2008-2010 Highlights-Save The Buhisan Watershed Project

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•Ensure sustainable water
•Improve the quality of life
of 498 households by
Objectives providing them livelihood
and basic social services
•Promote Buhisan
Watershed and Forest
Reserve as an excellent
ecotourism destination
• 3 barangays mobilized &
supportive of the project

• 3 barangays trained on
integrated water resources
Component 1:
Institution Building • 3 barangays instituted plans,
policies and programs on
sustainable watershed
management & governance
• 3 CBOs with defined vision,
mission, goals and
objectives, and are capable
of implementing and
managing their projects
Conduct of Pulong-Pulong with
the Residents within the Buhisan
Watershed and Forest Reserve
Seminar –Training on the Integrated Water Resource Management
and Forest Patrol and Protection
Seminar-workshop on organizational management and leadership conducted
by Lamac Multi-Purpose Cooperative in Pinamungajan
Strategic Planning Workshop and Vision, Mission,
Goals and Objectives Formulation
• 150 households engaged in
on & off farm livelihood

Component 2:
• At least 20 farmers in
Livelihood Support Barangays Toong and
Pamutan adopted organic
farming with increased
income and are able to
market their organic farm
Product Development by
USC-College of Architecture
and Fine Arts students
Product Development by
USC-College of Architecture
and Fine Arts students
Seminar-workshop on Swedish
Seminar-workshop on foot reflexology/therapy
Four (4) community based
organizations within the
Buhisan Watershed & Forest
Reserve underwent an
Integrated Farming System in
the Center for Rural
Technology & Dev’t. of PBSP in
Five (5) members Toong Volunteer Farmers Association, who participated in the
seminar & training on Integrated Farming System, are inspired and motivated by
a farmer in Laguna who has been planting wild anthurium as undergrowth.
The participants also
visited a plantation of
dragon fruit. The four
(4) people’s
organizations (PO)
within the Buhisan
Watershed & Forest
Reserve have
planned to plant
dragon fruit along the
buffer zone of the
The participants of the seminar & training on Integrated Farming System is
expected to showcase a communal organic demonstration farm in their
respective areas.
PBSP implements the VECO Reforestation Park Project, where 1M trees will be
planted on behalf of the company. The Foundation has mobilized the four (4)
POs in the Buhisan watershed. These POs commit to provide 200,000 or 50,000
seedlings each PO.
One of the off farm income generating projects of the Toong Volunteer
Farmers Association is the buy & sell of recyclable materials. The said PO has
also engaged in consumer store. From the latter income generating project,
the PO has an average income of PhP3,500 per day.
• At least four (4) hectares of
indigenous/endemic trees
• Buhisan watershed eco-
cultural tourism destination
Component 3: sites developed
Environmental • Buhisan Watershed and
Management & Forest Reserve delineated
Sanitation & and demarcated residents
and MCWD “blue” guards
Hygiene mobilized and organized into
park wardens
• Construction of 2 communal
water systems
Boundary Survey and Delineation
Guard Poles along the Sloping Curve approaching the Dam Site by the
Cebu City and Barangay Buhisan
Cross Section of the Proposed Eco-Cultural Tourism
Preparing Host Barangay and Training on Tour Guiding
Construction of the first bay of the nature center. The nature center is one of
the circuits of the eco-tourism site in the Buhisan Watershed & Forest Reserve.
Two-Pond Storm Water Management System
The water that will flow to the two-level pond will be pumped and stored at
the water tanks installed at the roof deck of the nature center.
To supply the water requirements of the
nature center, an existing spring box as
improved and additional and hose was
connected to bring the water to the
nature center. The improved facility
also benefits the neighboring
community as shown in the picture
where mother and daughter use the
water in washing their clothes.
Communal Toilet and Septic Vault Construction in Duljugan
Communal Water System in Barangays Pamutan and Toong
Communal Water System in Barangay Pamutan donated by TMX Phils. Inc.
Since its launch in 2008, 21
hectares of area have been
enhanced using indigenous tree
species with an average survival
rate of 85%
Watershed Forest
Fires in March to
May 2010
Buhisan Watershed Forest

• Approximately 10% or 60
hectares of Buhisan’s 631-
hectare land area is
affected by the forest fire

• Of the affected areas, 16

hectares are PBSP
reforestation sites

• The 16-hectare affected

area is part of PBSP’s total
20 hectares reforested

• Affected reforestation sites: Lexmark (2), TMX Philippines (5),

Lear (1), PLDT (4), Landco (1), PMAP (1), Jollibee (1) and Lexmark
R&D (1)
Causes of the Bush Fire
Statement by Causes
Residents and Barangay Officials
children playing in the neighborhood
Residents, Barangay Officials and lighted cigarette butt thrown into the
DENR Personnel litters of leaves

aggravated by charcoal makers by

Barangay Official of Buhisan removing the bark and cambium layer
of either bankal or bagalunga tree,
then set to fire for easy wilting and
Mitigating Measures
May to September 2010

• Fire line establishment by

clearing the boundaries of
the plantation of debris
and other combustible
matter by 2 meters wide
Mitigating Measures
May to September 2010

• Greenbelt establishment /
understory enrichment planting to
ensure moisture in the reforestation

• Planting of shade tolerant

crops/plants, such as ginger, torch,
heliconia, ti plants, kakawate,
flamengia, rhinzoni

• Leaves of kakawate, flamengia

and rhinzoni can be used to feed
the vermi worms and livestock in
the area

• Community information, education

and communication
Proposed Funds for the Replanting

Sources of Number of Seedlings needed

Seedlings/Funds for replanting: 41,774
John Kiener 2,500 molave and 1,000 ficus
DENR 5,000 various indigenous
seedlings Narra
Cebu City Agriculture 5,000 various indigenous
Office seedlings
Proceeds from TMX
watches, Coffee Table 28,274 indigenous seedlings
Book and 2010
Christmas Cards Fund
Campaign amounting
to PhP141,370


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