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3 Design and procurement

Project Manager’s should discuss with architects/developers what

opportunities exist to design out waste and minimise use of natural resources.
Energy management is a priority and a summary of the University’s
requirements are in Appendix H. The EMP must be produced. The SWMP
should include details of decisions that impact on waste management,
including those on:

1. Materials use:

 Design specifications
 Materials used
 Method of construction
 Logistics (site layout/storage/delivery)

2. Approach to material resource efficiency:

Design & Site design & Construction Post-completion

conception tendering phases (principal contractor
(client in conjunction (client in (principal and, for lessons
conjunction with conjunction with contractor, in learnt, all parties)
designers &
designers, planners
and, once
conjunction with all
contractors on site)
• Reconcile final
waste data with
• Consider waste appointed, the
principal contractor)
• Regular tool box SWMP
efficient materials
• Draft SWMP
talks • Calculate
& methods of
construction identifying waste
• Adequate resource savings
ordering, delivery,
and storage of
• Apply lessons
• Record design materials
learnt for future
• Update SWMP as
waste is processed
• Build waste or removed
targets into tender

7.4 Pre-construction

The SWMP must identify and record the amount of waste produced from
Decant and Demolition activities and include estimates of the amount of waste
to be managed.

7.5 Construction

The Principal Contractor is responsible for managing risk on the site and
updating the EMP and SWMP. These documents will form part of site audits.

7.6 Post construction/occupation

The Project Team should review the project and this should include:

 Completion of EMP and SWMP;

6 Sustainable Construction
Vers 1.0 17.10.08
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