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June 2022
In the oral exam, you will be asked to talk about three questions or topics.
Your talk should take about 5minutes.


* Your favourite subject.

* Positions of different countries in the EU (e.g. Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Poland). Choose
one to talk about.
* Should homosexual marriages be legalized?

* Why have you decided to study at this faculty?

* The war in Ukraine.
* What makes a good university professor?

* What would you like to do after you graduate? Why?

* Teachings of the Orthodox Church (or another church/religion of your choice)
* What makes a good politician?

* How much are you addicted to modern technology and Internet?

* Politicians are usually dishonest. Agree or disagree with this statement and explain your point.
* What is more important in education – theory or practice?

* What was the most difficult moment for you as a student?

* A politician I admire.
* Criticize a political party of your choice.

* Say something about your family background.

* Steve Jobs: „... death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out
the old to make way for the new. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.“ (Your
thoughts on this.)
* What would you prefer in Serbia: republic or constitutional monarchy? Why?

* What was the happiest moment for you as a student?

* Advantages and disadvantages of European integration.
* Your favourite newspaper, magazine or website.

* Where do you see yourself in ten years?

* How important is it for us to be part of the European Union?
* Praise a political party of your choice.
* What would be a perfect job for you?
* Do you agree that life begins at conception? Should abortion remain legal in our country?
Are you PRO-CHOICE or PRO-LIFE (= anti-abortion)? Explain your standpoint.
* Your favourite radio or TV programme. Why?

* How do you deal with stress?

* The role of the United States in contemporary world.
* Are men and women treated equally in our society? Why (not)?

* Say something about the Faculty of Political Sciences.

* Crisis points in the contemporary world.
* What would you ask the president of Serbia if you had a chance to interview him and why?

* What was the most difficult subject for you as a student? Why?
* Coalition government versus single-party government. Pros and cons.
* Do you think that the church should have influence on politics? Why (not)?

* What does religion mean to you? Why? What does it mean in our society?
* What do you think about the education system in our country? Would you change anything? What?
* What makes a good ambassador?

* If you hadn't taken up political science, what would you have studied? Why?
* The return of Russia as a superpower
* Should homosexual couples be allowed to adopt children? Why (not)?

* Describe an occasion when you were proud of yourself.

* Environmental problems in contemporary world and how to deal with them.
* Do global wars belong to history? Why (not)?

* What do you do in your free time?

* Sustainable development
* What is the most serious social problem in our country? Why?

* If you could do post-graduate studies abroad, where would you go and why?
* Political speech in Serbia and in the USA – style, rhetorics, vocabulary, the role of consultants.
* What is the most serious political problem in our country? Why?
* Would you make any changes in the work of your department at this Faculty? Explain your point of
* Compare the presidential elections in the USA and in Serbia.
* Should ordinary citizens be allowed to possess guns? Why (not)?

* How do people live in Serbia?

* In your opinion, what is the future of the European Union?
* What do you think about American foreign policy?

* Would you describe your own education as being more specialist or generalist?
* The role and position of women in political life.
* The right to defend your life, your family and your property. How to fight crime that affects us

* What are advantages and disadvantages of living alone?

* The rise of China as a superpower
* What do you think about reality shows on TV and their influence on people?

* What is your ideal place to live and why?

* Political parties in Serbia
* How should we educate our children for the digital world of tomorrow?

* Your favourite book.

* Why is language important to diplomacy?
* How can you characterize the difference between leadership and a leader?

* These questions may change next year.

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