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“Health is a state of Body, Wellness is state of Mind.

- J Stanford -

“A Case Study of Health Tourism in the Jeju Province,

South Korea”

a. Identify two to five key problems.

 Lack of studies and expertise for differentiating Jeju Province from the
other destinations.
 Limited education systems and inaccessibility to the capital city.
 Not having specific resources required for health tourism.
 Inadequate medical products and services.
 Lack of content validity in the current information.
b. Why do they exist?
 The number of foreign patients visiting Korea has sharply increased. As a
result, Jeju is on the rise in terms of medical tourism. However, there is a
lack of studies differentiating it from other destinations which can make
Jeju province a unique destination among competitive countries and
regions. Therefore, careful investigations and analysis will help to decide
which model or type of health tourism would fit a destination.
 Several medical experts (doctors) are reluctant to go to Jeju Province
because of its geological disadvantages.
 Finding out what kind of resources are required for medical tourism in
Jeju Province. The primary concern was how to maximize the use of
existing natural resources by building medical facilities (physical),
training and generating specialized agents through college (human), and
preparing health tourism (organizational) policy.
 Studies suggested that destinations should produce innovative and
specialized tourism products that can attract intentional demand and
differentiate their products from other competitive cities and countries.
 It was necessary to uncover critical factors to establish the Jeju-Style
Health Tourism Model: A structural model had to be constructed based on
empirical and conceptual research.

c. How do they impact the organization?

 Medical tourism in ROK Is very known because of its advancement in technology
and a great number of expectations in foreign Nationals have been surpassing
throughout numbers of years and having many cons can make a lot of impact on the
organization. Many people would tend to be disappointed or will be discouraged to
take their medical operations or take their medical agendas in the said province which
is in Jeju Island not only that but the entire nation that has a connection in medical
tourism is also affected because we are not talking only in hotels here but we are
talking about Medical tourism so it'll be bad also if the stockholders will see a lot of
disadvantages because they are investing in this kind of organizations so if they won’t
solve any of this it might lead to the closure of the said medical tourism organization
d. Who is responsible for them?
 Governments, communities, experts in the health and medical fields, as well as
professionals in tourism and the environment, should be held accountable for these
issues so that, if they each do their part, a solution may be achieved.
 Government - The government should give the Jeju province what is lacking, such as
a quality educational system, so that they can have more professionals. The location
of the site for the planning of medical facilities should be determined by the
government in consultation with tourist specialists. The government should also
allocate funding for health tourism so that experts who develop the Jeju-style health
tourism model would have access to a greater number of results which is why the
government should prioritize natural resources.
 Communities- Communities will also play a role in discovering previously unknown
information in every destination. For instance, they must innovate useful goods and
services that can support medical tourism, and in order to do this, they must work
with their governments, which should determine which goods or services should be
their focus. Partnerships between the government and locals as well as
technologically advanced individuals or countries are important. Why? due to the fact
that they will enhance Jeju province’s convenience services. By offering health
tourism, they will make Jeju a competitive province.
B. Uncover Possible Solutions/Changes Needed
 As one of the Provinces in the ROK, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has
planned to develop itself as the Northeast Asian center of health tourism through a
project called “The Development of Jeju-Style Health Tourism Model.” This project
focuses on converging the medical and tourism industries, and it could result in
encouraging foreign countries and companies to invest in the medical establishments
of Jeju Province. With abundant natural resources, Jeju Province and the ROK
government have attempted to promote health tourism by providing new medical
products, and environments with a well-developed policy to attract national and
international health tourists. In addition, the government of Jeju Province is
constructing a health resort funded by national and international investments led by
the Health Tourism Development Committee (Jeju Free International City
Development Center, 2006). This committee is composed of medical doctors and
agencies, health-tourism experts, and public-service workers. Take advantage of the
other benefits of going to South Korea as a medical tourist: look up the festivals,
restaurants, cultural sites, mountains, and beaches you would like to explore – then
schedule your trip accordingly. Just make sure to consult the doctor about what
activities you want to do, so he can advise you on the things you may or may not be
allowed to do before and after your medical visits to the hospital.
C. Select the Best Solution
 What they should do is think of good plans for their problem so that they can come up
with a better solution for the benefit of health tourism. And their strategies should be
well planned so that it has a good effect on people. They offer an unspoiled natural
environment that other competitive medical destinations do not have. The state-of-
the-art technology in medical treatment including surgery, diagnostic, and cancer
treatment. The Wellness Park will provide general health improvement services
including check-ups, beauty treatments, and oriental medicine as well as various
lodging facilities.


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