try to draw from a variety of different courses and if things are

getting difficult, do not give up. Please ask assistance from your teacher or anyone
whom you know that can help you. Love and enjoy this beautiful and meaningful
learning experience!

1. Read the module title and the module introduction to get an idea of what the
module covers. Specifically, read the first two sections of this module
carefully. The first section tells you what this module is all about while the
second section tells you of what you are expected to learn.

2. Never move on to the next page unless you have done what you are expected
to do in the previous page. Before you start each lesson, read first the

3. Work on the activities. Take note of the skills that each activity is helping you
to develop.

4. Take the Post-Test after you are done with all the lessons and activities in the

5. Meet with your teacher. Ask him/her about any difficulty or confusion you have
encountered in this module.

6. Finally, prepare and gather all your outputs and submit them to your teacher.

7. Please write all your answers of the tests, activities, exercises, and others in
your separate activity notebook.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know
As a learner living in this technological or ‘gadget’ age. You are consistently
fed with a lot of information from print and non-print sources. Most of the information
you get from these sources are very useful and helpful if you want to learn
something new or update yourself from what is happening around you. They can
actually enrich your mind.
However, some of the information that you read in any printed source or hear
over the radio might be very confusing and misleading. It is because many of them
may just come from unverified sources, hearsays, and mere fake news. So, it is very
important that you carefully check the accuracy of the information that you get from a
certain source by comparing it to another source. Through this way, you can check
what is true or not.
After completing this module, you should be able to compare content of
materials viewed to other sources of information (print and radio). Specifically, you
1. Define tone, mood, techniques and purpose of the author.

2. Differentiate tone, mood, techniques and purpose of the author.

3. Identify the tone, mood, techniques and purpose of the author.

In going through this learning experience, be extra patient in accomplishing

the tasks, but more importantly, have time to enjoy in answering them. Just
remember that this will enrich you with important knowledge and skills in your
academic journey

In the previous lesson, you learned on how to gather information. In this
module, you will be taught about two sources of information.

Activity 1: Read the excerpt below then answer the questions that follow. Encircle
the correct answer.
By: Lilium Orientalis
Clara accidentally bumped at the old man while walking in the street to buy
ornamental plants. She apologized at the old man. The old man did not say
anything, he picked the three sardines and was so sad with the two cracked
eggs. The old man hurriedly walked. Clara felt so disappointed with her
clumsiness. She has also this feeling that she cannot explain. She followed the
old man.
The old man walked so fast so she tried to run. The old man reached the

small nipa hut in a small village. There she saw his three children waiting for
him. The three children were obviously severely wasted. His wife was washing
the clothes and busy organizing things. It was obviously seen that the family is
struggling. The youngest child was sick. Clara slowly knocked at the door and
gave her one thousand pesos to the old man. The old man cried and was so
thankful. Clara went home with a tear in her eyes not because she cannot buy
anymore the plants that she wanted but because she felt something that she
cannot explain.
1.What is the tone that was created in the excerpt?
A. hopeful B. motivated C. unhappy D. excited

2.What is the mood that has been created in the excerpt?

A. sad and pensive B. lighthearted C. depressed D. Relaxed

3.What is the purpose of the author in writing the story? inform entertain persuade D. to narrate

4.What literary style is being used in the excerpt?

A. Narrative B. Persuasive C. Descriptive D. Argumentative

5.What lesson have you learned from the excerpt?

A. Be aware of what is happening in the society.
B. Be thoughtful.
C. Help other people if you can.
D. Be observant.


1.It is a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or
performance of an artistic work or scientific procedure.
2.It is a literary element which talks about the atmosphere of the story.
1.It is a literary element which talks about the author’s attitude.
2.It is the reason for which is something is done or created or for which something
(The answers are technique, mood, tone and purpose.)
In literature, tone, mode, techniques and purpose of the author are important
skills a learner needs to know. In the Grade 7 Level, there are challenging short
stories, epics, myths and essays that students are reading to improve their
comprehension level. Determining the tone, mood, techniques and purpose of the
author would help the students to know if they understand what they are reading.
Analyze the excerpt below.
The old lady sat in her empty kitchen table while staring at the old acacia
tree. The acacia tree is still sturdy but with few, old, withered leaves. Beside
the acacia tree, stood a mango and tamarind tree. She took a deep breath and
start to sip her cold coffee. Gone are the days where she is happy seeing her
children playing outside, climbing in the trees and bullying each other so loud.
She also remembered during the days that she served as the leader in the
community. She missed her constituents visiting her. She picked all the bills that
were accounted to her during pandemic. She silently took a deep breath. The
old lady was still thinking of her possible decision to sell her house and lot.
What is the tone that was created in the excerpt?
Correct Answer: unhappy
What is the mood that was created in the excerpt?
Correct Answer: anxious
TONE - It is the author’s attitude towards the topic. It gives shape and life to
the story. Through tone, the attitude and mood of a literary work are created and
presented. (
MOOD-It is the atmosphere of the story. It helps in creating an atmosphere in a
literary work by means of setting, theme, diction and tone. It evokes various

