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Wooclaps TOPIC 2

Emotional advertising and Lovemarks

1. According to the neurologist Donald Crane, reason leads to conclusions,

whereas emotion leads to:

a. Feelings

b. Awareness

c. Action

d. Interest

2. Advertising campaigns should reinforce the neural networks that are

finally going to encourage consumers to the impulsive purchase of
specific products because many times consumers:

a. consider first, buy later

b. act first, think later

c. think first, engage later

d. purchase first, like later

3. In emotional advertising, advertisers exploit:

a. The rational arguments that convince consumers into buying a product

b. The emotional currents that already reside in us

c. The attitudes consumers already have about them

d. The purchase funnel in their favor

4. According to Marc Gobé, emotional advertising has shifted from:

Consumers → Person, Communication → Dialogue, Product → Experience,
Function → Feeling & Service → Relationship

5. Emotional advertising focuses on the short-term transaction with

consumers and favors intimacy and connectivity. The advertising

Wooclaps TOPIC 2 1
message engages with consumers through rational arguments that
activate a positive attitude towards the marketing content: False

6. Emotional advertising engages and connects with consumers, therefore

it's likely they will:

a. Change brands easily

b. Become loyal consumers to the brand

c. Ignore possible rational arguments

7. Emotional advertising aspires to establish with consumers a:

a. productive transaction

b. fruitful sale

c. deep relationship

d. weak connection

8. Who coined the term Lovemarks?

a. Ben Bernbach

b. Leo Burnett

c. Kevin Roberts

d. Philip Kotler

9. Lovemarks are based in a/an..............and aspire to build a......

a. rational approach/mere transaction

b. individual consideration/fruitful exchange

c. emotional connection/ long-lasting relationship.

d. unique distinction/loyal transaction

10. According to Kevin Roberts, two of the main things you should do to
become a Lovermark are:

a. Use hard sale technics.

Use Mystery, Sensuality, and Intimacy.

Wooclaps TOPIC 2 2
b. Develop an incalculable value.
Pursue a transaction

c. Put yourself in your consumer's shoes (empathy).

Make things with and from emotion.

d. Approach consumers from an emotional level

Make things from and with reason

Consumer Insights and account planner

1. (Pregunta) What is a Consumer Insight? Try to come up with a brief


2. A consumer Insight... Enables → Identification, Connects → with a target

audience in a more meaningful or efficient way, Provides → a revelation or truth
about the consumers that might inspire our marketing approach, Favors → the
empathy of the audience, Generates → familiarity and a positive perception of
the advertising storytelling & Supports → an emotional approach

3. According to Álvarez, insights are the best way to support:

a. a productive transaction

b. an emotional approach

c. the purchase funnel

d. an IMC perspective

4. Consumer insights are helpful to trigger the creative process because: To

know about our consumer in a deep way favors the empathy of the audience
with an advertising campaign, activates the identification and knowledge of the
target audience.

5. To reach consumer insights, raw Data is not enough: the basis to get to know
our consumer is market research, that will help us identify insights and raise
communicative solutions, through different technics (Buyer Persona, focus
groups, deep interviews, laddering, etc.) that, based in deep observations of
our consumer’s behavior, offer some kind of revelation about them than can
inspire our advertising proposal.

6. Who is described as the Insight Miner within the advertising Agency?

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a. The Creative Director

b. The Copywriter and Art Director

c. The Strategic or Account Planner

d. The Account Senior

7. The Strategic Planner rejects consumer Insights, and brings the

perspective and attitudes of brands into the advertising process, strategy
and creative development: False

8. The steps in the process of coming up with a creative solution are as

follows: Know the axis of communication where the differential advantage is
identified → Explore the target market and get to know the consumers deeply to
reach a meaningful insight → Devise the creative concept (or Big Idea) that will
communicate the axis of communication while connecting with the audience in
a meaningful way → Develop the creative specific proposals

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