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[Junction Box Retail Co.


Prepared by

[Sheldon H. Brown]


Updated on

February 25, 2020

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A personal leave is a type of leave that provides time off to any employee with a serious injury or illness or those
pregnant employees that do not meet the standards for a family medical leave.


The Company only extends this Policy to the following employees:

Employees who have at least one (1) year of continuous working status in the Company, as well as
employees or staff who work a regular schedule of forty (40) hours or more per week, may request for the
said leave.

Personal leaves are also provided to employees who request for pregnancy leaves or illness but do not meet
the standard of one (1) year’s and forty (40) hour’s basic requirement.

Policy Statement

Employees may request the following personal leaves, subject to its specific conditions and criteria.

Educational - Any employee who is hired as a full-time regular student can request a personal leave of
absence five (5) days, or more before the desired leave period commences. Educational leaves shall be
authorized to every employee under the said criteria for one (1) year. 

Pregnancy and Illness - Any employee with serious injuries, illnesses, or pregnant employees that do not
meet the standards for a family medical leave can request a personal leave of absence within short
notice. A written certification signed by the company nurse or physician must be submitted to the HR
department and the employee’s supervisor.

Other Personal Leaves - Every employee should keep in mind that personal leaves will be granted only
for a period that will not go beyond three (3) months.

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Employees may request personal leave extensions, subject to their specific conditions and criteria.

Educational - Any employee on educational leave may request an extension for such a leave of absence
five (5) days or more before the expiry of the leave period. A written request letter signed by the
employee’s academic head must be submitted to the Company’s HR Department before such an
extension will be approved.

Pregnancy and Illness - Any employee on medical or maternal personal leave may request an extension
to the HR Department one (1) week before the leave period expires. A written request letter and
certification signed by the employee’s attending physician must be submitted to the Company’s HR
Department before such an extension will be approved.

Other Personal Leaves - Any employee whose personal leaves have been approved can request for
additional leave extension for up to one (1) year of leave.


The Company has no existing policies on job guarantee when it comes to a Personal Leave of Absence.
Employees on long personal leaves can apply for transfer of a different position and this will be through the
Company’s HR Department.


Employees on personal leaves can be reinstated to its job position through the following conditions:

Return to work agreements with its immediate supervisor and the Company before its leave of absence

Doctor’s note or fit to work note for employees who are on leave for illness or injury.


Failure of an employee to report back to work as scheduled will be subject to termination. Employees who
have been terminated will no longer be eligible for personal leaves.

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