emotional responses in readers, and thus ensures their emotional attachment to the
literary piece they read.

2 Kinds of Mood
1. Positive Mood- excited, amused, calm, cheerful, happy, loving and etc.

2.Negative Mood- angry ,apathetic, depressed, indifferent, melancholic,

pessimistic, stressed and etc. (>mood )

Guided Practice No. 1

Identify the tone and mood of the excerpt from “The Road Not Taken” by Robert
“ I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

1.What is the tone?

2.What is the mood?

Correct Answers:


1. Persuade- The author writes to get you to do something or believe what they
are saying.

Examples: commercials, billboards, advertisements, opinions, reviews and

political ads.

2. Inform-The author writes to give you information about a topic.

Examples: documentaries, nonfiction, history, science, news articles, recipes
and biographies

3. Entertain- The author writes to tell you a story that you will enjoy
Examples: fiction, fantasy, mystery, comics/jokes, adventure and romance
4 Basic Literary Styles in Writing (Techniques of the Author)
1. Expository- It is a subject- oriented style which tells the readers about a
specific subject or topic and in the end the author leaves out his own
opinion about that topic.

2. Descriptive- It uses very detailed information. This can involve detailed

descriptions of the characters, the setting and even objects.

3. Persuasive- The author tries to change the reader’s mind on a certain

topic or issue. Writers present facts supporting their opinions and try to
convince the reader to join in their beliefs.

4. Narrative- It tells a story. The writer introduces different characters and

a setting to the readers. (

“Are you tired of seeing your paychecks slashed by unjust tax deductions?
We work hard to provide for our families and then wind up only being able to
live paycheck to paycheck. If you vote for me, I’ll make sure your taxes are
lowered and you get the government services that you depend on. Imagine
everything you’ll be able to do more wiggle room in your monthly income.
Cast your vote today.”(
The purpose of the author in the given example is to persuade. Therefore,
the literary style used is persuasive.

Guided Practice No. 2

Identify the purpose of the author and the literary style that has been used in
We need to act now to save our community garden. It’s ten years in the
making, with enough organic organic vegetables to feed every mouth in this
neighborhood. Hud & Co. has no right to come into our town and pave a parking lot
over one of our most prominent food sources. Come rally with me this Friday night.
Together, we will stand in their way and protect our beloved town.
1.What is the purpose of the author?

2.What is the literary style that has been used in writing?

Correct Answers:
1. to persuade

Exercises/Developmental Activities

Activity 1
Identify the tone or mood of the given statements below. Encircle the correct
1. The woodcutter silently sits under the molave tree. He is thinking of what
will be the future of his son if he doesn’t have woods to sell. His son needs
school supplies, payment for classroom dues, meal allowance and
transportation allowance. What is the tone?
A. worried B. Hopeful C. thankful D. sad
2. The landlord uttered some undesirable words to his tenants. He was not
thinking of the possible effect of this to his people and also to his business.
What is the tone?
A. demeaning B. Angry C. lonely D. hopeful
3. Rene always love what he is doing. He loves to plant vegetables in his
backyard. Sometimes he also repairs furniture with damages. What is the
A. lighthearted B. demeaning C. worried D. angry
4. Perseus tried to solve his problem while thinking silently on how to get out
of the maze. What is the mood?
A. calm B. nervous C. anxious D. pensive
5. The villagers had an emergency meeting due to the sudden increase of the
COVID cases. They silently planned of the possible contingency measure about this.
What is the mood?
A. calm B. nervous C. anxious D. Cheerful

Activity 2
Analyze the statements below, identify the purpose of the author if it is to inform, to
persuade or to entertain.
1. The death penalty is a good deterrent for criminals. Beyond that, it is fair because
the Bible supports “an eye for an eye”. We need to keep the death penalty on the
books. ( What technique did the author use?
A. to persuade entertain C. to inform D. None of the Above
2. With the development and rise of video games, parents and society worry about
how it will affect their children. When video games were first developed there hadn’t
been enough time for science to accurately determine how video games affect
children. So instead we had to rely on hypotheses and parental fears. Now that video

games are common, and we have a large base to focus scientific studies on, we are
getting a better idea about how video games affect children. But there is still so much
to learn. ( What technique did the author use?
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. None of the Above
3.When I saw my sister Delia, beating my dog with a stick, I felt hate heave like a
caged angry beast in my chest. Out in the sun, the hair of my sister glinted like metal
and, in her brown dress, she looked like a sheathed dagger. Biryuk hugged the earth
and screamed but I could not bount forward not cry out to my sister. (Excerpt: The
Centipede by Rony V. Diaz, What technique did the author use?
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. None of the Above
4.Mandatory minimum sentencing is harmful to the human race. It is a form of
discrimination; many people receive long sentences for minor crimes. We should
overturn mandatory minimum sentencing rules and give judges more leeway in
their decision-making. ( What technique did
the author use?
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. None of the Above
5. Our little store rose right from the sidewalk; standing in a street of family houses,
it alone hadn’t any yard in front any tree or flower bed. It was a plain frame building
covered over with brick. Above the door, a little railed porch ran across on an
upstairs level and four windows with shades were looking out. (Excerpt: The Corner
Store by
Eudora Welty, What technique did the author use?
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. None of the Above


Activity 1


Determine the tone, mood, purpose and technique of the author in the
given excerpt below.
Better than a Chinese restaurant is the kitchen of a kababayan. When in a
foreign city, a Pinoy searches every busy sidewalks, theater, restaurant for the well-
remembered golden features of a fellow-Pinoy. But make no mistake. It is only
because he is in desperate need of Filipino meal and, like a homing pigeon, he
his nose to a Filipino kitchen that is well stocked with bagoong, patis, garlic, balat
ng lumpia, gabi leaves and misua.
When the Pinoy finally finds such a treasure –house, he will have every meal
with his kababayan. Forgotten are the bistros and the smart restaurant. The back of
his hand to the Four Seasons and the Tour d’ Argent. Ah, the regular orgies of
and eating that ensue.He may never known his host before. In Manila, if he saw him
again, they would hardly exchange two words. But here in this odd, barbarian land
where people eat inedible things and have never heard of patis, they are brothers
The Filipino may denationalize himself but not his stomach. He may travel
over the seven seas and the five continents and the two hemispheres and lose the
savor of home and forget his identity and believe himself a citizen of the world. But
he remains-the gastronomically, at least-always a Filipino. For, if in no other way,
the Filipino loves his country with his stomach.

(Excerpt from “Where’s the Patis?” by Carmen Guerrero-Nakpil)

1.What is the tone of the excerpt?
A. hopeful B. nostalgic C. witty D. Anxious

2.What is the mood that was created to the readers?

A. lighthearted B. Happy C. Demeaning D. Witty

3.What is the purpose of the excerpt?

A. to inform entertain persuade D. to describe
4.What literary style did the author use?
A. Persuasive B. Narrative C. Descriptive D. Expository

5.What can you conclude from the text?

A. The author misses things from the Philippines.
B. The author wants to travel around the world.
C. The author wants to entertain.
D. The author wants to stay abroad.


Activity 1
The chairman in Brgy.Hibiscus planned to give an online activity to the youth
during quarantine.This is to let them stay at home during quarantine.The qualified
youth should be 12-18 years old.The activity is a short story writing contest with the
theme “love and friendship”.The winner will receive a trophy and cash prize.The cash
prize will be donated to the people in need outside the barangay.
If you will be one of the contestants what will be the tone,mood, purpose and
technique that you will use?Cite your reasons for using them.


Reason: Reason: Reason: Reason:

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Module 1 of Quarter 4.

Please proceed to Module 6 and learn about using analogy to describe or
make a point.


“Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveways for Teachers”, WeAreTeachers, August


“Literary Devices and Literary Terms- The Complete List”, Literary Devices,
August 3, 2020,

“Pen and the Pad”, Pen and the Pad, August 3,2020, “Study.Com”, Study.Com, August 3,2020,


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